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Supergirl and electricity – Bad combination

2 weeks ago

Betty: So Laura, excited for this evening?

Laura: Yeah, of course mom. Not everyone gets the chance to have an interview with Supergirl.

Betty: And I’m sure you will do great.

Laura: I hope so.

Betty: Of course you do. Have some faith in yourself.

Laura: You know I don’t have that mom.

Betty: Why not? How many times do I have to tell you that you are great.

Laura: I know mom. But I don’t want to hear it from you. I’m going upstairs.

Betty: Darling, I..

Laura walks to her room and slams the door. She knows her mother has good intentions, but
sometimes it’s just hard for Laura. Laura is a 22 year old girl who looks a bit younger because of her
short length and childish, but very angelic, face. Laura has light pink hair and a nose ring. She is a bit
awkward, but she definitely has some friends at the local university.

Laura won the first prize on a contest at her school. The prize was a meet and great with Supergirl.
Tonight is the night for Laura. She checks her outfit and decides this is her best look to meet
It’s almost 8 o’clock as her mother calls her from downstairs. The meet and great is planned at 8:30
PM on the roof of the city hall. Laura grabs her bag and walks downstairs, she is ready to meet


Laura and her mother arrive at the city hall. They are a bit early. Laura gives her mother a kiss and
tells her she can pick her up after an hour. Het mother agrees and wishes Laura a lot of fun and the
best of luck.

Laura leaves the car and walks towards the entrance of the city hall. It’s a hot summer night and a lot
of people are outside. Laura enters the city hall and tells the woman behind the reception she is her
for the meet and great with Supergirl. The woman behind the reception tells her she needs to report
at the upper floor. She can take the elevator and then someone will be waiting for her on the upper
floor. Laura does so and gets the elevator to the upper floor. A woman with brown is waiting for her
and takes her to the stairs which leads to the top of the roof. When Laura reaches the top of the roof
she notices a table with two chairs. The woman tells Laura she is allowed to sit down and wait,
Supergirl will arrive within a couple of minutes.

Laura sits down on the first chair and looks at her watch. It’s almost 8:30 and she can’t wait to meet
Supergirl. After a couple of minutes she spot something in the air which flies towards her. It’s indeed
Supergirl who lands only a couple of seconds afterwards.

Supergirl: So, you must be Laura?

Laura: That’s uh.. right.

Supergirl: I am supergirl. Nice to meet you Laura.

Laura: Nice to meet you too supergirl.

Laura looks at supergirl and admires her beauty and strength. Supergirl does not look very muscular,
but you can clearly see her biceps under her tight top. Supergirls C-cup breasts are standing firm on
her chest and her long blonde hair looks extremely soft. With every breeze Supergirl’s hair waves
through the wind.

Supergirl: So, were you nervous?

Laura: Ha.. uhm.. yes a little bit.

Supergirl: No worries. Me too.

Laura: So, how does it feel to protect this planet for almost 3 years? Never thought of quiting?

Supergirl: No, not at all. I love to make the world a safer place.

Laura: I guess you must love it to be Supergirl..

Supergirl: Sometimes. Sometimes not.

Laura: Why sometimes not?

Supergirl: Because I have a life next to Supergirl. And it’s important that those two worlds are
separated from each other. I have friends and family. I don’t want them to get hurt because of my
identity as Supergirl.

Laura: I understand.

Laura and Supergirl chat with each other for some time. But the wind becomes stronger and in the
distance a thunderstorm is visible. After a hot summer day thunderstorms can form quick and grew
fast. This time that’s also the case.

Supergirl: Woow, wind is getting quite heavy. Let’s get home.

Laura: Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. I don’t want you to fly through a thunderstorm.

Supergirl: That’s very kind of you Laura. If you knock the door someone will open it for you. Only
thing that rests me is to say goodbye to you. It was wonderful having a conversation with you. And
don’t forget what I told you, you can become whatever you want. You just have to believe in it.
Laura: Well, let’s hope I become just like you.

Supergirl: Never give up hoping Laura. I have to go.

The thunderstorm is getting closer and closer and lightning hits the outer limits of the city. Supergirl
is ready to head back to her home when Laura calls her.

Laura: Supergirl, wait!

Supergirl: What’s the matter?

Laura: Can I take a selfie with you?

Supergirl: Of course. Let’s do it quick, the thunderstorm is getting heavier and heavier.

Laura grabs her mobile phone out of her bag and holds it right in front of her face. Supergirl stands
besides Laura and puts an arm on her shoulder. Laura and Supergirl smile to the camera when
suddenly a lightning bolt hits Supergirl. Supergirl screams in agony as the lightning bolt shoots right
through her. Laura tries to escape but she is too late. Via Supergirl’s arm the electricity hits her too.
The electricity engulfs her entire body. Laura can’t describe the feeling that hits her. It’s extremely
painful, but on the same time a pleasure fills her. Laura’s body trembles extremely and her hair
changes from her pink colour to a silver colour. Not much later the lightning bolt disappears and
Laura immediately loses her consciousness and falls to the ground. Supergirl notices Laura’s lifeless
body and lifts her. She quickly flies to the hospital. She does not notice Laura’s phone which still lays
on the roof.

The blonde woman who led Laura upstairs opens the door and sees the roof is empty. She spots a
bag and quickly walks towards it. She also spots a mobile phone. She grabs both items and quickly
walks back inside right before the rain comes down in large quantities.


The woman of the city hall arrives at home. Her name is Amy. A 27 year old assistant at the city hall.
She has brown hair and works almost 4 years at the city hall. Amy throws her stuff on the couch and
questions what happened to the girl. She walks to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of wine.

Amy is a quite good looking 27 year old woman who lives her entire life in the city.
She never finished school and started working at the city hall when she was 23 years old. Amy
questions herself what happened to the girl on the roof. Did Supergirl kidnap her? She reaches for
the mobile phone and notices that it is not locked with a code or finger print. Amy swipes the screen
to unlock the phone. When she enters the phone she immediately notices a short movie had been
made. Amy presses play and watches the movie. Clearly the girl wanted to take a selfie but
accidentally pushed the wrong button. Amy watches how the girl stands next to Supergirl when a
lightning bolt hit both of them. The movie lasts some more seconds, but it’s clear that both Supergirl
and the girl were hit by a lightning bolt. This video might be some evidence and Amy quickly turns on
her laptop. She moves the file from the phone to her laptop, in case this video could become useful
at some time.


Laura slowly wakes up in the hospital. The light is very bright and it’s hard for Laura to open her eyes.
With her eyes half closed she looks around. She is alone and connected to all kinds devices. Laura
feels strange, her body feels different. The last thing she remembers is that she was on a roof with
Supergirl and then.. lightning and sudden darkness.

Laura tries to figure out what feels so different. She shoves the blankets off her upper body and is
surprised by what she sees. Her breasts look bigger than they were before. Laura gently brings her
hands towards her breasts and cups them together. They are definitely bigger than before. Laura
looks at her hands, they feel strange. Laura’s hands move to her hips, which are clearly more notable
than before. Then Laura notices her hair, which is not pink anymore but a silver colour. Laura
questions herself, is she imagining things?

Laura spots the remote control of the television next to her and she grabs it. She presses the ‘on/off’
button, but nothing happens. She tries again, but nothing happens.

Laura: Come on stupid batteries, why don’t you work!

Suddenly a shock shoots through Laura’s body and via her hands the remote control receives power
and the television turns.

Laura: What the..?

Laura drops the remote control and watches her hands. On her right hand small lightning bolts are

Laura: That is.. weird.

Laura looks at the device next to hear which measures her heart rate and vital conditions. She puts
her left hand on the device and tries the same thing as with the remote control. She feels a shock
flowing through her body and via her hand it leaves her body. The screen of the device flashes on
and off until everything turns back to normal.

Laura looks at her hands and focusses on the energy she feels inside her. Small lightning bolts appear
around her fingers. Laura is in shock and the lightning bolts disappear immediately. Laura is very
curious and notices a socket right beside her bed. She puts her right hand in front of the socket, but
nothing happens. Laura hesitates but she points one finger forward and jams it into the socket.
Immediately her body reacts. Electricity and energy flows into her body. Lightning bolts emerge from
her body as the electricity and energy fills her body. Laura enjoys it, she loves the feeling of the
energy inside her body. Her nipples become hard and she feels how the energy spreads through her
body. Her breasts grow from a B-cup to a full and firm C-cup. Laura moans softly as she truly enjoys
the power entering her body. Laura pulls her finger out of the socket and breathes heavily. She brings
both her hands to her breasts and softly squeezes them. They feel amazing, so full and firm. And her
hair, she absolutely loves the colour of her hair. Laura is sure, something amazing happened to her.
Not much later Supergirl enters Laura’s room. She looks worried and immediately walks to Laura.

Supergirl: Laura, thank god you are alright. How do you feel?

Laura: Better than ever before.

Supergirl: What do you mean?

Laura raises her hands in the air and focusses on the energy inside the TL lights. Lightning bolts
emerge from the TL lights and connect with Laura who laughs quite loud. Laura feels the power
inside her growing and she breathes heavily. Supergirl is in shock. She commands Laura to stop.

Supergirl: Laura, stop it!

Laura: Why? I was just boosting myself.

Supergirl: What happened to you?

Laura: Something wonderful. I think I am able to absorb and control electricity.

Supergirl: How?
Laura: It must have happened on the roof when the lightning hit you. It definitely has its effects on

Supergirl: This is incredible.

Laura: So, not to late for hope.



Amy turns her television on after work. She watches the news and suddenly she catches an item of

‘And that’s when Supergirl announced her new partner: Electra. Electra is able to control electricity.’

Amy: Electra? What’s this, some kind of joke? Holy shit!

Amy immediately recognizes the girl. That’s the girl who had a meet and great with Supergirl a few
weeks ago. She was hit by lightning and Amy never heard anything of her. Not even when she
returned her phone and bag at the police. Amy turns the television louder.

‘Electra gained superpowers after an accident. It’s not exactly clear how she gained them. What is
clear is that we have a new super duo in town.’

Amy immediately grabs her laptop and opens it. She searches for the movie she put on her laptop.
After a minute she found it and opens it. Amy watches closely as the lightning hits Supergirl. The
previous time she stopped watching at this point, but this time she continues. She sees how the
lightning shoots through Supergirl and how the bolt hits that girl too; via Supergirls arm. Amy
watches how the girl’s hair changes into a silver colour and then the video stops.

Amy: Ooh my god, I know how she gained superpowers.

Amy immediately grabs her phone and calls her best friend Hannah.

Amy: Hannah, you have to come to my place immediately.


Amy’s doorbell rings, that must be Hannah. Amy quickly walks towards the door and opens it.
Hannah enters Amy’s apartment and they give each other a hug. Hannah is a blonde 26 year old girl
and Amy’s best friend. Hannah is a very good looking tall blonde girl.
Amy: You want to drink something?

Hannah: Yeah, could use some wine. It’s weekend after all.

Amy: Yeah luckily it is. I always look forward to Friday evenings.

Hannah: You we’re lucky I didn’t have any plans tonight. So tell me, what is so urgent?

Amy: Have you watched the news?

Hannah: I did.

Amy: Have you seen Supergirl with her new..

Hannah: With Electra? Yes, I saw it.

Amy: Listen Hannah. I know how Electra got her powers.

Hannah: You do?

Amy: Yes, watch this.

Amy turns her laptop to Hannah and shows the video she found on the mobile phone. Hannah
watches how the lightning hits Supergirl and how the lightning bolt eventually hits the girl too.
Hannah: She is hit by lightning, that’s it?

Amy: Nooo Hannah. Look again. The bolt goes through Supergirl.

Hannah: You are right. And you think that’s the reason she now has superpowers?

Amy: I am sure.

Hannah: So, now what? Are you going to sell this story to the newspapers? You’re going to be very

Amy: Of course not Hannah. I am going to reproduce the process and gain such powers by myself.
And you are going to help me!

Hannah: What?! No way Amy. Ooh noo.

Amy: Why not?

Hannah: I don’t want to get in any trouble with Supergirl. Besides, why do you think it will work
again? And where do we find a thunderstorm?

Amy: I am sure it will work. And of course we don’t use a thunderstorm. We use the old car factory.

Hannah: The old car factory? Alright, what’s your plan..


The next day Amy and Hannah reach the old car factory. It’s an old abandoned location. Amy
designed a plan to lure Supergirl in a trap. Amy and Hannah filled a small pit inside the factory with a
little bit of water. After that they hang a big electricity cable, which previously powers the machines
of the factory, inside the water. With a switch it is possible to turn the voltage on.

Hannah: So the plan is that it looks like I captured you?

Amy: Yes, and when Supergirl is here to save me and stands in the pit you turn the switch on.

Hannah: Do you think that it will work? What if you are electrocuted? It’s not the same as lightning.

Amy: I know, but I guess this is the best we can do. Besides, it’s an extremely high voltage. This cable
was the main power source for every machine in here.

Hannah: I hope you are right.

Amy: Don’t worry. Now, let’s make a call..

Amy grabs her mobile phone and dials the number of the police. After a couple of seconds someone
answers at the other side of the line.
911: ‘What’s your emergency?’

Amy: Please help.. I am captured inside the old car factory. She is.. going to kill me. Quick, help me.

911: ‘Stay calm, help is on the way.’

The police immediately calls Supergirl who is of course the fastest woman on the planet. Supergirl
does not hesitate and puts her blue / red outfit on and flies towards the old car factory. She does not
call Electra. She can do this on her own.

Amy: Quick, tie me up in the chair before Supergirl arrives.

Hannah does what Amy asks and ties her up in the chair. Hannah quickly hides behind one of the old
machines, with the power switch within reach, and waits for what comes next. Amy was right,
Supergirl is fast and she arrives in less than a minute. Amy and Hannah clearly hear the sound of a
fast moving object outside. Amy’s heart bounces like never before. The sound stops and it is clear
Supergirl has landed. After less than a minute Supergirl enters the big machine hall where Amy is tied
up in the chair. Amy sees Supergirl and admires her beauty and strength.

Amy: Su-Supergirl.. Over here!

Supergirl moves at an incredible speed towards the pit. She steps inside and walks towards Amy.

Supergirl: What happened?

Amy: Some girl tried to rob me, but it didn’t go as planned so she kidnapped me and..

Supergirl: Alright, calm down. I will release you.

Supergirl walks towards Amy and wants to release her from the chair. She touches Amy’s shoulder
with her hand and wants to untie her. Amy lifts her feet from the water so they are not in contact
with it.

Amy: Now Hannah!!

Hannah grabs the switch and pulls it to the other side. Supergirl sees the electricity cable and knows
this is wrong, but she is too late. The electricity turns on and the water conducts the electricity.
Supergirl’s feet are soaking wet and the electricity hits her body. The voltage is enough to freeze
Supergirl for a moment and her entire body is surrounded by electricity bolts. Supergirl tries to move,
but the voltage is enough to freeze her. Via Supergirl’s hand the electricity hits Amy’s body too.
Amy’s body starts to shake as the electricity engulfs her body. A painful, but pleasurable, feeling
enters her body. Amy groans as the electricity shoots through her body. Hannah watches the scene
unfolding in front of her. Amy’s hair changes colour. Her brown hair slowly changes into a silver /
grey colour. Her eyes fill itself with electricity bolts. Amy groans again as her entire body is the
electricity engulfs her entire body. Not much later the power shuts down. Amy immediately looses
consciousness and Supergirl is able to move again. She knows what happened and immediately
moves to Hannah and grabs her at her throat.
Supergirl: So this was all a trap?

Hannah: I’m sorry. It was her idea. She saw how Electra gained her powers and wanted it too.

Supergirl: And you helped her?

Hannah: Yeah, I.. I.. She is my friend and..

Supergirl: You will pay for this. I’ll bring you to the police and they know what to do with you.

Hannah: No, Supergirl.. Please.

Supergirl grabs Hannah with one arm and pulls her outside. She holds Hannah tight with one arm and
takes off from the ground. Hannah dangles below Supergirl who still holds her hand very tight. They
fly through the city with an enormous speed. Hannah comes up with a plan to annoy Supergirl. With
her free hand she grabs her mobile phone out of her pocket. She opens her camera and starts to film.

Hannah: ‘Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am flying above the city with Supergirl.’

Supergirl: Hey, what are you doing?

Hannah: ‘Did you always wonder how it looked under Supergirl’s skirt, let’s check it out.’

Hannah moves her phone to a position where she is able to film underneath Supergirl’s skirt.
Supergirl looks behind her and sees how Hannah tries to film her private area. Supergirls eyes turn
red and she aims for the mobile phone. In the mean time she still flies forward with high speed. Two
red laser beam shoots out of Supergirl’s eyes and hit Hannah’s mobile phone. Hannah releases the
mobile phone and it falls to the ground.

Supergirl: Never do that again or I will..

Suddenly a massive shock shoots through Supergirls body. When she was distracted she flew right
into a bunch of electricity cables. Supergirl knows this is wrong, but her entire body freezes again
because of the voltage of the electricity. Hannah dangles beneath Supergirl and sees how Supergirl is
entangled in a bunch of electricity cables. Electric bolts engulf Supergirl’s body and Hannah sees how
the electric bolts come closer and closer. She knows what will happen next, she saw what happened
with Amy. Hannah tries to free herself from Supergirls grip, but it’s useless. Via Supergirl’s hand the
electric bolts reach Hannah and a painful but pleasurable feeling shoots through her body. Electric
shocks shoot through Hannah’s body. Her entire body shakes as the electric bolts engulf her body.
The pain makes Hannah groan loudly. Hannah’s eyes turn into a very light blue colour and electric
bolts shoot out of her eyes. Electricity keeps flowing through Supergirl into Hannah who shakes

Sharon, a 24 year old girl with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a flat body sees everything happen.
She was just taking a walk when she saw Supergirl and the other girl fly right into the electricity

Supergirl’s eyes turn red and with every bit of power she has left she turns her head around and her
laser beams cut through the cables. Supergirl and Hannah immediately fall down to the ground.
Supergirl releases Hannah and Hannah immediately looses her consciousness. Supergirl and Hannah
both fall on the ground. Sharon who saw everything happen immediately runs towards Supergirl.
Sharon looks at the other girl first. Her hair is silver and her skin is very pale. Sharon guesses that the
girl is dead. She does not check and quickly walks to Supergirl.

Supergirls entire body glows. She feels strange. The electricity did some serious damage to her.
Probably because it lasted so long this time. Sharon kneels next to Supergirl. With both hands she
grabs Supergirl’s shoulders. When Sharon touches Supergirl a strange feeling shoots through her
body. The yellow glow that surrounds Supergirl flows into Sharon’s hands and dissolves not much

Sharon: Supergirl, are you alright?

Supergirl: I.. I guess not.

Sharon: Let me take you to my house. I have two rooms free.

Supergirl: No, I have to..

Sharon: You are weak. Let me help you.

Supergirl: Yes, please. I will take the other girl with me. Do you have room enough for both of us?

Sharon: Of course. My house is right across the corner.

Supergirl stands up with her last energy and lifts Hannah from the ground. Hannah’s lifeless body is
even this time heavy for Supergirl. Sharon leads them to her house and they enter it shortly after.
Sharon opens the door of the guest room and point towards the bed.

Sharon: You can lay hear over there. You can lay on the couch if you want.

Supergirl: That would be great. Thanks. Can you keep an eye on her?

Sharon: Of course. I will check and when she awakes I will call you.

Supergirl: Thanks for your help. I have to take some rest.

Sharon: No problem. The couch is all yours. Can I get you something to drink or eat?

Supergirl: I would love a glass of cola.

Sharon: Of course.

Supergirl lays down on the couch and Sharon brings her a glass of cola. She hands the glass over to
Supergirl and when their fingers touch each other Sharon feels a pleasurable feeling through her
body. Supergirl experiences the opposite, it feels strange to her.
Sharon: Sorry, must be some static electric shock.

Supergirl: Yeah, no problem.


Amy slowly opens her eyes. She looks around and notices nobody is there.

Amy: Hannah, Hannah are you there?

There is no answer and Amy questions herself what happened. The last thing she remembers is
electricity, a lot of electricity. It felt like her body was on fire. And then, the light went out. Amy is still
tied up in the chair. She looks at her hair, which has a silver / grey colour. She feels the energy inside
her. Amy smiles, it looks like it worked. Amy flexes every muscle in her arms and with all her might
she snaps the ropes with ease. Amy is free and she stumbles out of the pit. Her hands slide over her
body. It feels good. Amy walks through the factory to the exit and notices the old employee’s
dressing room. She turns to the right and enters the dressing room. Amy sees a mirror and walks
towards it. When she looks in the mirror she can’t believe her eyes. Her silver / grey hair is absolutely
gorgeous and her eyes have a deep blue colour. Amy seductively looks in the mirror.
Amy completely forgets about Hannah and enjoys her new look. Amy turns around and walks to the
exit of the old factory. It’s time to test her powers for real.


Sharon does the dishes as Supergirl and Hannah are both asleep. Sharon thinks about Supergirl who
lays in her apartment on her couch. She looks behind her and sees how Supergirl rests. She puts the
mug back in the water and slowly walks towards Supergirl. Sharon looks at her stunning face and
gorgeous body. Sharon does not have such looks of herself. She is a very plain looking, slender girl.
She does not have any notable curves. Her A-cup breasts are hidden under her loose fitting blouse.

Sharon: Supergirl in my house. Who would believe such a thing.

Sharon admires Supergirl’s outfit. It fits like a second skin. Curious about how the fibre feels Sharon
moves her hand forward and touches Supergirl’s belly. Immediately a pleasurable shock shoots
through Sharon. This time she does not pull her hand away but she keeps it on Supergirl’s belly.
Pleasurable waves flow via her hand through Sharon’s body. Sharon can’t describe how it feels, but it
feels good. She suddenly notices how Supergirl’s hair loses its blonde shine and how her own hair
changes from dark brown to light brown with blonde highlights. Sharon scares and immediately pulls
her hand away from Supergirl’s belly. Supergirl does not wake up, she must be really exhausted.
Sharon looks at her hair, its gorgeous. Her dull dark brown hair changed into a soft and shiny light
brown / blonde colour.

Sharon: What the..

Sharon looks at her hands. A yellow glow engulfs her hands. She turns her hands around and through
her fingers she looks at Supergirl whose hair is dull and fluffy. Sharon thinks, this could be her chance
to become more than just a wallflower. She doesn’t know what exactly happened to her, but this is
her chance to use it.

Sharon moves her right hand forward and puts it on Supergirl’s shoulder. The pleasant feeling
immediately returns and Sharon gives into it. She feels the beauty and power flowing into her.
Sharon looks at Supergirl’s face which slowly ages and wrinkles appear. Her own face reshapes itself,
filling it with pure beauty. Her eyes change into a dark blue colour, her plain face becomes angelic
and her lips become soft. Sharon sees how Supergirl’s mighty muscles slowly shrink. She feels the
power flowing into her. She moans as her muscles expand. Her thin arms and legs fill itself with
muscles. Her loose fitting blouse is filled with new and pure flesh. Sharon throws her head back and
feels how the pure kryptonian power is eagerly absorbed by her own body. Every cell in her body is
improved by the kryptonian power which flows through her body. Supergirl keeps shrinking and
Sharon’s muscles keep growing. She does not become extremely muscular, she keeps her feminine
form just like Supergirl. Supergirl slowly opens her eyes and she immediately feels something is
wrong. She looks at the girl next to her who clearly enjoys something. Supergirl feels weak and she
sees how her body shrinks and how the other girl grows.

Supergirl: What are you doing?

Sharon: Ooh Supergirl.. This is what I always wanted.

Supergirl: Stop. Please.

Sharon does not stop, she moves her long muscular leg over Supergirl and sits down on her knees on
top of Supergirl. Supergirl tries to fight back, but Sharon already absorbed to much power. Supergirl
does not stand a chance.

Supergirl: Stop.. I..

Sharon: I am not done with you Supergirl. Give me everything you got.

Supergirl: Nooo..

Sharon moves both her hands to Supergirl’s chest and puts both her hands on Supergirl’s breasts.
Sharon immediately feels the power and beauty flowing into her body. She feels how Supergirl’s
breasts shrink under her hands and how her own body gains the beautiful soft flesh. Her blouse can’t
handle the extra flesh and the upper two buttons shoot open.

Sharon: AAH YES. This is it! HMMM. So fucking good!

Sharon’s breasts grow from a small A-cup to a full A-cup and finally they reach a firm and round B-
cup form. Sharon knows there is more and she wants it. She moves her hands towards Supergirl’s
hips and feels how every last bit of power is absorbed by her own body. Sharon’s hips immediately
expand and her ass gains some extra muscles. Her ass becomes firm and round. Sharon wants
everything. She drains Supergirl of her powerful muscles and her gorgeous curvaceous body. Every
last bit of power is absorbed by Sharon and Supergirl quickly loses her consciousness.

Sharon steps off Supergirl and stands in front of the couch. She licks her lips and feels the raw power
inside her. Her hands slide over her curvaceous body. Via her hips and her belly she reaches her
breasts, which stand firm on her chest. Sharon cups them together and inside her blouse a gorgeous
cleavage becomes visible. Sharon smiles, this is the best thing ever happened. Sharon walks to the
kitchen and looks in the mirror. What she sees is beyond her wildest dreams. A gorgeous woman
stares back at her. A woman who just absorbed all of Supergirl’s powers and beauty.
Sharon looks at her blouse. It can’t hold her magnificent body any longer. She must definitely change
clothes. Sharon walks to her room and looks in her closet. She grabs a plain light brown shirt and
pulls her blouse off. Sharon never wore a bra. It was not necessary with such small breasts. And now,
with her new C-cup breasts it is also not necessary. They are standing extremely firm on her chest
that no support is needed. Sharon puts her shirt on and the fibre stretches to its maximum. Her pants
were so wide that they were able to hold her new magnificent pair of legs. However, her pants
changed from loose fitting into skinny jeans.

Sharon: I definitely need some new clothes.

Sharon leaves her sleeping room and walks past the guest room. The other girl is still asleep and
Sharon goes to check on her before she will go to the city to buy some new clothes. Hannah still
breathes and is in a deep sleep.

Sharon: Have some rest. I will be back soon.

With that Sharon leaves the room and shortly after she leaves her house. Supergirl and Hannah are
still lying on the couch and in the guest room. Both of them unconscious.


Amy leaves the factory when she suddenly spots someone walking in her direction. She immediately
recognizes the girl; it’s Electra. Electra wears a tight black catsuit.

Electra: Hey you. What happened here? Where is Supergirl?

Amy: Hey.. you must be Electra?

Electra: I am. Where is Supergirl?

Amy: I really don’t know. Sorry. Love your hair though.

Electra: I will not ask it again, where is Supergirl?

Amy knows she is in trouble. Electra is much stronger than her at this point. She must find electricity
and quick.

Electra: Alright, I am done with you. I’ll take you to the cops.

Electra walks towards Amy and grabs her arm. Electra immediately feels the electricity when she
grabs Amy.

Electra: What the..?

Amy releases her electricity and Electra is caught by surprise. She flies a couple of meters backwards
because of the power of the blast. However Electra feels stronger after the blast. Her body absorbed
the electricity of the blast. Amy starts to run. She needs to find an electricity source before Electra
reaches her. Amy runs to the back of the old factory. Because of the short circuit there is no power
inside the factory anymore. Amy runs as fast as she can. She looks back and sees Electra is right
behind her. She needs to find a power source before it’s too late. Amy enters the street and turns to
the right. Then she turns to the left. Unfortunately for Amy, that street is a dead end. Amy turns
around but Electra already reached the entrance of the street.

Electra: So.. you are another Electra?

Amy: I.. uuh.. gues so.

Electra: Don’t play stupid on me. I recognize you. You are the girl from the city hall.

Amy: I am. And I found your phone. On which I could clearly see how you gained your powers. A
lightning bolt went through Supergirl and when you were holding her you gained your beautiful

Electra: So?

Amy: So I tried it myself. I lured Supergirl in a trap and put some electricity on her. It clearly worked.
Unfortunately you show up before I can even test my powers.

Electra walks towards Amy. She comes closer and closer. Amy reaches the end of the street. Electra
smiles and knows Amy can’t go anywhere. She smashes her fist right into Amy’s belly who flies
through the wall and lands in a local shop. To Amy’s surprise it’s a local television shop.

Electra: You see, I am not only able to control electricity and power myself up. I also gained a bit of
Supergirl’s strength.

Amy can’t see Electra because of all the dust, but she is quite sure that Electra is still outside. Amy
sees a wire in front of her. It’s a big wire which leads to a central point where all televisions are
connected. Amy does not hesitate and puts the wire in her mouth. She bites on the wire and her
teeth slide through the rubber surface until she reaches the electricity cable. Amy immediately feels
the power flowing into her. Her eyes shoot open and electric bolts fill her eyes. Her entire body is
engulfed by electric bolts and Amy feels herself growing stronger every second. The electricity flows
through Amy’s body and her muscles become stronger every second. Her hair gains more shine and
Amy’s entire body improves. Her breasts grow from a B-cup to a C-cup and eventually a nice and firm
D-cup. Every cell in Amy’s body powers up and improves her. Her entire body shakes and trembles as
she enjoys the power improving her. Amy clenches her fists and feels the flow of energy. Not much
later a short circuit causes a loss of electricity in the neighbourhood. Amy feels no more electricity
entering her body and she spits the wire out. She looks at her hands which feel powerful and electric
bolts shoot out of them. Amy’s eyes are coloured by the blue electric bolts which shoot through her
iris. Her entire body feels amazing.
Amy’s power-up lasted no longer than 10 seconds and Electra steps through the dust inside the
store. She immediately notices Amy who looks way stronger than before. Electra sees the televisions
who are all black and knows this is wrong.

Amy: Hello Electra. Time for a real fight.

Amy walks towards Electra who shoots some electric bolts in Amy’s direction. Amy’s body eagerly
absorbs the electricity.

Amy: Ha ha ha, we can’t kill each other with electricity. We only make each other stronger. There is
only one way to kill each other..

Electra knows Amy is right. She felt stronger too when the blast hit her body. Amy comes closer and
closer and Electra tries to think of a plan. But she can’t think of anything. The power in this
neighbourhood went down and Amy absorbed it all. Amy’s fist flies in the direction of Electra’s head
and Electra quickly counteracts it. She deflects the fist and grabs Amy’s arm. Electra immediately
absorbs a bit of electricity which is stored in Amy’s body. Amy can’t do anything about it. She can’t
break the circuit. She feels how her power flows out of her and sees how Electra becomes stronger.
With her left leg Amy kicks Electra who releases Amy’s arm and flies to the back of the store.

Amy: Absorbing me huh? Quite clever.

Electra gets up, but is too late to deflect another kick of Amy. This time she is hit right in her face and
she lands against a couple of televisions. Amy quickly grabs Electra by her throat and lifts her against
the nearest wall. His time it is Amy who absorbs Electra’s energy. Electra tries to defend herself, but
Amy is just too strong for her. Electra feels how her energy is drained. Amy feels the power flowing
into her body.

Amy: Oooh yes.. Give it to me.

Electra fights with everything she haves, but she can’t do anything about it. She is just to weak at this
point. Amy grows more and more powerful as Electra is completely drained from her energy.

Electra: Please.. I need this energy to live.

Amy: I can’t risk it that you overpower me at some point. I have to do this.

Electra: Please..

Amy absorbs more and more energy and she feels Electra getting weaker and weaker. It costs Amy
less and less effort to hold her against the wall.

Amy: You had such potential. But you were just not cold enough to finish the job. I can feel your
power inside me. I can feel myself growing stronger every second. Give everything to me!

Electra’s suit slowly fades away as she looses more and more of her energy. Amy feels another giant
wave of power through her body and a black tight catsuit forms itself around her legs, ass, belly and

Amy: Hmm.. that is a wonderful gift. That must be one of Supergirl’s inventions. Too bad it is mine
now. HAHAHA!

The black suit highlights every curve of Amy’s body. Her long and muscular legs, her firm ass and her
big, soft breasts are highlighted and supported by the beautiful black suit. Amy feels the last pieces
of energy entering her body and Electra’s body becomes lifeless. Amy releases Electra and breathes
heavily as she processes the energy inside her body. She slides her hands over her body. The black
suit feels wonderful on her skin. Amy feels incredibly powerful. She looks at her hands. Her nails are
long and black and they match her new outfit. Amy laughs loudly as she enjoys her new body and

Amy: Look like there is a new Electra in town.


Hannah slowly opens her eyes and looks around. She has an enormous headache and tries to get up.
Hannah sits on the edge of the bed. She notices her hair which is silver and immediately she knows
what happened. Every part shoots through her head. The car factory, Amy, Supergirl, her flight with
Supergirl and finally; electricity.

Hannah: God noo..

Hannah steps out of bed and looks at herself in the mirror. Her hair is silver / grey and her eyes are
very light blue. Questions shoot through Hannah’s head. She feels strange, but good. Hannah
stumbles towards the living room. Supergirl lays on the couch and Hannah takes a look at her.
Supergirl looks bad. She does not look like the Supergirl before this happened. Hannah panics, she
thinks this is all because of her. Hannah sits down on the other couch and grabs the remote control.
A tingling feeling shoots through her hand.

Hannah: Hmm.. That felt nice. Where can I get some more electricity?

Hannah’s hand moves to the socket right next to the couch and she puts her finger in the socket.
Nothing happens. Hannah tries to switch the lamp on, but again nothing happens. She knows why,
Supergirl cut the cables with her laser eyes so of course there is no power in this neighbourhood.
Suddenly the lamp turns on and so does the television. Hannah notices a news item about loss of
electricity in some parts of the city. She turns the volume up and listens to the news.

‘Due to damaged cables a complete area was cut off of electricity. Luckily the electricity company
managed to repair the damage before the evening. In the other area a short circuit in a television
shop was responsible for the cut off of electricity. What caused the short circuit is so far unknown. As
we look at the damage it must be caused by some sort of explosion. The police will investigate this

Hannah: So.. let’s test it out.

Hannah moves her hands to the socket again. She can already feel the electricity that’s calling her.
Her body reacts on it and her body longs for energy. Hannah puts her finger inside the socket and the
electricity immediately flows through her arm. Normally this would hurt, but this time Hannah enjoys
the feeling. Electric bolts shoot out of her body and her body fills itself with energy.


Hannah’s nipples become rock hard as the power flows through her body. Her hair gains some extra
shine and the muscles in her body grow. Hannah welcomes the power eagerly. Her entire body
shakes and every cell fills itself with energy and power. Suddenly the front door opens and Hannah
immediately pulls her finger out of the socket. Sharon enters the living room and looks at Hannah
who looks back at the gorgeous female who just entered the living room.

Sharon: Well hello there.

Hannah: Good uhm.. afternoon?

Sharon: Yes, good afternoon. What were you doing?

Hannah: I uhm.. I..

Sharon: Come on. I won’t bite you.

Hannah: I was absorbing some electricity..

Sharon: Absorbing electricity?

Hannah: Yes, that’s a long story but I can explain.

Sharon: I am listening.

Hannah: Well, have you heard of Electra?

Sharon: I did. That’s Supergirl’s new sidekick.

Hannah: Yes, she is. Well, she gained her powers when she was hit by lightning when Supergirl hold
her. And now I have the same abilities because Supergirl flew into some electricity cables when she
got a hold on me.

Sharon: Show me again.

Hannah: Well, uh fine. Don’t blame me for the high energy bill.

Hannah moves her hands to the socket and puts her finger inside the socket. Her body eagerly
absorbs the energy and electric bolts surround her entire body. Her breasts slowly start to grow and
reach a full B-cup size. Hannah pulls her finger out of the socket and her bright blue eyes look
straight into Sharon’s.
Hannah: You see.

Sharon: Wonderful. I am wondering..

Hannah: What?

Sharon: Ooh nothing. How rude of me, I haven’t even introduced myself. I am Sharon.

Sharon walks towards Hannah and puts her hand forward. Hannah moves her hand forward and
shakes Sharon’s hand. Immediately Hannah is overcome by a strange feeling. On the other side
Sharon experiences a pleasant feeling. Hannah’s eyes look shocked at Sharon.

Sharon: Good girl.. Give me your powers. Make me stronger.

Hannah can’t move as Sharon absorbs her powers. Hannah looks at Sharon who has an evil look on
her face. Sharon feels how Hannah’s core of power flows into her. She absolutely loves the fact that
she is soon able to absorb and control electricity. Power flows from Hannah to Sharon who feels
herself becoming stronger. Hannah’s light blue eyes lose their bright colour. On the other side
Sharon’s eyes change into a dark blue colour.


Hannah feels herself becoming weaker every second. She feels her power is drained away from her
and she sees how Sharon becomes stronger and stronger. Hannah tries to fight is, but she is no
match for the extremely strong Sharon. Hannah’s long silver hair starts to lose its shine and slowly
turns into a pale grey colour. Another dose of power enters Sharon’s body and she moans softly as it
spreads through her entire body. A pale glow spreads itself over Sharon’s skin. The few imperfections
on Sharon’s skin disappear as Hannah’s power flows through her veins and is absorbed by every cell
in her body. Sharon’s hair starts to grow. Strands of shiny light blonde hair grow at the end of her
brown hair. In front of Hannah’s eyes Sharon transforms into an ever hotter and more powerful
being. Sharon throws her head back and feels the power inside her body. She feels the core of the
power. She knows she is now able to absorb and control electricity. Without any doubt she is the
strongest being on earth. No wallflower anymore. No flat and plain girl anymore. She transforms into
a goddess and she knows it. Sharon releases Hannah’s hand and Hannah immediately pulls it back.
Hannah is drained from all her energy and she falls on the ground immediately. She looks up at the
goddess in front of her who clearly enjoys her new powers.
Sharon: Hehe, you are all so weak. Time to improve myself even further.

Sharon walks towards the socket on the wall next to her. The plug of a lamp is still inside the socket,
but she pulls the plug out of the socket. Slowly Sharon moves her hand towards the socket. She
already feels the energy inside the socket. For her, that’s the sign it worked and that she is really able
to absorb electricity. Without any hesitation left Sharon jams her fingers into the socket. The
electricity immediately flows into Sharon’s body. Small electric bolts shoot around her arm and
spread over her body.

Sharon: Yes.. OOH YESS!

The electricity flows into Sharon’s body. It fills every cell with more energy and more power. Sharon
feels the power flowing into her and she wants it. She wants it all. With every second Sharon’s body
absorbs more and more electricity and her entire body is engulfed by electric bolts. Sharon’s eyes
turn from dark blue to a very bright and infinite blue colour. Small blue and yellow bolts form itself in
her iris. More and more energy enters Sharon’s body and she eagerly greats it. The light blonde
strands at the bottom of her hair slowly turn lighter and lighter. The blonde colour changes into a
very light and shiny silver colour. Sharon sees it happening and can’t hide her excitement. She smiles
and moans as the electricity continues to improve her body. Every muscle in Sharon’s body fills itself
with energy and power. They all grow slightly, but they mostly become denser and stronger.


Sharon still eagerly absorbs the electricity and this time it improves other parts of her body. Her ass
expands a little bit and gains even more muscles and perfectly proportioned flesh. She licks her lips
as she feels her ass getting rounder, firmer and tighter. Last but not least the power flows to Sharon’s
breasts. Her nipples become hard when the power causes her breasts to expand. Her B-cup breasts
gain some extra soft flesh and grow to a small C-cup.


Sharon absorbs more electricity and the electric bolts that engulf her body grow bigger and bigger.
Her eyes are filled with lust and rage. Sharon’s breasts enlarge even further. Firm flesh adds itself to
her already gorgeous breasts and they reach a perfect full C-cup form. Sharon moans softly as she
removes her finger out of the socket and slides her hand over her newfound body. Sharon walks
towards the mirror as her firm ass swings up and down on the rhythm of her walk. When she looks
into the mirror she can’t believe her eyes. Her already gorgeous face and figure improved even more.
She looks absolutely stunning. She is the perfect embodiment of Supergirl’s and Electra’s powers
Sharon can’t take her eyes of herself. She absolutely loves how she looks. For Sharon this day is the
best day of her life.

Sharon: Hmm, this feels so good. But, I want more. Let’s see if my body can handle it.

Sharon turns around and walks outside into the hot summer evening. Her plans are big, very big.


Amy arrives at home and she immediately grabs her mobile phone. When she pulls the phone out of
her pocket she sees that she has no battery left. Amy shoots an electric shock towards her phone and
he immediately turns on.
Amy: The benefits are just too much.

Amy quickly enters the pin code of her mobile phone and searches in her contacts for Hannah’s
number. When she finds it she dials the number and puts the phone to her ear. Hannah’s phone
starts to ring, but Hannah is unconscious and does not answer it immediately. However, because of
the sound of the phone she slowly awakens. She is too late answering the phone and Amy gets her

Amy: Hey Han, just wanted to let you know it worked. I feel so fucking good. How are you and where
are you? If you hear this, please call me back or come by. I will wait for you at my place.

Hannah slowly opens her eyes and looks around. She feels weak, very weak. Supergirl still lays on the
couch, unconscious. With every last bit of energy inside Hannah she crawls to the nearest socket. She
holds her hand in front of the socket and electric bolts shoot out of the socket and enter Hannah’s
body. Hannah eagerly absorbs the electricity and she feels herself getting stronger every second. The
electricity fills her cells with energy and Hannah’s eyes slowly become brighter and brighter. A shine
appears on her hair as electric bolts shoot through her body and fill every cell with renewed energy.
Hannah’s body grows and she looks vital again.

Hannah pulls her hand away from the socket and stands up. Her energy is restored and she feels
quite good at this point. She looks at Supergirl who still lays motionless on the couch. Hannah feels a
bit sorry and walks towards Supergirl. She grabs Supergirl’s hand and drags her from the couch
towards the front door. It’s late in the afternoon and the sun still shines bright. When Hannah
reaches outside she pulls Supergirl with her. Supergirl weighs very light as she lost a huge part of her
muscles and curves. When the first sunrays reach Supergirl, her body immediately absorbs the
energy. Supergirl’s body starts to restore itself and very slowly little parts of her energy are restored.
It’s not much, because the sun is not at its brightest at the end of the day. But her skinny legs and
arms show little signs of muscles. Hannah notices Supergirl is growing again and that she slowly
regains her consciousness. Hannah releases Supergirl and leaves her on the street. She runs away
and grabs her mobile phone. The phone gives a notification about a missed call and Hannah listens to
her voicemail. Hannah knows where she is and estimates that Amy’s apartment is only 10 minutes

Hannah walks past buildings and shops. The weather is nice so there are a lot of people on the street.
Hannah reaches a railroad crossing and needs to wait with some other people until the train passes
by with high speed. She notices the train’s overhead line and feels an enormous amount of
electricity. Further ahead is an overpass where the road crosses the rail. Hannah turns around and
walks towards the overpass which lays on a 5 minute walk. The overpass is only for pedestrians and
lays in a remote area. Hannah sees no other people around. She climbs over the edge of the overpass
and is only half a meter away from the train’s overhead line. For some reason Hannah is lured to the
overhead line and she doesn’t know why. Hannah moves one of her hands forward and hesitates.
Questions shoot through her head. She is attracted to the overhead line, but is her body able to
handle it? Her hands move closer and closer until an electric bolt emerges from the overhead line
and shoots into Hannah’s hand. A shiver runs through Hannah’s body as she feels the electricity
flowing through her body. The feeling is pleasant and Hannah enjoys how her body reacts. Hannah is
sure of her case and with her hands she grabs the overhead line. A huge shock shoots through
Hannah’s body who immediately moans loudly as the power flows into her. Big electric bolts emerge
from Hannah’s body. Hannah never felt something like this. The power is intense and her entire body
shivers as the energy is absorbed by her body. The muscles in Hannah’s arms gain more and more
strength. Every cell in Hannah’s body absorbs the energy and improves itself. Her calves and thighs
expand until they reach a gorgeous and curvaceous form. Power flows into Hannah’s ass and she
feels it expanding. A perfect round and firm ass appears as Hannah eagerly absorbs more and more
electricity. It feels good and Hannah completely gives into it.

Hannah: OOOH.. HMMM.. So delicious. Improve me. Give me power!

The imperfections on Hannah’s skin disappear as more electricity is absorbed by her body. Hannah’s
eyes turn brighter and brighter as electric bolts shoot out of them. She breathes heavily as her entire
body feels like never before. Hannah’s eyes turn into very bright light blue eyes. Her hair gains more
and more shine and turns into a very light silver colour. Hannah’s body breathes electric powers. Her
entire body is the embodiment of electricity. More power flows into Hannah as she still holds the
overhead line. The energy flows to her breasts and Hannah moans softly as she feels how the electric
bolts arouse her nipples. Slowly Hannah’s breasts start to expand. Her shirt is filled with new soft and
firm flesh. Hannah enjoys what’s happening to her. She never thought she would become so
addicted to this feeling. Hannah’s breasts reach a B-cup, but she wants more. More energy flows into
her breasts and Hannah feels the arousal building inside her body. From a B-cup her breasts grow to
a C-cup until they finally reach their full C-cup size. They are so round and firm that they look like a D-
cup. Hannah absorbs some more electricity and electric bolts shoot out of her body. When she
releases the overhead line she breathes heavily. Her hand is glowing blue and her nails changed into
a bright blue colour. Hannah never felt so energetic and alive. No even better, she never felt so
powerful. The electric bolts which engulfed her body slowly disappear and Hannah’s improved body
is the only thing left. She steps back over the edge of the overpass and watches her long, slender
fingers. She moves her hands over her body and enjoys the feeling. Her body is curvaceous and hot.
Hannah likes her new look, she can’t wait to see how Amy reacts on it.


Amy sits on the couch in her apartment when she hears the doorbell. She quickly stands up and runs
to the door. When she opens it she is surprised by what she sees. It’s her friend Hannah, but with
silver hair, bright blue eyes and a delicious curvaceous body. Hannah stares right into Amy’s eyes.
Amy: Hannah?! What happened to you?

Hannah: I think we have so much to tell each other.

Amy: I think we do. Come in.

Sharon turns around the corner and walks towards the gate where two security guards control
everybody that wants to enter the building. Seductively Sharon walks towards the two security
guards. They see her coming and look at each other. That’s quite a hot looking girl walking towards

Guard: Good afternoon. How can we help you?

Sharon: I was looking for two strong men who would be able to help me change the tyre of my car.

Guard: Well, we are two strong men. But unfortunately we are not allowed to leave our place.

Sharon: I already thought so. What a shame.

Sharon puts both her hands forward and shoots two electric beams in the direction of the guards.
One beams hits a guard and he shakes heavily before he falls to the ground. The other guard scares
and tries to run. But Sharon shoots two other beams in his direction and the other guard is also
electrocuted. Sharon smiles, this is too easy. She walks further until she reaches a giant gate. There
are two options, search for the button to open it or use her strength to unlock it. Sharon chooses the
last option and with both her hands she easily bends the steel to create a hole in the fence. Sharon
steps through the hole and enters the terrain. She knows where she needs to be and walks straight
to her target. Another guard spots her and immediately walks towards Sharon.

Guard: Madam, you are not supposed to be..

Sharon smashes her fist in his belly and the guard immediately flies meters backwards and lands
against the outside wall of a building. He is immediately knock-out by the power of the smash.
Sharon smiles, she feels herself invincible. Soon nothing will be able to stop her. She continues her
walk and enters the main building. With one electric beam she eliminates another guard behind the
desk. Sharon enters the stairway and continues the route to her goal. The control room is at the
upper level and Sharon reaches it within a minute. The door swings open and Sharon enters the
control room. Five guys look surprised as a hot girl enters the control room. Sharon walks seductively
towards the control panel. The supervisor of the group walks towards Sharon.

Supervisor: Sorry mis, but who are you and what are you doing here?

Sharon does not answer and only looks through the control room. Electric bolts form itself around
her hands. First the supervisor does not notice it, but after a couple of seconds he sees the electric
bolts and jumps back.

Supervisor: What the fuck? Who are you?

Sharon: Your greatest nightmare.

Sharon releases the electric bolts and they shoot through the room. Four men are hit and
electrocuted accordingly. They don’t stand a chance against the power of Sharon. The guy which is
behind the control panels is not hit. Sharon seductively walks in his direction and stops right in front
of him. He could not take his eyes of the girl due to a combination of fear and lust. He breathes
heavily as Sharon stands in front of him.

Sharon: Don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you. What’s your name?

Jack: I’m.. J-J-J-Jack.

Sharon: Well hello Jack.

Without asking Sharon sits down on Jack’s lap. Jack doesn’t know what to do. He is scared as hell, but
he can’t contain his excitement about the girl’s looks. She smells amazing and her eyes are

Sharon: You are going to help me Jack.

Jack: Do I?

Sharon: Ooh yes you do. And I will reward you afterwards.

Sharon bends forward and gives Jack a kiss on his cheek. Her soft lips send a shiver through the
insecure 28 year old technician. Sharon stands up and leans forward, her breasts a couple of inches
away from Jack’s eyes.

Jack: What.. what do you want me to do?

Sharon: I see you are now operating at 20%. Any chance to raise that number?

Jack: Well.. uhm. I can raise it to 25% if you want.

Sharon: Can you show me?

Jack: Yes, of course. When I turn this knob to 25% the nuclear fission will go faster.

Sharon: What happens then?

Jack: I’ll keep it simple. The atoms split faster, so we produce more energy but also more heat. So we
are limited to 25% because of the cooling of the core.

Sharon: I see. And where is the core?

Jack: I can’t tell you.

Sharon: That’s too bad. I wanted to let you live, but if you won’t help me I can’t.

Electric bolts form itself around Sharon’s left hand and her irritated look frightens Jack. He does not
want to die. He points at a door at his right.

Jack: When you go through that door you will reach the first chamber. Inside that chamber there is a
large metal tube with a door directly in front of you. The core is through that door. Don’t worry, the
radiation won’t reach us here. Everything is sealed and secured.

Sharon: Thanks Jack. You really helped me.

Sharon shoots an electric bolt which hits Jack right in his chest. His body shakes heavily before it
becomes lifeless and slides of the chair. Sharon immediately grabs the knob and turns it up to 50%.
Red lights turn on and signals start to beep, but Sharon ignores it and keeps it at 50%. She walks
towards the door on her right and opens it. Loud alarms go off, but Sharon ignores it. She closes the
door behind her and walks to the second door. Behind that door she will find the core. With a
smooth movement she unlocks the door and opens it. Sharon quickly enters the core and closes the
door behind her.

Sharon feels the radiation inside the core and what she expected does happen. Her body is able to
withstand the radiation, thanks to the powers she drained from Supergirl. Step by step Sharon comes
closer to the core. She feels the enormous amount of energy right in front of her. The electricity out
of the socket felt good, but this will be another level. The core is now positioned inside the cooling
water. An electric beam shoots from Sharon’s hand to the machine that is responsible for lifting and
dropping the core in the cooling water. With the electric beam Sharon causes the machine to lift the
nuclear cores out of the cooling water. Sharon smiles as the rods slowly become visible. After a
minute the machine stops and the rods are almost completely lifted out of the water. It’s now easy
for Sharon to touch them. More signals and alarms go off as the temperature inside the core starts to
rise. The core produces an enormous amount of energy and warmth. Sharon knows she has no time
to lose and quickly puts bot her hands forward. With both her hands she reaches for the nuclear rods
and without hesitation she firmly grabs two rods. An enormous shiver shoots through Sharon’s body.
She never felt so much energy and power within her grasp. Normally this would have killed her, but
this time it will only benefit her.

The enormous amount of energy flows through Sharon’s fingers into her arms. Sharon’s body starts
to shake heavily. The energy flows through her body and she eagerly absorbs it. But this time it feels
different. Sharon never felt something like this in her entire life.

Sharon: OOHH.. HMMM!!

Sharon’s entire body structure changes as the energy improves her cells. Her entire body shifts shape
and becomes a vessel for the enormous amount of energy that flows into Sharon. Sharon’s legs
expand and new powerful flesh adds itself to her already magnificent slender legs. Her hips and ass
become even more curvaceous and fill itself with perfect soft and dense flesh. Sharon moans as the
changes occur. Her arms also grow and extra dense muscles and soft flesh are added to her powerful
arms. Sharon does not become a bodybuilder, her muscles are hidden under a gorgeous curvaceous


More energy is absorbed by Sharon’s body who eagerly accepts it. Sharon’s face changes and a
seductive look appears on her face. Her hair turns a bit lighter and gains a radiant shine. Her eyes
change from blue to a bright grey and a white edge appears around her pupils. Sharon’s lips become
fuller and softer and her entire face is out of this world. It signals lust, desire and pure unlimited
power. Still more and more power flows into Sharon’s magnificent body. She still holds two of the
nuclear rods. The power flows into her chest and pure arousal shoots through Sharon’s body as her
breasts start to grow. The fibre of her shirt stretches more and more as her breasts expand and grow
bigger and bigger. Soft flesh adds itself to her already magnificent breasts and they quickly expand to
a gorgeous firm pair of full D-cup breasts. A deep cleavage becomes visible as her shirts rips and
stretches to its limits. Sharon groans as her body absorbs every bit of power. She wants it all and she
gets it all.

Sharon releases the two rods and the flow of power stops. She still breathes heavily as she processes
the enormous amount of energy inside her body. It is now extremely curvaceous and hot. Her hips
and ass are truly out of this world and her cleavage will make every men on the planet drool.
Sharon’s long slender fingers and long nails slide over her body. Her skin is extremely sensitive and
she enjoys the feeling of her new gorgeous vessel of power. Her entire body breathes beauty, lust
and power.

The temperature inside the core still rises and Sharon shoots another bolt towards the machine. This
time the bolt is not blue as lightning, it is a green bolt. Hints of nuclear power are visible. The colour
of Sharon’s eyes also changed to a grey / green colour. The machine immediately turns back on and
drops the rods inside the cooling water. Sharon walks away from the nuclear core and opens the
door towards the first chamber. With every step her hips and ass move delicious on the rhythm of
her walk. She walks through the first and second door and enters the control room again. Because a
lot of signals went off almost twenty guards are waiting for Sharon in the control room. They are
armed and point their guns towards Sharon.

Guard: Put your hands on your head and sit down on your knees. We will not fire if you obey.

Sharon smiles contemptuous. Something inside her builds up and she needs a little more time. She
moves her hands towards her head. Suddenly she roars loudly and an enormous amount of green
electric bolts emerge from her body and shoots through the entire control room. The glass window
cracks and every man that is hit by electric bolts is immediately electrocuted. All guards fall on the
ground and Sharon laughs loudly, she is just too strong for those tiny humans. A crackling noise
comes from the control panels as Sharon’s electric bolts caused a short circuit. Every display turns off
and the system doesn’t work anymore. Sharon knows this is bad news, because the temperature of
the core will definitely rise.


Amy and Hannah are chatting about the current events. Hannah told Amy how she gained her
powers. They are now both able to absorb and control electricity. Amy still wears her tight black suit
which she stole from Electra. They hear something on the radio and immediately turn the television

Anchor: ‘We have some footage of a surveillance camera inside the control room. Please be warned,
this footage is shocking.’

Amy and Hannah look at the television and see how a woman who is also able to control electricity
kills five technicians. She turns the nuclear reactor on a higher operating level and leaves the control
room. When she returns she looks different; hotter and stronger. Then she kills another 20 guards
with her powers.

Hannah: I recognize her.. That’s the girl who stole my and Supergirl’s powers. God, she must be
extremely powerful at this stage.

Anchor: ‘The latest news is that the nuclear reactor lost power. According to the latest data the
temperature was already extremely high inside the core. It won’t take long before there will be a
nuclear meltdown. If you hear this, leave the city. Evacuate immediately.’

Amy: Hannah, we have to do something. We are the only one who can stop her and stop a

Hannah: She is way too strong for us.

Amy: I guess, but we have to try. Otherwise this entire city will be no more.
Hannah: I guess you are right. Come on, let’s go.

Amy and Hannah immediately leave Amy’s house and move towards the nuclear power plant.


Sharon seductively walks through the control room and checks the damage she caused. Alarms go off
and the manual thermometer shows a temperature of almost 200 degrees Celsius. Sharon knows
that this is bad news and thinks about possibilities to bring the temperature down. But she realises
something. She was not sensitive for the radiation, so she has nothing to worry about.

Suddenly the door of the control room swings open and Amy and Hannah enter the control room.
Sharon looks at both girls and recognizes Hannah.

Sharon: You! What happened to you? I drained you!

Hannah: Let’s say I absorbed a nice amount of electricity.

Sharon: Hehe, what do you think of my new features?

Amy: What have you done?

Sharon: I absorbed the most wonderful power I’ve ever felt. My entire body is filled with raw nuclear

Amy: And now the core is close to a meltdown..

Sharon: I don’t care. Thanks to Supergirl’s kryptonian powers I am able to resist radiation. I won’t die,
you however..

Hannah: Help us to prevent a meltdown. The entire city will be no more if this happens.

Sharon: I am not going to help you. This will be my entrance to obedience. Everyone will kneel for me
if they know I have the ultimate power.

Amy: You are insane.

Sharon: I was always a wallflower. No one looked out for me. And now, I am the strongest and
hottest being on this planet. I will use this. Everybody will kneel for me and every men will desire me.

Hannah: Now Amy!

Amy and Hannah put their hands forward and shoot a combined electric beam towards Sharon.
Sharon sees the beam coming and prepares for it. The beam hits Sharon on her chest and the only
thing Amy and Hannah hear is laughter.

Sharon: Hehe, hmm this feels good. It tingles. I can feel my nipples getting rock hard. OOOOH SO
GOOD. You are only making me stronger.
Amy and Hannah stop the electric beam and see how the energy is absorbed by Sharon’s body.
Electric bolts shoot through her body and fill it with more energy.

Sharon: Now it’s my turn.

Sharon clenches her fists and opens them in a forward movement. A green glow emerges from her
hands and shoots in Amy’s and Hannah’s direction. They can’t do anything against it and when the
glow hits their bodies they feel a severe pain and they fall through their knees.

Sharon: Hehe, you are not resistant to my radiant energy.

Supergirl: They are not, but I am.

Sharon looks to the door and spots Supergirl inside the door opening. She looks revitalised and
strong. Supergirl walks with confidence towards Amy and Hannah.

Supergirl: Are you alright?

Hannah: I felt better at some times.

Amy: Yeah, me too.

Supergirl: We have to work together to defeat her. Are you in?

Amy: We’re in.

Supergirl: Good!

Supergirl looks at Sharon and her eyes start to glow red. Shortly after two red laser beams shoot out
of her eyes and hit Sharon right on her chest. Sharon immediately flies backwards and lands against
the nearest metal wall. Supergirl walks towards Sharon and shoots another pair of beams which hit
Sharon again. Sharon definitely feels pain as she is hit by the kryptonian lasers. Supergirl stops the
beams and walk further towards Sharon. Sharon has a lot of pain and is seriously injured by the two
red beams.

Sharon: How.. How did you become so strong again?

Supergirl: A trip to the sun did me some good. And now, I will break you.

Supergirl walks to Sharon and grabs her at her throat. She lifts Sharon up against the wall.

Hannah: Supergirl, nooo.. don’t touch her.

Sharon smiles and wraps both her hands around Supergirl’s arm. She immediately feels the energy
flowing into her. The pain slowly fades away as Supergirl’s energy is absorbed by Sharon’s body.
Supergirl immediately feels something is wrong and releases her grip on Sharon’s throat. But Sharon
still has a firm grip on Supergirl’s arm. Supergirl tries to break free, but she has a hard time. Definitely
as Sharon absorbs more and more of her energy. The wound on Sharon’s chest slowly heals and her
eyes start to glow.

Sharon: HMMM.. OOOH.

Supergirl does her best, but she can’t break free. With her left leg she kicks Sharon in her side and
Sharon feels the impact. She releases her grip on Supergirl’s arm a little bit and that’s the moment
where Supergirl is able to free herself. Supergirl immediately does a few steps back.

Sharon: Thanks for the boost Supergirl. I feel so alive again. Nice trick with the eyes, thanks for the

Sharon’s eyes start to glow green and a pair of beams shoot out of her eyes. Supergirl immediately
counteracts and shoots a pair of red beams in the opposite direction. The two beams meet in the
middle and they fight each other. The red beams of Supergirl move closer and closer towards Sharon.
However, Sharon fights back and slowly the tide is turning. The green beam wins terrain and moves
closer and closer to Supergirl’s eyes. Sharon collects all her power and screams loudly. The green
beam immediately wipes the red beam away and Supergirl is hit in her face. She flies backwards and
Amy and Hannah need to avoid Supergirl who lands against the wall at the other side of the control
room. Sharon has an evil smile on her face as she admires her powers.

Sharon: Even Supergirl is no match for me. Hehehe, this is sooo good.

Hannah runs towards Supergirl to check on her. Supergirl looks weakened and she can’t get up.

Hannah: Supergirl, are you alright? Please get up.

Supergirl grabs Hannah’s head and whispers something in her ear. Hannah listens to Supergirl as
Sharon walks towards them. She hears what Supergirl says and immediately starts to run. She leaves
the control room and runs away.

Sharon: HAHA, that’s the first one who gives up. Now it’s only you two against me. And you,
Supergirl, are the first one to die.

Sharon walks towards Supergirl. She is very confident and with every step she takes her mighty body
radiates power. Amy doesn’t know where Hannah went, she is now completely on her own. Amy
stands up and tries to stop Sharon.

Amy: If you want Supergirl, you have to get through me.

Sharon: Fine.

Amy shoots a number of electric bolts towards Sharon, but it doesn’t work. Sharon’s body eagerly
absorbs the energy. Sharon moves her hand forward and shoots a green electric beam in Amy’s
direction who is able to avoid the beam to dodge to the right.

Sharon: You can’t escape me.

Sharon moves closer and closer and Amy prepares herself for a fight. She clenches her fists and when
Sharon is within her reach she swings her right fist towards Sharon’s cheek. However, Sharon is able
to deflect the hit and with her right hand she grabs Amy’s throat and swings her against the nearest

Sharon: HAHA, do you really think you are a match for me? And now, you are going to give me your

Blue electric bolts appear on Sharon’s arm as she drains Amy from her energy. The blue electric bolts
quickly spread over Sharon’s entire body. Sharon feels the energy flowing into her body. Her cells
welcome the extra energy and recharge themselves. Amy feels the power flowing away from her.
First her curves start to decrease. Her breasts lose their firmness and volume, followed by her ass
and hips. Sharon’s breasts expand even a little bit more and her ass also gains an extra bit of


Amy’s eyes lose their glimmering and their brightness. Her entire body is drained from its energy. Her
bright silver hair loses its shine and becomes a dull grey colour. Sharon experiences the opposite. She
recharges and gains even extra power.

Sharon: That suit. I can feel it’s made of certain energy. Give it to me!!

The black fabric on Amy’s body slowly dissolves. Sharon welcomes the black fabric which latches
itself to her long and powerful legs. The black fabric fits like a second skin and a wave of power flows
through Sharon’s body as more and more black fabric latches onto her body. Within seconds a tight
black suit appears around Sharon’s legs, ass and belly. A wave of arousal shoots through Sharon’s
body as the black fabric also latches itself to her big and firm breasts. A huge cleavage stays visible
and Amy must admit she never saw anything like that. Sharon’s breasts are really out of this world.
Sharon’s look reveals the pure arousal inside her. She truly enjoys her body, which is an embodiment
of power, beauty and lust.
Sharon: OOOH YESS! I AM SOO FUCKING POWERFUL! Nothing can stop me.

When Sharon was busy draining Amy, Hannah sneaked back into the control room with a powerful
weapon in her hand. She sneaks towards Sharon’s back who didn’t notice her as she was lost in the
sensation when she was draining Amy. In her right hand Amy holds a black spear with a glowing
green stone as sharp point. According to Supergirl this is kryptonite which is able to damage a
kryptonian body. As Sharon absorbed and duplicated Supergirl’s powers, this should cause some real
damage. Hannah moves the spear forward and when Sharon notices Hannah is behind her the green
stone slides through the flesh at her back and penetrates through her powerful body. The green
stone slides through Sharon’s flesh who screams in agony. She never felt such pain in her life.
Hannah pushes the spear even further inside Sharon’s body. Sharon feels the power flowing away
and her face tells she is in real pain. Hannah pushes the stone a little bit further and the green stone
slides through Sharon’s body. Sharon releases Amy and Amy’s body immediately falls to the ground.
Sharon is in real pain, she feels how her kryptonian powers are being drained. But when her
kryptoninan powers are gone, Sharon experiences another feeling. The pain slowly fades away and
her body starts to absorb the green kryptonite. An odd feeling flows through her veins. Hannah
pushes the spear with all her might into Sharon’s body, but Sharon is not in pain anymore. Sharon
feels how the green kryptonite is absorbed by her body. She feels the raw power flowing into her and
smiles. She kicks backwards and hits Hannah right into her stomach. Hannah flies backwards and
lands against the control panel. With her right hand Sharon pulls the spear out of her body and holds
it in front of her. Hannah sees how the wound heals itself within a couple of seconds. She looks into
Sharon’s eyes which changed into a deep green colour.

Sharon: I’ve lost my kryptonian powers. But my body is still able to absorb other powers. And this
green kryptonite is even better.

Hannah: Please, stop!

Sharon: This is just the beginning..

Sharon folds her hand around the green kryptonite and starts to absorb the energy. She throws her
head back and feels the power streaming into her body and spreading through every vein in her
body. Sharon moans as the power spreads and changes her body. Her skin becomes pale and turns
paler every second. Her already green eyes turn even greener and sparkle like never before.


The green kryptonite flows into Sharon’s body and the power changes her. Her blonde hair slowly
turns from blonde to light green and finally her hair is completely green. Sharon’s entire body
becomes a vessel for the power of the green kryptonite. Her black suit changes colour and turns into
a green tight suit with a gorgeous cleavage. Her breasts are highlighted perfectly by the deep
cleavage of the green suit. Sharon absorbs more and more green kryptonite powers and her entire
body starts to breathe green kryptonite. Her green hair, her green eyes and her green suit. Her lips
turn pitch black and her eyes get an even more evil look.


Sharon loses herself in the sensation and laughs wickedly as her hands are still folded around the
green kryptonite stone. The last bits of power flow into Sharon’s body and she releases the green
kryptonite stone. The spear immediately falls to the ground and Sharon breathes heavily as her body
processes the last pieces of energy. Hannah can’t believe her eyes. In front of her stands the vibrant
body of Sharon which breathes pure power and beauty.

Sharon: Hahahaha, these powers. Soo good.

Hannah: Please.. stop it!

Sharon: Hmm, I will definitely stop it. And you are the first one to stop.

Sharon does a few steps forward and stands eye to eye with Hannah. Hannah doesn’t know what to
do. Out of pure desperation she shoots an enormous electric beam in Sharon’s direction. With both
hands Hannah aims the beam towards Sharon. The blue electric beam hits Sharon right at her chest
and the electricity immediately spreads through her body. Sharon feels how the power is absorbed
by her body. She feels herself becoming stronger every second.
Sharon: HAHAHA.. you can’t stop me! You are making me stronger!

Hannah: DIE, YOU BITCH!!

Hannah increases the intensity of the electric beam and more power flows through the beam into
Sharon. Sharon eagerly absorbs the energy. Her entire body fills itself with the new energy. Her
breasts enlarge even more as the electricity flows through her body. Her green suit stretches to its
limits. Hannah knows it is useless and stops the electric beam. Sharon absorbs the last bit of
electricity and her eyes glisten like never before. Small electric beams are visible within her eyes.

Sharon: You can’t stop me. I will absorb every bit of energy you shoot at me. And I will get every last
piece of it!

Sharon quickly moves forward and grabs Hannah’s throat. When she grabs it she immediately starts
to drain Hannah from her energy. Hannah feels the energy flowing out of her and tries to escape. She
fights against Sharon, but the grip is too strong.

Sharon: Good girl. Relax.. Give me.. OOOH YESS!!

Sharon feels the energy and power flowing into her. Her body eagerly absorbs the energy. Sharon
feels herself becoming stronger. As she sees Hannah’s breasts and ass shrinking, her own breasts
gains more flesh. Her boobs do not become much bigger, but definitely more firm. Sharon’s entire
body improves even more. Her muscles do not grow, but Sharon feels herself becoming stronger and
more powerful. She can’t describe it, but it feels wonderful. Sharon absorbs more and more energy
and electric bolts emerge from Sharon’s body. She throws her head backwards and moans as more
and more electric bolts surround her. Hannah feels her energy flowing out of her. Her breasts and
every muscle in her body shrinks. Her hair loses it’s silver shine and slowly turn to a dull grey colour.
Hannah’s bright blue eyes lose their glistening and turn darker every second.

Sharon: HMMM.. OOOHH!!

Sharon drains Hannah from every last bit of energy and when Sharon is finished Hannah is nothing
more than a thin and wrinkled girl without any vitality left inside her body. With ease Sharon snaps
Hannah’s neck and the lifeless body of Hannah falls on the ground. Sharon feels magnificent as her
body is filled with green kryptonite and electrical powers.
In the corner of her eye Sharon notices Supergirl who tries to get up and leave the control room.

Sharon: You are not going anywhere, Supergirl!

She aims her right hand in the direction of Supergirl and shoots a green electrical bolt in Supergirl’s
direction. Supergirl does not see the bolt coming and she is hit in her back. Supergirl falls face
forward on the ground as a severe pain shoots through her body. She knows the feeling, it’s green
kryptonite which weakens her. Sharon slowly and seductively walks towards Supergirl who crawls
towards the exit.

Sharon: Hehe, you can’t escape me..

Supergirl stops crawling and rolls on her back. She sees Sharon coming closer and closer. Supergirl
thinks, but she can’t come up with a plan. Sharon is just a couple of feet away from Supergirl.

Supergirl: Why are you doing this?

Sharon: Why I am doing this? Because it feels good. I can feel the power and radiant beauty flowing
through my veins. You gave me something wonderful Supergirl. And I am not longer a wallflower.
The whole world will obey and admire me. You are not longer the most powerful being in the
universe. I am now!

Supergirl: No.. No.. Please!

Sharon puts her hands forward and aims them in the direction of Supergirl. A loud scream of Sharon
is followed by a massive electric green beam which hits Supergirl right on her chest. Supergirl tries to
fight it, but she feels the green kryptonite draining her energy. She becomes weaker and weaker as
the beam continues to hit her. Supergirl can’t fight it any longer. Her body becomes weak and
seconds later she blows her final breath. Sharon immediately stops the beam and looks at Supergirl’s
lifeless body.

Sharon: I’m so sorry Supergirl.

Amy: You.. what have you done? You look.. powerful..

Sharon: Aah, our last girl standing.

Amy: Hannah.. What did you do with her?

Sharon: I absorbed her powers and killed her. Any objections?

Amy: Nooo.. WHY!!??

Sharon: She tried to kill me with the green kryptonite. Unfortunately for her I was able to absorb the
green kryptonite and turned into the powerful being I am right now.

Amy: You are a monster.. You.. you..

Sharon: Hehe, you are totally right. Come on, hit me with your last powers. I now you want to release
that anger.

Amy pulls her hands forward and shoots an electric bolt towards Sharon. Sharon easily avoids the
electric bolt. The electric bolt hits the control panel which immediately makes a weird noise. Screens
turn on and the control panel restarts itself.

“Emergency procedure. Temperature too high. Cooling system on full power.”

Amy and Sharon both look at the control panel and notice the thermometer which clearly shows the
temperature inside the reactor is dropping.

Sharon: That’s a relief for the people out here. You saved them. Unfortunately for you, I will not save

Amy: First, you have to catch me.

Amy turns around and quickly runs towards the emergency exit. Sharon waits. She knows she will be
able to outrun her. After a couple of seconds Sharon also runs towards the emergency exit, but she is
a lot slower than expected. Suddenly it dawns her. She lost Supergirls powers due to the green
kryptonite. Now Amy really has a lead on her. Amy leaves the building and runs over the plant. She
breathes heavily as she runs as fast as she can. Suddenly Amy feels a shock at her back. Sharon must
have shot an electric bolt at her. Amy feels the electricity entering her body and her cells eagerly
absorbs the energy. This time the energy felt even better than before. Amy feels the energy and
power flowing through her body and her cells improve instantly.

Sharon does not get it. Why is that girl not weakened by her green electric bolts. She aims again and
this time she shoots a thick green electrical beam in Amy’s direction. Amy does not notice the beam
and runs as fast as she can. But again Amy feels a shock hitting her at her back. This time the energy
is even more intense and Amy immediately feels how her body absorbs the energy. She feels her
muscles growing back to their normal size and her ass becomes firm and round again. As Amy runs
and the beam still hits her she also feels how her breasts expand to a nice C-cup size.

Sharon notices the beam does not weaken Amy and she immediately stops it. Amy gets more and
more out of sight and Sharon doesn’t understand. Why does her green kryptonite electric bolts not
weaken that girl. Sharon thinks and then she knows. Green kryptonite is only harmful to kryptonians,
not to normal humans. Probably that girl does not have any kryptonian genes. Sharon looks and she
can’t see Amy anymore. That girl probably left the plant. Sharon also runs towards the exit of the
plants. She can hear the sirens in the distance. Her priority is to find Amy and drain her from her
energy and powers.


Amy runs as fast as she can. She looks behind her and she does not see Sharon anywhere. At the
other side of the street walks a guy with a black hoodie and black jacket. Amy crosses the street and
approaches the guy, who must be in his mid-twenties.

Amy: I am sorry. Can I ask you something?

Guy: Sure.. What’s the matter?

Amy: I really need your hoodie and jacket.. Can I borrow them?

Guy: I am sorry, that’s not possi..

Amy puts her hand to the guy’s chest and gives him an electric shock. He shakes a little while before
he falls on the ground. Amy quickly pulls his hoodie and jacket out and puts them on. She quickly
looks around. She streets are abandoned, so nobody must have seen it. Amy pulls the hoodie over
her head and quickly walks towards her house.


Amy reaches the front door of her house and quickly enters it. She moves to her living room and
breathes heavily as she is quite exhausted because of her recent sprint back home. On her way from
to the living room she walks across the mirror in the hallway. Amy takes a look and is shocked by
what she sees. Her hair changed into a light green colour. Amy takes a good look and can’t believe it.
She pulls the hoodie of her head and her light green hair is fully exposed. Amy guesses that her body
must have absorbed the electric bolts Sharon shot at her. But this was not normal electricity. It
contained some traces of green kryptonite and it definitely has its effect on Amy.

Amy looks at her body and it gained some energy after Sharon hit her with the electric bolts, but she
could definitely improve a little bit. Amy moves her left hand towards the socket on the wall; time to
absorb some electricity. A blue electric bolt shoots out of the socket and connects with Amy’s hand.

Amy: OOOHH..


Sharon walks on the street away from the nuclear power plant. On her left she notices the big
transmission towers which transport the energy from the nuclear power plant towards the city.
Sharon hangs her head to the left and investigates the transmission tower. A mysterious smile
appears on her face and Sharon walks to the transmission tower. She climbs the feet of the tower
and easily climbs further up. It’s very easy to climb the tower because of her powers. Sharon is able
to lift herself up and jump a couple of meters to lift herself up on the next bar. After less than a
minute Sharon reaches the top of the transmission tower. The thick cables which transport the
electricity towards the city centre are within her reach. Sharon kneels right beside a thick cable and
without hesitation she grabs the cable with both hands. The electricity immediately shoots through
her body. An enormous amount of energy immediately flows into her cells and veins.


Giant electric bolts shoot out of Sharon’s body as the electricity is absorbed by her body. Every
muscle and every cell in her body improves as the energy flows through her veins. Because of the
enormous amount of electricity and energy the green kryptonite slowly fades away. Sharon’s hair
becomes shiny blonde again. Sharon’s body trembles heavily as her body absorbs more and more
electricity. Her green bodysuit changes into a black colour with the same cleavage. Sharon’s eyes
change back into a bright grey / blue colour. Sharon’s ass expands even further and a perfectly firm
and round ass forms itself. Her muscles become harder and denser as her body still keeps that
extremely sexy and feminine look.

Sharon: FILL ME!! GIVE IT ALL!!!

Sharon becomes power hungry as she feels the electricity flowing through her veins. Her entire body
fills itself with the pure electric powers. Her entire body is engulfed in an area of blue electric bolts
which emerge from her body and fill it with pure and raw power. Sharon’s breasts enlarge even
further and reach a massive and firm E-cup. The black fibre of her bodysuit stretches to its limits and
an even deeper and hotter cleavage becomes visible.
Sharon feels herself getting stronger every second. But not only that, she also becomes more and
more one with the electricity. Sharon’s body slowly starts to dissolve into the thick cable. Large
electric bolts shoot into the cable as Sharon’s body dissolves. After a couple of seconds there is no
trace of Sharon anymore. Her entire body became one with the electricity.


Amy absorbs more and more electricity and she clearly enjoys the feeling. Her entire body fills itself
with energy. Her breasts expand and fill her tight fitting shirt very well. Her body is charged again.
She looks down at her cleavage and curvaceous body. She can’t suppress a small laughter.

Suddenly Amy feels the exact opposite. Her energy is drained into the socket. She feels the power
and energy flowing out of her body. Immediately she pulls her hand away from the socket. Amy looks
at her hand and questions herself what that was.

Electric bolts shoot out of the socket and slowly form the outline of a body. Amy looks terrified at the
scene unfolding in front of her. The electric bolts form a body of a female. Quickly the outline turns
into a real full covered body. Amy immediately recognizes the woman in front of her. It’s the woman
from the nuclear power plant.

Sharon: Did you miss me?

Amy: What the fuck? You came out of the socket..

Sharon: HAHAHA, I think I absorbed so much electricity that I also absorbed the features of

Amy: Where are your green hairs? You’ve changed..

Sharon: Ooh yes, I’ve changed. The green kryptonite was useful to kill Supergirl. But electricity feels
so much better. Look at me, I am an absolute goddess. No man will ever reject me. They will obey me
and the whole world will know that I am the most powerful being on earth. Supergirl is gone, your
friend is gone. The only one standing in my way is you.

Amy: But.. but.. We can rule the world together? Can’t we?

Sharon: You ask me to form a team?

Amy: Yeah, together we can achieve even more. Did you think I acquired these powers to do good
things with them?

Sharon: Hehe, fair point. Well it’s not a bad idea.

Amy: Let’s agree. New start, new team?

Amy moves her hand forward to shake hands. Sharon also moves her hand forward and grabs Amy’s
hand. They shake hands and Sharon really wants to close an alliance with Amy. But when she shakes
her hand she feels the power Amy still possesses. Sharon tries to suppress her lust for Amy’s powers
and energy.

Sharon: Fuck.. I can’t. I WANT IT ALL!!

Amy: What? NOO!!

Sharon still holds Amy’s hand and immediately starts to absorb her power and energy. Giant electric
bolts shoot from Amy into Sharon’s body. Amy tries to pull her hand away, but Sharon is just too
strong for her. Blue electric bolts shoot from Amy into Sharon’s body which eagerly absorbs the
energy. Amy feels herself becoming weaker and weaker every second. Her breasts shrink as electric
bolts transfer the energy to Sharon. Amy experiences a very bad feeling as her energy and power is
drained from her. Sharon on the other hand loves the extra energy and power. She can’t get used to
the feeling of draining other superpowered people.


Sharon’s breasts expand as more and more energy flows into her body. They now reach an ever
hotter and firmer E-cup size. The colour of her suit changes into a grey colour. Sharon’s hair turns
lighter and straightens even more. Amy looses every bit of energy and power and Sharon drains her
completely. She is lost in the sensation as big blue bolts shoot from Amy to Sharon. Amy is nothing
more than a tiny piece of bones. She lost all her beauty, muscles and power to Sharon. Sharon
absorbs the last pieces of energy and breathes heavily as the power spreads through her body. She
feels so extremely hot and powerful.

Sharon: HMMMM.. I am so fucking hot!

Sharon looks at Amy who falls on the ground as she is drained completely. They release each other’s
hand and Sharon immediately moves her hands over her extremely curvaceous body. Amy lays on
the ground and tries to absorb energy out of the socket, but Sharon notices what she is trying to do.
Sharon walks towards Amy, grabs her at her throat and lifts her off the ground.
Sharon: I am so sorry.. But fuck, I feel so powerful. You really gave me that final bit I longed for.

Amy: You.. you.. you are a monster.

Sharon: HAHA. But I don’t look like a monster. The whole world will be mine!!

Sharon snaps Amy’s neck with ease and Amy’s lifeless body falls on the ground. Sharon looks at her
hands. Blue electric bolts form itself around them. Sharon smiles as she knows she is the hottest and
most powerful being on earth. What an amazing day. Sharon throws her head back and enjoys her
new improved and powerful body.


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