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A m e r i c a n J o i n t C o m m i t t e e o n C a n c e r

Pancreas Cancer Staging* 7t h E D I T I O N

Primary Tumor (T) Regional Lymph Nodes (N)
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
Tis Carcinoma in situ1** N1 Regional lymph node metastasis
T1 Tumor limited to the pancreas, 2 cm
or less in greatest dimension Distant Metastasis (M)
T2 Tumor limited to the pancreas, more M0 No distant metastasis
than 2 cm in greatest dimension M1 Distant metastasis
T3 Tumor extends beyond the pancreas but
without involvement of the celiac axis A N AT O M I C S TAG E / PR O G N O S T I C G R O U P S
or the superior mesenteric artery Stage 0 Tis N0 M0
T4 Tumor involves the celiac axis or the superior Stage IA T1 N0 M0
mesenteric artery (unresectable primary tumor) Stage IB T2 N0 M0
Stage IIA T3 N0 M0
Portal Aorta
Stage IIB T1 N1 M0
T2 N1 M0
T3 N1 M0
Stage III T4 Any N M0
Stage IV Any T Any N M1

* Endocrine AND exocrine tumors are now staged by a
single pancreatic staging system.
** Also includes the “PanInIII” classification.

Printed with permission from the AJCC.

Superior Head Body Tail


Tumors of the head of the pancreas are those arising to

Copyright 2009 American Joint Committee on Cancer

the right of the superior mesenteric-portal vein confluence.

Financial support for AJCC 7th Edition Staging Posters

provided by the American Cancer Society

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