Project One Business Report Total: 100 Points

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Project One

Business Report
Total: 100 points

Your submission must be at least 1 ½ to 2 pages in length: single spaced; 12 pt. font. One Inch margins.
In your own words. If you create any small charts they will count for page space. Goal: tell the story of
your company in the parameters described below. In order to qualify for an A, a submission of two
pages or more and rich with relevant details will more likely earn you an A. Your submission must have
the five sections noted below. Each section must be clearly identified and in bold as seen in these

Each of the five projects requires you to map out your message, for your supervisor, illustrating your
mastery of concepts from our course as they relate to your SEC 10-K Company. Consider this as your
employer. As a starting point, for project one:

I. Company Background 15 points

Provide a brief introduction to your company. What products does your company make and sell?
Do they manufacture their products or purchase from others?

II. Discussion on Your Company’s Sales and Profitability. 25 points

(a) Are sales increasing or decreasing as compared to previous year? Are there any reasons you can
determine or speculate for this change.

(b) Is Cost of Goods Sold increasing or decreasing? Are there any reasons you can determine or
speculate for this change.

(c) Is Net Income increasing or decreasing? Are there any reasons you can determine or speculate
for this change.

(d) How are Sales and Accounts Receivable interrelated?

Comment if you wish on any others aspect of the above referenced accounts
III. Risk Factors Associated With Your Company 20 points

What issues might your company experience related to risk? Search the PDF version of the SEC 10-K for
your company for the word risk to assist you in answering this question.

IV. Discussion on Income Statement 25 points

Consider the costs on the income statement. Name any five line items found in the Income
Statement. Consider how these relate to the operations of the company. Are they increasing
with sales or other changes when compared to the previous year?

V. Discussion on Disclosure Requirements 15 points

Consider the concept of competitive advantage as the company balances the disclosure of
required financial information for compliance with good business practices. Accounting
principles include full disclosure. From the company’s perspective, what are the advantages
and disadvantages of implementing this requirement

Note: Your submission for Project One must have the five sections cross referenced by numbers I
through V in bold lettering including sub sections such a II (a), II (b) etc. Overall your goal for Project
One is to begin to read the Management and Analysis and introductory pages of your SEC 10-K to learn
more about your company and the information they reveal. You might also consider the concept of
competitive advantage as the company balances the disclosure of required financial information for
compliance with good business practices.

Your project is about accounting, using only the SEC 10-K as your source document. Write in your own
words but use the resources of our ACCT 301 classroom to place your story in an accounting text.

Reading the SEC 10-K might reveal other companies and brands your company controls, locations where
they operate, and other big picture business perspectives.

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