Faculty of Engineering and The Built Environment Department of Civil Engineering

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Department of Civil Engineering


The data given in Tables 1, 2 and 3 was collected from a feasibility study report for a Water and
Sanitation Project for a fast growing medium town in South Africa. You as the Engineer is required
to do a preliminary design for a Wastewater Treatment Plant consisting of screen, grit channel,
primary sedimentation tank and trickling filters (assume 4 trickling filters). Note: state all your
assumptions if any, within your calculations.

Table 1: Non-Industrial Wastewater

Population 100,000
Water consumption 250 l/h/d
Wastewater generation 80% of water consumption
Average BOD contribution 200 mg/l
Average SS contribution 240 mg/l

Table 2: Industrial Wastewater

Quantity of Daily BOD Daily SS Contribution
Wastewater (m3/d) Contribution (mg/l) (mg/l)

Slaughterhouse 550 1000 850

Dairy Industry 750 700 800
Soft drinks factory 3000 50 400

Table 3: Design data for the WWTP Units

Wastewater Screens

Discharge (as calculated in (a))

Design flow 3xDWF
Velocity (m/s) 0.6 m/s
Thickness of bars (mm) 10 mm
Spacing of bars (mm) 20 mm
Depth to Width ratio 2:1
Velocity of flow through the screens 0.6 m/s
Wastewater Grit Channel

Mean flow rate (as calculated in (a))

Design flow = Peak flow rate 3xDWF (MFR)
Diameter of incoming sewer 1.2m
Settling velocity of particle to be removed 0.03m/s
Velocity of flow 0.3m/s

Primary Sedimentation Tank

Mean flow rate (MFR) (as calculated in (a))

Design flow = Peak flow rate 3xDWF (MFR)
Minimum number of Sed. Tanks 2

Recommended max. diameter of Sed. Tank (m) 45

Recommended depth of Sed. Tank (m) 3.0

Retention time, t (hrs) 1.5 – 2.5
Average surface loading rate (m3/m2/d) 32
Peak surface loading rate (m3/m2/d) 2.5xAverage SLR

Weir overflow rate (WOR) at average flow (m3/m2/d) 125

Weir overflow rate (WOR) at peak flow (m3/m2/d) 250

Trickling Filters

Hydraulic loading rate, HLR (m3/m2/d) 5

Recommended range of HLR (Range 4-8)

Design organic (BOD) loading rate (kg/m3/d) 0.25

Recommended operation range of organic loading rate

Recirculation Ratio 1.5
Recommended depth (m) 2.4
Minimum number of trickling filters 4

Report Requirements
The final report should be set out in the following way:
 Table of content (1 mk)
 Abstract – A 1 page summary of the findings (2 mks)

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction (2 mks)

CHAPTER TWO: Literature review; should be related to your final output (5 mks)
CHAPTER THREE: In this chapter the details of your municipality/project area will be discussed
including assumptions made, design standards applied, e.t.c. (5 mks)
CHAPTER FOUR: Designing new wastewater treatment plant (10 mks)
– Consideration (facts)
– Procedures
– Calculations
– Drawing of the layout of treatment plant should be included, showing all the dimensions
CHAPTER FIVE: Conclusion and recommendations (2 mks)
o Conclusion and recommendations: All the findings are now concluded here. Only numbers
can be used, no charts/graphs.
 References (2 mks)
 Appendixes
Other report requirement: (1 mk)
• Font style: Times New Roman
• Font size: 12
• Spacing: 1.5
• Justification and page numbers
• Numbering format for all graphs, tables, charts etc eg: Figure 1……., Table 1: Population …..
• Spiral (or any other type of binding) bound report with cover page includes; title of the
project, name, student number, and signature
What is it worth?
This project is compulsory and must be completed satisfactorily. You will be assessed on:
 Effort (information gathered),
 Presentation of the report (structure, order and tidiness,
 Content (summary and evaluation of the information obtained)
DON’T PLAGIARIES – If you use someone else’s work give them credit for it. If you copy things
verbatim then put the text in quotation marks and cite the author. A better way to refer to someone
else’s work is to put what they have said in your own words and refer to the reference source. This
shows that you have researched the subject and that you understand what has been said sufficiently
to explain it. Quoting things word for word only shows that you copied.

If two projects are found similar, Zero mark will be given to both assignments and disciplinary
action will be taken for that case.



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