Major Findings:: Sure That Their Needs Are Taken Care of Before Yours."

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“Leaders are also expected to work harder than those who report to them and always make

sure that their needs are taken care of before yours.”

Major Findings:

ELON MUSK is CEO and CTO of SpaceX, CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors,
Chairman of SolarCity. He is the founder of SpaceX Cofounder of Zip2, PayPal, and Tesla

Mr. Elon Musk is working to spearhead the global transition to electric vehicles and solar
power. He’s also trying to make living on Mars a reality. On top of that, his employees love
him, according to Glassdoor’s latest ranking of employees’ favorite CEOs.

From the study of Elon Musk we have found following qualities that make Elon Musk
an exceptional leader

 Being obsessed and being obsessive is the primary quality that has made him a truly
great leader.

 He always loves his brand like religion .His work is highly personal to him which is
born from the heart, nurtured into the heart and passionately loved. He said that “By
pouring your heart into your work and inviting people to participate in your vision,
you can attract swarms of dazzled fans willing to show you their love and respect.”

 Articulating a powerful vision and highly charismatic in his delivery

He possesses this great skills and he also know the path how to achieve the powerful
 Self confidence

 He's transparent about the "highs" and "lows" executives who are clear about where
they stand can win over the trust of their employees and investors. He uses humor to
get his points across.

 He takes a hands-on approach.

 Innovative leader
He always uses his time by thinking new ideas. He says, “Failure is an option here if things
are not failing you are not innovating enough.”
 Lead by Example
Elon Musk sets the pace for his own company and others in the industry to follow. True
visionaries can revolutionize an industry and cater to future markets and empower people
with their own deep-seated values .
 Leadership from the Front
Elon Musk inspires his employees because, although he has high expectations for
them, he demands even more from himself. Leaders must be committed to doing the
work necessary for the company’s success before they will be able to get others to
 Hard Worker
From an early age, Elon Musk learned not to be afraid of hard work. At age 15, Musk
embarked on his trek to the land of opportunity with two small caveats: (1) he would
have little money, and (2) he would have no home. Fortunately, his mother’s
Canadian citizenship enabled him to obtain a Canadian passport and a one-way flight
to Montreal. After arriving in Canada, Musk managed to make his way traveling
between distant relatives he had never met, performing odd jobs, and working on
local farms.
 Unwavering Optimist
While Musk’s ability to fail may not separate him from his competitors, he
differentiates himself with his ability to remain optimistic and wholeheartedly
convinced that he will succeed. After lengthy development of a new model of his all-
electric Tesla car, the vehicle burst into flames during a test run.

Besides these other qualities are;

Leading with purpose
Hiring carefully
Putting the right people in the right role
Operating with integrity
Being continuous learner is a priority
Having clear strategic vision
Focusing on the big picture

Here are Musk’s major tips for new leaders:

1. Hire people who are smarter than you

“Hire great people…this is 90 percent of the solution, as hiring wrong can cost you so much,”
says Musk.

“We challenge our people leaders to hire people that are better than themselves, therefore
making the company better with each hire.”

2. Do not go with the flow

“Other advice I would give is to not blindly follow trends. Question and challenge the status
quo,” says Musk.
In his efforts to colonize Mars, Musk clearly is not concerned with the status quo. He says
that eventually, others will begin to believe in his vision. “As we show that this is possible
and that this dream is real — it is not just a dream, it is something that can be made real —
the support will snowball over time,” in an article published in academic journal New
Space recently.

3. Focus on your foundation first

“Make sure you understand the fundamental principles of what you’re trying to do before you
get into the details,” he says.

“Otherwise you could be building on faulty ground.”

Ultimately, as a leader your job is to make it possible for your employees to do their best

“We want our leaders to find ways of motivating and inspiring their teams, reduce the noise
in their work and help remove blockers. If you are a manager or leading at any level at
SpaceX, we stress that your team is not there to serve you. You are there to serve your team
and help them do the best possible job for the company”, says Musk. This applies to me most
of all. Leaders are also expected to work harder than those who report to them and always
make sure that their needs are taken care of before yours, thus leading by example.”

Elon Musk Philosophy

1. His 1st philosophy is creating a vision.

2. Another is being social Architect.
3. Earning trust during work.
Musk earns the trust of his followers by being predictable and reliable, even in
situations that are in uncertain. For example, When Tesla struggled through various
crises of financial difficulty, Musk continue to fund the company out of his pocket.
Must showed how to be effective and being trustworthy among the followers in times
of crisis.

A good leader needs to be extremely persuasive to get people to follow him, and to push
people hard to stretch what’s possible. That persuasion comes with expressing strong


Although Elon Musk is a one-of-a kind CEO, many of the leadership qualities vital to his
success can be developed in managers throughout a company. Companies looking to gain a
competitive edge should invest in their human capital by creating an office culture conducive
to developing quality managers. An office culture based on continued learning, leadership by
example, clear mission objectives, and positivity is the greenhouse that empowers employees
to grow into effective managers. Companies that pay the price to cultivate a strong office
culture will increasingly set themselves apart and experience substantial organic growth as
employees step up to become effective managers and branch out the organization.


Tell great stories, with boldness, absolutely convinced that they are right. They both inspire
and grab attention. So it turned out you were wrong. The problem with opinionated leaders is
that even the smartest people get things wrong, and many leaders fear changing course once
they’ve expressed an opinion for fear of appearing weak. The fastest-climbing people and
companies are willing to deviate from their original business or career plan. Whereas a strong
leader needs to be resolute and persuasive, an innovative leader needs to be open to changing
her mind.

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