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Hypermedia Joyce Studies

(formerly Hypertituitary Joysis)

Vol 1.1, Summer 1995, ISSN 1324-0625

 General Information about HJS.
 In Memory of Bernard Benstock:
o Remembering Berni Benstock, by Derek Attridge.
o Berni, by Morris Beja.
o In Memory of Berni Benstock, by Michael O'Shea.
o Photographs of Berni Benstock, courtesy of Fritz Senn.
 Joycean News:
o Report on the XVIe Colloque James Joyce in Paris, by Fritz Senn.
 Articles:
o "Ulysses, Chaos, and Complexity," by Thomas Jackson Rice.
o "Beyond the Orality/Literacy Dichotomy: James Joyce and the Pre-
History of Cyberspace," by Donald Theall.
o "Where are we at all? and whenabouts in the name of space?" by
Darren Tofts.
o "Live Finnegans Wake Discussions in Cyberspace," by Michael
o "Phoenix Ex Machina: Joyce's Solicitation of Hypertext," by Louis
o "HCE and Jarl van Hoother on the Piss with the Porter: A Wake--
Macbeth Intertext," by Alan Roughley.
 Notes on Contributors
 HJS Reference Materials
o The HJS Catalogue of Film and Video: A list of adaptations of Joyce's
work, documentaries, and other video or film resources relevant to the
study of Joyce.
o The HJS Catalogue of Hypertext Projects: A list of available Joycean
hypertexts, Joycean hypertext/hypermedia resources, and Joycean
hypertextual projects in progress.

Editors: Louis Armand, Alan Roughley, Rob Callahan, Julian Croft

Assistant Editor: Ondrej Pilny
Technical Coordinator: Rob Callahan
Editorial Advisors: Derek Attridge, Morris Beja, Daniel Ferrer, Bonnie Kime-Scott,
Karen Lawrence, Geert Lernout, Michael O'Shea, Fritz Senn, Donald Theall

Published quaterly through Temple University (USA), Charles University (Czech

Republic), and the University of New England (Australia).
Contributions: or by standard post to the following address:

Hypermedia Joyce Studies

c/o R.L. Callahan
Temple University
Department of English
Anderson Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Please click here to read HJS's guidelines for submissions.

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