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People In Organization – Week 4 Summary

By GM 7 - Eugenie Febby- 29318074

WEKK 4 SUMMARY “Managing Effective Team”

A team is contain more than 1 person, more than 2 person can be called a team. A team are people who
wants to fulfil a purpose, interact and influence each others. All group may not a team but all teams are
group. Most of people rely on team because team make better decisions, a team have different resources,
and have different point of view. That’s why, alone with no one we only can do a little, but with a team,
we can do a lot. Now as we have a team then how to manage a team to have an effective one.

There are 3 criteria of assessing effective team, one, team output, first team output standard, second is
team experience contribute to the personal well-being and development, and the third enhance the
capability of member to work together. And the development contains 2 factors, first maintaining the
relationship with outside organisation and the second manage who are outside the team but inside the

Managing the team itself is first designing the team by setting the agenda so the members can know what
is expected of the team, doable but challenging and make sure the members understand what they are in
a fact a “team” and no free rider on the team, creating the teamwork, there are types of teamworks first
baseball-type team, football-type teams and tennis double-type team, and each types have different way
of work in each team.

Team composition and structure, choose team members with necessary knowledge and skills, balance
similarity or diversity mix o f their team members, and balance between homogeneity and heterogeneity

Facilitating team process, effective managers need to pay attention not only to the team task, but also
team process, so the leader have to shaping the teams’ culture try to influence as much as possible about
routines and value, etc, also coaching the team guide and give instruction to the team also guidance how
to be an effective team member along the way

There are stages of team development from forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning ,
existing teams might regress back to an earlier stage of development because every team have a different
situation and sometimes they need to adjust their needs depends on the situation, the challenge is people
who have certain capability have to work at different team at the same time

Why informal group exist the first is innate drive to bond, the second is social identity (define ourselves
by group memberships), goal accomplishment and the last is emotional support. Team cohesiveness
outcome is members who willing to give informations each others, team building directed toward
improving the development and functioning of a work team, and applied to existing teams that have
regressed in team development.

Team roles defines a set of behaviours people are expected to perform in certain positions, all team roles
needed for optimal team performance, there are 3 group different roles and team there are nine team
roles, people chooses by their personality and some roles more important work.

Team constraints: Groupthink, sometime group make decision that not effective because we think very
similar in each individual. Tendency in highly cohesive teams to value consensus at the price of decision
quality. More common when the team is highly cohesive, isolated from outsiders, opinionated, external
threats,, recent failures, and lacks clear guidance.

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