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Always Right

Prmvimw ffiu*mmtf;elu'ts

ne day a farmer said to his wife, "\7e don't

often use our horse. Shall we sell it?"
"What do you want to do?" his wife asked.
"I want to sell itr" the farmer said.
"Then sellit," his wife said. "Yrcu are always right."
"Very wellr" the farmer said. "I'11 go to the market
today and sell our horse."
The farmer set off for the market. On the wa5 he
met a man with a cow. It was a very beautiful cow.
"Does she give good milk?" the farmer asked.
"Very good milkr" the man said.
"I'll give you my horse for your cow."
"It's a dealr" the man said. And he got on the
farmeft's horse and rode away.
The farmer walked along the road to the market
with the cow. He soon met another man. This man had

a sheep. A man came out of the market. He was carrying a

"A sheep is more useful than a cowr,, the farmer sack.
thought. "My wife can make me a coat from its wool.,, "Y/hat's in your sack?" the farmer asked him.
"I'11 give you my cow for your sheepr,, he said to "Only some rotten applesr" the man said.
the man. The farmer thought about this. "'We don't have any
"It's a dealr" the man said, and he led the cow away. apples at home," he thought.
The farmer walked along the road to the market "I'll give you my hen for your apples," he said to
with the sheep. Soon, he met a man with a goose. the man.
"That's a good, fat goose,,, he thought. ,,We can "It's a deal," the man said, and he took the hen and
have goose eggs, and then one day, we can eat the walked away.
goose. It's better than a sheep.',
A friend of the farmer came up to him.
give you my sheep for your gooser,, he said to "Are yov crazy?" he asked. "'lV'hat will your wife
the man. say when she sees the rotten apples?"
"It's a dealr" the man said.
Soon, the farmer got to the market with the goose.
There, he saw a man with a hen.
! \ or
"A hen doesn't eat as much as a gooser,, he thought. \ 0
"And a hen's eggs are better to eat than a goose,s eggs.,, o$ @ @ /
"I'll o. 0q
give you my goose for your hen,,, he said to \ro
the man. o
"ft's a dealr" the man said. o! \
The farmer was now very tired. He sat down with
the hen by his side.
I 9

"She'll kiss me and tell me how clever I am,,, the N\\\\\i

farmer said. li'r
"I'll bet you a bar of gold that she doesn,t,,, the N'
friend said.
"I'll bet you everything I have that my wife will
think I am clever," the farmer said.
He went back to his farm, and his friend came, too.
His wife was waiting at the door for him.
"Hello, my dear," the farmer said. "I gave a man
our horse for his cow." N
"That was very clever of you," the wife said. .,you S

always do the right thing."

"Then, I gave another man the cow for his sheepr,,
the farmer said.

"Oh, that was a very good thing to do,,, his wife :::i\-.r-,
---\'.:::;-- -
said. "What a clever man you are!" \--.aS

"Then, I gave another man the sheep for his goose.,, "But then, I gave a man the hen for a sack of rotten
"Oh, I love eating goose eggs," his wife said. ..That apples," the farmer said.
was the right thing to do." "Oh, I am so glad," his wife said. "I went to our
"But I then gave a man the goose for his henr,, the neighbor to borrow some herbs. 'I have nothing to
farmer said. give you for themr' I said to her. 'I don't even have any
"A hen's eggs are much better than a goose,s eggs,,, rotten apples."'
his wife said. "That was the right thing to do.,, The farmer's wife put her arms around her husband

and kissed him. "Now, I can give her some rotten applesr"
she said.
His friend was very surprised.
"You have won the bet," he said. "Here is the bar
of gold. You are the luckiest man in the world! You
have a wife who always agrees with you."

l Review Questions
ll 1. Why did the farmer want to set[ his horse?
i 2. What did the farmertake home?
3. Why did the farmer's friend think he was tucky?
Always Right
I. Are these sentences correct? Write "T" for true and "F" fotr false.

1. The farmer got a gold bar.

2. The farmer traded his goose for a hen.
3. The farmer's wife was happy that he had rotten milk.
4. The farmer decided to sell his horse.
5. The farmer traded his horse for a cow.

LL" Chsose the best answer.

1. Why did the farmer go to the market?

a. He wanted to get a new wife. b. He found a gold bar.
c. He decided to sell his cow. d. He decided to sell his horse.

2. What did he get for his hen?

a. He got a bag of rotten apples. b. He got abag of rotten eggs.
c. He got a goose. d. He got a gold bar.

'$fhy was the wife huppy with the rotten apples?

a. She wanted to eat them.

b. She wanted to give them to her neighbor.
c. She wanted to trade them for a cow.
d. She wanted them to make a pie.

4. was the farmer very lucky?
a. He had a lot of money.
b. He had a horse and a cow.
c. He had a wife who agreed with him.
d. His wife disagreed with him.

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