Rules For Inspection of Technical Institutions and Universities.

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r;1, t '
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.SfCd.TI .!"rTd :qlnqT: J
r.r'c.frtr<, Ec-frqc 1.t qlF r.z t {a'tc qtfi qtq-{-d
. fifi * f<q cc.q-fi *T t'it'

s.o Frfr'.rq ff drts +1 {q;, ti f;flrq'i + fTrc r.o t

u-.ria gr+r rrfu t rr<, cfqq'cft- f'rfr$vr sfrfd
nrr ffiiq r firq r,-jz faa?fta rtit a'c'I dqlqa fsr+ffirrdq
lNo. F. 1-51188.T'sCrD-l)]* gilcFd q'{-{r iffi-{rii +qI + l1v *i urt zn-{ qf<a
= 5!2fr r
S. n. AWALE. Jt. lldLrcarional q'q-';rrflrr{F{qffrq
6. 6 sqa'fra f,' rrra rrtr a-5,ffi rsr
' '-'' afuqEtr qlq-dl
. nrafli riecr ccrr trraf{atrq; +sT fi 6i, ftaRfa-t
. ,rt ft:ec"l,t 0 c-trrd,I 992- i- -. rq 'i frit'rq * seq}fc-d (lqr, cqla.

re{rm *( Mqorqqi * Grtlx'r * fqq ffit ,;. i {ifal ilfi-{Fif (Fr rraffi fir<fsaTfiq' q.cT.a.fvt.cft,
Frfrerqr €fqfa A' qr+.ckfifq rrm< r.qr, qr IrTqI
r'r st<r-, f<rrkarrq nl Savfa q<-+r rrfrii FTq'r
c-q'{r ffif{"tarq * riilql fanrrr r,r +tt t'r c-nl
qfsrrfr c-,r<r ftrrrr E),ri: .

z arq-r+] rnq1 c-{fl ffiearqq rr cfdf;Tfs', g.dfi - }

f$; *,t" d{n cr(d: I . I q? FT{ql +.t arft.{ rrt-d:q \
qrla aTlr s{r €.c ti, htlcrqr * fsq €-fl'rFqa ilTTI, ]
qTrrrf'r fnnr
qf'.q" (il-{-{hif grq'r3{'iqql.ffi
lr n.qr.a.fn.qft. frtnrq sfqfa rm frsif{l fr.qT ;
ii, * f{frci"r) frqrqT-{-dl,tss2 T-<T
q t l I

i: I t m+l* <rcca ti rtrrsr-{ t'r dd..lg } alrr 6lrr t

,; r fi'ar'q r<? i, q.rn.a.fn. qft. Fr0!i!T Ffqfd ffiqrT
qtcmslo:r-+fu* i, cre ar; c;c'ir srfzro c ?.i:-- rr rr1 {r{ EiRr q-,rETi{rrrq i 'ifr .rivrrfui a-vl
ftrzrtJ q'i-<,r-q t6err r rF{ f?qn-kqei f( ed t
; .*Gr+t
- ^ i c,i' T; q-'i t 'iifst a-<rffi dwr qqzfi f{r<-

3-:l frTrdff s.r iitri, +i, .irrt rfr

qrrst €t t
*r #o,t :nr q',qili qrrl qrr' I

7 . 6 qfrs-e t't fTTrJ' qqT-srrq vitq ffiP-ToT * qr<, qfq'Fd

qfttr< r't qqi lrrc cftqrql + YR i qfs-{ +.tfr t
r.2'fstfr{ s{" +r ,{4 t r c'fd t rrcq (l{ cli {ET

0i ["
q". r-s r/n sS. s (ff c'f r ) ]
q O q'r<a,s1Th*a..
. J T{I rF6rt t cfr n< qt< cfirtqltrqt, fcq-fir f{ ftcd
;- i cftr fwn qvr t *Fffi rsil qfcnfird rfr nrol*t NOTIFICATION
t t, c'fi cfuv trRilta at-fFfi fnqi qftcc Efkf<w,
rsez ti c,T{If(ir firqr qql f, rror 16r q{ t'rr Ncw Dclhi, the l0th August, 1992
n T{+ frq es qfqFffq t krrrn I t RULES FOR INSPECTION OF TECHNICAL


b c.qr.n.frr.cfi..
Grfrqrqsfcfr fi frgR-a:fr.r1, arffi
,F: m q6 f,arafro1ecfi ffiq rrr+rqcard qq{r qarT- x--X.O. 610(E).-In exerciseof the Dowersconftrred [ '
by clause(b) of Sub-section(2) ot Section22 of the I
F, acr clrriq * mari fr e.ic c,ri ncl ss ,qr frctJ
"e* o*
ti- tg g{i tr.Er .a.f{.qft: hterq nfcfil All India Council for Technicallt'ubation Act, 1987
flswqal$rt hercb1rmakes
ft1tt d,fr fcqi Et qka srrhq f{c -rrfi, fq:{ i !-ff6
the CentralC-ovcrnment
(52 of 1987),'rules,
the following namely:-
:i TTt i m rrr,fr arr w'l E< fTqfi * f<qq o. o * c'rqqnl
[t c1*n ilr 1.0 Shorr titlc and .oo,t.n..*.nt.-i.l These
t-.- rulesmay be calledthe All Indir Council for Tcchni-
cal Education(lnspectionof Tecltnical and
i:t'o gRTtsl wt {r.ft,rrdr-{ql:4. r q'ir'er+;-frfir
rirrn qq*I
) ules, 1992.
U n i v e r s i t i c sR
l: + Ms-flqq ril q.qT. a.fcT.qft. fi-fre{or sfirfc ar<t
t !

i. ' fttsor Rq qr? * ci, cf'.qq,Frtsrot f-c nA *t 1.2 Thcy shall comeinto forcc on the dateof their
f axrtair *nrr m-qr firEfs-srdq' * fsr,T'r il ritfqa .publica'ionin thc Ofticial Gazettu.
i' Mrarqq t 5.t'rfa q-q-{r a6-ffi drrr * Bqq +'l 2 . 0 D e f r n i t i o n s . - l nt h c s er u l c s ,u n l e s sU l g s s n t e x t
.i*;t ' othc'nviscr!'qu ircs-
f '; ' 2 . 1 " a c a d c m ; cy e a r " n l c n n sl h c a c a t l ' : r t r yi ce a r
[ .._
t'2 Tqrirdsr-F{Tq'n.r t 5a'fr frf(n-fflrlii t qrsEr<, of tltc respective ir:chnical jnstitutiortor thc
qfur<, rr+Tq'.ett q-il'fi-dqnfc-q qq-+rqca ri't1 Univcrsity,as the casc may be.
I "rc
f mr d-r.ffi iefi fhq-fqsrsq
c'q-+t isr fr rrra q}, 2.2 "llnancialyear" nlcanstlte ycal comnrcncing
n*t rm r,ta i qfn-+ni n€lzrdln'Er{.
r* } fi.c f r o n t t h c l s t A p r i l a n C e n C i n go n t h e 3 l s t
i '
}t srEc ('lq't| fvlurclrof !hc follorv_irrg cai'rnaaryear. b )

[Penr lI . Sec. 3(ii)1

. i
"'- council'rr*ln?,*t::T
I ..

lhcseKurvrr - - :*Tl5
t:::til"H"i: :I,J:If;
rurcs uut lrut slu'vetl;il
rii"n c-ommittecqPd-.goqmu+
by.'tho AICTE.:Il:!e-,.^,,
^f rhe recnnrcalinsrituti*
i"; Tcchnical ldu- Jjci'i"fi'ir"i of ivcrsitv'conccrned'
un :
in the-aU.l.n0i1!9Y ..,,.^..-.
;vc' *.. .m.rnrnss l?'inTllnil
l?ilft'fr ,ilie8i;;ir;' ot^'in
: ' l ,, .,'[#'l,if,.ii' lq I
f :. n:'"^':f:.
" that'Act"" 6.0 Tcctrnical Irtstitution
o.r .Univcrsi(y to h
institution or the Univu'
.,i,,i,:gtri"%.f,:n *lyff, qff'',:r I'S";ryi'
sirv. as lire casc otny' i"','shall
b'e u'i1
iiJri..,i"ti i" it't rotto*ingmanncr''
n necessa
ii bo-nside of t!: Universii'
Inspection in each
o''it toy dec-ide v'^ Thc techlical irlstitutiononc^rcprescntathl
coisistingof ,u"n pt"o*' of \ule' 6-9-l{ .orattntA ihall n-ominatc
case'and subje-ct to-^it''ftpiouiipd
the; fi'oanctu c'ommitteewh
oh, .ii'ii..J erbi-i Inspoctior t!9 Jnstituticn'6
*resi'RfitEs;to" ex.ominJ{J-itp"tt a,Universiti or shall be tn-e-ffJA'9f Univ-cnityol g
needsof a tecnnrcal'lnsiitution:;ss and research' Vice4h'"tJt* -tt oi tl''c
standards or teacnrn!,-;;;;;;iion ' teacher,ol f" technic
the otherol,..i dcpariment ei
i.iiiiution or thc concerned
a.0 Qbestiobnairs to bi"supplied'-4-'it Bcfore
a the UniversitY;:'
AlCTE'Iuspection' i""ttiitJ"l intry.F
iitt ggllttil shall send
rnstitution'o, u to'ui'iii; thc vicc- 6.2 Tlte rcprcsentutive of thc tccbnicalins'ir+
ot be ' associak
thc Head of the t;tili"i'i;'iitutioo ' tion o, tn""iiniucrsitVshall time andi
of thcd"ii;e"ii:'T ol::,{l',TTf i:'.flf
bhanccilor with the iitp-tpiion flr s-u9b
bv t!
il;;;;ri;"'on I to bc
u"nivcrsity *.t nlonnJi'it tiv bc d-:flnined
cal insiitt{iono, o"ilnitii efCff' InsPcction Commtnee;
inspibtca. thc AICII
6.3 ln carry'ingout thc
0., *o,o,tnstanding anythingt:'lt:i::d in sub-rulc di scussie:
Insp*ction'C-oinmittee'tlf ll1t 3nd oiir:
undcr thc qucstionnatre
rt'tth sucn Iniittt anC tiachett
or institut:
membcrs"i" tli;'i"piirtmcntsbc considu:
i;;-c*.t'.a *uy be' 'shall ntaY
to be iniPttltja' oi'
iristinriiqnor the V;i;;ttt-"'oirttt 111:
help in provtotng bY the Cgmmincc'
I bf bound to rcnocr'iit--ntlttttorl'
the inornation'
7.0 ReSort to thc Council
-As s?o-nls poss:''-
pcriul tl'"-' Cn'ntiltee shall
allow.a reasonable aftcr insocctions,
4.3 Thb Council shaU 5u$rulcs
*ulalfor under tnJi"g, ro thc Counci['
for supplyinginro*""tioi
4.1 and 4.2. lNo. F. 1-51188-T-5(TD-l
5'0 Communication of the.' date-of--insoection'- S. D' AWALE' Jt' E<Jucational
under Rule 4'0 of
After receipt or tnJ"iniUrmation

*'ot Road' Ncw Dc[hi']10061

by tbc l{aoager' Govt' of India lT:} 1992
Printcd of fuuUtutioo-s'Dclhi'11005a'
Publishea uy rn"XotJit'

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