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Commodity Focus Investment Information Team

Thu, March 27,2019 time 11.30 wib

Commodity Unit Time Prev Price Intraday Change(%) Catalyst
COAL USD/tonne 03/27/19 93.20 93.50 0.30 0.32% 
COPPER USD/tonne 03/27/19 6,330.00 6,335.00 5.00 0.08%  Govt stimulus and growth of home
appliances, auto market will boost demand,
ease market pessimism, and support a
“moderately positive” price trend this year.
CPO MYR/tonne 11.30 2,136.00 2,118.00 (18.00) -0.84% 
GOLD USD/t oz 11.30 1,309.57 1,309.80 0.23 0.02% 
NICKEL USD/tonne 03/27/19 13,080.00 13,064.00 (16.00) -0.12% 
TIN USD/tonne 03/27/19 21,300.00 21,350.00 50.00 0.23% 
WTI Crude USD/barrel 11.30 59.43 59.22 (0.21) -0.35%  Oil fell for a second day after an unexpected
Oil jump in U.S. crude stockpiles unnerved a
market already anxious about faltering global
Brent USD/barrel 11.30 67.83 67.70 (0.13) -0.19%  Oil fell for a second day after an unexpected
Crude Oil jump in U.S. crude stockpiles unnerved a
market already anxious about faltering global
Source: Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

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Commodity Focus
Investment Information Team

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