Lab 1 CEI42 PDF

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Lab 1

Due Date: Check drop box on Moodle

Weighting: 10% of your total assessment

Referencing: Harvard Style [All researched materials are to be referenced]

For this project, you are to manage a small scale IT projects (choose your own small scale
ICT Project, seek your facilitator’s assistance for examples). This is not a Technical
Information Technology task, but a fundamental project management task. You have been
given limited information regarding this project intentionally.

This project requires you to:

 Implement start-up activities through developing, updating and confirming the project
plan (key dates, activities, resources, compliance, etc.); understanding the project
stakeholders, establishing appropriate systems, and using appropriate project
 management tools
 Coordinate the project implementation through managing integration of project
activities, stakeholders input, disagreements and disputes, and change proposals
 Monitoring the project appropriately
 Arranging project follow-up activities including testing, trialing or building requirements

Your final project must outline how each of the above points were achieved.

At the completion of the project, you are to review its overall success. You are to do this
by answering the following questions:
 Did the project result in the benefits defined in your business case?
 Did it achieve the objectives outlined in the terms of reference?
 Did it operate within the scope of the terms of references?
 Did the deliverables meet the criteria defined in the quality plan?
 Was it delivered within the schedule outlined in the project plan?
 Was it delivered within the budget outlined in the financial plan?
Marking Rubric
CEI42 - Software Analysis Semester 2,2018
Assignment 1: Manage 1 small scale IT project
Weighting 10% of total assessments
Makers Name: Moses Chandra / Student
Shanje Sushil Email:
ID Sxxxxxxxx
Possible Marks
Support project commencement Marks Given
Confirm business opportunity to ensure the project objectives are
understood 0.5
Identify stakeholders and gather requirements 0.5
Prepare a project charter or project proposal and obtain agreement
from project sponsor 0.5
Support project plan development
Break down the requirements to identify tasks and resources
needed to complete the project plan 1
Compile a schedule of project tasks, including realistic timeframes
and costs if required 1
Allocate task responsibilities to project team members 1
Agree on a process with the sponsor to manage risks or
unexpected events that may arise and affect project objectives 1
Support project completion
Work with project team to ensure project activities meet
timeframe, scope, cost and quality expectations 1
Monitor and control project risks and issues according to the agreed
process 1
Verify that project deliverables meet project expectations and sign
off as complete 0.5
Support project closure
Prepare ICT support or maintenance documents if applicable 1
Obtain final project sign-off from sponsor and key stakeholders 0.5
Document lessons learned and close the project 0.5
Total marks Attained 10 0

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