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Test- Test case Test case Steps Test Actual Test- Defects

case name description steps case

Id Excepted status
1 login Page Login page is used Navigate As Pass Pass
to verify with system to login Expected
2 Provide Valid username is Credential As Pass Pass
valid enter the Actual can be Expected
username data in entered
your real time
3 Provide Valid password Customer As Pass Pass
valid logged in Expected
4 Click to Look in the Complete As Pass Pass
login technical login page Expected
button Design document or details and
use cases move
5 Sign-up Signup pages allow Complete As Pass Pass
user to enter their Sign-up Expected
Information into page
a page that matches details and
the move
System database. further.
6 Add Attendance is added As Pass Pass
Attendance by Faulty Expected
7 View View attendance by
Attendance Admin Faculty and
8 Edit Edit Attendance by As Pass
Attendance Faculty and Admin Expected

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