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Materials Letters 61 (2007) 821 – 823

Selective dissolution of austenite in AISI 304

stainless steel by bacterial activity
J.J. de Damborenea ⁎, A.B. Cristóbal, M.A. Arenas, V. López, A. Conde
Department of Corrosion and Protection, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas CENIM-CSIC., Av. Gregorio del Amo 8, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Received 26 December 2005; accepted 31 May 2006
Available online 19 June 2006


Selective attack in an AISI 304 stainless steel weld metal has been developed after three months in service in well water. Welding zones
showed a severe corrosive attack that in some cases led to the steel perforation. Optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDX) revealed a
selective attack. An in-depth analysis showed indications of microbiological activity which could be responsible of the severe attack.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Austenitic stainless steel; Microbiologically influenced corrosion; Welding; Selective dissolution

1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods

The austenitic stainless steels are used for a very broad range of The material tested corresponded to an AISI 304 L austenitic
applications when an excellent combination of strength and stainless steel welded round tube (DIN 11850) with a wall thick-
corrosion resistance in aqueous solutions at ambient temperature is ness of 2 mm. The compositions of the steel in weight percent are
required. The outstanding corrosion resistance of stainless steels 0.02% C, 18.7% Cr, 9.2% Ni, 1.51% Mn and 0.45% Si.
results from the presence of a thin oxide (passive) film on the metal The tubes were welded by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (fre-
surface, typically 1–3 nm thick. [1]. However, they do not possess quently referred to as TIG welding) using argon as shielding gas.
antibacterial properties and then, in some occasions, corrosive The electrode used in welding was an ER308 wire 1.2 mm
attacks can be directly related to bacterial activity which is known diameter (10% Ni; 20,8% Cr and 1.72 Mn).
as Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) [2,3]. MIC is a After the welding process, the tube was hydrotested in order
corrosion process associated with the activity of microorganisms to check for leakage and weld strength in the system under
present in the system. They can alter the structure of inorganic normal operations. Hydrotesting was conducted with low
passive layers and increase their dissolution and removal from the chloride (50 mg/l) potable untreated water (well water). After
metal surface [4]. Generally, the welded areas are preferential areas pressure testing, the water was left stagnant. Tubes revealed a
for the attack of microorganisms. Why bacterial activity focuses in severe localized attack initiated from the inside surface of the
these areas is not totally understood although it could be either due tube and in the welded areas after three months of stagnation.
to residual stresses generated in weld metals as well as the rougher Microstructural characterisation of the specimens and corrosion
surfaces exhibited by these areas [5]. But, in any case, the micro- products evaluation were performed by means of optical micro-
structure of the material seems to play a crucial role on micro- scopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive
biologically induced corrosion [6]. spectroscopy (EDS), respectively.
The current work concerns the characterisation of the pre-
ferential attack of an AISI 304 stainless steel weld metal 3. Results and discussion
affected by microbiological activity.
A typical TIG welding is shown in Fig. 1a for a round tube. Although
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 915538900; fax: +34 915347425. the penetration of the weld is complete and well done, the different
E-mail address: (J.J. de Damborenea). thickness between the both sides of the tube creates very rough area in
0167-577X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
822 J.J. de Damborenea et al. / Materials Letters 61 (2007) 821–823

Fig. 3. Morphology of the attack on the stainless steel.

other areas far from the welding track. Then, pitting is only observed in
the welded metal. A representative detail of the damage exhibited in the
pipe is shown in Fig. 2. Pitting attack is extremely severe with a hemi-
spherical morphology filled with corrosion products. Moreover, at the
base material surrounding the weld joining a discolored thin film with
predominant red-orange iridescences was observed. According to
Sreekumari [8] the combination of physical and compositional changes
brought by welding process helps the accumulation of organics onto the
surface and the subsequent attachment of microorganism. In this sense,
the rough surfaces originated by welds would act as low-flow areas which
facilitate their colonisation by bacteria.
The morphology of the corrosion attack is hidden by the presence of
Fig. 1. a) Optical macrograph. Detail of a welding joint; b) microstructure of an organic substance (biofilm) which according to the EDS analysis is
weldment: austenitic matrix with tiny patches of residual delta ferrite. mainly composed of C, Ca, O, Si and P. This results is in agreement with
those reported in literature [9,10]. Under the surface, the cross section of
which the fluid can be retained. Fig. 1b pictures the microstructure the specimens shows a more severe attack, leaving the stainless steel
corresponding to the welded area which is comprised of an austenitic with a skeleton appearance as pictured in Fig. 3. As it was mentioned
matrix containing tiny patches of residual δ ferrite. The average of previously, it seems clear that together with the effects produced by
ferrite in this case was estimated around 5% in the microstructure, which welding – allowing the anchorage of the microorganisms – the deposits
is extremely beneficial in suppressing the risk of cracking. The presence of fats and oils originally present in the tube wall would supply the
of these patches is due to the filler metal that often contains further carbon source required for bacterial development [11].
additions of delta ferrite to ensure crack free welds although other
authors pointed out this segregation as a possible corrosion problem [7].
It must be noted that all the corrosion problems have been located at
these areas and no attack has been found neither the heat affected zone or

Fig. 4. EDS analysis of the grain remaining after bacteria attack and reference
Fig. 2. Optical macrograph of an attacked weld. stainless steel.
J.J. de Damborenea et al. / Materials Letters 61 (2007) 821–823 823

with a ferrite and austenite biphasic structure. The rougher of

those areas facilitates the anchorage of the microorganisms and
the presence in the walls of the tube of oils and fats serves as the
carbon source needed for microbial growth.
Bacteria act preferentially by attacking the austenite phase.
Cavities are generated allowing the development of anaerobic
microorganism and hence, several stages of degradation are
observed due to the progression of the attack. The corrosion
damage is revealed as selective grain boundaries dissolution,
leaving only the ferritic phase. As a consequence of corrosion,
biofouling is formed not only on the surface but also inside the
cavities. Significant corrosion behaviour differences between
reference stainless steel and MIC stainless steel can be observed in
well water.


Fig. 5. SEM image of the microorganisms on the corroded steel. [1] O.A. Olsson, D. Landolt, Electrochimica Acta 48 (2003) 1093.
[2] Y. Kikuchi, N.R. Sreekumari, Tetsu to Hagane 88 (2002) 620–628.
[3] N.R. Sreekumari, K. Nandakumar, K. Takao, Y. Kikuchi, ISIJ International
It is also suggested that the other reason for a high sensitization
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exhibited by weldments to corrosive attack could be an unbalanced [4] H.A. Videla, L.K. Herrera, International Microbiology 8 (2005) 169.
situation between ferritic and austenitic phases. There is a controversy [5] T.R. Jack, Biological Corrosion Failures, ASM Handbook, ASM Inter-
about which phase is selectively dissolved by the bacteria. Some authors national Company, Materials Park, Ohio, 2002.
suggest that attack could be produced only in a single phase, ferrite [12]; [6] R. George, P. Muraleedharan, K.R. Sreekumari, H.S. Khatak, Biofouling
others conclude that either ferrite or austenite can be preferentially 19 (2003) 1.
attacked or they may corrode together [13]. According to SEM and EDS [7] Y. Cui, C.D. Lundin, Materials Letters 59 (2005) 1542.
analysis, Fig. 4, the austenite is removed from the duplex microstructure [8] K.R. Sreekumari, Y. Sato, Y. Kikuchi, Materials Transactions 46 (2005)
in MIC stainless steel, leaving behind the skeleton of delta ferrite. This 1636.
would be in agreement with the reported in literature [14]. Once bacteria [9] I.B. Beech, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 53 (2004) 177.
[10] R. Jeffrey, R.E. Melchers, Corrosion Science 45 (2003) 693.
begin to colonise surfaces and produce biofilms, the attack progresses
[11] C. Tide, S.R. Harkin, G.G. Geesey, P.J. Bremer, W. Scholz, Journal of Food
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bacteria such as Gallionella or Sulphate reducing bacteria(SRB). In this [12] F. Kajiyama, Corrosion Engineering 46 (1997) 377.
sense, Videla [15] has found that a preferential attack on the austenitic [13] Y. Chung, H.J. Mantle, G.E. Lakso, Presented at Int. Conf. on Microbially
phase on the duplex weld structure occurs because of these bacteria. Influenced Corrosion, National Association of Corrosion Engineers
Finally, the SEM image of various single elongated stalks that resemble International, New Orleans, 1995.
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Harkin, Corrosion Science 38 (1996) 73.
[15] H.A. Videla, Manual of Biocorrosion, CRC Lewis Publishers, 1996, p. 221.
4. Conclusions

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) exhibited by

a stainless steel AISI 304 tube is located on the welding areas

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