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Correia 1

Brianna Correia

Ms. Wilson

Period 1


The First Song I Wrote

If you could go back and change an event that happened in your life that affected you

negatively, would you? Should you? Last year, during my freshman year, I was 14 years old and

hadn’t really experienced much. I got ‘accepted’ into this big group of friends that for the most

part were all upperclassmen. In this group there was a boy named David, he was a junior and was

17, making him 3 years older than me at the time. I didn’t really talk to him much because he

was kind of quiet in the group, but I knew he existed. One day he messaged me and we started

talking. We clicked right away and we became close friends and then I decided that this

friendship and a boy being nice to me, meant I liked him. After weeks of chickening out, I told

him I liked him on January 25, 2018 and he said he felt the same way, but instead of asking me

out he said he didn’t want to tell anyone about us. That probably should've been the first sign for

me to get out.

We started dating and people found out pretty quickly and David finally let me tell

people about us. We had been dating for a week and a half when he told me he loved me, another

clear red flag I somehow missed. I fully believed I loved him at the time, but I was 14, I had no

idea what love was. I instantly became so attached to him I felt as though I couldn’t live without

him and he took that and used it to his advantage.

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This was the first relationship I had been in, so I thought everything that was happening

was normal. I thought him getting controllingly jealous was normal. I thought him telling me he

was hanging out with his ex and then not responding for an hours was normal. Him pushing me

out of my comfort zone in a really negative way. Him making me feel bad about my anxiety

because his was worse and I wasn't allowed to talk about my feelings. Him not letting me leave

but not being a good boyfriend when I decided to stay. He convinced me that this toxic

relationship was normal.

There had been a few instances where I knew he cheated on me, or lied to me, or did

things I really wasn’t okay with, but I forgave him because I still had no idea how to live without

him I’m not exactly sure what triggered it specifically, but it had gotten to a point where I

couldn’t deal with it anymore. I tried talking to him about it but he just got angry with me, really

angry. This became the first of many fights in our breakup. I’m not sure how long we fought for

before we officially broke up, but it felt like decades. It went from him getting mad at me to him

begging for my forgiveness and back and forth until, on July 18th, 2018 I told him I was leaving

for good and cut off all methods of communication between us.

While I was trying to cope with the breakup I had an idea to try and write my feelings

down. One of my favorite types of writing is writing music, I am a singer and I enjoy writing so

it made sense to put the two together. I had written music before but only a few words here and

there or maybe a chorus and then I threw it away because I didn’t like it anymore. We had been

broken up for almost a month when I wanted to write something about him. I opened my phone
Correia 3

and went to my notes and started writing down the thoughts in my head and then trying to form

them into lyrics. I wrote the first verse, then the second, then the chorus, then putting it all

together with a tune, adding notes on my ukulele, and finally singing it. The moment I sang my

song all the way through, sitting in my room to myself was one of the happiest moments I've

ever experienced. I knew right away what I needed to name my song, ​First Time​. It was my first

time falling in love, first time getting my heart broken, first time for most of the things in that

relationship. I remember the feeling of weight being lifted off my shoulders as if I was finally

getting over David when I finished that song. I played it non stop for days, I showed my two best

friends and played it for them in person and they both loved it. One of them started crying and

the other said that it sounded like a song that was on the radio and kept saying how much they

loved it. So from there I filmed myself singing the song, uploaded it online, and to this day go

back and listen to it when I’m feeling down or helpless and I remember that I went through one

of the toughest situations a person could go through, and made something beautiful out if it.

Narrative Essay Rubric (Honors)

Score: 46.5/50
W.9-10.3​. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and
well-structured event sequences.
Standard Exceptional (10-9) Proficient (8-7) Emerging (6-1) Not Evident (0)
3.a​. ​Introduction​ - ❏ Effectively hook the ❏ Hook the reader with
Engage and orient the reader with a creative, a compelling hook
reader by setting out a original, and
compelling hook ❏ Effectively sets out a
problem, situation, or
problem, situation, or
observation, establishing ❏ Effectively sets out a observation
one or multiple point(s) problem, situation, or
of view, and introducing observation in a ❏ Establish an insightful
a narrator and/or compelling and/or point of view
characters; create a creative manner
smooth progression of ❏ Introduce a narrator,
❏ Establish an insightful, characters, setting,
experiences or events.
original, or creative and main idea
point of view
Correia 4

❏ Introduce a ​complex
and/or creative
narrator, characters,
setting, and main idea

3.b. ​Narrative​ - ​Use ❏ Utilize ​two or more ❏ Utilize narrative

narrative techniques, (teacher discretion) techniques such as
such as dialogue, pacing, narrative techniques dialogue, pacing,
with purpose: description,
description, reflection,
dialogue, pacing, reflection, and
and multiple plot lines, description, reflection, multiple plot lines
to develop experiences, multiple plot lines,
events, and/or etc… ❏ Develop experiences,
characters. events, and/or
❏ Develop experiences, characters in attempt
9 events, and/or to convey theme
characters and to
clearly develop a
purposeful theme

3.c​. ​Organization​ - ​Use a ❏ Use ​purposefully ❏ Use appropriately

variety of techniques to narrative techniques techniques such as
sequence events so that such as foreshadowing,
foreshadowing, dramatic irony,
they build on one
dramatic irony, suspense, and/or
another to create a suspense, and/or flashbacks
coherent whole. flashbacks in a ​highly
effective manner​ ​to ❏ Create a smooth
9 create an original plot progression of
structure experiences or events
that is logical and
❏ Create a smooth engaging
progression of
experiences or events
that is logical, ​creative,
and sophisticated ​and
that uses ​highly
engaging devices

3.d.​ ​Language​ - ​Use ❏ Use precise, detailed ❏ Use precise and

precise words and and ​sophisticated detailed words,
phrases, telling details, words, phrases, and phrases, and sensory
sensory language​ to language to convey a
and sensory language to
engage the reader ​and vivid picture
convey a vivid picture of convey a​ ​vivid picture
the experiences, events,
setting, and/or


3.e.​ ​Conclusion​ - ​Provide ❏ Provide a conclusion ❏ Provide a conclusion

a conclusion that follows that reflects on what is that reflects on what
from and reflects on experienced, observed, is experienced,
or resolved observed, or resolved
what is experienced,
observed, or resolved ❏ Extends the meaning ❏ Extends the meaning
over the course of the and purpose to to convey a theme
narrative. connect to the
Correia 5

audience ​and​ ​convey a

10 complex and original

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