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An Internship Report Submitted to Heber Institute of Management Studies

Bishop Heber College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli-17.
(Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-24)
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of



Under the Guidance of

Ms. Glenny Jocelyn. G,
Assistant Professor

JUNE 2017


(Nationally Reaccredited at A Grade by NAAC with CGPA of 3.58 out of 4 in Third cycle)
(Recognized by UGC as “College of Excellence”)


Assistant professor
Department of Management Studies
Heber institute of Management Studies
Bishop Heber College (Autonomous)
Tiruchirappalli – 620 017,
Tamil Nadu, India.


This is to certify that the internship report titled Recruitment process and its concepts at NLC
INDIA LIMITED, NEYVELI is the bona fide research work carried out by MADHUBALA.R
Reg no:175218141 of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, Heber Institute of
Management Studies, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous),Trichy-17,during the academic
period 2016-2018,in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree Master of
Business Administration and that the report has not formed the basis for the award previously of
any degree, Diploma, Associate ship, Fellowship or any other similar title, and that the report
represents entirely an independent work on the part of the candidate.

Signature of the student Signature of the Research Guide

Signature of the HOD


1.1 NLC India limited (NLCIL)

NLC India Limited (Formerly Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited) is a government

owned lignite mining and power generating company in India. NLC operates the largest
open-pit lignite in India, presently mining 30.60MT of lignite and has an installed capacity
of 4293.50MW of electricity. It also supplies a large quantity of sweet water to Chennai
from artesian aquifers in the lignite mines. On 11 April 2011, joined the elite group of
Navratna Companies. In 1956 NLC was formed as a corporate body.

 A Navratna company under the ministry of Coal

 Since 1956 – 60th year of its glorious existence
 Present Mining Capacity : 30.6 MTPA (Lignite)
 Present Power Generation Capacity (including JVs) : 3240MW (Lignite), 1000MW
(Coal), 10MW (Wind), Total : 4293.5MW
 Planned Capacity Addition.
Table 1.1 Planned Capacity

COAL 31.5

Power Generation (including JVs)

SOLAR 3990.0
WIND 207.5
TOTAL 15857.5

 Projected Capital Expenditure ( up to 2025 ) : Rs 1.24 Lakh Crore with a debt-equity

ratio of 70:30.
 Number of Employees

Employee Category Wise


Table 1.2 Number of Employees

 Full filling CSR

Water Resource Management for the benefit of Large Society
Land Benefitted : 40210
Villages Benefitted : 83
Beneficiaries : 76688
 Diversifying into coal based power generation and generation from renewable energy
sources like Solar and Wind.
 Marching towards 20151MW by 2025
1.2 Vision, Mission and Values Statements of NLCIL :

1.2.1 Vision
To emerge as an environment friendly and socially responsible leading Mining & Power
Company and strive for operational excellence in Mining & Exploration and Power

1.2.2 Mission

 To strive towards greater cost competitiveness and work towards continued financial
 To continually imbibe best practices from the best Indian and International
organizations engaged in Power generation and Mining.
 To be a preferred employer by offering attractive avenues of career growth and
excellent work environment and development of human resources.
 To play an active role in society and be sensitive to emerging environmental issue

1.2.3 Values

N National Orientation
L Learning and Development

C Commitment for Excellence

I Innovation and Speed

1.3 Mining Projects:

The main activity of NLC India is Mining (Coal & Lignite) and Power Generation (Thermal
and Renewable Energy).

1.3.1 Mining
NLC India at present has four open cast mines namely Mine I, Mine II, Mine IA and
Barsingar Mine. The lignite mined out is used as fuel to the linked Pit head power stations.

1.3.2 Mine – I including expansion

The lignite seam was first exposed in August 1961 and regular mining of lignite commenced in
May 1962. German excavation technology in open cast mining, using Bucket Wheel Excavators,

Conveyors and Spreaders were used for the first time in the country in Neyveli Mine-I. The capacity of
this mine was 6.5 MT which met the fuel requirement of TS-I. The capacity was increased to 10.5MT of
lignite per annum from March 2003 under Mine-I expansion scheme and at present meets the fuel
requirement for generating power from TPS-I and TPS-I Expansion.

1.3.3 Mine –II including expansion

In February, 1978 Government of India sanctioned the Second Lignite Mine of capacity 4.7 MT
of lignite per annum and in February 1983, Government of India sanctioned the expansion of Second
Mine capacity from 4.7 Million Tonnes to 10.5 Million Tonnes. Unlike Mine-I, Mime-II had to face
problems in the excavation of sticky clayey soil during initial stage. The method of mining and equipment
used are similar to that of Mine-I. The seam is the same as of Mine-I and is contiguous to it.

The lignite seam in Mine-II was exposed in September 1984 and the excavation of lignite
commenced in March, 1985. GOI sanctioned the expansion of Mine-II from 10.5 MTPA to 15.0 MTPA
of lignite in October 2004 with a cost of Rs. 2295.93 crore. Mines-II Expansion project was completed on
12th March 2010. The lignite excavated from Mine-II meets the fuel requirements of Thermal Power
Station-II and Thermal Power Station-II Expansion under operation.

1.3.4 Mine–IA

Government of India sanctioned the project Mine-IA of 3 million tones of lignite per
annum at a sanctioned cost of Rs. 1032.81 crore in February 1998. This project mainly to meet
the lignite requirement of M/s ST-CMS for their power plant and also to utilize the balance
lignite to the best commercial advantage of NLC. The project was completed on 30th March 2003
within time and cost sechedule.

1.3.5 Barsingsar Mine

GOI sanctioned implementation of Barsingsar Mine with a capacity of 2.1 MTPA of

lignite per annum at an estimated cost of Rs. 254.60 crore in December 2004. Both overburden
and lignite production has been outsourced. Lignite excavation commenced on 23 rd November
2009 and production attained the rated capacity on 31st January 2010.

Table 1.3 Capacity


MINE I 10.5
MINE II 15.0

1.4 Power Generation Projects

NLC India has five pithead Thermal Power Station with an aggregate capacity of
3240 MW. Further, NLC India has so far installed 29 Wind Turbine Generators of capacity
1.50 MW each and also commissioned 10 MW Solar Photo Voltaic Power plant in Neyveli,
resulting in an overall power generating capacity of 3287.5 MW
.Table 1 : power plants in NLCIL

TPS-I 600

TPS-II 1470
TPS-I Expansion 420

TPS-II Expansion 500





The 600 MW Neyveli Thermal Power Station-I in which the first unit was synchronized
in May 1962 and the last unit in September 1970 consists of six units of 50 MW each and three
units of 100 MW each.

The Power generated from Thermal Power Station NLC’s requirements is supplied to
TANGEDCO, Tamil Nadu which is the sole beneficiary. Due to the aging of the equipment’s /
high pressure parts, Life extension programme has been approved by GOI in March 1992 and
was successfully completed in March 1999 thus extending the life by 15 years. In view of the
high grid demand in this region, this power station is being operated after conducting Residual
Life Assessment (RLA) study. GOI has sanctioned a 2*500 MW Power Project (Neyveli New
Thermal Power Plant – NNTPS) in June 2011 as replacement for exixsting TPS-I.


Thermal Power Station-II (7*210 MW) Neyveli, Tamil Nadu. The 1470 MW Second
Thermal Power Station consists of 7 units of 210 MW each. In February 1978, Government of
India sanctioned the Second Thermal Power Station of 630 MW capacity (3*210 MW) and
February 1983, Government of India sanctioned the Second Thermal Power Station Expansion
from 630 MW to 1470 MW with addition of 4 units of 210 MW each. The first 210 MW unit
was synchronized in March 1986 and the last unit (Unit-VII) was synchronized in June 1993.
The power generated from Second Thermal Power Station after meeting the needs of Second
Mine is shared by the Southern States viz. Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and
Union Territory of Pondicherry.


Thermal Power Station-I Expansion (2*210 MW) Neyveli, Tamil Nadu. Thermal Power
Station-I has been expanded (2*210 MW) using the lignite available from Mine-I Expansion.
The scheme, TPS I Expansion, was sanctioned by Government of India in February 1996. Units-
I was synchronized in October 2002 and |Unit-II in July 2003. The power generated from this
Thermal Power Station, after meeting the internal requirements, is shared by the Southern States
viz., Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and Union Territory.


Government of India sanctioned the Barsingar Thermal Power Station 250 MW (2*125
MW) in October 2004. The units were commissioned in December 2011 and in January 2012.
The power generated from this Thermal Power Station after meeting internal requirements is
shared by DISCOMS of the state of Rajasthan.


This project consists of two units of 250 MW capacity each. Unit-II attained commercial
operation in April 2015 and Unit-I in July 2015. The lignite requirement is met through
expansion of Mine-II. The steam generated of this project employ eco-friendly Circulating
Fluidised Bed Combustion (CFBC) technology. This technology has been adopted for 250 MW
Capacity units for the first time in India.


Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, short listing, selecting and appointing
suitable candidates for jobs within an organization.

Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for unpaid roles.
Managers, human resource generalists and recruitment specialists may be tasked with carrying
out recruitment, but in some cases public-sector employment agencies, commercial recruitment
agencies, or specialist search consultancies are used to undertake parts of the process

It begins with the identification of the needs of the company with respect to the jobs and ends
with the introduction of the employer to the organization.

The main reason why the recruitment process is implemented is to find the person who are best
qualified for the position within the company and who will help them towards attaining the
organizational goals.


Prior to the recruitment process, the organization must first find the vacancy and evaluate the
need for that position

~ will the organization suffer if that vacancy is not filled up?

~ Is there really a need for the open position to be occupied by someone?

~ Then the recruitment process starts



This step will allow the human resource manager on what the new employee will be required
to do in the position that is currently open for filling up , and this step contains several stage ,
they are as follows

1. Build a job description:

The organization must first know exactly what is needed.

Job analysis involves identification of activities of the job and the attributes that are needed
for it . These are the main parts that will make up the job description.

Job description generally includes

~Title and other general information about the position.

~Purpose of the position.

~Essential functions of the job/position.

2. Review the job description:

Once the job description is created, there is a need to review them and check their accuracy
and applicability.

3. Set minimum qualification for the employee

4. Define a salary range:

The job must also belong to a salary range that is deemed commensurate to the duties and
responsibilities that come with the position.



Before advertising, the organization must know where to look for potential candidates, various
methods employed by organizations in order to advertise the open position.

1. Networking:

Word of mouth is the best form of advertising. This is often done through representatives of
the company attending college career for which is tactics employed by large software and
technology companies that want to hire fresh young minds, personally visits the colleges,
targeting the top students.

2. Posting:

Posting of an open position be made internally and externally. Internal posting usually takes
the form of vacancy announcement being displayed in bulletin boards if other areas where
employees and visitors to the company are likely to see it. Posting externally may be in the form
of flyers being distributed being displayed in other are outside of the business premises.

3. Print and Media Advertising

4. Developing and using proper technique:

The company may use various offerings in order to attract the candidates. For example:
Attractive salaries, bonus and incentive packages, proper facilities at work, various programs for
development etc.

5. Using the reputation of the company:

The best publicity that the company can use to attract candidates is its own reputation in the



This is where the applicant’s skills and personalities are going to be tested and evaluated to
ascertain whether they are the good fit for the job and its description.

1. Preliminary Screening:
This is conducted by going through the submitted resumes is choosing only those that are
able to meet the minimum qualifications.

2. Initial Interview:

The candidates being asked questions to evaluate their basic skills and various personnel
characteristics that are relevant to the open position.

3. Conduct of various test for recruitment:

Conduct tests on the skills of the candidates and how they use the skills and talents,
behavioural test, personality assessment test are often employed.

4. Final interview:
Final interview requires a face to face meeting between the candidate and the hiring
managers. The top management even be involved, depending upon the job or position
that will be filled up.

5. Selection:

During the selection discussion, the following matters are considered:

i. Qualification of the candidates was able to reach the last stage.

ii. Results of the assessment are interest that the final pool of candidates was
subjected to.


1. Making the offer:

A representative of the company will contact the candidate and inform him that he has
been selected and complete details of the compensation package will also be made known
to the applicant.
2. Acceptance of offer by the applicant:
The applicant should communicate his acceptance of the offer. If the selected applicant
has not accepted the job offer, the recruitment process will have to start all over again.



1. The beginning of the induction process is marked by signing of the employment contract
along with the welcome package.
2. The date for the first day an employee will have to report for work and start working in
the company will be determined and communicated to the newly hired employee.
3. The employee will still have to undergo pre-employment screening to often includes
background and reference checks. When all these information for been verified, the
employee will now introduced to the organization.


3.1 Recruitment in NLC:

NLC Recruitment through GATE 2018 – NLC India Limited (formerly known as Neyveli
Lignite Corporation) has announced recruitment of Graduate Executive Trainees through GATE
2018. The application form of NLC recruitment through GATE 2018 was available from 10 am
of January 6. Candidates graduating in Mechanical, Instrumentation, Electrical, Electronics &
Communication, Computer, Civil and Mining Engineering will be eligible to apply for the NLC
recruitment through GATE 2018. Candidates must have applied and appeared for GATE to fill
the online application form of NLC recruitment 2018. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis
of their GATE 2018 scores and will be required to face a personal interview for selection. Check
the complete details of the eligibility criteria, important dates, application process, selection
procedure and more for the NLC Recruitment through GATE 2018 below in this article.

NLC Recruitment Application Form 2018

The application form for the NLC Recruitment through GATE 2018 will be available online
from January 6 to 27. The detailed steps to fill the NLC application form are given below.

Step 1 - Registration: Candidates enter their Name as mentioned in the GATE 2018 Application
Form and their registered email ID along to register. After successful registration, candidates will
be sent an email with a login ID and a password. Candidates must safe keep the credentials to
login for NLC till the selection process is completed.

Step 2 – Activation of the link: candidates must validate the link sent to their registered email
ID. After activation of the link, candidates must enter the details as specified.

Step 3 – Filling in NLC application form: Candidates must enter all the details like Personal,
qualifications, experience, post applying for, GATE details including the GATE registration No
that will be mentioned in the GATE admit card 2018.

Step 4 – Uploading the photograph and signature: Candidates must upload the photograph
with dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred) in a file size between 20kb - 50 kb. They must sign
on a white paper with a black ink pen and upload the scanned image of dimensions 140 x 60
pixels in a file with size between 10kb - 20kb

Step 5 – Payment of Application Fee: Only Gen and OBC candidates must pay an application
fee of Rs 300 plus additional charges online through SBI Collect.
Step 6 – Download the Registration-Cum-Application Form: After successful submission of
the NLC application, candidates must download the auto generated Registration-Cum-
Application Form and safe keep it. This will be required during the interview if shortlisted.

3.2 Selection Procedure for the NLC Recruitment through GATE 2018

Shortlisting of candidates will be on the basis of their GATE 2018 marks out of 100. The list of
shortlisted candidates will be published online on the official NLC website along with the cutoff
marks for shortlisting. Candidates will have to login to download their Interview Call letters.
They will also be informed about the same through an email and an SMS.

3.3 GATE Cutoff for NLC Recruitment

Candidates applying for NLC can check the minimum marks used in the previous year for
shortlisting of candidates for the NLC Recruitment through GATE. The GATE cutoff for NLC
recruitment is lsited as per the category below in the tbal for the reference of candidates.
3.4 Job Profile

Candidates will be selected as Graduate Executive Trainees in E-2 Grade. Other details will be
released soon by the authorities.

3.5 Training & Probation:

Selected candidates will be on training for a period of minimum one year (extendable).
During the training period they will be paid a Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance (120.3 %
of basic pay) and a Common Allowance (40% of basic pay) per month
3.6 Pay Scale and Perks: Candidates will be placed in the pay scale 20600-3%-46500. The
candidates will be paid a total of Rs.9.0 Lakhs per annum as cost to company. This is at present
under upward revision with effect from 01/01/2017.

3.7 Service Agreement Bond : All selectedcandidates will be required to execute a Service
Agreement Bond for a value of Rs.1,00,000/- to serve NLC Ltd for a minimum period of three
years after the completion of the training period.


Date Work done Detailed Experience

Went to Learning and Development office where
they issued us the order letter. After receiving the
15-05-2018 Introduction order letter. We were asked to visit the Township
Administration office to allocate quarters.

Visited Thermal Power Station II and met

Mr.O.S.Gnanasakeran, G.M/HR/THERMAL who
16-05-2018 Thermal – II visit
directed us to Mr. P.V.Anand Manager/HR to be
our guide.
I was assisted by Mr. P.V.Anand Manager/HR and
Mr. Sinku Manager/HR. They offered
training classes for the whole day. Since NLC is a
17-05-2018 Assistance
central government company Hindi has a greater
priority. Hence we were asked to take Hindi
classes from 4 PM to 5:30 PM
I was made to assist with the employees there. My
18-05-2018 Training working hours were from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
and lunch break from 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
I found it so interesting to work over there. I had
19-05-2018 Training met various people in various designations. Learnt
how an HR should operate in a corporate.
All the employees were gathered downstairs and
we're asked to repeat the pledge. It was done in
three different languages such as English, Tamil
21-05-2018 Anti- terrorism day and Hindi. I was then told that it was a custom that
is followed in Government companies.
After the pledge the gathering was asked to return
back to their respective departments.
Flag day is a very special event in NLC. It is the
day when NLC was started. All the employees
were asked to stand on the lawn to hoist the NLC
flag. The flag was hoisted by Mr. Kasinathan, Unit
22-05-2018 Flag day head of TPS while the NLC music was played.
After the flag hoisting event, all returned to their
respective departments and were asked to work till
the afternoon. The NLC flag celebration was held
in the Lignite hall from 2 p.m. to 9:30pm.This
program was featured by orchestral music,
dance, cultural, executive speeches and a very
grand dinner
Visited the power plant area. An apprentice,
Mr. Arun guided me by giving me technical
support. I was showed the transporting medium of
23-05-2018 Thermal – I visit
lignite from the mines, then the boiler
and its functions, its water resources and finally
the cooling tower.
Learnt about role of HRM in the management
process. Became aware of Form 16and other
necessary forms that are meant to be submitted by
24-05-2018 Training the HR to his superiors and to the govt authorities.
Started to check the employees attendance

I was asked to calculate the employees

increment. The Deputy Chief Manager asked me
25-05-2018 Worked on Excel
to create an increment payroll for a list
of employees
Visited the learning and development office
(LDC) this office is the place where the appraisal
26-05-2018 Training in L&D office
are valued and checked. It performs a wide variety
of services.
Visited the Canteen and talked with Mr. Robinson
Canteen Manager. He discussed with me about all
28-05-2018 Supervised canteen works
the IR problems he faced. He then gave me a
complete walk-through on his canteen.
Discussed with Mr. P. V. Annad Manager/HR on
29-05-2018 Training on IR problems the IR issue that arose in the Mine 1 area.
And on several IR cases
NLC has this custom of making retirements on the
Supervised retirements on 30th of every month. I worked hard on that
month end day... and helped in assisting my HR manager in
his work
Visited the mine 1 and 1A. Mr. Sinku,
Manager/HR guided me to the mining area.. Had a
very good view of the mine field of the view
31-05-2018 Mines I and IA visit point after that I was taken to the
Township viewpoint where I saw the whole view
of Neyveli Township... after there we visited
the afforestation area in the mines
Gone through the payslips of employees at various
01-06-2018 Salary and Wages
A detailed case study on the issue that happened in
02-06-2018 Discussion on case study
Mines I. Our suggestions were then analysed and
the Manager said how they resolve such issues.
Visited the Neyveli New Thermal Power Plant
NNTP. Since it is a power plant under
04-06-2018 Expansion/New thermal visit construction. I was not allowed to go close. A
technical person named Balaji discussed with me
on the new plant
Attendance report of the employees were
05-06-2018 Attendance generation generated and absenteeism was reported.

Attendance report of the employees were

06-06-2018 Attendance generation generated and absenteeism was reported.

Gone through all the memos and circulars which

are sent by Corporate Office to various
07-06-2018 Seen Memos and circulars departments of NLC. They use intranet network.
All the employees are given id and passwords and
can login to know the latest updates in NLC.
Completed the report and got signed from my
Guide Mr. P. V. Anand, Manager/HR. Submitted
08-06-2018 Report Submission
the report in L&D office and received the


The employees of any organization are its life blood, without doubt. With the dawn of
this realization upon the present day business organizations, there appears to be a major shift
towards human resource management. In fact, the employees of today are encouraged to
participate in the major decisions and thus play a vital role in the management of the firm. The
performance of the organization depends on the efficiency that its employees exhibit. Hence it is
of crucial importance that employees with the most suitable qualifications be selected. This is
where the processes of recruitment and selection come in. It is difficult to separate one from the
other. The various company illustrations given in this report indicate that these processes require
a great deal of thought and advanced planning. In fact, it is not only the HR department that is
involved. The finance department provides the budget for the processes and the manpower gap is
determined by inputs from all the departments. Also the grueling procedure through which the
candidate goes through is, in itself, an indicator of the significance of these processes in the
efficient functioning of the organization.

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