29-3 Past Simple

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Complete the story. Use the past simple. My birthday is on June 18th. That's Paul McCartney's (of the Beatles) birthday as well. On my last birthday, Paul (1) (phone) me and (2) (invite) me to his recording studio. A large car (3) (arrive) to take me there. The driver had lots of old albums in the car. ‘This one was in the shops in 1965, he said. ‘it’s called Help! Shall | play it?” ‘Oh yes!" I (4) (answer) ‘i's one of my favourite songs’ When we got to the studio, the car (5) (stop) and! (©) (look) up at the building. Paul was there. He (7) (wave) to me from a large window. | was so excited, but when | (8) (jump) out of the car, | really hurt my leg. ‘Help! I (9). (call) Paul and the driver (10) (carry) me carefully into the building. Then | (11) (open) my eyes. It was just a dream! ‘1 Find 15 more verbs in the word snake. Write the past simple forms. 10 n 2 a 14 5 16 2 Complete the sentences about the Smith family. Use the verbs in the correct order ‘in the past simple, At seven o'clock yestodoy .. 1 ark Jogging. He _____a shower and then be. to work in his new car. (have / drive / go) 2 Tessa 4 big breakfast. Then she __her teeth and to schoel, {clean/ eat / walt) 3. Dad _______ some coffee, Then he ____ to the station and 2 train to the city contre, (drink / take / walk) 4 Mum _____ some toast and coffee. Then she __ dressed and 1 tari to work, (get /take / make) Complete these sentences in the PAST TENSE, using the correct verb: * play njoy watch “listen “talk * phone ‘stop *walk ‘travel * like * stay Example: | watched the late film on TV last night. ...» the concert last night. Itwas great! with friends in Brighton last summer. italy « .. very well in the last World Cup. Her parents osu BY tain from Kiev to Moscow. 1. We really 2 3. 4, sess 5. sessasseseseteneese YOU fOUr times last night but you were sleeping. 6 7 8. She .. We as 11 along the beach yesterday. It wos lovely. . She the film but she didn’t like the main hero. The MEN ssessesssseeesseeens WOFK Ot Six O'clock, Bi Psssteasnsen .» 10 the new Shakira’s album yesterday. It's great. 10. They ..... +. 10. US about their tip to india. It was very interesting.

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