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Drug Study Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Pharmacologic Inhibits calcium movement General Indications Contraindicated Side Effects Before:
Amlodipine Class: calcium channel across cardiac and vascular - hypertension none known Frequent: -- Observe 15 rights in drug
blocker smooth muscle cell membranes. - chronic - Peripheral administration.
Trade Name: stable angina Precaution: Edema - Assess baseline renal/hepatic
Norvasc Therapeutic Class: Therapeutic Effect: - vasospastic - Hepatic impairment Headache function tests, B/P, apical pulse.
Anti-hypertensive Dilates coronary arteries, (Prinzmetals or - aortic stenosis Flushing - Assess skin for flushing, question for
Dosage: Anti-anginal peripheral arteries/ arterioles. variant) angina. - hypertophic cardiomyopathy Occasional: headache, asthenia.
ADULTS: Initially, 5 Decreases total peripheral with outflow tract obstruction. - Dizziness - Assess B/P (if systolic B/P is less
mg/day as a single Pregnancy Category C vascular resistance and B/P by - palpitations than 90 mm Hg, withhold
dose. May increase by 2.5 vasodilation. INTERACTIONS - nausea medication, contact physician).
mg/day DRUG: - unusual fatigue or
every 7–14 days. Pharmacokinetics - May increase level of weakness (asthenia). During:
Maximum: 10 mg/day. simvastatin. Rare: - Do not give with grapefruit product.
Route Onset Peak Duration - Azole antifungals, cyclosporine - Chest pain,
Availability: PO 0.5-1 N/A 24 hrs protease inhibitors may increase - bradycardia After:
Tablets- 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 concentration. C -orthostatic - instruct patient that compliance
mg. - Carbamazepine, rifampin hypotension with therapy regimen is essential to
Metabolism: liver T1/2: 30-50 hrs may decrease level/effect. control hypertension.
Routes of Administration: Distribution: unknown if crosses HERBAL: ADVERSE EFFECTS - instruct patient to avoid tasks that
Oral placenta or is distributed in - St. Johns wort may decrease - Overdose may require alertness, motor skills until
breast milk concentration. produce excessive response to drug is established.
Excretion: urine - Ephedra, yohimbe may peripheral - Instruct patient not to ingest
worsen hypertension. vasodilation, marked grapefruit products.
- Garlic may increase hypotension with - Document that the drug has been
antihypertensive effect. reflex tachycardia, given.
FOOD: syncopy.
- Grapefruit products may
increase concentration,
hypotensive effects.
- May increase hepatic enzyme

Source: Elsevier: Saunders Source: Elsevier: Saunders Source: Elsevier: Saunders Nursing Drug Source: Elsevier: Source: Elsevier: Saunders Nursing Drug Source: Elsevier: Saunders Source: Elsevier: Saunders Nursing Drug
Nursing Drug Handbook 2016, Nursing Drug Handbook Handbook 2016, pp. 62-64. Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2016, pp. 62-64. Nursing Drug Handbook Handbook 2016, pp. 62-64.
pp. 62-64. 2016, pp. 62-64. Handbook 2016, pp. 2016, pp. 62-64.

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