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(Products Offered: Sweet Potato Muffin, Ube Muffin, & Banana Muffin)
Note: The questions below will be used to collect the data and other information. The
Researchers, wish to express their sincerest gratitude to YOU (Respondent) by helping
us in this research through answering the questions provided.
I. Information
Name:_______________________________(Optional) Age:_____
Gender:______ Address:___________________________
II. Questions (Please put a check on your chosen answer)
1. Do you like eating root crops? YES____ NO____
2. Are you fond of eating pastries like muffin? YES____ NO____
3. Do you prefer muffin as your snack? YES___ NO____
4. Would you prefer a muffin that its main ingredient is a root crop instead of
flour? YES___ NO___
5. What will be your suggested price for each muffin?
P4-6___ P7-9___ P10-12 P13-15___
6. What promotion strategy will you suggest?
TV/Radio Adv.______ Tarpaulin______ Others(Please Specify):____
Presentation:_______ Leaflets(Printed Paper)_____
7. Suggested place for the product.
Inside the Campus____ Outside the Campus______
Malls______ Downtown Area:_____ Others(Please Specify):_______
8. You look forward on the products.
Price____ Quality____ Taste____ Health Benefits___ Others______
III. Additional Information or Suggestions
Aside from the root crops Sweet Potato, Ube & Banana what other root crops will you
Suggestion(s) on how to market the
Other information(s) you can give to the researchers for the success of the

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