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Energy 137 (2017) 846e853

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Lean-Green models for eco-efficient and sustainable production

M. Florentina Abreu, Anabela C. Alves*, Francisco Moreira
~es, Portugal
Centro ALGORITMI, Department of Production and Systems, University of Minho, Guimara

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lean-Green is a concept that associates value aggregation and efficiency in operational and environ-
Received 15 October 2016 mental terms. This concept arises as a corollary effect of companies’ challenges for rethinking their goals
Received in revised form and strategies in order to add more value while contributing to social equity and prevent environmental
8 February 2017
burdens. The eco-efficiency concept translates the idea of “creating more with less”, in order to reduce
Accepted 2 April 2017
ecological impacts and resource intensity. Lean is a strategy that encompasses a wide variety of man-
Available online 5 April 2017
agement practices, in an integrated system, to streamline business processes, minimize waste and
improve financial performance. When Lean and Green are associated in the so called Lean-Green link,
Lean production
many of those savings also result in environmental benefits. This paper reports the ongoing effort to
Lean-Green provide models for the Lean-Green integration. A comparative analysis of the few models identified is
Eco-efficiency provided, and the most frequently used KPI acknowledged. Findings show the existence of a limited
Sustainability number of Lean-Green models, published from 2012, denoting a narrow breadth of dissemination. The
fundamental goal of Lean-Green models was mostly found to be related to improve the systems pro-
ductivity while reducing the environmental impacts. Integrate Lean-Green initiatives constitute a valu-
able approach to sustain and endure a greener industrial activity.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction value in more effective ways, i.e. by using less human effort, time
and inventories, less energy, fewer resources and less residues.
Nowadays, for a company to remain competitive and thrive on Present day challenges, however, require not only highly produc-
the long run, it has to focus on an enduring quest for providing tive and responsive production systems, but also eco-efficient ones,
value for its customers. This is achieved by doing timely deliveries i.e. systems that provide more value with lower environmental
of products and services, at the right price, that are truly beneficial impacts. Both concepts are concerned on minimizing all sorts of
and do not embody environmental burdens. Some fundamental waste, on all its shapes and appearances, including the most hard to
pre-conditions to achieve that are the use of effective strategies and deal with, i.e. the invisible ones. This must be achieved without
operations, enabled by energy and other resources savings ratio- raising the production costs, with no hidden external environ-
nale, adequate technology, human capabilities and an effective mental consequences in the short and on the long run, so that
organizational setting. sustainability is genuinely pursued and truly accomplished [2].
Lean Production is recognized for its persistent goal of banishing Uncovering the synergetic relationship among the Lean and Eco-
waste from the industrial shop floors and service providers. Lean efficiency approaches, normally, called Lean-Green [3], is there-
organizational model is rooted on the Toyota Production System, fore an imperious endeavour.
from the Toyota Motor Company, which, under highly restrained The literature is rich in publications on Lean, sustainability and
circumstances, was able to provide an approach that enabled the eco-efficiency, but still there is a research gap on the literature on
company to remain competitive and even thrive on the automobile the Lean-Green synergy, as highlighted by Alves et al. [4]. In this
highly competitive marketplace [1]. Some innovative thinking publication the authors conducted a systematic literature review
pushed forward the provision of solutions, which returned more on 83 papers, over the 2001e2015 time-frame, whose main results
revealed that the Lean-Green link was not explicitly recognized by
most papers. Overall, only a small percentage (7%) of them reports a
relation among Lean, eco-efficiency and sustainability. Others
* Corresponding author.
similar researches could be found but addressing others concerns,
E-mail addresses: (M.F. Abreu), anabela@dps. (A.C. Alves), (F. Moreira). not explicitly the Lean-Green link [5,6] or considering other related
0360-5442/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.F. Abreu et al. / Energy 137 (2017) 846e853 847

techniques [7] [8] [9]. The corollary effect of the above is that few types of wastes, therefore requiring less human effort, fewer in-
researchers study this link and develop suitable models. Even a ventories and facilities space. Ohno [11] considered wastes all of
special volume of the Journal of Cleaner Production devoted to activities that do not add value to the products and classified them
examining the interrelationships among lean, green, and sustain- in seven categories: 1) overproduction; 2) over processing; 3)
ability, encompassed only nine papers, from the 43 identified to transportation; 4) defects; 5) motion; 6) inventory and 7) waiting.
contain models, frameworks and methodologies [10]. It is common An extra waste, i.e. untapped human potential, was later on iden-
to find companies concerned with wastes reduction without taking tified [16].
into consideration all the benefits that a Lean-Green approach According to Womack and Jones [17] Lean holds five principles:
could bring. For example, when a company is interested in reducing 1) Value; 2) Value Stream; 3) Flow; 4) Pull production and 5) Pur-
transports, considered by Ohno [11] one of the seven wastes, it suit of Perfection. These principles are cyclical, and the later gives
reduces energy consumption, that is an environmental waste [12]. the mote for a new cycle of continuous improvement, also known
All production wastes are causes of weak environmental perfor- as kaizen. This is enabled by people seriously committed with Lean
mance [13], thereby reducing these wastes puts the companies in and always unsatisfied with the status-quo. They become thinkers
the eco-efficient pathway, but it seems that, most of the time, they [18]. However, even the best results achieved by Lean companies all
are unaware of that. This motivates the authors to research this over the world have not convinced the most skeptical. For instance,
issue. Cowger [19] wonders in a short paper in the Mechanical Engi-
Attending to the above mentioned motivation, this paper in- neering Magazine: “What’s taking so long?”, meaning that is taking
tends to present and compare different models for the Lean-Green ages for manufacturers to implement Lean (namely SME enter-
integration. This comparison allows estimating the levels of prises), while attributing this lack of sense of urgency, and even
acceptance of the Lean-Green concept, to identify the most used skepticism, to confusing definitions of Lean, too much information
performance indicators, to identify the level of applicability to real and lack of human resources, time and money to adopt Lean ini-
contexts and reveal its benefits. The study is based on a systematic tiatives. Nevertheless, it seems only a matter of time for a larger
literature review that the authors previously conducted, that was adoption of Lean, with so many studies and reports pointing out the
published in Alves et al. [4]. For the purpose of the current paper benefits of Lean and advocating that Lean implementation is a
the authors selected and analysed the papers that presented major enabler for moving manufacturing operations from overseas
models and/or frameworks. This selection returned 27 models that and remain competitive [20].
were analysed in detail aiming at identifying the ones that could be
considered a Lean-Green model. 2.2. Eco-efficiency
The paper is structured in five sections. After a brief introduc-
tion, section two provides the study background, namely the con- The Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD)
cepts of Lean, Eco-efficiency and Lean-Green. Section 3 explains the defined eco-efficiency as: “The delivery of competitively priced
research methodology, and the fourth one presents the results, goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of
accrued from the analysis and classification of the 27 models, life, while progressively reducing ecological impact and resource
comparison of five models selected and highlighting the main intensity throughout the life cycle, to a level at least in line with the
findings, in terms of the most used performance indicators, benefits Earth’s estimated carrying capacity.” [21]. This concept was intro-
and applicability of the models. In the last section some conclusions duced by Stephan Schmidheiny and the BCSD in the 1990s and was
are drawn. intended to foster a new kind of development, the sustainable
development, which wants to contribute truly to a better world,
2. Background including to human and nature well-being. The Eco-efficiency
concept, along with other similar and dissimilar ones, represent
This section presents some concepts on the Lean Production an active set of assets that can be used to deal with the most fierce
methodology, the Eco-efficiency concept, and the Lean-Green consequences of a number of pressing challenges of contemporary
model which integrates them both. societies, namely the depravation of ecosystems and of the atmo-
sphere, and of the respective provision of fundamental services
2.1. Lean production (e.g. freshwater, fertile soil, adequate climate for human settings,
Lean production is a shop floor-related management method- The eco-efficiency concept is grounded on the safeguarding of
ology, stirred on the works of Taiichi Ohno, Shigeo Shingo, and nature by providing conservation on its resources, namely with
other Toyota Motor Company officials, that devised and perfected [22]: a) reduction on materials intensity b) reduction on energy
the Toyota Production System (TPS) in the post Second World War intensity; c) reduction on the quantity and level of toxicity of
period [14] [11], which, in itself, imposed a number of particularly substances; d) promotion of closed cycles and use of meaningful
demanding challenges on the Japanese economy. The Lean meth- end-of-life strategies; e) promotion of renewables, abundant and
odology became a successful approach, and even a reference, for local resources; f) improvement of the durability of the products; g)
shop floor improvement, and has been spreading globally and intensifying the use of services.
across many sectors of economic activity thereafter. The TPS tried to Providing more value with less impact requires innovation ef-
perform well in what mass production excelled, i.e. the smallest use forts, both at the product and production processes, and a distinct
of resources to actually make things, while enabling for greater perspective on the assessment of products’ environmental perfor-
production flexibility along with quality assurance and timely de- mance. Since, the worst impacts of products may dwell on any stage
liveries [1]. The success of the TPS was studied and its features of the full lifecycle, a system strategy is highly advised to avoid
described in a number of MIT based research work, that dissemi- unintended armful relocations among lifecycle stages, and simul-
nated the concept and became the groundwork for many more taneously, to identify gains opportunities, which would be hard to
publications [15]. devise otherwise. A continuous improvement process may be used
Toyota engineers designed the TPS so that fewer and fewer re- to achieve successive marginal gains, along with more substantial
sources would be required for delivering the right products at the gains, normally achieved by way of radical innovation, which may
right time at the shortest timeframes possible, by eliminating all include as well, green logistics and alternative ownership models,
848 M.F. Abreu et al. / Energy 137 (2017) 846e853

among others. further reinforcements. The new contributions of the present paper
are: 1) expand the literature review; 2) highlight the different
2.3. Lean-Green model models for the Lean-Green integration; and 3) compare and analyse
them, by showing its relevant features. The main research ques-
A common terminology akin to the Eco-Efficiency concept and tions considered in this study are:
efforts, include Green (Production), Cleaner Production, Industrial
Ecology, Cradle-to-Grave; Cradle-to-Cradle, Design for the Envi- - What models/frameworks exist for Lean-Green integration?
ronment, among others, which may be focused on specific aspects - What are the accepted designations for such models/
(e.g. design stage) or hold wider perspectives (e.g. full life cycles). frameworks?
The Green Cleaner Production Programme (CP) was launch in 1989 - What kind of models and indicators are used?
by the UNEP/UNIDO (UN Environment Programme and UN Indus- - What are the reported benefits of such models/frameworks?
trial Development Organization, respectively), aiming “the - Are the models/frameworks being applied? E.g. to case studies?
continuous application of an integrated preventive environmental
strategy applied to processes, products and services to reduce risks The literature review was conducted considering search strings
to humans and the environment” [23]. The UNEP and the WBCSD in the following electronic databases: ISI Web of Knowledge, Sco-
recognize the important contributions of Cleaner Production and of pus, Elsevier (Science Direct), Wiley Online Library (Wiley), Taylor
the Eco-Efficiency to promote and reinforce the sustainability trend & Francis, Springer and Emerald Insight, over the 2001e2015
[24]. The term Green (Production) widely encapsulates the intents timeframe period, within the field of Production and Operations
and rationale beyond the above presented concepts. Management. In this period, 83 papers satisfied the search condi-
The Lean-Green link, i.e. the link between Lean Manufacturing tions and were subsequently analysed.
and Green (Production) was investigated and its nature studied A new search in 2016, following the same strings returned two
from the 1990s onwards [3,25e27]. Although Lean was not more papers. From the 85 papers selected, only 27 of which pre-
particularly thoughtful, and developed, to tackle sustainability is- sented models or frameworks that were subject to further study.
sues [28,29], some authors have unveiled that their principles and Five of them were found to specifically deliver Lean-Green models.
practices brought about a number of benefits that could be put
under the umbrella of Green [30e32], while some reservations 4. Results
remained on the environmental implications of enabling shorter
inventories by providing more frequent trips for JIT deliveries. For the purpose of analysis and synthesis of the models found on
The Lean approach, specifically designed to convey the products the selected papers, an excel table was built to identify and sum-
the consumers want, at the right pace and price, could uninten- marize the relevant features of the models. A filter was used on this
tionally cope with the Green constraints? Could it eventually be excel table to select only the papers that included the word “model”
reengineered to mesh with the Green DNA? Some authors consider or “framework”, on the field “type of the paper”, classified by the
that since Lean puts an emphasis on adding value to its operations, authors as: literature review, case study, theoretical model, math-
grounded on a culture of successive removal of all forms of waste, it ematical, simulation, framework, methodology, among others. The
fits well with the ancestral principle that within nature nothing is application of this filter returned 27 papers, which were subse-
lost, all is transformed, that is, the concept of waste does not exist. quently analysed in order to eliminate any other distinct ap-
Therefore, a Lean-Green approach may provide just the right proaches or frameworks.
framework for delivering cleaner and valuable products with the
right processes. 4.1. Analysis and classification of the models
Many organizations are akin with the need to integrate syner-
gistically Lean-Green concepts. For example, U.S. EPA has been It was difficult to distinguish what the authors of the reviewed
doing a lot of work to relate Lean with the environment. Among the papers were proposing, i.e. if a model to integrate Lean and Green,
many toolkits designed by them, is the “The Lean and Environment or just a model to assess the quantification of consumptions or eco-
Toolkit” [33] where they define the environmental waste, i.e., an efficiency improvements. Sometimes, they are just put under the
unnecessary or excess use of resources or a substance released to same umbrella of models, frameworks and methodologies [10].
the air, water, or land that could harm human health or the envi- Nevertheless, attending to the concept of Lean-Green, explained in
ronment, and demonstrate that Lean tools can be applied to reduce section 2.3, several models, among the ones reviewed, did not seem
environmental wastes. Environmental wastes can occur when to qualify (in our opinion) to embed the Lean-Green concept,
companies use resources to provide products or services to cus- because they seemed to have been considered in isolation, i.e. not
tomers, and/or when customers use and dispose products. Some in a unified approach. Additionally, they seemed more simulation
initiatives to reduce them are in progress, examples from textile or mathematical oriented models, as explained below.
and Clothing could be seen in Maia et al. [34]. Surprisingly, reports Model based-simulation are provided by five papers: Paju et al.
like “Vision 2050 - The New agenda for business” [35], completely [36], Diaz-Elsayed et al. [37], Greinacher et al. [38], Kruse et al. [39]
omit Lean. and Sproedt et al. [40]. Paju [36] uses a methodology based on
Value Stream mapping (VSM), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and
3. Research methodology Discrete Event Simulation (DES) to model the current and future
state process maps based on a set of sustainability manufacturing
A systematic literature review on the Lean-Green link was parameters including energy, materials among others. Diaz-Elsayed
previously conducted by Alves et al. [4] whose purpose was to [37] describes an assessment methodology of lean and green
study the relationship between the Lean and the Sustainability strategies by simulating manufacturing systems. Kruse et al. [39]
concepts. The main research question was “Does research on Sus- presented a simulation-based framework to quantify the energy
tainability, in the field of Production and Operations Management, consumption and costs allocated to each cause in the
exhibits a link to that of Lean and/or Eco-efficiency concepts?”. This manufacturing system. Also, Greinacher et al. [38] developed a
provided the current state of research relating this subject and specific product simulation based assessment approach, for lean
identified a positive correlation among the concepts, requiring and green assessment of manufacturing systems in discrete
M.F. Abreu et al. / Energy 137 (2017) 846e853 849

production environments. Additionally, there are authors that deployment level to apply Lean Thinking, i.e. the manufacturing
presented a mixed model such as the model of Sproedt et al. [40] operations have to be stable, and Lean has to be well settled within
that also developed a simulation-based model that supports a the plant. The paper presents a Lean-Green approach which pro-
decision-making system. This model is more focused on the eco- motes the environment and the reduction of wastes within the
efficiency concept and intends to assess eco-efficiency improve- shopfloor.
ments in production systems. This includes, among other modules, Verrier et al. [56] developed a Lean and Green House, identifying
a resource editor that features an interface to the Ecoinvent Life best-practices that should be implemented to manage a company’s
Cycle Inventory (LCI) database, through which every defined Lean and Green performance, either at the organizational or at the
container- or sub-resource can be directly linked to the corre- operational levels. These practices and tools are linked to each
sponding elementary flows or unit processes within the database. other and are based on the studied correlations between Lean and
Maths-based models, mainly decision-making approaches, are Green wastes. This House has foundations on three pillars: Lean,
discussed in two papers: Wong & Wong [41] and Gupta et al. [42]. human force and Green. The Green wastes should be minimized
The first developed a management system that they called “lean- through the elimination of the corresponding Lean wastes, and the
ecosphere” by using interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and later, in turn, through the application of the appropriate Lean tools.
analytical network process (ANP). The second one is also based in a The authors also present a Lean and Green maturity model, based
similar technique, the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) to on the five stages Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI),
compare and assess different sustainable manufacturing practices, for improving and assessing the deployment maturity of a project
including in lean practices and green supply chain, among others. or an organization.
The others models found in the remaining papers, 20, were The model of Azevedo et al. [45], extends the concept of Supply
classified as just theoretical and theoretical & mathematical. Chain Management (SCM). The authors developed a theoretical
Fourteen pertain to the first category ([43e56]), and the remaining framework to support the study of relationships between green and
six pertain to the second one [57e62]. To give more detailed ex- lean upstream SCM practices and sustainable development within
amples of what authors are proposing, the framework proposed by businesses. In spite of not tagging it a Lean-Green model, they
Verrier et al. [53] called “… a framework for Lean and Green presented a model that integrates Lean and Green practices. These
management”, which includes Lean indicators, Green performance practices can be used to reduce the global warming and carbon
indicators and Green intentions indicators, is a benchmarking re- footprint and, at the same time, to remain competitive in the
pository. The authors used it to benchmark the Lean and Green marketplace.
practices of a consortium of companies in order to target the best in Aguado et al. [47] developed a model for efficient and sustain-
class and the associated best practices. From the second category, able improvement in a lean production system through processes
the example is the work from Bre chet & Ly [58]. They proposed a of environmental innovation and defined the adequate tools for
theoretical mathematical model to evaluate the effects of techno- implementing this model. They also wanted to demonstrate that
logical greening on value creation, pollution level, and eco- the environmental innovation and transformation of a production
efficiency. The authors alert for what they called “The many traps system into a lean system brings economic, environmental and
of green technology promotion” because, sometimes a technolog- social benefits. They started by developing a pull methodology
ical greening may raise conflicting effects (e.g., reduces the pollu- (based on customer needs, as Lean principles demands) that re-
tion but also reduces the profits) that are not systematically marks on the common aspects of a sustainable and efficient
detected by the eco-efficiency indicator. This could serve as an approach and then developed a model that explores the synergies
evidence of a deep need for an integrated Lean-Green model. between a sustainable production approach and an efficient
After this analysis, only five papers were considered to present approach. This model seems extremely practical and aligned with
Lean-Green related models. The five models were compared lean initiatives.
relating its features, which included key performance indicators Alves & Alves [55] designated their model “Integrated System of
(KPI) and key performance and environmental indicators (KPEI), Management (ISMA)” and described it as a production manage-
reported benefits, and eventual application to real cases, etc. The ment model integrating the principles of lean manufacturing and
following sections present the analysis made and the identified sustainability supported by the cultural transformation of a com-
models. pany. They developed a methodology to implement the model
using five stages, starting with the diagnosis stage and ending on
4.2. Identification and comparison of the Lean-Green related the share of the knowledge and continuous improvement. To
models achieve this, the authors appeal to the engagement of employees at
all levels.
From the 27 papers selected, five models were identified. These These five models reported gains through initiatives that reduce
models are presented in Table A.1, which highlights the reference both the wastes and the use of natural resources and, at the same
and year of the publication, model type, performance indicators, time, reported improvements in productivity.
main benefits and its eventual application to a case study. The
comparisons among the models are expanded in the following 4.2.1. Most used performance indicators
sections. The models presented on Table A.1 share some common per-
The five models presented in Table A.1 relate to Lean-Green (L- formance indicators. These are detailed on Table A.2. This table
G) models. Only two models are coined Lean-Green, namely the highlights the reference number and year of the publication along
ones put forward by Pampanelli et al. [51] and Verrier et al. [56]. with the corresponding performance indicators identified in each
The remaining three are not directly labelled Lean-Green models. one of the models. These indicators were revealed during the
The one from Alves & Alves [55] was not applied to a real case description of each model, as found on the respective reference
situation. sources, such as operational indicators, e.g. related with time (e.g.
The paper from Pampanelli et al. [51] was explicitly coined “Lean lead times) or economic, e.g. related with costs (i.e. operational
& Green Model” and was applied to a production cell. This paper cost, inventory cost, and environmental cost). Others, also consid-
adopts a Kaizen approach to improve mass and energy flows in ered social indicators, e.g. corruption risk, supplier screening, and
manufacturing environments, which already possess the necessary local suppliers; and environmental (business wastage, green image,
850 M.F. Abreu et al. / Energy 137 (2017) 846e853

Table A.1
Models identified and their characterization.

Authors L-G Type of model KPI & KPIE Benefits Application to real
Year Model case?

Azevedo et al. [45] No Theoretical Economic; environmental; This study provides an understanding on green and lean Case study in a
2012 framework and social. upstream SCM practices potential benefits, namely, Portuguese Automaker
developing processes that promote cost and waste
minimization, at same time reducing environmental
impacts and assuring protection of social aspects.
Aguado et al. [47] No Pull methodology and EI99 and other variables Standardization and balancing of processes and job Case study in a metal
2013 model such as productivity, procedures, development of versatile and qualified workers, tube forming company
quality and cost. enhanced customer loyalty. Reduction in: delivery times;
space required; inventories; costs of noncompliance;
wastes. Enhanced flexibility, efficiency, sustainable
management and social responsibility.
Pampanelli et al. Yes Lean & Green Model Energy; water; metallic and Reduction on energy, water, chemicals and other materials. Automotive manufact.
[51] contaminated waste; oils Reduction on hazardous and greasy wastes. Reduction on operations in Brazil
2014 and chemicals; effluents. the average costs of energy and mass flows within a cell.
Less water related emissions and less use of resources.
Reduction on metals and cleaning cloths.
Alves & Alves [55] No Integrated System of Electricity and water Waste reduction and increased productivity. Reduction on e
2015 Management (ISMA) consumption; waste; the natural resources and industrial waste. Increased social
number of accidents at responsibility. Development of employees’ potential,
work and others aiming at changing attitudes, values, behaviors and
Verrier et al. [56] Yes Lean and Green House Lean wastes; The joint elimination of manufacturing and environmental Case study in Toyota
2016 and maturity model Green wastes; wastes (Onnaing, France and
(theoretical) Toyota-shy, Japan)

Table A.2
Performance Indicators identified.

Authors KPI & KPIE description


Azevedo et al. [45]  Economic: operational cost, environmental cost, inventory cost;
2012  Environmental: business wastage, green image, CO2 emissions;
 Social: corruption risk, supplier screening, local supplier.
Aguado et al. [47]  Environmental impact (by the Eco-indicator 99 - EI99) (mPt/unit);
2013  Global warming (Kg CO2 equivalent);
 Cost (V/unit);
 Productivity (unit/worker);
 Cycle time (s);
 The fossil Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) (MJ surplus/unit).
Pampanelli et al. [51] Measure the mass-energy flows for the cell:
2014  Energy (measured in MWh/month);
 Water (measured in m3/month);
 Metallic and contaminated waste and other waste (measured in ton/month);
 Oils and chemicals (measured in m3/month);
 Effluents (measured in m3/month).
Alves & Alves [55] Interaction between lean manufacturing and sustainability measured by:
2015  Electricity consumption per unit of output (kW/unit e Kilowatt per unit);
 Water consumption per unit produced (l/unit e litres per unit);
 Waste generated in the industrial process per unit produced (kg/unit e kg per unit);
 Number of accidents at work per hour worked; among others.
Interaction between lean manufacturing and organizational culture measured by:
 Number of improvement suggestions per employee;
 Number of training hours per employee;
 Internal surveys of employee satisfaction;
 Internal surveys on the organization’s maturity regarding the concepts of lean manufacturing.
Interaction between organizational culture and sustainability measured by:
 Number of social action projects promoted by the company;
 Number of employees involved in volunteering;
 Number of people impacted by social actions promoted by the company.
4 indicators are determined in the proposed project:
 Lead time of the process;
 Generation of waste per unit produced;
 Organizational culture;
 Social responsibility.
Verrier et al [56].  Defects;
2016  Unnecessary motion;
 Space used on the shop-floor;
 Energy needed per vehicle produced;
 Industrial water self-sufficiency;
 Amount of rubbish generated;
 COV emissions from the painting process.
M.F. Abreu et al. / Energy 137 (2017) 846e853 851

and CO2 emissions) performance measures [45]. According to 2) Organizational culture: expressed in percentage (%), this is the
Azevedo et al. [45] the main goal is to increase resource efficiency, result of the simple average of three sub-indicators, which are
the percentage of recycled materials, reused and remanufactured, obtained by means of internal and external research: (i) internal
while maintaining a reduction on the lead time, on the inventory knowledge of the ISMA; (ii) internal customer satisfaction; and
levels, scrap, energy consumption and on the quantity of solid and (iii) external customer satisfaction. These surveys are conducted
liquid waste. periodically by means of specific questionnaires and tabulated
Aguado et al. [47] considered the environmental impact as from 0 to 100% for each one of the questions.
measured by the so called Eco-indicator 99 or simply EI99 [63], that 3) Social responsibility: this concerns the number of people from
it is a method for weighting the results of life cycle assessment, the surrounding community who are affected by social actions
considering the environmental burden of the product in a “Cradle- initiated by the company.
to-grave” perspective and measuring the impacts on ecosystems
and on human health and use of resources, which can be used to The approach found in Alves & Alves [55] promotes the reduc-
analyse the product’s life cycle (the raw materials, production, tion on inventory, improvement of production costs and of product
distribution, use and recycling) by considering all of the environ- quality, shorter production cycles, faster delivery to end users and
mental aspects, hence beginning the innovation process. improvement of worker safety.
Aguado et al. [47] also used the fossil Cumulative Energy De- Verrier et al. [56] considered the Lean and Green wastes to seek
mand (CED) to ratify the quality of results. The CED is based on the and eradicate wastes from the production processes, and explicitly
relationship between the use of fossil fuels and several environ- linking Lean and Green wastes. The authors identified the Green
mental impacts. The environmental impact was characterized by wastes that are hidden behind the corresponding Lean wastes in a
categories, including the global warming potential (kg CO2 equiv- causal link diagram. The Lean wastes considered were the ones
alent) contribution and the consumption of energy (MJ) resources, reported on section 2.1. The Green wastes considered were: (i)
among others. These results were translated into a standardized rubbish; (ii) excessive resource usage; (iii) excessive power usage;
and comparable unit, defined as the millipoint (mPt), i.e., as the (iv) direct emissions into the air, soil or water; and (v) poor health
weighting of the three impacts categories have different units, and safety. The most important Green waste identified was that of
there is a need to use a normalization step, in order to make these excessive power usage, because it is potentially affected by every
damage categories dimensionless and able to be compared. These Lean waste, followed by the excessive use of resources. The authors
authors used other variables such as productivity, quality and cost reinforce the important role of people and social preoccupations,
to validate the progress and so, for each process the following data namely by emphasizing that poor health and safety might directly
was collected: space, number of workers, working hours, number of lead to lost people potential.
shifts, breaks, stops, cycle time, process time, production, batch
size, scrap, rework, good pieces, ideal cycle time, preparation time 4.2.2. Benefits
and scheduled time. Aguado et al. [47] wanted to demonstrate that the environ-
Pampanelli et al. [51] used the improvement performance mental innovation and transformation of a production system into
metrics: 1) energy: the use of meters for collecting all energy a lean system can improve costs, income, social responsibility and
consumed in a specific period of time (e.g. month). Energy bills are sustainability. Pampanelli et al. [51] achieved with their model an
used to determine the cost; 2) water: use of meters for collecting all increase on the manufacturing process resource productivity by
water consumed in a specific period of time. Water bills are used to optimizing the performance of the supporting flows (i.e., material
determine the cost; 3) metallic and contaminated waste and other and energy consumption and waste generation) and a reduction of
waste: that represents all types of waste produced by a cell in a the environmental impact of the manufacturing process by
specific period of time. Waste bills are used to determine the cost; reducing all the environmental waste generated by the production.
4) oils and chemicals: a company materials system is used to access Alves & Alves [55] model intended to achieve productivity gains
all chemicals used by a cell in a specific period of time. Bills are used and improvements on customer satisfaction, as well as the devel-
to determine the cost; and, 5) effluents: use of meters for collecting opment of the ability to provide quick responses to market changes
the effluents generated in a specific period of time. Bills are used to in a globalised economy.
determine the cost. Verrier et al. [56] identified four tools that have positive effects
Alves & Alves [55], used specific indicators for categorizing lean on all the Lean and the Green wastes and, at the same time, enhance
and sustainability performances, such as the consumption of the employees’ involvement: Gemba Walk, Lean and Green Value
electricity and water per output unit, waste generated in the in- Stream Mapping, Key Performance Indicators and Visual Manage-
dustrial process per unit produced and the number of accidents at ment. The authors consider the respect for the workforce as a pillar
work per hour worked. Beyond these environmental indicators, that must be associated to the Lean and Green efficiency.
and for the interaction between lean manufacturing and organi-
zational culture, they used the following specific performance in- 4.2.3. Applicability to a real case
dicators: number of improvement suggestions and number of From the five models identified, which were previously
training hours per employee, internal surveys of employee satis- described, only Alves & Alves [55] did not include a case study on
faction and on the organization’s maturity regarding the concepts their proposal, although suggesting just that as future work. The
of lean manufacturing. For the interaction between organizational other models include case studies, mainly to test and validate the
culture and sustainability, the authors [55] used the indicators: proposed models. For instance, Azevedo et al. [45] tested six
number of social action projects promoted by the company, num- research prepositions in the case study. The data for the case study
ber of employees involved in volunteering and the number of was collected aiming at developing a deeper understanding on how
people impacted by social actions promoted by the company. Other lean and green upstream SCM practices were deployed in the
indicators are also referred for production system and culture: automotive industry. Aguado et al. [47] used the case study to apply
the pull methodology, and, for every main process in the case study,
1) Lead time of the process: comprises the time between the input assessed a number of aspects: organization; customer satisfaction;
of a product into the first processing step and the output of the information management; maintenance; production; external
finished product at the last step. relationship; culture; efficiency; and sustainability, in a scale of
852 M.F. Abreu et al. / Energy 137 (2017) 846e853

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