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Dosen Pengampu : 1. Sutarmi, MN

2. Taryatmo, SPd., Akep., Mkes
3. Teguh Wahyudi, MN
4. Norma Nila K, SPd


NAMA : 1. Heylda Putri Persitasari (P1337420417039)

2. Nisa Dwi Arbianti (P1337420417041)



P = Patient
N = Nurse

N : “Good morning Miss.”

P : “Good morning Nurse.”

N : “My i know your name please.”

P : “My name is Lina nurse.”

N : “Ok i’m nurse Linda. I’m on job in this morning.”

P : “Yess nurse Linda.”

N : “Miss Lina, i’m going to do some routine tests. I want begin with your

blood pressure. After that i’m going to check your body temperature. Just to make sure
that everything is OK. Are you ready?”

P : “Yes nurse”

N : “Now please roll your sleeve up. Then i’m going pump some air into it, so i can read
your blod pressure. Are you ready?”

P : “Yess i’m ready.”

N : “Did you sleep well last night?”

P : “Not really, cause i still got a problem with my headache.”

N : “You got a problem with your headache. I will report this to your doctor.”

P : “Thank you nurse.”

N : “Done. Your blood pressure is 120/80 mmhg.”

P : “What is my blood pressure nurse?”

N : “Is it still in the normal range.”

P : “But i’m feel dizzy nurse.”

N : “Yess, maybe any some reason, why you feel dizzy. Now, i will try to take your body
P : “Yess nurse.”

N : “Can you pop this in your mouth under your tongue? ..... good. Hold your termometer
for five minutes, please.”

P : “Yess nurse.”

N : “Done. Your body temperature is 380C ( 38 degrees centigrade).”

P : “What is the meaning nurse?”

N : “Your body temperature is upnormal. Maybe this is the reason. You must to take a rest
for well.”

P : “Ok nurse.”

N : “Sure, how is your feeling now?”

P : “I’m still dizzy nurse.”

N : “Ok. I will report this to your doctor. If you need any help, you can call me ok.”

P : “Ok nurse. Thank you very much.”

N : “You are welcome. Get well soon miss Lina.”

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