Legal English - 1

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Andisa Sekarani Wibowo

2018200200 / Class F
Faculty of Law
Legal English
Introduction to Legal English Assignment
Adjective + Noun Noun + Noun Adjective + Noun Verb + Noun Noun of Noun
…. + Law Law + …. Legal + …. ….+ Law …. Of Law
e.g : Civil Law e.g: Law Enforcement e.g: Legal Term e.g: Apply Law e.g: Role of Law
1. Presumption of
1. Administrative Law 1. Law Firm 1. Legal Dispute 1. Find Law Law
2. Criminal Law 2. Law Clerks 2. Legal Liability 2. Interpret Law 2. Court of Law
3. Written Law 3. Law Report 3. Legal Action 3. Break Law 3. Matter of Law
4. Unwritten Law 4. Law School 4. Legal Entity 4. Obey Law 4. Point of Law
5. Penal Law 5. Law Student 5. Legal Aid 5. Make Law 5. Question of Law

1. Administrative Law
That branch of public law which deals with the various organs of the sovereign power considered as in motion,
and prescribes in detail the manner of their activity, being concerned with such topics as the collection of the
revenue, the regulation of the military and naval forces, citizenship and naturalization, sanitary measures, poor
laws, coinage, police, the public safety and morals, etc. In Bahasa, Administrative Law means Hukum
Administrasi atau Hukum Acara.
2. Criminal Law
A branch or division of law which treats of crimes and their punishments. In Bahasa, Criminal Law means Hukum
3. Law Firm
Company that involves itself in the business of law. In Bahasa, Law firm means Firma Hukum.
4. Law Clerks
an assistant to a judge, typically a recent law-school graduate, whose function is to do legal research, help write
opinions, and provide general assistance. In Bahasa, Law Clerk means Panitera.
5. Legal Dispute
Contest / conflict / disagreement concerning lawful existence of (1) a duty or right, or (2) compensation, by
extent or type, claimed by the injured party for a breach of such duty or right. In Bahasa, Legal Dispute means
Sengketa Hukum.
6. Legal Liability
Lawful accountability and obligations required due to civil actions or torts, or a contract’s terms. In Bahasa, Legal
Liability means Kewajiban Hukum.
7. Find Law
An activity done by a judge to find the law of a concrete legal case. In Bahasa, Find Law means Menemukan
8. Interpret Law
An activity done by a judge to apply the law in abstract into the law in concrete. In Bahasa, interpret law means
Menginterpretasi hukum
9. Presumption of Law
The assumption that is created by a law that exists and forces the court to make a certain conclusion. In Bahasa,
Presumption of Law means Asumsi Hukum.
10. Court of Law
A place where trials and legal cases are decided, or the group of people who deal with legal cases there. In
Bahasa, Court of Law means Pengadilan.

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