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Script Ideas

Storyboard Draft of Script

EXT - Waiting to board a Spaceship - Dawn
Due to global warming drastic measures have finally been made to move the remaining
peoples on earth to a safer environment, space. It is the end of the human race on earth and
humanity's future belongs in space. 17 year old twins BILLY and AMY anticipate their new
life on a spaceship. However they both have suspicions that the move to space is not for the
reasons it seems.

BILLY and AMY wait in the moving queue for their parents to return however their departure
is rapidly approaching.

Did you see Mum and Dad? *while straining to look through the dusty red area*

No! Dad and a guard said to wait here, he went back to help Mum with the bags.

I’m not going without them.

AMY ​(calmly)
Lets just wait here they wouldn't they wouldn't tell us to stand here without a reason.

A few metres away yelling is heard from another queue in the distance dust and smoke rises
blocking the commotion.

Haven't you noticed that majority of people waiting here are young? We could have all been
told to wait for our parents.

BILLY catches his eye on adults arguing with guards.

AMY ​ (Standing in the opposite direction to where billy is looking)

Don’t jump so quickly to conclusions the queues moving super slow there's loads of time for
them to come back.

​ kay fair enough just don’t be so naive, keep a lookout.
Camera zooms out from Amy & Billy's conversation into a bird's eye view shot of the
landscape. A thousands and thousands of people queue for two massive spaceship, placed
on red dusty land. Guards patrol the area in black and yellow clothing that matches the
spaceships. Forests surrounds the open land.

Echo sounds of many conversations as the camera pans around the lines of families with the
repeating of ‘Were just going to check on the luggage won't be long. ‘Coming right back.’
Guards stand next to with adults about to leave leaving children and teenagers

Camera settles on a small child with a mother which is just behind AMY & BILLY in the
queue. A guard stands behind her.

MOTHER (kneeling in front of child)

‘​Now I won’t be long I’m just going to put our things away so we can get on the ship to go to
space. Exciting right?’

*​Continues to look at the ground*

‘The guards going to show me the way okay, don’t worry about me’

Mother hugs her child. BILLY & AMY are standing behind them in the queue.

MOTHER (pointing to BILLY & AMY)

‘​look these guys will take care of you while I’m gone’

‘​That's fine, my names Amy and this is my brother Billy our parents have gone to put away
the suitcases too they won't be long.’

‘Excuse me, we should really be getting a move on…’

‘​He’s right I must be going.’
Mother says goodbye to her child with a hug and a wave and follows the guard holding their

BILLY and AMY are left with the mother's child by them.

‘Great what are we supposed to do with a kid’

‘I think you’re missing the bigger picture…’

‘That is?’

‘Why should you have to say goodbye to your child wouldn’t you bring them with you if it’s
just to put away luggage’

‘That’s true and we all hardly brought anything with us anyway, nothing on Earth is truly
worth bringing to space.’

‘I feel like they aren’t coming back or not while we are waiting to board this ship’

‘Does that mean my mums gone for good?’

‘No...Billy don’t put bad idea into people’s head’

End of Scene 1 Script Idea

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