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DAY ONE 9AM- I started off by planning my three ideas, for my three genres. I thought that
film would take the longest so I started by planning my idea once I had it, I knew that some
of the preporty drawings and storyboard would have to match so I thought about that first.

DAY TWO-11am- I made sure that I had started my film board by doing the first 4 this would
be the start of my film as I had wrote the script so I knew how my film would go I aimed to
make 4 but I only done 3 as I wanted to make sure the writing was good

Day three- I finished off my fourth storyboard and started doing my other 4 however writing
slowed me down and I had to make sure I done the transitions. I started to write more and
focus on how the shots would flow together

DAY 4- I was half way through my film storyboard when I started to make my game as I
knew this would be the hardest I aimed to make two as I thought that this would take time
but actually managed to make 4 as the writing wasn’t that long

DAY 5- this was the longest day as I made sure to finish of my film and game storyboard I
maybe rushed film abit but I got it done and my aim for that day was to complete the film
and be half way through the game.

DAY 6- I was able to finish my game and aim to start my advert, I had left this to last as I
knew that it would be the easiest and I was very confident about my idea. I had started
drawing my pictures and drew around 6 more to do with my advert.

DAY 7- I had finished my game and film so my main focus was my advert and the drawings
however I was only able to start my advert and do two drawings which meant I was abit

DAY 8 – I had aimed to finish my 6 boxes left for my advert and I aimed to add colour to all
my work so I was able to complete my advert and only add colour to the advert not my film
or game

DAY 9- this day I made sure that all the colour was done and added to all my work and that I
attempted to add my to my drawings however only the colour was able to get done.

DAY 10- my focus only was colour and detail around my storyboards.

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