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*how you ever seen a dron that transport people?

*how many times did you arrive late for the traffic?

*Did you think about protect the planet?

***when i was a child i used to think which was the best solution to face the traffic**
***ten years ago, mi big sister had a car cash in a motorcycle after that I search a form to
prevent this types of accidents.***


1. -This dron must tranport people in the air to any destination

2. -It Can´t transport more than 130kg
3. -If you are in the midle of traffic of cars, You will drive in the air (on the cars) or wáter
just to get fast and avoid the traffic.
4. -it is faster than motorcycle and easier to learn to drive.


5. This dron will be very popular because it is going to work with electricity, its battery
last 72 hours. So it´s ecological.
6. -when you got a licence driver, you will buy and try this dron.
7. -the probability to have some accident might less to 50%
8. -to star the dron you need to put your forefinger on the sensor.


We are going to launch this product in the next motorcycle fair, events in order to get more

Our target public are people who are tired about lima’s traffic and want a new experience by
driving in the air or wáter just by yourself.

Also we shre aour product in Facebook, twitter,Instagram and weeki.

We will interact with people by online contest in order to raffle a new dron.

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