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Quantification of Left Ventricular Volumes

by Two-dimensional Echocardiography:
A Simplified and Accurate Approach

SUMMARY A new and simplified method to determine left ventricular (LV) volumes with two-dimen-
sional echocardiography (2-D echo) was developed using the parasternal long-axis and apical four- and two-
chamber views. An end-diastolic area (EDA) was derived using the longest minor axis (Dmax) from either of
the three views and the major long axis (Lmax) from the apical views, with the formula EDA = Dmax * L
Tr/4. LV end-diastolic volumes (EDVs) obtained by single-plane angiograms were correlated with the EDAs
derived from 2-D echo in 25 initial patients and the resultant equation, EDV = (EDA x 4.35) 6.44 (r = -

0.82, SEE = 34 ml), was applied prospectively to 27 patients (r = 0.95, SEE = 19 ml) and to the 52 combined
patients without underestimation according to the equation y = 1.07 x - 7.3. Twenty-nine of the 52
patients had coronary artery disease and regional dyssynergy. Ejection fraction (EF) measured with a
previously validated method that uses the average of several LV dimensions correlated well with angio-
graphic EF in the initial (r = 0.96, SEE = 5%) and prospective (r = 0.87, SEE = 8%) series and in both
series combined (r = 0.92, SEE = 7%). End-systolic volume (ESV) was derived by substracting stroke
volume (EDV x EF) from EDV. Correlation coefficients for 2-D echo ESV vs angiographic ESV were 0.91,
0.97 and 0.94, with SEES of 25, 12 and 19 ml for the initial, prospective and combined series, respectively.
Two-dimensional echo EDV, EF and ESV also correlated well (r = 0.89-0.97) with biplane angiographic
results in 15 of 27 prospective patients. Comparisons between two independent observers revealed high r
values (0.958-0.965) and mean differences for EDV, EF and ESVof + 3%, 6% and 8%, respectively.
Thus, a simplified method of determining LV volumes with 2-D echo without a need for planimetry or
computer assistance has been validated.
TWO-DIMENSIONAL echocardiography (2-D echo) gle-plane LV angiography were performed within 24
has been established as a noninvasive technique that hours of each other. Five patients were excluded, three
allows calculation of left ventricular (LV) volumes and because of poor-quality 2-D echoes and two because of
ejection fraction (EF). Although methods with accept- poor-quality LV angiograms. Among the remaining 25
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able degrees of accuracy and reproducibility have been patients (17 males and eight females, mean age 54
reported, they require drawing images for planimetry years, range 29-77 years), 18 had coronary artery dis-
and often computer assistance to determine volumes,1-7 ease (CAD), 16 with regional dyssynergy and two with
which limits their routine clinical use. We previously normal wall motion; two patients had aortic insuffi-
reported a simplified and accurate method for quanti- ciency, one patient had mitral regurgitation, one pa-
tating EF from direct measurements of LV dimensions tient had congestive cardiomyopathy, and three pa-
and a formula that obviates having to determine vol- tients had normal heart evaluations.
umes.8 In the present investigation, we report a method
for calculating LV end-diastolic volume (EDV) from Echocardiographic Measurement of Volumes
2-D echo LV dimensions that, combined with our
method of measuring EF, allows accurate derivation of Wide-angle, 2-D echoes were recorded using a me-
end-systolic volume (ESV). chanical sector scanner (Advanced Technology Labo-
ratories Mark V) or a phased-array sector scanner
Methods (Varian V-3400). All studies were videotaped on 3/4-
Initial Series inch Umatic videocasette recorders equipped with a
The initial series consisted of 30 patients in regular back-spacer search module, which allows frame-by-
sinus rhythm in whom 2-D echocardiography and sin- frame bidirectional playback. The video frame rate of
the system is approximately 60 frames/sec.
From the Section of Cardiology, Baylor College of Medicine, the All patients were studied in the left lateral recum-
Methodist Hospital and Ben Taub General Hospital, Houston, Texas. bent position using multiple views through the left
Presented in part at the 54th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Ameri-
can Heart Association, November 1981, Dallas, Texas. parasternal and apical windows. Three views were se-
Supported in part by grant HL-17269, National Heart, Lung and lected for measurements: parasternal long-axis, apical
Blood Vessel Research and Demonstration Center, Baylor College of four-chamber and apical two-chamber. Several minor-
Medicine. Computational assistance was provided by the CLINFO Proj- axis LV dimensions at the upper, middle and lower
ect, funded by grant RR-00350, Division of Research Resources, NIH. third of the LV cavity were measured at end-systole
Dr. Tortoledo is the recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship award from
the Council for Scientific and Humanistic Development, Universidad and end-diastole, as previously described8 (fig. 1). The
Central, Caracas, Venezuela. LV long axis (Lmax) was measured at end-diastole as the
Address for correspondence: Miguel A. Quinones, M.D., Section of longest major axis in either of the two apical views.
Cardiology, The Methodist Hospital, 6535 Fannin - MS F905, Hous- The measurement of Lmax was rounded off to the closest
ton, Texas 77030.
Received July 23, 1982; revision accepted October 5, 1982. whole number to ensure reproducibility. LV end-dia-
Circulation 67, No. 3, 1983. stolic area (EDA) was derived according to the ellipse
580 CIRCULATION VOL 67, No 3, MARCH 1983

Parast. LA Apx 4C Apx 2C

Anterior Apx FIGURE 1. The three views used to measure
left ventricular diameters (D) in the upper,
middle and lower thirds of the left ventricular
cavity. The long axis (L) was measured in the
apical four-chamber (Apx 4C) or apical two-
Post I nferior chamber (Apx 2C) view from the junction of the
mitral valve with the lateral (Lat) or anterior
wall to the LVapex. See Methodsfor the expla-
nation of the ejection fraction (EF) formula.
Parast LA = parasternal long axis; Post =
average minor axis (D) = D1 +D2 ... Dn posterior.
EF=(%AD2)+(l -%AD2) (%AL)
formula using the largest of all the LV minor axes prospectively to test the results from the initial series.
measured (Dmax) and Lmax: Echocardiographic and angiographic studies were per-
formed within 24 hours of each other. Four patients
EDA = Dmax X Lmax x 7T/4 (1) were excluded: two because of poor-quality 2-D ech-
oes and two because of poor-quality LV angiograms.
EF was measured using the averages of all the mi- The remaining 27 patients consisted of 17 males and
nor-axis dimensions measured at end-diastole (Ded) 10 females, mean age 48 years (range 17-78 years).
and end-systole (Des) with a formula previously vali- Fifteen patients had CAD alone, one patient had CAD
dated in this laboratory:8 associated with mitral and aortic regurgitation, and one
had CAD with aortic stenosis. Four patients had con-
EF = (%AD2) + [(1 - %zAD2)(%iAL)], (2) genital defects: one patient had an atrial septal defect,
one had a ventricular septal defect, one had both atrial
where %AD = (Ded2 - Des2)/Ded2, and %AL = and ventricular septal defects and one had a partial
fractional shortening of the long axis estimated from atrioventricular canal. Two patients had mitral regur-
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apical contraction8 as 0.15 with normal apical wall gitation and two had congestive cardiomyopathy. Two
motion, 0.05 with apical hypokinesis, 0 with apical patients were considered to have normal hearts. Thir-
akinesis, and - 0.05 with apical dyskinesis. teen of the 17 patients with CAD had abnormal wall
motion on the LV angiogram.
Angiographic Measurements Echocardiographic studies and measurements were
Single-plane LV angiography was performed in the performed as in the initial series. In addition to single-
300 right anterior oblique projection with the injection plane ventriculography, a simultaneous biplane cine-
of 40-50 ml of contrast medium (Renografin-76) dur- angiogram was obtained in the left anterior oblique
ing held midinspiration at a flow rate of 10-15 ml/sec. projection in 15 of the 27 patients. In these patients,
The LV silhouette from cardiac cycles in sinus rhythm LV volumes were also calculated with the biplane
and not preceded by premature complexes was traced cineangiographic modification of the area-length
at end-diastole (largest cavity size) and at end-systole method. '°
(smallest cavity size). LV volumes and EF were de- The interobserver variability of the method was as-
rived with the single-plane modification of the area- sessed in 15 of the 27 patients in the prospective series
length method;9 a 1-cm grid was filmed to correct for by two investigators who interpreted the same 2-D
magnification. echoes and measured and calculated volumes and EF.
Echocardiographic Derivation of LV Volumes Statistical Analysis
The LV EDAs derived from the 2-D echo measure- Statistical correlations between methods were made
ments were correlated to the angiographic EDVs in the by linear regression analysis.
initial 25 patients. From this correlation a regression
equation was derived to calculate EDV from EDA. Results
The derived EDV and the measured EF were used to The echocardiographic and angiographic data for
calculate stroke volume (SV) and ESV as follows: the initial and prospective series are listed in tables 1
and 2. Three views of diagnostic quality (parasternal
SV = EDV x EF long-axis, apical four-chamber and apical two-cham-
ESV = EDV - SV ber) were available in 31 of 52 patients (60%); at least
two views were available in all patients. The largest
Prospective Series Dmax was measured from the parasternal long-axis view
A series of 31 patients in sinus rhythm was assessed in 56% of all patients, from the apical four-chamber
LV VOLUMES BY 2-D ECHOITortoledo et al. 581

TABLE 1. Initial Series: Echocardiographic and Angiographic Data

Echocardiographic Angiographic
Pt Diagnosis Dmax/View* (cm) (CM2) (ml) (%) (ml) (ml) (ml) (%)

CAD 4. 1/D2 9 29 120 62 46 115 51 56

2 CAD 6.2/D4 10 49 207 35 135 205 129 37
3 CAD 4.6/D, 9 33 135 79 28 130 30 77
4 CAD 5.3/D2 9 38 157 35 102 161 121 25
S CAD 6.5/D6 10 51 215 33 144 208 141 32
6 NL 4.2/DI 9 30 123 52 59 120 60 50
7 CAD 5. 1/D2 8 32 133 49 68 104 57 45
8 CAD 5.2/D6 10 41 171 36 109 243 158 35
9 CAD 6.6/D6 9 47 197 28 142 187 136 27
10 Al 3.7/D2 9 26 107 58 45 75 34 55
11 CAD 6.5/D4 10 51 215 21 170 219 173 21
12 CAD 4.3/D2 8 27 111 57 48 137 62 55
13 CAD 5.3/D4 10 42 175 46 95 140 83 41
14 CCM 7.8/D4 11 67 287 22 224 234 180 23
15 Al 4.7/D3 9 33 138 62 52 158 54 66
16 CAD 6.5/D4 11 56 237 30 166 216 127 41
17 MR 4.6/D3 9 33 135 74 35 116 27 77
18 CAD 4.3/D3 8 27 111 59 46 104 35 66
19 CAD 6.3/D2 10 50 209 32 142 318 219 31
20 NL 4.5/D, 8 28 117 65 41 101 28 72
21 CAD 5. 1/D2 9 36 150 52 72 137 53 61
22 CAD 6.0/D, 10 47 198 26 147 223 165 26
23 CAD 5.0/D, 11 43 181 49 92 160 82 49
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24 CAD 5.5/D1 8 35 144 44 81 165 102 38

25 NL 4. 1D6 9 29 120 74 31 123 42 66
*Diameters (D) are identified as outlined in figure 1.
Abbreviations: Dmnax = largest LV minor-axis diameter; L = long axis; EDA = end-diastolic area; EDV = end-diastolic volume; EF =
ejection fraction; ESV = end-systolic volume; CAD = coronary artery disease; NL = normal; Al = aortic insufficiency; CCM = congestive
cardiomyopathy; MR = mitral regurgitation.

view in 31% and from the two-chamber view in 13%. very well with single-plane angiographic ESV (r =
Lmax was obtained from the apical four-chamber view 0.919 0.97 and 0.94, SEE = 25, 12 and 19 ml for the
in 50 patients and from the two-chamber view in two. initial, prospective and the combined series, respec-
Table 3 lists the correlation coefficients and equa- tively) (fig. 3C). Again, the regression equations were
tions for the linear regression analyses. In the initial close to the line of identity for all the ESV comparisons
series, echocardiographic LV EDA correlated well (table 3).
with angiographic EDV (r = 0.82, SEE = 34 ml; fig. Figure 4 illustrates the comparison between 2-D
2). The regression equation echo and biplane angiography for the measurement of
EDV, ESV and EF. All three 2-D echo measurements
EDV = (4.35 EDA) - 6.44 (5) correlated very well with the angiographic standard (r
= 0.89-0.97), and the regression equations were
was used to calculate EDV from EDA, and the results close to a line of identity.
correlated well with angiographic EDV in both the Excellent correlations were observed between the
prospective series (r = 0.95, SEE = 19 ml) and the measurements made by the two observers for EDV (r
combined series (r = 0.88, SEE = 28 ml) (fig. 3A). = 0.967, SEE = 14 ml), ESV (r = 0.960, SEE = 14
The regression equations from these comparisons were ml) and EF (r = 0.95, SEE = 5%). The mean differ-
close to a line of identity (table 3), suggesting no ences between the two observers were + 3% for EDV,
significant underestimation of EDV by the 2-D echo. 8% for ESV and + 6% for EF.
Excellent correlations were observed between 2-D
echo and single-plane angiographic EF for the initial (r Discussion
= 0.96, SEE = 5%) and prospective series (r = 0.87, In this study, developed a simplified method to
SEE = 8%) and for the two series combined (r = 0.92, derive LV volumes from 2-D echoes in adults with
SEE = 7%) (fig. 3B). ESV by 2-D echo also correlated various types of heart diseases. As with our previous
582 CIRCULATION VOL 67, No 3, MARCH 1983

TABLE 2. Prospective Series: Echocardiographic and Angiographic Data

Echocardiographic Angiographic
Pt Diagnosis Dma,/View* (cm) (cm2) (ml) (%) (ml) (ml) (ml) (%)
I VSD, ASD 4.8/D2 9 34 141 69 43 142 51 64
2 CAD 5.0/D2 9 35 147 73 40 181 36 80
3 CAD 6.1/D3 9 43 181 25 136 182 136 25
4 MR 51O/D3 9 35 147 65 51 172 52 70
5 CAD 5.0/D3 10 39 164 52 79 131/184 71/94 46/49
6 CAD 4.0/D3 11 35 144 46 78 144/160 88/82 39/49
7 CAD, MR, AI 4.0/D2 7 22 89 36 57 120 66 45
8 CAD 5.0/Dl 9 35 147 69 46 155 51 67
9 NL 4.3/D6 7 24 96 72 27 83 30 64
10 CAD 5.5/D6 11 47 200 42 116 219 109 50
11 CAD 4.0/D3 8 25 103 56 45 87 48 45
12 CAD, AS 5.7/D2 10 45 188 48 98 186 110 41
13 CAD 6.4/D3 11 55 234 27 171 279 187 33
14 VSD 4.2/D2 8 26 108 69 33 120/130 44/34 63/74
15 CAD 6.0/D2 9 42 178 28 128 181/237 128/149 29/37
16 ASD 3.5/D1, 8 22 89 60 36 87/86 29/23 67/73
17 CAD 4.2/D2 9 30 123 50 61 113/132 49/44 57/67
18 CAD 4.4/D2 8 28 114 63 42 137/131 41/38 70/71
19 NL 4.5/D2 8 29 118 54 54 142/129 36/36 75/72
20 CCM 6.8/D6 11 59 249 32 169 292/292 187/190 36/35
21 AVC 3.2/D2 7 18 70 71 20 67/68 27/17 60/75
22 CAD 4.2/D2 8 26 108 58 45 103/123 49/53 52/57
23 CAD 4.8/D3 8 30 125 58 53 127/139 50/46 61/67
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24 CAD 3.7/D3 8 23 95 61 37 68/77 34/32 50/58

25 MR 6.3/D2 9 44 187 63 69 227/239 113/103 50/57
26 CCM 6.1/)D2 10 48 202 24 154 195/196 152/151 22/23
27 CAD 6.1/D2 10 48 202 43 115 213 113 47
*Diameters (D) are identified as outlined in figure 1.
Abbreviations: BP = biplane angiography; VSD = ventricular sseptal defect; ASD = atrial septal defect; AS = aortic stenosis; AVC -
atrioventricular canal. See table I for other abbreviations.

method of measuring EF,8 this method obviates the Second, the product of Dmax and Lmax reflects EDV
need for planimetry or computer assistance, and is accurately regardless of the size of the left ventricle.
therefore accessible to routine clinical use. The meth- This second assumption should hold as long as the
od consists of deriving EDV from a regression equa- ventricle is elliptical at end-diastole. Fortunately, dis-
tion that relates EDA to angiographic EDV and mea- eases such as ischemic injury affect LV geometry
suring EF with our previously validated method.8 much more during systole than during end-diastole."
Because EDA is calculated with the forrnula for an Other conditions such as congestive cardiomyopathy
ellipse (equation 1), the regression equation relates the and volume overload reduce the L:D ratio as the ventri-
product of D x L to angiographic volume. In fact, cle becomes more spherical,'2' l but this change in
equation 5 may be simplified by substituting equation itself should not mathematically limit the relation of
1 for EDA, and EDV can be calculated as EDV to the product of D x L. However, conditions
that result in major differences between the two orthog-
EDV = (3.42 Dmax x Lmax) - 6.44. (6) onal minor axes and thus affect the circular shape of the
left ventricle on cross section might alter the relation of
ESV can be derived by subtracting SV from EDV. EDV to Dma x L 14 15
The reliability of this method depends on two basic In this investigation, we used Dmax rather than an
assumptions. First, EF can be accurately determined average of several minor axes to compensate for the
from an average of several LV minor-axis dimensions known underestimation of LV volumes by 2-D echo.
and an estimate of the fractional shortening of the long Dmax was selected from one of three long-axis views
axis (%AL). This assumption was validated in our under the assumption that in that particular view the
previous study8 and confirmed in this investigation. tomographic plane of the 2-D echo bisected the ventri-
LV VOLUMES BY 2-D ECHOITortoledo et al. 583

TABLE 3. Important Linear Regression Analysis 0

x y n r Equation SEE 300 r o Initial Series 0

2D-EDAIS SP-EDVIS 25 0.82 y = 4.35x - 6.44 34 ml * Prospective Series

2D-EDVps SP-EDVps 27 0.95 y = 1.18x - 18.95 19 ml 250 _ 0

2D-EDVTS SP-EDVTS 52 0.88 y = 1.07x - 7.30 28 ml O O

._ _) 0
2D-EDV BP-EDV 15 0.97 y = 1.25x - 19.40 16 ml c E 200 _
2D-EFIS SP-EFIS 25 0.96 y = 0.99x + 0.21 5.0% ai)o
c> 0
2D-EFps SP-EFps 27 0.87 y = 0.85x + 7.70 7.8% 150 1 >o0.0
Q> o

2D-EFTS SP-EFTS 52 0.92 y = 0.93x + 3.46 6.6% c

c- =
02 ._
n r SEE
2D-EF BP-EF 15 0.89 y = 0.99x + 5.00 7.6% c * * 0 o250.82 34

100 0 . 27 0.95 19
2D-ESVIS SP-ESVIS 25 0.91 y = 0.98x + 2.80 25 ml 0o 52 0.88 28
2D-ESVpS SP-ESVps 27 0.97 y = 1.043x - 0.32 12 ml
2D-ESVTS SP-ESVTS 52 0.94 y = lx + 1.33 19 ml 50 y=1. 07x-7. 3
2D-ESV BP-ESV 15 0.97 y = 1.14x - 7.98 14 ml
2D-EDV, 2D-EDV2 15 0.97 y = 0.94x + 4.64 14 ml 0 300
50 100 150 200 250
2D-EF, 2D-EF2 15 0.96 y = lx - 4.94 5.1%
2D-ESV1 2D-ESV2 15 0.96 y = 0.996x -6.73 14 ml
A 2D Echo End Diastolic Volume (ml)
Abbreviations: SEE = standard error of the estimate; SP = sin- 100 olnitial Series

gle-plane angiogram; BP = biplane angiogram; IS = initial series;

PS = prospective series; TS = total series; 1 = observer 1; 2 = * Prospective Series
observer 2; EDA = end-diastolic area; EDV = end-diastolic vol- e-
ume; ESV = end-systolic volume; EF = ejection fraction. 80

cle through its center. In theory, one would prefer to

cut the LV in multiple short-axis planes, but this prac- 0) 60
tice would limit the number of patients accessible to c
quantification. c
The good correlations between EDV derived from 40
Downloaded from by on February 24, 2019

the echocardiographic measurements and the angio-

graphic standards (single-plane and biplane) validate C*L~)
our second assumption. Mathematically, however, the 20
angiographic area-length methods also depend on the
product of two orthogonal minor axes and the long 0
axis. Interestingly, in our initial series we examined 20 40 60 80 100
the relation of angiographic EDV to a direct calcula-
B 2D Echo EF (%)
300 0
250 r o Initial Series
* Prospective Series
250 bI
200 1 .
a E 0
* c _
_ 0
150 co o 0 o
* . n r
1001- *O o25 0.91 25
c 100 V)

r=0.82 n-25 0/- *27 0.97
52 0. 94
Lu SEE=34 50 o|b
0 19
50 _ y=4. 35 x - 6.44 y=lx+l. 33
i I
t' 20
30 40 50 60 70 0 50 100 150 200 250
c 2D Echo End-Systolic Volume (ml)
2D Echo End-Diastolic Area (cm2) FIGURE 3. Correlation of single-plane angiographic and two-
FIGURE 2. Correlation oftwo-dimensional echocardiograph- dimensional echocardiographic (2-D echo) measurements of
ic (2-D echo) end-diastolic area with single-plane angiographic (A) end-diastolic volume, (B) ejection fraction (EF) and (C)
end-diastolic volume in the initial series. end-systolic volume in both initial and prospective series.
584 CIRCULATION VOL 67, No 3, MARCH 1983

EDV (ml) ESV (ml) EF (%)

300 r
250 F 250 l10 r
0 200 1 200 801F

az 150 - 150 _ 60 F 0

._= 100 100 - 40 -

r=0.97 n=l1 5 r=0.97 n=IS r=O.89 n=15
50 -/ 1SEE-1 50 /
.8 SEE=14 20 SEE=7.58
y=1.25x.19.4 y=1.14x-7.98 ~~~~~Y0O.S!x+5
a I a I I I 1 2 2 I
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 20 40 60 80 100
Two Dimensional Echo
FIGURE 4. Correlation of biplane angiographic (angio) and echocardiographic measurements of end-diastolic
volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV) and ejection fraction (EF) in 15 patients.

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