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LWT 40 (2007) 1578–1586


Aroma of dehydrated pear products

Draženka Komes, Tomislav Lovrić, Karin Kovačević Ganić
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, p. p. 625, HR-10001 Zagreb, Croatia
Received 5 July 2006; received in revised form 12 December 2006; accepted 21 December 2006


Pear purees and cubes were dehydrated with sugars (sucrose and trehalose) addition. Freeze drying and foam-mat drying were used.
Manual solid-phase microextraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography (GC–flame ionization detector (FID) and GC–MS) was
applied to determine the changes in retention of aroma compounds in dehydrated pear purees and cubes. The best retention of aroma
compounds in dehydrated pear purees was noticed in the case when freeze drying and trehalose addition were combined. In dehydrated
pear cubes, previously dipped in trehalose solution, the highest aroma retention was also determined. This study showed possible
application of trehalose as potentially beneficial food ingredient, with the aim to improve the quality of dehydrated fruit products,
especially their aroma, and to produce superior dried fruit products or ingredients, which are widely used in food formulation.
r 2007 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Aroma retention; Fruit; Pear; SPME; Trehalose; Volatiles

1. Introduction In order to explain the retention of homogeneously

dissolved volatile aroma components during drying of
Recently, much attention has been paid to the quality liquid food materials, the concept of selective diffusion and
feature, especially aroma, of dehydrated products (Tsami the microregion were proposed.
& Katsioti, 2000). Dehydrated fruit pieces and purees are The selective diffusion concept is built on the observed
widely used as ingredients for many food products, such as fact that the diffusion coefficient of water in concentrated
fruit ice cream, yoghurt, cereal, bakery goods and others in solutions behaves quite different from that of other
food formulation. Because of increased consumers’ de- substances such as aroma components. Both diffusion
mand for attractive colour and flavour or specific texture, coefficients are strongly dependent on concentration but
the retaining of these food attributes is very important the decrease with increasing solids content of the aroma
objective of any processing methods (Moreno, Bugueno, components diffusion coefficient is substantially stronger
Velasco, Petzold, & Tabilo-Munizaga, 2004). Dehydration than that of water. This behaviour is fairly general and
is one of the preservation techniques for foods and food not very dependent on different molecular size: even the
materials, but like many other evaporative concentration diffusion coefficient of oxygen shows this behaviour. The
processes it is often linked with reduced product quality microregion concept of Flink and Karel basically assumes
resulting from large losses of aroma compounds. In regard that during freezing and subsequent drying ‘‘microregions’’
to the low processing temperatures, applied in freeze are formed inside the liquid food in which aroma molecules
drying, thermal degradation reactions are excluded and are trapped (Bruin, 2000).
high aroma retention is attainable in a porous product Since positive influence of sucrose and some other sugars
with excellent rehydration properties (Beaudry, Raghavan, on aroma retention are also already known (Lovrić &
Ratti, & Rennie, 2004; Coumans, Kerkhof, & Bruin, 1994; Pozderović, 1986; Lovrić, Piližota & Abramović, 1983),
Sabarez, Price, & Korth, 2000). particular attention has been paid to the positive protective
aspects of trehalose, which is currently being considered
Corresponding author. Tel.: +385 1 4816 252; fax: +385 1 4826 251. as a potentially beneficial food additive (Macdonald &
E-mail address: dkomes@pbf.hr (D. Komes). Johari, 2000).

0023-6438/$30.00 r 2007 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Komes et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1578–1586 1579

Trehalose is a non-reducing, bland, non-toxic, dietary determine the changes in retention of fruit volatiles in
disaccharide, which does not change significantly the dehydrated pear products.
flavour of food to which it is added. It is not rare but is
rather commonly found in nature including in mushrooms, 2. Materials and methods
honey and baker’s yeasts, some of which are known to
contain almost 20% of trehalose on a dry solid basis and 2.1. Sample preparation
are usually eaten (Colaco & Roser, 1994; Ekdawi-Sever,
Conrad, & de Pablo, 2001). When sucrose and its The present study was carried out with 10 samples,
solutions were compared with trehalose, the former including pear cubes and pear purees (10% solids). Pears
demonstrated higher water diffusion coefficients, lower (P. communis L. var. ‘‘Packham’s Triumph’’) were pur-
Tg, lower densities and higher intramolecular hydrogen chased from a local market. Preparation of pear cubes
bonding. Also, trehalose appears to exhibit a higher consisted of hand peeling and cutting the pears into
hydration capacity than sucrose. These characteristics uniform cubes of 5 mm, followed by dipping in sugar
play an important role in preservation process (Colaco & solution with added ascorbic acid (1%) as inhibitor of
Roser, 1994). Glass-softening temperature, Tg, of trehalose surface browning. According to Luh, Kean, and Woodroof
is the highest among sugars and its value decreases on (1986), two samples of pear cubes were immersed in
hydration, or increases on dehydration, as sensitively, 251 Brix sugar (sucrose—sample no. 9 or trehalose—
as those of maltose, sucrose and glucose (Macdonald & sample no. 10) solution at room temperature and held
Johari, 2000). with constant agitation for 1 h. After draining on mash
Trehalose has also been introduced commercially to the trays to eliminate excess moisture, fruit cubes were
US as a food ingredient by Cargill Health & Food dehydrated in a cabinet drier. Besides the pear cubes
Technologies and also recognized by The Food and Drug (samples no. 8, 9 and 10), the second group of samples was
Administration as GRAS. pear purees, which were dehydrated by using foam-mat
The object of the present study was to investigate the drying (samples no. 2, 3 and 4) and freeze drying (samples
influence of the addition of different sugars, especially no. 5, 6 and 7). In order to compare the influence of
trehalose, on the aroma retention in dehydrated samples of different sugars on flavour retention, pear purees were also
‘‘Packham’s Triumph’’ pears. Besides apples, pears (Pyrus prepared with and without the addition of sugars
communis L.) belong to the most important fruit crops of (trehalose, sucrose), as previously described for cubes.
Rosaceae plants grown in Croatia. Complete information Preliminary experiments were carried out in order to
involving aroma compounds associated with pear fruit is evaluate the content of added sugars as well as optimal
relatively limited (Lopez, Miro, & Graell, 2001; Suwanagul process conditions required to achieve a significant aroma
& Richardson, 1998) compared to many other fruits. retention of the product. The amount of added sugar
About 70 aroma compounds were identified in ‘‘Packham’s (trehalose or sucrose) in freeze-dried purees was 8% (wet
Triumph’’ pears (Chervin, Speirs, Loveys, & Patterson, basis). Sugar addition to foam-mat dried products was
2000; Suwanagul & Richardson, 1998). The volatile profiles lower (4%) because of difficulties in the foaming step,
of this variety of pears are characterized by volatile where 0.02% Hamulsion CNF (Hahn, Lubeck) and 2%
compounds like esters, alcohols, hydrocarbons, aldehydes carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt as thickening agents
and ketones. Esters comprise 60–98% of total volatiles were also used. Foam-mat drying of purees and dehydra-
among the varieties. Hexyl acetate was observed to be tion of cubes were performed in a cabinet drier (adapted
present as a major ester of pear but strong fruity note of for foam-mat drying) in triplicate for each sample. For
pears is a result of the presence of butyl acetate and ethyl pear cubes the following conditions were applied: 100 1C
butanoate (Berger, 1991). The aromatic ester, 2-pheny- kept for 3 min, 80 1C kept for 3 min, 70 1C kept for 3 min
lethyl acetate, was noticed to contribute a sweet, rose-, and 60 1C for 60 min. Dehydrated pear cubes reached
honey-like aroma of pear. It was reported to be a flavour approximately 7.7% of moisture content. The moisture
constituent of various other fruits such as apple, plum, loss was monitored by periodically weighing the tray.
mango, strawberry and apricot (Berger, 1991; Komes, Purees were foam-mat dried to approximately 7.3%
Lovrić, Kovačević Ganić, Gajdoš Kljusurić, & Banović, moisture content. Temperature was programmed as
2005). Straight-chain alcohols with 2–8 carbons are present follows: 100 1C kept for 4 min, 80 1C kept for 3.5 min, then
as the second largest group in the profile. Several aldehydes decreased to 65 1C and maintained for 45 min.
and ketones, as well as other aroma compounds, are also Freeze drying was performed in freeze drier GAMMA
found in some varieties but are present in very small 2-20 (Martin Christ, GmbH, Osterode am Harz, Germany)
amounts. in triplicate for each sample. The freeze drier consisted of a
Headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME), as a circular chamber with nine steel trays to hold the samples.
solventless sample preparation technique (Vas, Kõteleky, Samples were dried until they reached 2% of moisture
Farkas, Dobo, & Vekey, 1998; Zhang & Pawliszyn, 1993), content. It required a drying time of the order of 27 h. The
in combination with gas chromatography (GC–flame following conditions were applied: the freezing temperature
ionization detector (FID) and GC–MS), was applied to was 40 1C, the temperature of sublimation was from 20
1580 D. Komes et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1578–1586

to 20 1C under a vacuum of 1.030 mbar and the tempera- comparison with the mass spectrum of authentic refer-
ture of isothermal desorption was from 20 to 30 1C under a ences.
vacuum of 0.001 mbar. All analyses were carried out in triplicate for each
sample. Data presented are means of peak area ratio7
2.2. Rehydration ratio standard deviation or the percentage. The peak area ratio
was calculated by the dividing the peak area of individual
The rehydration ratio (RO) is the ratio of the mass of compounds by the peak area of an IS (3-nonanone). The
the rehydrated sample to the mass of the dehydrated percentage refers to the retention of total aroma in
sample (McMinn & Magee, 1997). In this work, RO was dehydrated pear samples in relation to the data obtained
determined by placing 5 g of dehydrated pear cubes in for total aroma in the pears before drying.
70 mL of distilled boiling water for 5 min. The sample was
then transferred to a 7.5-cm Buchner funnel covered with 2.5. Chemicals
Whatman no. 1 filter paper, filtered under slight vacuum
and then weighed. RO was calculated from the ratio of the The standards of aroma compounds and trehalose were
drained weight of rehydrated pear cubes to the initial purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Sucrose
weight of the dehydrated sample. was obtained from Kemika (Zagreb, Croatia), Hamulsion
CNF was from Hahn (Lubeck, Germany) and carbox-
ymethylcellulose sodium from Kristall-Chemie (Wiener
2.3. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) Neudorf, Austria).
The used SPME device was a Sulpeco (Bellefonte, PA) 2.6. Statistics
manual SPME holder 57330-U. Fused silica fibre coated
with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with 100 mm film In order to determine the influence of the addition of
thicknesses (Sulpeco) was used for extraction and concen- sugars as well as the dehydration process, on the aroma
tration of volatile compounds. The fibre was precondi- retention in dehydrated pear samples, ANOVA and
tioned at 250oC for 1 h in the inlet of the GC prior to Duncan’s multiple range test (Montgomery, 2000), the
sampling as instructed by the manufacturer. The rehydra- similarity coefficient (Datta & Nakai, 1992) and multi-
tion of samples (20 mL) was followed by the addition of variate analysis (Esbensen, 2000) were applied.
internal standard (IS), 3-nonanone (0.5 ppm v/v) and 4 g of The peak area ratio of the identified aroma compounds
NaCl p.a., which were also added to the original, not dried of pears as a numerical value was used.
puree. Then, samples were capped in 50-mL glass vials, The value of similarity coefficient ranges from 0 to 1
warmed to 50 1C in water bath and gently mixed. Samples with 1 meaning dehydrated pear samples are completely
were equilibrated for 10 min prior to insertion of the fibre. identical to pears before drying and 0 meaning that there is
The SPME fibre was exposed to the sample headspace at no similarity. The computer program Mathematica 5.0
50 1C for 30 min and immediately transferred to the GC (Wolfram Research, USA) was employed to determine
injection port at 200 1C for 3 min in splitless mode. Blank this coefficient. Principal component analysis (PCA) was
runs were performed regularly prior to sample analysis to performed with the Statistica 6.0 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa,
ensure the removal of impurities. OK, USA).

2.4. Chromatography 3. Results and discussion

All samples were analysed with a Varian 3300 gas In order to evaluate the influence of the addition of
chromatograph equipped with an FID. Compounds were trehalose on the improvement of quality of dehydrated
separated on a DB 624 column (30 m  0.32 mm i.d., fruit products, this study was based on the differences in
1.8 mm film thickness; J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA). retention of aroma compounds determined in dehydrated
Nitrogen was used as a carrier gas at the flow rate of pear samples with the addition of sugars compared to pears
1 mL/min. A split/splitless injector was used (ratio 1:5) and before dehydration.
maintained at 200 1C. The detector was kept at 250 1C. The retention of total aroma in dehydrated pear purees
Temperature programme was as follows: 3 min at 40 1C, and cubes in comparison with pears before drying (100%)
from 40 to 190 1C at 5 1C/min and 10 min at 190 1C. is shown in Table 1.
The same conditions were applied for the GC–MS Among the samples of the dehydrated pear cubes, the
analysis on a Hewlett-Packard 5890 gas chromatograph best total aroma retention (46%) was obtained in the
with a 5970 series mass selective detector. The mass sample previously dipped in trehalose solution, followed by
spectrometer was operated in electron impact mode pear cubes dipped in sucrose solution with 38% of aroma
(70 eV) and the masses were scanned over the range of retention and the lowest retention was determined in pear
30–250m/z. Carrier gas was helium. Compounds were cubes without previous dipping in sugar solution (31%).
identified using the nbs75k library of mass spectra and by Besides this higher retention of total aroma, the highest RO
D. Komes et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1578–1586 1581

Table 1 esters and alcohols. According to literature data, hexyl

Total aroma retention (%) in dehydrated pear samples in comparison with acetate and butyl acetate were the two major esters, which
pears before drying (100%)
accounted for more than 80% of the profile (Chervin et al.,
Without sugar With sucrose With trehalose 2000; Suwanagul & Richardson, 1998). In agreement with
addition addition addition the previous result (Suwanagul & Richardson, 1998), when
compared to the amount of butyl acetate, the amount of
Foam-mat 31 29 38
hexyl acetate was on an average twice as high in pears
dried puree
Freeze-dried 62 66 92 before dehydration. The retention of the aromatic ester,
puree 2-phenylethyl acetate with its flowery and sweet-like
Dried cubes 31 38 46 aroma, was also detected. Besides typical previously
reported esters, methyl and ethyl butanoate, propyl
acetate, n-amyl acetate, butyl butanoate, ethyl hexanoate,
of 3.8% at 5 min was noticed in the sample of pear cubes ethyl octanoate and ethyl decanoate were determined. In
dehydrated after dipping in the trehalose solution. The RO foam-mat dried pear puree without sugar addition, all
of the other dehydrated samples previously dipped in esters, except butyl butanoate, were retained in the average
sucrose solution and without previous dipping in the sugar percentage of 33%. The addition of sucrose contributed to
solution were 3.4% and 2.9%, respectively. The higher RO their preservation of 37% and the addition of trehalose
indicates that dehydrated pear cubes have fine porous resulted in their retention of 32%. From the results
structure, which contributes to their better reconstitution presented in Table 2, it is evident that neither the addition
keeping compartmental properties of these products. of sucrose nor the addition of trehalose in combination
A short-time reconstitution capacity may be advantageous with foam-mat drying had any influence on retention of
for dried pear cubes when they are used for breakfast propyl acetate, whereas methyl butanoate was retained in
cereals, since they are consumed with milk within minutes puree with sucrose addition in the percentage of 15% and
of mixing (Beaudry et al., 2004; Feng & Tang, 1999). As of 25% in puree with trehalose addition. Very small
can be seen in Table 1, the retention of total aroma in amount of butyl and hexyl acetate was determined in foam-
dehydrated pear purees was in the range from 29% in mat dried pear purees, whereas their retention as high as
foam-mat dried pear puree with sucrose addition to 92% 90% in freeze-dried purees was determined. In freeze-dried
in freeze-dried puree with trehalose addition. The retention pear puree with trehalose addition the retention of most
of fruit volatiles in dehydrated pear purees varied in esters was almost 90% in comparison with pears before
relation to the dehydration process and the kind of sugar dehydration, except volatile esters such as ethyl butanoate,
added. As could be expected, the retention of flavour methyl butanoate and propyl acetate, which were retained
compounds in freeze-dried puree with the addition of sugar in smaller percentage (Table 3). In dehydrated pear cubes,
was the best, whether compared to the samples without the highest percentage of retention among esters was
sugar addition or to foam-mat dried samples (Bruin, 2000; shown by ethyl hexanoate, butyl butanoate, ethyl octano-
Erba, Forni, Colonello, & Giangiacomo, 1994). The least ate and ethyl decanoate (Table 4). In the case of pear cubes
loss of total aroma (8%), as well as of individual fruit dipped in trehalose solution, more than 50% of these esters
volatiles, was obtained in the case when freeze drying and were determined. The decrease of the content of esters, as
trehalose addition were combined (Tables 1 and 3). This well as of other aroma compounds, was related to the
means that the addition of sugar into the pear puree prior decrease in quality of the product (Bruin, 2000). In this
to dehydration as well as process pressure prevented loss of case, the addition of sugars, especially trehalose, has an
a part of fruit volatiles and increased the retention important role. The obtained results of the statistical
of its characteristic aroma in dehydrated products, which analysis (ANOVA and Duncan’s test) showed that in
is in agreement with the results obtained in previous comparison with the pears before dehydration, all dehy-
research (Komes, Lovrić, Kovačević Ganić, & Gracin, drated samples showed significant differences (Po0.05)
2003; Lovrić & Pozderović, 1986). Nineteen compounds related to the retention of total aroma. It is interesting that
were identified from the headspace sample of ripened by freeze drying only the retention of propyl acetate was
‘‘Packham’s Triumph’’ pears. not statistically different among the purees with the
Compounds were divided into groups of esters and addition of different sugars (Table 3). Ester synthesis in
alcohols, carbonyls and terpenes. The results are shown as pears was reported to be derived from b-oxidation and
the peak area ratio of aroma compounds with their lipoxygenase-catalyzed oxidation of fatty acids. The
corresponding relative standard deviation. The peak area varieties, which contained high amounts of unsaturated
ratio was calculated by dividing the peak area of individual fatty acids or those having enzyme systems favouring this
compounds by the peak area of an IS, 3-nonanone. type, are likely to produce esters with a high degree of
‘‘Packham’s Triumph’’ pears are known to have very unsaturation and yield a large number of esters, more than
similar flavour to Bartlett pears, which are the most those varieties that contained less unsaturated fatty
aromatic and favourite pears. As can be seen, most of the acids or contained mainly saturated fatty acids. Alcohols
identified compounds of ‘‘Packham’s Triumph’’ pears were constitute the second largest group of aroma compounds in
1582 D. Komes et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1578–1586

Table 2
Peak area ratio in foam-mat dried pear purees

No. Compounds Pear puree before drying Puree without sugar Puree with sucrose Puree with trehalose
(1) addition (2) addition (3) addition (4)
Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD
(%) (%) (%) (%)

1 Methyl butanoate 0.0475.9 — 0.0171.9 0.0179.7

2 Propyl acetate 0.02711.9 0.0174.2 — —
3 Ethyl butanoate 0.1075.8 0.00577.4 0.0777.0 0.0774.0
4 Hexanal 0.0476.6 0.0273.9 0.00373.8 0.0175.5
5 Butyl acetate 0.9277.5 0.0573.6 0.0672.3 0.0574.0
6 2-hexenal 0.0374.3 0.0276.5 0.0174.8 0.00374.2
7 1-hexanol 0.0874.9 0.00375.91 0.003710.81 0.0172.7
8 n-amyl acetate 0.0679.5 0.0277.2 0.00474.6a 0.00274.8a
9 Butyl butanoate 0.0377.3 0.02715.1 0.0574.6 0.0573.2
10 Ethyl hexanoate 0.0176.7 0.0178.72 0.0178.72 0.0178.3
11 Hexyl acetate 2.2472.5 0.0172.63 0.0375.43,b 0.0272.9b
12 1-octanol 0.0174.8 — 0.00277.8 —
13 Linalool 0.0273.8 0.005711.4 0.0175.6 0.0176.4
14 2-phenylethanol 0.0273.8 0.00474.84 0.00475.94 0.0173.4
15 Ethyl octanoate 0.0175.3 0.0176.3 0.0173.9c 0.0176.1c
16 a-terpineol 0.0275.0 0.0175.3 0.0176.5 0.0174.0
17 Citronellol 0.0273.2 0.00375.7 0.0174.6 0.00371.0
18 2-phenylethyl acetate 0.0374.6 0.0173.0 0.0273.9 0.00373.0
19 Ethyl decanoate 0.0273.8 0.0177.35 0.0173.55,d 0.0178.0d

There is no statistically difference (Duncan’s test, Po0.05) in retention of aroma compounds between the purees with sucrose and trehalose addition
denoted by the same letter a,b,c,d and between the purees without addition and with sucrose addition denoted by numbers 1,2,3,4,5, RSD—relative standard

Table 3
Peak area ratio in freeze-dried pear purees

No. Compounds Pear puree before drying Puree without sugar Puree with sucrose Puree with trehalose
(1) addition (5) addition (6) addition (7)
Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD
(%) (%) (%) (%)

1 Methyl butanoate 0.0475.9 0.0174.9 0.0172.9 0.0174.2

2 Propyl acetate 0.02711.9 0.0173.6 0.00572.0a 0.0172.3a
3 Ethyl butanoate 0.1075.8 0.0277.5 0.0376.4 0.0477.3
4 Hexanal 0.0476.6 0.00373.9 0.0174.7 0.0274.5
5 Butyl acetate 0.9277.5 0.5172.21 0.5172.21 0.8674.4
6 2-hexenal 0.0374.3 0.0272.52 0.0172.02 0.0274.8
7 1-hexanol 0.0874.9 0.0171.5 0.0174.4 0.0373.1
8 n-amyl acetate 0.0679.5 0.0473.63 0.0472.33 0.0576.2
9 Butyl butanoate 0.0377.3 0.0172.8 0.0276.6 0.0276.7
10 Ethyl hexanoate 0.0176.7 0.00473.6 0.0171.2 0.0177.7
11 Hexyl acetate 2.2472.5 1.1578.4 1.5779.8 1.9674.9
12 1-octanol 0.0174.8 0.00176.3 0.00273.7 0.00371.8
13 Linalool 0.0273.8 0.0171.9 0.0172.0 0.0272.5
14 2-phenylethanol 0.0273.8 0.0173.7 0.0177.3 0.0173.3
15 Ethyl octanoate 0.0175.3 0.00475.9 0.00574.0 0.0179.1
16 a-terpineol 0.0275.0 0.0172.2 0.0172.6 0.0173.2
17 Citronellol 0.0273.2 0.0173.3 0.0175.1 0.0175.2
18 2-phenylethyl acetate 0.0374.55 0.0177.53 0.0375.9 0.0374.4
19 Ethyl decanoate 0.0273.77 0.0173.40 0.0272.5 0.0275.3

There is no statistically difference (Duncan’s test, Po0.05) in retention of aroma compounds between the purees with sucrose and trehalose addition
denoted by the same letter a and between the purees without addition and with sucrose addition denoted by numbers 1,2,3, RSD—relative standard

pear profiles. They account for 2–14% of total aroma were identified. 1-octanol demonstrated the highest reten-
compounds (Suwanagul & Richardson, 1998). From the tion in freeze-dried purees, especially in the puree with
class of alcohols, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol and 2-phenylethanol trehalose addition (84%). An interesting feature of the
D. Komes et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1578–1586 1583

Table 4
Peak area ratio in dehydrated pear cubes

No. Compounds Pear puree before drying Cubes without sugar Cubes with sucrose Cubes with trehalose
(1) addition (8) addition (9) addition (10)
Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD Peak area ratio7RSD
(%) (%) (%) (%)

1 Methyl butanoate 0.0475.9 0.00277.2 0.00674.0a 0.0175.4a

2 Propyl acetate 0.02711.9 0.00178.1 0.00577.5 0.00372.9
3 Ethyl butanoate 0.1075.8 0.0175.5 0.02710.5 0.0274.4
4 Hexanal 0.0476.6 0.00475.2 0.00277.1 0.00473.2
5 Butyl acetate 0.9277.5 0.0376.3 0.0174.1 0.0772.6
6 2-hexenal 0.0374.3 0.00277.4 0.00473.3 0.0175.9
7 1-hexanol 0.0874.9 0.00477.6 0.0176.7 0.0172.7
8 n-amyl acetate 0.0679.5 0.00475.31 0.0177.81,b 0.0176.5b
9 Butyl butanoate 0.0377.3 0.0174.1 0.0179.3 0.0271.8
10 Ethyl hexanoate 0.0176.7 0.00775.82 0.0173.72,c 0.0173.1c
11 Hexyl acetate 2.2472.5 0.1575.6 0.3272.1 0.4272.5
12 1-octanol 0.00474.8 0.0175.13 0.0176.33 0.0174.0
13 Linalool 0.0273.8 0.0174.74 0.0173.64 0.0275.1
14 2-phenylethanol 0.0273.8 0.00375.0 0.00575.5 0.00273.4
15 Ethyl octanoate 0.0175.3 0.00873.5 0.0175.7 0.0173.1
16 a-terpineol 0.0275.0 0.0173.4 0.0178.3 0.0176.0
17 Citronellol 0.0273.2 0.00275.55 0.00374.15 0.00473.5
18 2-phenylethyl acetate 0.0374.6 0.00474.76 0.00472.86 0.0176.5
19 Ethyl decanoate 0.0273.8 0.0173.6 0.0276.2 0.0174.6

There is no statistically difference (Duncan’s test, Po0.05) in retention of aroma compounds between the purees with sucrose and trehalose addition
denoted by the same letter a,b,c and between the purees without addition and with sucrose addition denoted by numbers 1,2,3,4,5.

varieties with the high alcohol content is lower production Table 5

of esters, indicated by the number of the esters in the Similarity coefficient of the dehydrated pear purees and cubes in
profile. This may be the reflection of low activity of comparison with pears before drying
endogenous esterifying enzyme systems in converting Without sugar With sucrose With trehalose
alcohols to esters (Suwanagul & Richardson, 1998). addition addition addition
Unlike other pome fruits such as apples and quinces,
Foam-mat 0.63 0.69 0.83
pears produced very small amounts of aldehydes. Hexanal
dried puree
and 2-hexenal were the only aldehydes found among Freeze-dried 0.93 0.97 0.99
recently studied pear profiles (Chervin et al., 2000; puree
Suwanagul & Richardson, 1998) and they were also Dried cubes 0.77 0.74 0.85
determined in the present study. The addition of trehalose
in pear puree dehydrated by freeze drying high retention of
2-hexenal (73%) was demonstrated, whereas in the foam- In order to compare the obtained data regarding the
mat dried puree with trehalose the retention of these retention of aroma compounds in dehydrated purees and
aldehydes was the lowest (9%). From the group of cubes, and the pears before dehydration, the similarity
terpenes, a-terpineol, linalool and citronellol were identi- coefficient was applied (Datta & Nakai, 1992). The highest
fied. The addition of sucrose in the puree dehydrated by value for the similarity coefficient amounting to 0.99
foam-mat drying contributed to the highest preservation of was determined for the freeze-dried puree with trehalose
terpenes. The amount of 76% of a-terpineol, 50% of (Table 5). The same results were obtained for pear cubes in
linalool and 38% of citronellol was retained. When comparison with the pears before dehydration. The value
compared to the pear puree without any additions, the of 0.85, determined for dehydrated pear cubes previously
addition of trehalose in the course of foam-mat drying did dipped in trehalose solution, is the closest to similarity
not affect the retention of terpenes. In the case of freeze coefficient of pears before dehydration whose value is 1.
drying, the retention of terpenes was the highest in These results confirm the positive influence of trehalose
dehydrated puree with the previously added trehalose. In addition on the improvement of the quality of dehydrated
dehydrated pear cubes, terpenes demonstrated the lowest products. On the basis of the results presented in Tables
retention in the samples of cubes previously dipped in a 2–4, the retention of each individual flavour compound in
solution without sugar, followed by cubes with sucrose all studied samples of pears was compared in relation to
with somewhat higher retention, whereas the highest the pears before drying by applying the multivariate
retention of these compounds was determined in cubes analysis, PCA (Esbensen, 2000). Multivariate analysis
with trehalose. of the quantitative data classified the various samples
1584 D. Komes et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1578–1586

6 0.7
5 0.6 5

4 10
2 9
PC 2

PC 2
1 1
7 0.2
6 2
-1 3 0.1 37
4 4
-2 0.0 8691
-3 -0.1
-4 -0.2
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
PC 1 PC 1
Fig. 1. Plot of PC-1 vs. PC-2 for the dehydrated pear samples in relation Fig. 3. Plot of PC-1 vs. PC-2 for aroma compounds in freeze-dried pear
to the pears before drying (the numbers of samples refer to Tables 2–4). purees (the numbers of compounds refer to Table 3).

purees, samples no. 5–7 indicate freeze-dried purees and

3 3
samples no. 8–10 indicate dried pear cubes. Sample no. 1
indicates pear puree before drying (control sample). As
2 9 could be expected, the freeze-dried pear puree with
trehalose addition (sample no. 7) is the nearest to the
1 pears before drying (sample no. 1), which is related to the
5 161813 1
914 lowest loss of aroma compounds during freeze drying in
PC 2

7 12
0 6 2
48 comparison with the pear puree before drying. These
results can potentially help processors determine product
quality without sensory evaluation measurements, and
suggest changes in processing conditions to improve
flavour of processed pear purees. The results obtained by
11 applying PCA, separately for freeze dried and foam-mat
dried purees, are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Most components
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 in foam-mat dried as well as in freeze dried are very close
PC 1 together, indicating that they provide similar information.
Butyl acetate and hexyl acetate in freeze dried, as well as
Fig. 2. Plot of PC-1 vs. PC-2 for aroma compounds in foam-mat dried these two compounds, butyl butanoate and ethyl butanoate
pear purees (the numbers of compounds refer to Table 2).
in foam-mat dried, are separated indicating that they show
specifics regarding their retention depending on used
according to processing conditions. The graphically dis- method or sugar addition. By applying this analysis, ethyl
played classifications corresponded to expected flavour butanoate, butyl acetate, hexyl acetate and butyl butanoate
quality. The obtained results of PCA for all studied were shown to be the most represented aromatic com-
samples of pears were projected on a two-dimensional plot pounds, which is in agreement with literature data (Chervin
defined by the first two principal components, PC-1 and et al., 2000; Suwanagul & Richardson, 1998).
PC-2 (Fig. 1). PC-1 is linear expression, which contains the The retention of some original compounds after drying
maximum amount of variation among the content of may be related to their volatility. Sugar addition into the
aroma compounds in all samples (Fig. 1) as well as in pear samples prior to dehydration prevented loss of a part
foam-mat dried (Fig. 2) and freeze-dried (Fig. 3) samples. of fruit volatiles and increased the retention of its
The second principal component (PC-2) is chosen ortho- characteristic aroma in dehydrated products, which is in
gonal to first principal component, and contains the agreement with the results obtained in previous research
greatest remaining variation among the content of aroma (Komes et al., 2003; Lovrić & Pozderović, 1986). These
compounds that is unrelated to PC-1. The samples were results suggested the dependence of retention ability of
grouped according to the used method of dehydration. some carbohydrates on their molecular weight because the
Oval forms shown on Fig. 1 separate pear purees into three addition of carbohydrates with higher molecular weight
categories, where samples no. 2–4 indicate foam-mat dried contributes to the higher retention of aroma compounds in
D. Komes et al. / LWT 40 (2007) 1578–1586 1585

dehydrated products. However, the difference in flavour As conclusion it can be seen that the best retention
retention ability registered between sucrose and trehalose of aroma compounds in dehydrated pear puree was
cannot be attributed to this factor, but to other more obtained by trehalose addition, regardless of the dehydra-
complex mechanisms. In addition, since the flavour tion process applied (freeze drying or foam-mat drying),
volatiles are generally larger than water molecules, they although much higher retention of flavour volatiles was
may not readily diffuse (Rulkens, 1973) or are trapped obtained in freeze-dried purees. The aforementioned
(Flink & Karel, 1970) within the fruit matrix during drying. products are free of preservatives, maintain their natural
According to Saravacos (1993), carbohydrates are known flavour and colour and have an agreeable texture and good
as substances which lock-in volatile compounds. This rehydratability properties (Erba et al., 1994). Therefore,
shows that some original flavour compounds could be they could be widely used as ingredients in bakery
retained within the dried solid, which are responsible for products, ice cream or yoghurt.
the natural aroma of the product. Besides these theories In order to obtain the complete information regarding
and mechanisms of aroma retention during dehydration, the influence of trehalose addition on aroma retention, this
aroma retention is certainly affected by the phenomenon research requires further studies. In this way, by varying
of the reduction of molar ratio of the more volatile the sweetness and acidity of the canning syrup according to
compounds in the vapour phase above the sample the characteristics of the raw fruit, a more acceptable
immediately after the addition of sucrose and trehalose flavour in canned fruit can be obtained (Luh et al., 1986).
before drying, as well as by the formation of microregions
in the dried layer of the material. In order to explain the
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tion and chemical stability hypotheses. The ‘‘water This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and
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(1994), assumes that sugars hydrogen bond to biomolecules The authors also would like to thank Emil Zlatič, M.Sc.,
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of hydration water molecules. Trehalose has superior nia, for his assistance during freeze drying.
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