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“Edmund Husser's students of philo nvestigg gn» olume 1 AM 780415 261892 International Library of Philosophy Logical I nvestigations Edited by José Bermudez, Tim Crane and Peter Sullivan ‘Advisory Board: Jonathan Barnes, Fred Dretske, Frances Kamm, Brian Leiter, Huw Price and Sydney Shoemaker Recent tiles in the ILP: Edmund Husserl The Facts of Causation D. H. Mellor Translated by J. N. Findlay from the Second German edition of Logische Untersuchungen [tages Roe or Metteenaties with a new Preface by Michael Dummett and edited with a new Introduction by Dermot Moran Stream of Consciousness Barry Dainton Volume | Knowledge and Reference in Empirical Science Jody hzzaun! Prolegomena to pure logi (Volume | of the German edi Expression and meaning (Investigation |, Volume Il of the German editions) ns) Reason without Freedom David Owens The Price of Doubt The ideal unity of the species and modern theories NOME Nethan of abstraction Rinttere of Hin (Investigation 1, Volume Il of the German editions) Scott Sturgeon Logic, Form and Grammar Peter Long ULE, The Metaphysicians of Meaning Neen, Gideon Makin x Logical Investigations, Vols I & Il . Edmund Husser! Fan London and New York Fi publihed in Garman as Lpiche Uneschngen by Nemeyer Hate 900198 Stcond eran etn, Vl and VoL, Pr fret pied 1913 Fre publned n Ege 1970 by Rowdee & Kap ad Reprinted 76,1977, 982 “Ths paperback edtion first publhed 2001 by Rowdee 1 New Fete Lane, London ECAP 4EE Simanecty pubed in the USA and Canna by Rowdee 3 Wie 35h Street, New York NY 1001 hg on pit ofthe Toor & Foc Gop Traation ©1970. N.Fnday Fraace © 200 Michal Summer Inrosuton and ‘editor mater © 2001 Demet Moran Typeset in Tes by Grapher ed, Hone Kone Ped and bondi Gre Brain by 5 Edmundebary Press. Bury St Esramds, Suk [AM ght reserved. No prt fis book maybe reprinad er reproduced Sr uti in any frm or by ay electron: mechan + eter eas sow known or bees inverd coding photocopying wed tecrdg Grin any foraton orgs or real yen tout perma ring tom the pbiser Seth very Catonig in bce Dot cog recor for th book hale ror the Brih brary Lira of Cre Catone in Pb Data ‘eaog recor for tvs Beak ha Sen equst ISON 0415-24169 (Vol. ISBN Oa15241901 (vot tb vivigsl Dedicated to Carl Stumpf with Honour and in Friendship

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