Mathematical Simulation of Corn Drying - A New Model: T. L. Thompson, R. M. Peart and G. H. Foster

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Mathematical Simulation of Corn Drying —

A New Model
T. L. Thompson, R. M. Peart and G. H. Foster

D RYING is a continuous process with

changes in moisture content, air
and grain temperature, and the humid-
Exhaust Air
Temp. = T-AT,°F
Humidity = H + AH, lb.water/lb. dry

ity of the air all occurring simultane-

ously. In fact, these changes vary for Corn After Drying
Corn Before Drying Time of At
different drying methods and for dif- Moist. Content = M,% d.b. Thin Layer of Corn Moist. Content = M-AM,% d.b.
ferent locations in the drying bed. The Temp. = G,°F. Temp. = G + AG,°F

objective of the study reported in this

paper was to develop a mathematical
procedure whereby grain-drying predic-
1 I I
tions could be made with infinitely Temp. = T,°F
many sets of drying conditions and Humiditv = H, lb. water/lb. drv air

with nonconventional as well as con- FIG. 1 Schematic diagram of basic simulation approach.
ventional convection grain-drying meth-
ods. The mathematical drying model
developed incorporates many of the when new truths are learned about the tails of the model, may refer directly to
factors that affect grain drying, and is drying process, it would be a simple the section on "deep bed drying" with-
capable of determining the effect of matter to incorporate them into the out any loss of continuity.
many drying parameters on the drying simulation model. The following assumptions or rela-
results, especially with high-tempera- The following sections develop this tionships were used in the development
ture drying. mathematical drying model. A thorough of the mathematical model; justification
understanding of the changes that oc- and the development of each relation-
For this study, the basic approach ship follow the statement:
used to describe the continuous drying cur during the drying of a thin layer
process was to divide the process into of grain is necessary before predictions
many small processes and simulate them can be made about deep bed drying.
If calculations can be made describing 1 Fully exposed, thin-layer drying is
by consecutively calculating the changes
these changes, then groups of thin lay- represented by the equation:
that occur during short increments of
time. The basic simulation approach ers can be combined to form the deep t = A In (MR) + B \ln(MR)Y
bed. where
used was to calculate the drying per-
formed on a thin layer of grain and A = - 1 . 8 6 2 + 0.00488 T
Thin Layer Drying
then combine many thin layers to form B = 427A e-oo33T
the grain bed. This approach permits Briefly, the drying of a thin layer of t = time to dry to MR with dry-
complete simulation of less conventional grain was simulated by considering the ing temperature T, hr
drying methods such as concurrent flow changes that occur in the corn and the 1/n . M — Me
(parallel) and counterflow, as well as drying air as shown in Fig. 1. Mix = moisture ratio,
crossflow drying methods. Drying air (T deg F, H lb water per M0-Me
The simulation model described in lb dry air) is passed through a thin M = moisture content at time t,
this paper ( 1 1 ) * can be used to pre- layer of corn (M percent moisture, G percent dry basis
dict the results of any of these drying deg F temperature) for a drying time M 0 = initial moisture content, per-
methods and also predict transient re- interval, At. During this interval AM cent dry basis
sults (such as humidity of the air, percent moisture is evaporated from M e = equilibrium moisture content,
equilibrium moisture content, and many the corn into the air increasing its abso- percent dry basis
others) t h r o u g h o u t the process. Of lute humidity to H + AH lb water per Henderson and Perry (3) reported
course, computer capability is neces- lb dry air. During drying the tempera- that during the falling-rate drying pe-
sary, but present-day computer tech- ture of the drying air is decreased riod, the moisture removal rate is in-
nology makes this type of solution feasi- (AT deg F ) in proportion to the tem- versely proportional to the moisture to
ble and practical. An advantage of this perature increase of the corn (AG deg
be removed or —=— = —k(M — M e ) .
type of computer simulation is that, F) and the evaporative cooling accom-
panying the moisture evaporation. The Solution of this equation yields the sim-
Paper No. 67-313 presented at the Annual
amount of drying performed was calcu- ple exponential drying equation MR
Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural lated by a thin-layer drying equation = £Tkt.
Engineers meeting jointly with the Canadian
Society of Agricultural Engineering at Saska- with constants dependent on the dry- Most investigators state that the dry-
toon, Sask., Canada, June 1967, on a program ing air temperature. Complete heat bal- ing constant k is dependent on the dry-
arranged by the Electric Power and Processing
Division. ances were used to calculate the final ing air temperature, but they do not
The authors—T. L. THOMPSON, R. M. air and grain temperature consistent
PEART and G. H. FOSTER—are associate pro- explicitly specify the relationship. The
fessor of agricultural engineering, University of with the evaporative cooling accom- following experimental i n v e s t i g a t i o n
Nebraska, Lincoln; professor of agricultural en-
gineering, Purdue University; and agricultural panying the moisture evaporation and was performed to determine drying
engineer, transportation and facilities research with the initial temperature of the dry-
division, ARS, USDA. Approved for publication constants and this relationship for yel-
as paper No. 3213 of the journal series of the ing air and the grain. A detailed analy- low-dent shelled corn.
Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion. sis of these calculations follows. The A series of thin-layer drying tests
* Numbers in parentheses refer to the ap- reader who is not interested in the de- was performed in the agricultural en-
pended references.
the second order equation followed the pirical equation to represent the equi-
form: librium curves:
A = - 1 . 8 6 2 + 0.00488 T 1 - RH = exp ( - c (T+460)M e *)
and where
B = 427.4 exp ( - . 0 3 3 T ) . c = 1.10 x 10- 5
A comparison between the experi- and
mental drying results and those pre- n = 1.90.
dicted by the above equation is made
in Fig. 2 for five drying-air tempera- A comparison of the equilibrium mois-
tures. The plot shows a reasonable rep- ture of shelled corn as determined by
FIG. 2 Predicted (curves) versus experi- resentation of the experimental results this empirical equation and a plot of
mental (points) thin-layer drying results. for the wide range of temperatures the equilibrium moisture content as ex-
used. perimentally determined by Rodriguez-
gineering processing laboratory at Pur- 2 It was assumed that the kernel Arias (7) for approximately the same
due University during the fall of 1963. temperature of the corn was equal to temperatures showed a greater effect
The tests were performed in an experi- the air surrounding the kernels, after due to temperature than the empirical
mental thin layer dryer. The dryer con- accounting for the cooling effect of equation and constants indicated.
sisted of a fan blowing heated air moisture evaporation and different ini- The constants in the empirical equa-
through a screened bottom tray holding tial corn and air temperatures. tion were varied (and analyzed on the
a sample of corn. digital computer) until the equation
Thompson and Foster (10) and Hen-
The main variable investigated in derson and Pabis (4) reported on the represented the experimental results of
the test series was drying air tempera- air-grain temperature r e l a t i o n s h i p of Rodriguez-Arias more accurately. The
ture. A few other exploratory tests grain. Thompson and Foster deter- constants for the empirical equation
were performed to evaluate the effect mined exposed cooling rates for dry that represent the experimental results
of airflow rate and corn variety on dry- corn. They found that, when warm the best (of those constants investi-
ing rate. dry grain in a thin layer was exposed gated) are: c = 3.82 X 10"5, n = 2.0,
Throughout the drying t e s t s , the to relatively large volumes of cool air, with the temperature factor (T + 460)
moisture in the corn was measured by it requires about 48 seconds to cool the replaced by (T + 50).
periodically weighing the corn sample. grain nine-tenths of the way to the Strohman (8) studied the thermody-
This enabled the moisture removal rate cooling-air temperature. Henderson and namic properties of water in corn and
to be evaluated. Each drying test was Pabis measured the temperature in the developed the equation: RH = exp
terminated when the moisture was re- center and at two points on the surface (aehMln Ps + c e d M ) , where a = 0.776,
duced to a safe storage level (12 per- of a kernel. When this kernel was sub- b = - 0 . 1 1 3 , c = - 6 . 6 1 , and d =
cent w.b.). Tests were performed with jected to heated-air convection drying, —0.190, to represent the equilibrium
19, 23, and 33 percent w.b. initial the difference in temperature between relative humidity of corn at various
moisture corn, 20 and 60 cfm/ft 2 of the center of the kernel and the surface moisture contents. This equation is
drying air, and with temperatures rang- was significant (measurable) only dur- valid over the whole range of moistures,
ing from 120 to 340 F. ing the first three or four minutes. relative humidities, and temperatures.
The results from each drying test Data from Rodriguez-Arias (7) was
were analyzed by fitting the experi- From these results it is apparent that
the heat transfer between a corn kernel used to develop this equation. The
mental data to two types of assumed equation was not used in the mathe-
drying equations. One of these was the and the surrounding air is very rapid
and that the temperature of the corn matical drying model developed in this
simple exponential drying e q u a t i o n : report because it was impossible to
MR = e~kt. Plots of the experimental rapidly approaches the temperature of
the air immediately surrounding the solve directly for the equilibrium mois-
data versus the best fit of the assumed ture content, M.
equation showed that the simple ex- kernels. This is consistent with the fact
ponental equation did not adequately that average kernel temperature in a The following procedure was devel-
represent the experimental results. dryer is less than the drying air tem- oped to determine the relative humidity
The second drying equation used was perature in the plenum, because the of the drying air given the air tempera-
a second-order exponential curve (para- air temperature decreases as it passes ture and absolute humidity. Relative
bola on semilog paper). This equation through the corn. humidity is defined as the ratio of the
had the form: 3 It was assumed that corn equilib- actual water-vapor pressure and the
t = A ln(MR) + B (ln(MR) ) 2 rium moisture content for a given air saturated-vapor pressure at the given
The results from the test series showed state point is represented by: air temperature. Using a table of satu-
that dry-air temperature was the main 1 - RH = exp (-c ( T + 5 0 ) M e » ) rated vapor pressures versus tempera-
ture (6) and a table of absolute hu-
variable that affected the drying rate. [2] midities at different dew point tempera-
The other variables, corn variety and where
airflow rate, did not significantly affect tures (1), the relative humidity was
c = 3.82 X 10- 5 determined by finding the dew point
the drying constants for the values in-
n = 2.0 temperature corresponding to the abso-
vestigated. From this it was assumed
RH = relative humidity. lute humidity and finding the ratio of
that the air flow rates, in the range
Equilibrium moisture content is one the saturated vapor pressure at the dew
considered, had a negligible effect on the
of the factors that determines the rate point temperature and the saturated
drying equation. The results (constants
of moisture removal from a layer of vapor pressure at the air temperature.
A and B versus drying air temperature)
corn and establishes a lower limit to The relative humidity of the air is this
from the test series were plotted and
which the corn can dry. The tempera- ratio. A Fortran subprogram was writ-
analyzed by the method of least squares
ture and relative humidity of the air ten to perform this calculation.
to obtain an equation to represent thin
layer drying for the range of drying surrounding the kernel determines its 4 The latent heat of water in corn
temperatures investigated. The results equilibrium moisture content. Hender- was assumed to be represented by the
showed that constants A and B from son (2) developed the following em- equation:
V = (1094 - 0.57T) (1.0 fused with the t e m p e r a t u r e of t h e in the bed usually changes as drying
+ 4.35e-28-25M) [3] heated air before it enters the drying progresses. A new drying curve is speci-
The data of Thompson and Shedd column. This heat balance is only an fied when t h e drying t e m p e r a t u r e
intermediate calculation to determine changes, and the amount of drying on
(9) was fitted to the equation: —— the drying air temperature and dop.« not the old curve has to be transformed to
Li include moisture evaporation. Normally the new curve. This transformation
= 1 + ae~hM by the method of least the corn does not attain this tempera- was made by calculating an "equivalent
squares. The equation, L = 1094 —0.57 ture since evaporative cooling accom- drying time." This was calculated with
T9 for the latent heat of water (3) and panies the sensible heat transfer. the drying equation:
the results from the least squares analy- For the heat balance, the specific
sis resulted in the above equation. It t = Aln(MR) +B (Zn(MR))2
heat of corn was converted to Btu per
was based on experimental data in the using the new values of A, B, and MR
lb air deg F.
10 to 15 percent w.b. region. The au- (calculated with the new M e and the
Thus C = (0.350 + 0.00851 M w ) R
thors feel that extrapolation of this where R = air-to-grain ratio, lb air per present M ) . This is the equivalent time
equation was justified, because for lb corn. that would be needed on the new curve
higher moisture contents the heat of The equilibrium temperature of the to dry to the present moisture content.
vaporization approached that of free corn and the air before drying was de- The moisture ratio at the end of the
water and for lower moistures it be- termined with the following heat bal- present drying period was calculated
came increasingly difficult to evaporate ance: by solving the thin layer drying equa-
water from the corn kernel. tion for MR and using a time, t, of the
0.24 T0 + H0 (1060.8 + 0.45 T c )
5 The specific heat of corn was as- equivalent drying time plus the drying
+ C GQ = 0.24 Te + H0 (1060.8
sumed to be represented by the equa- time interval At The final moisture con-
+ 0.45 Te) + C T e ,
tion: tent of the layer was then calculated
c = 0.350 + 0.00851 M w . . . [ 4 ] where the subscript o refers to original from the moisture ratio.
and e to equilibrium values of air tem-
where M w = moisture content percent perature, T, grain temperature, G, and Final Air and Grain Temperature
wet basis. absolute humidity, H.
The final air and grain state points
Kazarian and Hall (5) found that The first two terms on each side of
the specific heat of soft white wheat consistent with the amount of drying
the equation represent the initial and performed on a thin layer of grain dur-
and yellow dent corn was linearly de- equilibrium heat content of the air, and
pendent on the moisture content. From ing time interval were calculated by
the third terms are the initial and equi-
their experimental evaluations on yel- the following procedure:
librium heat content of the corn. Solv-
low dent corn, they determined the (M 0 — M f ) percentage points of mois-
ing this equation for the unknown
above equation. ture were removed from the corn and
equilibrium temperature:
evaporated into the air; thus the abso-
Thin Layer Simulation T = ( ° - 2 4 + ° - 4 5 HQ) TQ + C G0 lute humidity of the air was increased
0.24 + 0.45 H0 + C by an amount
The remainder of this section on thin
[5] (M 0 - M f ) R
layer drying is a development of a pro-
Moisture Removed AH -, and
cedure to calculate the average changes 100
during drying when a thin layer of The equilibrium moisture content,
corn is dried for a time increment At. Ht = tf0 + AH
M e , of the corn was calculated by de-
The drying process was considered to termining the relative humidity of the The final temperature was deter-
be divided into separate processes (in- air and using the equilibrium tempera- mined with the following heat balance:
cluding temperature e q u i l i b r i u m be- ture from the above heat balance in the 0.24T e + H0( 1060.8 + 0.45TJ
tween the grain and air, moisture re- equilibrium moisture content equation. + CGe + AH(Ge - 32) =
moval, and evaporative cooling of the 0.24T f + H f (1060.8 + 0.45!Tf)
air and the grain) for this development + CTt + AL AH,
and the resulting calculations. These -In (1 - RH)
M0 where G e = Te from equation [ 5 ] .
processes actually occur simultaneously, .(3.82 X 10"5) (T e + 50)_
but the process was divided up to sim- The first two terms on each side of
[6] the equation are the initial and final
plify the simulation. The heat balances
In a deep-bed drying process the dry- heat content of the air; the third term
were written in terms of Btu per lb of
ing air temperature, T e , at one location is the initial and final heat content of
dry air flowing through the layer. A
grain-to-air ratio was used to convert
the specific heat of corn to these units.
Prediction of the amount of drying
that occurs in a thin laver of corn can
be made by considering the initial air
and grain conditions, using a thin-layer
drying equation and complete heat bal-
ances to predict the final air and grain
Drying-Air Temperature
The equilibrium temperature of the
drying air and the corn was calculated
by performing a sensible heat balance
and was used as the drying-air tempera- I 2
ture. Drying-air temperature as used TIME-HOURS TIME-HOURS

here is the temperature of the air at FIG. 3 Crossflow dryer. Drying temperature, 250 F; air flow, 60 cfm per sq ft; depth,
the drying layer and should not be con- 2 ft Mn = 25 percent wet basis.
the corn. The fourth term on the left The above description of the mathe- that each kernel is subjected to the
side of the equation is the heat content matical drying model presents the steps drying air and the depth of the group
of the water that was evaporated, and that were necessary to calculate the of thin layers are the two variables used
the last term in the equation is the heat final air and grain conditions after to calculate the grainflow rate through
of vaporization required to evaporate drying for a time interval At on a single the dryer.
moisture from the corn above that re- layer of corn. Fig. 3 shows the results of a typical
quired to evaporate the same amount All of the steps presented in this sec- crossflow simulation. In a crossflow
of free water. dryer the kernels on the air input side
(0.24 + 0.45H o )T e - AH( 1060.8 + AL + 32 - G e ) + CGe are overdried and those on the exhaust
Solving, T f ~ side are underdried when the average
0.24 + 0.45H f moisture content is at the desired level.
[7] Normal practice is to mix all of this
grain together to obtain the desired
is the final air and grain temperature
tion were combined into a common final moisture. The average equilibrium
for the layer.
computer subprogram that was used moisture content, to which the air could
Infeasible Air State Points with each one of the deep-bed drying dry the grain, decreases as the corn
After each one of the heat balances, models. dries.
it was necessary to determine if the D E E P - B E D DRYING
temperature and absolute humidity of Concurrent-Flow Dryer
the air was feasible (if the relative hu- Crossflow Dryer With a concurrent-flow dryer the dry-
midity as mathematically determined Theoretically, a crossflow dryer oper- ing air and the corn travel through the
was less than 100 percent). If the state ates by passing warm air through a dryer in the same direction. Again con-
point was infeasible, it was necessary static bed of grain. The drying air sidering the grain in the dryer as a
to perform another heat balance and evaporates moisture from the corn and group of thin layers with the drying
simulate the condensing of water from carries it away. As the air absorbs air blowing down through the layers
the air into the corn. moisture, its temperature decreases and consecutively, and visualizing that at
From the infeasible state point (rep- its ability to pick up more moisture each time interval a new layer is placed
resented by H0, G0, and T 0 ), a heat bal- decreases. Considering a batch-type on the top of the stack and a layer is
ance was written between original and crossflow dryer to be a group of thin removed from the bottom, the concur-
final conditions for the incremental dry- layers of corn stacked one upon an- rent-flow drying process can be simu-
ing period: other with the drying air blowing up lated. If the layer that was in the i t h
0.24T o + H0( 1060.8 + 0.45TJ + through the stack, the mechanisms of position during the / t h time period is in
CG0 + (H{ - HQ) (G 0 - 32) = this dryer type were simulated by cal- the n + l s t position in the /-h 1 s t time pe-
0.24T f + H f (1060.8 + 0.45T f ) + CTf culating the air and moisture changes riod, the process can be simulated very
as the drying air passed from one layer easily. The simplified simulation pro-
This heat balance has two unknowns —
of corn onto the next. Each layer was cedure consists of calculating the mois-
the final temperature, Tf, and the ex-
dried for a short time interval using ture changes of one layer as it travels
haust humidity, Ht. Interpolation was
the exhaust air from one layer as the through the dryer. In other words, if
used on the relative humidity versus
input drying air to the next. The proc- the time interval is properly selected,
temperature relationship to converge to
ess was then repeated with a second, the exhaust air from a layer in the first
a relative humidity of 100 percent and
third, . . ., drying time interval until position during the first time period is
to determine Hf and T f . Using a method
the average final moisture was as de- the input to the same layer which is in
developed to find the zero of unknown
sired. the second position during the second
functions (13), this interpolation re-
quired only three or four trials to ob- Assuming no appreciable mixing, a time period and so forth until the de-
tain a relative humidity between 99 continuous crossflow dryer operates the sired depth is obtained.
and 100 percent. The water that was same as the batch-type dryer just de- This simulation represented the equi-
removed from the air was condensed scribed. Infinitely long layers of corn librium or steady-state concurrent flow
into the corn, or: pass through the dryer, with the drying drying process with the given initial air
air flowing in a direction normal to the and grain conditions and for a pre-
100 ( H f - H 0 ) corn layers. The air passes from one
Mf Mn specified grainflow rate. For a given
R * • L J
layer of corn onto the next. The time depth, the grainflow rate determined
300 r- the final moisture content. A method for
finding the zero of unknown functions
(13) was used to determine the grain-
flow rate necessary to dry to the desired
final moisture.
Fig. 4 shows the results of a typical
concurrent flow simulation. These re-
sults show that, as the grain moves
through a concurrent-flow dryer, most
<H io
of the moisture is removed during the
o first Vz foot of travel and then the proc-
EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT ess has a built-in tempering period
which decreases the drying stress in
DEPTH-FEET the kernel. Basically, the process con-
I 2
sists of the corn giving off moisture to
2 3 the drying air which cools the air and
TIME- HOURS TIME- HOURS the corn. As the corn gives off moisture
FIG. 4 Concurrent-flow dryer. Drying temperature, 250 F; airflow, 60 cfm per sq ft; and the air cools, the relative humidity
M0 = 25 percent wet basis. of the air increases and thus the equi-
30O heat exchanger. The air and the grain,
while traveling in opposite directions,
exchange heat energy throughout the
whole bed. Depending on the bed
depth, the drying air is exhausted at
200 - approximately the wet-bulb tempera-
ture of the heated air entering the dry-
ing column, while the grain is dis-
charged at a temperature only a few
degrees below the incoming air tem-
£ioh 100 - perature.
CONTENT Summary and Conclusions
1 2 The mathematical drying models de-
0 1 1 . veloped and presented in this paper can
I 2 I 2 be used to predict the performance of
crossflow, concurrent flow, and coun-
FIG. 5 Counterflow dryer. Drying temperature, 250 F; airflow, 60 cfm per sq ft; terflow convection grain dryers with
M = 25 percent wet basis. drying temperatures up to 350 F. With
the procedures developed and the use
librium moisture content i n c r e a s e s , process was necessary because sufficient of high-speed digital computers, it is
which slows down the rate of drying. initial conditions were not known to possible to study many aspects of con-
A plot of the equilibrium moisture con- simulate its performance directly. At vection drying problems that would be
tent versus depth in a concurrent-flow the top of the dryer, the state point of difficult if not impossible to obtain in
dryer is also shown, With a concurrent- the drying air was not known, and at the laboratory or in field applications.
flow dryer, the hot drying air immedi- the bottom the moisture content of the The predicted results as determined by
ately comes in contact with the cool last layer was not known. An iterative these mathematical models permit com-
wet corn. The drying air is almost im- solution was obtained by approximat- plete analysis of conventional and newly
mediately reduced in temperature and ing steady state conditions from previ- developed drying methods, and are
the initial moisture that is removed dur- ous observations and then iterating the helpful in the design of drying equip-
ing the first few minutes of drying results many times until the conditions ment.
further reduces the drying temperature. throughout the bed converged to steady
To summarize, w i t h concurrent-flow state.
1 Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Guide.
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visioning that at each time interval a stant. The equilibrium moisture content Peart, R. M. Comparative performance of con-
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