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ISSN 1018-5593

European Commission

technical steel research

Properties and service performance

Simplified version of Eurocode 3

for usual buildings

European Commission

technical steel research

Properties and service performance

Simplified version of Eurocode 3

for usual buildings

P. Chantrain, J.-B. Schleich

ARBED recherches
BP 141
L-4009 Esch-sur-Alzette

Contract No 7210-SA/513

1 July 1991 to 30 June 1994

Final report

Science, Research and Development
1997 EUR 16839 EN

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Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997

ISBN 92-828-1485-8

© European Communities, 1997 [

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Printed in Luxembourg I
ECSC Agreement 7210-SA/513

The aim of the following E.C.S.C. research is to elaborate a simple but complete document to
design commonly used buildings in steel construction. This document is completely based on
Eurocode 3 and each paragraph is totally conform to Eurocode 3. Only the design formulas
necessary to design braced or non-sway buildings are taken into account in this document.
Tall buildings (skyscrapers) and halls are not treated. The designers and steel constructors
are able to calculate and erect a commonly used steel building with this design handbook.
Therefore also the important load cases from Eurocode 1 will be included in this document.
The working group of the research project was constituted of 10 European engineering
offices. Firstly that working group has carried out different examples of calculation of braced
or non-sway buildings according to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1: check of existing steel structures and
design of new steel buildings. Afterwards thanks to those examples of calculation the needed
design formulas of Eurocode 3 was highlighted and general procedure of design was
determined. The design handbook "Simplified version of Eurocode 3" is based on that
The link of the working group to the drafting panel of Eurocode 3 was guaranteed by the
Professor Sedlacek of Aachen University.
Liaison has been ensured with both other E.C.S.C. research projects nr SA/312 and nr S A/419
also dealing with Eurocode 3: respectively, "Application software of Eurocode 3: EC3-tools"
(CTICM, France) and "Design handbook for sway buildings" (CSM-Italy).
Agrément CECA 7210-SA/513
Le but de cette recherche est d'élaborer un document simple mais complet pour calculer des
bâtiments courants en construction métallique. Ce document est entièrement basé sur
l'Eurocode 3 et chaque paragraphe est totalement conforme à VEurocode 3. Il n'a été pris en
compte que les formules nécessaires au calcul de bâtiments contreventés et rigides. Les
bâtiments très élancés (gratte-ciel) et les halls industriels n'y sont pas traités. Les bureaux
d'études et constructeurs métalliques devront être capables de calculer et d'ériger un
bâtiment courant en acier avec ce manuel de dimensionnement. Les cas de charges le plus
importants issus de l'Eurocode 1 seront également inclus dans ce document.
Le groupe de travail du projet de recherche était constitué de 10 bureaux d'études européens.
En première partie ce groupe de travail a effectué différents exemples de calculs de bâtiments
contreventés et rigides conformément à l'Eurocode 3 Partie 1.1: vérification de structures en
acier déjà existantes et dimensionnement de nouveaux bâtiments en acier. Grâce à ces
exemples concrets de calcul, les formules de l'Eurocode 3 utiles au dimensionnement ont été
mises en évidence et une procédure générale de dimensionnement a été déterminée. Le
manuel de dimensionnement "Version simplifiée de l'Eurocode 3" se base sur cette
La jonction entre le groupe de travail et le groupe de rédaction de l'Eurocode 3 a été faite par
le professeur Sedlacek de l'Université d'Aix-La-Chapelle.
Une collaboration a été assurée avec deux autres projets de recherche CECA N° SA/312 et N°
SA/419 qui concernent aussi l'Eurocode 3: respectivement, "Logiciel d'application de
l'Eurocode 3: EC3-Tools" (CTICM, France) et "Manuel de dimensionnement de bâtiments
souples (à nœuds déplaçables)" (CSM, Italie)
EGKS Zulassung7210-SA/513
Dieses EGKS Forschungsprojekt hat zum Ziel, ein einfaches aber vollständiges Dokument
für allgemeine (übliche) Stahlbaubemessung auszuarbeiten. Dieses Dokument ist völlig auf
Eurocode 3 basiert und jeder Paragraph paßt genau zu Eurocode 3. Nur die
Bemessungsformeln, die notwendig sind für ausgesteifte oder unverschiebliche Tragwerke ,
werden berücksichtigt. Hochhäuser (Wolkenkratzen) oder Hallen werden nicht behandelt.
Die Ingenieurbüros und Stahlkonstrukteuren haben die Möglichkeit mit diesem Design-
Handbuch einen einfachen Stahlbau zu berechnen und zu bauen. Dafür sind die wichtigsten
Lastfälle von Eurocode 1 in diesem Dokument beinhaltet.
Die Arbeitsgruppe des Forschungssprojekt bestand aus 10 europäischen Ingenieurbüros. Die
Arbeitsgruppe hat, im ersten Teil dieses Forschungsvorhabens, verschiedene
Berechnungsbeispiele mit ausgesteiften oder unverschieblichen Tragwerken nach Eurocode
3 Teil 1.1 durchgefühlt : Berechnungs-Nachweis einer existierenden Stahlstruktur und
Dimensionierung eines neuen Stahlbaus. Anschließend an diese konkreten Beispiele, wurden
die benutzten Bemessungsformeln nach Eurocode 3 hervorgehoben und ein allgemeines
Bemessungsverfahren wurde festgelegt. Das Design-Handbuch "Vereinfachte Version des
Eurocode 3" basiert auf dieser Erfahrung.
Die Verbindung zwischen der Arbeitsgruppe und dem technischen Komitee wurde von
Professor Sedlacek der Aachener Universität hergestellt.
Eine Zusammenarbeit bestand mit zwei anderen EGKS Forschungesprojekten N° SA/312
und N° SA/419, die auch Eurocode 3 behandeln : "Application software of Eurocode 3:
EC3-tools" (CTICM, France) und "Design handbook for sway buildings" (CSM-Italy).

Summary 3
Sommaire 4
Zusammenfassung 5
Contents 7
1. Introduction 9
2. Working group 10
3. Part 1 : Worked examples 11
3.1. Exercise 1 : Verification of an existing braced or non-sway structure
3.2. Exercise 2: Verification of a non-sway wind bracing in a building
3.3. Exercise 3: Design of a braced or non-sway structure
4. Part 2 : Design handbook · 12
FIGURES (Ito 8 )
List of symbols (6 pages) 23
List of tables (3 pages) 29
List of flow-charts (1 page) 32
"Design handbook according to Eurocode 3 for braced or non-sway steel buildings" 33
(short title : "EC3 for non-sway buildings") (196 pages)
1. Introduction

The research was divided into different parts:

- in the first part worked examples of braced or non-sway structures has been carried out by
European engineering offices according to Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 1.
Different contacts have been taken with different engineering offices in Europe and
professional organisations (E.C.C.S. and C.T.I.C.M.). The working group of this research
project has been constituted with 10 engineering offices.
- in the second part the needed formulae for simple design of braced or non-sway structures
have been selected thanks to the exercises about check and design of steel buildings. The
design handbook has been elaborated on the basis of that experience.
The present final report of this research project presents the design handbook called
"Design handbook according to Eurocode 3 for braced or non-sway steel buildings"
(short title : "EC3for non-sway buildings").
2. Working group
The research project was fully managed and carried out by ProfilARBED-Research (RPS
Department), with the active support of the following working group which is particularly
thanked for the fruitful collaboration :
- the following 10 engineering offices which were involved to perform 3 worked examples :
Reference Engineering office City Country
2 Adem Mons Belgium

3 Bureau Delta Liège Belgium

4 Varendonck Groep / Steelrrack Gent Belgium

6 Ramboll & Hanneman Copenhagen Denmark

7 Bureau Veritas Courbevoie France

9 Socotec Saint-Quentin-Yvelines France

10 Sofresid Montreuil France

13 Danieli Ingegneria Livorno Italy

14 Schroeder & Associés Luxembourg Luxemburg

16 D3BN Nieuwegein The Netherlands

- Professor Sedlacek and assistant from Aachen University (Germany) which guaranteed the
link of this working group to the drafting panel of Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 1,
- some other engineering offices which participated to the meetings of the full working group :
Reference Engineering Country
number office City

5 Verdeyen & Moenart Bruxelles Belgium

Associate Partner

12 Ingenieur gruppe Bauen Karlsruhe Germany

18 Ove Arup & Partners London United
19 ECCS-TCll Kiel Germany

-some members of CTICM (France) and SIDERCAD (Italy) involved in complementary
research projects about simplified approaches of Eurocode 3 (respectively, "Application
software of Eurocode 3 : EC3-tools" and "Design handbook for sway buildings") :
. which participated to the meetings of the full working group,
. and with which a general flow-chart (FC1) about elastic global analysis of steel frame
according to EC3 has been established.

3. Part 1 : Worked examples

In order to find the needed formulae and to familiarise the engineering offices to the
Eurocodes, it has been decided to perform 3 different exercises (check and design of a steel

- exercise 1: verification of an existing braced or non-sway steel structure,

- exercise 2: verification of a non-sway steel wind bracing in a building,
- exercise 3: design of a braced or non-sway steel structure,
Different drawings issued from the exercises of the offices are enclosed in the technical report
n° 4 (TR4) showing the type of the calculated buildings and some details :
- office building with bracing system (engineering offices n° 2, 9 and 16),
(Annex 1 of TR4); -
- car park (engineering office n° 3), (Annex 2 of TR4);
- residential building with bracing system (engineering office n° 7), (Annex 3 of TR4);
- office building with bracing system (engineering office n° 10), (Annex 4 of TR4);
- industrial building with catalytic reactors (engineering office n° 13), (Annex 5 of TR4);
- office building with concrete core (engineering office n° 14), (Annex 6 of TR4);
- office building with concrete core (engineering office n° 4), (Annex 7 of TR4);
- office building with bracing system (engineering office n° 6), (Annex 8 of TR4).

3.1. Exercise 1 : Verification of an existing braced or non-sway structure

The flow-chart of figure 1 shows the procedure followed for the verification of an existing
building with the Eurocodes 1 and 3. This first exercise aimed to find the needed formulae
given by the Eurocodes in order to check the safety of the different limit states.
This exercise was not an iterative processes, but was only a verification procedure of an
existing braced or non-sway building.
The flow-chart of figure 1 is divided into 3 subjects:
a. The "Keywords" representing the different steps of a check procedure.
1. conceptional type of structure.
2. occupancies.
3. shape.
4 structural concept.
5 action effects.
6. design and verification.
b. The "Requirements and References" of each step of the verification.
The references are Eurocode 1, Eurocode 3 and the product standards
EN 10025 and EN 10113.
c. The "Object" describing each step of the verification.

3.2. Exercise 2: Verification of a non-sway wind bracing in a building

The non-sway wind bracing consisted of a latticed steel structure. The flow-chart of figure 2
gives the procedure of the verification of this wind bracing. This exercise was also not an
iterative process.
The description of the present flow-chart (figure 2) is the same than in the first example
presented in the chapter 3.1 (figure 1).

3.3. Exercise 3: Design of a braced or non-sway structure

After the two first exercises, the engineering offices were familiarised with the Eurocodes 1
and 3. They were able to perform a complete design of a structure by using an iterative
procedure. The aim of this exercise was to analyse the way to find a good solution.
This exercise allowed us to follow step by step the calculation of a structure in practice. The
practical design handbook about the simplified version of the Eurocode 3 follows an
improved way than the one defined in the initial design procedure. The figure 3 shows the
different data for the design and the type of chosen optimisation. The Figure 4 gives the type
of building to be designed.

4. Part 2 : Design handbook

A list of the needed formulae taken from the Eurocode 3 has been established following the
initial procedure defined for the exercises (see figures 5 to 8).
This initial design procedure nearly corresponds to the sequence of the chapters of Eurocode
3. It had to be adapted to common practice.
The solved exercises E3 (design of a building) and the experience of each engineering office
allowed to determine a more suitable design procedure which constitutes the frame of the
design handbook.
About that practical design procedure reference may be made to the enclosed design
handbook which is called "Design handbook according to Eurocode 3 for braced or non-
sway steel buildings" (short title : "EC3for non-sway buildings") :
- table of contents
- general flow-chart FC1 about elastic global analysis of steel frames according to
Eurocode 3 (see chapter I of the design handbook); this flow-chart FC1 constitutes the
link with the 2 other researches about simplified approaches of EC3 : from CTICM and
SIDERCAD (see chapter 2 of the present report),
- flow-chart FC3.1 and FC3.2 about general procedures to study structures submitted to
actions (see chapter ΠΊ of the design handbook), with load cases which are respectively
defined :
. by relevant combinations of characteristic values of load arrangements, (g, q, s, w,
...), in general cases,
. or, by relevant combinations of characteristic values for the effects of actions (N,
V, Μ; δ, f,...), in case of first order elastic global analysis.
- flow-chart FC4 about elastic global analysis of braced or non-sway steel frames
according to Eurocode 3 (see chapter IV of the design handbook),
- flow-chart FC 12 about elastic global analysis of bracing system according to Eurocode 3
(see chapter ΧΠ of the design handbook)

In general, for the design of buildings we need to :
- define the analysis model of frames (assumptions of plane frames, bracing systems,
connections, members,...)
- characterise the load arrangements and load cases,
- carry out the elastic global analysis of frames in order to determine the effects of actions :
. deformations (δ), vibrations (f) for Serviceability Limit States (SLS) and,
. internal forces and moments (N, V, M) for Ultimate Limit States (ULS).
- check the members at SLS (vertical and horizontal displacements, eigenfrequencies) and
at ULS (resistance of cross-sections, stability of members and stability of webs) for :
. members in tens on (braces,...)
. members in compression (columns,...)
. members in bending (beams,...)
. members with combined axial load force and bending moment (beam-columns,...)
- check the local effects of transverse forces on webs at ULS (resistance and stability of
- check the connections at SLS and at ULS.
Especially for members to be checked at ULS specific tables are given in the concerned
chapters of the handbook, with list of checks according to different types of loading (separate
or combined internal forces and moments : N, V, M).
The design handbook which is enclosed to this final report of the research project, intends to
be a design aid in supplement to the complete document Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 in order to
facilitate the use of Eurocode 3 for the design of such steel structures which are usual in
common practice : braced or non-sway steel structures.
Although the present design handbook has been carefully established and intends to be self-
sufficient it does not substitute in any case for the complete document Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1,
which should be consulted in conjunction with the NAD, in case of doubt or need for
All references to Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 which appear systematically, are made in [...].
Any other text, tables or figures not quoted from Eurocode 3 are considered to satisfy the
rules specified in Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1.
The lists of all symbols, tables and flow-charts included in the "Design Handbook" are
enclosed to the present appendices.

1. conceptional rype of structure
: Classification
different braced non sway structures <, 20 storeys
non­sway: Vsd / VCT <, 0.1
2. occupancies braced: φ h £ 0.2 φ ^
types of occupancy

­ ware house Basis of design. Imposed
­ office building * ( ^
loads on floor and roofs
­ industrial hall

shape of the building
■cEC 1: Wind loads, Snow loads }
4. structural concept
structural model EC 3: Non­sway
Geometric dimensions
Non­structural elements
Load bearing structure
Profiles Product standards:
EN 10025, EN 10113
EC 3 ­> b /1 classification
Floor structure
Material properties

5. action effects
EC 1: Load cases
determination of the action effects EC 3: Load combinations
(global and local)

elastic or plastic model

EC 3: Imperfections
EC 3: Modelling depending on
SLS ULS b /1 classification
6. dimensioning and verification V_ 1 s t order analysis

SLS limits ULS limits

deformations Frame stability Legend
vibrations Static equilibrium
Resistance of cross section Keywords
• tension - bending montent vid »hear
• comprei»ion · bending momtia and axial force
• bending moment - bending moment, sbear and axial force
- abear · transverse farces c a webs Γ I
- ine ar boe kl mg

Resistance of members (stability) Requirement & References

• compression members : bocfcling
- lateral torsional buckling of beams C )
- bending and axial ami ion
• bending and axial compresaseli

Connection Object
- joints
• base of colorons I I
Exercise 1. Verification of an existing braced non­sway structure
Figure 1

1. conceptiqnal type of structure
EC 3: Classification
non­sway wind bracing in a building non­sway :VSd / VCT <, 0.1
(latticed structure )
1 s t order theory
. Τ .„
2. occupancies
part of an office building EC 1: Basis of design, vertical loading
Horizontal loading
3. shape
Vertical f orces from gravity loads,
­ position in the building imposed loads, snow and wind loads
­ locations from load introduction and con­
nections from floors, roofs, claddings etc. Horizontal forces from wind,
4. structural concept

structural model
Geometric dimensions EC 3: Non­sway
Non­structural elements
Profiles Product standards:
EN 10025, EN 10113
EC 3 ­> b / 1 classification

Material properties

5. action effects EC 1: Load cases
EC 3: Load combinations
determination of the action effects
(global and local)
EC 3: Imperfections
elastic or plastic model
EC 3: Modelling depending on
b / 1 classification
1 s t order analysis

6. dirnehsioning and verification

SLS limits ULS limits Legend
deformations Frame stability
vibrations Static equilibrium Keywords
Resistance of cross section
- tension - bending moment and shear WÊÉBÊÊ
- compression - bending moment and axial force
• bending moment - bending moment, shear and axial force
- shear - transverse forces on webs Requirement & References
■ shear buckling

Resistance of members (stability)

- compression members : buckling
- lateral torsional budding of beams
- bending and axial tension Object
- bending and axial compress ion

• baae of columns

Exercise 2.Verification of a non­sway wind bracing in a building

Figure 2

1. conceptional type of structure
Braced non sway structure (defined)
2. occupancies

types of occupancy (defined)

- office building

3. shape
shape of the building (defined)
4. structural concept
structural model
Geometric dimensions (defined)
Non-structural elements (not defined)
Load bearing structure (not defined)
Type of joints (defined)
Profiles ( not defined)

7. optimisation of the weight

Floor structure (not defined)
Material properties (not defined) Profiles:
- max 3 different profiles
5. action effects for the columns
Type of joints:
determination of the action effects
- hinged or rigid
(global and local) connections
elastic or plastic model Steel: FeE 235
or FeE 355
SLS ULS or FeE 460 grades

6. dimensioning and
SLS limits ULS limits
deformations Frame stability
vibrations Static equilibrium
Resistance of cross section
■ compression and axial force
abear and axial force

- sbear bedding

Resistance of members (stability)

- cflfupyraHin membera ι bockung
- lateral torsional bedding of beams
• ^"Hiraj and axial tension
* bending and axial compresiion

- base of columns

Exercise 3.Design of a braced non-sway structure

Figure 3

plane view


front view





Reference Engineering office n° X Y storeys Joints

number (m) (m) n=
2 Adem 1 30 10 5 Rigid
6 Rambøll, Hannemann & Højlund 2 30 10 15 Rigid
7 Veritas 3 50 14 10 Hinged
9 Socotec 4 50 14 15 Hinged
10 Sofresid 5 50 18 20 Rigid
13 Danieli 6 50 18 15 Hinged
Exercise 3 : Type of building to be designed
Figure 4

···· · i Λ. C« · ■ ·
Eurocode 3 Formulae References
1. Conceptional type of structure.
1.1. non-sway
­> Chapter
1.2. braced
­> Chapter
1.3 storeys
2. Occupancies.
2.1. Type of building, (category,...)
2.2. Imposed loads on floors and roof (p and P) ­> Chapter EC 1, part 2.4: Imposed load
3, Shape,
3.1. Wind loads fw) ­> Chapter EC1 Part 2.7: Wind loads.
3.2. Snow loads (s) ­> Chapter EC1 Part 2.5: Snow loads.
4. Structural concept.
4.1. Structural model.
4.2. Geometric dimensions.
4.3. Non structural elements.
4.4. Load bearing structure.
4.5. Joints.
4.6. Profiles.
4.7. Floor structure.
4.8. Material properties.
5. Action effects.
5.1. Load cases. ­> EC1. ­ permanent loads: g and G
­ variable loads: q and Q:
­ imposed loads: ρ and Ρ (presentparagraph 2.2.)
- wind loads: w (presentparagraph 3.1.)
- snow loads: s (presentparagraph 32.)
5.2. Load combinations. ­> EC3.
SLS: -> Chapter 2.3.4 clause (5), formulae (2.17) and (2.18)
ULS: ­> Chapter clause (5), formulae (2.11) and (2.12)
5.3. Imperfections. -> EC3.
Frame : ­> Chapter clause (1) formula (5.2)
Bracing system: ­> Chapter clause (1) formulae (5.3) and (5.4)
[Members : ­> Chapter clause (4) formula (5.1)7
5.4. Elastic or plastic model -> EC3: Chapter 5.3: classification of cross­sections (b/t ratios).
Flange: ­> table 5.3.1 (sheet 3)
Web: ­> table 5.3.1 (sheet 1)
­> Chapter 5.4.6 clause (7) shear buckling
=> (presentparagraph 72.9 )
Section: ­> Chapter 5.3.4 for elastic global analysis
­> Chapter 5.3.3 for plastic global analysis
Figure 5

Eurocode 3 Formulae References
6. Verification SLS. -> Chapter 4
6.1. Global analysis. -> beams, portal f rames,structural frames Calculation for
- > bracing system δ vertical
and δ horizontal
6.2. Deformations. -> Chapter 4.2.2 clause (1) δ vertical table 4.1, figure 4.1
clause (4) δ horizontal
6.3. Vibrations. -> Chapter 4.3. (ECCSpublication n°65: table4.4;... ;
7. Verification ULS.
7.1. Global analysis. = > internal forces: Μ, Ν and V
- Elastic analysis -> Chapter
- Plastic analysis -> Chapter
- 1st or 2nd order analysis (present paragraph 1.1 )
7.2. Resistance of cross-sections. -> Chapter 5.4
7.2.1. tension. -> Chapter 5.4.3 clause (1) formula (5.13)
7.2.2. compression.^ Chapter 5.4.4 clause (1) formula (5.16)
7.2.3. bending moment.-> Chapter 5.4.5
-> Chapter clause (1) formula (5.17)
clause (2) formula (5.18)
f Ύ
-> Chapter clause(l) formula(5.19) => A v n e t > -2- ,­iÖ­
' Mo
(remark: y m factors should be ignored)
7.2.4. shear.
­> Chapter 5.4.6 clause (1) formula (5.20)
clause (2): Ayz
Avy: ECCS publication n°65: table 5.14
clause (8) formula (5.21)
clause (9)
7.2.5. bending and shear.
-> Chapter 5.4.7 clause (2)
clause (3) a), b) formula (5.22)
for cross­sections with unequal flanges:

M S d <L M V j R d = Mf>Rd + (Mp 1>Rd ­ Mf >Rd )1 ­ VSd ­ 1

7.2.6. bending and axial force.
Class 1 and 2 cross-sections:
-> Chapter clause (3)
clause (4) formulae (5.25) and (5.26)
clause (11) formula (5.35)
Class 3 cross-sections:
-> Chapter clause (1) formula (5.37)
7.2.7. bending, shear and axial force.
-> Chapter 5.4,9 clause (2)
clause (3)
­> biaxial bending: (ECCS publication η °65: tables 5.15 and 5.16)
Figure 6

Eurocode 3 Formulae References
7.2.8. transverse forces on webs.
-> Chapter 5.4.10 clause (3) -> clause (1) formula (5.41)
clause (2) formula (5.42) figure 5.4.3
or -> clause (4) formula (5.43)
clause (5) formula (5.44)
-> Chapter 5.7.1 clause (3) figure 5.7.1 (a)
clause (4) figure 5.7.1 (b)
clause (5)
-> Chapter 5.7.2 clause (3) figure 5.7.2
-> Chapter 5.7.3 Crushing clause (1) formulae (5.71) and (5.72)
ƒ clause (4) formula (5.74) J
-> Chapter 5.7.4 Crippling clause (1) formula (5.77)
clause (2) formula (5.78)
-> Chapter 5.7.5 Buckling clause (1) formula (5.79)
clause (3) figure 5.7.3
7.2.9. shear buckling. -> Chapter 5.6.1 clause (1) limit condition (present paragraph 5.4 )
7.2.10 flange-induced buckling.
-> Chapter 5.7.7 ECCS publication n °65: table 520
7.3. Resistance of members. (->for 1 st order analysis)
7.3.1. compression members: buckling.
-for 1 st order elastic analysis:
-> Chapter clause (1) formula (5.45)
-> Chapter clause (1) formula (5.46) with table 5.5.1, or table 5.5.2
-> Chapter clause (1) table 5.5.3
clause (3) formula (5.47)
-> Chapter clause (2) Annex E
- for 2 "d order elastic analysis:
-> Chapter clause (2)
7.3.2. lateral-torsional buckling of beams.
-> Chapter 5.5.2 clause (1) formula (5.48)
clause (2) formula (5.49)
clause (3)
clause (5)
clause (6) Annex F
clause (7) limit condition
clause (8)
7.3.3. bending and axial tension.
-> Chapter 5.5.3
7.3.4. bending and axial compression.
-> Chapter 5.5.4 -without lateral-torsional buckling:
clause (1) formula (5.51) class 1 and 2 cross-sections
clause (3) formula (5.53) class 3 cross-sections
- with lateral-torsional buckling:
clause (2) formula (5.52) class 1 and 2 cross-sections
clause (4) formula (5.54) class 3 cross-sections
clause (7) figure 5.5.3
7.4. Resistance of connections.
7.4.1. boltedjoints. -> Chapter 6.5 Positioning of holes.
-> Chapter 6.5.1 figures 6.5.1 to 6.5.4
(ECCSpublication n°65: table 62 ) Design shear rupture resistance.
-> Chapter clause (2) formula (6.1)
clause (3) figure 6.5.5
Figure 7

Eurocode 3 Formulae References Angles.
-> Chapter clause (2) formulae (6.2) to (6.4)
clause (3) figure 6.5.6 Categories of bolted connections.
-> Chapter 6.5.3 and table 6.5.2 Distribution offorces between fasteners.
-> Chapter 6.5.4 figure 6.5.7 Design resistance of bolts.
-> Chapter 6.5.5 clause (2) table 6.5.3
clause (3)
clause (4) formula (6.5)
clause (5) formula (6.6)
clause (9)
clause (10)
(ECCSpublication n°65: tables 6.6, 6.7and6.8) High strength bolts in slip-resistant connections
-> Chapter 6.5.8
-> Chapter 6.5.9 Annex J
-> Chapter 6.5.10 clause (1) formula (6.11) and figure 6.5.10
[-> Chapter 6.5.11 clause (2) formula (6.12)7
[-> Chapter 6.5.12 clause (1) formula (6.13)7
-> Chapter 6.5.13. tables 6.5.6 and 6.5.7, figure 6.5.12
[7.4.2 Joints with rivets. -> Chapter 6.5.67
7.4.3 Welded connections. -> Chapter 6.6
[-> Chapter 6.6.3 clause (3)7
-> Chapter 6.6.4 clause (1)
clause (4)
clause (7)
-> Chapter clause (2)
-> Chapter clause (2)
-> Chapter clause (1) Annex M
clause (3) formula (6.14)
clause (4) formula (6.15)
clause (5)
-> Chapter 6.6.8 clause (2) formula (6.16)
clause (3)
[-> Chapter 6.6.9 clause (1)7
[ clause (3) formula (6.18)7
-> Chapter 6.6.10 clause (2)
clause (3)
7.4.4 Beam-to-column connections. -> Chapter 6.9 and Annex J
7.4.5. Column bases. -> Chapter 6.11 and Annex L
7.5. Frame stability.
-> Chapter clause (1)
clause (3)
clause (4)
7.6. Static equilibrium.
-> Chapter clauses (1) to (12)
Figure 8

1. List of symbols in the "Design Handbook" List of symbols (1/6)
1. Latin symbols
a designation of a buckling curve
a throat thickness of filllet weld
a<i geometrical data of the effects of actions
ay geometrical data for the resistance
aup design throat thickness for submerged arc welding
ao designation of a buckling curve
a i , &2 distance between fastener holes and edge
A accidental action; area of building loaded by external pressure of wind;
area of gross cross-section
Aeff effective area of class 4 cross-section
Atff.N effective area of class 4 cross-section subject to uniform compression
(single N x .sd)
Aeff.M effective area of class 4 cross-section subject to uniaxial bending
(single or single M z .sd)
Anet net area of cross-section
A re f reference area for C f (wind force)
Ag tensile stress area of bolt
Av shear area of cross-section effective shear area for resistance to block shear
A v .y shear area of cross-section according to yy axis
A v .z shear area óf cross-section according to zz axis
b designation of a buckling curve; flange width; building width
beff effective breadth
Bp.Rd design punching shear resistance of the bolt head and the nut
c designation of a buckling curve; out stand distance
CALT altitude factor for reference wind velocity
ca dynamic factor for wind force
DIR direction factor for reference wind velocity
ce exposure coefficient for wind pressure and wind force
Cf wind force coefficient
Cpe external pressure coefficient for wind pressure
cr roughness coefficient for determination of c e
ct topography coefficient for determination of c e
CTEM temporary (seasonal) factor for reference wind velocity
Cd nominal value related to the design effect of actions
C i , C2 factors for determination of F v jyc
C1.C2.C3 factors for determination of MC T
d designation of a buckling curve; web depth
d bolt diameter
d,,, mean diameter of inscribed and circumscribed circles of bolt head or nut
do hole diameter
βΝ shift of relevant centroidal axis of the class 4 effective cross-section subject to
uniform compression (single N x .sd)
eNy shift of the y centroidal axis of the class 4 effective cross-section subject to
uniform compression
βΝζ shift of the ζ centroidal axis of the class 4 effective cross-section subject to
uniform compression
eM shift of relevant centroidal axis of the class 4 effective cross-section subject to
uniaxial bending (single My.Sd or single Mz.Sd)
ci ) equivalent initial bow imperfection
eo,d design value of equivalent initial bow imperfection
ei, e2 distance between hole fastener and edge
E modulus of elasticity or Young Modulus; effect of actions at SLS
ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork
ECSC European Community of Steel and Coal

List of symbols (2/6)
EC 1 Eurocode 1 (/l/)
EC 3 Eurocode 3 (/2/)
EC 8 Eurocode 8 (/3/)
Ed design value of the effect of action
Ek characteristic value of effects of actions at SLS
fd design natural frequency
fe natural frequency
fmin recommended limit of natural frequency
fu ultimate tensile strength
fub nominal value of ultimate tensile strength for bolt
f, yield strength
¿b basic yield strength of the flat steel material before cold forming
fyb nominal value of yield strength for bolt
fyw yield strength of the web
F, Fi, F2 action (load, transverse force, imposed deformations,...)
FC flow-chart
FbUd design bearing resistance per bolt
FbJUc characteristic value of bearing resistance per bolt
Fd design value of action
Ffr friction force force on bolt calculted from Msd and/or Fbjtd
Fk characteristic value of action
Fp.Rd design punching shear resistance per bolt
Fsd design transverse force applied on web through the flange
Fsk characteristic value of transverse force
FsHd design slip resistance per bolt at the ultimate limit state
Fs.Rd.ser design slip resistance per bolt at the serviceability limit state
Fs.Rk caracteristic slip-resistance per bolt and per friction interface
Ft.Rd design tension resistance per bolt
Ft .Rk characteristic value of tension resistance per bolt design tensile force per bolt for the ultimate limit state
FvRd design shear resistance per bolt
FvRk characteristic value of shear resistance per bolt and per shear plane design shear force per bolt for the ultimate limit state design shear force per bolt for the serviceability limit state
Fw resultant wind force
Fw.Rk characteristic value of resistance force of fillet weld design force of fillet weld
g distributed permanent action; dead load
G permanent action
Gd design permanent action
Gk characteristic value of permanent action
h overall depth of cross-section; storey height; building height
ho overall height of structure
H total horizontal load
i radius of gyration about relevant axis using the properties of gross cross-section
I second moment of area A
Ieff second moment of effective area Aeff (class 4 cross-section)
It torsional constant
Iw warping constant
Iz second moment of area about zz axis
k subscript meaning characteristic (unfactored) value
k effective length factor
kur factor for lateral-torsional buckling with N-M interaction
k<y buckling factor for outstand flanges
kw effective length factor for warping end condition
ky, kz factors for N-M interaction

List of symbols (3/6)
roughness factor of the terrain
ί portion of a member
effective length for out­of­plane bending
L system length; span length; weld length
Lb buckling length of member
LTB lateral­torsional buckling
Ly distance between extreme fastener holes
m mass per unit length
max maximum
min minimum
M bending moment
M b .Rd design resistance moment for lateral­torsional buckling
MCT elastic critical moment for lateral­torsional buckling
cRd design resistance moment of the cross­section
M€ torsional moment
elastic moment capacity
Mf.Rd design plastic resistance moment of the cross­section consisting of the flanges
MN.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for axial force Ν
MN.VJld reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for axial force Ν and by
force V
MN.V.yJRd reduced design plastic resistance moment about yy axis allowing for axial force
Ν and shear force V
MN.V.z.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment about zz axis allowing for axial force
Ν and shear force V
MN.y.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment about yy axis allowing for axial
force Ν
MN.z.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment about zz axis axial force Ν
Mpf plastic moment capacity
Mp£Rd design plastic resistance moment of the cross­section
Mp/iw.Rd design plastic resistance moment of the web
Mp£y.Rd design plastic resistance moment of the cross­section about yy axis
design plastic resistance moment of the cross­section about zz axis
MRd design bending moment resistance of the member
Msd design bending moment applied to the member
design plastic resistance moment reduced by shear force
Mv.Rd design value of moment applied to the web bending moment about yy axis
My.Sd design bending moment about yy axis applied to the member
bending moment about zz axis
Mz design bending moment about zz axis applied to the member number of fastener holes on the block shear failure path
η number of columns in plane
rie number of members to be restrained by the bracing system
nr number of storeys
n8 normal force; axial load
Ν National Application Document
NAD design buckling resistance of the member
design buckling resistance of the member according to yy axis
design buckling resistance of the member according to zz axis
Ν compression
normal force in compression
elastic critical axial force
NcRd design compression resistance of the cross­section
Nxsd design value of tensile force applied perpendicular to the fillet weld
NpCRd design plastic resistance of the gross cross­section

List of symbols (4/6)
NRd design resistance for tension or compression member
Nsd design value of tensile force or compressive force
NLRd design tension resistance of the cross-section
rN tension normal force in tension
Nu.Rd design ultimate resistance of the net cross-section at holes for fasteners
N x .sd design internal axial force applied to member according to xx axis
Pl»P2 distances between bolt holes
Ρ Point load
q imposed variable distributed load
qk characteristic value of imposed variable distributed load
qref reference mean wind pressure
Q imposed variable point load
Qd design variable action
Qk characteristic value of imposed variable point load
Vkmax variable action which causes the largest effect
r radius of root fillet
R rolled sections
design crippling resistance of the web
design buckling resistance of the web
design resistance of the member subject to internal forces or moment
characteristic value of Rd
design crushing resistance of the web
S snow load
S thickness of fillet weld
Sd design snow load
Sk characteristic value of the snow load on the ground
Ss length of stiff bearing
S effects of actions at ULS
Sd design value of an internal force or moment applied to the member
Sk characteristic value of effects of actions at ULS
SLS Serviceability Limit states
t design thickness, nominal thickness of element, material thickness
tf flange thickness
tp thickness of the plate under the bolt head or the nut
tp thickness of a plate welded to an unstiffened flange
tw web thickness
U major axis
ULS Ultimate Limit States
v minor axis
Vref reference wind velocity
Vref.O basic value of the reference wind velocity
V shear force; total vertical load
VbaJld design shear buckling resistance
Ver elastic critical value of the total vertical load
V//Sd design value of shear force applied parallel to the fillet weld design value of shear force applied perpendicular to the fillet weld
Vp£Rd design shear plastic resistance of cross-section
VpiyJld design shear plastic resistance of cross-section according to yy axis (// to web)
Vp£ z Jld design shear plastic resistance of cross-section according to zz axis (_L to flange)
vRd design shear resistance of the member
Vsd design shear force applied to the member; design value of the total vertical load
Vy shear forces applied parallel to yy axis
Vy.Sd design shear force applied to the member parallel to yy axis
shear force parallel to zz axis
vz design internal shear forces applied to the member parallel to zz axis
VZ.Sd wind pressure on a surface

List of symbols (5/6)
Wd design wind load
we wind pressure on external surface
W welded sections
Weff elastic section modulus of effective class 4 cross­section
Weff.y elastic section modulus of effective class 4 cross­section according to yy axis
Weff.z elastic section modulus of effective class 4 cross­section according to zz axis
Wef elastic section modulus of class 3 cross­section
We£y elastic section modulus of class 3 cross­section according to yy axis
We£z elastic section modulus of class 3 cross­section according to zz axis
Wpi plastic section modulus of class 1 or 2 cross­section
WpÉy plastic section modulus of class 1 or 2 cross­section according to yy axis
Wp£Z plastic section modulus of class 1 or 2 cross­section according to zz axis
x, xx axis along the member
Xk characteristic value of the material properties
y, yy principal axis of cross section (parallel to flanges, in general)
z, zz principal axis of cross section (parallel to the web, in general)
Ze reference height for evaluation of c e

2u Oreek symbols
α coefficient of frequency of the basis mode vibration
α coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α factor to determine the position of the neutral axis
aa coefficient of critical amplification or coefficient of remoteness of critical state
of the frame
PA non­dimensional coefficient for buckling
βM equivalent uniform moment factor for flexural buckling
ßMl/r equivalent uniform moment factor for lateral­torsional buckling
ßMy equivalent uniform moment factor for flexural buckling about yy axis
βκίζ equivalent uniform moment factor for flexural buckling about zz axis
βw non-dimensional coefficient for lateral-torsional buckling
ßw correlation factor (for a fillet weld)
YF partial safety factor for force or for action
YG partial safety factor for permanent action
YM partial safety factor for the resistance at ULS
YMb partial safety factor for the resistance of bolted connections
7Ms.ser partial safety factor for the slip resistance of preloaded bolts
TMW partial safety factor for the resistance of welded connections
YMO partial safety factor for resistance at ULS of class 1,2 or 3 cross-sections
(plasticity or yielding)
YMI partial safety factor for resistance of class 4 cross-sections
(local buckling resistance)
ΎΜΙ partial safety factor for the resistance of member to buckling
YM2 partial safety factor for the resistance of net section at bolt holes
YQ partial safety factor for variable action
δ relative horizontal displacement of top and bottom of a storey
Ob horizontal displacement of the braced frame
5d design deflection
6dv design vertical deflection of floors, b e a m s , . . .
¿¿d design horizontal deflection of frames
OHmax recommended limit of horizontal deflection
δς in plane deflection of the bracing system due to q plus any external loads

List of symbols (6/6)
δς deflection due to variable load (q)
δ\, horizontal displacement of the unbraced frame
Ôvd design vertical deflection of floors, beams,...
°Vmax recommended limit of vertical deflection
δο pre­camber (hogging) of the beam in the unloaded state (state 0)
δι svariation of the deflection of the beam due to permanent loads (G) immediatly
after loading (state 1)
θ2 variation of the deflection of the beam due to the variable loading (Q) (state 2)
Δ displacement

J 235
(with fy in N/mm2)

slenderness of the member for the relevant buckling mode

λι Euler slenderness for buckling
λ non­dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for buckling
λβο.ν effective non­dimensional slenderness of the member for buckling about w axis
λβΚ.y effective non­dimensional slenderness of the member for buckling about yy axis
λβιϊ.ζ effective non-dimensional slenderness of the member for buckling about zz axis
XLT non-dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for lateral-torsional buckling
λρ plate slenderness ratio for class 4 effective cross-sections
λν non-dimensional slenderness of the member for buckling about vv axis
λy non dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for buckling about yy axis
λζ non dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for buckling about zz axis
μ factor for FsjRk depending on surface class
Hi snow load shape coefficient
μι,τ factor for N-M interaction with lateral-torsional buckling
μγ factor for N-M interaction
μζ factor for N-M interaction
ρ density
ρ reduction factor due to shear force Vsa
py reduction factor due to shear force
pz reduction factor due to shear force
σ normal stress
Gq numerical values for the stabilizing forces of a bracing system
GxEd, <*xm.Ed» design values of normal stresses for web check with Von Mises criteria
τ shear stresss
υ Poisson's ratio
φ initial sway imperfection of the frame
χ reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode
%Ul reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling
Xmin minimum of %y and χ ζ
Xy reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode about yy axis
Xz reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode about zz axis

2. List of tables in the "Design Handbook" List of tables (1/3)
Pages of the Handbook
Table 0.1 Dimensions and axes of rolled steel sections 46
Table 1.1 Summary of design requirements 51
Table 1.2 Partial safety factor γΜ for the resistance 52
Table 1.3 Definition of framing for horizontal loads 63
Table 1.4 Checks at Serviceability Limit States 64
Table 1.5 Member submitted to internal forces, moments and transverse forces 65
Table 1.6 Planes within internal forces, moments (Nsd> V$d, Msd) and transverses 66
forces Fsd are acting
Table 1.7 Internal forces, moments and transverse forces to be checked at ULS for 67
different types of loading
Table 1.8 List of references to chapters of the design handbook related to all check 68
formulas at ULS
Table Π.1 Typical types of joints 70
Table Π.2 Modelling of joints 71
Table Π.3 Comparison table of different steel grades designation 72
Table Π.4 Nominal values of yield strength f« and ultimate tensile strength fu for 73
structural steels to EN 10025 and EN 10113
Table Π.5 Maximum thickness for statically loaded structural elements 74
Table Π.6 Maximum thickness for statically loaded structural elements 75
Table Π.7 Nominal values of yield strength fyb and ultimate
tensile strength fub for bolts
Table Π.8 76
Material coefficient
Table ΠΙ.1
Table ΠΙ.2 Load arrangements (Ffc) for building design according to EC1 81
Table ΠΙ.3 Imposed load (qk, Qk) on floors in buildings 82
Table ΠΙ.4 Pressures on surfaces 83
Table ΠΙ.5 Exposure coefficient c e as a function of height ζ above ground
External pressure Cpe for buildings depending on the size of 83
Table ΠΙ.6 the effected area A 84
Table ΠΙ.7 Reference height ZQ depending on h and b 85
Table ΙΠ.8 Combinations of actions for serviceability limit states 86
Table ΙΠ.9 Combinations of actions for ultimate limit states
Examples for the application of the combinations rules in Table III.8. 86
All actions (g, q, P, s, w) are considered to originate from different sources
Table IV. 1 Modelling of frame for analysis 88
Table IV.2 Modelling of connections 87
Table IV.3 Global imperfections of the frame 97
Table IV.4 Values for the initial sway imperfections φ 98
Table IV.5 Specific actions for braced or non-sway frames 99
Table IV.6 Recommended limits for horizontal deflections 100
Table V.l Definition of the classification of cross-section 105
Table V.2 Determinant dimensions of cross-sections for classification 112
Table V.3 Classification of cross-section : limiting width-to thickness ratios for
class 1 & class 2 I cross-sections submitted to different types of loading 113

List of tables (2/3)
Pages of the Handbook
Table V.4 Classification of cross­section : limiting width­to thickness ratios for 114
class 3 I cross­sections submitted to different types of loading
Table V.5 Buckling factor k<y for outs tan d flanges 115
Table V.6 Classification of cross­section : limiting width­to­thickness ratios for
internal flange elements submitted to different types of loading 116
Table V.7 Classification of cross­section : limiting width­to­thickness ratios for
angles tubular sections submitted to different types of loading 117
Table V.8 Effective cross­sectional data for symmetrical profiles
(class 4 cross­sections) 118
Table V.9 Limiting values of axial load Nsd for web classification of I cross­sections
subject to axial load Nsd and to bending according to major axis 119
Table V.10 Examples of shift of centroidal axis of effective cross­section 120
Table VI. 1 List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in tension (Ntension) 124
Table VI.2 Gross and net cross­sections 125
Table VI.3 Reduction factors ß2 and ß3 126
Table VI.4 Connection of angles 127
Table Vn.l List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member
in compression (NCOmp.) 131
Table Vfl.2 Imperfection factor α 134
Table Vfl.3 Value of Euler slenderness λι 134
Table VH.4 135
Selection of buckling curve for a cross­section 136
Table Vfl.5 Buckling length of column : LD
Table VH.6 Reduction factors χ = ί(λ) 137
Table Vm.l List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in bending according
to the applied internal forces and/or moments(V ; M ;( V,M)) 143
Table vm.2 Recommended limiting values for vertical deflections 147
Table Vni.3 Vertical deflections to be considered 147
Table Vm.4 Recommended limiting values for floor vibrations 148
Table vm.5 Shear area A v for cross-sections 150
Table vm.6 Determination of for block shear resistance 151
Table vm.7 Limiting width-to-thickness ratio related to the shear buckling in web 151
Table Vffl.8 Simple post-critical shear strength xDa 152
Vin.9 Buckling factor for shear k t 152
Table Vm. 10 Reduction factor %LT = f (λυτ) for lateral-torsional buckling
Table Vm. 11 Effective length factors : k, kw
Table Vm. 12 Numerical values for Ci and definition of ψ 157
Table VIfl.13 Reduced design plastic resistance moment My Rd allowing for shear force 159
Table Vm. 14 Interaction of shear buckling resistance and moment resistance
with the simple post-critical method 160
Table DC. 1 List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member submitted to
combined axial force and bending moment (Ν, M) 164
Table DC.2 Principle of interaction formulas between axial force Nsd
and bending moment Msd 170
Table K . 3 Reduced design plastic resistance moment MN.Rd allowing for axial load
for Class 1 or 2 cross-sections 171

List of tables (3/3)
Pages of the Handb '
Table K.4 Interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability check of members
of Class 1 or 2 175
Table DÍ.5 Interaction formulas for the (NM) stability check of members of Class 3 176
Table DC.6 General interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability check of
members of Class 4 177
Table DC.7 Supplementary interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability check
of members of Class 4 178
Table Di. 8 Reduced design resistance Ny.Rd allowing for shear force 179
Table DÍ.9 Reduced design plastic resistance moment MN.VJM allowing for axial load
and shear force for Class 1 or 2 cross­sections 181
Table X.l Failure modes due to load introduction 187
Table X.2 Stresses in web panel due to bending moment, axial force
and transverse force 188
Table X.3 Yield criteria to be satisfied by the web 189
Table X.4 Load introduction 190
Table X.5 Length of stiff bearing, s s 190
Table X.6 Interaction formula of crippling resistance and moment resistance 191
Table X.7 Effective breadth beff for web buckling resistance 192
Table X.8 Compression flange buckling in plane of the web 1*93
Table X.9 Maximum width­to­thickness ratio d/tw 193
Table XI. 1 Designation of distances between bolts 196
Table XI.2 Linear distribution of loads between fasteners 196
Table XI.3 Possible plastic distribution of loads between fasteners. Any realistic
combination could be used, e.g. 197
Table XI.4 Prying forces 197
Table XI.5 Categories of bolted connections 198
Table XI.6 Bearing resistance per bolt for recommended detailing
for t = 10 mm in [kN] 199
Table XI.7 Shear resistance per bolt and shear plane in [kN] 200
Table XI.8 Long joints 200
Table XI.9 Tension resistance per bolt in [kN] 201
Table XI. 10 Interaction formula of shear resistance and tension resistance of bolts 201
Table XI. 11 Characteristic sup resistance per bolt and friction interface for 8.8 and 10.
bolts, where the holes in all the plies have standard nominal clearances 202
Table XI. 12 Common types of welded joints 203
Table XL 13 Throat thickness 204
Table XL 14 Action effects in fillet welds 204
Table XL 15 Resistance of a fillet weld 205
Table XL 16 Effective breadth of an unstiffened tee joint 206
Table ΧΠ.1 Load arrangements of the bracing system 216
Table ΧΠ.2 Bracing system imperfections 218
Table ΧΠ.3 Values for the equivalent stabilizing force Zq 218
Table ΧΠ.4 Bracing system imperfections (examples) 219
Table D.l List of references to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 related
to all check formulas at ULS 221

3. List offlow-chartsin the "Design Handbook"
Chapter Pages

© Elastic global analysis of steel frames according to Eurocode 3

General 14
Details I 15
Comments (6 pages) I 16 to 21

[FC 3.1] Load arrangements & load cases for general global analysis of m 38
the structure

[FC 3.2J Load arrangements & load cases for first order elastic global ni 39
analysis of the structure
(FCM)Elastic global analysis of braced or non­sway steel frames
according to EC 3
General IV 50
Details IV 51
Comments (4 pages) IV 52 to 55

ÍFC 5. lì Classification of I cross­section V 62

(FC 5.2J Calculation of effective cross­section properties of Class 4 rv 63


(FC 6.11 Members in tension (Ntension) VI 82

(FC6.2) Angles connected by one leg and submitted to tension VI 83

(FC7) Members in compression (Ncompression) vn 90

(FC 8Î Design of I members in uniaxial bending (Vz;My;(Vz,My)) or vm 102


ÍFC 12ÌElastic global analysis of bracing system according to

Eurocode 3
General ΧΠ 168
Details ΧΠ 169
Comments (6 pages) ΧΠ 170 to 175

Design handbook according
to Eurocode 3 for
braced or non-sway steel buildings

Short title: EC 3 for non-sway buildings

Profil ARBED-Recherches
Chantrain Ph.
Conan Y.
Mauer Th.
0.a Foreword 41
O.u.l Generalities 41
0.a.2 Objective of this design handbook 41
0.a.3 Warning 41
O.a.4 How to read this design handbook 42
0.a.5 Acknowledgements 42
O.b References 43
O.c Symbols and notations 44
O.c.l Symbols 44
O.c.2 Convention for member axes 44
0.C.3 Dimensions and axes of rolled steel sections 44
0.C.4 Notations in flow-charts 45
O.d Definitions and units 47
O.d.1 Definition of special terms 47
0.d.2 Units ' 47

La Basis of design ._
I.a.1 Fundamental requirements .R
I.a.2 Definitions 7°
I.a.2.1 Limit states ~™
I.a.2.2 Actions
I.a.2.3 Material properties
I.a.3 Design requirements 50
I.a.3.1 General 50
I.a.3.2 Serviceability Limit States 50
I.a.3.3 Ultimate Limit States 50
Lb General flow-charts about elastic global analysis 53
I.b.l Flow-chart FC LElastic global analysis of steel frames according to EC 3 53
Lb. 1.1 Flow-chart FC 1: general 53
I.b.1.2 Flow-chart FC 1: details 53
I. b. 1.3 Comments on flow-chart FC 1 56
Le Content of the design handbook 61
I.c.1 Scope of the handbook 61
I.C.2 Definition of the braced frames and non-sway frames 62
I.C.3 Summary of the table of contents 64
I.C.4 Checks at Serviceability Limit States 64
I.C.5 Checks of members at Ultimate Limit States 65

n.a Structural model 69
n.b Geometric dimensions 69
n.c Non structural elements 69
n.d Load bearing structure 69
n.e Joints ? 0
n.f Profiles 'Jl
U.g Floor structure 7­
U.h Material properties 72
n.h. 1 Nominal values for hot rolled steel 7~
n.h.2 Fracture toughness
n.h.3 Connecting devices \?
n.h.3.1 Bolts
U.h.3.2 Welding consumables 76
n.h.4 Design values of material coefficients 76
ULa Generalities 77
ni.b Load arrangements 80
m.b.l Permanent loads (g and G) 80
m.b.2 Variable loads (q, Q, w and s) 80
III.b.2.1 Imposed loads on floors and roof (q and Q) 80
m.b.2.2 Wind loads (we,i, F w ) 81
m.b.2.2.1 Wind pressure (we¿) 81
m.b.2.2.2 Wind force (Fw) 84
m.b.2.3 Snow loads (s) 84
ULc Load cases 85
m.c.l Load cases for serviceability limit states 85
m.c.2 Load cases for ultimate limit states 86
rV.a Generalities 87
IV.a.l Analysis models for frames 87
IV.a.2 Flow­chart FC 4:Elastic global analysis of braced or non­sway steel frames
according to Eurocode 3 89
IV.a.2.1 Flow­chart FC 4 general 89
rV.a.2.2 How­chart FC 4 details 89
rv.a.2.3 Comments on flow­chart FC 4 92
rv.b Static equilibrium 96
rv.c Load arrangements and load cases 96
IV.c.l Generalities 96
IV.C.2 Frame imperfections 96
rV.d Frame stability 97
rv.e First order elastic global analysis 98
rV.e.l Methods of analysis 98
IV.e.2 Effects of deformations 98
IV.e.3 Elastic global analysis 99
rv.f Verifications at SLS 99
rv.f.l Deflections of frames 100
rv.g Verifications at ULS °
rv.g.l Classification of the frame *00
rv.g. 1.1 Hypothesis for braced frame *00
rv.g. 1.2 Hypothesis for non­sway frame 100
rv.g.2 ULS checks 100

V.a Generalities 101
V.b Definition of the cross-sections classification 104
V.c Criteria of the cross-sections classification 106
V.c. 1 Classification of compression elements of cross-sections 106
V.C.2 Classification of cross-sections 106
V.c.3 Properties of class 4 effective cross-sections 106
V.d Procedures of cross-sections classification for different loadings 109
V.d. 1 Classification of cross-sections in compression 109
V.d.2 Classification of cross-section in bending 109
V.d. 3 Classification of cross-sections in combined (N,M) 110
VI M E M B E R S IN TENSION (Ntension) 121
Vl.a Generalities 121
VLb General verifications at ULS 124
Vl.b. 1 Resistance of gross cross-section to Ntension 124
VI.b.2 Resistance of net cross-section to Ntension 125
VLc Particular verifications at ULS for angles connected by one leg 126
VI.c. 1 Connection with a single row of bolts 126
VI.C.2 Connection by welding · 128
VII M E M B E R S IN COMPRESSION (NCOnipression) 129
Vn.a Generalities 129
VILb Classification of cross-sections 132
VII.c General verifications at ULS J 33
Vn.c.l Resistance of cross-section to Ncompression
VII.C.2 Stability of member to Ncompression ^
Vn.c.2.1 Resistance to flexural buckling 133
Vn.c.2.2 Resistance to torsionnal buckting and to flexural-torsional buckling 137
VILd Particular verifications at ULS for class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section J38
VILd. 1 Resistance of cross-section to Ncompression ^ °
VII.d.2 Stability of member to Ncompression ^8
VILe Particular verifications at ULS for angle connected by one leg 139
VILe. 1 Connection with a single row of bolts 139
Vn.e. 1.1 Resistance of cross-section to NCOmpression ^9
Vn.e. 1.2 Stability of member to Ncompression 139
VII.e.2 Connection by welding 139
Vn.e.2.1 Resistance of cross-section to Ncompression 139
Vn.e.2.2 Stability of member to NCOmpression 139
VHLa Generalities 140
VHLb Verifications at SLS 145
Vm.b.l Deflections 145
Vin.b.2 Dynamic effects - vibrations 147
VIII.c Classification of cross-section 147
VIILd Verifications at ULS to shear force Vsd 148
Vin.d. 1 Resistance of cross-section to Vsd 148
VIII.d.2 Stability of web to 150
Vin.e Verifications at ULS to bending moment Msd 152
Vin.e. 1 Resistance of cross-section to Msd 152
Vm.e.2 Stability of member to I53
Vin.f Verifications at ULS to biaxial bending moment (> 156
Vin.f. 1 Resistance of cross-section to (, 156
Vm.f.2 Stability of member to (, 157

Vm.g Verifications at ULS to combined (Vsd, Msd) 157
Vrn.g.1 Resistance of cross-section to (Vsd. Msd) 157
Vin.g. 1.1 Shear force Vsd and uniaxial bending Msd 157
Vin.g. 1.2 Shear force Vsd and biaxial bending moment Msd 158
Vm.g.2 Stability of web to (Vz.Sd,My.Sd) 159
Di.a Generalities 161
K.b Verifications at SLS 167
LX.b.l Deflections 167
LX.b.2 Vibrations 167
DC.c Classification of cross-section 167
DCd Verifications at ULS to (N,M) 167
LX.d. 1 Resistance of cross-section to (Nsd, Msd) 1 ^7
LX.d. 1.1 Uniaxial bending of class 1 or 2 cross-sections 167
LX.d. 1.2 Biaxial bending of class 1 or 2 cross-sections 170
LX.d. 1.3 Bending of class 3 cross-sections 170
LX.d. 1.4 Bending of class 4 cross-sections 171
LX.d.2 Stability of member to (Nsd,Msd) 171
K.d.2.1 Stability of member to (Ntension» 171
LX.d.2.2 Stability of member to (Ncompression* Msd) 172
DC.e Verifications at ULS for (N$d ,Vsd)
LX.e.l Resistance of cross-section to (Nsd.Vsd) I77
JX.f Verifications at ULS to (Nsd ,Vsd,Msd)
LX.f.l Resistance of cross-section to (Nsd>Vsd>Msd) ^7^
LX.f. 1.1 Uniaxial bending of class 1 or 2 cross-section 178
LX.f. 1.2 Biaxial bending of class 1 or 2 cross-section 180
LX.f. 1.3 Bending of class 3 cross-section 180
LX.f. 1.4 Bending of class 4 cross-section 181
LX.f.2 Stability of web to (Nx.Sd, Vz.Sd, My.Sd) 182
X.a Generalities 184
X.b Classification of cross-section 185
X.c Resistance of webs to (F,N,V,M) I8 5
X.C.1 Yield criterion to (F,N,V,M) 185
X.c.2 Crushing resistance to F 187
X.d Stability of webs to (F ; (F, M)) 188
X.d.l Crippling resistance to (F;(F, M)) 188
X.d. 1.1 Crippling resistance to F 188
X.d. 1.2 Crippling resistance to (F,M) 188
X.d.2 Buckling resistance to F 189
X.e Stability of webs to compression flange buckling 190
XLa Generalities 191
XI.b Bolted connections 191
XLb. 1 Positioning of holes 191
XI.b.2 Distribution of forces between bolts 191
XI.b.3 Prying forces 193
XI.b.4 Categories of bolted connections 193
XI.b.5 Design ULS resistance of bolts 194
XI.b.5.1 Bearing resistance 194
XI.b.5.2 Shear resistance 196
XI.b.5.2.1 General case 196

XI.b.5.2.2 Long joints 196
XI.b.5.3 Tension resistance 197
XI.b.5.4 Punching shear resistance 197
XI.b.5.5 Shear and tension interaction 197
XI.b.6 ULS resistance of element with bolt holes 198
XI.b.6.1 Net section ULS resistance 198
XI.b.6.2 ULS resistance of angle with a single row of bolt 198
XI.b.6.3 Block shear ULS resistance 198
XI.b.7 High strength bolts in slip-resistant connections at SLS 198
XI.c Welded connections 199
XI.c. 1 Type of weld 199
XI.C.2 Fillet weld 199
XI.C.3 Design resistance of fillet weld 200
XI.C.3.1 Throat thickness 200
XI.c.3.2 Design resistance 201
XI.C.4 Design resistance of butt weld 201
XI.c. 5 Joints to unstiffened flanges 202
Xl.d Pin connections 202
XI.e Beam-to-column connections 202
Xl.f Design of column bases 202
XILa Generalities 203
XILa. 1 Flow-chart FC 12:Elastic global analysis of bracing system according to EC 3 203
XILa. 1.1 Flow-chart FC 12: general 203
XD.a.1.2 Flow-chart FC 12: details 203
XILa. 1.3 Comments on flow-chart FC 12 206
Xll.b Static equilibrium 212
XII.c Load arrangements and load cases 212
XII.c.l Generalities 212
XII.C.2 Global imperfections of the bracing system 213
XILd Bracing system stability 216
XILe First order elastic global analysis 216
XILf Verifications at SLS 216
Xll.g Verifications at ULS 216
Xll.g. 1 Classification of the bracing system 216
Xll.g. 1.1 Non-sway bracing system 216
XII.g.2 ULS checks 216

APPENDIX A : List of symbols 217

APPENDIX Β List of tables 223

APPENDIX C List of flow-charts 226

APPENDIX D List of references to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 related to 227

all check formulas at ULS


O.a Foreword

0-a.l Generalities

(1) The Eurocodes are being prepared to harmonize design procedures between countries
which are members of CEN (European Committee for Standardization).

(2) Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 "Design of Steel Structures ¡General Rules and Rules for Buildings'
has been published initially as an ENV document (European pre-standard - a prospective
European Standard for provisional application).

(3) The national authorities of the members states have issued National Application
Documents (NAD) to make Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 operative whilst it has ENV-status
(ENV 1993-1-1).
0.a.2 Objective of this design handbook

(1) The present publication is intended to be a design aid in supplement to the complete
document Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 in order to facilitate the use of Eurocode 3 for the design
of such steel structures which are usual in common practice : braced or non-sway steel

(2) Therefore, the "Design handbook according to Eurocode 3 for braced or non-sway steel
buildings" presents the main design formulas and rules extracted from Eurocode 3 - Part
1.1, which are needed to deal with :
- elastic global analysis of buildings and similar structures in steel,
- checks of structural members and connections at limit states,
- in case of braced or non-sway structures,
- according to the european standard Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 (ENV 1993-1-1).

0-a.3 Warning

(1) Although the present design handbook has been carefully established and intends to be
self-sufficient it does not substitute in any case for the complete document Eurocode 3 -
Part 1.1, which should be consulted in conjunction with the NAD, in case of doubt or need
for clarification.
(2) All references to Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 are made in [...].
(3) Any other text, tables or figures not quoted from Eurocode 3 are considered to satisfy the
rules specified in Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1.

O.a.4 How to read this design handbook
(1) Example of numbering of chapters and paragraphs : VIE . a . 1 . 2
(2) Layout of pages :
| Ref. EC 3 for non-sway buildings - VI Members in tension Page 68 Ή

left column short title
f t
concerned chapter
number of the page
for references of the handbook
References Main text with a following example about layout of chapters:
ILh Material properties
n.h.3 Connecting devices
II.h.3.2 Welding consumables

(3) In the left column of each page (Ref.): references to Eurocode 3 are always included
between brackets [...]; the other references are specified without brackets; the word
"form." means "formula"
(4) References to Eurocode 3 are also given in the text between brackets [...]

O.a. 5 Acknowledgements
(1) Particular thanks for fruitful collaboration are addressed to:
. 15 engineering offices : Adem (Belgium), Bureau Delta (Belgium), Varendonck
Groep/Steeltrak (Belgium), VM Associate Partner (Belgium), Rambøll,
Hannemann & Højlund (Denmark), Bureau Veritas (France), Socotec (France),
Sofresid (France), CPU Ingenieurbüro (Germany), IGB-Ingenieurgrappe Bauen
(Germany), Danieli Ingegneria (Italy), Schroeder & Associés (Luxemburg),
D3BN (the Netherlands), Ove Arup & Partners (United Kingdom), ECCS / TC 11
. RWTH : Steel Construction Department from Aachen University with Professor
. CnCM (France) with MM. CHABROLIN B., GALEA Y. and BUREAU A.
(2) Grateful thanks are also expressed to :
. the ECSC which supported this work in the scope of the european research
n° P2724(contract n° 7210 - SA/513),
. the F6 executive committee which has followed and advised the working group
of the research,
. anyone who has contributed to the work: MM. CONAN Yves, MAUER Thierry,

O.b References

- in the left column of each page (Ref.): references to Eurocode 3 are always included
between brackets [...]; the other references are specified without brackets.
- references to Eurocode 3 are also given in the text between brackets [...]
- the reference "i" given in this chapter is designated in the text by IM.

/ l / Eurocode 1, draft version, Basis of Design and Actions on Structures (Parts 1, 2.2,2.4,
2.5,2.7, 10) C (E 1)
HI Eurocode 3, ENV 1993-1-1, Design of steel structures Part 1.1 General rules and rules
for Buildings (EC 3)
131 Eurocode 8, draft version, Design of structures for earthquake resistance (EC8)
141 EC C S technical publication n°65, Essentials of Eurocode 3 Design Manual for Steel
Structures in Building, 1991, First Edition
151 Practical exercises showing applications of design formulas of Eurocode 3 :
ECCS technical publication n°71, Examples to Eurocode 3,1993, First Edition
161 "Design handbook for sway buildings", from Sidercad (Italy)
ΠI Software for the check of main formulas in Eurocode 3:"EC 3 tools"
(available for PC computer, Windows 3.1), from CT1CM (France)
/8/ Eurocode 3 Background Document 5.03 : "Evaluation of test results on columns, beams
and beam-columns with cross-sectional classes 1 - 3 in order to obtain strength functions
and suitable model factors", April 1989.
191 Paper "Application de l'Eurocode 3 : classement des sections transversales en I", by
Bureau A. and Galea Y., (CTICM), Construction métallique, n° 1-1991.

O.c Symbols and notations

O.e.! Symbols

[1.6] (1) See Appendix A for a list of symbols used in this design handbook. Those symbols
are conform to Eurocode 3.

Q.C.2 Convention for member axes

[1.6.7] (1) For steel members, the conventions used for cross-section axes are:
xx - along the member
. generally:
yy - cross-section axis parallel to the flanges
zz - cross-section axis perpendicular to the flanges or parallel to the web
. for angle sections:
yy - axis parallel to the smaller leg
zz - axis perpendicular to the smaller leg
. where necessary:
uu - major axis (where this does not coincide with the yy axis)
vv - minor axis (where this does not coincide with the zz axis)
(2) The convention used for subscripts which indicate axes for moments is:
"Use the axis about which the moment acts."
(3) For example, for an I-section a moment acting in the plane of the web is denoted M y
because it acts about the cross-section axis parallel to the flanges.

0.C.3 Dimensions and axes of rolled steel sections

(1) "asymmetrical" (I and D ) and "monosymmetrical" ( [, Τ and L) rolled steel sections

are shown in table 0.1.

0-C.4 Notations in flow-charts

(1) AU the flow­charts appearing in the present design handbook should be read according
to the following rules :
­ reading from the top to the bottom, in general

­ the references to Eurocode 3 are given in [...]

­ "n.f" means that the checks are not fulfilled and that stronger sections or joints have to
be selected.

­ convention for flow­charts:

(FC χ) Flow­chart number (x)

[ Assumption j
Action: determination, calculation,
^ Z 7 o ^ o , y ^ ì otherflow­chax,number(y)
yes 1
ι τ » the dotted line ( ) means that path
has to be followed through the box
(^ Results J

Table 0.1 Dimensions and axes of rolled steel sections



y — — y

1 =£tf +



O.d Definitions and units
iLdJ Definition of special terms
[14.2 (i)] (1) The following terms are used in Part 1.1 of Eurocode 3 with the following meanings:
Frame: Portion of a structure, comprising an assembly of directly connected
structural elements, designed to act together to resist load. This term refers to both
rigid-jointed frames and triangulated frames. It covers both plane frames and three-
dimensional frames.
Sub-frame: A frame which forms part of a larger frame, but is treated as an isolated
frame in a structural analysis.
Type of framing: Terms used to distinguish between frames which are either:
Semi-continuous, in which the structural properties of the connections need
explicit consideration in the global analysis.
Continuous, in which only the structural properties of the members need explicit
consideration in the global analysis.
Simple, in which the joints are not required to resist moments.
Global analysis: The determination of a consistent set of internal forces and moments
(N, V, M) in a structure, which are in equilibrium with a particular set of actions on
the structure.
First order global analysis: Global analysis using the initial geometry of the structure
and neglecting the deformation of the structure which influences the effects of
actions (no Ρ-Δ effects).
Second order global analysis: Global analysis taking into account the deformation of
the structure which influences the effects of actions (Ρ-Δ effects).
Elastic global analysis: First-order or second-order global analysis based on the
assumption that the stress-strain behaviour of the material is linear, whatever the
stress level; this assumption may be maintained even where the resistance of a cross-
section is based on its plastic resistance (see chapter V about classification of cross-
System length: Distance between two adjacent points at which a member is braced
against lateral displacement in a given plane, or between one such point and the end
of the member.
Buckling length: System length of an otherwise similar member with pinned ends,
which has the same buckling resistance as a given member.
Designer: Appropriately qualified and experienced person responsible for the
structural design.

Q&2 ilniiS
[1.5 (2)] (1) For calculations the following units are recommended in accordance with ISO 1000:
Forces and loads kN, kN/ m , kN/ m 2
Unit mass : kg/m3
Unit weight : kN/ m 3
Stresses and strengths : N/mm2 (=MN/ m 2 or MPa)
Moments (bending....) kNm.


La Basis of design
(1) The table 1.1 summarizes this chapter La providing the practical principles of design
requirements. Details and explanations are given in the following sub-chapters I.a.l to
I.a.l Fundamental requirements

[2.1 (l)] (1) A structure shall be designed and constructed in such a way that:
. with acceptable probability, it will remain fit for the use for which it is required,
having due to regard to its intended live and its cost, and
. with appropriate degrees of reliability, it will sustain all actions and influences
likely to occur during execution (i.e. the construction period) and use (i.e. the
service period) and have adequate durability in relation to maintenance costs.

[2.1 (2)] (2) A structure shall also be designed in such a way that it will not be damaged by events like
explosions, impact or consequences of human errors, to an extent disproportionate to the
original cause.

[2.1 (4)] (3) The above requirements shall be met by the choice of suitable materials, by appropriate
design and detailing and by specifying control procedures for production, construction and
use as relevant for the particular project.

I.a.2 Definitions
I.a.2.1 Limit states

(1) Eurocode 3 is a limit state design code in which principles and rules are given for the
verification of:
. Serviceability Limit States (SLS) and,
. Ultimate Limit States (ULS).

[ (l)] (2) The limit states are states beyond which the structure no longer satisfies the design
performance requirements.

(3) These limit states are referred to physical phenomena as for instance:
[ (6)] a) for SLS, problems which may limit the serviceability because of:
. deformations or deflections which adversely affect the appearance of effective use
of the structure (including the proper functioning of machines or services) or cause
damage to finishes or non-structural elements,
. vibration which causes discomfort to people, damage to the building or its
contents, or which limits its functional effectiveness.
[ (4)] b) for ULS, problems which may endanger the safety of people and thus be regarded as
ultimate limit because of:
. loss of equilibrium of structure or any part of it, considered as a rigid body,
. failure by excessive deformation, rupture, or loss of stability of the structure or any
part of it, including supports and foundations.

ΙΛ.22 Actions

(1) Details about actions are provided in Eurocode 1

[ (i)] (2) An action (F) is:
. a force (load) applied to the structure (direct action), or
. an imposed deformation (indirect action); for example, temperatures effects or
differential settlement.
[ (2)] (3) Actions (F) are classified as:
. permanent actions (G), e.g. self-weight of structures, fittings, ancillaries and fixed
. variable actions (Q), e.g. imposed loads (q), wind loads (w) or snow loads (s)
. accidental actions (A), e.g. explosions or impact from vehicles.
[ (l)] (4) Characteristic values F^ of actions are specified:
. in Eurocode 1 or other relevant loading codes, or
. by client, or the designer in consultation with the client, provided that the
minimum provisions specified in the relevant loading codes or by the competent
authority are observed.
[] (5) The design (factored) values Fd of an action (for instance Gd, Q<u Wd, Sd) is expressed in
general terms as:
[form. (2.1)] F d =YpFk
where F k is the characteristic (unfactored) value of action.
YF is the partial safety factor for the action considered - taking into
account of, for example, the possibility of unfavourable deviations of
the actions, the possibility of inaccurate modelling of the actions,
uncertainties in the assessment of effects of actions and uncertainties in
the assessment of the limit state considered (the values of γρ are given
in chapter ΠΙ: YG (permanent actions), YQ (variable actions),...).
(6) The combinations of actions respectively for ULS and for SLS are given in chapter ΙΠ.
[] (7) Design values of the effects of actions:
The effects of actions (E) are responses (for example, internal forces and moments
(Nsd. Vsd» Msd), stresses, strains, deflections, rotations) of the structure to the
actions. Design values of the effects of actions (Ed) are determined from the design
values of the actions, geometrical data (ad) and material properties when relevant:
[form. (2.2)] Ed = E(Fd>ad,...)
I.a.2 3 Material properties
(1) characteristic values of material properties:
[ (3)] Material properties for steel structures are generally represented by nominal values
used as characteristic values (unfactored) (Xk)·
[ (2)] (2) design values of material properties:
For steel structures, the design (factored) resistance Rd (for example, design
resistance for tension (NRd), buckling (NRd), shear (VRd) , bending (MRd)) is
generally determined directly from the characteristic (unfactored) values of the
material properties (Xk) and geometrical data (a^):
[form. (2.3)] R d =R(X k a k ,. ) / γ Μ
where YM is the partial safety factor for the resistance(the different YM factors are
explicitly introduced in the design formulas and their values are given in
table 1.2)

I.a.3 Design requirements
r.a.3.1 General
[2.3.1 (l)] (1) It shall be verified that no relevant limit state is exceeded
[2.3.1 (2)] (2) All relevant design situations and load cases shall be considered.
[2.3.1 (3)] (3) Possible deviations from the assumed directions or positions of actions shall be considered.
[2.3.1 (4)] (4) Calculations shall be performed using appropriate design models (supplemented, if
necessary, by tests) involving all relevant variables. The models shall be sufficiently
precise to predict the structural behaviour, commensurate with the standard of
workmanship likely to be achieved, and with the reliability of the information on which
the design is based.
I.a.3 2 Serviceability Limit States
[2.3.4 (l )] (1 ) It shall be verified that:
[form. (2.13)] Ed^Cd or E d < R d
where Ed is the design effect of actions, determined on the basis of one
of the combinations defined below,
Cd is a nominal value or a function of certain properties of
materials related to the design effect of actions considered.
(2) Practical checks of SLS (see chapter I.b.3) in floors and frames for instance:
( g Vd> S Hd) ^ (5vma*> S Hmax)
f d ^ f min

where övd is the design vertical deflection of floors

(recommended limits oVmax = L/250» —)
ÖHd is the design horizontal deflection of frames
(recommended limits δππ,^ = h/300» —)
fd is the design natural frequency of floors
(recommended limits fmin = 3 Hz,...)
I,a,3,3 Ultimate Limit States
[ (2)] (1) When considering a limit state of rupture or excessive deformation of a section, member
or connection (fatigue excluded) it shall be verified that:
[form. (2.7)] Sd^Rd
where Sd is the design value of an internal force or moment (or of a
respective vector of several internal forces or moments)
Rd is the corresponding design resistance,
associating all structural properties with the respective design values.
(2) Practical checks of ULS (see chapter I.b.4) in members for instance:
(N S d ,V S d ,M S d )<(N R d ,V R d ,M R d )
condition concerning separate internal forces or moments or, interaction
between them ((V,M), (Ν, M),...)
where (Nsd. Vsd, Msd) are design internal forces and moments applied to
the members,
(NRd, VRd, MRd) are design resistance of the members.

Table LI Summary of design requirements

11 frame submitted to SLS and ULS combinations of design actions Fd (G d , Qd, w d , s d ,...):
[form. (2.1)]
|Fd=Y F Fk
where F^ is the characteristic value of actions
YF is the partial safety factor for the considered action
(see chapter ΠΓ)

2) after global analysis of the frame:

­ design effects of actions (e.g. deflections, frequencies) (for SLS):

Ed H 5 d , fd) )
­ design values of internal forces and moments (for ULS):

S d (=(Nsd, Vsd, M S d ) )

3) verification conditions at limit states:

­ for SLS checks (see chapter I.b.4):
[2.3.4(1)] . in general: EH<C

where Cd is the nominal value related to the design effect of

considered actions (design capacity).

(ô V d>5 Hd ) < (ôvmax'a H m a x

for instance:
f d ^ f min
where OVd is the design vertical deflection of floors
ÖHd is the design horizontal deflection of frames
fd is the design natural frequency of floors
°Vmax .8Hmax»fmin are recommended limits (for instance:
L/250, h/300, 3 Hz

for ULS checks (see chapter I.b.5):

. in general: Sd < R
[ (2)]
where Rd is the design resistance (=(NRd, V R d , M R d )):

Rd = Rk/YM
[form. (2.3)]
where Rk is the characteristic value of the used material
YM is the partial safety factor for the resistance
(see table 1.2)

for instance: (NSd,VSd>Msd)<;(NRd,VRd,MRd)

condition concerning separate internal forces or
moments or, interaction between them ((V,M), (N,M),..)

Table 1.2 Partial safety factor YM for the resistance

The design values of - the resistances of cross-sections

- the buckling resistance of members
- and, the resistances of connections
shall be determined with the following partial safety factors YM:
- at Ultimate Limit States;
- resistance of class 1,2 or 3 cross-section*) : ΎΜΟ M
(plasticity or yielding)

- resistance of class 4 cross-section*) : YMI W
(local buckling)

- resistance of members to buckling : ΎΜΙ = Μ

(global and local buckling)

- resistance of net section at bolt holes : YM2 = 1 . 2 5

- resistance of bolted connections : ÏMb=1.25

- resistance of welded connections : YMW = 1'25

- at Serviceability Limit States:

- slip resistance of preloaded bolts : ÏMs.ser ~~*>*

Note 1 : The different JM factors are explicitly introduced in 1he design formulas.
Note 2: The yui factors are provided according to the official version of Eurocode 3.
Those "boxed" values are only indicative. The value s of YM to be used in
practice are fixed by the national authorities in each country and published in
the relevant National Application Document (NAD)

*) The classification of cross-sections is defined in chapter V

Lb General flow-charts about elastic global analysis

(1) Chapter Lb. 1 presents flow-chart FC 1 about elastic global analysis of steel frames (in
general) according to Eurocode 3.
(2) Chapter IV.a.2 presents flow-chart FC 4 about elastic global analysis of braced or non-
sway steel frames according to Eurocode 3.

(3) Chapter XILa. 1 presents flow-chart FC 12 about elastic global analysis of bracing system
according to Eurocode 3.

Lb. 1 Flow-chart FC 1 : Elastic global analysis of steel frames according to Eurocode 3

(1) The flow-chart FC 1 aims to provide a general presentation of elastic global analysis of
steel frames according to Eurocode 3.
(2) The present design handbook only deals with the path φ of FC 1 elastic global analysis
of braced or non-sway frames (presented in FC 4 in chapter IV). All the details are given
in chapters Π to XI of the handbook.

(3) The elastic global analysis of sway frames is out of the scope of the present design
handbook; the assumptions of the elastic global analysis of sway frames are briefly
presented - just for information - in the paths (D to (D of FC 1.
(4) The flow-chart FC 1 refers to flow-chart FC 12 about elastic global analysis of bracing
system according to Eurocode 3. The flow-chart FC 12 and all the details about bracing
system design are given in chapter ΧΠ.
(5) The flow-chart FC 1 is divided in 3 parts:
Lb. 1.1 general part (1 page)
Lb. 1.2 details (1 page)
Lb. 1.3 comments (6 pages)

Ib.1.1 Flow-chart FC 1: cenerai

see the following page
LJLLZ Flow-chart FC 1: details
see the second following page

Flow-chart ΓFC 1) : Elastic global analysis of steel frames according to Eurocode 3 (General)


SLS checks

Choice of the type of global analysis

for ULS


ULS global analysis of the frame

to determine the internal forces and moments (N, V, M)


ULS checks of members 16

submitted to internal forces and moments (N, V, M)



ULS checks of local effects 20

ULS checks of connections

Flow­chart ( FC l) : Elastic global analysis oí Steel frames according to Eurocode 3 (Details)
Determination of load arrangements (EC1 and EC 8) ι

Load cases
Load cases
for ULS [2.3.3.] for SLS [2.3.4.]
C~ Predesign of members^beams & columns => Sections^ ~^l not fulfilled
^ with pinned and/or rigid connections ι JT

ULS checks SLS checks notfulfilled

[Chap. 5] [Chap. 4]

Frame with bracing system / Classification Frame without bracing system

of the frame
, Braced framed
Design of the S.
yes \no
bracing system 6 b £ 0 , 2 5u Global imperfections
[ (2)]
of the frame
1 [] «δ,
Non-swayframeyes /Non­sway frame [Λ m Sway frame
Vsd £ 0 , 1
no λ > 0,5 [A.fy / NSd] 0 · 5 V T
v []
yes / 0,1 < ^ . < 0,25 \nov
[ (4)]


± Mjembers imperfectiojis
Non­sway mode buckling Sway mode buckling l eo,d []
length approach length approach
[ a)][ (7)]:
with sway moments
[ b)][ (8)1:
with sway moments 152.62.(2)]
eo,d where
eo,d in all
amplified by factor amplified by factor 1,2 in necessary members
l/(l-VSd/Vcr) [] beams & connections [] []

Ό ©- © --0 —fá—- φ-:

/members \_ yes
\ with eo.d /
Non­sway mode iL b I Sway mode L b ) ÍNon­sway mode Lb «a,
' Classification of cross­section [Chap. 5.3] '


1 ± ± not fulfilled (n.f.)
Checks of the in­plane stability: members buckling [Chap. 5 J ]

Checks of the out­of­plane stability: members and/or frame buckling [Chap. 5.5]
Checks of resistance of cross­sections [Chap. 5.4] yi
Checks of local effects (buckling and resistance of webs) [Chap. 5.6 and 5.7] yi
Checks of connections [Chap. 6 and Annex J] ->n£

I.b.l .3 Comments on flow-chart FC 1
comments (1/6) on flow-chart FC 1:

* Generalities about Eurocode 3:

- AU checks of (ULS) Ultimate Limit States and all checks of (SLS) Serviceability Limit
States are necessary to be fulfilled.
- According to the classification of cross-sections at ULS (row 14; chapter V of the design
handbook) Eurocode 3 allows to perform:

. plastic global analysis of a structure only composed of class 1 cross-sections when

required rotations are not calculated [5.3.3 (4)] or,
. elastic global analysis of a structure composed of class 1. 2. 3 or 4 cross-sections
assuming for ULS checks, either a plastic resistance of cross-sections (class 1 and 2)
or, an elastic resistance of the cross-sections, without local buckling (class 3) or, with
[] local buckling (class 4 with effective cross-section).
- In order to determine the internal forces and moments (N. V. M) in a structure Eurocode 3
allows the use of different types of elastic global analysis either:
a) first order analysis using the initial geometry of the structure or,
b) second order analysis taking into account the influence of the deformation of the
[ (2)]
- First order analysis (row 11) may be used for the elastic global analysis in the following
cases (types of frames):

The first order elastic global analysis of the frame should

take into account
actions the vertical the horizontal the global the member
loads loads imperfections of imperfections
types of the frame
frames (row 7) (row 12)
1) braced frames &)
(path®) X(b)
2) non-sway frames
(path φ ) X X

3) sway frames (c)

(paths © and © ) X X

[ (3)] Notes : (a) braced frames are frames which may be treated as fully supported laterally by a
bracing system.
[ (5)] (b) only the part of horizontal loads which are applied to the frame but not assumed
to be transmitteii to the bracing system through the floors.
(c) use of design methods which make indirect allowance for second-order effects.

comments (2/6) onflow-chartFC 1:

[] - Second order analysis (row 11) may be used in all cases (types of frames) :

The second order elastic global analysis of the frame should

take into account
^v. actions the vertical the horizontal the global the member
loads loads imperfections of the imperfections
types of ^«x. frame
frames ^ \ (row 7) (row 12)
1) for sway frames

(path ® ) X X X

(path <§» X
X X X(a)
2) for frames
in general
(path ©)(*>) X X X X
[5.24.5(3)] Notes : fa) members imperfections are introduced where necessarv.
(b) the more complex possibility of second order global analysis of the frame
(path © ) could be conservative because it allows the bypass of the
"sway or non-sway frame" classification and consequently :
- either the first order analysis might be sufficient,
- or, the introduction of member imperfections would not be necessary in all
On the other hand, particular care shall be brought to the introduction of
member imperfections ( eo,d) which would be imposed for the global analysis
in the realistic directions corresponding to the deformations of the members
for the failure mode of the frame; that failure mode of the frame is related to
the combination of applied external loads; otherwise, with more favourable
direction of member imperfections, the second order global analysis might
overestimate the bearing capacity of the frame.
- in the flow-chart FC 1 from path φ to path (D (from left to right) the proposed
methods for global analysis become more and more sophisticated.

* row 1:
EC 1: Draft Eurocode 1 Basis of design and actions on structures
EC 3: ENV 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures, Part 1.1:
general rules and rules for buildings.
EC 8: Draft Eurocode 8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance

comments (3/6) on flow-chart FC 1:
* rows 2.4:
[Chap. 5] -ULS means Ultimate Limit States
[Chap. 4] -SLS means Serviceability Limit States
* row 3:
This flow­chart concerns structures using pinned and/or rigid joints.
In the case of semi-rigid joints whose behaviour is between pinned and rigid joints,
the designer shall take into account the moment­rotation characteristics of the joints
(moment resistance, rotational stiffness and rotation capacity) at each step of the
design (predesign, global analysis, SLS and ULS checks). The semi­rigid joints
should be designed according to chapter 6.9 and the Annex J of Eurocode 3.

[4.2.1 (5)] row 4:

For SLS checks, the deflections should be calculated making due allowance for any
second order effects, the rotational stiffness of any semi­rigid joints and the possible
occurrence of any plastic deformations.
[ (2)] * row 6:
braced frame unbraced frame

The frame is braced if: 5 b <0,2ô u

where δι>: horizontal displacement of the frame with the bracing system
ôu: horizontal displacement of the unbraced frame,
according to first order elastic global analysis of the frame either with hypothetic
horizontal loads or with each ULS load case.
Note : in the case of simple frames with all beam­column nodes nominally pinned, the
frame without bracing would be hypostatic, hence c\j is infinite and thus the
condition 6b ^ 0,2 δ\ι is always fulfilled.
[] * row 7: global imperfections of the frame
initial sway imperfections of the frame equivalent horizontal forces
F2 F2
Σ JMii
could be applied
in the form of
φ Fi »

φ (Fi + F2) φ (Fi + F2)

2 2

comments (4/6) on flow-chart FC 1:
[] * row 8: classification of swav or non­swav frame:
A frame may be classified as non-sway if according to first order elastic global analysis
of the frame for each ULS load case, one of the following criteria (see row 9) is satisfied:
either, ai in general
[ (3)]
Sd _ < 0,1 , condition which is equivalent to aCT > 10
cr α cr
where Vsd: design value of the total vertical load
VCT: elastic critical value of the total vertical load for failure in a sway mode
( = π2ΕΙ / L2 with L, buckling length for a column in a sway mode; V cr of
a column does not correspond necessarily to V cr of the frame including
that column)
aCT : coefficient of critical amplification or coefficient of remoteness of critical
state of the frame
or, b) in case of building structures with beams connecting each columns at each storey level:

δ.χν_δ.(ν 1 -Γ·ν 2 )
< 0,1
h.^H h.(H 1 + H 2 )

where H, V: total horizontal and vertical reactions at the bottom of the storey.
δ: relative horizontal displacement of top and bottom of the storey,
h: height of the storey.
H, V, δ are deduced from a first order analysis of the frame submitted to both
horizontal and vertical design loads and to the global imperfections of the
frame applied in the form of equivalent horizontal forces
(see comments on row 7).
­ A same frame could be classified as sway according to a load case (V$dl for
instance) and as non­sway according to another load case ( Vsd2 for instance).

For multi­storeys buildings the relevant condition is Sd

= maximum '2*i
condition which is equivalent to a w = minimum (Ocri)»
' ν * Λ or åen are related to the storey i.
V cny

comments (5/6) on flow-chart FC 1:
[ (4)] * row 9: Members imperfections may be neglected except in sway frames in the cases
of members which are subject to axial compression and which have moment
resisting connections, if :
"Afyl Ν
λ>0,5 .condition which is equivalent to N
« > 4"
or equivalent to ε > —
where λ : non-dimensional slenderness ratio calculated with a buckling length equal
to the system length
fv,: yield strength
A: area of the cross-section
Nsd·' design value of the compressive force
Ncr: elastic critical axial force ( = π2ΕΙ/ L2, with L = system length)

ε: factor (= Li I——, with L = system length)

[] * row 10: According to the definition of occr introduced in comment on row 8
0 , l < - ^ - < 0,25 .condition which is equivalent to 4 < a c r < 10

* row 11:
The actions to be considered in first order elastic global analysis and in second order
elastic global analysis are listed in the "generalities about Eurocode 3" (see the first
comments on flow-chart 1) in function of the type of frame.
* rows 12.13.14 :
- path @ : Sway moments amplified by factor 1,2 in beams and beam-to-column
connections and not in the columns. The definition of "sway moments"
is provided in [ (5)].
[] - paths (5) and (6) : the introduction of member imperfections eo,d should be
considered equivalent to the introduction of distributed loads
along the members :
Nsd Nsd

equivalent to
Nsd ,; i ' Nsd
i , ,
L wimiq = 8.N Sd .e 0 , d / L 2
|Q = 4.N S d .e 0 < d /L
Q 0
Note : the equivalence of eo,d and (q, Q) loading is proposed here for a practical point of
view but it is not included in Eurocode 3.

comments (6/6) on flow­chart FC 1:

* row 13:
For the meaning of the ratio ——, refer to comment on row 8.

[Annex E] * row 15: L¡,, buckling length of members for sway or non­sway mode

Nsd *** ^ . Nsd



* row 16: The classification of cross-sections have to be determined before all the
ULS checks of members, cross­sections and webs (rows 17 to 20).

*rows 17,18,19.20,21;
The sequence of the Ultimate Limit States checks is not imposed and it is up
to the designer to choose the order of the ULS checks which are anyhow all
necessary to be fulfilled. On the contrary, the sequence of steps to select the
type of analysis is well fixed and defined in rows 5 to 10.

[5J. 1.3 (6)] * row 19: When the member imperfections eo,d are used in a second order analysis
(paths (D and © ) , the resistance of the cross-sections shall be verified as
specified in chapter [5.4] but using the partial safety factor γηΙ in place of v mo

Lc Content of the design handbook

LSLl Scope of the handbook

(1) Actions (loadarrangements) on buildings to be taken into account in the design are
presented as described in Eurocode 1 111,

(2) The load cases for SLS and for ULS to be considered in the design are defined as
prescribed in Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 /2/,

(3) The elastic global analysis of steel structures in braced or non-sway buildings according
to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 HI is assumed to be carried out :

a) by elastic global analysis of the structure to determine:

. the vertical deflections of beams, the horizontal displacements of frames
and vibrations of floors and,
. the internal forces and moments (N, V, M) in the members and,

b) by check of requirements for the Serviceability Limit States and,

c) by check of requirements for the Ultimate Limit States :
c.l) by check of the resistance of cross-sections and,
C.2) by check of the buckling resistance of members and,
C.3) by check of local effects (buckling and resistance of webs) and,
C.4) by check of joints and connections,
for all members characterised by a class of cross-sections at ULS:
. classes 1 and 2, which assume a full plastic distribution of stresses
over the cross- section at the level of yield strength or,
. class 3, which is based on an elastic distribution of stresses across
the cross-section with the yield strength reached at the extreme
fibres or,
. class 4, which makes explicit allowances for the effects of local
buckling appearing in the cross-section.

(4) The elastic global analysis of steel bracing system according to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1/2/ is
assumed to be carried out with the same hypothesis than for steel structures but with
specific actions:
loads and effects of global imperfections:
. from the bracing system itself and,
. from all the frames which it braces.

(5) This design handbook deals with the analysis of braced or non-sway steel structures
subject to static loading. Eurocode 3 (121) and Eurocode 8 (131) should be consulted for the
following problems which are not considered here: fatigue, resistance to fire, dynamic
analysis or seismic analysis.

[9.1.4 (i)] (6) No fatigue assessment is normally required for building structures except in the following
a) members supporting lifting appliances or rolling loads,
b) members subject to repeated stress cycles from vibrating machinery,
c) members subject to wind-induced oscillations,
d) members subject to crowd-induced oscillations.
For those fatigue problems the chapter 9 of Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (¡If) should be consulted.
I.C.2 Definition of the braced frames and non-sway frames
[ (l)] (1) All structures shall have sufficient stiffness to resist to the horizontal forces and to limit
lateral sway. This may be supplied by:
a) the sway stiffness of the bracing systems, which may be:
. triangulated frames
. rigid-jointed frames
. shear walls, cores and the like
b) the sway stiffness of the frames, which may be supplied by one or more of the
. triangulation
. stiffness of the connections
. cantilever columns

[Annex J] Semi-rigid connections may be used, provided that they can be demonstrated to provide
sufficient reliable rotational stiffness (see [6.9.4]) to satisfy the requirements for sway-mode
frame stability (see [5.2.6]).
(2) Framing for resistance to the horizontal loads and to sway. Two examples are given in
table 1.3:
[ (i)] a) typical example of a frame with "bracing system", which could be sufficiently
. for the frame to be classified as a "bracedframe"
. and, to assume that all in-plane horizontal loads are resisted by the bracing
[ (2)] The criterion of classification as braced or unbraced frames is explained in
chapter IV.g. 1.1.
[ (l)] b) example of an unbraced frame which could have sufficiently stiff moment-
resisting joints between the beams and the columns:
. for the frame to be classified as a "non-sway frame"
. and, to neglect any additional internal forces or moments arising from
in-plane horizontal displacements of the nodes of the frame.

[ (3). (4)] The criteria of classification as sway or non-sway frames are detailed in
chapter IV.g. 1.2.

[Annex H]
Table L3 Definition of framing for horizontal loads

1) With bracing system :

Γ i' i' " '

μ AL

w AL
mm w, ir m wWT iiflv wftrr


2) Non-sway frames :

Μ Γ Γ r y ν r ν r Γ ν ι


* mw mw n

T.c.3 Summarv of the table of contents
- chapter I : . Limit States (SLS, ULS), design requirements;
. flow-chart about elastic global analysis of steel frames according to EC 3.
. scope, definitions;
. tables of SLS and ULS checks;
- chapter Π : complete set of data of the structure
- chapter III : determination of load arrangements and load cases for
. Ultimate Limit States and,
. Serviceability Limit States
- chapter IV : . frame design and,
. SLS checks for frames (see chapter I.c.4).
. ULS classifications of frames . braced frame condition and,
. non-sway frame condition
- chapter V : classification of cross-sections at Ultimate Limit States
- chapter VI to LX :
. SLS checks for beams (see chapter I.c.4).
. ULS checks of members (beams and columns,...) submitted to internal
forces and moments (N, V, M) considering the resistance of cross-
sections, the overall buckling of members (buckling, lateral-torsional
buckling) and local effects (shear buckling of webs (V)): see chapter I.c.5
- chapter X : . ULS checks of local effects: resistance of webs to transverse forces F
(yield criterion, crushing, crippling, local buckling, flange induced
buckling): see chapter I.c.5
- chapter XI : ULS and SLS checks of connections.
- chapter ΧΠ: design of steel bracing system
I.c.4 Checks at Serviceability Limit States

(1) The table 1.4 presents the different checks which shall be fulfilled by beams and frames
at Serviceability Limit States with references to the design handbook:

|| Table 1.4 Checks at Serviceability Limit States

Type of checks Vertical deflections Horizontal Vibration of floors
of beams deflections of frames

Beams Chapter Vm.b.l _ Chapter VlII.b.2

Frames Chapter Vin.b.l Chapter IV.f.l Chapter VIII.b.2

Lía Checks of members at Ultimate Limit States

(1) The following tables define the different checks which shall be fulfilled at Ultimate Limit
- by all the members of frames submitted to internal forces and moments (N, V,M),
­ by all webs of cross­sections submitted to transverse forces F.

Table 1.5 Member submitted to internal forces, moments and transverse forces

F F v
y¡ Π
^ " Al> ^.Ncompression Μ , * ^ η 1
- ï » 3£„ fl
x?* . lvlbendin^\ V Λ fi.. ±fi «w-r™
U 0 M bending x f
intension *U* -^tension

Note: *) the effects of torsion are not considered in the handbook because the
Annex G of Eurocode 3 is not officially available yet.

taMe 1,6 Definition of the planes of cross-sections within internal forces, moments
(Nsd, Vsd, Msd) and transverses forces Fsd are acting.
table 1.7: For different types of loading on the members and on the Webs (tension,
compression, bending, combined (N,M), transverse forces) the table 1.7
provides the internal forces, moments (N (Ntension» Ncompression).
V (Vy,Vz), M(My,Mz)), transverse forces (F) and interactions
between them ((V,M),(N,M),(N,V),(N,V,M),...)
to be checked at Ultimate Limit States.
table 1.8: List of references to the design handbook related to all the check formulas
at Ultimate Limit States, for different types of loading.
The different types of loading on the members and on the webs includes
internal forces, moments, transverse forces and interactions between them
(see also the more detailed table 1.7).
Two types of ULS checks are defined (resistance of cross­sections and
stability of members or webs) and refer to the following physical
. (R) resistance of cross-sections:
[5.4] . tension
[5.4] . compression
[5.4] .shear
[5.4] . bending
[5.7] . resistance on webs to transverse forces
[5.7] . crushing of webs to transverse forces
. (5) stability of members or webs (global and local buckling):
[5.3] . local buckling for class 4 cross­sections
[5.5] . Ν buckling and N­M buckling of members
[5.5] . lateral­torsional buckling of members
[5.6] . shear buckling of webs
[5.7] . stability of webs to transverse forces: crippling, buckling
[5.7] . web buckling induced by compression flange

The formulas of ULS checks include different parameters depending on the
class of the cross-section (see chapter V); they may consider the
following cross-section properties:
. plastic properties for class 1 or 2 cross-section (Wpf, ...)
. elastic properties for class 3 cross-section (We/ ,...)
. effective properties for class 4 cross-section (Weff,...) taking into
account the occurrence of local buckling.
The table 1.8 is related to the classes of cross-section and shows if there are
differences between check formulas in function of those classes of cross-
In Appendix D of the design handbook a similar table (table D.l) is
provided (for information) presenting a list of references to Eurocode 3
Part 1.1 (J2f) also related to all check formulas at Ultimate Limit States for
different types of loading.
(2) In respective following chapters tables present complete lists of the checks to be
performed at Ultimate Limit States for members or webs submitted to different loading:
in chapter VI, table VI. 1 for members in tension,
in chapter VH, table VILI for members in compression,
in chapter VIH, table VIILI for members in bending,
in chapter LX, table IX. 1 for members with combined axial force and bending

Table 1.6 Planes within internal forces, moments (N$d, Vsd, Msd)
and transverses forces Fsd are acting

H Fsd

<£ Í tP



Nsd y.Sd 'z.Sd My.Sd Mz.Sd Fsd

{ xz
(xaxis) xy xz xz xy xz · moment of torsion (is not considered in the handbook because the Annex G
of Eurocode 3 is not officially available yet).

Table L7 Internal forces, moments and transverse forces to be checked at ULS
for different types of loading
Type of loading on the members Internal forces, moments and transverse forces
and on the webs and, interactions between them

* .y N x.Sd
x— ·— X
Members in tension e£
(braces,...) : chapter VI I

Ν tension
x — Λ—X

Members in c ompression I
(columns,...) : chapter Vu I

M z.Sd
X —
-'■' 1,3 .Xp
Members in bending
(beams,...) : chapter VIH

Μ (Μν,Μ,) (V,M) (V,My,Mz)

Μ z.Sd
y.Sd . N x . Sd

Members with c ombined (Ν, M)

χ -
Κ lo XP
(beams-columns,...) : chapter LX ι

(N,M) (N,MV,MZ) (N,V) (N,V,M) (N,V,MV,MZ)

Fsd I |Fsd ?

τ—Γ .-y
ι N

' My.Sd
Transverse forc es
on webs : chapter X Fsd r ι

(F,N) (F,MV) (F,N,MV)

(F,VZ) (F,N,VZ) (F,V z ,My)(F,N,V z ,M v )

Table 1.8 List of references to chapters of the design handbook related to all check formulas at ULS
Internal forces Typ«; References to the design handbook for ULS checks
moments, and of in function of classes of cross­sections (chapter V) : Physical phenomena
transverse forces check s classes 1 or 2 | class 3 class 4
1. Ntension R VI.b.1 (1) + VI.b.2 (1) + VI.c.1 (l) + VI.c.2 (1) tension resistance (gross & net section)
2. Ncompression R vn.c.i (1) vn.c.l (1) compression resistance
S VII.c.2.1(2) + VII.c.2.2 VHc.2.1 (2) Ν buckling of members
3. V R Vin.d.l (1) shear and block shear resistances
S VIII.d.2 (5) shear buckling
4. M R VIII.e.1 Í1) VIII.e.l (1) VHI.e.1 (1) uniaxial bending resistance
S Vin.e.2 (4) Vin.e.2 (4) Vm.e.2 (4) lateral­torsional buckling (My) (LTB)
5. (My,Mz) R Vm.f.l (1) vm.f.i (1) Vffl.f.1 (1) biaxial bending resistance
S vm.f.2 (1) + (2) Vm.f.2 (1) + (2) VIII.f.2 (1) + (2) biaxial flexural buckling
6. (V,M) R vm.g.i.i(i) uniaxial bending & shear resistance
(V z ,M y ) S VIH.g.2(3) uniaxial bending & shear buckling
7. ( ν , Μ ^ Μ ζ ) R Vin.g.l.2(2) Vm.g.l.2(3) Vm.g.l.2(3) biaxial bending & shear resistance
(V z ,M y ,M z ) S vm.g.2 (3) uniaxial bending & shear buckling
8. (N,M) R DCd.l.l(l) DC.d.l.3(2) IX.d.1.4 (2) uniaxial bending & axial force resistance
(Ntension,My) S K.d.2.1 (1) IX.d.2.1 (1) lateral­torsional buckling (LTB)
(NComp..My) S IX.d.2.2 (2), (3) IX.d.2.2 (2), (3) IX.d.2.2 (2), (3) N­M buckling + LTB
(Ncomp^Mz) s IX.d.2.2 (3), (4) IX.d.2.2 (3), (4) IX.d.2.2 (3), (4) N­M buckling
9. (N,M y ,Mz) R IX.d.1.2 (1) IX.d. 1.3(1) IX.d.1.4 (1) biaxial bending & axial force resistance
S IX.d.2.2 (1), (2) IX.d.2.2 (1), (2) rX.d.2.2(l),(2) (N­biaxial M) buckling + LTB
10. (N, V) R rx.e.l (1) rx.e.l (1) shear and axial load resistance
S Vm.d.2 (5) shear buckling
11. (N,V,M) R IX.f.1.1 (1) IXI.1.3 (2) IX.f.1.4 (2) uniaxial bending &
shear and axial force resistance
(N,VZ,My) S IX.f.2 (3) (N­uniaxial M) resistance & shear buckling
12. (N,VJvlyJVlz) R rx.f.i.2(i) IX.f.1.3 (1) rX.f.1.4 (1) biaxial bending & shear and axial force
(N,V z ,M y ,M z ) S IX.f.2 (3) (N­uniaxial M) resistance & shear buckling
13. F,(F,N),(F,My), R X.c.1 (1) X.c.1 (1) X.c.1 (1) transverse force (+N, +M y ) resistance j
F R X.c.2 (1) crushing
S X.d.1.1 ((1), (2)) + X.d.2 ((1), (2), (3)) crippling + buckling
(F%) S X.d. 1.2(1) crippling
S X.e(l) X.e(l) X.e(l) compression flange induced buckling
14. (F.V^.CF^.Vz), transverse forces + shear V z (+N, +M y )
R X.c.1 (1) X.c.1 (1) X.c.1 (1)
(F,V z ,M y ), resistance
(F,N,Vz,My) S IX.f.2 (3) (N­uniaxial M) resistance & shear buckling

tvpe of loading 1. = tension members

2. = compression memb•ers
3. to 7. = members in bendin g
8. to 12. = members with combined N­M
13. to 14. » transverse forces oi
ι webs
tvpe of checks: R = resistance of cross­sections ([5.4]
5 = Stability of memt>ers ([5.5]) or we)bs ([5.6Π5.7])


(1) This chapter intends to list the data of the analysed building concerning the types of
structure, members and joints, the geometry and the material properties. The load
arrangements applied to the building are defined in chapter m .

II.a Structural model

(1) The type of structure, the type of the bracing system and all the different prescriptions of
the project (office building, housing, sport or exhibition hall, parking areas,....) should be

Ill) Geometric dimensions

(1) The geometry of the building should be defined:

- the height, the width and the length of the structure, the number of storeys of the
building and the dimensions of the architectural element.
- definition of storeys: plane frame with 3 storeys:

II.C Non structural elements

(1) All the elements of the building which do not bear any loads have to be considered in the
evaluation of the self-weight loads: walls, claddings, ceilings, coverings,...

I I.d Load bearing structure

(1) All the elements which bear the loads should be defined : frames, beams, columns, bracing
system, concrete core,....

Il.e Joints
(1) The design handbook assumes the use of pinned or rigid joints (see chapter XI).
Semi-rigid joints are not considered in the design handbook. In the case of semi-rigid
joints whose behaviour is between pinned and rigid joints, the designer shall take into
account the moment-rotation characteristics of the joints (moment resistance, rotational
stiffness and rotation capacity) at each step of the design (predesign, global analysis, SLS
and ULS checks). The semi-rigid joints should be designed according to chapter 6.9 and
the Annex J of Eurocode 3. Table ILI presents typical types of joints.
Table 11.1 Typical types of joints

o 0
0 0 <"
0 0 t^^^^m 3^"

Rigid joints



* \ - £=

Semi-rigid joints

Pinned joints

(2) The table II.2 presents the modelling of joints. The joints may be modelled by nodes offset
from the member centrelines to reflect the actual locations of the connections.

ΓTable IL2 Modelling of joints

Type of joint Modelling Behaviour





i S S v - S l * ν î-


n.f Profiles

(1) The selected steel profiles used as beams and columns in the structure and as elements in
the bracing system should be listed and precisely referred.

n.g Floor structure

(1) Composition of the floor system (in situ concrete slab, precast concrete slab, steel sheet
deckings, slim floor,...) is needed to determine the self-weight loads. Composite effect
between the floor and the beams is not considered in this design handbook.

Il.h Material properties


(1) The material properties given in this chapter are nominal values to be adopted as
characteristic (unfactored) values in design calculations.

n.h. 1 Nominal values for hot rolled steel


(1) The nominal values of the yield strength fy and the ultimate strength fu for hot rolled steel
are given in table II.4 for steel grades S 235, S 275 and S 355 in accordance with EN
10025 and for steel grades S 275 and S355 in accordance with EN 10113.
(2) The european standard EN 10025 specifies the requirements for long and flat products of
hot rolled weldable non-alloy structural steels (steel grades: S 235, S 275, S 355).
The european standard EN 10113 specifies the requirements for long and flat products of
hot rolled weldable fine grain structural steels (steel grades: S 275, S 355, S 420, S 460).
(3) Similar values as defined in table Π.4 may be adopted for hot finished structural hollow
(4) For a larger range of thicknesses the values specified in EN 10025 and EN 10113 may be
(5) For high strength steels (S 420 and S 460) specific rules are given in the normative
Annex D of Eurocode 3. Their material properties are introduced in table Π.4.
(6) The table Π.3 compares the symbolic designations of steel grades according to various
standards. The design handbook always uses the single designation of structural steels
defined by the european standard EN 10027-1: "S" followed by the value of yield strength
expressed in N/mm2 (=MPa).

Table II.3 Comparison table of different steel grades designation

EN 10027-1 EN 10113 EN 10025 NF A 35-504/ NF A 35-501 DIN 17102 DIN 17100 BS 4360 ASTM
NF A 36-201
S 235 Fe 360 E 24 St 37-3 40 D
\ S275 FeE 275 Fe 430 E 28 StE285 St44-3 43 D
S 355 FeE 355 Fe 510 E 355 E 36 StE355 St 52-3 50D gr. 50
S 420 FeE 420 E 420 StE420 gr. 60
S 460 FeE 460 E 460 StE460 55 C gr. 65

Table H.4 Nominal values of yield strength fy and ultimate tensile strength fu
for structural steels according to EN 10025 and EN 10113
Nominal steel grade Thickness t (mm)*)
t<40mm 40 mm < t < 100 mm**)
EN 10027-1 EN 10025 fy (N/mm2) fu (N/mm2) fy (N/mm2) fu (N/mm2)
Designation Standard
S 235 Fe 360 235 360 215 340
S 275 Fe 430 275 430 255 410
S 355 Fe 510 355 510 335 490
EN 10113
S 275 FeE 275 275 390 255 370
S 355 FeE 355 355 490 335 470
S 420 S 420 M 420 500 390 500
S 460 S 460 M 460 530 430 530
J— i
") t is the nominal thickness of the element (Γ
- of the flange of rolled sections (t = tf) ir ■-t
- of the particular elements of the welded sections
**) the condition 40 mm < t < 63 mm should be taken for plates and other flat products
in steels of delivery condition TM to EN 10113-3.

II.h.2 Fracture toughness


(1) The material shall have sufficient fracture toughness to avoid brittle fracture at the lowest
service temperature expected to occur within the intended life of the structure.
(2) In normal cases of welded or non-welded members in building structures subject to static
loading or fatigue loading (but not impact loading), no further check against brittle
fracture is necessary if the conditions given in tables Π.5 and Π.6 are satisfied.
Tables Π.5 and Π.6 provide the maximum thicknesses of the structural elements which are
allowable for certain lowest service temperatures and for different steel grades in
accordance to the EN 10025 and EN 10113 standards.
(3) For all other cases reference should be made to informative Annex C.

[table 3.2]
Table Π.5 Maximum thickness for statically loaded structural elements
Steel grade and quality Maximum thickness (mm)
for lowest service temperature of
0°C -10°C -20°C
Service condition 5) SI S2 SI S2 SI S2
EN 10027 EN 10025 D
S235JR Fe 360 Β 150 41 108 30 74 22
S 235 JO Fe 360 C 250 110 250 75 187 53
S 235 J2 Fe 360 D 250 250 250 212 250 150
S 275 JR Fe 430 Β 90 26 63 19 45 14
S 275 JO Fe 430 C 250 63 150 45 123 33
S 275 J2 Fe 430 D 250 150 250 127 250 84
S 355 JR Fe 510 Β 40 12 29 9 21 6
S 355 JO Fe 510 C 106 29 73 21 52 16
S 355 J2 Fe 510 D 250 73 177 52 150 38
S355K2 Fe 510 DD 2) 250 128 250 85 250 59
EN 10113 3)
S 275 M Fe E 275 KG 4 ) 250 250 250 192 250 150
S 275 ML Fe E 275 KT 250 250 250 250 250 250
S 355 M Fe E 355 KG 4 ) 250 128 250 85 250 59
S 355 ML Fe E 355 KT 250 250 250 250 250 150
Service conditions 5 ): SI either: . non-welded, or
. in compression
S2 as welded, in tension
In both cases of service conditions this table assumes loading rate RI (normal static or slow
loading; no impact loading) and consequences of failure condition C2 (fracture critical
members or joints with potential complete structural collapse).5)

1) For rolled sections over 100 mm thick, the minimum Charpy V-notch energy specified in EN 10025 is
subject to agreement. For thicknesses up to 150 mm, a minimum value of 27 J at the relevant specified
tests temperature is required and 23 J for thicknesses over 150 mm up to 250 mm.
2) For steel grade Fe 510 DD to EN 10025, the specified minimum Charpy V-notch energy value is 40 J
at -20°C. The entries in this row assume an equivalent value of 27 J at -30°C.
3) For steels of delivery condition N to EN 10113-2 over 150 mm thick and for steels of delivery
condition TM to EN 10113-3 over 150 mm thickforlong products and over 63 mm thickforflat
products, the minimum Charpy V-notch energy specified in EN 10113 is subject to agreement. For
thicknesses up to 150 mm, a minimum value of 27 J is required and 23 J for thicknesses over 150 mm
up to 250 mm. The test temperature should be -30°C for KG quality steel and -50°C for KT quality
4) For steel of quality KG to EN 10113, the specified minimum values of Charpy V-notch energy go
down to 40 J at -20°C. The entries in this row assume an equivalent value of 27 J at -30°C.
5) For full details, refer to informative Annex C of Eurocode 3.

[Üble D.2]
Table Π.6 Maximum thickness for statically loaded structural elements
Steel grade and quality Maximum thickness (mm)
for lowest service temperature of
0°C ­10°C -20°C
Service condition 4 ) SI S2 SI S2 SI S2
EN 10027 EN 10113 D
S 420 M S 420 KG 2) 250 70 162 50 140 36
S 420 ML S 420 KT 3) 250 172 250 145 250 94
S 460 M S 460 KG 2) 179 53 150 38 99 28
S 460 ML S 460 KT 3) 250 150 250 101 250 69

Service conditions 4 ): 51 either: . non­welded, or

. in compression
52 as welded, in tension
In both cases of service conditions this table assumes loading rate Rl (normal static or slow
loading; no impact loading) and consequences of failure condition C2 (fracture critical
members or joints with potential complete structural collapse).4)

D For steels of delivery condition N to EN 10113­2 over 100 mm thick for steel grade S 460 and over
150 mm thick for steel grade S 420, and for steels of delivery condition M to EN 10113­3 over 150
mm thick for long products and over 63 mm thick for flat products, the minimum Charpy V­notch
energy specified in EN 10113 is subject to agreement. Up to 150 mm thick, a minimum value of 27 J
is required and 23 J over 150 mm thick up to 250 mm. The test temperature should be ­30°C for steel
qualities S 460 KG and S 420 KG and ­50°C for steel qualities S 460 KT and S 420 KT.
2) For steel qualities S 460 KG and S 420 KG the specified minimum Charpy V­notch energy in EN
10113 only go down as far as 40 J at ­20°C. The entries in this row assume an equivalent value of 27 J
3) For steel qualities S 460 KT and S 420 KT the specified minimum Charpy V­notch energy in EN
10113 is 27Jat­50°C.
4) For full details, refer to informative Annex C of Eurocode 3.

II.h.3 Connecting devices


II.h.3.1 B olts
(1) The nominal values of the yield strength fyb and the ultimate strength fUb ( to be adopted
as characteristic values in calculations) are given in table II.7.

Table IL7 Nominal values of yield strength .fø and ultimate tensile strength/„ft for bolts
Bolt grade 4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 10.9
1 fyb (N/mm2) 240 320 300 400 480 640 900
| fub (N/mm2) 400 400 500 500 600 800 1000

II.h.3 2 Welding consumables

[3.3.5 (2)] (1) The specified yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elongation at failure and minimum
Charpy V-notch energy value of the filler metal, shall all be either equal to, or better than,
the corresponding values specified for the steel grade being welded.

n.h.4 Design values of material coefficients

[3.2.5] (1) The material coefficients to be adopted in calculations for the steels covered by Eurocode
3 shall be taken as follows:

Table II.8 Material coefficient

. modulus of elasticity : E= 210 000 N/mm 2


E . G= 80700 N/mm 2
2(1+ v)
. coefficient of linear thermal expansion : a = 12. IO"6 1/°C

. density : P= 7850 kg/m^

. Poisson's ratio : V = 0,3


III.a G eneralities
[2.2J5 (l)] (1) A load arrangement identifies the position, magnitude and direction of a free action.
[2.25 (2)] (2) A load case identifies compatible load arrangements, set of deformations and
imperfections considered for a particular verification.
(3) For the definitions of actions Goad arrangements: F= G, Q,...) and effects of actions (E, S)
and for the design requirements it should be referred to chapter La (Basis of design).
(4) Flow-chart FC 3.1 presents the general procedure to study structures submitted to actions :
all load cases are defined by relevant combinations of characteristic (unfactored)
values of load arrangements (Fø,
for each load case the global analysis of the structure determines the design values
for the effects of actions (Ed = oV,6h, f,... ; Sd = N, V, Μ, σ,...) which shall be
checked at SLS (Cd limits) and at ULS (Rd resistances).
This general procedure is used in the flow-charts about elastic design of:
steel frames (in general) (flow-chart FC 1; see chapter I),
braced or non-sway frames (flow-chart FC 4; see chapter IV),
bracing system (flow-chart FC 12; see chapter ΧΠ),
according to Eurocode 3. Moreover references to those general flow-charts FC 1, FC 4
and FC 12 are specified at the different steps of the general procedure presented in the
flow-chart FC 3.1.
(5) For braced or non-sway buildings it is explained in chapter I.b.l (flow-chart FC 1) and in
chapter IV.a.2 (flow-chart FC 4) that the elastic global analysis of the structure could be
based on first order theory. In that case of first order elastic global analysis the principle of
superposition is applicable because the effects of actions (E, S) are linear functions of the
applied actions (F = G, Q,...) (no Ρ-Δ effects and used material with an elastic linear
The principle of superposition allows to consider a particular procedure to study structures
submitted to actions. This procedure illustrated in flow-chart FC 3.2 could be more
practical because it should simplify the decision of which load case gives the worst effect.
For each single characteristic (unfactored) value of load arrangement (Fk) the global
analysis of the structure determines characteristic (unfactored) values for the effects of
actions : Ek = (Ov,6h, f,..)k ; Sk = (N, V, M, a,...)k.
All load cases are defined by relevant combinations of the characteristic (unfactored)
values for the effects of actions (E^Sk). All these load cases directly furnish the design
values for the effects of actions (Ed = δγ,δι,, f,... ; Sd = N, V, M, σ,...) which shall be
checked at SLS (Cd limits) and at ULS (Rd resistances).

Flow­chart LFC3.1J : Load arrangements and load cases for cenerai global analysis of the structure
rows: \s>^>/ rows:

C '. "N
Determine all load arrangements with characteristic (unfactored) values of actions Fk (Gk, Qk,...)
- row 1 of flow-chart FC 1
- row 2 of flow-chart FC 4

Determine all ULS load cases with relevant Determine all SLS load cases with relevant
ULS combinations of load arrangements (Fk) SLS combinations of load arrangements (Fk):
(with partial safety factors 7F = γσ, 7Q,...): - row 2 of flow-chart FC 1 and FC 12
- row 2 of flow-chart FC 1 and FC 12 - row 4 of flow-chart FC 4
- row 4 of flow-chart FC 4

yes All ULS load cases All SLS load cases yes
3 r* analysed ? analysed ?

ULS checks SLS checks

Classification of the frame:
braced or non­sway frame
- rows 5 to 8 of flow-chart FC 1
- rows 8 to 14 of flow-chart FC 4
- rows 5 and 6 of flow-chart FC 12

Global analysis of the structure submitted Global analysis of the structure submitted
to the considered load case in order to to the considered load case in order to
determine the design values for the ULS determine the design values for the SLS
effects of actions: Sd = N, V, Μ, σ,... effects of actions: Ed = oh, δν, f,...
- rows 11 to 13 of flow-chart FC 1 - row 4 of flow-chart FC 1 and FC 12
- row 15 of flow-chart FC 4 - row 6 of flow-chart FC 4
- rows 9 to 11 of flow-chart FC 12

Determine ULS resistances (Rd): Determine SLS limits (Cd):

- rows 14 to 21 of flow-chart FC 1 - row 4 of flow-chart FC 1 and FC 12
- rows 16 to 22 of flow-chart FC 4 - row 7 of flow-chart FC 4
- rows 12 to 19 of flow-chart FC 12

»­Í Select stronger section(s) or joint(s) j

10 Adopt the structure if both ULS and SLS checks are fulfilled V 10

Note: . for the definition of Fk (Gk, Qk), γρ (JG, γο), Sd. Rd, Ed, Cd : see chapter La (Basis of design).
. references are done to flow­chart FC 1 (Elastic design of steel frames according to Eurocode 3),
flow­chart FC 4 (Elastic design of braced or non­sway steel frames according to Eurocode 3),
and flow­chart FC 12 (Elastic design of bracing system according to Eurocode 3).

Flow-chart (FC 3.2) .Load arrangements and load cases for tirsi order elastic elobal analysis of the structure

rows: rows:

i f Determine all load arrangements with characteristic (unfactored) values of actions Fk (Gk, Qk, ...)J 1

y"/AH load arrangements


Global analysis of the structure submitted to the considered single

load arrangement (Fk) in order to determine characteristic
(unfactored) values for the effects of actions :
- for ULS checks: Sk = (N, V, Μ, σ, ...)k
- for SLS checks: Ek = (δη, δν, f,^)k

ULS checks SLS checks
I i
Determine all ULS load cases with relevant
ULS combinations of effects of actions (Sk) Determine all SLS load cases with relevant
(with partial safety factors 7F = 7G, γο,...) SLS combinations of effects of actions (Ek)

Design values for the effects of actions: (Design values for the effects of actionsPN
Sd = N, V, Μ, σ,... V. Ed ■ oh. δν, f,... J

All ULS load cases \ v* yes All SLS load cases

analysed? / analysed?

Classification of frame:
braced or non-sway frame

CDetermine ULS resistances (ftp) Γ Determine SLS limits (Cd) )

yes yes

11 Adopt the structure if both

ULS and SLS checks are fulfilled

Γ Select stronger section(s) or joint(s) J-

Note: for the definition of Fk (Gk, Qk), ^F (yc, *fQ), Sd. Rd. Ed, Cd : see chapter La (Basis of design)

IIl.b Load arrangements

(1) The following load arrangements are characteristic (unfactored) values of actions (Fk) to
be applied to the structure. The characteristic values of load arrangements given hereafter
are issued from Eurocode 1 (/l/).
(2) The table ΠΙ.1 provides a list of
all the load arrangements (Fk) to be taken into account in building design and,
the references to the chapters of the handbook where details are given about those
load arrangements.

Table ΙΠ.1 Load arrangements Fk for building design according to EC 1

Load arrangements (Fk) Reference to the handbook
1) Permanent loads : distributed, g
concentrated, G ni.b.l
2) Variable loads:
Imposed loads on floors and roof: distributed, q m.b.2.1
concentrated, Q ffl.b.2.1
- Wind loads: wind pressure, we4 m.b.2.2
wind force, F w m.b.2.2
Snow loads: distributed, s m.b.2.3

ΠΙ. b. 1 Permanent loads (g and G)

1.5.1 (4) (1) Action which is likely to act throughout a given design situation and for which the
variation in magnitude with time is negligible in relation to the mean value, or for which
the variation is always in the same direction until the action attains a certain limit value.
m.b.2 Variable loads (q, Q, w and s)
1.5.1 (4) (1) Action which is unlikely to act throughout a given design situation or for which the
variation in magnitude with time is not negligible in relation to the mean value nor
m.b.2.1 Imposed loads on floors and roof (q and Q)
ECl (1) (1) Categories of areas: areas in offices, housing, warehouses, parkings, dwellings, etc. are
divided into six categories according to their specific use:
- Category A: areas for domestic and residential activities.
- Category B: areas where people may congregate.
- Category C: areas susceptible to overcrowding, including access areas.
- Category D: areas susceptible to accumulation of goods, including access areas.
ECl (1) - Category E: traffic and parking areas for light vehicles,
- Category F: traffic and parking areas for medium vehicles.

(2) The values of imposed loads on floors and roof are given in table ΠΊ.2 according to the
category of areas and the loaded areas.

Table II1.2 Imposed load (qk, Qk) on floors in buildings
Categories of areas Loaded areas qk (kN/m2) Qk(kN)
Category A; general 2,0 2,0
stairs 3,0 2,0
balconies 4,0 2,0

Category B; general 3,0 2,0

stairs, balconies 4,0 2,0

Category C; with fixed seats 4,0 4,0

other 5,0 4,0

Category P; general 5,0 7,0

Category E: vehicles weight: Ú 30 kN 2,0 10
Category F; vehicles weight: 30 ­160 kN 5,0 45

III.h.2.2 Wind loads (weJ, Fw)

(1) The wind load is presented either as a wind pressure or a wind force. The action on the
structure caused by the wind pressure is assumed to act normal to the surface except where
otherwise specified; e.g. for tangential friction forces.

ECl, 6.4 (3) (2) The wind action is given by:

w wind pressure on a surface (see m.b.2.2.1).
Fw resulting wind force: see m.b.2.2.2 or obtained by integrating the wind
Me torsional moment, refer to ECI, part 2.3
Ffr friction force, refer to ECl, part 23
III.h.2.2.1 Wind pressure (wCii)
ECl, 6.5.4
(1) The net wind pressure across a wall or an element is the difference of the pressures on
each surface taking due account of their signs (Pressure is taken as positive, when
directed towards the surface and is negative when represents a suction) (see table ΠΙ.3).

Table ΙΠ.3 Pressures on surfaces

0 Θ , 0

Θ: ®:
® <2C 0 — r=r
; EÉ

©r , Θ
—► s —»-
¡^ s ^
r©; :©
—*- s ·"·
"*" ^ **

ECl, 6.5.2 (2) The wind pressure acting on:

. the external surfaces of a structure, w e , shall be obtained from:

. the internal surfaces of a structure, WJ, shall be obtained from:
ECl, 6.7.1 where qref is the reference mean wind pressure determined from:
Ρ 2
ECl, form. (6.7.1) qref = Tpref
where Ρ is the air density (generally = 1,25 kg/m3)
Vref is the reference wind velocity taken as follows
ECl, form. (6.7.2) v
ref - c DIR- c TEM- c ALT- v ref,0
where vref,o basic value of the reference wind velocity at sea level given by
the wind maps of the countries (Annex 6.A of ECl).
CDIR direction factor to be taken as 1,0 unless otherwise specified in
the wind maps.
TEM temporary (seasonal) factor to be taken as 1,0 unless otherwise
specified in the wind maps.
c ALT altitude factor to be taken as 1,0 unless otherwise specified in the
wind maps.
ECl, 6.8.1 where ce(ze) is the exposure coefficient for ζ = ze is defined by:
ECl, form. (6.8.1) Ce(ze) = C?.C?+7Kr.Cr.Ct
where Kr, cr (z), c t (z) are given for more details in [ECl, 6.8.1]
For flat terrain (i.e. upwind slope < 5% in the wind direction), c t =1,0. For such
conditions the exposure coefficient c e is given in the table III.4.

Fig. 6.8.1 1 Table III.4 Exposure coefficient ce as a function of height ζ above ground
Table 6.8.1 Terrain C ategory:
I Rough open sea, lake shores with at least 2 km fetch upwind and
smooth flat country without obstacles.
Π Farmland with boundary hedges, occasional small farm structures,
houses or trees.
ΠΙ Suburban or industrial areas and permanent forests.
FV Urban areas in which at least 15% of the surface is covered with
buildings and their average height exceeds 15 m.

1000 ■ , ,


- —

10 -

Ce( ζ )
1 _
' I

0,1X) 1,130 2,(X) 3,1X) 4,1Χ) 5,00

where c is the external pressure coefficient given in ECl, 6.9, which depend on the
Pe size of the effected area A and the shape of the building (see table ΠΙ.5).

ECl,table6.10.2.1 Table ΙΠ.5 External pressure Cpe for buildings depending on the size
of the effected area A
Cpe = Cpei ι A<lm2
Cpe = Cpe, 1 + (Cpe, 10" Cpe, i) l o g i o A 1 m2 < A < 10 m 2
Cpe = Cpe, 10 A > 10 m2

The values of are given in the chapters to of ECI for the different

shapes of the buildings.
where Ze is the reference height appropriate to the relevant pressure coefficient (see table
Fig. Table II 1.6 Reference height ze depending on h and b


b < h < 2b

h<b | Ze = h

Ze = b

ECl, (4) Buildings whose height h is greater than 2b shall be considered to be in multiple
parts, comprising: a lower part extending upwards from the ground by a height
equal to b for which Ze = b; and a middle region, between the upper and lower
parts, divided into as many horizontal strips as desired and for which Ze is the
height of the top of each strip.
and where Cpi is the internal pressure coefficient. For a homogeneous distribution of openings
ECl, the value Cpi = - 0,25 shall be used
III.b2.2.2 Wind force (F..)
(1) The global force, F w , shall be obtained form the following expression:

ECl, form. (6.6.1) F

w -°tref-Ce(ze)-Cf-Aref-cd

. qref is the reference mean wind pressure (see m.b.2.2.1)

- ce(ze) is the exposure coefficient for ζ = Ze (see m.b.2.2.1)
. Ze is the reference height appropriate to the relevant pressure coefficient (see
. Cf is the force coefficient derived from ECl, part 2.3, chapter 10, if available
- Aref is the reference area for Cf
- ca is the dynamic factor
HI,b,2,3 Snow loads (s)
(1) The snow loads are given by:
s = ^
where μι is the snow load shape coefficient
Sk is the characteristic value of the snow load on the ground (kN/mm 2 )
ce is the exposure coefficient, which usually has the value 1,0
ct is the thermal coefficient, which usually has the value 1,0

111 χ Load cases
(1) The following load cases are related to the general procedure to study structures submitted
to actions (see flow­chart FC 3.1 and comment (4) in chapter IILa): all load cases are
defined by relevant combinations of characteristic (unfactored) values of load
arrangements (Fk).
[ (l)] For each load case, design values (Ed, Sd) for the effects of actions shall be detenrtined
from global analysis of the structure submitted to the design values of actions
(Fd = 7 F · Fk) involved by combination rules as given:
­ in table ΠΙ.7, for SLS
­ in table ΠΙ.8 and table m.9, for ULS
(2) In the case of the particular procedure defined in flow­chart FC 3.2 (see also comment (5)
in chapter IILa), the characteristic (unfactored) values for the effects of actions (Ek, Sk)
are obtained from global analysis of the structure submitted to each single characteristic
(unfactored) value of load arrangement (Fk).
For each load case, design values (Ed, Sd) for the effects of actions shall be determined
from combination rules defined in tables ΠΙ.7 to m.9 where values of load arrangements
(Fk = Gk, Qk, g, q, s, w, P) are replaced by the characteristic values for the effects of
actions (Ek = (ov,Ôh, f,..)k ; S k = (N, V, M, o,...)k).
For instance, in the case of the third example in table m.9, the general load case 1. ,
(l,35.gk + 1,50 wk) should be replaced by the following particular load case 1. considering
the elements or the cross­sections with
. their worst effects of actions (for columns: axial force (N)k; for beams: shear force (V)k
and bending moment (M)k) and,
. their worst combined effects of actions (for beam­columns: (N)k + (M)k ; ...):
­ max N = 1,35 (N)k(due to gk) + l,50.(N)k.max(due to Wk),
­ max V = 1,35 (V)k(due to gk) + l,50.(V)k.max(due to Wk),
­ max M = 1,35 (M)k(due to gk) + l,50.(M)k.max(due to Wk),
­ max N + associated M,
­ max M + associated N,...
(3) In the following chapters UI.c.l and ffl.c.2, the proposed combinations of actions are
simplifications adapted to building structures (for SLS, [2.3.4 (5)] and for ULS, [ (5)]).
(4) If the limitations imposed at SLS and at ULS are difficult to be respected, more favourable
combinations of actions could be used instead of the respective simplified proposals of
table m.7 (then see [2.3.4 (2)] of EC 3) or tables ΙΠ.8 and ΠΙ.9 (then see [23.2.2(2)] of EC3).
in.c. 1 Load cases for serviceability limit states
ECCS n°65
table 2.3 Table 111.7 Combinations of actions for serviceability limit states
Load combinations to be considered: Gk ­ permanent actions, e.g. self weight
with only the most unfavourable variable Qk ­ variable actions, e.g. imposed loads
actions (Qicmax): on floors, snow loads, wind loads
1. £ G k +Qk.max Qk.max ­the variable action which causes the
largest effect
with all unfavourable variable actions (Qk):
2. £ G k +0,9^Qk

The load combination which gives the largest effect (i.e. deformations, deflections) is

m.c.2 Load cases for ultimate limit states
table 2.1 Table ΙΠ.8 Combinations of actions for ultimate limit state
Load combinations to be considered: Gk­ permanent actions, e.g. self weight
with only the most unfavourable variable Qk­ variable actions, e.g. imposed loads
actions (Qk.max): on floors, snow load, wind loads
** Qk.max ­the variable action which causes the
largest effect
1. l,35*.EG k +l,50**.Q k.max
YG- partial safety factor for permanent
with all unfavourable variable actions (Qk): actions
YGEGk+0,9YQ.XQk YQ- partial safety factor for variable
2. l,35*.]TG k +l,35**.£Q k
* If the dead load G counteracts the variable
action Q(meaning a favourable effect of G):

■' '' t " M " ♦ windload Q

ν , Ι ν ι „ „ ι deadload G
t πι titt -κ
"if the variable load Q counteracts the dominant
loading (meaning a favourable effect of Q):
YQ = 0
The load combination which gives the largest effect (i.e.internal forces or moment ) is decisive
ECCSn0 65
table 2.2 Table ΙΠ.9 Examples for the application of the combinations rules in table ΙΠ.8.
All actions (g, q, P, s, w) are considered to originate from different sources
load cases combinations of actions
ŒEUm s 1. l,35.g+l,50.q
I J q
2. l,35.g+l,50.s
A A 3. l,35.(g + q + s)

* O i i i Q M D s
ο π *i π
α ιρg
1,35. g+1,50. s
-A 4. L35.(g+q+s + P*))

ΕΡΖΕΕΠ q l,35.g+l,50.w
ŒEEEED g 2. l,35.g+l,50.q
w 1,35. g+1,50. s
4. l,35.(g + q + w + s)

g­ dead load ) assuming Ρ is independent of g, q, s and w

q- imposed load
P­ Point load
s­ snow load
w­ wind load

I V.a Generalities
[5.1.2 (l)] (1) Frames shall be checked :
. at Serviceability Limit States:
- for horizontal deflections (see chapter IV.f.l) ,
. at Ultimate Limit States:
- for static equilibrium (see chapter IV.b),
- for frame stability (see chapter IV.d),
- for resistance of cross-sections, members and connections (see chapter IV.g) .
[5.1.2(2)] (2) When checking the resistance of cross-sections and members of a frame, each member
may be treated as isolated from the frame, with forces and moments applied to each end as
determined from the frame analysis. The conditions of restraint at each end should be
determined by considering the member as part of the frame and should be consistent with
the type of analysis and mode failure.
IV-a.l Analysis models for frames
(1) In general spacial frame structures may be separated into several plane frames that may be
considered as laterally supported at the spacial nodes (see table IV. 1, part 1.).
In the first step for the inplane loading of these plane frames out-of-plane deflections
between the lateral supports are neglected and only the inplane monoaxial action effects
are determined.
In the second step the individual members of the plane frame between the lateral supports,
i.e. the beams and the columns, are separated from the plane frame, to consider lateral
buckling and lateral-torsional buckling, under monoaxial bending and compression.
Members which are common to two different frames, e.g. columns, may be verified for
biaxial bending and compression (see table IV. 1, part 2.).
(2) Table IV.2 shows the modelling of connections in the global analysis depending on their
rotational stiffness.
ECCS n° 65
table 5.2 Table IV.2 Modelling of connections
Type of connection Symbols in the analysis Designed for Design or detail criteria
Pinned connection tension, Small restraint to
compression sufficient rotations
or shear only

Rigid connection moment, shear, Small rotations,

tension or sufficient elastic moment
compression and shear strength
from an elastic
or plastic global
ì E

For semi-rigid connections see Eurocode 3, Part 1.1 (J2f)

(3) Guidance on assumptions for reliable simplified modelling of buildings is provided in the
Annex H of Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (J2f) which is in preparation:
"Modelling of building structures for static analysis".

Table IV.l Modelling of frame for analysis
1. Separation of plane frames from the spacial frame :



2. Separation of individual members from plane frame:


ÌK t t



Isolated beam

Isolated column

N1 + N2

IV.a.2 Flow-chart FC 4:Elastic global analysis of braced or non-s wax steel frames
according to Eurocode 3

(1) The flow-chart FC 4 aims to provide a general presentation of the subject dealt in the
present design handbook:
elastic global analysis of braced or non-sway steel frames according to Eurocode 3.
All the details are given in chapters II to XI of the handbook.

(2) The flow-chart FC 4 refers to other flow-charts:

- flow-chart FC 1 about elastic global analysis of steel frames in general according to
EC 3 (the flow-chart FC 1 is provided in chapter I).
- flow-chart FC 12 about elastic global analysis of bracing system according to EC 3
(the flow-chart FC 12 and all the details about bracing system design are given in
chapter XII) and,

(3) The flow-chart FC 4 is a part of flow-chart FC 1 which gives a general presentation of:
- elastic global analysis of braced or non-sway frames (= flow chart FC 4 = path Φ
of flow-chart FC 1) and,
- elastic global analysis of sway frames which are out of the scope of the present
design handbook (= paths (D to (D of flow-chart FC 1).

(4) The flow-chart FC 4 is divided in 3 parts:

rv.a.2.1 general part (1 page)
rv.a.2.2 detail (1 page)
IV.a.2.3 comments (4 pages)

IV.a.2.1 Flow-chart FC 4 general

see the following page

IV.a.2.2 Flow-chart FC 4 details

see the second following page

Flow-chart 4ÍFC 4J: Elastic global analysis of braced or non-swav steel frames according to EC 3 rowi



SLS checks


Classification of the frame 10

for ULS 11

(braced or non-sway frame)


ULS global analysis of the frame

to determine the internal forces and moments (N, V, M) IS



ULS checks of members

submitted to internal forces and moments (N, V, M) 18



ULS checks of local effects

ÜLS checks of connections

Flow­chart 4 \FC 4 j : Elastic global analysis of braced or non-swav steel frames according to EC 3 row:
Í Assumptions of the frame modelling J (Details) ι
[Determination of load arrangements (ECl and EC 8)J

ULS checks [Chap. 5] SLS checks [Chap. 4]

Load cases
Load cases
for ULS [2.3.3.] for SLS [2.3.4.]

Predësign of members: beams & columns => Sections notfulfilled

with pinned and/or rigid connections

First order elastic global

analysis of the frame
=> 6v, Oh, f,...
SLS checks notfulfilled
Frame with bracing system Classification [Chap. 4]
of the frame Frame without bracing system
First order elastic global analysis of the frame / C h o i c e of criterion
submitted to hypothetic horizontal loads: δΣν **—(of sway / non­sway
1) with bracing system => 5b ηΣΗ \ frame fcr
and 2) without bracing system => 5u ±
Horizontal & Vertical
vertical loads loads
, Braced frame\ Global imperfections of the frame
Design of the yes/ o \no => equivalent horizontal loads []
bracing system Ob £ 0,2 5u
[5.2.53. (2)]
First order elastic global analysis of the frame
Non-sway frame for each ULS load case

First order elastic global analysis of the frame Non­sway frame [5.2.52.]
yes Design of 14
for all concerned ULS load cases: δΣν
either, laterally supported if braced frame <ο,ι Ο Γ ™ so.i sway frames
ηΣΗ Vcr
or, without special lateral boundary
conditions if non-sway frame
■ L - - F C 1 J­

C Classification of the cross­sections [Chap. 5.3] J

L b, buckling length of members for non­sway mode [Annex E] J 17

Checks of the in­plane stability: members buckling [Chap. 5 J.] IB

Checks of the out­of­plane stability: members buckling [Chap. 5.5.] 19

Checks of resistance of cross­sections [Chap. 5.4.] >

Checks of local effects (buckling and resistance of webs) [Chap. 5.6 and 5.7] J­

C Checks of connections [Chap. 6 and Annex J] >

rV.a.2.3 Comments onflow-chart FC 4
comments (1/4) on flow-chart FC 4:

* Generalities about Eurocode 3:

- All checks of (ULS) Ultimate Limit States and all checks of (SLS) Serviceability Limit
States are necessary to be fulfilled.
- According to the classification of cross-sections at ULS (row 16; chapter V of the design
handbook) Eurocode 3 allows to perform:
. plastic global analysis of a structure only composed of class 1 cross-sections when
required rotations are not calculated [5.3.3 (4)] or,
. elastic global analysis of a structure composed of class 1. 2. 3 or 4 cross-sections
assurning for ULS checks, either a plastic resistance of cross-sections (class 1 and 2)
or, an elastic resistance of the cross-sections, without local buckling (class 3) or, with
local buckling (class 4 with effective cross-section).
[] - In order to determine the internal forces and moments (N. V. M) in a structure Eurocode 3
allows the use of different types of elastic global analysis either:

a) first order global analysis using the initial geometry of the structure or,

b) second order global analysis taking into account the influence of the deformation of
the structure
[ (2)] - First order global analysis may be used for the elastic global analysis in the cases of braced
or non-sway frames (row 15).

[Annex H] * row 1:
Assumptions of the frame modelling: examples are provided in the present chapter
rv.a. 1 and more details are presented in the [Annex H] of Eurocode 3
("Modelling of building structures for analysis").

* row 2:
EC 1: Draft Eurocode 1 Basis of design and actions on structures
EC 3: ENV 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures, Part 1.1:
general rules and rules for buildings.
EC 8: Draft Eurocode 8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance

* rows 3.4:
[Chap. 5] -ULS means Ultimate Limit States
[Chap. 4] -SLS means Serviceability Limit States

* row 5:
This flow-chart concerns structures using pinned and/or rigid joints.
In the case of semi-rigid joints whose behaviour is between pinned and rigid joints,
the designer shall take into account the moment-rotation characteristics of the joints
(moment resistance, rotational stiffness and rotation capacity) at each step of the
design (predesigri, global analysis, SLS and ULS checks). The semi-rigid joints
should be designed according to chapter 6.9 and the Annex J of Eurocode 3.

comments (2/4) on flow-chart FC 4:
* row 6:
[4.2.1 (5)] For SLS checks, the deflections should be calculated making due allowance for any
second order effects, the rotational stiffness of any semi­rigid joints and the possible
occurrence of any plastic deformations.
[ (2)]
»nbraçed frame

The frame is braced if: δ 0 <0,2δ„

where δ^,: horizontal displacement of the frame with the bracing system
oV horizontal displacement of the unbraced frame,
according to first order elastic global analysis of the frame submitted to hypothetic
horizontal loads.
Note: in the case of simple frames with all beam­column nodes nominally pinned, the
frame without bracing would be hypostatic, hence δα is infinite and thus the
condition Ob £ 0,2 δ„ is always fulfilled.

[] * row 12: global imperfections of the frame

initial sway imperfections of the frame equivalent horizontal forces
F2 F2
ζ α * 0F2 fc1 ­J i i i ιι

could be applied Fi
in the form of i i i i ·
φ Fl fc

f ^β r—

φ (Fl + F2) φ (Fi + F2)

comments (3/4) on flow-chart FC 4:
[] * row 14: classification of sway or non­swav frame:

A frame may be classified as non-sway if according to first order elastic global analysis
of the frame for each ULS load case, one of the following criteria (see row 91 is satisfied:
either, al in general :

[ (3)]

^ ­ = — < 0,1 , condition which is equivalent to a C T > 10

ï a
cr "­cr

where Vsa: design value of the total vertical load (see row 10)
Vcr: elastic critical value of the total vertical load for failure in a sway mode
( = π2ΕΙ / L2 with L, buckling length for a column in a sway mode; VCT of
a column does not correspond necessarily to V cr of the frame including that
ac coefficient of critical amplification or coefficient of remoteness of critical
state of the frame
or, b) in case of building structures with beams connecting each columns at each storey level:

< 0,1
h.£H h.(H 1 + H 2 )

where H, V: total horizontal and vertical reactions at the bottom of the storey,
δ: relative horizontal displacement of top and bottom of the storey,
h: height of the storey.
Η,ν,δ are deduced from a first order analysis of the frame submitted to both
horizontal and vertical design loads (see row 10) and to the global
imperfections of the frame applied in the form of equivalent horizontal
forces (see comments on row 12).
­ A same frame could be classified as sway according to a load case (Vsdl for
instance) and as non­sway according to another load case ( Vsd2 for instance)(see
row 13).
V ­ = maximum sdi
For multi­storeys buildings the relevant condition is V
V cri
condition which is equivalent to otcr = minimum (oten),
Λ >
sdi or acrj are related to the storey i.
V vcny

comments (4/4) on flow-chart FC 4:

* row 15:
At this step of the ULS checks procedure the type of frame is defined as
- braced frame and the first order elastic global analysis of the frame should
be carried out for all ULS load cases,
- or, non-sway frame and the first order elastic global analysis of the frame
might have already been done for all concerned ULS load cases when the
criterion —^— has been chosen (rows 9 to 13).
The load cases should consider specific actions in case of braced or non-sway frames
as provided in the table below.
The global analysis of the frame determines the internal forces and moments
(N,V,M) in the members.

The first order elastic global analysis of the frame should take into account
actions the vertical the horizontal the global
loads loads imperfections of the
types of frame
frames (row 12)'
1) braced frames ($ X(b)

2) non-sway frames (c)

15.253 (3)] Notes : (a) braced frames are frames which may be treated as fully supported laterally by a
bracing system.

[] (b) only the part of horizontal loads which are applied to the frame but not assumed
to be transmitted to the bracing system through the floors.
(c) no special lateral boundary conditions are considered in the frame modelling.

* row 16;
The classification of cross-sections have to be determined before all the ULS checks
of members, cross-sections and webs (rows 18 to 21).

[Annex E] * row 17: Lh, buckling length of members for non-sway mode



* rows 18Λ19,2Q> 2h 22;

The sequence of the Ultimate Limit States checks is not imposed and it is up to the
designer to choose the order of the ULS checks which are anyhow all necessary to
be fulfilled. On the contrary, the sequence of steps to define the assumptions for
the global analysis (row IS) is well fixed and defined in rows 8 to 14.

I V.b Static equilibrium
[] (1) For the verification of static equilibrium, destabilizing (unfavourable) actions shall be
represented by upper design values and stabilizing (favourable) actions by lower design
(2) For stabilizing effects, only those actions which can reliably be assumed to be present in
the situation considered shall be included in the relevant combination.
(3) Variable actions should be applied where they increase the destabilizing effects but
omitted where they would increase the stabilizing effects (γς> = 0, in table III.8).
(4) Account should be taken of the possibility that non-structural elements might be omitted
or removed.
(5) For building structures, the normal partial safety factor given in table ΓΠ.8 of chapter ΙΠ
apply to permanent actions (YG = 1,0 if favourable actions).
(6) Where uncertainty of the value of a geometrical dimension significantly affects the
verification of static equilibrium, this dimension shall be represented in this verification
by the most unfavourable value that it is reasonably possible for it to reach.

I V.c Load arrangements and load cases

r v . c l Generalities
(1) Load arrangements which may be applied to buildings are provided in chapter ULb.
(2) Load cases (see chapter ni.c) may be established according to two procedures to study
structures submitted to actions:
a general procedure presented in flow-chart FC 3.1 (chapter ΠΙ) or,
a particular procedure presented in flow-chart FC 3.2 (chapter ΠΓ) which is
applicable for braced or non-sway buildings because such structure may be studied
by first order elastic global analysis.
(3) Two types of load cases shall be considered:
load cases for Serviceability Limit States and,
load cases for Ultimate Limit States,
where differences are related to combination rules:
see table ΓΠ.7 for SLS combinations of actions
see table ΙΠ.8 for ULS combinations of actions

rv.c.2 Frame imperfections

[ (4)] (1) In case of braced frame global imperfections are not necessary for the design of the braced
frame itself but they shall be taken into account in the design of the bracing system (see
chapter XII).
(2) In case of non-sway frame global imperfections are needed for the design of the frame.
[ (l)] (3) Appropriate allowances shall be incorporated to cover the effects of practical
imperfections, including residual stresses and geometrical imperfections such as lack of
vertically, lack of straightness due to welding or lack of fit and the unavoidable minor
eccentricities present in practical connections.
[ (l)] (4) The effects of imperfections shall be allowed for in frame analysis by means of :
- an equivalent geometric imperfection in the form of an initial sway imperfection φ or,
- equivalent horizontal forces according to table IV.3, either method is permissible.
(5) As shown in table IV.3 the initial sway imperfections of a frame are directly proportionate
to the relevant applied vertical loads of each load case.
Therefore global imperfections of a frame should be calculated for each load case.

Table IV.3 Global imperfections of the frame
Initial sway imperfections φ of the frame equivalent horizontal forces
ECCS ηβ65
table 5 J
φΡ2 tel 1 i i i ·

' l i l i -
φ Fi

• ■ νy ^ ' •
φ (Fi + F2) φ (Fi + F2)

[5.2/4.3 (4)] (6) The initial sway imperfections φ apply in all horizontal directions but need only be.
considered in one direction at a time. The table IV.4 gives the numerical values for φ:

[form. (5.2)] φ = k c ks φ 0

where Φο=
k c =Jo,5 + — < 1,0 and
V nr

k g = j 0 , 2 + — <Ξ1,0
V nc
where n„ is the number of columns per plane
nc is the number of storeys
[ (2)] (7) Only those columns which carry a vertical load Nsd of at least 50% of mean value of the
vertical load per column in the considered plane, shall be included in nc.
[ (3)] (8) Only those columns which extend through all the storeys included in n s shall be included
in nc . Only those floor or roof levels which are connected to all the columns included in
nc shall be included when determining n*

IV.d Frame stability

[ (l)] (1) All frames shall have adequate resistance to failure in a sway mode. However, where the
frame is shown to be non­sway, no further sway mode verification is required.
[ (2)] (2) All frames including sway frames, shall also be checked for adequate resistance to failure
in non­sway modes.
[ (3)] (3) A check should be included for the possibility of local storey­height failure mode.
[ (4)] (4) Frames with non­triangulated pitched roofs shall also be checked for snap­through

Table IV.4 Values for the initial sway imperfections φ
ECCS n°65
table 5.6 number of nç=5
columns nc = 2 η<;=3 nc = 4 !!<;=,
number Τ
of ι
storeys I

n.= 1 1/200 1/220 1/230 1/240 1/280

ns = 2 1/240 1/260 1/275 1/285 1/335

ns=3 1/275 1/300 1/315 1/325 1/385

ns = 4 1/300 1/325 1/345 1/355 1/420

nSs = oo
— 1/445 1/490 1/515 1/535 1/630
ï i
I V.e First order elastic global analysis
IV.e.l Methods of analysis
(1) The internal forces and moments in a statically determinate structure shall be obtained
using statics.
(2) The internal forces and moments in a statically indeterminate structure may generally be
determined using either:
elastic global analysis
plastic global analysis
(3) Elastic global analysis may be used in all cases.
rv.e.2 Effects of deformations
(1) The internal forces and moments may generally be determined using either:
first order theory, using initial geometry of the structure.
second order theory, taking into account the influence of the deformation of the
(2) First order theory may be used for the global analysis in the following cases:
braced frames,
non­sway frames,
design methods which make indirect allowances for second­order effects.
(3) Second order theory may be used for the global analysis in all cases.

IV.C.3 Elastic global analysis
[] (1) Elastic global analysis shall be based on the assumption that the stress-strain behaviour of
the material is linear, whatever the stress level.
(2) This assumption may be maintained for both first-order and second-order elastic analysis,
even where the resistance of a cross-section is based on its plastic resistance (see chapter
V about classification of cross-section).
(3) In order to determine the internal forces and moments (N, V, M) in braced or non-sway
frames, first order elastic global analysis may be used.
(4) Following a first order elastic global analysis, the calculated bending moments may be
modified by redistributing up to 15% of the peak calculated moment in any member,
provided that:
- the internal forces and moments in the frame remain in equilibrium with the applied
loads and,
- all the members in which the moments are reduced have class 1 or 2 cross-sections
(see chapter V).
(5) The load cases should consider specific actions in case of braced or non-sway frames as
provided in table IV. 5 (issued from comments on row 15 in flow-chart FC 4).

Table IV.5 Specific actions for braced or non-sway frames

The first order elastic global analysis of the frame should take into account
*^^ actions the vertical the horizontal the global imperfections
| types of ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ loads loads of the frame
| frames ^*"""-^^
1) bracedframes (¿) X X(b)
2) non-sway frames (ς) X X X
[ (3)] Notes : (al braced frames are frames which mav be treated as fully supported laterally bv
the bracing system.
[ (5)] (b) only the part of horizontal loads which are applied to the frame but not assumed
to be transmitted to the bracing system through the floors.
(c) no special lateral boundary conditions are considered in the frame modelling.
(6) In case of first order elastic global analysis the principle of superposition is applicable
because the effects of actions (E, S) are linear functions of the applied actions (F = G, Q,
...) (no Ρ-Δ effects and used material with an elastic linear behaviour).
The principle of superposition allows to consider a particular procedure to study structure
submitted to actions. This procedure illustrated in flow-chart FC 3.2 could be more
practical because it should simplify the decision of which load case gives the worst effect
(see chapter ΙΠ).
For each single characteristic (unfactored) value of load arrangement (Fk) the global
analysis of the structure determines characteristic (unfactored) values for the effects of
actions : Ek = (δν,δη, f,..)k ; Sk = (N, V, Μ, σ,..\.
AU load cases are defined by relevant combinations of the characteristic (unfactored)
values for the effects of actions (E/dSk). AH these load cases directly furnish the design
values for the effects of actions (Ed = Oy.ôh, f,.·· ; Sd = Ν, V, Μ, σ,...) which shall be
checked at SLS (Cd limits) and at ULS (Rd resistances).

IV.f Verifications at SLS

(1) The limiting values for vertical deflections and vibrations of beams are given respectively
in chapters Vin.b. 1 and Vin.b.2 (in chapter Vm about members in bending).

IV.f. 1 Deflections of frames
[4.2.2 (4)] (1) The limiting values for horizontal deflections of frames given in table IV.6 are
illustrated by reference to the multi­storey and single­storey frame.
ECCS n°65
table 4.3 Table IV.6 Recommended limits for horizontal deflections
Multi­storey frame Single storey frame

δι < hi / 300 Portal frame without

δ 2 < h2 / 300 gantry cranes δ < h / 150
ôo<h0/500 Other buildings δ < h / 300

IV.g Verifications at ULS

IV. g. 1 Classification of the frame
IV.g.1.1 Hypothesis for braced frame
(1) Examples of bracing system are mentioned in chapter I.b.2 and in chapter ΧΠ.
[ (2)] (2) A steel frame may be classified as braced if the bracing system reduces its horizontal
displacements by at least 80 %.
(3) For practical presentation of the criterion used to classify a frame as braced reference
may be made to comments on row 11 of flow­chart FC 4 (see chapter IV.a.2.3).
[ (3)] (4) A braced frame may be treated as fully supported laterally.
(5) As the criterion of braced or unbraced frame classification is related to the stiffness of the
frame and on hypothetic horizontal loads, the frame should be classified as braced or not
independently of load cases.
rv.q.1.2 Hypothesis for non-swav frame
(1) Examples of sway frames are mentioned in chapter I.b.2.
[] (2) In order to define the criterion used to classify a frame as sway or non­sway reference
may be made to comments on row 14 of flow­chart FC 4 (see chapter IV.a.2.3).
(3) As the criterion of sway or non­sway frame classification depends on the total vertical
load, a same frame could be classified as sway according to a load case and as non­sway
according to another load case. Therefore the criterion of sway or non­sway frame
classification should be checked for each load case.
rv.g.2 ULS checks
(1) The frames shall be checked at ultimate limit states for the resistances of cross­sections,
members and connections. For those ULS checks reference may be made to the following
­ Classification of cross­sections: see chapter V
­ Members in tension: see chapter VI
­ Members in compression: see chapter VH
­ Members in bending: see chapter VIII
­ Members with combined axial force and bending moments: see chapter LX
­ Transverse forces on webs: see chapter X
­ Connections: see chapter XI


V.a Generalities

(1) For a designer the usual procedure is to choose a cross­section in such a way that the
maximal capacity is not controlled by local buckling but is associated with the bearing
load of a particular member of the structure (column, beam, beam­column). Therefore the
local buckling plays an important role in the design of structural steel.
The critical level over which local buckling appears, is defined by the classification of
(2) For the check of cross­sections and members at Ultimate Limit States, the steel cross­
sections shall be classified. The classification of cross­sections allows to evaluate
beforehand their behaviour, their ultimate resistance and their deformation capacity, taking
into account the possible limits on the resistance due to local buckling of compression
elements of cross­sections.
(3) The classification of cross­sections permits (see table V.l):
to guide the selection of global analysis of the structure (elastic or plastic global
to determine the criteria to be used for ULS checks of cross­sections and members.
(4) Four classes of cross­section are defined according to (see chapters V.b and V.c):
the slenderness of its compression elements (width­over­thickness ratios of web
or flange),
the yield strength of the steel and,
the applied loading.
(5) It is important to precise that the present classification of cross­sections is only based on
the distribution of normal stresses across the section due to the following separate or
combined axial forces and/or bending moments applied to the cross­section:

Μ z.Sd
é ¿Ρ ,y
Ν.x.Sd Νx.Sd

χ - - χ


ϊΡ Μy.Sd

(6) The present classification of cross-sections is not affected by shear forces (·
The resistance of webs to shear buckling (induced by V^sd) should be checked in chapter
(7) The flow-chart FC 5.1 presents the general procedure to classify I cross-section (see the
following page) . More details are given in chapters V.b and V.c.
(8) The flow-chart FC 5.2 presents a procedure to calculate the effective cross-section
properties of class 4 cross-section where local buckling occurs (see the second following
page). More details are given in chapter V.c.3.

Flow-chart fee 5.lJ : Classification of I cross-section

rows: rows:

1 Determine ε = V 235 / fy 1

Division of the cross-section into elements:
web and flanges

Class of cross-section =
highest class of all elements

Γ Determine the slenderness of element to classify : d/tw, c/tf,... J

( Type of loading on element to classify J

I Compression ;
Bending 1
Combined Ν + Μ ί

Ncomp. M ι axial load and bending moment ¡

Determine the position of neutral axis
with plastic distribution of stresses

^ C l a s s 1 or 2 element^ ­ ^ C l a s s 1 or 2 element \
X (*) /

Determine the position of neutral axis

with elastic distribution of stresses

yes i lyes s 2£
Class 3 element ?
10 h Class 3 element ?
to*) (*♦)
l> <C Class 3 element ? >
X (**)
f 10

Class 4 element
.with local buckling ς Class 4 element
ith local buckling
( Class 4 element
Udth local buckling u

Note :
(*) see table V.3
(**) see table V.4

F C 5 . 2 ) : Calculation of effective cross-section properties of Class 4 cross-section
Flow­chart (IFC5.21

Approximate method assuming all elements of the cross­section at Ultimate Limit States:
the maximal compressive stress in each element is equal to yield strength (fy).

rows: rows:

f Type of loading on cross­section 1

r~ ■

Combined N + M
- "JL
2 ' axial load and bending moment Ncomp. M

I τ
Only class 4 elements (web and/or fiantes)
have effective properties
Calculate effective
section area Aeff.N Calculate shift
(from table V.8) of centroidal axis e ^
(with Acff.M from table V.8)

yes/ Bisymmetrical
\ cross­section
Calculate effective
7 moment of inertia Ieff 7

Calculate shift
8 of centroidal axis βΝ 8

Calculate the lowest effective

9 section modulus Wefr 9
Determine additional
bending moment 10
ΔΜ = Ν . e N

Combined (N+M) yes 11
loading(M Φ 0)?

Effective properties:

­ for Ν or (N, M) loading: Aeff.N ; e N y ; e N z 12

­ for M or (N, M) loading: Weff.y ; Weff.z

V.b Definition of the cross-sections classification
(1) Four classes of cross-sections are defined, as follows:
Class 1 cross-sections are those which can form a plastic hinge with the rotation
capacity required for plastic analysis.
Class 2 cross-sections are those which can develop their plastic moment resistance,
but have limited rotation capacity.
Class 3 cross-sections are those in which the calculated stress in the extreme
compression fibre of the steel member can reach its yield strength, but local buckling
is liable to prevent development of the plastic moment resistance.
Class 4 cross-section s are those in which it is necessary to make explicit allowances
for the effects of local buckling when determining their moment resistance or
compression resistance.
(2) Table V. 1 recapitulates the characteristics of each class of cross-section in case of
simply-supported beam.
(3) The ultimate resistance of cross-sections and of members submitted to bending and/or
compression, depends on class of cross-sections and is based on the following properties
(see table V.l):

Distribution of stresses Cross-section properties ULS partial

across the section for ULS check formulas safety factors

[5.3.4 (2)] Class 1 or 2 - full plastic distribution plastic properties (Wp¿) YMO
- at the level of yield strength
- elastic distribution
Class 3 - with yield strength reached elastic properties (We/) YMO
in the extreme fibres
- elastic distribution across
the effective section taking
Class 4 into account local buckling effective properties YM1
- with yield strength reached (Aeff, eN, Weff)
in the extreme fibres.
(4) When elastic global analysis is used, particular exemptions to these rules may be made for
the following specific cases:
[5.3.4(4)] when yielding first occurs on the tension side of the neutral axis,
[5.3.4(5)] when the cross-section is composed of class 2 compression flange and class 3 web.
Those exemptions are not considered in the handbook and reference may be made to
Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (HI).

Table V.l Definition of the classification of cross-section

Available of
rotation structures
Class Behaviour model Design resistance capacity
of plastic
M across full section
7local^ fy important or,
ƒ plastic

M across full section

\ limited
local elastic
buckling θ

M across full section
Mei χ-— fy none elastic

buckling θ

M across effective section
Met elastic
fy none

buckling θ

V.c Criteria of the cross-sections classification

V.c. 1 Classification of compression elements of cross-sections

[5.3.2(3)] (1) The classification of a cross-section depends on the proportions of each of its compression
elements (width-over-thickness ratios of web or flange), on the yield strength of
the material and on the applied loading.
[5.3.2(4)] (2) Compression elements include every element of a cross-section which is either totally or
partially in compression, due to axial force or bending moment, under the load
combination considered.
(3) In case of combined actions (Nsd and Msd), the limiting proportions for classification of
elements are related to the position of plastic or elastic neutral axis (parameters α or ψ in
tables V.3 and V.4); that position depends on the stresses distribution across the section in
equilibrium with the applied design values of (NSd, MSd). Therefore the classification of
an element or a cross-section may be different according to the considered combination of
actions (Ν, M).
(4) In case of elements submitted to tension (Ntension) local buckling is not expected and the
concerned elements shall be class 1.
V.C.2 Classification of cross-sections

[5.3.2(5)] (1) The various compression elements in a cross-section (such as a web or a flange) can, in
general, be in different classes.
[5.3.2(6)] (2) A cross-section is normally classified by quoting the highest (least favourable) class of
its compression elements.
[5.3.2(7)] (3) Alternatively the classification of a cross-section may be defined by quoting both the
flange classification and the web classification.
For instance, the compression flange of an I-section may be class 1 and its web may
be class 3. Then this I-section is class 3.
But this I-section may also be defined by quoting its class 1 compression flange and its
class 3 web.
(4) The determinant dimensions of cross-sections for classification are provided in table V.2.

(5) In case oil or Η cross-sections, T-sections and channels ( [ ) , the limiting proportions
for classification of elements (webs and flanges) are given :
- in table V.3, for class 1 and 2
- in table V.4, for class 3
(6) In case of rectangular and square hollow sections the limiting proportions for
classification of internal flanges are given in table V.6 for class 1,2 and 3. For
classification of webs of these sections reference may be made to tables V.3 and V.4.
(7) In case of angles and tubular sections the limiting proportions for classification of
elements are given in table V.7 for class 1,2 and 3.
V.c.3 Properties of class 4 effective cross-sections

[5.3.2(8)] (1) An element of a cross-section (as such a web or a flange) which fails to satisfy the limits
for class 3 should be taken as class 4.

The limiting proportions for class 3 compression elements should be obtained from tables
V.4, V.6 or V.7.
[5.34(6)] (2) When any of the compression elements of a cross-section is class 4 the cross-section shall
be designed as a class 4 cross-section.
[5.3.2(2)] (3) Effective widths may be used in class 4 cross-sections to make the necessary allowances
for reductions in resistance due to the effects of local buckling.
[5.3.5] (4) The effective cross-section properties of class 4 cross-sections (Aeff, en, Weff.y, Weff^)
shall be based on the effective widths of the compression elements. The flow-chart FC 5.2
presents an approximate method to determine the effective cross-section properties
assuming all elements of the cross-section at Ultimate Limit States : the maximal
compressive stress in each element is equal to yield strength, fy.

(5) The effective properties of class 4 cross-sections may be obtained from table V.8 or
from Eurocode 3 (J2f) for other cases.
(6) In general the determination of the effective width of a class 4 element may be carried out
as follows (see [5.3.5(3)] of EC3) :
a) determination of buckling factor k 0 corresponding to the stress ratio ψ (see [table
5.3.2] and [table 5.3.3] of EC3),
b) calculation of the plate slenderness λ ρ ; given by :

in which t is the relevant thickness of the elements,

kø is the buckling factor corresponding to the stress ratio ψ,
235 (with f in N/mm2),
ε= y

b is the appropriate width as follows :

b= d for webs,
b= b for internal flange elements (except RHS),
b= b - 3t for flanges of RHS,
b= c for outstand flanges,
b= for equal-leg angles,

b = h or for unequal-leg angles.

c) calculation of reduction factor ρ with the following approximation ([formula (5.11)]

. when λ ρ <, 0,673 : ρ = 1
.when λ ρ > 0 , 6 7 3 : p=> _ 2 —'-

d) determination of the effective width beff

(7) For cases proposed in table V.8 the effective cross-sectional data may be determined as
follows :
a) calculation of λ ρ according to table V.8,
b) calculation of ρ according to the formula given in V.c.3(6) c),
c) determination of effective zones of class 4 elements according to table V.8.

(8) It is important to mention that only class 4 compression elements (web and/or flange)
shall have effective width. For instance, HEA 500 cross-section in S 460 steel grade
subject to uniform compression, has a class 1 flange and a class 4 web; therefore the
effective area (Aeff) issued from table V.8 is composed of full flanges and an effective

ECCS n°65 (9) Where the stresses Osd from effective cross-sectional data are less than fy, the plate
5.3.5(5) slenderness λ ρ may be decreased by

, which may cause an increase of the effective width.

[5.3.5(6)] (10) Generally the centroidal axis of the effective cross-section will shift by a dimension e
compared to the centroidal axis of the gross cross-section. This should be taken into
account when calculating the properties of the effective cross-section. Examples are given
in table V. 10.

[5.3.5(7)] (11) When the cross-section is subject to an axial force, the method given in chapter IX.d.1.4
should be used to take account of the additional moment ΔΜ given by :
AM = N e N
where eN is the shift of the centroidal axis when the effective cross-section is subject
to uniform compression (single N),
Ν is positive for compression.

V.d Procedures of cross-sections classification for different loadings

[5.3.1(2)] (1) Because elastic global analysis is used for braced or non-sway frames (see chapter IV.e),
any class of cross-section may be used for the members, provided that the design of the
members takes into account the possible limits on the resistance of cross-section due to
local buckling (see table V.l).

(2) The class of a cross-section may specifically be determined according to the applied
loading :
- for cross-sections subject to compression, see chapter V.d.l,
- for cross-sections subject to bending, see chapter V.d.2,
- for cross-sections subject to combined (N, M), see chapter V.d.3.
V-d.l Classification of cross-sections in compression

(1) For cross-sections submitted to uniform compression ( two steps are required for
1) if using the plastic compression resistance of the cross-section, the limiting
proportions for class 3 sections shall be met for class 3 flange and web submitted
to single Ncompression: see tables V.4, V.6 or V.7; the cross-sectional area A shall be
2) if an element of the cross-section fails to satisfy the limits for class 3 it should be
taken as class 4. The occurence of local buckling in that element should be
considered in calculating the effective cross-sectional area : Aeff (see table V.8).
In the case of class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section the shift of the relevant
centroidal axis (eN) should also be calculated.

V-d.2 Classification of cross-section in bending

(1) For cross-sections submitted to bending moments (, three steps are required
for classification :
1) if using the plastic moment resistance of the cross-section, the limiting proportions
for class 2 sections shall be met for class 2 flange and web submitted to bending
moments (single and/or single M^sd) '· see tables V.3, V.6 or V.7; the plastic
section modulus Wpi shall be used.
2) if using the elastic moment resistance of the cross-section, the limiting proportions
for class 3 sections shall be met for class 3 flange and web submitted to bending
moments (single and/or single M^sd) : see tables V.4, V.6 or V.7; the elastic
section modulus Wei shall be used.
3) if an element of the cross-section fails to satisfy the limits for class 3 sections it
should be taken as class 4. The occurence of local buckling in that element should be
considered in calculating the effective section modulus of the cross-section when
subject only to bending moment about the relevant axis (Weff.y from single;
Weff.z from single (see table V.8).

V­d.3 Classification of cross­sections in combined (NM)

(1) For cross­sections submitted to combined axial load ( and bending moments
(» three steps are required for classification:
1) if using the plastic moment resistance of the cross­section, the limiting proportions
for class 2 sections shall be met for class 2 flange and web submitted to combined
axial load and bending moments ((Ncompression or Ntention) and ( and/or Mz.Sd)) :
see table V.3, V.6 or V.7; the cross­secùonal area A and the plastic section modulus
Wpi shall be used.
2) if using the elastic moment resistance of the cross­section, the limiting proportions
for class 3 sections shall be met for class 3 flange and web submitted to combined
axial load and bending moments ((Ncompression or Ntention) and (My.Sd and/or Mz.Sd)) :
see table V.4, V.6 or V.7; the cross­secüonal area A and the elastic section modulus
Wei shall be used.
3) if an element of the cross­section fans to satisfy the limits for class 3 sections it
should be taken as class 4. The occurence of local buckling in that element should be
considered in calculating the effective section properties (see table V.8) :
­ Aeff : the effective area of the cross­section subject to uniform compression
­ in the case of class 4 monosymmetrical cross­section:
N (= eNy> eNz): the shift of the relevant centroidal axis when the cross­section is
subject to uniform compression (single;
­ Weff (=Weff.y, Weff.z) : the effective section modulus of the cross­section when
subject only to bending moment about the relevant axis (single, single·

(2) Difficulties are met to determine immediately the class of an element submitted to
combined (N, M) loading because the classification depends on the design values of the
applied axial load Nsd and the bending moment Msd which are obtained from global
analysis of the structure.
The limiting proportions for classification are related to the position of plastic or elastic
neutral axis (parameters α or ψ); that position depends on stresses distribution across the
section in equilibrium with those design values of (Nsd, M$d)· Therefore the classification
of an element or a cross­section may be different according to the considered combination
of actions (Ν, M).
Then assumptions of class should be tried and verified with the results issued from the
global analysis.

(3) The class of cross­section submitted to combined (Nsd* Msd) loading could simply be
determined in taking into account more severe loading which allows an easier evaluation
of the elements class. If the limiting proportions are met and correspond to a satisfying
class, complex calculations (positioning of neutral axis) should have been avoided. Two
examples illustrate this proposal :
in case of web submitted to Ncompression and My. sd, it is easier to classify firstly the
web submitted to Ncompression>(see tables V.4, V.6 or V.7),
in case of web submitted to Ntension and, it is easier to classify firstly the web
submitted to single My^sd­(see tables V.3, V.4, V.6 or V.7).

(4) In case of I or H-sections submitted to bending about major axis (Mysd) and axial load
( the classification of the web may be determined with table V.9 by comparison of
the applied design axial load ( with the given limiting axial load (in compression or
in tension).
The table V.9 should be used (/9/) :
firstly by check of the limiting ratios between the applied axial load and the
plastic load of the web (= Aw-fy), to determine if the web is class 1 or class 2 (in this
case the ultimate limit state is based on plastic distribution of stresses across the
and if limits for class 2 are not met, by check of the limiting ratios between the
applied axial load Nx.Sd and the plastic load of the full section (= A.fy), to determine
if the web is class 3 or class 4 (in this case ultimate limit state is based on elastic
distribution of stresses across the section).

Table V.2 Determinant dimensions of cross-sections for classification

- Webs (internal elements perpendicular to axis of bending)(see tables V.3 and V.4)

Axis of .__d J _h
1 í Γ
bending t - ^W IW

d = h - 3t (t = tf = t j

Rolled sections Welded sections

- Outstand flanges (see tables V.3, V.4 and V.5) :

c **)
c **)
4 ί ^Ή ΓΊ i -Ί
I *Ê j¿ fc 1

—*— ι 1


Rolled sections Welded sections

- Internal flange elements (internal elements parallel to axis of bending)(see table V.6) :

TT . .1 . t . i
Axis of I \ %

Rolled sections Welded sections

- Circular tubes and angles (see table V.7) :

*) For a welded section the clear web depth d is measured :
. between welds for section classification
. between flanges for shear calculations (see chapter VIII)
**) For welded sections the outstand dimension c is measured from the toe of the weld.

Table V.3 Classification of cross-section : limiting width-to-thickness ratios for
class 1 & class 2 I c ross-sec tions submitted to different types of loading
Types Stresses Class 1 Class 2
of distribution for Web Flange Web Flange
loading class 1 & class 2 d/tw* c/tf£ d/tw* oltt<
I + I fy 10ε R 11ε
Ncompression N 33ε 38ε

1 L
W 9ε W 10ε
ι + ι

Ι + Ι fy

R 10ε R 11ε
Μν 72ε 83ε

W 9ε W 10ε

R 10ε R 11ε

ΙΓΓ-ΤΕΓ-Τ W 9ε W 10ε

-•N.M. α > 0,5 : R 10ε α>0,5 R 11ε

■Ν comp. - My
■5 396ε
W 9ε
W 10ε

Ι Έ 1 fy
-«S.My a<0,5 R 10ε α < 0,5 : R 11ε
Ntcns. - My "•àdH±i N ^ \
36ε 41,5ε
Ψ 9ε W 10ε
α α

iy R 10ε
Μ2 Æ 11ε
Ncomp. " Μ ζ 33ε 38ε

W 9ε W 10ε

Ι ­ Ι fy
R 10ε/α R Ιΐε/α
Ntens. - Μ ζ

W 9ε/α V^ 10ε / α
Values of d, t w , c, and tf + : stresses in compression R = rolled sections ;
are defined in table V.2 - : stresses in tension W = welded sections
fy (N/mm2) 235 275 355 420 460
= ^2357ζ ε(ιίΐ£40ητπι) 0,92 0,81 0,75 0,71
ε (if 40 mm < t < 100 mm) 0,96 0,84 0,78 0,74

Table V.4 Classification of cross­section : limiting width­to­thickness ratios for
class 3 I cross-sections submitted to différent types of loading
Types Stresses Class 3
of distribution for Web Flange
loading class 3 d / ui-w^ g/tfjj
I + I fy
R 15ε
N,compression N 42ε

W 14ε
l + l fv
R 15ε
—Γ— W ~+*sMy
M, 124ε

W 14ε

R 23ε Λ /057
Η-Ι---Τ W 2^057
ψ>­1 : R 15ε
■N comp. " M y
(l¥fy|< Ν) W 14ε
0,67 + 0,33ψ

( lfy/ψΙ < |fy|)

. i
­*>.M y ψ<­1 : R 15ε
Ntens. ­ M . d.__ 7fy./V
» ^
62ε(1­ψ) Λ /­ψ
^ - ^ W 14ε

ƒ? 23εΛ/ϋ^~(δ)
■Ν comp. " M z

fl-Ff-5" 42ε

W 21εΛσ w

H 9
^\MZ /? 23εβζ(α)
Ntenc - M ,

ψ 2Ì
B ^jk^(a)
Values of d, tw , c, and tf R = rolled sections;
+ : stresses m compression W = welded sections
are defined in table V.2 ­ : stresses in tension
ko is defined in table V.5
fv (N/mm2) 235 275 355 420 460
ε = ^2357Τι ε (if t < 40 mm) 0,92 0,81 0,75 0,71
ε(ΐί40πιηι<ΐ<100πιπι) 0,96 0,84 0,78 0,74

Table V.5 Buckling factor k0 for outstand flanges

Ψ kc Stress distribution kc Stress distribution

(compression positive) (compression positive)

-1,0 0,85 23,80

-0,9 0,82 20,05
-0,8 0,78 16,64
-0,7 0,75 13,58
-0,6 0,72 10,86 Compression
-0,5 0,69 8,48
-0,4 0,67 6,44
-0,3 0,64 4,74
-0,2 0,61 3,38
-0,1 0,59 2,37
-0,0 0,57 1,70
M (c)

Compression Compression
+0,0 0,57 σι 1,70 σ
L 2
+0,1 0,55 1,31
+0,2 0,53 1,07
+0,3 0,51 0,90

, .w
+0,4 0,50 0,78 " \

+0,5 0,48 0,69 Η

\ 'l
+0,6 0,47 0,61 \
+0,7 0,46 0,56 ί

+0,8 0,45 0,51 +

+0,9 0,44 0,47 \
„ ........................ ;
+ 1,0 0,43 0,43
(b) (d)

Note 1 ψ = σ2/σι and G21 £ Ι σι

Note 2 : The diagram shows a rolled section. For welded members the outstand
dimension c is measured from the toe of the weld (see table V.2).

Table V.6 C lassification of cross-section : limiting width-to-thickness ratios for
internal flange elements submitted to different types of loading

Type of loading Stresses distribution

classes 1,2 and 3
1 + fy
internal flange
h ~Ρ ι
1 Ν R (b-3tf)/tf <42ε
! ι
N compression I
- ■ ! r

O b/tf <42ε

class 1 class 2
internal flange

r> R α>-3ΐ£)Λί<33ε R (b-3tf)/tf£38e

O b/tf <33ε O b/tf <38ε

class 3
+ ]fy internal flange
+/ - * ^
-i-— V R (b-3tf)/tf <42ε
£\ J
O b/tf <42ε

Values of b and tf are defined in table V.2

+ : stresses m compression R = rolled hollow sections

- : stresses in tension O = other sections
fy (N/mm 2 ) 235 275 355 420 460
ε = Λ/2357Γ3 ε (if t{ < 4 0 m m ) 0,92 0,81 0,75 0,71
ε (if 40 mm < tf < 100 mm) 0,96 0,84 0,78 0,74

Table V.7 : Classification of cross-section : limiting width-to-thickness ratios for
angles and tubular sections submitted to different types of loading
Note : this table does not apply to angles in continuous contact with other components
Type of loading Stresses distribution class 1 class 2 class 3

]* h/t < h/t < h / t < 15 ε and

10 ε 11ε b+h
< 11,5 ε

M and, see table V.3 (classes 1 and 2) and table V.4 (class 3) with limiting
(Ν, M) width-to-thickness ratios concerning outstand flanges.

Tubular sections
Type of loading class 1 class 2 class 3

Ν compression
d/t <
M and,

(N,M) 50 ε2 70 ε2 90 ε2

Values of h, b, t and d are defined in table V.2 + : stresses in compression

fy (N/mm2) 235 275 355 420 460
ε (if t £ 40 m m ) 0,92 0,81 0,75 0,71
ε = ^235/f 3 ε (if 40 m m < t < 100 m m ) 0,96 0,84 0,78 0,74
ε2 (if t ^40 m m ) 0,85 0,66 0,56 0,51
ε 2 (if 40 m m < t < 100 m m ) 0,92 0,70 0,60 0,55

Table V.8 Effective cross-sectional data for symmetrical profiles (class 4 cross-sections)

Members in compression (N)

gross cross-section effective cross-section

b 1
Φ t. ε 56,8
ft Aeff
b 1
ί.ε 18,6

b 1
u Φ Aeff
s>_ -■ +
Ν t. ε 56,8 Il

Members in bending (My, Mz)

b 1 ®-b©
I + I Φ t-ε 138,8 i °'4-P<D-i-b®
_b£> Φ ^
T- ®

6 p weff
=t°' ' ®4-Γ b©(
b 1
ί.ε 18,6

kl φ b 1
ί.ε 21,4
-Ζ£ ρ ® : ω Weff

b 1 T- p ®' b ©
Φ ί.ε 138,8 ft Weff
3D fb©
b 1 °' 6 -P©+ b ©
ι.ε 56,8
fy (N/mrn^) 235 275 355 420 460
ε = ^/2357Γ5 ε (if t < 40 mm) 0,92 0,81 0,75 0,71
ε (if 40 mm < t < 100 mm) 0,96 0,84 0,78 0,74

Table V.9 Limiting values of axial load Nsjfor web classification of I cross-sections 1
subject to axial load NSd and to bending according to major axis Mysd
Coefficient Nsd/(A w .fy) Nsd/(A w .fy) Nsd/(A.fy)
dl(tw.e) for Classi web for Class 2 web for Class 3 web
32 ·) *) *)
34 0,946 *) *)
36 0,846 *) *)
38 0,757 *) *)
40 0,677 0,908 *)
42 0,604 0,824 *)
44 Ζ 0,538 0,748 0,931
46 O 0,478 0,679 0,868
48 HH
0,423 0,615 0,811

50 CA
0,372 0,557 0,758
cu 0,325 0,503 0,709
54 0,282 0,453 0,663
56 O 0,242 0,407 Ζ 0,621
58 u 0,204 0,363 O 0,582
60 0,169 0,323 HH
CA 0,545
62 0,136 0,285 CC 0,511

64 0,106 0,250 0,479
66 0,077 0,217 tu 0,449
68 0,050 0,186 0,421
70 0,024 0,156 O 0,394
~ΊΓ~ 0,000 0,128 0,369
74 ­0,023 0,102 0,345
76 ­0,045 0,077 0,322
78 ­0,077 0,053 0.301
80 ­0,100 0,031 0,280
83 ­0,133 L_ 0,000 I 0,252
85 ­0,153 ­0,024 0,234
90 ­0,200 ­0,078 0,192
95 ­0,242 ­0,126 0,155
100 z ­0,280 ­0,170 0,121
105 o
­0,314 ­0,210 0,091
110 co ­0,345 ζ ­0,245 0,063
115 Ζ ­0,374 o ­0,278 0,038
120 ω ­0,400 HH
c« ­0,308 0,015
"Î24 | ­0,419 Ζ ­0,331 0,000
125 ­0,424 W ­0,336 ­0,004
Η ζ
130 ­0,446 ­0,362 ­0,023
135 ­0,467 ­0,385 oCA ­0,040
140 ­0,486 ­0,407 ­0,057
145 ­0,503 ­0,428 Ζ ­0,071

150 ­0,520 ­0,447 ­0,085
Values of d, tw are defined in table V.2 Aw = (web areeι); Α = sectional area

Table V. 10 Examples of shift of centroidal axis of effective cross-sections

1. in case of monosvmmetrical class 4 cross-sections submitted to uniform compression

\N compression) ·




2. in case of class 4 cross-sections submitted to bending (My.Sd)


t: = :=0
II My.Sd
ι My.Sd
eMi: = e
Mf =*)

ι " 1

Notes :
-1-1 centroidal axis of gross cross-section

-2-2 centroidal axis of effective cross-section

- elements :
' r

non-effective zone of the element, taking into account the

occurence of local buckling.


Vl.a Generalities
(1) For each load case (see chapter ΙΠ) the global analysis of the frame (see chapter IV)
determines the design values for the following internal force which is applied to
members in tension and which shall be checked at ultimate limit states :

r£ ¿? .-y

x· -


(2) The flow­chart FC 6.1 presents the general procedure to check members in tension
at ultimate limit states (see the following page).
(3) The flow­chart FC 6.2 presents the particular procedure to check at ultimate limit states
angles connected by one leg and submitted to tension (see the second following page).
(4) The table VI. 1 provides a list of the checks to be performed at Ultimate Limit States for
the member submitted to axial tension (Ntension)· A member shall have sufficient bearing
capacity if all the checks (from φ ( 1 ) to φ ( 4 ) ) are fulfilled. Several checks (from φ ( 2 )
to φ ( 4 ) ) concern particular cases with specific conditions. All the checks have both
references to Eurocode 3 and to the design handbook.

Row-chart (FC 6.l) : Members in tension (Ntension)


C Determine ULS load cases J 1

ULS checks
Select stronger section
Select beam size (A, Anet) and steel grade (fy, fu) J
Determine the design tensile force from
global analysis of the structure:

Calculate the design plastic resistance

of the gross cross-section : Np£Rd

Calculate the design ultimate resistance

of the net cross-section (Anet) at holes for fasteners:

Determine the design tension resistance

of the cross-section:
Nt.Rd = min (Np£Rd, Nu.Rd)

no Select stronger section

Adopt section

Flow­chart (FC 6.2J : /Inpfes connected bv one lee and submitted to tension
rows: \^^^y/ rows:

Determine ULS load cases

ULS checks
Select stronger section

, f— .
Select angle size (A, An«) and steel grade (fy, fu) J

Determine the design tensile force from

global analysis of the structure:

Calculate the design plastic resistance

of the gross cross­section : Np£Rd

Angle connected yes

by one leg

yes Unequal­leg angle

7 connected by its
smaller leg ?

Calculate A* as the gross area

of an equivalent equal­leg Consider A* equal to the
angle of leg size equal to that gross area of the angle
of the smaller leg (A)

Bolted Type of ' Welded lap joint

10 connection connection end connection

Calculate the net section
12 C A*net from A*
( UseA*^)

Calculate the design ultimate resistance
13 of the bolted net section or welded gross section:

Determine the design tension resistance
of the cross­section:
14 NuRd = min (NpCRd, Nu.Rd)

15 Select stronger section »c

C Adopt section
J 16

Table VI.1 List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in tension (Ntension)
φ Axial tensile force iV^ Sd ■ References :
** General case:
(1) Resistance of gross cross-section to Nxsd :
[5.4.3 (1)] — Np£Rd (design plastic resistance of the gross cross­section) Vl.b.l (1)
** Particular cases:
(2) Resistance of the net cross-section to Nxsd if holes for fasteners :
[5.4.3 (1)]
[] Nx.Sd — N u .Rd (design resistance of the net cross­section considering the VI.b.2 (1)
net area of a member or element cross­section, A net )
(3) Resistance of net cross-section to Nxsd if angle connected by a
single row of bolts in one leg:
[ (2)] Nx.Sd — N u .R(j (design ultimate resistance of the net cross­section, A„et) VI.c.l (1)
considering the following cases for determination of Anet:
­ either, if unequal­leg angle connected by its smaller leg:
A net = the net section area of an equivalent equal­leg
angle of leg size equal to that of the smaller leg,
­ or, in other cases (equal­leg angle or unequal­leg angle
connected by its larger leg) :
A net = the net section area of the angle
(4) Resistance of cross-section to Nxsd if angle connected by
welding in one leg:
[6.6.10(3)] N x .Sd — N u .Rd (design ultimate resistance of the cross­section, A) VI.C.2 (1)
considering the following cases for determination of A:
­ either, if unequal­leg angle connected by its smaller leg:
A= the gross cross­section area of an equivalent
equal­leg angle of leg size equal to that of the
smaller leg,
­ or, in other cases (equal­leg angle or unequal­leg angle
connected by its larger leg) :
A= the gross cross­section area of the angle

VLb General verifications at ULS

VI.b. 1 Resistance of gross cross­section to Ntension
(1) For members in axial tension the design value of the tensile force at each
cross­section shall be checked for gross section yielding :

[5.4.3 (1)] Ν x.Sd < N pf.Rd

where NP£Rd is the design plastic resistance of the gross cross-section,

A is the gross cross-section (see table VI.2),
fy is the yield strength (see table II.4),
ΎΜΟ is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2).

vi,b.2 Resistance of net cross-section to Nlcn,1(>n
(1) For members in axial tension the design value of the tensile force at each
cross-section shall be checked for net section rupture at holes for fasteners :
0*9 A net f „
I5A3(1)1 N
x.Sd^Nu.Rd =

where Nu.Rd is the design ultimate resistance of the net cross-section,

A net is the net area of a member or element cross-section with appropriate
[54.2.2] deductions for all holes and other openings (see table VI.2),
f„ is the ultimate tensile strength (see table II.4),
7Ki2 is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2).

Table VL2 Gross and net cross-sections
Note: -A = gross cross-section
- Anet = net area of cross-section
l) Non staggered, holes ;

Νx.Sd Nx.Sd

A = section 1-1
Anet = section 2-2

2Ί Staggered holes : Ii2

Νx.Sd ■*—&"-rit Νx.Sd
' i
• i . rÅ. 1
­A = section 3­3
­ Anet = smaller of (section 1­1; section 2­2)

3) Angles with holes in both legs :

; spacing of the centres of the same two holes measured
perpendicular to the member axis

VI.C Particular verifications at ULS for angles connected by one leg
[5.4.3 (3)] (1) In these particular cases the effects of eccentricities in the connections may be neglected
with the following considerations of this chapter. Those considerations should also be
given in a similar way to other types of sections connected through outstands such as
T-sections ( Τ ) and channels ( [ ).
(2) The flow-chart FC 6.2 intends to present the particular cases of this chapter.
VI.c.l Connection with a single row of bolts
[ (2)] (1) Angles in tension (N x .sd) connected by a single row of bolts in one leg may be treated
as concentrically loaded with the following requirements :

for a 1 bolt connection £ N u . R d

A f
for a 2 bolts connection
x.Sd^N u - R d _ ß 2 n e t u 5


_ ß3 A n e t f u
for a 3 bolts connection : ^ Nu.Rd »

where NujRd is the design ultimate resistance of the net section,

&2 is the edge distance from the center of a fastener hole to the
adjacent edge of the angle (see table VI.4),
do is the hole diameter,
t is the material thickness,
fu is the ultimate tensile strength (see table Π.4),
ΎΜ2 is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2),
ß2, ß3 are reduction factors dependent on the pitch p i (see table VI.3),
Anet is the net area of the angle (see table VI.4) :
- if unequal-leg angle connected by its smaller leg, then A n e t = net
section area of an equivalent equal-leg angle of leg size equal to
that smaller leg,
- or, in other cases (equal-leg angle or unequal-leg angle connected
by its larger leg) : A n e t = the net section area of the angle.

ECCS n° 65
table 5.33 Table VI.3 Reduction factors & and/k

Pitch pi < 2,5 do 3,3 do 3,75 do 4,2 do >5do

2 bolts ß2 0,4 0,5 0,55 0,6 0,7
3 bolts and more ß3 0,5 0,6 0,7

For intermediate values of pi the values of ß 2 and ß3 may be determined by linear interpolation.

Table VL4 Connection of angles
1) Parameters for bolted connections :
Nx.Sd 4 O-O

** m » m-
Pi Pi i

2) An»t. net area of the bolted angle :

2.1) if unequal­leg angle connected by its smaller leg

-τι o -e

2.2) if unequal­leg angle connected by its larger leg or if equal­leg angle

-II - j j & "Θ
\ .

3) A. cross­sectional area of the welded angle :

3.1) if unequal­leg angle connected by its smaller leg :
c ((((((((((((((((



3.2) if unequal­leg angle connected by its larger leg of if equal­leg angle

b^, h
ί ffrrrrrrtrrrrrrr.

l i "Tí { Τ


VI.C.2 Connection bv welding

[6.6.10(2)] (1) Angles in tension ( welded by one leg may be treated as concentrically loaded with
the following assumptions :

N x .sd^N u.Rd -

where Nu.Rd is the design ultimate resistance of the cross-section,

A is the cross-sectional area of the angle (see table VI.4) :
- if unequal-leg angle welded by its smaller leg
then A = the gross cross-section area of an equivalent equal-leg
angle of leg size equal to that of the smaller leg,
- or, in other cases (equal-leg angle or unequal-leg angle welded by
its larger leg) : A = the gross cross-section area of the angle,
fy is the yield strength (see table Π.4),
YMO is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2).


VJl.a Generalities

(1) For each !oad case (see chapter ΙΠ) the global analysis of the frame (see chapter IV)
determines the design value for the following internal force which is applied to members
in compression and which shall be checked at ultimate limit states:

i£ 3* ..-y
Ν x.Sd

χ - - X


(2) The flow-chart FC 7 presents the general procedure to check members in compression at
ultimate limit states (see the following page).

(3) The table VILI provides a list of the checks to be performed at Ultimate Limit States for
the member submitted to axial compression (Ncompression)· A member shall have sufficient
bearing capacity if all the checks (from (J)(l) to (J)(9)) are fulfilled. Several checks (from
(T)(3) to φ ( 9 ) ) concern particular cases with specific conditions. All the checks have both
references to Eurocode 3 and to the design handbook.

Flow-chart (FC 1) : Members in compression (Ncompression) rows:

ί Determine ULS load cases J 1

ULS checks

C !T~¡ , · χ. ­r .^ \ \ Γ7Τ ^ Select stronger section

\ Select beam size (A, 1,1) and steel grade (fy) ρ —

ί Determine the design tensile force from global analysis of the structure: Nsd J
Classify the cross-section in compression J

ι ι /■ ' \ r 1
ι Class 1, 2 or 3 cross-section κ·—I Class of cross-section ) π Class 4 cross-section ι
I T I V ' L J
Calchiate the design compression
f— ~ι 1 of cross-section
Calculate effective area
resistance of the cross-section: NcRd Aeff and ratio β A = Aeff/ A

yes/ Bisymmetrical
Nsd < NcRd \ cross-section?
yes j
ι 1
ι Buckling resistance of the member ι Calculate the shift
, of centroidal axis: e^
Determine the buckling length Lb
of the member for each axis : Lb.y, Lb.z Determine additional bending moment
±Z ΔΜ = Ν . e N
ί Class of cross-section J to be checked with (N,M) interaction
__J" 1 r--* τ
ι Class 1,2 or 3 cross-section ι ι Class 4 cross-section ι
_ _ - f s , 3 1

Calculate the non-dimensional slenderness

ratio λιοί the member for each buckling axis: λy, λζ

Q Multiply λy and λζ by VßÄ )


C ι Select appropriate buckling curvei J

t * ' 1 Is

I Determinere reduction factor χ for each buckling axis: χ , χ J
j, ï 1
Calculate the design buckling resistance ¡of the
member Nb.Rd for each buckling axis: Nby.F(d, Nbz.Rd
ί Multiply Nby.Rd and Nbz.Rd by βΑ J

<^NSd < min(Nby.Rd, Nbz.Rd)^>-
yes j
Γ Adopt section J

Table VILI List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in compression
IN compression)

(ï) Axia| compressive force N* M : References :

** General cases:
(1) Resistance of cross-section to Nxsd ■'
[544(1)J Nx.Sd — Nc.Rd (design compression resistance of the cross-section J Vn.c.l (1)
(2) Stability of member to Nxsd ■'
[ (1)J Nx.Sd ^ NbJld (designflexuralbuckling resistance of the member) Vn.c.2.1 (2)
[Annex G] and, ^ design torsional buckling resistance of member Vn.c.2.2
[Annex G] and, ^ design flexural­torsional buckling resistance of member Vn.c.2.2
** Particular cases:
(3) Resistance of cross-section to Nxsd, if class 4 monosymmetrical
[54.8.3 (2)] interaction (,, ^ 1 Vn.d.l (1)
w h e r e A M s d = N X .sd-eN (= additional moment due to the eccentricity of the ■

centroidal axis of the effective cross-section, eN)

(4) Stability of member to Nxsd if class 4 monosymmetrical cross-
interaction ( ,, ^ 1 Vn.d.2 (1)

where AM$d = N x .Sd-CN (= additional moment due to the eccentricity of the

centroidal axis of the effective cross-section, eN)

(5) Stability of member to Nxsd

if class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section,
i/cN.y *0and,
[53.2(7)] if λ w > 0,4 (potential lateral-torsional buckling): Vm.e.2 (3)
[5.5.4 (6)] interaction ( » AM y .sd, ^ 1 Vn.d.2 (2)
where AMsd = N x .sd-6N (= additional moment due to the eccentricity of the
centroidal axis of the effective cross-section, e^)
(6) Resistance of net cross-section to Nxsd if angle connected by a
single row of bolts in one leg:

[6523 (2)] N x .Sd ¡» Nuüd (design ultimate resistance of the net cross-section, Α,,^) Vn.e.l.l(l)
considering the following cases for determination of Anet:
- either, if unequal­leg angle connected by its smaller leg:
Anet = the net section area of an equivalent equal­leg
angle of leg size equal to that of the smaller leg,
­ or, in other cases (equal­leg angle or unequal­leg angle
connected by its larger leg) :
Anet = the net section area of the angle
(checks nr φ to be continued)

Table VILI List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in compression
(■N compression)

(T) Axial compressive force Nr- KA : References :

** Particular cases: (continuation)
(7) Stability of member to Nx_sd if angle connected by a single row of
bolts in one leg:

[ (3)] N x .Sd— Nb.Rd (design flexural buckling resistance of the member considering the VILe. 1.2 (1)
gross cross­sectional area of the angle, A)
w i t h Nbjid ^ N u .Rd
(design ultimate resistance of the net cross­section presented in φ(6))

(8) Resistance of cross-section to Nx¿d if angle connected by

welding in one leg:
[6.6.10(2)] N x .Sd — N u .Rd (design ultimate resistance of the cross­section, A) Vn.e.2.1 (1)
considering the following cases for determination of A:
­ either, if unequal­leg angle connected by its smaller leg:
A= the gross cross­section area of an equivalent
equal­leg angle of leg size equal to that of the
smaller leg,
­ or, in other cases (equal­leg angle or unequal­leg angle
connected by its larger leg) :
A= the gross cross­section area of the angle
(9) Stability of member to Nxsd if angle connected by welding in one
[6.6.10(3)] Nx.Sd — Nbj^d (designflexuralbuckling resistance of the member considering
the gross cross­sectional area of the angle, A)
Vn.e.2.2 (1)

VILb Classification of cross­sections

(1) At ultimate limit states the resistance of cross­sections may be limited by its local
buckling resistance. In order to take into account that limitation the different elements
(flange, web) of the cross­sections shall be classified according to the rules defined in
chapter V.
(2) For cross­sections submitted to uniform compression ( the classification may
specifically be determined according to the procedure defined in chapter V.d.l.

VILe General verifications at ULS
VII.C. 1 Resistance Of CrOSS-SeCtion tO Ncompression

[544 (1)] (1) For members in axial compression, the design value for the compressive force at
each cross-section shall satisfy:
c.Rd depending on classes of cross-section:
Class 1,2 or 3 class 4
Af v _ Aeff f y
[form. (5.16)] N = Npf.Rd=-^
Nx.Sd ^ cRd

where N c R d is the design compression resistance of the gross cross-section,

Νp£Rd is the design plastic resistance of the cross-section,
A is the area of the gross cross-section,
Aeff is the effective area of the cross-section (see chapter V),
fy is the yield strength (see table Π.4),
ΎΜ0.ΥΜ1 are partial safety factors (see table 1.2).
[5.44 (5)] (2) Fastener holes need not to be allowed for in compression members, except for oversize
and slotted holes.

VII.C.2 Stability of member to Nœmpiession

(1) The stability of members submitted to concentrical compressive force shall be checked
according to the following buckling modes : flexural buckling, torsional buckling and
flexural-torsional buckling.
VII.c.2.1 Resistance toflexuralbuckling

(1) The compression members shall be checked to flexural buckling mode (buckling by plane
bending) according to both principal axes of the section (major axis: yy; minor axis: zz)
with the appropriate buckling lengths (Lb.y, LD.z).
[53.1.1 (l)] (2) For members in axial compression the design value of the compressive force shall

Nb Rd depending on classes of cross-section:

Class 1, 2 or 3 Class 4
[form. (5.45)1 N
_ Xy A f y _ Xy Aeff fy
X.Sd ^ Nby.Rd
_ XZ A f y _ XZ Aeff f y
Nx.Sd ^ Nbz.Rd

where N ^ j ^ , N b ^ R d , Nbjid are the design buckling resistances of compression member

about y and ζ axes, and in general,
Xy, Xz are the reduction factors for the buckling mode about y and
ζ axes,
A is the area of the gross cross-section,
Aeff is the effective area of the cross-section (see chapter V),
is the yield strength (see table Π.4),
ΎΜ1 is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2).

[ (i)] (3) For constant axial compression in members of constant cross-section, the value of χ
(Xy> Xz ) is related to the appropriate non-dimensional slenderness λ ( λ γ , λ ζ ) :

[form. (5.46)] x = f(A) = ι2 , buttø <1|

Φ+νψ -λ?
where φ = 0,5[ΐ + α ( λ - 0 , 2 ) + λ 2 ] ,
α is an imperfection factor (see table VII.2), depending on the appropriate
buckling curve.
The buckling reduction factor χ is given in function of λ and the appropriate buckling
curve in table VII.6. When λ < 0,2 flexural buckling is not a potential failure mode.

Table VH.2 Imperfection factors a

Buckling curve ao a b c d
Imperfection factor α 0,13 0,21 0,34 0,49 0,76

(4) The appropriate buckling curve of a member depends on the type of cross-section. For
hot-rolled I-sections the buckling curve also depends on steel grades (see table VQ.4).

(5) The non-dimensional slendernesses (Xy,Xz) shall be taken as:

xy=^VßI and *·*=·?■ VßA

where (λ*νy,λ
' v zζ
) are the slendernesses of the member:

[form.(547)l and

where L0.y, LD.Z are the buckling lengths of the member about y and ζ axes,
iy, iz are the radius of gyration about the y and ζ axes determined
using the properties of the gross cross­section (Iy, Iz and A),
where λι is the Euler slenderness for buckling (see table VII. 3),
βA is a factor considering the effect of local buckling if class 4 cross­
ßA=l , for class 1, 2 or 3 cross­sections,
D _ Aeff
, for class 4 cross­sections.

Table VH.3 Va ue of Euler slenderness Xj

Steel grade S 235 S 275 S 355 S 420 S 460

λ ι = π
93,91 86,81 76,41 70,25 67,12
­ ^

[table 5.5.3] Table VIL4 Selection of buckling curve for a cross-section

Buckling Buckling curves

Cross-section Limits for steel grades
S 235
about axis S 420 S 460
to S 355
Rolled I-sections : with h/b > 1,2 and :
. tf ^ 4 0 mm yy a a ao
b zz b a ao
. 40<tf < 100 mm yy b b a
zz c b a
with h/b <, 1,2 and :
y_- tf £ 100 mm yy b b a
zz c b a
with any h/b and
yy d d c
tf > 100 mm d d
zz c

Welded I-sections
ζ ζ if tf <, 40 mm yy b

y zz c
Hollow sections :
if tf > 40 mm yy

hot finished any a

cold formed
+ + (using fyb *))

Welded box sections : generally as

(except as below) any

thick welds and

b/tf < 30 yy c
h/tw < 30 zz c
+ +
Angles, channels, tees and solid sections :
iL· ι
* ■ ■s > ι

Note : *) fyb is the basic yield strength of the flat steel material before cold forming

[ (i)] (6) The buckling length Lb O^b.y» Lb.z) of a compression member with both ends effectively
[ (2)] held in position laterally may conservatively be taken as equal to its system length L; or
alternatively, the buckling length may be determined using informative Annex E of
Eurocode 3.
Buckling lengths of columns in a non­sway mode are provided in table VII.5 for different
boundary conditions.

Table VH.5 Buckling length of column : Lb

length Lb



N,sd 0,7 L

N x.Sd 0,5 L

[5.8.3] (7) For angles in compression ( connected with appropriate fixity (at least two bolts if
bolted) the eccentricities may be neglected if following effective slenderness ratios λ ^
are used to determine the design buckling resistance (Nb.Rd) of compression angles.

buckling about the ν ν axis: Kfí.v =0,35+0,7 λν

λβΓί.χ = 0,50 + 0,7 Xy

buckling about the yy or zz axis:
Ι λ ε ί ί . ζ = 0 , 5 0 + 0,7λ ζ

where λ ν , λ γ , λ ζ are non-dimensional slenderness ratios respectively about w axis, yy

axis and zz axis (axes are defined in table 0.1).

[table 5.5.2] If
Table VH.6 Reduction factors χ = f( λ )

λ χ for buckling curve

ao a b c d
0,2 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
0,3 0,9859 0,9775 0,9641 0,9491 0,9235
0,4 0,9701 0,9528 0,9261 0,8973 0,8504
0,5 0,9513 0,9243 0,8842 0,8430 0,7793
0,6 0,9276 0,8900 0,8371 0,7854 0,7100
0,7 0,8961 0,8477 0,7837 0,7247 0,6431
0,8 0,8533 0,7957 0,7245 0,6622 0,5797
0,9 0,7961 0,7339 0,6612 0,5998 0,5208
1,0 0,7253 0,6656 0,5970 0,5399 0,4671

1.1 0,6482 0,5960 0,5352 0,4842 0,4189

1,2 0,5732 0,5300 0,4781 0,4338 0,3762
1,3 0,5053 0,4703 0,4269 0,3888 0,3385
1,4 0,4461 0,4179 0,3817 0,3492 0,3055
1,5 0,3953 0,3724 0,3422 0,3145 0,2766
1,6 0,3520 0,3332 0,3079 0,2842 0,2512
1,7 0,3150 0,2994 0,2781 0,2577 0,2289
1,8 0,2833 0,2702 0,2521 0,2345 0,2093
1,9 0,2559 0,2449 0,2294 0,2141 0,1920
2,0 0,2323 0,2229 0,2095 0,1962 0,1766

2,1 0,2117 0,2036 0,1920 0,1803 0,1630

2,2 0,1937 0,1867 0,1765 0,1662 0,1508
2,3 0,1779 0,1717 0,1628 0,1537 0,1399
2,4 0,1639 0,1585 0,1506 0,1425 0,1302
2,5 0,1515 0,1467 0,1397 0,1325 0,1214
2,6 0,1404 0,1362 0,1299 0,1234 0,1134
2,7 0,1305 0,1267 0,1211 0,1153 0,1062
2,8 0,1216 0,1182 0,1132 0,1079 0,0997
2,9 0,1136 0,1105 0,1060 0,1012 0,0937
3,0 0,1063 0,1036 0,0994 0,0951 0,0882

Vlf,C¿,2 Resistance to torsionnal buckling and to flexural-torsional buckling

[ (3)] (1) In some cases the torsional or flexural­torsional buckling modes may govern. Reference
may be made to the Annex G of Eurocode 3 which is not officially available yet

VILd Particular verifications at ULS for class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section
(1) This chapter concerns monosymmetrical cross-sections (channels ([), T-sections (T) and
angles (L): see table 0.1) which are class 4 in uniform compression.
(2) Monosymmetrical class 4 effective cross-section subject to uniform compression induces
a shift of the centroidal axis eN (see chapter V). An additional bending moment ΔΜ due to
that eccentricity of the centroidal axis eN shall be taken into account:

[5.3.5 (7)] AMSd = Nx.Sd e N

(3) The criteria presented in this chapter VILd may be used for uniaxial and biaxial bending.
VTLd. 1 Resistance of cross-section to Ncompression
[54.4(3)] (1) For members of class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section submitted to axial compression,
the design values of the compressive force combined with bending moment AMsd
shall satisfy in each cross-section:

[] interaction (NX;Sd,AMy,Sd,AMz.Sd) £ 1

where the interaction formula is given in chapter LX.d. 1.4„ = eNy » is the additional bending moment about major axis due to the
eccentricity of the centroidal axis y (eNy) of the effective
cross-section subject to uniform compression, = eNz, is the additional bending moment about minor axis due to
the eccentricity of the centroidal axis ζ (eNz) of the effective
cross-section subject to uniform compression
Vn.d.2 Stability Of member tO Ncompression
(1) For members of class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section submitted to axial compression,
the design value of the compressive force combined with bending moment AMsd
shall satisfy:

[5.5.4 (5)] interaction (N xSd ,AM y<Sd ,AM zSd )< 1

where the interaction formula is given in table IX.6 (see chapter IX.d.2.2),
AMy.Sd = e-Ny (see VII.d.l), = eNz (see VHd.1).
[55.2(7)] (2) If there is an eccentricity of the centroidal axis about major axis y (eNy), then it induces an
additional bending moment about major axis (· m that case, if the appropriate non-
dimensional slenderness λτ Τ >0,4 (see chapter VIILe.2), then lateral-torsional buckling is
a potential failure mode and a supplementary check has to be taken into account as follows

[5.5.4(6)] interaction (N X S d ,AM y Sd ,AM z Sd ) < 1

where the interaction formula is given in table IX.7 (see chapter LX.d.2.2), = eNy (see VILd. 1), = eNz (seeVn.d.l).

VILe Particular verifications at ULS for angle connected by one leg

[54.3 (3)] (1) In these particular cases the effects of eccentricities in the connections may be neglected
thanks to the following considerations of chapter VII.e. Those considerations should also
be given in a similar way to other types of sections connected through outstands such as
T-sections (T) and channels ([).
VILe. 1 Connection with a single row of bolts
VILe.1.1 Resistance of cross-section to Ncompression
[ (2)] (1) Angles in compression ( connected by a single row of bolts in one leg may be
treated as concentrically loaded with the following requirements:

N x.Sd <ΞΝu.Rd

where Nu.Rd is the design ultimate resistance of net cross-section (see chapter VLc. 1).
VILe.1.2 Stability of member to Ncompression
[ (3)] (1) For angles in axial compression connected by a single row of bolts in one leg , the design
value of the compressive force shall satisfy:

Ν x.Sd < N b.Rd but Ν b.Rd < N u.Rd

where Nb.Rd is the design buckling resistance of the compression angle
(see chapter VII.c.2.1 (2)), where the gross cross-sectional area of the angle
(A) is used,
Nu.Rd is the design ultimate resistance of net cross-section (see chapter VI.c.l),
where the net area of the angle (Anet) is used.

VII.e.2 Connection by welding

VU.e2.1 Resistance of cross-section to N.

[6.6.10 (3)] (1) Angles in compression ( welded by one leg may be treated as concentrically
loaded with the following requirements:

Ν x.Sd < N u.Rd

where NuRd is the design ultimate resistance of cross-section (see chapter VI.c.2).
ΥΠ, e,2,2 Stability of member to Ncompression
[6.6.10 (3)] (1) For angles in axial compression welded by one leg , the design value of the compressive
force shall satisfy:

Ν x.Sd < N b.Rd

where ND.Rd is the design buckling resistance of the compression angle

(see chapter Vfl.c.2.1 (2)), where the gross cross-sectional area of the angle
(A) is used.


Vlll.a Generalities

(1) For each load case (see chapter ΠΓ) the global analysis of the frame (see chapter IV)
determines the design values for the following effects of actions which are applied to
members in bending and which shall be checked at serviceability limit states and at
ultimate limit states :
- For SLS : . vertical deflections (δν),
. vibrations (f)
- For ULS : separate or combined shear forces and bending moments :

M z.Sd
r£ &
-y ι
χ -

φ M,

(2) The flow-chart FC 8 presents the general procedure to check I-section members in
bending at SLS and at ULS (see the following page).

(3) The table VIII. 1 provides a list of the checks to be performed at Ultimate Limit States for
the member in bending (V; M; (V,M)). A member shall have sufficient bearing capacity if
all the checks are fulfilled according to the loading applied to that member. For instance,
in the case of loading nr φ , all checks from φ ( 1 ) to (D(3) have to be satisfied. Several
checks in the table VQI.l concern particular cases with specific conditions. All the checks
have both references to Eurocode 3 and to the design handbook.
The table VIII. 1 proposes the following loadings applied to the member:

φ Shear force Vsd ·' or V^sd

Uniaxial bending moment Msd :
Biaxial bending moments (My <M . M^sd) :

@ Interaction of shear force and uniaxial bending moment (Vsd> Msd )'·
( or (Vy.Sd andM^sd)
Interaction of shear forces and biaxial bending moments (Vsd> My.sdt M^sd) '■
( and and ( and M^sd)

Flow-chart (FC 8) : Design of I members in uniaxial bending (Vt:Mv:(VzMv)) or (Vv:Mz:(VvMzì)

Determine ULS load cases Determine SLS load cases 1

i I —
ULS checks SLS checks

ïι Select beam size (A, I, We; Wp/) and steel grade (fy) ΐ' }
Select stronger section
1- ι 1 ~
Determine the design shear forces (Vz.Sd ;
and design bending moments ( ;
from the global analysis of the structure
Determine vertical deflections
and vibrations 3 S

cCalculate shear resistance of cross-section

ion Vp£Rd J 6

(Classify the cross-section in bending; if class 4 calculate Weff J

.Vz.Sd no /tw<( Calculate Vba.Rd shear 10
buckling resistance of the web] 11
yes. 12

Calculate design bending moment

resistance of cross-section McRd 13
for the class of the cross-section 14

Si 15
s 16
s 17
Consider Mv.Rd = McRd culate Mv.Rd)
(i «8 18
C Calculate Mcy.Rd for the class of the cross-section J
yes < y l s d £ 0,5 Vb¡j£>— no
• 22

Consider Mvby.Rd f 23
equal to Mcy.Rd Calculate Mvby.Rd reduced 24
by shear buckling 25
Calculate the slenderness ratio λ ί τ


yes Calculate Mb.Rd

design lateral-torsional
buckling resistance moment

-J- J 29

»(Adopt section if both series ULS and SLS checks are fulfilled^ 30

Table VIILI List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in bending
according to the applied internal forces and/or moments(V;M;(V,M))
(Î) Shear force V v : References :

(1) Resistance of cross-section to Vsd ·"

[54.6 (1)] V s d — Vpi.Rd (design plastic shear resistance of the cross­section) Vm.d.l (1)

[] (2) Resistance of cross-section to Vzsd, if web with a group of table VTII.6
fastener holes near the end of a beam :
V z .Sd ^ Veff.Rd (design value of the effective resistance to block shear) Vm.d.l (3)
[5.6.1 (1)] (3) Stability of web to Vzsd, ifdltw > 69ε : table Vm.7
[5.6.3 (1)] Vz.Sd — VbaUd (design shear buckling resistance) Vm.d.2 (5)
(5) Uniaxial bending moment Mw :

(1) Resistance of cross-section to Msd-

[ (1)] M s d ^ McRd (design uniaxial bending moment resistance of the cross­section) VDI.e.1 (1)
[ (2)]
[55.2(7)] (2) Stability of member to Mysd >if ^LT > 0,40 : Vm.e.2 (3)
[55.2 (1)]
My.Sd — Mb.Rd (design lateral­torsional buckling resistance moment of the member) VDI.e.2 (4)
(3) Biaxial bending moments (My sd. Mz <? ,/) :

(1) Resistance of cross-section to (Mysd, Mzsd)'· vm.f.1 (i)

[] interaction ( , ^ 1, for class 1 and 2 cross­section LX.d.1.2 (2)
[] for class 3 cross­section rx.d.1.3 (1)
[] for class 4 cross­section LX.d. 1.4(1)

(2) Stability of member to (My_sd, Mzsd)'· vm.f.2 (i)

[55.4 (1)] interaction ( » ^ 1, for class 1 and 2 cross­section table ΓΧ.4
[5.5.4 (3)] for class 3 cross­section
table LX.5
for class 4 cross­section table LX.6
[55.2(7)] Vni.e.2 (3)
(3) Stability of member to Mysd ,if λυτ > 0,40 :

[55.2(1)] My.Sd — Mb.Rd (design lateral­torsional buckling resistance moment of the member) Vffl.e.2 (4)
[55.2 (7)] (4) Stability of member to (,, if %>LT > 0,40 Vni.e.2 (3)
(potential lateral-torsional buckling) : VUI.f.2 (2)

Γ55.4 (2)1 interaction ( , ^ 1, for class 1 and 2 cross­section table ΓΧ.4
[5.5.4(4)] for class 3 cross­section table IX.5
[554(6)] for class 4 cross­section table ΓΧ.7

Table VIILI List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member iiι bending
according to the applied internal forces and/or moments!V;M;(V,M))
Œ) Interaction of shear force and uniaxial bending moment (VIA. M*A ): References :
154.7(2)] If Vsd ^ 0,5 Vpi.Rd then interaction (Vsd, Msd ) is not considered and vm.d.i (1)
checks nr φ and nr @ of this table Vffi. 1 shall be performed,
with the following check nr @ (6). vm.g.i (i)
154.7(3)] If Vsd > 0¿ Vpijid then interaction (Vsd, Msd ) has to be considered vm.g.i.i (i)
following checks shall be carried out :
(1) Resistance of cross-section to Vsd'·
154.6(1)] vm.d.i (i)
V sd ^ Vpi.Rd (design plastic shear resistance of the cross-section)
[65.2.2(1)] table Vm.6
(2) Resistance of cross-section to Vzsd, if web with a group of
fastener holes near the end of the beam :
[65.2.2(2)] Vffl.d.l.(3)
V^sd ^ Veff.Rd (design value of the effective resistancetoblock shear)

[5.45.1 (1)] (3) Resistance of cross-section to Msd'.

[54.5.1 (2)] vm.e.i (1)
Msd ίΞ M c .Rd (design uniaxial bending moment resistance of the cross-section)
[55.2(7)1 Vm.e.2 (3)
(4) Stability of member to Mysd, if λυτ > 0,40 :
[55.2(1)] Vm.e.2 (4) — Mh.Rd (design lateral-torsional buckling resistance moment of the member)

(5) Resistance of cross-section to (Vsd, Msd)'·

154.7(3)] vm.g.i.i(i)
M sd — MViRd (design plastic resistance moment reduced by shear force)
table Vm.7
[5.6.1 (1)]
(6) Stability of web to (Vzsd, MySd), ifd/tw > 69ε :
One of the three following checks ((5.1), (5.2), (5.3))
shall be fulfilled :
[] Vm.g.2(3)®
(6.1) If My.Sd ^ Mf.Rd (design plastic moment resistance of
cross-section with the flanges only)
Vm.d.2 (5)
then V z .sd ^ V ^ R d (design shear buckling resistance of the web)
[] Vm.g.2(3)@
(6.2) If M y .sd > MtRd and V z . S d <, 0,5 V ^ d
vm.e.i (1)
then My.Sd — McyJld (design uniaxial bending moment resistance
of the cross-section)
[] vm.g.2(3)(D
(6.3) If > Mfju and V^sd > 0,5 VbaLRd
then Mysd ^ design moment resistance reduced by shear
buckling (interaction (, My.Sd))
and, ^ M ^ j ^ Vm.e.l (1)
Vm.d.2 (5)
and, ^ V^ju

Table VIILI List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in bending
according to the applied internal forces and/or moments(V;M;(V,M))
Interaction of shear forces and biaxial bending moments References
(Vsd, Myjsd, :
[5.4.7 (2)] If Vsd ^ 0,5 Vpiüd then interaction (Vsd,, is not considered Vm.d.l (1)
and checks nr φ and nr ® of this table VU. 1 shall
be performed, with the following check nr (§) (7). vm.g.i(i)

[54.7 (3)] If Vsd > 0¿ Vpijid then interaction (VSd, My.Sd, Mz.Sd) is to be vm.g.i.i (i)
considered and following checks shall
be carried out :

(1) Resistance of cross-section to Vzsd'·

[54.6 (1)] V z .sd — VpURd (design plastic shear resistance of the cross­section) vm.d.i (i)

[ (1)] (2) Resistance of cross-section to Vsd, if web with a group of fastener table Vm.6
holes near the end of a beam :
[65.2.2(2)] V s d — Veff.Rd (design value of the effective resistance to block shear) vm.d.i (3)
[55.2(7)] (3) Stability of member to Mysd ,if λυτ > 0,40 : Vm.e.2 (3)
[55.2 (1)] M y .Sd — Mb.Rd (design lateral­torsional buckling resistance moment of the member) Vm.e.2 (4)
(4) Stability of member to (Mysd,'· vm.f.2 (i)
[55.4(1)] interaction ( » ^ 1 » for class 1 and 2 cross­section table IX.4
[5.5.4(3)] for class 3 cross­section table ΓΧ.5
[554(5)1 for class 4 cross­section table ΓΧ.6
[55.2 (7)] (5) Stability of member to (,, if ALT > 0,40 Vm.e.2 (3)
(potential lateral-torsional buckling) : Vm.f.2 (2)
[55.4 (2)] interaction ( » ^ 1, for class 1 and 2 cross­section table LX.4
[55.4 (4)] for class 3 cross­section table ΓΧ.5
[5.5.4 (6)] for class 4 cross­section table LX.7
(6) Resistance of cross-section to (Vgd, Mysd, Mzsd)'· vm.g.i.2
[] interaction ( , ^ 1, for class 1 and 2 cross­section Vm.g.l.2(2)
[] for class 3 cross­section Vffl.g.l.2(3)
[] for class 4 cross­section Vm.g.l.2(3)
where design resistance moments are reduced by shear forces but
limited by appropriate values of moment resistance according to :
[5.4.7 (3)] Mv.Rd (design plastic resistance moment reduced by shear force), vm.g.i.i (i)
With My.Rd — M c jRd (design uniaxial bending moment
[5.45.1 (1)] VIILe.l (1)
[54.5.1 (2)] resistance of the cross­section),

in other words, with Mvy.Rd ^ McyRd and Mvz.Rd ^ Mcz.Rd

(checks nr © to be continued)

Table VOLI List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in bending
according to the applied internal forces and/or moments(V;M;(V,M))
Interaction of shear forces and biaxial bending moments References
(continuation) (Vsd, Mysd, Mzjsd)
[5.6.1 (1)] (7) Stability of web (Vzsd, MySd), ifdftw > 69ε : table Vni.7
One of the three following checks ((6.1), (6.2), (6.3))
shall be fulfilled :
[] VULg.2(3)®|
(6.1) If ^ Mf,Rd (design plastic moment resistance of
cross­section with the flanges only)
t h e n V z .Sd — VbaJld (design shear buckling resistance of the web)
Vm.d.2 (5)
(6.2) If > MfJU and V^sd $ 0,5Vba.Rd
then — M C y«d (design uniaxial bending moment resistance vm.e.i (1)
of the cross­section)
(6.3) If > Mfju and Vz.Sd > 0,5Vba.Rd vm.g.2(3)(D
then ^ design moment resistance reduced by shear vm.g.2(3)(D
buckling (interaction (V^sd,
and, ^ Mcy­Rd vm.e.i (1)
and, ^ Vbajw Vin.d.2 (5)

VIILI) Verifications at SLS

Vlll.b.l Deflections
(1) Steel structures and components shall be so proportioned that deflections are within limits
agreed between the clients, the designer and the competent authority as being appropriate
to the intended use and occupancy of the building and the nature of the materials to be
(2) The deflections should be calculated making due allowance for any second order effects,
the rotational stiffness of any semi­rigid joints and the possible occurrence of any plastic
deformations at the serviceability limit state.
(3) The values given in table Vm.2 are empirical values. They are intended for comparison
with the results of calculations and should not be interpreted as performance criteria.
[4.2.2(1)] to
[4.2.2 (3)] (4) The design values for the vertical deflections (δν) (see chapters ΙΠ and IV) should be
lower limiting values given in table VIII.2. Those limiting values are illustrated by
reference to the simply supported beam shown in table VHI.3.

Table VIII.2 Recommended limiting values for vertical deflections
ECCS n°65
table 4.2 Conditions Limits
Omax δ2
roofs generally L/200 L/250
roofs frequently carrying personnel other than for maintenance L/250 L/300
floors generally L/250 L/300
floors and roofs supporting brittle finish or non­flexible partitions L/250 L/350
floors supporting columns (unless the deflection has been L/400 L/500
included in the global analysis for the ultimate limit state)
where omax can impair the appearance of the building L/250 ­

L = span of the beam; for cantilever beams : L = twice cantilever span

Discharge of rainwater:
slope of the roof less than 5% check that rainwater cannot collect in pools
slope of the roof less than 3% additional check that incremental collapse cannot
occur due to the weight of water

ECCS n°65
table 4.1 Table Vffl.3 Vertical deflections to be considered
­Tnax = the sagging in the final state
Omax = δι + 02 ­ δο relative to the straight line
State 0 joining the supports,
δο = the pre­camber (hogging) of
the beam in the unloaded state
♦ δο (state 0),
δι = variation of the deflection of
'max the beam due to permanent
loads (G) immediately after
loading (state 1),
θ2 = variation of the deflection of
the beam due to the variable
loading (Q) (state 2).

Vni.b.2 Dynamic effects ­ vibrations
[4.3] (1) The vibrations of structures on which the public can walk shall be limited to avoid
significant discomfort to users.
(2) The design values for the effects of actions (vertical deflections (δν) and natural frequency
(f)) (see chapters ΙΠ and IV) should be limited by the values given in table Vm.4. Those
limiting values may be relaxed where justified by high damping values.
ECCS n°65
table 44 Table VIIL4 Recommended limiting values for floor vibrations
f>fe δν < δι + Ô2
Type of floor lowest natural frequency limited total deflection
U [Hz] δι + θ2 [mm]
Floors over which people walk regularly 3 28
(offices, dwellings,...)
Floors which are jumped or danced on
in a rhythmical manner (gymnasium, 5 10
dance hall,...)
# 1 α Í1T
fe = [HZ1
fe natural frequency
E modulus of elasticity
I second moment of area
L span
m mass per unit length
α coefficient of frequency of the basis mode vibration

α = 9,869 α = 22,37 α = 3,516 α =15,418

V111 .c C lassification of cross-section

(1) At ultimate limit states the resistance of cross­section may be limited by its local buckling
resistance. In order to take into account that limitation the different elements (flange, web)
of the cross­sections shall be classified according to the rules defined in chapter V.
(2) For cross­sections submitted to bending moments (, the classification may
specifically be determined according to the procedure defined in chapter V.d.2.

vm.d Verifications at ULS to shear force VSd

VIII.d.l Resistance of cross-section to VSd

[5.4.6 (1)]
(1) For members submitted to shear force the design value of the shear force V Sd (> at each cross-section shall satisfy :

[form. (5.20)] V
z.Sd - V
pf.z.Rd - A

where V p£z R d , Vp/;y.Rd are the design plastic shear resistances about ζ and y axes,
/ \ y
vz 'J "* *v y
are the shear areas about ζ and y axes, given in table VHL5,
is the yield strength (see table Π.4),
YmO is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2).

[5.4.6 (8)] (2) Fastener holes need not be allowed for in shear verifications provided that:

[form. (5.21)]

where Av is the shear area (see table Vm.5),

is the yield strength (see table Π.4),
fu is the ultimate tensile strength (see table Π.4).

When is less than this limit, an effective shear area of (fu/fy) may be assumed.
[ (l)] (3) Near the end of a member with a group of fastener holes in webs the "block shear" failure
shall be prevented by using appropriate hole spacing.
The design value of shear force ( applied to the web shall satisfy :

_ 0,6 f u
ECCS n°65 z.Sd <veff.Rd YM2
form. (5.18)

where Veff.Rd is the design value of the effective resistance to block shear, is the effective shear area (see table VIII.6),
fu is the ultimate tensile strength (see table Π.4),
γΜ2 is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2).

Table VHX5 Shear area Av for cross­sections

Cross­sections Loading

parallel A v.7. — A ­ 2btf + (tw + 2r)tf t«,—' L
to web
1 V I
Load 4 r
I and H
A v .y — 2btf + (tw + r) tw ¿ür

|V 2 .Sd
sections Load *t4
parallel A v . z — (h ­ 2tf) t.
to web
*) lVy.Sd
parallel tw, —tf
Ay y — A ­ (h ­ 2tf) tw X

Rolled channel
t 'z.Sd

parallel Αγ,ζ —
A ­ 2btf + (tw + r)tf
to web HUf

1 'z.Sd

parallel Αγ.ζ — Ah
to depth b+ h
Rolled rectangular
hollow sections ±±+
of *) |Vy.Sd
uniform thickness Load
parallel Ah
Av.y —
breadth b+ h
*) Vsd
Circular hollow sections
and tubes of uniform thickness 2A
*) Vsd .Vsd
Plates and solid bars

Note : *) A is the total cross­sectional area

ECCS n°65
table 5.34 Table Vm.6 Determination of for block shear resistance


a2 = t ( Lv + Li + L 2 - (n do))
Li = 5,0 do ^ ai
L2 = 2,5 do < a2
t = web thickness
n = number of fastener holes on the block shear failure path
do = hole diameter

Vm.d.2 Stability of web to Vz.Sd

[5.6.1 (l)] (1) If webs are submitted to shear force and if their ratio exceeds the limits given
in table VHI.7 then they shall be checked for resistance to shear buckling and transverse
[5.6.1 (4)] stiffeners shall be provided at supports.

Table VHI.7 Limiting width-to-thickness ratio related to the shear buckling in web.
Potential shear buckling
Profiles to be checked if webs have
a) For unstiffened webs :


± >69ε
t.k w


b) For stiffened webs : 30e->/k7

The value of kT is defined in table VIII.9

fv (N/mm2) 235 275 355 420 460
= ^235T ε (if < 40 mm) 0,92 0,81 0,75 0,71
ε (if 40 mm < t < 100mm) 0,96 0,84 0,78 0,74

(2) Nearly all hot-rolled I and H sections do not need to be checked for shear buckling.
[5.6.2(1)] (3) The shear buckling resistance nay be verified using either :
- the simple post-critical method, or
- the tension field method.
The first method is presented hereafter.
[5.6.2(3)] (4) The simple post-critical method can be used for webs of I-section girders, with or without
intermediate transverse stiffeners, provided that the web has transverse stiffeners at the
(5) For webs with d/tw exceeding limits of table VHI.7, the design value of the shear force shall satisfy :
15.6.3(1)] z.Sd ^ V ba.Rd = d t w

where Vba.Rd is the design shear buckling resistance,

d is the web depth (see table Vffl.7),
tw is the web thickness,
Xba is the simple post-critical shear strength (see table VIII.8).
where *ywfv is the yield strength of the web,
Xw is the web slenderness.

Table VHX8 Simple post-critical shear strength τ\,α

Xw <0,8 0,8<Xw<l,2 <1,2
f £yw ΓΛ9
Xba *yw - ^ ( 1 , 5 - 0,625Ü)
V3 V3 Xw

(6) The web slenderness λw should be determined from :

where ε = ^235/ fy , given in table Vfll.7,

kx is the buckling factor for shear given in table VIII. 9
where a is the clear spacing between transverse stiffeners

Table VUI.9 Buckling factor for shear kx

a/d <1 >1
^ r
f ^s
5,34 v Sd
4+ 5,34 + Sd
W W a

Vlll.e Verifications at ULS to bending moment Msd

VIII.e.1 Resistance of cross­section to MSH

(1) For members in bending and in absence of shear force, the design value of the bending
moment M$d (, shall satisfy at each section without holes for fasteners :

Mcjid depending on classes of cross­section :

class 1 or 2 class 3 class 4
W f
[] My.Sd ^ M c y .Rd ­M ­W"­>f> _ M
efl.y.Rd ­
eff­y y
Mef y Rd
­ ­ ­ " YMO YMI

W f y ei.zfy _ M _Weff.zfy ^ Mcz.Rd ­M ­ ^ = Mef.z.Rd = ­ M
eff.z.Rd ­
­ pf.z.Rd ­ YMI

where Mc.Rd is the design moment resistances of the cross­section,

M C y ü d , MczJtd are the design moment resistances of the cross­section about
major (yy) and minor (zz) axes,
p£y.Rd, Mpiz.Rd are the design plastic moment resistance of the cross­section
about y and ζ axes,
M e £y.Rd, M e £ z J i d are the design elastic moment resistance of the cross­section
about y and ζ axes,
Meff.yJld, M e ff. z .R d are the design effective moment resistance of the cross­
section about y and ζ axes,
Wp£y,Wp£Z are the plastic section modulus about y and ζ axes,

Wecy, W e£z are the elastic section modulus about y and ζ axes,

Weff.y, W e ff.z are the effective section modulus about y and ζ axes
(see chapter V),
is the yield strength (see table Π.4),
YMO» YMI are partial safety factors (see table 1.2).

ECCS n°65 (2) In the presence of holes for fastener the following simple approach is proposed :
5.3.2(3) ­ no deduction of holes in the compression zone and,
­ deduction of holes in tension zone.
Otherwise Eurocode 3 should be consulted in [].

Vm.e.2 Stability of member to My ci
153.2(8)] (1) A beam with full restraint to the compression flange does not need to be checked for
lateral­torsional buckling.
(2) I and Η­sections, channels, angles, T­sections and rectangular hollow sections are
susceptible to lateral­torsional buckling in respect of bending about their major axis
( but not about their minor axis (

[53.2(7)] (3) For members with appropriate non­dimensional slenderness |λυτ ^0,40| no allowance for
lateral­torsional buckling is necessary. The value of Xur is defined hereafter.
(4) For laterally unrestrained members in bending, the design value for the bending moment
about major axis ( shall satisfy :

MbUd depending on classes of cross­section :

class 1 or 2 class 3 class 4

[form. (5.48)]
My.Sd ^ Mbjw
_ XLI W p f . y f y _ 5CLT W ef.y f y _ 3CLT Wrff.y f y

where Mb.Rd s the design buckling resistance moment of members in bending,

XLT s the reduction factor for lateral­torsional buckling,
Wp¿y s the plastic section modulus about major axis (yy),
We£y s the elastic section modulus about major axis (yy),
Weff.y s the effective section modulus about major axis (yy) (see chapter V),
fy s the yield strength (see table Π.4),
YMI s a partial safety factor (see table 1.2).

(5) The value of χυ for the appropriate non­dimensional slenderness XLT may be determined
from :
X L T =f(X L T) = ,but XLT^1
φτ^Τ+Λφτ^Γ­λτ^Γ T2

where <|>LT =0,5[l+a LT (X L T ­ 0 , 2 ) + λ υ τ ]

CCLT is the imperfection factor for lateral­torsional buckling;
OCLT should be taken as :
­ for rolled section OCLT = 0,21 (buckling curve a in table VH.2)
­ for welded section au = 0,49 (buckling curve c in table VII.2).

The reduction factor for lateral­torsional buckling XLT is given in function of XLT and the
type of section in table Vm.10.

(6) The non-dimensional slenderness Xu may be determined from :

ΧΙΊ depending on the classes of cross-section

class 1 or 2 class 3 class 4

[5.5.2(5)] _ | w p r . y fy (Wrf.y fy (W eff .y fy

Χυτ i M CT 1 M CT
\ Mcr

where W p£y , W^y, Weff.y are respectively the plastic, elastic and effective section
modulus about major axis (yy),
fy is the yield strength (see table Π.4),
M cr is the elastic critical moment of the gross cross-section for
lateral-torsional buckling.
(7) The elastic critical moment MCT for doubly symmetrical cross-sections with in plane end
moment loading may be taken as

'Je V
I w + 0,039 f£ T I t

[Annex F] M
-C Ρ*
cr - M 72
[form. (F.5)] 'LT

where Ci is a factor which may be taken from table VIII. 12 using also
table Vm. 11,
E is the modulus of elasticity,
Iz is the second moment of area about minor axis (zz),
CUT — kL is the effective length for out-of-plane (xz) bending (see table VUL 11),
L is the length of the member between points which have lateral restraint,
k is the effective length factor for out-of-plane (xz) bending
(see table Vm. 11),
kw is the effective length factor for warping (see table Vm. 11),
Iw is the warping constant,
It is the torsion constant.
(8) In a member with a system length L, each portion C, between adjacent points with lateral
restraint, or from one end to the nearest point with lateral restraint, can be checked
separately (see table VIII. 12).
(9) For other types of cross-section and for other loading conditions on the member, the
Annex F of Eurocode 3 should be consulted.

ECCS ηβ65
table 5.25 Table VUL 10 Reduction factor χ = f(Xu) for lateral­torsional buckling
_ ' ' '
rolled sections (curve a) welded sections (curve c)
0,4 0,9528 0,8973
0,5 0,9243 0,8430
0,6 0,8900 0,7854
0,7 0,8477 0,7247
0,8 0,7957 0,6622
0,9 0,7339 0,5998
1,0 0,6656 0,5399

1,1 0,5960 0,4842

1,2 0,5300 0,4338
1,3 0,4703 0,3888
1,4 0,4179 0,3492
1,5 0,3724 0,3145
1,6 0,3332 0,2842
1,7 0,2994 0,2577
1,8 0,2702 0,2345
1,9 0,2449 0,2141
2,0 0,2229 0,1962

2,1 0,2036 0,1803

2,2 0,1867 0,1663
2,3 0,1717 0,1537
2,4 0,1585 0,1425
2,5 0,1467 0,1325
2,6 0,1362 0,1234
2,7 0,1267 0,1153
2,8 0,1182 0,1079
2,9 0,1105 0,1012
3,0 0,1036 0,0951

ECCS ne65
table 5.23 Table V m . l l Effective length factors : k, kw
for different out­of­plane (xz) for different warping
bending end conditions end conditions
k =1,0 kw =1,0
Æ ^ Ll·

'λ a-
Λ k = 0,5 ï kw = 0,5

ECCS n°65
table 5.24 Table VUI.12 Numerical values for Cj and definition of ψ

-0,75 -0,5 -0,25 0 0,25 0,5 0,75

FSd FSd FSd = yPSk

ι t ι

Vm.f Verifications at ULS to biaxial bending moment (> M^sd)

Vin.f. 1 Resistance of cross-section to (My «=H. Mz.Sd)
(1) For members submitted to biaxial bending moments, the design values of both bending
moments shall satisfy in each cross-section :
interaction (M y Sd , M z S d ) < 1
where the interaction formula is given :
- in IX.d.1.2 (2) for class 1 or 2 cross-sections,
- in DC.d.1.3 (1) (using = 0) for class 3 cross-sections and,
- in IX.d.1.4 (1) (using = 0) for class 4 cross-sections.

Vm.f.2 Stability of member to (My *A. Mz.Sd)
(1) For members submitted to biaxial bending moments the design values of both bending
moments shall satisfy :

interaction (My Sd, £ 1

where the interaction formula is given :
­ in IX.d.2.2( 1) (table IX.4) (using = 0) for class 1 or 2 cross­sections,
­ in IX.d.2.2 (1) (table IX.5) (using = 0) for class 3 cross­sections and,
­ in IX.d.2.2 (1) (table IX.6) (using = 0) for class 4 cross­sections.

(2) If the appropriate non­dimensional slenderness |λυτ >0,40| (see chapterVm.e.2) then
lateral­torsional buckling is a potential failure mode and a supplementary check has
to be taken into account as follows :

interaction (M yS d, M zS d) ^ 1
where the interaction formula is given in :
­ in IX.d.2.2 (1) (table IX.4) (using =0) for class 1 and 2 cross­sections,
­ in IX.d.2.2 (1) (table ΓΧ.5) (using =0) for class 3 cross­sections,
­ in IX.d.2.2( 1) (table DÍ.7) (using =0) for class 4 cross­sections.

Vm.g Verifications at ULS to combined f VSd, MSt] )

Vlll.g.l Resistance of cross­section to (VSd, MSd)
[5.4.7(2)] (1) If the design value of the shear force

V y .sd^0,5V p ,.y.Rd
where Vpiz.Rd, VpC.yAd are the design plastic shear resistance about minor
(zz) and major (yy) axes (see table VUL 13),
no reduction needs to be made in the resistance moments. With this condition the design
value of bending moment Msd shall be verified according to chapter Vm.e or chapter
Villi respectively in case of uniaxial bending or biaxial bending.
y¡l!,g,l,l Shear force VSd and uniaxial bending MSd
[5.4.7(3)] (1) For the resistance of cross­section submitted to combined shear force (V^sd or ) and
uniaxial bending moment ( or if the design value of shear force

VSd>0,5Vp(.Rd (high shear),

then interaction between shear force and bending moment shall be considered. In this case
the design value of bending moment Msd shall satisfy at each cross­section :
[form. (5.22)] Msd <. M V­Rd ,but M V.Rd <M c.Rd
where MVJW is the reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for the
shear force (see table Vffl.13),
Mc.Rd is the design plastic moment resistance of the cross­section
(see chapter VIII.e.1).

Table VIII.13 Reduced design plastic resistance moment Myjtd allowing for the shear force

Applied bending moment If high shear: VSd > 0,5 VptRd

/ PzAyJ f,
M V.y.Rd Wp,y- ,s ,for cross-section with equal flanges:
V ^lw J YMO

Wpf.y fy, for cross-section with unequal flanges: Mv.y.Rd=(l-Pz)

Wpr.z fy, for any cross-section: M
v.z.Rd = ( l - p y )

= W pf ——, for class 1 or 2 cross - sections


but M v .Rd ^ M c . R d = Wei ——, for class 3 cross - section

= Weff ——, for class 4 cross - section
where Wpf is the plastic section modulus of cross-section
V Ay.z fy
Pz = withV pi . z . Rd =
^ V p f. z .Sd YMO^3
( A f
Pv = -1 ■**y V V

V pf .y.Sd J
- for shear areas (Av.z, Av.y), see table VIII.5
- tw is the web thickness
-fv is the yield strength (see table Π.4)
YMO is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2).

VIII.g.12 Shear force V Sd and biaxial bending moment MSd

(1) For the resistance of cross-section submitted to combined shear forces ( and
and biaxial bending moments (My.$d and, if the design value of the shear forces

V S d>0.5V p f.Rd (high shear),

it is proposed that following interactions between shear forces and bending moments shall
be satisfied at each cross-section according to the class of cross-section.

(2) For class 1 or 2 cross-sections, the proposed interaction formula is
ECCS n°65
Mv.Sd M z.Sd
table 5.15 <. 1
M V.y.Rd MV.z.Rd
aie m e
where Mv.yjw and My.z.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moments allowing
for shear forces (see table Vm.13),
α and β are constants, taken as follows :
- for I and Η sections : α = 2, (3=1
- for circular tubes : α = 2, β = 2
- for rectangular hollow sections : α = β = 1,66
- for solid rectangles and plates : α = β = 1,73
(3) For class 3 and class 4 cross-sections, the proposed interaction formula is :

where My.y.Rd and My.z.Rd are the reduced design plastic resistance moments allowing
for shear forces (see table VIH. 13),

Vm.g.2 Stability of web to (Vz.Sd, My.Sd)

(1) If webs are submitted to combined shear force V^sd and bending moment and if
they have ratio - - exceeding the limits given in table Vm.7 then they shall be checked
for resistance to shear buckling.
(2) The interaction of shear buckling resistance and moment resistance is shown in
table Vm.14 according to the simple post-critical method.

Table Vffl.14 Interaction of shear buckling resistance and moment resistance

with the simple post-critical method




f.Rd pl.Rd

(3) The web may be assumed to be satisfactory if one of the three following checks
(CD, (D or (3))(according to the loading level of and shall be satisfied:
(D If the design value of bending moment
where Mf.Rd is the design plastic moment resistance of a cross­section consisting
of the flanges only; proposal for cross­section with equal flanges:
class 1,2 or 3 class 4

Mf.Rd = btf(h­tf)­2­ = ((b + beff)tf il_^j-((b-b e f f ) tf e M ) ] ^ -

"r t beff
"en ι.

, T^yJ ι ­φ tf where b, tf, h (see

are flange width, flange thickness, height of profile
table 0.1),
M beff is the effective width of the compression flange
e L y Sd
lTl£ M )) ' (see chapter V),
eM is the shift of the centroidal major axis (yy) when the
­ ­­ ­ cross­section consisting of flanges only is subject to·
then the design value of shear force shall satisfy:
z.Sd ­ ba.Rd
where Vba.Rd is the design shear resistance buckling of the web according
to simple post­critical method (see chapter Vm.d.2).

If the design values of bending moment and shear force>M f.Rd and V z . Sd <0,50V ba .R d
then the bending moment shall satisfy :
where Mcy,Rd is the design moment resistance of the cross­section
depending on classes of cross­sections (see chapter VEI.e.1).

If the design values of bending moment and shear force

y.Sd>Mf.Rd and V z . Sd >0,50V ba .R d
then the bending moment and the shear force shall satisfy the three following checks:

where MP£y.Rd is the design plastic moment resistance of the cross­section :

P i ï R d
" ΪΜ0

- and, J M y Sd < M c y Rd
- and, z.Sd - V

MOMENT ((N, M);(N, V, M))
IX.a Generalities

(1) For each load case (see chapter ΠΓ) the global analysis of the frame (see chapter IV)
determines the design values for the following effects of actions which are applied to
members with combined axial force and bending moment and which shall be checked at
serviceability limit states and at ultimate limit states:
­ For SLS : . vertical deflections (δν),
. vibrations (f)
­ For ULS different combinations of axial forces, shear forces and bending
moments :

r£ S



(2) The table IX. 1 provides a list of the checks to be performed at Ultimate Limit States for
the member submitted to combined axial force and bending moment (N, M). A member
shall have sufficient bearing capacity if all the checks are fulfilled according to the
loading applied to that member. For instance, in the case of loading nr (Î), all checks from
(J)(l) to (T)(5) have to be satisfied. Several checks in the table IX. 1 concern particular
cases with specific conditions. All the checks have both references to Eurocode 3 and to
the design handbook.
The table IX. 1 proposes the following loadings applied to the member:
φ Axial tensile force and uniaxial bending moment about major axis (,
Axial tensile force and uniaxial bending moment about minor axis ( > M^d)
Axial compressive force and uniaxial bending moment about major axis (Nxsd MySd)
(§) Axial compressive force and uniaxial bending moment about minor axis (Nr MA M7 $¿ )
Axial tensile force and biaxial bending moments (Nx¿d t Mysd> MzSd)
Axial compressive force and biaxial bending moments (Nxsd,, M^sd )

Table LX.1 List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member submitted to
combined axial force and bending moment (N, M)
φ Axial tensile force and uniaxial bending moment about major axis References :
(Nxsd My.Sd)'-
(1) Resistanc e of gross cross-section to Nxsd ·'
[5.4.3 (1)] Nx.Sd — Np£Rd (design plastic resistance of the gross cross-section) Vl.b.l (1)
(2) Resistanc e of the net cross-section to if holes for fasteners:
[5.4.3 (1)] N x .Sd — N u .Rd (design resistance of the net cross-section considering the VI.b.2 (1)
[] net area of a member or element cross-section, A ^ )

(3) Resistanc e of cross-section to Nxsd if angle connected by one leg:

see table VI. 1 : checks φ ( 3 ) and φ ( 4 ) VLcl (1)

VI.C.2 (1)
(4) Resistanc e of cross-section to (, Mysd)·'
[] interaction ( , ^ 1 , for class 1 and 2 cross-sections LX.d.1.1 (1)
[] for class 3 cross-section LX.d.1.3 (2)
[] for class 4 cross-section LX.d.l.4(2)
[55.2 (7)] (5) Out-of-plane (xy) stability of member to (Nxsd > Mysd)
if λ LT > 0,40 : Vm.e.2 (3)
[5.5.3] Meff.Sd — Mb.Rd (design lateral-torsional buckling resistance moment of the Vm.e.2 (4)
[5.5.3 (3)] LX.d.2.1 (1)
[5.5.3 (4)] with calculated with (,

Axial tensile force and uniaxial bending moment about minor axis
(1) Resistanc e of gross cross-section to Nxsd ■'
[5.4.3 (1)] Nx.Sd — Np£Rd (design plastic resistance of the gross cross-section) VI.b.1 (1)

(2) Resistanc e of the net cross-section to Nxsd if holes for fasteners:

[5.4.3 (1)]
[] Nx.Sd — N u .Rd (design resistance of the net cross-section considering the VI.b.2 (1)
net area of a member or element cross-section, Ancl)

(3) Resistanc e of cross-section to Nxsd if angle connected by one leg:

see table VI. 1 : checks φ ( 3 ) and φ ( 4 ) VLcl (1)
VI.C.2 (1)
(4) Resistanc e of cross-section to (Nxsd, Mzsd)·'
[] interaction ( , ^ 1, for class 1 and 2 cross-sections IX.d.1.1 (1)
[] for class 3 cross-section LX.d.1.3 (2)
for class 4 cross-section LX.d.l.4(2)

Table IX. 1 List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member submitted to
combined axial force and bending moment (N, M)
D ($) Axial comDressive force and uniaxial bendine moment about maior axis References ; 1
(1) Resistance of cross-section to Nxsd-
[54.3(1)] Nx.Sd — Np£Rd (design plastic resistance of the cross-section) (1)
(2) In-plane (xz) stability of member to Nxsd-
[ (1)] Nx.Sd ^ NbyrJld (design flexural buckling resistance of member) Vn.c.2.1 (2)
(3) Out-of-plane (xy) stability of member to NX£¿:
[ (1)] Nx.Sd — Nbz.Rd (design flexural buckling resistance of member) Vn.c.2.1 (2)
(4) General stability of member to Nxsd ■'
[Annex O] ^ design torsional buckling resistance of member Vn.c.2.2
[Annex G]
and, ^ design flexural­torsional buckling resistance of member Vn.c.2.2
(5) Resistance of cross-section and stability of member to Nx¿d if
class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section: Vn.d.l (1)
see table VILI : from checks φ ( 3 ) to φ ( 5 ) Vn.d.2 (1)
Vn.d.2 (2)
(6) Resistance of cross-section and stability of member to Nxsd if Vn.e.1.1 (1)
angle connected by one leg:
Vn.e. 1.2 (1)
see table VILI : from checks φ ( 6 ) to φ ( 9 ) Vn.e.2.1 (1)
Vn.e.2.2 (1)
[5.5.2(7)] (7) Out-of-plane (xy) stability of member to Mysd if λυτ > 0,40 : Vni.e.2 (3)
[5.5.2(1)] M y.Sd ίΞ Mb.Rd (design lateral-torsional buckling resistance moment of the Vm.e.2 (4)

(8) Resistance of cross-section to (Nxsd, Mysd)·'

[] interaction (, ^ 1 , for class 1 and 2 cross-sections rx.d.i.i (i)
[] for class 3 cross-section LX.d.1.3 (2)
[] for class 4 cross-section LX.d. 1.4 (2)

(9) In-plane (xz) stability of member to (Nxsd, Mysd)-' LX.d.2.2(3)

15.5.4(1)] interaction ( . ^ 1 , for class 1 and 2 cross-sections table LX.4
[5.5.4(3)J for class 3 cross-section table LX.5
[5.5.4(5)] for class 4 cross-section table LX.6

15-5.2(7)] (10) Out-of-plane (xy) stability of member to (Nxjsd, My^d ) LX.d.2.2 (2)
if λ w > 0,40 (potential lateral-torsional buckling): Vm.e.2 (3)
15.5.4(2)] interaction ( » < 1 , for class 1 and 2 cross-sections table LX.4
for class 3 cross-section table LX.5
for class 4 cross-section table LX.7

Table LX.l List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member submitted to
combined axial force and bending moment (N, M)
0 Axial compressive force and uniaxial bending moment about minor axis References :
(1) Resistance of cross-section to Nxsd'·
[5.4.3 (1)] Nx.Sd — Np£Rd (design plastic resistance of the cross-section) Vn.c.1 (1)
(2) In-plane (xy) stability of member to
[ (1)] Nx.Sd — Nb z .Rd (designflexuralbuckling resistance of member) Vn.c.2.1 (2)
(3) Out-of-plane (xz) stability of member to Nxsd·'
[ (1)]
N x .Sd — Nb y .Rd (design flexural buckling resistance of member) Vn.c.2.1 (2)
(4) General stability of member to Nxsd ·'
[Annex G] ^ design torsional buckling resistance of member Vn.c.2.2
[Annex G] and, ^ design flexural-torsional buckling resistance of member vn.c.2.2
(5) Resistance of cross-section and stability of member to Nxsd if Vn.d.l (1)
class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section : VII.d.2 (1)
see table VILI : from checks φ ( 3 ) to φ ( 5 ) Vn.d.2 (2)
(6) Resistance of cross-section and stability of member to Nxsd if Vn.e.1.1 (1)
angle connected by one leg: VILe. 1.2(1)
see table VILI : from checks φ ( 6 ) to φ ( 9 ) VII.e.2.1 (1)
Vn.e.2.2 (1)
(7) Resistance of cross-section to (, Mzsd)·'
[] interaction ( , ^ 1, for class 1 and 2 cross-sections IX.d.1.1 (1)
[] for class 3 cross-section
[] IX.d.1.3 (2)
for class 4 cross-section IX.d.1.4 (2)
(8) In-plane (xy) stability of member to (Nxsd, Mzsd)' LX.d.2.2 (3)
[5-5.4 (1)] interaction ( , M^sd) ^ 1, for class 1 and 2 cross-sections table IX.4
[5-5.4(3)] for class 3 cross-section table IX.5
[5-5.4(5)] for class 4 cross-section table IX.6

Table LX.l List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member submitted to
combined axial force and bending moment (N, M)
(D Axial tensile force and biaxial bending moments (Nxsd,Mysd,'· References ;
(1) Resistance of gross cross-section to Nxsd ■'
[54.3 (1)1 Nx.Sd 5Í Np£Rd (design plastic resistance of the gross cross-section) VI.b.1 (1)
(2) Resistance of the net cross-section to Nxsd if holes for fasteners:
[54.3 (1)] Nx.Sd — Nu.Rd (design resistance of the net cross-section considering the
[54.2.2] VI.b.2 (1)
net area of a member or element cross-section, Anc[ )

(3) Resistance of cross-section to Nxsd if angle connected by one leg.

VLcl (1)
see table VI. 1 : checks φ ( 3 ) and φ ( 4 ) VI.C.2 (1)

[5.5.2(7)] (4) Out-of-plane (xy) stability of member to (NX£d, Mysd )

if λ L T > 0,40 : Vm.e.2 (3)
[5.5.3] Vm.e.2 (4)
Meff.Sd — M b.Rd (design lateral-torsional buckling resistance moment of the member
[5.5.3 (3)]
[5.5.3 (4)] with calculated with (, LX.d.2.1 (1)

(5) Resistance of cross-section to (Nxsd, Mysd, Mzsd )'■ LX.d.l

interaction (Nx.Sd, My.Sd, Mz.Sd ) ^ 1
[] for class 1 and 2 cross­sections LX.d.1.2 (1)
[] for class 3 cross­section
LX.d.1.3 (1)
for class 4 cross­section rx.d.l.4(l)
(6) Stability of member to (Nxsd, Mysd, Mzsd )'■ vm.f.2 (i)
[5.5.4(1)] interaction (, ^ 1 for class 1 and 2 cross­sections table LX.4
[5.5.4(3)] for class 3 cross­section table IX.5
15-54(5)] for class 4 cross­section table LX.6

(7) Stability of member to (Nxsd, Mysd, Mzsd ) if Λ-LT > 0,40 : Vm.e.2 (3)
(potential lateral-torsional buckling) Vm.f.2 (2)
interaction (, ^ 1
[5.5.4(2)] for class 1 and 2 cross­sections table IX.4
[5.5.4(4)] for class 3 cross­section table DÍ.5
[5.54 (6)] for class 4 cross­section table LX.7
with reduced to ( as in check φ ( 5 ) ) LX.d.2.1 (1)

Table ΓΧ.1 List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member submitted to
combined axial force and bending moment (N, M)
Axial compressive force and biaxial bending moments References :
(Nxsd>, M^si):
(1) Resistance of cross-section to Nxsd ■'

[54.3 (1)] Nx.Sd — Np£Rd (design plastic resistance of the cross­section) Vn.c.l (1)
(2) Stability of member to Nxsd'
[] ^ minimum (Nbyjjd, Nbz.Rd) Vn.c.2.1 (2)
(design flexural buckling resistances of member)
[Annex G] and, ^ design torsional buckling resistance of member vn.c.2.2
[Annex G] VII.c.2.2
and, ^ design flexural­torsional buckling resistance of member

(3) Resistance of cross-section and stability of member to Nxsd if

class 4 monosymmetrical cross-section: Vn.d.l (1)
VII.d.2 (1)
see table VILI : from checks φ ( 3 ) to φ ( 5 ) VILd.2 (2)

(4) Resistance of cross-section and stability of member to Nxsd if

angle connected by one leg: VILe. 1.1 (1)
VILe. 1.2 (1)
see table VU.l : from checks φ ( 6 ) to φ ( 9 ) VII.e.2.1 (1)
VII.e.2.2 (1)
[5­5.2 (7)] (5) Stability of member to Mysd if &LT > 0,40 : Vin.e.2 (3)
[5.5.2 (1)] My .Sd — Mb.Rd (design lateral­torsional buckling resistance moment of the member)
Vin.e.2 (4)
(6) Resistance of cross-section to (NXmsd, Mysd, Mzsd )'·

interaction (Nx.Sd, My.Sd, Mz.Sd)) ^ 1

[] for class 1 and 2 cross­sections LX.d. 1.2(1)
[] for class 3 cross­section LX.d. 1.3(1)
[] for class 4 cross­section LX.d. 1.4(1)
(7) Stability of member to (Nxsd, MySd, Mz¿d )'■

interaction (,, ^ 1 IX.d.2.2 (1)

[5.5.4(1)] for class 1 and 2 cross­sections table LX.4
[5.5.4 (3)] for class 3 cross­section table LX.5
[5.54 (5)] for class 4 cross­section table ΓΧ.6

[5­5.2(7)1 (8) Stability of member to (Nxsd, Mysd, Mzsd ) if %>LT > 0,40 : Vm.e.2 (3)
(potential lateral-torsional buckling)
interaction ( ,, ^ 1 IX.d.2.2 (2)
[5.5.4(2)] for class 1 and 2 cross­sections table LX.4
[5.5.4 (4)] for class 3 cross­section table ΓΧ.5
[5.5.4 (6)] for class 4 cross­section table ΓΧ.7

IX.b Verifications at SLS
IX.b.l Deflections
(1) About recommended limiting values for vertical deflections reference may be made to
chapter Vffl.b.1.
IX.b.2 Vibrations
(1) About recommended limiting values for floor vibrations reference may be made to
chapter Vm.b.2.
IX.C Classification of cross-section
(1) At ultimate limit states the resistance of cross-sections may be limited by its local
buckling resistance. In order to take into account that limitation the different elements
(flange, web) of the cross-sections shall be classified according to the rules defined in
chapter V.
(2) For cross-sections submitted to combined axial load ( and bending moments
(My.Sd. Mz.Sd) the classification may specifically be determined according to the
procedure defined in chapter V.d.3.
I X.d Verifications at ULS to (N,M)
(1) The verification of members submitted to combined axial force and bending moments
shall be performed with different (N, M) interaction rules about:
1) the resistance of the cross-section (see chapter IX.d.l),
2) the buckling of member (see chapter IX.d.2) and,
3) the lateral-torsional buckling of the member (if potential)(see chapter K.d.2)
This principle of (N, M) interaction formulas is illustrated in table DÍ.2 in case of uniaxial
bending and compression (on the basis of the interpretation of Eurocode 3 explained in the
comment IX.d.2.2 (3)).
(2) All the (N, M) interaction formulas depend on the class of cross-sections.
(3) Uniaxial bending (M y sd or M z .sd) and biaxial bending ( and Mz>sd) combined
with axial force N x .sd are presented in the following chapters.
IX-d.l Resistance of cross-section to (NSc], Msd)
IX.d.1.1 Uniaxial bending of class 1 or 2 cross-sections
[54.8.1 (1)] (1) For the plastic resistance of class 1 or 2 cross-sections submitted to combined axial load
( and uniaxial bending moment ( or M z .sd), the following criterion shall be
satisfied if the level of axial load n is high:
[form. (5.23)] Msd^M N.Rd
where MN.Rd is the reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for the
axial force (MNyjui» MNZJW) (see table IX.3),
n is the level of axial load (see table IX.3)
N x.Sd _ N x.Sd
N pf.Rd Afj

where Np£Rd is the design plastic resistance of the cross-section

[ (3)] (2) If the level of axial load η is low (see table IX.3, for the limiting values of n), then the
reduction of the theoritical plastic resistance moment by the presence of small axial forces
is counter-balanced by the strain hardening and may be neglected.
In that case of low η reference may be made to chapter Vm.e.l for checking single Msd ·

Table IX.2 Principle of interaction formulas between axial force Nsd and bending moment Msd
1. For bending moment about maior axis M., *A without lateral­torsional buckling Γλτ τ < 0,4):
' L

i¿— </\>
without lateral­
torsional buckling
χ —
M y.Sd
lack of resistance


2. For bending moment about major axis M y KA with lateral­torsional buckling (λτ τ > 0,4):
Ν ζ

NcRd ' ■ .-y N x.Sd


Instability due z
to lateral­torsional buckling

Mb.Rd Mcy.Rd

3. For bending moment about minor axis M 7 ΖΛ :

M z.Sd
NcRd f Instability Ê ■ ■ ■ ■ - * ' ^
N x.Sd
X —
(Nb.Rd>'min y"

lack of resistance


Table IX.3 Reduced design plastic resistance moment MNjtd allowing for axial load
class 1 or 2 cross­sections
[54.8.1 (4)]
Rolled and welded Values of If high level of axial load
I­sections the limit a if|n>a|

• (η π A - 2 b t f > j 1-n^j
L MNy.Rd = Wp'-y —
: = min 0,25; 1-a, ΎΜΟ

'£¡L' V 2A J

. ( __ A - 2 b t Lf
bjz - ζ a = min n0,50; MNZJW =
-(fff)3 W r ——

Values of If high level of axial load

Hollow sections
the limit a if|n>a|

a = 0,25 M N .R d = 1,04(1-n^iWp,^
V ; P

A-2bt M N .R d = 1,26(1 - n ) W p f
A- a = min 0,25;

r A 2b
a = min 0 , 2 5 ; - L M N y jid= L 3 3 ( l - n ) W p r . j
y- -y V 2A ) ΎΜΟ

a= M
Nz.Rd =
- ζ Λ Γ ht ΎΜΟ
0,5 + —
For a plate without MN.Rd = Mp£Rd[l-n 2 ]
bolt holes
Notes :
- Limitation of M N J W obtained from this table:
MN.Rd ^ M p£Rd (design plastic resistance moment)
W , fy
MNy.Rd^M p f , y .Rd= γΜο
in other words,
Nz.Rd ^ Mpf.z.Rd = γΜ()

IX.d.i.2 B iaxial bending of class 1 or 2 cross-sections
[54.8.1(H)] (1) For the plastic resistance of class 1 or 2 cross­sections submitted to combined axial load
( and biaxial bending moments ( and the following criterion may be
used :
α ß
y.Sd M
[form. (5.35)] + <1
L^Ny.Rd_ _ Nz.Rd_

where MNy.Rd and MNZ.Rd are reduced design plastic resistance moments allowing
for axial load (see table IX.3)
α and β are constants taken as follows:
­ for I and Η sections: α =2 ; β = 5n, but β > 1
­ for circular tubes: α =2 ;ß = 2
­ for rectangular hollow sections: α = β = 2,buta=ß < 6
­ for solid rectangles and plates: α = β = 1,73 + 1,8 η 3
(2) In case of biaxial bending moments without axial load it is proposed to use the
following criterion:
α ß
M y .sd
+ <1
Wpi.yfy Wpf.Zfy

where Wp£y,Wp/;z are plastic section modulus about major axis (yy) and minor
axis (zz),
is the yield strength (see table II.4)
ΎΜΟ is a partial safety factor (see table 1.2) ,
α and β are constants taken as follows:
- for I and Η sections: α =2 ; β=1
- for circular tubes: α =2 ;β=2
- for rectangular hollow sections: α =β= 1,66
- for solid rectangles and plates: α = β = 1,73
IX.d.i.3 Bending of class 3 cross-sections
[] (1) For the elastic resistance of class 3 cross-sections submitted to combined axial load
( and biaxial bending moments ( and the following criterion shall be

[form. (5.38)]

(2) In case of uniaxial bending moment combined with axial load (( + or
( + and in case of biaxial bending moments without axial load ( +, it is proposed to use the above criterion (IX.d.1.3 (1)).

IX.d.1.4 Bendino of class 4 cross-sections
[54.8.3] (1) For the elastic resistance of class 4 cross-sections submitted to combined axial load
( and biaxial bending moments ( and the following criterion shall be

N , My-sd + Nx-sd eNy | Mz-Sd + N x sd e Nz ^ 1

[form. (540)]
^eff W eff.y W eff.z'
where A^f is the effective area of the cross-section when subject to uniform
compression (single·
Weff is the effective section modulus of the cross-section when subject only to
moment about the relevant axis(single , single ·
βΝ is the shift of the relevant centroidal axis (eNy, eNz) when the cross-section
is subject to uniform compression (single ·
(2) In case of uniaxial bending moment combined with axial load (( + or
( + and in case of biaxial bending moments without axial load ( +, it is proposed to use the above criterion (IX.d.1.4 (1)).
IX.d.2 Stability of member to (Nsd,Msd)
ΙΧΛ2.1 Stability of member to (N,ension, Mysd)
(1) If the non-dimensional slenderness of the member λτ^τ >0,40 (see chapter Vin.e.2), the
member subject to combined major axis bending ( and axial tension ( shall be
checked for resistance to lateral-torsional buckling as follows (if bending moment and
axial force can vary independently (vectorial effect)):

Meff.Sd <M b.Rd

where Mb.Rd is the design buckling resistance moment (see chapter VITLe.2) is the effective design internal moment obtained from:

Meff.Sd = Wcom °com.Ed

where Wcom is the elastic section modulus for the extreme compression
<*com.Ed is the net calculated stress (which can exceed fy) in the
extreme compression fibre determined from:

'com .Ed
V "com y
ψ vee
where \j/Vec is the reduction factor for vectorial effects


IX.d.2.2 Stability of member to (Ncompression, Msd)
(1) For members subject to combined axial compression and biaxial bending moments (
+ + the stability is guaranteed if the requirements (concerning the case © )
described in tables IX.4 to IX.7 are satisfied:
- in table IX.4 for class 1 or 2 cross-sections,
- in table IX.5 for class 3 cross-sections and,
- in tables IX.6 and IX.7 for class 4 cross-sections.

(2) As given in the tables IX.4 to IX.7, when the non-dimensional slenderness of the member
^LT >0,40| (see chapter VQI.e.2), supplementary specific formulas also need to be
satisfied to take into account the potential failure mode of lateral-torsional buckling of the

(3) The cases of uniaxial bending moment combined with axial compression (( +
or ( + Mz#sd)) are not fully explained in Eurocode 3. Therefore it is proposed to use
the rules for biaxial bending with the buckling reduction factor xmin (%min = minimum
(%y, Xz); where (x y , χ ζ ) are the buckling reduction factors about y axis and ζ axis) (see
rules concerning the case (2) in tables IX.4 to IX.7).This principle of (Ν, M) interaction
formulas is illustrated in table IX.2.

(4) According to Eurocode 3 Background Document 5.03 (/8/), another interpretation

could be proposed for uniaxial bending combined with axial compression: this proposal
may be less conservative because the factor xmin is replaced by the buckling reduction
factors Xy or χ ζ according to the relevant bending axis. Moreover the stability out of the
bending plane should be also checked (buckling resistance of the member to single axial
compression) (see rules concerning the case (3) in tables IX.4 to IX.7).

Table IX.4 Interaction formulas for the (NM) stability check of members of class 1 or 2
Internal If X L T > 0 , 4 :
General formulas to be always satisfied:
forces potential lateral-torsional buckling
and needs supplementary checks:
φ Eurocode 3 formulas for biaxial bending (, M z .sd) and axial compression N x .sd:
k k v M Sd , k
Ν x.Sd k z M z .Sd
c l
+ My.Sd W pr.y X z A Jy_/„ w A
nin * ■ XurWp/.y
Eurocode 3 formulas for uniaxial bending and axial compression:
use the formula for biaxial bending and axial compression (see φ ) introducing the
relevant bending moment equal to zero and using Xmin buckling reduction factor.
Other proposal of interpretation of Eurocode 3 formulas for uniaxial bending and axial
compression (see comments in IX.d.2.2) using buckling reduction factors x y or χ ζ according to
the relevant bending axis: , k M
y y-Sd ^ Ν x.Sd k
f, L f f
+ My.Sd 3CyA- W pf.y XLTWpí.y

and, N x . S d <> N b . z . Rd = χ ζ A
k M Nx.Sd , z z.Sd c l

+ XzA^ w
ΎΜΙ » <

and, N x S d <,Nb.yRd = X y A—*-

where: x m m = minimum ( χ γ ; χ ζ ), where χ ν and χ ζ are given in chapter VII.c.2.1
XLj and %LT are given in chapter VHI.e.2
ky = 1 - *fSd but k y <, 1,5 ; where \ny = Xy(2ßMy ­ 4) + b u t μ y <0,90,
*y'"y Wer.y
^zN*Sd but k z <, 1,5 ; where μ ζ = λ ζ ( 2 β Μ ζ ­ 4 ) + but μ ζ < 0,90,
X z Af y weC.z
LT = l ­ ^ T " * ; S d but k L T £ 1,0; where μ ί Τ = ( 0 , 1 5 . λ ζ . β Μ 1 τ ) - 0 , 1 5 but μ ί Τ ^0,90,
where ßM (ßMy, ßMz) is the equivalent uniform moment factor related to the shape of the bending
moment (, M z .sd):

βΜ=1,8­0,7ψ βΜ=1,3 βΜ=1,4

­1£ψ$ 1

Table ΓΧ.5 Interaction formulas for the (NM) stability check of members of class 3
Internal General formulas to be always satisfied: IflLT>0,4:
potential lateral-torsional buckling
and needs supplementary checks:
φ Eurocode 3 formulas for biaxial bending (, M z .sd) and axial compression^
k Ν x.Sd k„M
y»'y.Sd , k z M Z-Sd Ν x.Sd LTMy.Sd k
zM z .sd
<1 + <1
+ AA w eC.z ' X z A Ì ~ ™
XurWef.y Wefz-^
+ -min y
Eurocode 3 formulas for uniaxial bending and axial compression:
use the formula for biaxial bending and axial compression (see φ ) introducing the
relevant bending moment equal to zero and using % m i n buckling reduction factor.
Other proposal of interpretation of Eurocode 3 formulas for uniaxial bending and axial
compression (see comments in IX.d.2.2) using buckling reduction factors %y or χ ζ according to
the relevant bending axis:
k M k , y y-Sd ^ ,
f f
+ XyA-^ We'.yr1- X z A Ì XurWef.y
—™ iï

and, Nx.Sd<Nb>z.Rd=xzA-
k M ! z z.Sd «^
+ % Z A^ we

and, Nx-Sd < N b Rd = χ A—*-

where: %min = minimum ( %y ; χ ζ ) , where χ γ and χ ζ are given in chapter VII.c.2.1
X LT and %LT are given in chapter Vm.e.2

k y = 1-!~Z * S d but k y < 1,5 ; where μ γ = Xy (2ß M y ­ 4) but μ γ <0,90,

_ ι μζΝ,
kz = 1_r>z-^sd but ^ < ι , 5 ^ η 6 Γ β μ ζ = λζ(2βΜ2-4)οϋΐμζ<0,90,

k L T = l ­ ^ T ^ * S d but k L T < l , 0 ; where μ ι τ = ( 0 , 1 5 . λ ζ . β Μ υ Γ ) ­ 0 , 1 5 but μ ^ <0,90,

where ß ^ (ßMy, ßMz) is the equivalent uniform moment factor related to the shape of the bending
moment (, M z .sd):

βΜ=1,8­0,7ψ ßM=l,3 ßM=l,4

­1<ψ< 1

Table IX.6 General interaction formulas for the (NM) stability check of members of class 4
Internal General formulas to be always satisfied:
forces and moments
(Ï) Eurocode 3 formulas for biaxial bending (, M z .sd) and axial compression N x .sd:
N x.Sd | y(My,sd+Nx,SdeNy) | kz(MzSd+N;t.SdeNz)^1 +
My.Sd +Mz.Sd Weff-y ^ - W eff.z
min^eff ΎΜΙ
Eurocode 3 formulas for uniaxial bending and axial compression:
use the formula for biaxial bending and axial compression (see CD) introducing the
relevant bending moment equal to zero and using Xmin buckling reduction factor.
Other proposal of interpretation of Eurocode 3 formulas for uniaxial bending and axial
compression (see comments in IX.d.2.2) using buckling reduction factors x y or χ ζ according to
the relevant bending axis:
Ν x.Sd y( M y.Sd +
Nx.sdeNy) + My.Sd
weff.y YMI
and, N x - S d < N b - z . R d = χ ζ A eff -
k M , z( z.Sd + N x S d e N z ) +

and, < N b . y . R d = Xy A e f f - ^ -

where: x m i n = minimum ( Xy ; χ ζ ), where %y and χ ζ are given in chapter VII.c.2.1
Xu and XLT are given in chapter VHI.e.2
y x,
ky = 1 - y but ky <, 1,5 ; where μ γ = X y (2ß M y ­ 4 ) but μ γ <0,90,
Xy Aeff f y
kz = ι_μζΝΧ.Μ but kz s l 5 . w h e r e μ ζ = Χ ζ ( 2 β Μ ζ ­ 4 ) but μ ζ <0,90,
Xz A eff r y
where ßM (ßMy, ßMz) is the equivalent uniform moment factor related to the shape of the bending
moment (Msd + eN):
βΜ=1,8­0,7ψ ßM=l,4
where Aeff, Weff.y, Weff.z, eN.y, eN.zare effective properties of cross­section defined in chapter V.

Table ΓΧ.7 Supplementary interaction formulas for the (NM) stability check of members of class 4
Internal If λτ^τ > 0,4: potential lateral-torsional buckling needs supplementary checks
forces and moments
CD Eurocode 3 formulas for biaxial bending (, M z .sd) and axial compression^ j kLT( + N x . Sd e N y ) | k z (M z . S d + N x . S d e N z ) " +
My.Sd + XirWeff.y W eff.z
Xmin Aeff
Eurocode 3 formulas for uniaxial bending and axial compression:
use the formula for biaxial bending and axial compression (see (f)) introducing the
relevant bending moment equal to zero and using Xnun buckling reduction factor.
Other proposal of interpretation of Eurocode 3 formulas for uniaxial bending and axial
compression (see comments in IX.d.2.2) using buckling reduction factors x y or χ ζ according to
the major axis: , kLT(My.Sd+Nx,SdeNy)^i +
ZA XLTWeff.y-^
where: Xmùi = minimum ( Xy ; χ ζ ), where x y and χ ζ are given in chapter VII.c.2.1
XLT and XLT are given in chapter Vm.e.2

ky=l- - ^ but k y <1,5 ; where \iy = Xy(2$My -4) but μ γ <0,90,

Xy Aeff f y
μ ζ Ν , ,Sd but k < 1,5 ; where μ = λ ( 2 β - 4 ) but μ <0,90,
k =1 z ζ ζ Μζ ζ
Χζ Aeff fy
L T = l - ^ T A N x f S d but k L T <1,0; where μ ί Τ = ( 0 , 1 5 Ä z . ß M . L T ) ­ 0 , 1 5 but μ ί τ < 0 , 9 0 ,
XzAeff t y
where ßM (ßMy, ßMz) is the equivalent uniform moment factor related to the shape of the bending
moment (Msd + N x .sd e ^ :

βΜ=1,8­0,7ψ ß M = 1,3 ßM=l,4
­1<ψ< 1
where Aeff, Weff.y, Weff.z, en.y, eN.z are effective properties of cross­section defined in chapter V.

IX.e Verifications at ULS for (N$d >Vsd)

(1) If the design values of shear force
where V p f z jid, VPfy.Rd are the design plastic shear resistances about minor (zz) and
major (yy) axes (see table K . 8 ) ,
no reduction of the tension or compression resistances is needed. With this condition
the design value of axial force N x .sd shall be checked separately according to chapter
VI (tension) or chapter VII (compression).

IX e. 1 Resistance of cross-section to (NSd,Vsd)
[54.9 (3)] (1) For members submitted to combined axial force and shear force ( or if
V M > 0,50 V p i Rd then it is proposed that each cross-section shall satisfy the following
criterion:*N V.Rd
where Nv.Rd is the reduced design resistance of the cross-section allowing for
shear force (see table IX.8).

Table IX.8 Reduced design resistance Ny.Rd allowing for shear force
Combined loading If high shear: Vsd > 0,5.Vpi^d
(A - p z AVtZ)f3 + V^sd N Vz.Rd
(A - Py Ay.y)f3
NX.Sd + Vy.Sd Ν Vy.Rd

Aν · ζ f y
where: 2 _V 2 l Sd—! •iu\r
with Vp í z . R d = - 7=-
k Vpfz.Rd J YMOV3

y.Sd A f
-1 withV Rd =
Py =
pfy.Rd ^ W5

If (, A = gross cross-section or net section (Anet) (see chapter VI),

If (Nx.Sd)compression, A = gross cross-section for class 1,2 or 3 cross-section, or effective
cross-section (Aeff) for class 4 cross-section (see chapter VU).

IX.f Verifications at ULS to (Nsd ,Vsd,Msd)

(1) The verification of members submitted to combined axial force, shear forces and bending
moments shall be performed with different (N,V,M) interaction rules about:
1) the resistance of the cross-section (IX.f.l),
2) the stability of web (LX.f.2)
(2) All the (N,V,M) interaction formulas depend on the class of cross-sections.
(3) Uniaxial bending ( or and biaxial bending ( and combined
with shear forces ( and and with axial force are presented in the
following chapters.

DC.f. 1 Resistance of cross­section to (NSd,VSd,MSd)
(1) If the design values of shear force
V z . S d <0,50V p f z . R d
V y . S d <0,50V p i y R d
where Vp¿z R d, Vpfy.Rd are the design plastic shear resistances about minor (zz) and
major (yy) axes (see table ΓΧ.9),
no reduction needs to be made in combination of bending moment and axial force.
With this condition the members shall be verified to combined (Nsd, Msd) loading
according to chapter DC.d.

[5.4.9 (3)] (2) If the design values of shear force VSd > 0,50 V p i Rd (high shear), the design resistance
of the cross­section to combinations of moment and axial force should be calculated
according to Eurocode 3 with a reduced yield strength (1 ­ p)fy for the shear area (Ay)
2V Sd
where ρ = ­1
V. V pi.Rd

The interaction formulas (N,V,M) proposed in the following chapters (IX.f.1.1 to IX.f.1.4)
in case of high shear are simplifications replacing f, by (l­p)f, for the sections
properties of cross­sections: A, Aeff, Wp£We/­,Weff.
IX f.1.1 Uniaxial bending of class 1 or 2 cross-section
(1) For the plastic resistance of class 1 or 2 cross­sections submitted to combined axial force
( with shear forces and uniaxial bending moments (( and or
( and, if the design values of shear force
V z . S d >0,50V p f 2 . R d
Vy. S d >0,50V p i y . R d or, (high shear)
then relevant interaction between (Nsd,Vsd,Msd) shall be considered.
In this case the design value of bending moment Msd shall satisfy the following criterion
if the level of axial load η is high:

M S d <M N i V ­ R d
where MN.vjtd is the reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for the
axial load and shear force (MN.v.y.Rd (about major axis (yy) bending),
MN.V.z.Rd (about minor axis (zz) bending))(see table IX.9),
η is the level of axial load (see table IX.9)
Ν x.Sd
n= J^*L-
Ν pf .Rd Afy
where Np¿Rd is the design plastic resistance of the cross­section
(2) If the level of axial load η is low (see table IX.9, for the limiting values of n), then the
reduction of the plastic resistance moment may be neglected and the applied bending
moment Msd combined with shear force Vsd shall be verified according to the rules given
in chapter VEI. g. 1.1. On the other hand the axial load shall be verified in
combination with shear forces Vsd according to chapter IX.e.

Table IX.9 Reduced design plastic resistance moment Mfj.yjid allowing for axial load and
shear force for class 1 or 2 cross­sections
[5.4.9] If high level of axial load
Rolled and Values of the limit a
welded I­sections if[n~>äl
• (η o< A ­ 2 b t f ^
= min^0,25;^^J MN.v.y.Rd = Í ^ ^ ^ ^ W y-í^
P y
V 1­a J YM0

b • Γη <n A ­ 2 b t f >

Hti' = nun 0,50;


MN.V.z.Rd= (1­Py) 1 ­


If high level of axial load

hollow sections Values of the limit a if|n~>äl

a = 0,25 r η
1,7 Λ f
MN.v.Rd= 1,04 1 ­ p ­ 0.7
W rpt
(1­P) ΎΜΟ

. fA„c A-2bt^ U6(l-η-p)Wpf


a = min 0,25; MN.v.y.Rd= 1 , 3 3 ( 1 - n - p z ) W p r .
y- -y

- 3=- - z
a= MN.V^.Rd = ht
n c
pr.y —
0,5 + —
V A j
For plate without MN.VJW = MpÉRd [1-n 2 ]
bolt holes

notes; -n = ^ -
- The values of p z and p y are given on the following page.
- Limitation of MN.vjtd obtained from this table:
Mw.vjid ^ M pCRd (design plastic resistance moment)
_ Wpiyfy
N.V.y.Rd ^ Mpf.yJtd γ^—
or, in other words,
_ W pf . Z f y
N.V.z.Rd - Mpf . z . Rd

^v.z fly
2-^Sd. , withV = · '
Pz = -1 f-2-Rd
pf.z.Rd YMOV3
Pv = -1

IX f. 1.2 Biaxial bending of class 1 or 2 cross-section

[54.8.1(H)] (1) For the plastic resistance of class 1 or 2 cross-sections submitted to combined axial force
(, with shear forces and biaxial bending moments (( and and
( and, if the design values of shear force
V z .sd>0,50Vp fz . Rd
and,>0,50V pry . Rd
then the following criterion is proposed:
ία r- ß
My.Sd M z.Sd
M,N.V.y.Rd J L M N.V.z.Rd .

where MN.y.y.Rd and Mjsj.v.z.Rd are the reduced design plastic resistance moment
allowing for the axial load and shear force (see table IX.9),
α and β are constants taken as follows:
­ for I and Η sections: α = 2 ; ß = 5n, b u t ß > l
­ for circular tubes: α=2 ;β=2
­ for rectangular hollow sections: α , buta=ß < 6
­ for solid rectangles and plates: α = β = 1,73 + 1,8 η 3
IX.f.1.3 B ending of class 3 cross-section
[] (1) For the elastic resistance of class 3 cross­sections submitted to combined axial load
(, shear forces (, and biaxial bending moments ( and the
following proposed criterion shall be satisfied in case of high shear( V Sd > 0,50 Vp[ R d ) :
ECCS n°65

table 5.16

where ρ = maximum value of (pz, py)

where p z and p y are given in previous chapter IX.f.1.1
(2) In case of uniaxial bending moment combined with axial load and shear force the
following criteria shall be satisfied in case of high shear(VSd > 0,50 V pf R d ):
­ for bending about major axis (Nx<sd, and My­sd):

for bending about minor axis (, and

IXf.l .4 Bending of class 4 cross-section

[54.8.3] (1) For the elastic resistance of class 4 cross-sections submitted to combined axial force
(, shear forces (, and biaxial bending moments (Mysd and Mzsd) the
following proposed criterion shall be satisfied in case of high shear( V Sd > 0,50 Vp/· R d ): , My.Sd + Nx.Sd e N y M s.Sd + N x .sd CNZ

< 1 - -p
v f 1
A y
eff/ W cc
where ρ = maximum value of (p z , p y ),
where p z and p y are given in previous chapter IX.f. 1.1
where Aeff is the effective area of the cross-section when subject to uniform
compression (single,
Weff is the effective section modulus of the cross-section when subject only to
moment about the relevant axis(single , single ,
eN is the shift of the relevant centroidal axis (eNy, eNz) when the cross-section
is subject to uniform compression (single ·
(2) In case of uniaxial bending moment combined with axial load and shear force the
following criteria shall be satisfied:
for bending about major axis (, Vz.Sd and

- for bending about minor axis (, Vy.Sd and

N , M z.Sd+N x .s d e Nz
—Fy-+ ry—*1-P>
eff"~ eff.z~

IX.f.2 Stability of web to (, Vz.Sd, My.Sd)
[] (1) If webs are submitted to combined axial load, shear force and bending
moment and,
if they have ratio exceeding the limits given in table VHI.7,
then they shall be checked for resistance to shear buckling.
(2) The interaction of shear buckling resistance and moment resistance is shown in table
VUL 14 according to the simple post-critical method.
(3) The web may be assumed to be satisfactory if one of the three following checks ((T),
(2) or (3)) according to the loading level (, shall be satisfied:

[ (i)] (T) If the design value of bending moment

My.Sd g MN.f.Rd
where M N . ^ is the reduced design plastic moment resistance of a cross-section
consisting of the flanges only and allowing for axial force; proposal for
cross-section with equal flanges:

N x.Sd
- for class 1, 2 or 3 M
YMO "2btffy^
v. YMO > - for class 4:
M )

((b + beff)tf ^ y L ) - ( ( b - b e f f ) t f eM) fy

MN.f.Rd = 1—
YMI r(b+b eff )t f f y ^|
where b, tf, h are flange width, flange thickness, height of profile (see table 0.1),
beff is the effective width of the compression flange (see chapter V),
eM is the shift of the centroidal major axis (yy) when the cross-section
consisting of flanges only is subject to·
then the design value of shear force shall satisfy :
z.Sd ^ ba.Rd
where Vbajid is the design shear resistance buckling of the web according
to simple post-critical method (see chapter Vffl.d.2).

[] (D //"the design values of bending moment and shear force > M N.f.Rd and V . s d ^ C U O V ^ d
then the bending moment shall satisfy :
My.Sd ^ M N . y j R d

where M ^ R J is the redudced design resistance moment of the cross-section

allowing for axial load depending on classes of cross-sections
(see chapter LX.d.1.1, LX.d.1.3, LX.d.1.4).

[ (3)] If the design values of bending moment and shear force > M N.f.Rd and
then the bending moment and the shear force shall satisfy the three following checks

where MN.p£y.Rd is the reduced design plastic resistance moment of the cross-section
allowing for axial load :
M = MN.y.Rd (see table LX.3)

- and, My sd ^ M N y R d
- and, z.Sd - VbaJld


X.a Generalities
(1) For each load case (see chapter ΙΠ) the global analysis of the frame (see chapter IV)
determines the design values for the following effects of actions which are applied to the
web of members and which shall be checked at ultimate limit states:
transverse forces with separate or combined internal forces and moment acting in the
plane of the web:

'U Fsd


I Νx.Sd Ν.x.Sd

χ - - -χ

Ρ 'z.Sd


[5.7.1(2)] (2) The transverse forces Fsd may be applied in different ways:
- either, through one flange
- or, to one flange and transferred through the web directly to the other flange.
[5.7.1(1)] (3) The resistance of an unstiffened web to transverse forces applied through a flange, should
be cheked for all the three following modes of failure (see table X. 1) :
. crushing of the web close to the flange, accompagnied by plastic deformations of the
flange (see chapter X.c.2),
. crippling of the web in the form of localised buckling and crushing of the web close to
the flange, accompagnied by plastic deformation of the flange (see chapter X.d. 1),
. buckling of the web over most of the depth of the member (see chapter X.d.2)
[5.7.1(6)] (4) In addition the effect of the transverse force on the moment resistance of the member
should be considered : resistance to local buckling (see chapter X.b) and yield criterion
(see chapter X.c.1)

Table X.1 Failure modes due to load introduction

ECCS n°65
table 5.36 Crushing Crippling Buckling

1 =T 1 I . I I . I

ι ι I I

X.b Classification of cross-section
[5.3.6] (1) The effects of significant transverse compressive stresses on the local buckling resistance
of a web shall be taken into account in design. Such stresses may arise from transverse
forces on a member and at member intersections.
(2) The presence of significant transverse compressive stresses may effectively reduce the
maximum values of the depth­to­thickness ratios d/tw for class 1, class 2 and class 3 webs
below those given in chapter V, depending on the spacing of any web stiffeners.
(3) A recognised method of verification should be used. Reference may be made to the
application rules for stiffened plating given in ENV 1993­2 Eurocode 3: Part 2 (which is
in preparation).
X.C Resistance of webs to (F,N, V,M j
X.c.1 Yield criterion to (F,N,V,M)
(1) The web of a member subject to a transverse force in the plane of the web (see table X.2)
in addition to any combinations of moment and axial force on the cross­section, shall at all
points satisfy the criteria given in table X.3.

[Fig. 5.4.3]
Table X.2 Stresses in web panel due to bending moment, axial force and transverse force |

M y­sdf A' ED 'Β *My . S d N

'Γ C. .D

(a) Layout
σ. ΟΖΕΕΡβ* σ, o*., . a n m * σχ­1 >x.l öb

Β =:

2 D? σχ.2 σ^,η oh
*· a m p o , ° ^ (where ab=f3rn.fy)
b) Stresses in element E (c) Stresses in panel ABCD (d) Equivalent stresses

Table X.3 Yield criteria to be satisfied by the web
IfVsd < 0,5.V p £ R d (low shear)
Class 1 or 2 "xm.Ed
-a »z.Ed °xm£d °z.Ed
[form. (5.42)]
(plastic distribution + f ν Ι ΎΜΟ -k <1-β m
of stresses) fy Ι ΎΜΟ f y /ΎΜΟ fy / ΎΜΟ

2 r -a
[form. (5.41)]
Class 3 or 4 °x.Ed >z.Ed °x.Ed T g z.Ed <1
fy/ΎΜΟ y / ΎΜΟ fy/YMoJLfy/YMO
IfVsd > 0,5.V p £ R d (high shear)
[form. (5.44)] Class 1 or 2
(plastic distribution
xm.Ed °z.Ed σ xm.Ed JΓ gZ.Ed ^l­ßm­Ρ
of stresses) fy/ΎΜΟ fy/ΎΜΟ ί γ /ΎΜθ1ίLVYM
γ /ΎΜθ

2 r
[form. (5.43)]
Class 3 or 4 'x.Ed »z.Ed >x.Ed Ed <l-p
y / ΎΜΟ fy/ΎΜΟ f y / Ύ MO ΎΜΟ

where σχ Ed is the design value of the local longitudinal stress due to moment and axial
force at the point (see table X.2),
σ ζ £d is the design value of the stress at the same point due to transverse force
(see table X.2),
xm.Ed i s m e design value of the mean longitudinal stress in the web(see table X.2)
°x.Ed » °ZSÂ d G xrn £d ®& taken as positive for compression and as negative for
ßm = Mw.Sd/Mp/:w.Rd>
where M w Sd is the design value of the moment in the web,
M p£w . Rd = 0,25t w d 2 f y /Y M0 .
and k is obtained as follows :
f r
o crxmiEd/ azJEd < 0: k = 1 - ß m
for °xm.Ed/ azEd > 0: if ß m < 0,5: then k = 0,5 (1 + ßm)
ifß m >0,5: thenk=l,5(l-ßj

X.C.2 Crushing resistance to F
[5.7.3 (i)j (1) The design crushing resistance Ry.Rd of the web of an I, H or U section (see table X.4)
should be obtained from:

[form. (5.71)]

where sg is the length of stiff bearing determined by dispersion of load through

solid steel material which is properly fixed in place at a slope of 1:1,
(see table X.5); no dispersion should be taken through loose packs,

n >2
[form. (5.72)] Sy is given by : f
w *yw yf / ΎΜΟ

bf £ 25tf,
Of.Ed is the longitudinal stress in the flange.
[5.7.3 (3)] (2) At the end of a member sy should be halved.

Table X.4 Load introduction


1 1
1 1

ι * - ■
- -*
t* - 1
• 1
Msd r \ Msd d


= = = = = ^—-

[Fig. 5.7.2]
Table X.5 Length of stiff bearing, ss

Ss I
/ Ν 1


X.d Stability of webs to (F ; (F,M))
X.d.l Crippling resistance to (F : (FM))
X.d.1.1 Crippling resistance to F
[5.7.4(1)] (1) For S 235 up to S 420 steel grades the design crippling resistance Ra.Rd of the web
(see table X.4) should be obtained from:

[form. (5.77)]

where ss is the length of stiff bearing from table X.5.

buts s /d<0,2,
tw is the thickness of the web,
tf is the thickness of the flange,
d is the depth of the web between the flanges,
E is the modulus of elasticity,
tyw is the yield strength of the web.
[Annex D] (2) For S 460 steel grade only the design crippling resistance RaRd of the web should be
obtained from the formula given X.d. 1.1 (1) but replacing the factor 0,5 by 0,6.
X,dJ ,2 ÇrjppWng resistance \o (FM)

Table X.6 Interaction formula of crippling resistance and moment resistance


Ra.Rd -

y s / ss/ / s^>^
0,5 R a . R d - x
/ / / s / / / /

V//////, 0,5 M c . Rd M c . Rd
M !

[5.7.4 (2)] (1) Where the member is also subject to bending moments, the following criteria should be
satisfied (see table X.6):
Sd - R aJld

[form. (5.78)]
sd . M Sd ^ 1,5
a.Rd M cJRd

where Mcj^d is the design noment resistance of the cross-section (see chapter Vin.e. 1).

X,d,2 Buckling resistance to F

[5.7.5 (i)] (1) The design buckling resistance Rbjw of the web of an I, H or U section (see table X.4)
should be obtained by considering the web as a virtual compression member with an
effective breadth beff obtained from :

[form. (5.79)] b^f = ­yV+S?

The table X.7 gives values of beff for different cases of loads.

[5.7.5 (3)] (2) The buckling resistance should be determined from chapter VII.c.2.1 using buckling
curve c and PA = 1 (table VII.6).

[5.7.5 (4)] (3) The buckling length of the virtual compression member should be determined from the
conditions of lateral and rotational restraint at the flanges at the point of load application.

[figure 5.7.3]
Table X.7 Effective breadth ¿>gryfor web buckling resistance

beff = h


!! ν Β = Vh 2 2

3 >eff
- -t
' beff ' =)

+ a
=1 beff = 2

-t- butb e ff < h

a ss
a beff=}Vh 2 +s 2 +a+|

I· butbeff <Vh 2 +S s 2

X.e Stability of webs to compression flange buckling

Table X.8 Compression flange buckling in plane of the web

Nf"1 Nf
My.Sd My.Sd
( )

Nf" Nf"

[5.7.7] (1) To prevent the possibility of the compression flange buckling in the plane of the web (see
table IX.8), the thickness ratio d/tw shall be lower than the value given in table X.9.

Table X.9 Maximum width-to-thickness ratio d/tw

ECCS n° 65 Steel grade of S 235 S 275 S 355 S 420
table 5.20
flange S 460

d/tw 360 300 240 200 185

(2) I and H hot-rolled sections never meet such problem of compression flange buckling in
plane of the web.


Xl.a Generalities

[6.1.1 (i)] (1) All connections shall have a design resistance such that the structure remains effective and
is capable of satisfying all the basic design requirements given in chapter La.
(2) The partial safety factors TM concern the resistances of bolts (7Mb), of welds (TMw). of
members and cross-sections (ΎΜΟ» ΎΜΙ» ΎΜ2) and the slip resistance of preloaded bolts
(7Ms.ser)· Their numerical values are provided in table 1.2.
[6.1.2 (1)] (3) The forces and moments applied to connections at the ultimate limit state shall be
determined by global analysis in conformity with chapter IV.
[6.14 (l)] (4) Connections may be designed by distributing the internal forces and moments in
whatever rational way is best, provided that:
(a) the assumed internal forces and moments are in equilibrium with applied forces and
(b) each element in the connection is capable of resisting the forces or stresses assumed
in the analysis, and
(c) the deformations implied by this distribution are within the deformation capacity of
the fasteners or welds and the connected parts.
[6.2 (l)] (5) Members meeting at a joint shall normally be arranged with their centroidal axes
intersecting at a point.
[6.2 (2)] (6) Where there is eccentricity at intersections this shall be taken into account in the design of
the joint and the member.
[6.2 (3)] (7) In the case of bolted connections of angles and tees with at least two bolts per connection,
the setting out lines of the bolts may be regarded as the centroidal axes for the purpose of
intersection at joints.
Xl.b Bolted connections

Xl.b. 1 Positioning of holes

(1) The positioning of holes for bolts shall be such as to prevent corrosion and local buckling
and to facilitate the installation of the bolts.

(2) The minimum and maximum distances between bolts and recommended distances (as
used in table XL 6 for the bolt bearing resistances) are given in table XL 1. Those values
are valid for structures not exposed to weather or other corrosive influences.

XI.b.2 Distribution of forces between bolts

[6.5.4 (l)] (1) Where the design shear resistance Fvjid of a bolt (see chapter XI.b.5.2.1) is less than
the design bearing resistance Fbjtø (see chapter XI.b.5.1), the distribution of internal
forces between bolts at the Ultimate Limit State shall be proportional to the distance from
the centre of rotation (see table XI.2).

[6.54 (2)] (2) In other cases of bearing type connections the distribution of internal forces between
bolts at the Ultimate Limit State may be plastic (see table XI.3).

ECCS n'65
table 6.2 Table XLI Designation of distances between bolts

1,2 do ^ ei < maximum ( 12t ; 150 mm)

1,5 do ^ e2 ^ maximum ( 12t ; 150 mm)
PL 2,2 do ^ pi ^ maximum ( 14t ; 200 mm)
3,0 do < p2 ^ maximum ( 14t ; 200 mm)
Recommended distances
Bolts Recommended distances in mm
shear joint
Pi >P2 _Çi e2
e2 M 12 40 30 25
M 16 55 40 30
M 20 70 50 40
M 24 80 60 50
+—4 M 27 90 70 55
ei pi
M 30 100 75 60
tension or compression joint M 36 120 90 70
The designations e2 and p2 also apply when distances measured are not in the direction of
In case of smaller values of tq. and p2 see Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (J2I).

[figure 6.5.7]
Table XI.2 Linear distribution of loads between fasteners

0,5 F )
Ρ F h.Sd Vsd

M Sd
h.Sd ­

v.Sd ­
+ m
ECCS n" 65
table 64 | Table XI.3 Possible plastic distribution of loads between fasteners. Any realistic
combination could be used, e.g.
——— —'—*¿—


t Γ-Γ l. C l -— )
Ρ ψ Ρ K D.l —i Vsd

_ Sd~rb.Rd
FvSH —

h.Sd = ^ . ­ 2 Ρ b.Rd
VFh.Sd + Fv.Sd ^Fb.Rd

XI.h.3 Prving forces

[6.5.9 (1)] (1) Where bolts are required to carry an applied tensile force, they shall be proportioned to
[Annex J] also resist the additional force due to prying action, see table XI.4.

[Fig. 6.5.8]
Table XI.4 Prying forces

N = FN + Q N = FN + Q

Q. f J . Q = prying force

I 2 FΝ

XI.b.4 Categories of bolted connections

[6^.3] (1) The design of a bolted connection loaded in shear or in tension shall conform with one of
the following categories: see table XI.5.

[table 6.5.2]
Table XI.5 Categories of bolted connections
Shear connections
Category Criteria Remarks
A ^ F v .Rd No preloading required.
Bearing type Fv.Sd < Fb-Rd All grades from 4.6 to 10.9.

Β Fv.Sd.ser ^ F v . R d.ser Preloaded high strength bolts.

Slip-resistant at SLS Fv.Sd ^ F v .Rd No slip at the serviceability limit
Fv.Sd < Fb.Rd state.

C Fv.Sd ^ Fs.Rd Preloaded high strength bolts.

slip-resistant at ULS Fv.Sd < Fb.Rd No slip at the ultimate limit state.

Tension connections
Category Criteria Remarks
D No preloading required.
FtSd ^ FLRd
Non-preloaded All grades from 4.6 to 10.9.
E Ftsd ^ Fuid Preloaded high strength bolts.
Fy.Sd.ser = design shear force per bolt for the serviceability limit state = design shear force per bolt for the ultimate limit state
F v Jid = design shear resistance per bolt
Fbjid = design bearing resistance per bolt
Fsudser = design slip resistance per bolt for the serviceability limit state
FsRd — design slip resistance per bolt for the ultimate limit state
Ftsd = design tensile force per bolt for the ultimate limit state
Ft.Rd = design tension resistance per bolt
XI.b.5 Design ULS resistance of bolts
[6.5.5. (2)] (1) At the Ultimate Limit States the design shear force on a bolt shall not exceed the
lesser of:
- the design bearing resistance Fb.Rd (see chapter XI.b.5.1)
- the design shear resistance Fv.Rd (see chapter XI.b.5.2)
[6.5.5. (3)] (2) At the Ultimate Limit States the design tensile force Ftsd» inclusive of any force due to
prying action, shall not exceed the lesser of:
- the design tension resistance FLRd (see chapter Xl.b. 5.3)
- the design punching shear resistance Bp.Rd (see chapter XI.b.5.4)
(3) At the Ultimate Limit States bolts subject to both shear force and tensile force shall satisfy
the interaction criterion of chapter XI.b.5.5.
XI.b.5.1 Bearing resistance
[table 6.5.3] (1) The design bearing resistance shall be taken as:

b.Rd (see table XI.6 for Fb.Rk)

ECCS n" 65
table 6.6 Β T a b l e XI.6 Bearing resistance per bolt for recommended detailing for t = 10 m m in [kN]


P2 ffce-2.5af.dt
e2 -
a = mm JEL. ; _PjL_I ; íub ;l7 o
3d0 3d0 4 fu
ei pi

Bolt diameter d [mm] 12 16 20 22 24 27 30 36

Hole diameter do [mm] 13 18 22 24 26 30 33 39
compact ei 20 27,5 35 37,5 40 45 50 60
detailing P1.P2 30 40 50 55 60 674 75 90
e2 20 25 30 32,5 35 40 45 55
S 235 55,4 70,7 91,4 101,8 110,8 121,5 136,4 166,2
S 275 60,0 76,6 99,0 110,2 120,0 131,6 147,7 180,0
S 355 754 96,2 124,4 138,5 150,8 165,4 185,6 2262
S 420 76,9 98,1 126,9 1413 153,8 168,8 189,4 230,8
S 460 81,5 104,0 134,5 149,8 163,1 178,9 200,8 244,6
recommended ei 30 40 50 55 60 70 75 90
values P1.P2 40 55 70 75 80 90 100 120
e2 25 30 40 45 50 55 60 70
S 235 83,1 106,7 136,4 151,3 166,2 182,3 204,5 2492
S 275 90,0 115,6 147,7 163,9 180,0 197,4 221,6 270,0
S 355 113,1 145,2 185,6 205,9 226,2 248,1 278,4 3392
S 420 115,4 148,1 189,4 210,1 230,8 253,1 284,1 3462
S 460 122,3 157,0 200,8 222,7 244,6 268,3 301,1 366,9
high bearing ei 40 55 70 75 80 90 100 120
P1.P2 50 70 85 95 100 115 130 150
e2 35 50 60 65 70 80 90 110
S 235 108,0 144,0 180,0 198,0 216,0 243,0 270,0 324,0
S 275 117,0 156,0 195,0 214,5 234,0 263,3 292,5 351,0
S 355 147,0 196,0 245,0 269,5 294,0 330,8 3674 441,0
S 420 150,0 200,0 250,0 275,0 300,0 337,5 375,0 450,0
S 460 159,0 212,0 265,0 291,5 318,0 357,8 3974 477,0

- For steel grades greater than S 235 the values of fu are issued from table IL 2
(prEN 10113) and are valid for plate thickness not greater than 40 mm.
- For intermediate values of α the value of FbjUc may be determined by linear interpolation.
- For different plate thickness t in [mm] multiply the values given in the table by — .

XI.b.5.2 Shear resistance
XI.b.52.1 General case
[table 6.5.3] (1) The design shear resistance of a bolt shall be taken as:
_ F v.Rk
v.Rd ­ (see table XI.7 for Fvjuc)
ECCS n° 65
table 6.7 Table XI.7 Shear resistance per bolt and per shear plane in [kN]

Γ zip Fv.Rk ­Ci.f u b.A s

where Ci = 0,6 for strength grades 4.6, 5.6 and 8.8
C2 = 0,5 for strength grades 4.6, 5.8, 6.8 and 10.9

Shear in tl ire adec i portion oftheb olt

Bolt diameter d [mm] 12 16 20 22 24 27 30 36
Hole diameter do [mm] 13 18 22 24 26 30 33 39
Tensile stress2 area of 84,3 157 245 303 353 459 561 817
bolt As [mm ]
Shear resistance grade
per bolt and per 4.6 20,2 37,7 58,8 72,7 84,7 110,2 134,6 196,1
shear plane 5.6 25,3 47,1 73,5 90,9 105,9 137,7 168,3 245,1
F v.Rk in [kN] 8.8 40,5 75,4 117,6 145,4 169,4 220,3 269,3 392,2
10.9 42,2 78,5 122,5 151,5 176,5 229,5 280,5 408,5
XI.b.52.2 Long Joints
[6.5.10. (1)]
(1) Where the distance Lj between the centres of the end bolts in a joint is more than 15 d,
where d is the nominal diameter of the bolts, the design shear resistance Fv.Rd of all the
bolts calculated as specified in chapter XI.b.5.2.1 as appropriate shall be reduced by
multiplying it by a reduction factor ßLf, given by (see table XL 8) :
[form. (6.11)] 3
ßLf=l - but 0,75 < ß L f < 1,0
PU 2 0 0 d PU
[Fig. 6.5.10]
Table XI.8 Long joints




•ι ; I I 1 1 1 I ii I 1 I I I I ; = 3 ·
15 d 65 d Ι ι ι ι
l i l i l í
ι ι ι ι ι
l i l i l í
ι ι ι ι—i

ΧI.h J.3 Tension resistance
[table 6.5.3] (1) The design tension resistance of a bolt shall be taken as follows:
_ Ft.Rk
[6.5.5. (3)] F
t.Rd - (see table XI.9 for Ftjik)
ECCS ne 65
table 6.8 Table XI.9 Tension resistance per bolt in [kN]

— : mm- Ft.Rk =0,9.f ub .A s

Bolt diameter grade 12 16 20 22 24 27 30 36

d [mm]
Tension 4.6 30,3 56,5 88,2 109,1 127,1 165,2 202,0 294,1
resistance 5.6 37,9 70,7 110,3 136,4 158,9 206,6 252,5 367,7
F t.Rk in [kN] 8.8 60,7 113,0 176,4 218,2 254,2 330,5 403,9 588,2
10.9 75,9 141,3 220,5 272,7 317,7 413,1 504,9 735,3
XI.hS.4 Punching shear resistance
[65.5. (4)] (1) When the plate thickness tn is smaller than 0,5.d, the design punching shear resistance of
the bolt head and the nut, Bp.Rd shall be checked and evaluated as follows:

[form. (65)] Bp.Rd = 0,6 π dm t.

where tp is the thickness of the plate under the bolt head or the nut
dm is the mean of the across points and across flats dimensions of the bolt head or
the nut, whichever is smaller, in other words dm is the mean diameter of
inscribed and circumscribed circles of bolt head or nut:
dm = minimum (dm bolt head» dm nut)·
XI.hJ.5 Shear and tension interaction
[6.5.5. (5)] (1) Bolts subject to both shear force and tensile force shall in addition satisfy the following
criterion which is illustrated in table XI. 10:

[form. (6.6)]
v.Sd Ft Sd £1,0
v.Rd l,4.F t Rd

Table XI. 10 Interaction formula of shear resistance and tension resistance for bolts

XI.b.6 ULS resistance of element with bolt holes

XI.b.6.1 Net section ULS resistance

[5.4.3 (1)] see chapter VI.b.2
XI.b.6.2 ULS resistance of angle with a single row of bolt
[] see chapter VLcl
XI.b.6.3 Block shear ULS resistance
[] see chapter VDXd.l
XI.b.7 High strength bolts in slip-resistant connections at SLS
(1) When the slip resistance is needed at serviceability timit states the design for a
preloaded high-strength bolt shall be carried out as given hereafter. In the ultimate limit
state the bolt is considered as a bolt in shear and bearing without friction (see chapter
(2) In connections designed for slip-resistance at serviceability limit states the design
serviceability shear load should not exceed the design slip resistance V&Rd-
(3) The design slip resistance of a preloaded high strength bolt shall be taken as:
_ s.Rk
s.Rd - (see table XI. 11 for Fs.Rk)
YMS. ser

(4) When the slip resistance is needed at ultimate limit state, see chapter [6.5.8] of
Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (121).
ECCS n° 65
table 4.5 Table XI.11 Characteristic slip resistance per bolt and per friction interface for 8.8 and
10.9 bolts, where the holes in all the plies have standard nominal clearances

*"*.** = 0 ^ f u b A s

Bolt diameter d [mm] 12 16 20 22 24 27 30 36

Tensile stress area of bolt 84,3 157 245 303 353 459 561 817
As [mm2]
μ = 0,2 9,4 17,6 27,4 33,9 39,5 51,4 62,8 91,5
Fsjik for 8.8 bolts [kN] class D
μ = 0,2 11,8 22,0 34,3 42,4 49,4 64,3 78,5 114,4
FsRk for 10.9 bolts [kN] class D
surface class description multiplication factor
surfaces blasted with shot or grit, with any
class Α (μ = 0,5) loose rust removed, no pitting. 2,5
surfaces blasted with shot or grit, and spray-
metallized with aluminium or a zinc-based
class Β (μ = 0,4) surfaces blasted with shot or grit, and
painted with an alkali-zinc silicate paint 2,0
class C (μ = 0,3) surfaces cleaned by wire brushing or flame
cleaning, with any loose rust removed. 1,5
class D (μ = 0,2) surfaces not treated. 1,0

XI.C Welded connections
xic.i Type of weld
(1) Welds are generally be classified as (see table XI. 12):
- fillet welds
- butt welds (with full or partial penetration)
ECCS n° 65
table 6.10 Table XI.12 Common types of welded joints
Type of weld Type of joint
Butt joint Tee-butt joint Lap joint
Fillet weld

Full penetration
butt weld
single V
I single bevel '

double V double bevel

single U
double U double J
Partial penetration
butt weld
double V

double U
XI.C.2 Fillet weld
[ (l)] (1) Fillet may be used for connecting parts, where the fusion faces form an angle of 60° to 120'
[ (2)] (2) Smaller angles than 60° are also permitted. However, in such cases the weld shall be
considered to be a partial penetration butt weld.
[ (3)] (3) For angles over 120°, fillet welds shall not be relied upon to transmit forces.

XI.C.3 Design resistance of fillet weld
XI.C.3 J Throat thickness
[ (1)] (1) The throat thickness, a, of a fillet weld shall be taken as the height of the largest triangle
which can be inscribed within the fusion faces and the weld surface, measured
perpendicular to the outer side of this triangle(see table XI. 13).
ECCS n° 65
table 6.13 Table XI.13 Throat thickness
(a) Design sections of fillet welds (b) Design throat thickness aup for
submerged arc welding

[ (2)] (2) The throat thickness of a fillet weld should not be less than 3 mm.

[ (4)] (3) In the case of a fillet weld made by an automatic submerged arc process, the throat
thickness may be increased by 20% or 2 mm, whichever is smaller, without resorting to
procedure trials.

ECCS n°65 (4) The design force used for checking fillet welds should be taken as the resultant of the (4) forces to be transmitted by the weld (see table XL 14).
ECCS n°65
table 6.14 Table XI.14 Action effects in fillet welds


VjTSd Vj_sd

Fw.Sd=VNÌ,Sd + VÌ. S d +V 2 / i Sd

ΧI.c.3.2 Design resistance
[6.6J.3] (1) The design resistance of a fillet weld shall be taken as follows

w.Rk (see table DC. 15 for FWR±)


ECCS n° 65
table 6.15 Table XI.15 Resistance of a fillet weld

w.Rk ■a.L

fu ­ nominal ultimate tensile strength of the weaker part joined

a ­ throat thickness
L ­ weld length
ß w ­ correlation factor

Weld resistance Fw.Rk in [kN] for 100 mm weld length 1

A Throat thickness 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
H a [mm]
S 235 ß w = 0,80 77,9 103,9 129,9 155,9 181,9 207,8 233,8 259,8 311,8
S 275 ß w = 0,85 79,5 106,0 132,5 158,9 185,4 211,9 238,4 264,9 317,9
S 355 ß w = 0,90 94,3 125,7 157,2 188,6 220,0 251,5 282,9 314,3 377,2
S 420 ß w = 0,95 91,2 121,5 151,9 182,3 212,7 243,1 273,5 303,9 364,6
S 460 ß w =l,00 91,8 122,4 153,0 183,6 214,2 244,8 275,4 306,0 367,2
­ For different weld lengths L in [mm] multiply the values given in the table by I J.

­ For steel grades greater than S 235 the values of fu are issued from table Π.2 (prEN 10113)
and are valid for plate thickness not greater than 40 mm.

XLc.4 Design resistance of butt weld

[ (l)] (1) A full penetration butt weld is defined as a butt weld that has complete penetration and
fusion of weld and parent metal throughout the thickness of the joint.

[ (2)] (2) A partial penetration butt weld is defined as a butt weld that has joint penetration which is
less than the full thickness of the parent material.

[ (l)] (3) The design resistance of a full penetration butt weld shall be taken as equal to the design
resistance of the weaker of the parts joined.
[ (1)] (4) The design resistance of a partial penetration butt weld shall be determined as for a deep
penetration fillet weld.
[ (2)] (5) The throat thickness of a partial penetration butt weld shall be taken as the depth of
penetration that can consistently be achieved.

XI.C.5 Joints to unstiffened flanges
[6.6.8 (i)] (1) In a tee­joint of a plate welded to an unstiffened flange of an I, H or a box section, a
reduced effective breadth shall be taken into account both for the parent material and for
the welds(see table XL 16).
[6.6.8 (2)] (2) For an I or H section the effective breadth beff should be obtained from:
't w + 2r + 7t f
beff = minimum r.2v f Λ , but b eff < b
t w + 2r + 7
v*Py v yp J
where design strength of member
Lyp design strength of plate
[6.6.8 (3)] (3) If beff is less than 0,7 times the full breadth, the joint should be stiffened.
[6.6.8 (4)] (4) For a box section the effective breadth beff should be obtained from:
beff = minimum·' (¿\ (* \
, but b eff < b
2t w + 5
K%VJ y yp J
[6.6.8 (5)] (5) The welds connecting the plate to the flange shall have a design resistance per unit length
not less than the design resistance per unit width of the flange.
ECCS n° 65
table 6.16 Table XI.16 Effective breadth of an unstiffened tee joint


4 s
! 10,5
· . [tø
t ' i , \s _
^ !

ΊΆ s\ -
'eff V I
S ι
^ 1 t
s J^ ι ;Ι θ , 5 . b eff


Xl.d Pin connections

[6.5.13] Reference may be made to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (121)
XLe Beam-to-column connections
[6.9] Reference may be made to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (/2/)
[Annex J]
Xl.f Design of column bases
[6.11] Reference may be made to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (121)
[Annex L]


XILa Generalities
(1) The definition of bracing system and its braced frame is given in chapter Lb. 1 and
in table 1.1.
(2) Examples of bracing system and its braced frame are given in table XII.5.

XILa. 1 Flow-chart FC 12: Elastic global analysis of bracing system according to EC 3

(1) The flow-chart FC 12 aims to provide a general presentation of elastic global analysis of
steel bracing system according to Eurocode 3.
(2) The flow-chart FC 12 is nearly similar to the flow-chart FC 1 of chapter I about elastic
global analysis of steel frames according to Eurocode 3 because only two items are
- the bracing system should be designed to resist supplementary loads and
supplementary effects of global imperfections issued from the frame which it
braces (see the part in comments on FC 12 and FC 1 concerning the
"Generalities about Eurocode 3") and,
- the classification of sway or non-sway bracing system should be established with
the same criteria but with specific conditions (see comments on rows 5 and 6 in
the part "Choice of the type of global analysis for ULS" of FC 12).
(3) The flow-chart FC 12 is divided in 3 parts:
Xn.a.1.1 general part (1 page)
Xn.a.1.2 details (1 page)
XILa. 1.3 comments (6 pages)

XII.a.1.1 Flow-chart FC 12: general

see the following page
XII.a.1.2 Flow-chart FC 12: details
see the second following page

Flow-chart fFC 12): Elastic global analysis of bracing system according to Eurocode 3 (General)


SLS checks

Choice of the type of global analysis

for ULS

ULS global analysis of the bracing system

to determine the internal forces and moments (N, V, M)

ULS checks of members

submitted to internal forces and moments (N, V, M)


ULS checks of local effects

ULS checks of connections
Flow­chart [FC 12: Elastic global analysis oí bracing SXStem according to Eurocode 3 (Details)

Determination of load arrangements (ECl and EC 8) J

Load cases
Load cases
for ULS [2.3.3.] for SLS [2.3.4.]
Predesign of members: beams & columns => Sections notfulfilled
with pinned ^nd/or rigid connections
Τ 1
ULS checks SLS checks notfulfilled
[Chap. 5] [Chap. 4] i ι
k ,J

Global imperfections and global imperfections

of the bracing system of the braced frame
[] []
i S.
Non-sway bracing system yes/Non­sway bracing system [52.5.2.]\no Sway bracing system
Vsd <0,1 1
\ [ (4)]
yes/ 0,1 < ^ ^ 0 , 2 5 ν»£$
[ (4)]
t Mjembers imperfections
Non­sway mode buckling Sway mode buckling
length approach ι eo,d []
length approach
[ a)][ (7)] : [ b)][ (8)] :
with sway moments with sway moments [] eo.d where eo.d in all
amplified by factor amplified by factor 1,2 in necessary members
l/(l­VSd/Vcr) beams & connections [] []
[ (3)]
O Çr ■0
™ /members
with eo.d
yes Ψ
\ (
Non­sway mode iLb Sway mode Lb Non­sway mode Lb «c,
_ /

Classification of cross­tsections [Chap. 5ι3]
± ± ± notfulfilled (n.f.h
Checks of the in­plane stability: members buckling [Chap. 55.] 15

Checks of the out­of­plane stability: members and/or frame buckling [Chap. 5.5.] η
Checks of resistance of cross­sections [Chap. 5.4.]

Checks of local effects (buckling and resistance of webs) [Chap. 5.6 and 5.7]

Checks of connections [Chap. 6 and Annex J]


XII.a.1.3 Comments on Flow-chart FC 12:
comments (1/6) on flow-chart FC 12:

* Generalities about Eurocode 3:

- Definition of a bracing system and its braced frame: see chapter I.b.l (table LI) and chapter
[ (7)] - Where bracing system is a frame or sub-frame, it may itself be either sway or non-sway.
- All checks of (ULS) Ultimate Limit States and all checks of (SLS1 Serviceability Limit
States are necessary to be fulfilled.
- According to the classification of cross-sections at ULS (row 14; chapter V of the design
handbook) Eurocode 3 allows to perform:
. plastic global analysis of a structure only composed of class 1 cross-sections when
required rotations are not calculated [5.3.3 (4)] or,
. elastic global analysis of a structure composed of class 1. 2. 3 or 4 cross-sections
assuming for ULS checks, either a plastic resistance of cross-sections (class 1 and 2)
or, an elastic resistance of the cross-sections, without local buckling (class 3) or, with
local buckling (class 4 with effective cross-section).
- In order to determine the internal forces and moments (N. V. M) in a bracing system
Eurocode 3 allows the use of different types of elastic global analysis either:
a) first order analysis using the initial geometry of the structure or,
b) second order analysis taking into account the influence of the deformation of the
[] - First order analysis (row 9) may be used for the elastic global analysis in the following casei
(types of bracing systems):
The/irsi order elastic global analysis of the bracing system should
[ (6)]
take into account
actions the the effects the the global member
horizontal of global vertical and imperfections imperfections
loads imperfections horizontal of the bracing of the bracing
from the from the loads of the system system
types of braced frame braced frame jracing system
bracing system (a) (a) (b) (row 5) (row 10)
1) non-sway
bracing systems
2) sway bracing
systems (c) X
(paths (2) and (3))
[ (5)] Notes : (a) actions issued from the frames which are braced by the analysed bracing system.
[ (6)] (b) the horizontal and vertical loads which are directly applied to the bracing
(c) use of design methods which make indirect allowance for second-order effects.

comments (2/6) on flow-chart FC 12:

[] Second order analysis may (row 9) be used in all cases (types of bracing systems):

The second order elastic global analysis of the bracing system should
[ (6)] take into account
actions the the effects the the global member
horizontal of global vertical and imperfections imperfections
loads imperfections horizontal of the bracing of the bracing
from the from the loads of the system system
types of braced frame braced frame bracing system
bracing systems (a) (a) (b) (row 5) (row 10)
1 ) for sway
bracing systems
(path @ )
X X(c)
2) for(path (D)
systems in general
( path©) W)
[ (5)] Notes : (a) actions issued from the frames which are braced by the analysed bracing system.
[ (6)] (b) the horizontal and vertical loads which are directly applied to the bracing system.
(c) members imperfections are introduced where necessary.
[ (3)]
(d) the more complex possibility of second order global analysis of the frame
(path©) could be conservative because it allows the bypass of the "sway or
non-sway frame" classification and consequently :
- either the first order analysis might be sufficient,
- or, the introduction of member imperfections would not be necessary in all
On the other hand, particular care shall be brought to the introduction of member
imperfections ( eo,d) which would be imposed for the global analysis in the
realistic directions corresponding to the deformations of the members for the
failure mode of the frame; that failure mode of the frame is related to the
combination of applied external loads; otherwise, with more favourable direction
of member imperfections, the second order global analysis might overestimate
the bearing capacity of the frame.
in the flow-chart FC 12 from path (Î) to path (6) (from left to right) the proposed
methods for global analysis become more and more sophisticated.

comments (3/6) on flow-chart FC 12:

* row 1:

ECl: Draft Eurocode 1 Basis of design and actions on structures

EC 3: ENV 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures, Part 1.1:
general rules and rules for buildings.
EC 8: Draft Eurocode 8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance

* rows 2.4:
[Chap. 5] - ULS means Ultimate Limit States
[Chap. 4] - SLS means Serviceability Limit States

* row 3:
This flow-chart concerns structures using pinned and/or rigid joints.
In the case of semi-rigid joints whose behaviour is between pinned and rigid joints,
the designer shall take into account the moment-rotation characteristics of the joints
(moment resistance, rotational stiffness and rotation capacity) at each step of the
design (predesign, global analysis, SLS and ULS checks). The semi-rigid joints
should be designed according to chapter 6.9 and the Annex J of Eurocode 3.

[4.2.1 (5)] * row 4:

For SLS checks, the deflections should be calculated making due allowance for any
second order effects, the rotational stiffness of any semi-rigid joints and the possible
occurrence of any plastic deformations.

* row 5:
[] Global imperfections of the bracing system

Bracing system imperfections

initial bow imperfection equivalent stabilizing force

' Τ τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ Τ ' 11

' T T T T ' T T T T T f '

k k i k k

1 1 ' '' 1 ι

^ <
r 5q

comments (4/6) on flow-chart FC 12:
[5.24.3] - Global imperfections of all the frames which are braced by the bracing system:
initial sway imperfections of the frame equivalent horizontal forces
i 4 t i f
could be applied
/ Fi in the form of
4 * I
/ *


φ (Fi + F2) φ (Fi + F2)

[5.23.2] * row 6: classification of swav or non­swav bracing system:

A bracing system may be classified as non-sway if according to first order elastic global
analysis of the bracing system for each ULS load case, one of the following
criteria is satisfied;
either, a) in general :
[ (3)]
Vsd__ ι < 0,1 aCT > 10
, condition which is equivalent to
V, af

where Vsd¡ design value of the total vertical load

»cr* elastic critical value of the total vertical load for failure in a sway mode
( = π2ΕΙ / L2 with L, buckling length for a column in a sway mode; V cr of
a column does not correspond necessarily to VCT of the frame including that
α cr coefficient of critical amplification or coefficient of remoteness of critical
state of the frame.
[ (8)] The total vertical load includes the vertical loads applied directly to the bracing
system and the ones acting on all the frames which it braces.

or, bi in case of bracing systems with beams connecting each columns at each storey level:

δ.5> ,5.(V1+V2) v
h­ΣΗ ]( ι . ^ + H2) >*

comments (5/6) on flow-chart FC 12:
where H, V: total horizontal and vertical reactions at the bottom of the storey.
δ: relative horizontal displacement of top and bottom of the storey.
h: height of the storey.
[ (9)] H, V, δ are deduced from a first order analysis of the bracing system submitted to:
­ the horizontal and vertical loads:
. applied directly to the bracing system and,
. acting on all the frames which it braces,
­ and, the global imperfections applied in the form of the equivalent
horizontal forces:
. from the bracing system (see comments on row 5) and,
. from all the frames which it braces (see below in the
comments on row 6).
­ A same frame could be classified as sway according to a load case (Vsdl for
instance) and as non­sway according to another load case (Vsd2 for instance).

For multi­storeys buildings the relevant condition is —— = maximum Vsdi

condition which is equivalent to aCT = minimum (oten),

where ^ L or acrj are related to the storey i.
cri (4) * row 7: Members imperfections may be neglected except in sway frames in the
cases of members which are subject to axial compression and which have
moment resisting connections, if :
Af, N
λ>0,5 »condition which is equivalent to
ΝSd N Sd > ;
or equivalent to ε> —
where λ : non­dimensional slenderness ratio calculated with a buckling length equal
to the system length
yield strength
area of the cross­section
Nsd design value of the compressive force
Νcr· elastic critical axial force ( = π2ΕΙ/ L2, with L = system length)

ε: factor ( = L , '—Sá., with L = system length) (4) * row 8: According to the definition of aCT introduced in comment on row 6:

0,1<—aa.< 0,25 »condition which is equivalent to 4 < aa < 10

* row 9:
The actions to be considered in first order elastic global analysis and in second order
elastic global analysis are listed in the "generalities about Eurocode 3" (see the first
comments on flow­chart FC 12) in function of the type of bracing system.

commente (6/6) on flow-chart FC 12:

♦ rows 10.11.12 :
- p a t h © : Sway moments amplified by factor 1,2 in beams and beam­to­column
connections and not in the columns. The definition of "sway moments"
is provided in [ (5)].
[5.2A5] ­ paths © and © : the introduction oí member imperfections eo,d
should be considered equivalent to the introduction of
distributed loads along the members :

e 04
NSd Nsd Nsd ι τ τ ? ? τ J' Nsd
? Ρ"
equivalent to L
M ».

with q = 8.N S d .e 0 , d /L'

ÌQ = 4.N S d .e 0 ) d /L
Note : the equivalence of en,d and (q, Q) loading is proposed here for a practical point of
view but it is not included in Eurocode 3.

* row 11: For the meaning of the ratio ——, refer to comment on row 6.
[Annex E] * row 13: L ¡,, buckling length of members for sway or non­sway mode

NSd *"" "** NSd


* row 14: The classification of cross-sections have to be determined before all the
ULS checks of members, cross­sections and webs (rows 15 to 18).

* rows
The sequence of the Ultimate L imit States checks is not imposed and it is up
to the designer to choose the order of the ULS checks which are anyhow all
necessary to be fulfilled. On the contrary, the sequence of steps to select the
type of analysis is well fixed and defined in rows 5 to 8.

[5.5.13(6)] * row 17:

When the member imperfections en,d are used in a second order analysis
(paths © or © ) , the resistance of the cross-sections shall be verified as
specified in chapter [5.4] but using the partial safety factor ymi in place of γ™

ΧII.b Static equilibrium
(1) Reference may be made to chapter IV.b.
XII.c Load arrangements and load cases
Xn.c.l Generalities
(1) Load arrangements which may be applied to buildings are provided in chapter ÏÏLb.
(2) Load cases (see chapter ni.c) may be established according to two procedures to study
structures submitted to actions:
a general procedure presented in flow­chart FC 3.1 (chapter ΠΙ) or,
a particular procedure presented in flow­chart FC 3.2 (chapter ΙΠ) which is
applicable for non­sway buildings because such structure may be studied
by first order elastic global analysis.
(3) Two types of load cases shall be considered:
load cases for Serviceability Limit States and,
load cases for Ultimate Limit States,
where differences are related to combination rules:
see table ΙΠ.7 for SLS combinations of actions
see table ΙΠ.8 for ULS combinations of actions
(4) A bracing system should be designed to resist different loads and effects of global
imperfections from the braced frame and of the bracing system itself (see comments on
flow­chart FC 12 concerning the "generalities about Eurocode 3" (see chapter XILa. 1.3)
and see table ΧΠ.1).

Table XII.l Load arrangements of the bracing system

a~) The horizontal loads from the braced frame:
Ρ c?

^ 7 & ■A ■— ^ s?
b) The effects of global imperfections from the braced frame:

c) The vertical and horizontal loads of the bracing system:

&, &,
d) The global imperfections of the bracing system:
see chapter XII.c.2

XII.C.2 Global imperfections of the bracing system
[5.24.3 (ï)] (1) The effects of imperfections shall be allowed for in bracing system design which are
required to provide lateral stability within the length of beams or compression members,
by means of an equivalent geometric imperfection of the members to be restrained, in the
form of an initial bow imperfection, or of the equivalent stabilizing forces according to
table ΧΠ.2.

(2) The numerical values for the stabilizing force Σ q are given in table ΧΠ.3 according to the
following model:

e 0 =­ 1 — where kr=J0,2+ (but k r £ l ) ,
where nr is the number of members to be restrained

k 500 δΓ
^=J£r< '-> where a =

(3) Practical examples of such global imperfections are given in table ΧΠ.4 which presents
the case where the bracing system is required to stabilize a beam.

ECCS n°65
table 5.7 Table ΧΠ.2 Bracing system imperfections
initial bow imperfection equivalent stabilizing forces

Nl.Sd Ni.Sd
. / ^1
N2.Sd N2.Sd

N3.Sd N3.Sd

i. i 4 i i i

/ ie° 'r <1 ' < I '

- μ- >r »t-δς

ECCS n° 65
table 5.8 Table ΧΠ.3 Values for the equivalent stabilizing force Σ q
nr=l nr = 2 nr=3 nr=4 nr=5 η Γ = οο
\ ΠΓ

Γ ]
ι ι
ι ι


5q \
ζ N Sd ζ ΣΝ 5α ζ ΣΝ5α ζ ΣΝ 5α ζ ΣΝ8(1 ζ ΣΝ8(1
52,1 L 60,3 L 67,2 L 71,8 L 75,1 L 96,6 L
ζ N Sd ζ ΣΝ 5ά ζ ΣΝ8ά ζ ΣΝ 8α ζ ΣΝ 8ά ζ ΣΝ 8ά
50 L 57,5 L 63,8 L 67,9 L 70,8 L 89,6 L
ζ N Sd ζ ΣΝ 8ά ζ ΣΝ5ά ζ ΣΝ 8α ζ ΣΝ 8ά ζ ΣΝ 8ά
46,9 L 53,4 L 58,8 L 62,2 L 64,7 L 80 L
ζ N Sd ζ ΣΝ 8α ζ ΣΝ5α ζ ΣΝ 8α ζ ΣΝ 8ά ζ ΣΝ 5α
41,7 L 46,8 L 50,8 L 53,4 L 55,2 L 66 L
number of 2 3 4 5 6 7
m pw f*f*m Wffl PWffl p?<m*m
ζ 1,0 9/8 ι,ο 25/24 ι,ο 49/48
δς is the in-plane deflection of the bracing system due to Σq plus any external loads.

Table XII.4 Bracing system imperfections (examples)

© N
2Sd N

­ * * * ­ . 1 1 Ι V Iq+w
r lSd |P2Sd ,P2Sd , r P 2Sd v lSd

- S\V—



f Η ΜΗ tΗ Η Ι Η tΠ Η Η

Xll.d Bracing system stability
(1) Reference may be made to chapter IV.d.
XILe First order elastic global analysis
(1) Reference may be made to chapter IV .e.
ΧΙΙ.Γ Verifications at SLS
(1) Reference may be made to chapters IV.f.l and VIII. b.
XH.g Verifications at ULS
ΧΠ.g. 1 Classification of the bracing system
Xll.g.1.1 Non-sway bracing system
[ (7)] (1) Where bracing system is a frame or sub-frame, it may itself be either sway or non-sway.
(2) Examples of sway frames are mentionned in chater I.b.2.
(3) In order to define the criterion used to classify a bracing system as sway or non-sway
reference may be made to comments on rows 5 and 6 of flow-chart FC 12
(see chapter XILa. 1.3).
(4) As the criterion of sway or non-sway bracing system classification depends on the total
vertical load, a same bracing system could be classified as sway according to a load case
and as non-sway according to another load case. Therefore the criterion of sway or non-
sway bracing system classification should be checked for each load case.

Xn.g.2 ULS checks

[5.1.2 (1)]
(1) The frames shall be checked at ultimate limit states for the resistances of cross-sections,
members and connections. For those ULS checks reference may be made to the following
- Classification of cross-sections: see chapter V
- Members in tension: see chapter VI
- Members in compression: see chapter VH
- Members in bending: see chapter VEI
- Members with combined axial force and bending moments: see chapter IX
- Transverse forces on webs: see chapter X
- Connections: see chapter XI

APPENDIX A : List of symbols (1/6)

1. Latin symbols
a designation of a buckling curve
a throat thickness of füllet weld
ad geometrical data of the effects of actions
at geometrical data for the resistance
aup design throat thickness for submerged arc welding
an designation of a buckling curve
ai, a2 distance between fastener holes and edge
A accidental action; area of building loaded by external pressure of wind;
area of gross cross-section
Aeff effective area of class 4 cross-section
Aeff.N effective area of class 4 cross-section subject to uniform compression
Aeff.M effective area of class 4 cross-section subject to uniaxial bending
(single or single
Anet net area of cross-section
Aref reference area for Cf (wind force)
A8 tensile stress area of bolt
Av shear area of cross-section effective shear area for resistance to block shear
Av.y shear area of cross-section according to yy axis
Av.z shear area of cross-section according to zz axis
b designation of a buckling curve; flange width; building width
beff effective breadth
BpJld design punching shear resistance of the bolt head and the nut
c designation of a buckling curve; outstand distance
c ALT altitude factor for reference wind velocity
cd dynamic factor for wind force
com direction factor for reference wind velocity
ce exposure coefficient for wind pressure and wind force
Cf wind force coefficient
Cpe external pressure coefficient for wind pressure
cr roughness coefficient for determination of c e
ct topography coefficient for determination of c e
CJEM temporary (seasonal) factor for reference wind velocity
Cd nominal value related to the design effect of actions
Ci, C2 factors for determination of FyR^
Ci, C 2, C3 factors for determination of MCT
d designation of a buckling curve; web depth
d bolt diameter
dm mean diameter of inscribed and circumscribed circles of bolt head or nut
do hole diameter
eN shift of relevant centroidal axis of the class 4 effective cross-section subject to
uniform compression (single N x .sd)
eNy shift of the y centroidal axis of the class 4 effective cross-section subject to
uniform compression
eNz shift of the ζ centroidal axis of the class 4 effective cross-section subject to
uniform compression
eM shift of relevant centroidal axis of the class 4 effective cross-section subject to
uniaxial bending (single or single
eo equivalent initial bow imperfection
eo,d design value of equivalent initial bow imperfection
ei, β2 distance between hole fastener and edge
E modulus of elasticity or Young Modulus; effect of actions at SLS

List of symbols (2/6)
ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork
ECSC European Community of Steel and Coal
EC 1 Eurocode 1 (/11)
EC 3 Eurocode 3 (/2/)
EC 8 Eurocode 8 (¡3f)
Ed design value of the effect of action
Ek characteristic value of effects of actions at SLS
fd design natural frequency
fe natural frequency
fmin recommended limit of natural frequency
fu ultimate tensile strength
fub nominal value of ultimate tensile strength for bolt
f, yield strength
fyb basic yield strength of the flat steel material before cold forming
fyb nominal value of yield strength for bolt
fyW yield strength of the web
F, Fi, F2 action (load, transverse force, imposed deformations,...)
FC flow-chart
Fb.Rd design bearing resistance per bolt
Fb.Rk characteristic value of bearing resistance per bolt
Fd design value of action
Ffr friction force force on bolt calculted from Msd and/or Fbjw
Fk characteristic value of action
FpjRd design punching shear resistance per bolt
F8d design transverse force applied on web through the flange
F8k characteristic value of transverse force
Fs.Rd design slip resistance per bolt at the ultimate limit state
Fs.Rd.ser design slip resistance per bolt at the serviceability limit state
Fs.Rk caracteristic slip-resistance per bolt and per friction interface
Ft.Rd design tension resistance per bolt
FtRk characteristic value of tension resistance per bolt
FLsd design tensile force per bolt for the ultimate limit state
Fv.Rd design shear resistance per bolt
Fv.Rk characteristic value of shear resistance per bolt and per shear plane
Fv.8d design shear force per bolt for the ultimate limit state design shear force per bolt for the serviceability limit state
Fw resultant wind force
Fw.Rk characteristic value of resistance force of fillet weld design force of fillet weld
g distributed permanent action; dead load
G permanent action
Gd design permanent action
Gk characteristic value of permanent action
h overall depth of cross-section; storey height; building height
ho overall height of structure
H total horizontal load
i radius of gyration about relevant axis using the properties of gross cross-section
second moment of area A
eff second moment of effective area Aeff (class 4 cross-section)
torsional constant
warping constant
second moment of area about zz axis
k subscript meaning characteristic (unfactored) value
k effective length factor
kLT factor for lateral-torsional buckling with N-M interaction
k<j buckling factor for outstand flanges

List of symbols (3/6)
kw effective length factor for warping end condition
Ky» Kz factors for N-M interaction
Kr roughness factor of the terrain
ί portion of a member
¿LT effective length for out-of-plane bending
L system length; span length; weld length
Lb buckling length of member
LTB lateral-torsional buckling
Lv distance between extreme fastener holes
m mass per unit length
max maximum
min minimum
M bending moment
Mb.Rd design resistance moment for lateral-torsional buckling
MCT elastic critical moment for lateral-torsional buckling
M c .Rd design resistance moment of the cross-section
Me torsional moment
Mef elastic moment capacity
Mf.Rd design plastic resistance moment of the cross-section consisting of the flanges
MN.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for axial force N
MN.V.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for axial force N and by shear
force V
MN.V.y.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment about yy axis allowing for axial force
N and shear force V
MN.V.z.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment about zz axis allowing for axial force
N and shear force V
MN.y.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment about yy axis allowing for axial
force N
MN.z.Rd reduced design plastic resistance moment about zz axis axial force N
Mpr plastic moment capacity
design plastic resistance moment of the cross-section
design plastic resistance moment of the web
design plastic resistance moment of the cross-section about yy axis
Mp£ z Jtd design plastic resistance moment of the cross-section about zz axis
MRd design bending moment resistance of the member
Msd design bending moment applied to the member
My.Rd design plastic resistance moment reduced by shear force design value of moment applied to the web
My bending moment about yy axis
My.Sd design bending moment about yy axis applied to the member
Mz bending moment about zz axis
M z .sd design bending moment about zz axis applied to the member
n number of fastener holes on the block shear failure path
nc number of columns in plane
nr number of members to be restrained by the bracing system
ns number of storeys
N normal force; axial load
NAD National Application Document
Nb.Rd design buckling resistance of the member
Nb.y.Rd design buckling resistance of the member according to yy axis
Nb.z.Rd design buckling resistance of the member according to zz axis
N compression normal force in compression
Ncr elastic critical axial force
NcRd design compression resistance of the cross-section

List of symbols (4/6)
N j . sd
design value of tensile force applied perpendicular to the fillet weld
Np£Rd design plastic resistance of the gross cross­section
NRd design resistance for tension or compression member
N8d design value of tensile force or compressive force
Nt.Rd design tension resistance of the cross­section
Ntension normal force in tension
N u .Rd design ultimate resistance of the net cross­section at holes for fasteners
N x .Sd design internal axial force applied to member according to xx axis
Pl»P2 distances between bolt holes
Ρ Point load
q imposed variable distributed load
qk characteristic value of imposed variable distributed load
qref reference mean wind pressure
Q imposed variable point load
Qd design variable action
Qk characteristic value of imposed variable point load
v¿k.max variable action which causes the largest effect
Γ radius of root fillet
R rolled sections
Ra,Rd design crippling resistance of the web
Rb,Rd design buckling resistance of the web
Rd design resistance of the member subject to internal forces or moment
Rk characteristic value of Rd
Ry,Rd design crushing resistance of the web
S snow load
S thickness of fillet weld
Sd design snow load
Sk characteristic value of the snow load on the ground
Ss length of stiff bearing
S effects of actions at ULS
sd design value of an internal force or moment applied to the member
Sk characteristic value of effects of actions at ULS
SLS Serviceability Limit states
design thickness, nominal thickness of element, material thickness
tf flange thickness
h thickness of the plate under the bolt head or the nut
thickness of a plate welded to an unstiffened flange
tw web thickness
U major axis
ULS Ultimate Limit States
v minor axis
Vref reference wind velocity
Vref.O basic value of the reference wind velocity
V shear force; total vertical load
Vba.Rd design shear buckling resistance
Vcr elastic critical value of the total vertical load
V//Sd design value of shear force applied parallel to the fillet weld
v±8d design value of shear force applied perpendicular to the fillet weld
p£Rd design shear plastic resistance of cross­section
V p £yJld design shear plastic resistance of cross­section according to yy axis (// to web)
Vp£zJid design shear plastic resistance of cross­section according to zz axis (_L to flange)
v Rd design shear resistance of the member
Vsd design shear force applied to the member; design value of the total vertical load
Vy shear forces applied parallel to yy axis
Vy.Sd design shear force applied to the member parallel to yy axis
Vz shear force parallel to zz axis

List of symbols (5/6) design internal shear forces applied to the member parallel to zz axis
w wind pressure on a surface
Wd design wind load
we wind pressure on external surface
W welded sections
Weff elastic section modulus of effective class 4 cross­section
Weff.y elastic section modulus of effective class 4 cross­section according to yy axis
Weff.ζ elastic section modulus of effective class 4 cross­section according to zz axis
Wcf elastic section modulus of class 3 cross­section
We£y elastic section modulus of class 3 cross­section according to yy axis
We£z elastic section modulus of class 3 cross­section according to zz axis
Wpf plastic section modulus of class 1 or 2 cross­section
Wp£y plastic section modulus of class 1 or 2 cross­section according to yy axis
Wp£ 2 plastic section modulus of class 1 or 2 cross­section according to zz axis
x, xx axis along the member
Xk characteristic value of the material properties
y, yy principal axis of cross section (parallel to flanges, in general)
z, zz principal axis of cross section (parallel to the web, in general)
Ze reference height for evaluation of c e

2. Greek symbols
α coefficient of frequency of the basis mode vibration
α coefficient of linear thermal expansion
α factor to determine the position of the neutral axis
ctcr coefficient of critical amplification or coefficient of remoteness of critical state of
the frame
βA non­dimensional coefficient for buckling
ßM equivalent uniform moment factor for flexural buckling
PM.LT equivalent uniform moment factor for lateral­torsional buckling
ß\iy equivalent uniform moment factor for flexural buckling about yy axis
ßvi z equivalent uniform moment factor for flexural buckling about zz axis
ßw non­dimensional coefficient for lateral­torsional buckling
ßw correlation factor (for a fillet weld)
YF partial safety factor for force or for action
YG partial safety factor for permanent action
YM partial safety factor for the resistance at ULS
YMb partial safety factor for the resistance of bolted connections
YMs.ser partial safety factor for the slip resistance of preloaded bolts
YMW partial safety factor for the resistance of welded connections
YMO partial safety factor for resistance at ULS of class 1,2 or 3 cross­sections
(plasticity or yielding)
YMI partial safety factor for resistance of class 4 cross­sections
(local buckling resistance)
YMI partial safety factor for the resistance of member to buckling
YM2 partial safety factor for the resistance of net section at bolt holes
YQ partial safety factor for variable action
δ relative horizontal displacement of top and bottom of a storey
5b horizontal displacement of the braced frame
5d design deflection
5dv design vertical deflection of floors, beams,...
fød design horizontal deflection of frames
OHmax recommended limit of horizontal deflection
δη in plane deflection of the bracing system due to q plus any external loads

List of symbols (6/6)
δς deflection due to variable load (q)
ôu horizontal displacement of the unbraced frame
ôvd design vertical deflection of floors, beams,...
Svmax recommended limit of vertical deflection
δο pre­camber (hogging) of the beam in the unloaded state (state 0)
δι svariation of the deflection of the beam due to permanent loads (G) immediatly
after loading (state 1)
δ2 variation of the deflection of the beam due to the variable loading (Q) (state 2)
Δ displacement
ε coefficient = I (with fy in N/mm 2 )
V fy
θ rotation
λ slenderness of the member for the relevant buckling mode
λχ Euler slenderness for buckling
λ non­dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for buckling
Xeff.v effective non­dimensional slenderness of the member for buckling about vv axis
Xeff.y effective non­dimensional slenderness of the member for buckling about yy axis
Xefí.z effective non­dimensional slenderness of the member for buckling about zz axis
λυτ non­dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for lateral­torsional buckling
Ρ plate slenderness ratio for class 4 effective cross­sections
λν non­dimensional slenderness of the member for buckling about w axis
Xy non dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for buckling about yy axis
λζ non dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for buckling about zz axis
μ factor for F s R^ depending on surface class
μί snow load shape coefficient
μΐ_τ factor for N-M interaction with lateral-torsional buckling
\x.y factor for N-M interaction
μζ factor for N-M interaction
ρ density
ρ reduction factor due to shear force V 8 d
py reduction factor due to shear force
ρζ reduction factor due to shear force
σ normal stress
Oq numerical values for the stabilizing forces of a bracing system
Gx.Ed> tfxm.Ed> design values of normal stresses for web check with Von Mises criteria
τ shear stresss
υ Poisson's ratio
φ initial sway imperfection of the frame
χ reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode
XLT reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling
Xmin minimum of xy and χ ζ
Xy reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode about yy axis
Xz reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode about zz axis

APPENDIX Β: List of tables (1/3)
Table 0.1 Dimensions and axes of rolled steel sections 6
Table 1.1 Summary of design requirements 11
Table 1.2 Partial safety factor YM for the resistance 12
Table 1.3 Definition of framing for horizontal loads 23
Table 1.4 Checks at Serviceability Limit States 24
Table 1.5 Member submitted to internal forces, moments and transverse forces 25
Table 1.6 Planes within internal forces, moments (N8d, V8d» M8d) and transverses 26
forces F8d are acting
Table 1.7 Internal forces, moments and transverse forces to be checked at ULS for 27
different types of loading
Table 1.8 List of references to chapters of the design handbook related to all check 28
formulas at ULS
Table Π.1 Typical types of joints 30
Table Π.2 Modelling of joints 31
Table Π. 3 Comparison table of different steel grades designation 32
Table Π.4 Nominal values of yield strength fy and ultimate tensile strength fu for 33
structural steels to EN 10025 and EN 10113
Table Π.5 Maximum thickness for statically loaded structural elements 34
Table Π.6 Maximum thickness for statically loaded structural elements 35
Table Π.7 Nominal values of yield strength fyb and ultimate tensile strength fub for bolts 35
Table Π.8 Material coefficient 36
Table ΠΙ. 1 Load arrangements (Fk) for building design according to ECl 40
Table ΠΙ.2 Imposed load (qk, Qk) on floors in buildings 41
Table ΠΙ. 3 Pressures on surfaces 42
Table ΠΙ.4 Exposure coefficient ce as a function of height ζ above ground 43
Table ΠΙ.5 External pressure Cpe for buildings depending on the size of the effected area A 43
Table ΠΙ.6 Reference height ZQ depending on h and b 44
Table ΙΠ.7 Combinations of actions for serviceability limit states 45
Table ΙΠ.8 Combinations of actions for ultimate limit states 46
Table ΠΙ.9 Examples for the application of the combinations rules in Table ΙΠ.8. 46
All actions (g, q, P, s, w) are considered to originate from different sources
Table IV. 1 Modelling of frame for analysis 48
Table IV.2 Modelling of connections 47
Table IV. 3 Global imperfections of the frame 57
Table IV.4 Values for the initial sway imperfections φ 58
Table IV.5 Specific actions for braced or non-sway frames 59
Table IV.6 Recommended limits for horizontal deflections 60
Table V. 1 Definition of the classification of cross-section 65
Table V.2 Determinant dimensions of cross-sections for classification 72
Table V.3 Classification of cross-section : limiting width-to thickness ratios for 73
class 1 & class 2 I cross-sections submitted to different types of loading
Table V.4 Classification of cross-section : limiting width-to thickness ratios for 74
class 3 I cross-sections submitted to different types of loading
Table V.5 Buckling factor k^ for outstand flanges 75
Table V.6 Classification of cross-section : limiting width-to-thickness ratios for internal 76
flange elements submitted to different types of loading

List of tables (2/3) Page
Table V.7 Classification of cross­section : limiting width­to­thickness ratios for angles 77
tubular sections submitted to different types of loading
Table V.8 Effective cross­sectional data for symmetrical profiles (class 4 cross­sections) 78
Table V.9 Limiting values of axial load Nsd for web classification of I cross­sections 79
subject to axial load Nsd and to bending according to major axis
Table V. 10 Examples of shift of centroidal axis of effective cross­section 80
Table VI. 1 List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in tension (Ntension) 84
Table VI.2 Gross and net cross­sections 85
Table VI.3 Reduction factors ß2 and ß3 86
Table VI.4 Connection of angles 87
Table VILI List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in compression (NComp.) 91
Table Vfl.2 Imperfection factor α 94
Table Vfl.3 Value of Euler slenderness λι 94
Table VII.4 Selection of buckling curve for a cross­section 95
Table VIL5 Buckling length of column : Lb 96
Table Vfl.6 Reduction factors χ = f (λ) 97
Table vm.l List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member in bending according 103
to the applied internal forces and/or moments(V ; M ;( V,M))
Table VIII.2 Recommended limiting values for vertical deflections 107
Table νΠΙ.3 Vertical deflections to be considered 107
Table Vm.4 Recommended limiting values for floor vibrations 108
Table Vni.5 Shear area A v for cross­sections 110
Table Vfll.6 Determination of A vnet for block shear resistance 111
Table VIII.7 Limiting width­to­thickness ratio related to the shear buckling in web 111
Table Vfll.8 Simple post­critical shear strength z\,a 112
Table VIfl.9 Buckling factor for shear kT 112
Table VIA. 10 Reduction factor %LT = f (XLT) for lateral­torsional buckling 116
Table Vm. 11 Effective length factors : k, kw 116
Table VIH. 12 Numerical values for Ci and definition of ψ 117
Table Vm. 13 Reduced design plastic resistance moment My.Rd allowing for shear force 119
Table Vm. 14 Interaction of shear buckling resistance and moment resistance 120
with the simple post­critical method
Table IX. 1 List of checks to be performed at ULS for the member submitted to 124
combined axial force and bending moment (Ν, M)
Table IX.2 Principle of interaction formulas between axial force Nsd 130
and bending moment Msd
Table IX.3 Reduced design plastic resistance moment MNJM allowing for axial load 131
for Class 1 or 2 cross­sections
Table IX.4 Interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability check of members of Class 1 or 2 135
Table IX.5 Interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability check of members of Class 3 136
Table LX.6 General interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability check of members of Class 4 137
Table ΓΧ.7 Supplementary interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability check of members 138
of Class 4
Table IX.8 Reduced design resistance Nyjid allowing for shear force 139
Table IX.9 Reduced design plastic resistance moment MN.v.Rd allowing for axial load 141
and shear force for Class 1 or 2 cross­sections

List of tables (3/3) Page
Table Χ. 1 Failure modes due to load introduction 147
Table X.2 Stresses in web panel due to bending moment, axial force and transverse force 148
Table X.3 Yield criteria to be satisfied by the web 149
Table X.4 Load introduction 150
Table X.5 Length of stiff bearing, s s 150
Table X.6 Interaction formula of crippling resistance and moment resistance 151
Table X.7 Effective breadth beff for web buckling resistance 152
Table X.8 Compression flange buckling in plane of the web 153
Table X.9 Maximum width-to-thickness ratio d/tw 153
Table XL 1 Designation of distances between bolts 156
Table XI.2 Linear distribution of loads between fasteners 156
Table XI.3 Possible plastic distribution of loads between fasteners. Any realistic 157
combination could be used, e.g.
Table XI.4 Prying forces 157
Table XI.5 Categories of bolted connections 158
Table XI.6 Bearing resistance per bolt for recommended detailing for t = 10 mm in [kN] 159
Table XI.7 Shear resistance per bolt and shear plane in [kN] 160
Table XI.8 Long joints 160
Table XI.9 Tension resistance per bolt in [kN] 161
Table XL 10 Interaction formula of shear resistance and tension resistance of bolts 161
Table XL 11 Characteristic slip resistance per bolt and friction interface for 8.8 and 162
10.9 bolts, where the holes in all the plies have standard nominal clearances
Table XL 12 Common types of welded joints 163
Table XL 13 Throat thickness 164
Table XL 14 Action effects in fillet welds 164
Table XL 15 Resistance of a fillet weld 165
Table XL 16 Effective breadth of an unstiffened tee joint 166
Table XII. 1 Load arrangements of the bracing system 176
Table XII.2 Bracing system imperfections 178
Table XII. 3 Values for the equivalent stabilizing force Zq 178
Table XII.4 Bracing system imperfections (examples) 179
Table D.l List of references to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 related to all check formulas at ULS 191

APPENDIX C : List of flow-charts
Chapter Pages

θ Elastic global analysis of steel frames according to Eurocode 3

General 14
Details I
Comments (6 pages) I 16 to 21

(FC3A\ Load arrangements & load cases for general global analysis of the structure HI 38

(FC3.2) Load arrangements & load cases for first order elastic global analysis of m 39
the structure

© Elastic global analysis of braced or non­sway steel frames according to EC 3

General IV 50
Details IV 51
Comments (4 pages) IV 52 to 55

(FC5.Ï) Classification of I cross­section 62

nFC5.2) Calculation of effective cross­section properties of Class 4 cross­section ry 63

(FC6.I) Members in tension (Ntension) VI 82

(FC62\ Angles connected by one leg and submitted to tension VI 83

(jFC lj Members in compression (Ncompression) VU 90

(FC 8) Design of I members in uniaxial bending (Vz;My;(Vz,My)) or (Vy;Mz;(Vy,Mz)) VIII 102

ÍFC 12jElastic global analysis of bracing system according to Eurocode 3

General XII 168
Details XII 169
Comments (6 pages) XII 170 to 175

H Table D.l List of references to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 related to all check formulas at ULS

Internal forces Typ ; References to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 for ULS checks
moments, and of in function of classes of cross­sections ([5.3]) : Physical phenomena
transverse forces check s classes 1 or 2 | class 3 class 4
L Ntension. R Γ5.4.3 (1)1 + [] + [] + [6.6.10] tension resistance (gross & net section)
2. Ncompression R [5.4.4 (1).(2)] Í5.4.4 (1),(2)1 compression resistance
1 S [ (1).(3)] [ (1),(3)1 Ν buckling of members
[3. V R [5.4.6 (1)1 + ,] shear and block shear resistances
S Γ5.6.1 (1)1 + 15.6.3] shear buckling
■ι M R (1)1 Í5.4.5.1 (2)1 [ (1)1 uniaxial bending resistance
1 _JS [5.5.2 (1)] [5.5.2(1)] [5.5.2(1)] lateral­torsional buckling (M y ) (LTB)
h . (M y ,M z ) R [ (11),(12)] [] [ (2)] biaxial bending resistance
S [5.5.4 (1)+(2)1 f5.5.4 (3H(4)1 [5.5.4 (5)+(6)l biaxial flexural buckling
¡6. (V,M) R [5.4.7(3)] uniaxial bending & shear resistance
(V z ,M y ) S [ (1),(2),(3)] uniaxial bending & shear buckling
7. (V,M y ,M z ) R [5.4.7 (3)] + formulas for (My. Mz) biaxial bending & shear resistance
(V z , My, M z ) S formulas for (Vz, M y ) uniaxial bending & shear buckling
8. (N,M) R Γ5.4.8.Π , Γ5.4.8.3 (2)1 uniaxial bending & axial force resistance
(Ntension^y) S [5.5.3 (2) to (5)] [5.5.3(2)to (5)] lateral­torsional buckling (LTB)
(Ncomp.. My) S [5.5.4 (l)+(2)] [5.5.4 (3)+(4)] [5.5.4 (5)+(6)] N­M buckling + LTB
(Ncomp.. Mz) S [5.5.4(1)] [5.5.4(3)] [5.5.4 (5)] N­M buckling
9. (N,My,M Z ) R [ ,(12)] [ (2)] [ (2)] biaxial bending & axial force resistance
S Í5.5.4 (1)+(2)1 Γ5.5.4 (3H(4)1 [5.5.4 (5)+(6)l (N­biaxial M) buckling + LTB
10. (N, V) R [5.4.9 (3)] +1"ormulas for (N tension , Ncomp.) shear and axial load resistance
S [] shear buckling
11. (N, V,M) R [5.4.9 (3)] + formulas for (Ν,Μ) interaction uniaxial bending &
shear and axial force resistance
(N,V z ,My) S [ (1),(2),(3)] + formulas for (Ν,Μ) interaction (N­uniaxial M) resistance & shear buckling
112. (RV.My.Mz) R [5.4.9 (3)] + formulas for (N,My,Mz) interaction biaxial bending & shear and axial force
(N,Vz,My,Mz) S formulas for (N.V^My) interaction (N­uniaxial M) resistance & shear buckling
Il3. F,(F,N),(F,My), R [5.4.10(2)] [5.4.10(1)1 [5.4.10(1)] transverse force (+N, +M y ) resistance
F R [5.7.3 (1)1 crushing
F S [5.7.4(1)] +[5.7.5 (1),(2),(3)] crippling + buckling
(F.My) S [5.7.4 (2)] + formulas for M crippling
S [5.7.7 (1),(2)] [5.7.7 (1),(2)] [5.7.7 (1),(2)] compression flange induced buckling
14. (F.VZ),(F,N,VZ), transverse forces + shear V z (+N, +My)
R [5.4.10(5)] [5.4.10(4)] [5.4.10(4)]
(F,Vz,My), resistance
(F.N,Vz,My) S formulas for (N,V¿.MV) interaction (N­uniaxial M) resistance & shear buckling

tvpe of loadine: 1. = tension members

2. = com pression members
3. t o ' '. = men ibers in bend i η
8. t o l 12. = men íbers with c o m jined N­M
13. to 14. = tran¡»verse forces or t webs
R = re sistance of cros s­sections ([5.4] )
5 = Stiìbility of members ([5.5]) or w e bs ([5.6],[5.7])

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European Commission

EUR 16839 — Properties and service performance

Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings

P. Chantrain, J.-B. Schleich

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

1997 — 227 pp. — 21.0 χ 29.7 cm

Technical steel research series

ISBN 92-828-1485-8

Price (excluding VAT) in Luxembourg: ECU 38

The aim of this ECSC research is to elaborate a simple but complete

document to design commonly used buildings in steel construction. This
document is completely based on Eurocode 3 and each paragraph totally
conforms to Eurocode 3. Only the design formulas necessary to design
braced or non-sway buildings are taken into account in this document. Tall
buildings (skyscrapers) and halls are not treated. The designers and steel
constructors are able to calculate and erect a commonly used steel
building with this design handbook. Therefore also the important load
cases from Eurocode 1 will be included in this document.
The working group of the research project was constituted of 10 European
engineering offices. Firstly that working group has carried out different
examples of calculation of braced or non-sway buildings according to
Eurocode 3, Part 1.1: check of existing steel structures and design of new
steel buildings. Afterwards, thanks to those examples of calculation the
needed design formulas of Eurocode 3 were highlighted and general
procedure of design was determined. The design handbook 'Simplified
version of Eurocode 3' is based on that experience.
The link of the working group to the drafting panel of Eurocode 3 was
guaranteed by the Professor Sedlacek of Aachen University.
Liaison has been ensured with both other ECSC research projects
No SA/312 and No SA/419 also dealing with Eurocode 3: respectively
'Application software of Eurocode 3: EC3-tools' (CTICM, France) and
'Design handbook for sway buildings' (CSM, Italy).
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