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Pseudomonotonicity of an affine map and the two

dimensional case
a a
Anna Marchi & Laura Martein
Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics , University of Pisa , Via Cosimo
Rodolfi 10, Pisa , 56214 , Italy
Published online: 18 Jun 2013.

To cite this article: Anna Marchi & Laura Martein (2008) Pseudomonotonicity of an affine map and the two dimensional
case, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 29:3, 407-421, DOI: 10.1080/02522667.2008.10699813

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Pseudomonotonicity of an affine map and the two dimensional case

Anna Marchi ∗
Laura Martein †
Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
University of Pisa
Via Cosimo Rodolfi 10
56124 Pisa

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In this paper the pseudomonotonidty of the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q on the interior

of the positive orthant of <n is studied. A new characterization is suggested involving the
positive and the negative polar of the cone generated by the set W ∗ = { z = Mx + q, x ∈
int <n+ }. The obtained results are applied to the two dimensional case in order to achieve a
complete characterization of pseudomonotonicity in terms of the coefficients of M and q.

Keywords : Pseudomonotonicity, pseudoconvexity.

1. Introduction

Monotonicity and convexity, generalized monotonicity and gener-

alized convexity are closely related since a differentiable function is
convex (generalized convex) if and only if its gradient map is monotone
(generalized monotone). The interest in studying generalized monotonic-
ity is also motivated by its connection with complementarity problems,
variational inequalities and more generally with equilibrium models
([6], [7], [8], [11],[13]). In particular, pseudomonotonicity of an affine map
∗ E-mail:
† E-mail:

Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
Vol. 29 (2008), No. 3, pp. 407–421
°c Taru Publications

is of particular interest for its relationships with pseudoconvexity and

with the linear complementarity problem ([2], [7]). This subject has been
studied by several authors (see for instance ([5], [9], [10])) and some
sufficient and/or necessary conditions are given in [5] but, unfortunately,
the obtained results are not very useful in constructing or in testing
pseudomonotonicity in an easily way.
The aim of this paper is to move a first step in this direction; more
precisely we suggest a new approach to the problem which allows us to
find a new characterization of the pseudomonotonicity of an affine map
on the interior of the positive orthant. By means of the obtained results we
are able to give a complete characterization in the two dimensional case in
terms of the elements of the matrix M and of the vector q associated with
the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q.
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In Section 2 and in Section 3 we establish a new characterization of

pseudomonotonicity of the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q on the interior of
the positive orthant, involving the positive and the negative polar of the
cone generated by the set W ∗ = { z = Mx + q, x ∈ int <n+ }. In Section 4
we characterize the pseudomonotonicity of a bijective linear map Mx in
terms of the elements of the 2 × 2 matrix M; we find as a particular case
some results given in [12]. In Section 5 we extend the obtained results to a
bijective affine map. At last in Section 6 we analyze the case where M is a
singular matrix.

2. Preliminary results

Let H ⊂ <n be a nonempty open convex set. In our approach to

pseudomonotonicity we are interested to characterize the set Z H = { z ∈
<n : ∃ a ∈ H, z T a = 0}. With this aim, let CH be the open cone generated
by H that is CH = {ta, t > 0, a ∈ H }.
The next theorem characterizes Z H by means of the polar cones
CH = {α ∈ <n : α T c ≥ 0, for all c ∈ CH }


CH = {α ∈ <n : α T c ≤ 0, for all c ∈ CH }.

More exactly, denoting with cl S and with ∂S the closure and the boundary
of the set S respectively, we have the following theorems.

Theorem 2.1.
+ − c
Z H = { z ∈ <n : ∃ a ∈ H, z T a = 0} = (CH ∪ CH ). (2.1)

Proof. First of all we recall the following known properties regarding an

open cone V with vertex at the origin:
v ∈ int V if and only if α T v > 0, for all α ∈ V + ; v ∈ cl V if and only if
α T v ≥ 0, for all α ∈ V + .
In order to prove (2.1), let us note that Z H = { z ∈ <n : ∃ c ∈ CH ,
zT c= 0}. Let z ∈ Z H and assume z ∈ CH . Since there exists c ∈ CH such
that z c = 0, necessarily we have c ∈ ∂CH and this absurd since CH is an
open set so that ∂CH = ∅. Consequently z ∈ / CH . In a similar way it can be
− + − c
proven z ∈/ CH and thus z ∈ (CH ∪ CH ) .
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+ − c + −
Viceversa, let z ∈ (CH ∪ CH ) , that is z ∈
/ CH ∪ CH . Then there
exist c1 ∈ CH , c2 ∈ CH such that z c1 < 0, z c2 > 0. The continuity
of the scalar product and the convexity of CH implies the existence of
c = λ c1 + (1 − λ )c2 , λ ∈ (0, 1) with c ∈ CH and z T c = 0. Consequently
z ∈ Z H and the thesis is achieved. ¤

Theorem 2.2. Let W be an open convex cone with vertex at the origin and set
W ∗ = x0 + W. Then

ZW ⊆ ZW ∗ . (2.2)

Proof. First of all we prove that W = CW ⊆ cl CW ∗ . Let w ∈ W;

we have x0 + nw ∈ x0 + W for every positive integer n. Consequently
1 1
n ( x0 + nw ) = n x0 + w ∈ CW ∗ and thus w is an accumulation point for
CW ∗ that is w ∈ cl CW ∗ . It follows (cl CW ∗ )+ = (CW ∗ )+ ⊆ CW , (cl CW ∗ )− =

(CW ∗ )− ⊆ CW so that
+ − c + − c
ZW ∗ = (CW ∗ ∪ CW ∗ ) ⊇ (CW ∪ CW ) = ZW . ¤

Consider now the following two special cases:

W = { Mx, x ∈ int <n+ }; W ∗ = { Mx + q, x ∈ int <n+ }

were M is a non singular matrix of order n.

Let us note that W is the open polyhedral cone generated by the

columns of the matrix M while W ∗ = W + q. The following theorem
characterizes the set ZW .

Theorem 2.3. Consider the set ZW . Then

ZW = { z = ( M−1 )T y, y ∈
/ <n+ ∪ <n− }.

Proof. Obviously we have CW = W. It is known that the positive polar

cone of W is given by W + = { z : M T z ≥ 0}. Setting M T z = y we
have W + = { z = ( M T )−1 y = ( M−1 )T y, y ≥ 0} and furthermore
W − = { z = ( M−1 )T y, y ≤ 0}. The thesis follows from Theorem 2.1. ¤

Regarding W ∗ = W + q, we have the following theorem:

+ − c
Theorem 2.4. We have ZW ∗ = (CW ∗ ∪ CW ∗ ) . In particular:

(i) if q ∈ W then ZW ∗ = ZW ;
(ii) if −q ∈ W then ZW ∗ = <n \ {0}.
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Proof. The first statement follows from Theorem 2.1 setting H = W ∗ .

Statement i) follows by noting that q ∈ W implies CW ∗ = CW .
Statement ii) follows by noting that −q ∈ W implies 0 ∈ int CW ∗ . ¤

3. A new characterization of pseudomonotonicity of a bijective affine

map on int <n+

In this section we will apply the results given in Section 2 in order to

characterize the pseudomonotonicity of an affine map on int <n+ .
We recall that a map F : S ⊆ <n → <n is said to be pseudomonotone
on S if for every x, y ∈ S we have:

( y − x)T F ( x) ≥ 0 implies ( y − x)T F ( y) ≥ 0

or equivalently (see [1])

( y − x)T F ( x) > 0 implies ( y − x)T F ( y) > 0.

A very useful characterization of pseudomonotonicity is given in [10]; in

the case F ( x) = Mx + q where M is a matrix of order n and S = int <n+
such a characterization assumes the form given in the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1. F ( x) = Mx + q is pseudomonotone on int <n+ if and only if for

all x ∈ int <n+ and v ∈ <n ,

v T ( Mx + q) = 0 implies v T Mv ≥ 0. (3.3)

Let us note that (3.3) is obviously verified when B = ( M + M T )/2

is positive semidefinite, so that the main problem in characterizing the
pseudomonotonicity of an affine map is related to matrices M for which B
is not positive seimidefinite.
We say that the affine map F is merely pseudomonotone if it is pseu-
domonotone and B is not positive semidefinite.
The following theorem gives a new formulation of pseudomono-
Theorem 3.2. F ( x) = Mx + q is pseudomonotone on int <n+ if and only if

v T Mv ≥ 0 for all v ∈ ZW ∗ . (3.4)

Proof. Taking into account Theorem 2.4, it is sufficient to note that the set
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of all elements v such that v T ( Mx + q) = 0 is equal to ZW ∗ . ¤

Corollary 3.1. The linear map F ( x) = Mx is pseudomonotone on int <n+ if and
only if

y T ( M −1 ) T y ≥ 0 / <n+ ∪ <n− .
for all y ∈ (3.5)

Proof. We have ZW ∗ = ZW = { z = ( M−1 ) T y, y ∈ / <n+ ∪ <n− } (see

Theorem 2.3). The thesis is achieved taking into account that (3.3) becomes
v T Mv = y T M−1 M( M−1 )T y = y T ( M−1 )T y. ¤

From Theorem 2.2 and Theorem 3.2 we have the following necessary
condition for the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q to be pseudomonotone on
int <n+ .
Theorem 3.3. If the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q is pseudomonotone on int <n+ ,
then the linear map G ( x) = Mx is pseudomonotone on int <n+ .

As an application of the new characterization of pseudomonotonicity

given in Theorem 3.2 and in Corollary 3.1, in the next two sections we
express the pseudomonotonicity of a bijective map on int <2+ in terms of
the elements of the 2 × 2 matrix M in the linear case and in the affine case,

4. Pseudomonotonicity of a bijective linear map on int <2+

Consider the linear map F ( x) = Mx on the interior of the positive or-
thant, where M is a 2 × 2 non singular matrix. In such a case, Corollary 3.1
assumes the following simple form:

F ( x) = Mx is pseudomonotone on int <2+ if and only if (4.6) holds:

y T M−1 y ≥ 0 for all y = ( y1 , y2 ) such that y1 y2 < 0 (4.6)

" #
a c
Set M = and ∆ = (b + c)2 − 4ad. By means of (4.6) we are able to
b d
prove the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1. Let M be a nonsingular matrix. The linear map F ( x) = Mx is

pseudomonotone on int <2+ if and only if one of the following conditions holds:
a d
≥ 0, ≥ 0, ∆ ≤ 0 (4.7)
det M det M
a d b+c
≥ 0, ≥ 0, ≥ 0, ∆ > 0. (4.8)
det M det M det M
" #
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1 d −c
Proof. From (4.6), taking into account that M −1 = det M , F ( x)
−b a
is pseudomonotone if and only if (4.9)holds:
d b+c a
Ψ( y1 , y2 ) = y2 − y1 y2 + y2 ≥ 0, y1 y2 < 0. (4.9)
det M 1 det M det M 2
Let us note that Ψ( y1 , y2 ) ≥ 0 for all y1 , y2 ∈ < if and only if the matrix
associated with the quadratic form is positive semidefinite that is if and
only if (4.7) holds.
Consider now the case ∆ > 0. Setting m = y2 , (4.9) is equivalent to

d b+c a
Ψ(m) = m2 − m+ ≥ 0, for all m < 0. (4.10)
det M det M det M
Assume the pseudomonotonicity of F ( x); the validity of (4.10) implies
lim Ψ(m) ≥ 0 that is detd M ≥ 0 and lim Ψ(m) = deta M ≥ 0. The
m→−∞ m→0−
assumption 4 > 0 together with (4.10) implies that Ψ(m) must have two
nonnegative roots that is det M ≥ 0. Viceversa if (4.8) holds then Ψ (m ) has
two nonnegative roots so that (4.10) is verified. ¤

Corollary 4.1. Let M be a nonsingular matrix and consider the linear map
F ( x) = Mx. Then (i) and (ii) hold.

(i) F ( x) is merely pseudomonotone on int <2+ if and only if (4.11) or (4.12)


det M > 0, a ≥ 0, d ≥ 0, b + c ≥ 0, ∆ > 0 (4.11)


det M < 0, a ≤ 0, d ≤ 0, b + c ≤ 0. (4.12)

(ii) F ( x) is pseudomonotone (not merely) on int <2+ if and only if (4.13) holds.
a ≥ 0, d ≥ 0, ∆ ≤ 0. (4.13)

Proof. It is sufficient to note that det M < 0 implies ∆ > 0. In fact

(b + c)2 − 4ad ≤ 0, ad − bc < 0 implies (b + c)2 ≤ 4ad < 4bc that is
(b − c)2 < 0 and this is absurd. ¤

Example 4.1. The following matrices are associated with merely pseu-
domonotone linear maps:
" #
0 α
M= , αβ < 0, α + β ≥ 0, γ ≥ 0
β γ
" #
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0 α
M= , αβ > 0, α + β ≤ 0, γ ≤ 0
β γ
" # " #
1 2 −1 −2
M= ;M = .
4 3 −1 −1

5. Pseudomonotonicity of a bijective affine map on int <2+

Consider the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q where M is a 2 × 2 non

singular matrix; by means of Theorem 3.2 we are able to characterize the
pseudomonotonicity of F ( x) on int <2+ .
First of all we must characterize the set ZW ∗ . Since M is nonsingular,
q is a linear combination of the columns m(1) , m(2) of M, that is there exist
α , β ∈ < such that q = α m(1) + βm(2) . In what follows we will use the
following notations:

• (m(1) )⊥ , (m(2) )⊥ are the orthogonal space of m(1) , m(2) respectively;

• M1 is the matrix having q, m(1) as columns;
• M2 is the matrix having q, m(2) as columns.

We have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1. It results:

(i) If α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0 then ZW ∗ = ZW .
(ii) If α < 0, β < 0 then ZW ∗ = <2 .

(iii) If α < 0, β = 0 then ZW ∗ = <2 \ (m(1) )⊥ .

(iv) If α = 0, β < 0 then ZW ∗ = <2 \ (m(2) )⊥ .
(v) If α > 0, β < 0 then ZW ∗ = {v = ( M2−1 )T y, y1 y2 < 0}.
(vi) If α < 0, β > 0 then ZW ∗ = {v = ( M1−1 )T y, y1 y2 < 0}.

Proof. (i) It follows by noting that W ∗ = q + W ⊂ W.

(ii) It follows by noting that 0 ∈ int W ∗ , so that CW ∗ = ZW ∗ = <2 .
(iii) we have CW ∗ = { z = t( x1 +α )m(1) + tx2 m(2) , t > 0, x1 > 0, x2 > 0, α < 0}.
Set λ = t( x1 + α ) and µ = tx2 ; choosing ² > 0 such that x1 = −α ± ² > 0
and t = ²z , z > 0, we obtain CW ∗ = {λ m(1) + µ m(2) , λ ∈ <, µ > 0}. It
follows ZW ∗ = ((CW ∗ )+ ∪ (CW ∗ )− )c = <2 \ (m(1) )⊥ .
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(iv) The proof is similar to the one given in (iii).

(v) We have CW ∗ = { z = t( x1 + α )m(1) + t( x2 + β)m(2) , t > 0, x1 > 0, x2 >
0, α > 0, β < 0}. Set λ = t x1α+α > 0 and µ = t α x2 − α
β x1
> 0; by simple
calculations we obtain CW = {αλ m + (µ + βλ )m = λ q + µ m(2) , λ > 0,
∗ ( 1 ) ( 2 )

µ > 0}. In other words, CW ∗ is the open convex cone generated by the
columns of the matrix M2 , so that the thesis follows from Theorem 2.3
applied to the matrix M2 .
(vi) The proof is similar to the one given in (v). ¤
" #
a c
As in the previous section set M = and ∆ = (b + c)2 − 4ad.
b d
Now we are able to characterize the pseudomonotonicity of an affine map
on the interior of the positive orthant.

Theorem 5.2. Let M be a nonsingular matrix and consider the affine map
F ( x) = Mx + q. Set (α , β) T = M−1 q. Then F ( x) is merely pseudomonotone
on int <2+ if and only if one of the following cases is verified.

(i) α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0 and one of the following conditions holds:

det M > 0, a ≥ 0, d ≥ 0, b + c ≥ 0, ∆ > 0 (5.14)

det M < 0, a ≤ 0, d ≤ 0, b + c ≤ 0, ∆ > 0 (5.15)

(ii) α > 0, β < 0 and one of the following conditions holds:

β a
det M > 0, a > 0, d = 0, b + c > 0, − ≤ (5.16)
α b+c

β b+c− ∆
det M > 0, a > 0, d > 0, b + c > 0, ∆ > 0, − ≤ (5.17)
α 2d
β a
det M < 0, a < 0, d = 0, b + c < 0, − ≤ (5.18)
α b+c

β b+c+ ∆
det M < 0, a < 0, d < 0, b + c < 0, ∆ > 0, − ≤ (5.19)
α 2d
(iii) α < 0, β > 0 and one of the following conditions holds:
α d
det M > 0, a = 0, d > 0, b + c > 0, − ≤ (5.20)
β b+c

α b+c− ∆
det M > 0, a > 0, d > 0, b + c > 0, ∆ > 0, − ≤ (5.21)
β 2a
α d
det M < 0, a = 0, d < 0, b + c < 0, − ≤ (5.22)
β b+c

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α b+c+ ∆
det M < 0, a < 0, d < 0, b + c < 0, ∆ > 0, − ≤ (5.23)
β 2a

Furthermore, F ( x) is pseudomonotone (not merely) on int <2+ if and only if

(5.24) holds.

a ≥ 0, d ≥ 0, ∆ ≤ 0. (5.24)

Proof. From Theorem 3.2 the affine map F ( x) is pseudomonotone on

int <2+ if and only if v T Mv ≥ 0 for all v ∈ ZW ∗ .

• If α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0, from (i) of Theorem 5.1 we have ZW ∗ = ZW so that

the pseudomonotonicity of F ( x) reduces to the pseudomonotonicity
of the linear map G ( x) = Mx which is equivalent to (5.14), (5.15) (see
Corollary 4.1).
• If α < 0, β < 0, from (ii) of Theorem 5.1 we have ZW ∗ = <2 so that
F ( x) is pseudomonotone if and only if M+2M is positive semidefinite,
that is if and only if (5.24) holds.
• If α < 0, β = 0 or α = 0, β < 0, from (iii), (iv) of Theorem 5.1 ZW ∗ is
the union of two open halfspaces so that F ( x) is pseudomonotone if
and only if M+2M is positive semidefinite, that is if and only if (5.24)
• If α > 0, β < 0, taking into account (v) of Theorem 5.1, F ( x) is
pseudomonotone if and only if (5.25) holds:
y T M2−1 M( M2−1 )T y ≥ 0, for all y = ( y1 , y2 )T with y1 y2 < 0. (5.25)

Consequently (see (4.6)), the pseudomonotonicity of F ( x) is equiva-

lent to the pseudomonotonicity of the linear map H ( x) = M2∗ x where
M2∗ = [ M2−1 M( M2−1 )T ]−1 = M2T M−1 ( M2 ).
" #
α a + βc c
Setting M2 = , by simple calculations we have
α b + βd d
" #
∗ aα 2 + (b + c)αβ + dβ2 α b + βd
M2 = .
α c + βd d
From Corollary 4.1, taking into account that det M2∗ = α 2 det M and
∆∗ = ((b + c)α + 2βd)2 − 4d( aα 2 + (b + c)αβ + dβ2 )
= α 2 [(b + c)2 − 4ad]
= α 2 ∆,
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F ( x) is merely pseudomonotone if and only if (5.26) or (5.27) holds:

det M > 0, ∆ > 0, d ≥ 0, (b + c)α + 2βd ≥ 0,
aα 2 + (b + c)αβ + dβ2 ≥ 0 (5.26)
det M < 0, d ≤ 0, (b + c)α + 2βd ≤ 0,
aα 2 + (b + c)αβ + dβ2 ≤ 0. (5.27)
Consider the case det M > 0. Taking into account the necessary
pseudomonotonicity condition stated in Theorem 3.3, F ( x) is merely
pseudomonotone if and only if the conditions det M > 0, a ≥ 0,
d ≥ 0, b + c ≥ 0, ∆ > 0 are verified and furthermore the following
two inequalities hold:
2d + b + c ≥ 0, (5.28)
µ ¶2
β β
d + (b + c) + a ≥ 0 . (5.29)
α α
Let us note that the case a = 0 cannot occur. In fact if a = 0 and d = 0,
the conditions ∆ > 0 and b + c ≥ 0 imply b + c > 0 so that (5.29) is
not verified since β < 0; if a = 0 and d > 0, (5.29) is verified for αβ ≥ 0
β −(b+c)
(and this is a contradiction) or for α ≤ d while (5.28) is verified
β −(b+c) −(b+c)
for α ≥ 2d > d and this is a contradiction.
Consider the case a > 0 and d = 0; since ∆ > 0 we have b + c > 0
so that (5.28) is satisfied. Condition (5.29) is verified if and only if
− αβ ≤ b+a c , that is if and only if (5.16) holds.

−(b+c)− ∆
When a > 0 and d > 0, we have γ1 < γ2 < 0 where γ1 = 2d ,

−(b+c)+ ∆ β −(b+c)
γ2 = 2d . Condition (5.28) is verified if and only if α ≥ 2d
while (5.29) is verified if and only if αβ ≥ γ2 or αβ ≤ γ1 . Consequently
(5.28) and (5.29) hold if and only if αβ ≥ γ2 that is if and only if (5.17)
Consider now the case det M < 0. Let us note that (5.27) is equivalent
to (5.26) changing a, d, b + c with − a, −d, −(b + c), respectively. Ap-
plying these changes to (5.16) and (5.17) we obtain (5.18) and (5.19),
• At last, consider the case α < 0, β > 0. Taking into account (vi) of The-
−1 −1 T
orem 5.1, F ( x) is pseudomonotone if and only if y T M" 1 M( M1 )# y ≥
α a + βc a
0, for all y = ( y1 , y2 )T with y1 y2 < 0, where M1 = .
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α b + βd b

By simple calculations we have

" #
∗ T −1 aα 2 + (b + c)αβ + dβ2 α a + βc
M1 = M1 M M1 = .
α a + βb a

It follows that M1∗ can be obtained from M2∗ changing a, α with d, β,

respectively. Applying these changes in (ii) we obtain (iii).
The proof is complete. ¤
6. The singular case

In this section we will characterize

" # the pseudomonotonicity of the
a c
affine map F ( x) = Mx + q, M = , rank ( M) = 1, on the interior of
b d
the positive orthant.
Set x T = ( x1 , x2 ), q T = (q1 , q2 ) and denote by m(1) , m(2) the first
and the second column of M, respectively. Since rank ( M) = 1 at least
one column is not the null vector. Without loss of generality assume the
existence of α ∈ < such that m(2) = α m(1) .
Two cases arise: q is proportional to m(1) , that is there exists β ∈ <
such that q = βm(1) , or q is not proportional to m(1) , that is rank [q,m(1) ] = 2.
In the first case we have the following theorem:

Theorem 6.1. Consider the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q, q = βm(1) , β ∈ <.

Then F ( x) is pseudomonotone on int <2+ if and only if one of the following

conditions holds:

(i) α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0;
(ii) a > 0, b = α a.

Proof. It results v T ( Mx + q) = ( x1 + α x2 + β)v T m(1) . If for every ( x1 , x2 )

∈ int <2+ it results x1 + α x2 + β 6= 0, then vT ( Mx + q) = 0 ⇔ vT m(1) = 0;
on the other hand v T m(1) = 0 implies v T Mv = 0 and thus F ( x) is
pseudomonotone. Let us note that x1 + α x2 + β 6= 0, for all ( x1 , x2 ) ∈
int <2+ if and only if α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0, so that condition i) is verified.
If there exists ( x1 , x2 ) ∈ int <2+ such that x1 + α x2 + β = 0 then
it results v T ( Mx + q) = 0, for all v ∈ <2 , so that v T Mv ≥ 0 if and
only if B = M+2M is positive semidefinite. Let us note that B is positive
semidefinite if and only if a ≥ 0, α b ≥ 0 and det B = −(α a − b)2 ≥ 0 that
Downloaded by [Australian National University] at 17:43 05 January 2015

is taking into account that m(1) 6= 0, if and only if a > 0, b = α a, so that

condition (ii) holds. ¤

Corollary 6.1. Consider the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q, q = βm(1) , β ∈ <.


(i) F ( x) is merely pseudomonotone if and only if

" # Ã !
a αa βa
M= , q= , α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0, b 6= α a (6.30)
b αb βb

(ii) F ( x) is pseudomonotone (not merely) if and only if

" #
1 α
M=a , a > 0, α ∈ <. (6.31)
α α2

Proof. We have v T ( Mx + q) = ( x1 + α x2 + β)v T m(1) .

If α < 0 it is possible to choose x∗2 > 0 large enough such that
x∗1 = −α x∗2 − β > 0; it follows that ( x∗1 + α x∗2 + β)v T m(1) = 0 is verified
for all v ∈ <2 . Consequently, in the case α < 0, F ( x) is pseudomonotone
on int <2+ if and only if the matrix M+2M is positive semidefinite (in such
a case it is easy to prove that it assumes the form (6.31)).
If α ≥ 0, β < 0 it is possible to choose x∗2 > 0 close to zero such
that x∗1 = −α x∗2 − β > 0; it follows that ( x∗1 + α x∗2 + β)v T m(1) = 0 is
verified for all v ∈ <2 . Consequently, also in the case α ≥ 0, β < 0, F ( x)
is pseudomonotone on int <2+ if and only if the matrix M+2M is positive

In the case α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0, we have v T ( Mx + q) = ( x1 + α x2 +

β)v T m(1) = 0, x1 > 0, x2 > 0 if and only if v T m(1) = 0, so that v T Mv = 0
and F ( x) is pseudomonotone.
The proof is complete. ¤

Corollary 6.2. Consider the linear map F ( x) = Mx. Then:

(i) F ( x) is merely pseudomonotone if and only if

" #
a αa
M= , α ≥ 0, b 6= α a (6.32)
b αb
(ii) F ( x) is pseudomonotone (not merely) if and only if
" #
1 α
M=a , a > 0, α ∈ <. (6.33)
α α2
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The following theorem characterizes the pseudomonotonicity of the

affine map F ( x) when rank [q, m(1) ] = 2.

Theorem 6.2. Consider the affine map F ( x) = Mx + q with rank[q, m(1) ] = 2.


(i) F ( x) is merely pseudomonotone if and only if one of the following conditions

" #
a αa
M= , α ≥ 0, bq1 − aq2 > 0, q2 ≤ α q1 , b < α a (6.34)
b αb
" #
a αa
M= , α ≥ 0, bq1 − aq2 < 0, q2 > α q1 , b > α a (6.35)
b αb
(ii) F ( x) is pseudomonotone (not merely) if and only if (6.33) holds.

Proof. Let CW ∗ be the cone generated by W ∗ = { Mx + q, x ∈ int <2+ }. It

is easy to prove that:

• if α < 0 then CW ∗ is the half-plane containing q and having r = { x =

tm(1) , t ∈ <} as supporting line;
• if α ≥ 0 then CW ∗ is the open convex cone generated by the vectors m(1)
and q.

In the first case, that is α < 0, ZW ∗ = ((m(1) )⊥ )c (see Theorem 2.1); when
α ≥ 0, we have ZW ∗ = {v = ( A−1 )T y, y ∈ / <2+ ∪ <2− } where A is the
( 1 )
matrix having m and q as columns (see Theorem 2.3).

From Theorem 3.2, F ( x) is pseudomonotone if and only v T Mv ≥ 0,

for all v ∈ ZW ∗ . Consequently:

• if α < 0 we have vT Mv ≥ 0, for all v ∈ ((m(1) )⊥ )c , that is vT Mv ≥ 0,

for all v ∈ <2 , so that F ( x) is pseudomonotone if and only if M+2M is
positive semidefinite;
• if α ≥ 0, F ( x) is pseudomonotone if and only if
y T A−1 M( A−1 )T y ≥ 0 for all y = ( y1 , y2 )T , y1 y2 < 0 (6.36)
By simple calculations we find
" #
−1 −1 T 1 0 0
A M( A ) = (6.37)
bq1 − aq2 b − α a −q2 + α q1
so that (6.36) becomes
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−q2 + α q1 2 (α a − b)
y − y1 y2 ≥ 0 for all y1 y2 < 0. (6.38)
bq1 − aq2 2 bq1 − aq2

Following the same lines given in the proof of Theorem 4.1, the thesis is
achieved. ¤


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