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Criminal Justice

By: Molly Engels

• Introduction of Project
-Area of Expertise
-Research Topic
• Overview of Shadowing Experience
-Who, Where, Why
• Presentation of Product

Overview: -Purpose
• Closing
-What I learned
-Future Plans
• Opening for Questions
Choosing an Area of

• Interested in the field

• Toured DOC during Human Service Class
through NTHS
• Love to help people
• Lover of kids
• Long Process to choose a topic to

Choosing a • Is the money tax payers are spending

on sending juveniles to specialized
Research programs worth it?
• Theft
Topic • Assault
• Drug/Alcohol Abuse
• Rape/Sexual Assault
Who, Where, and

• Who:
• Kim Tvedt, Juvenile Corrections Agent.
• Where:
• Department of Corrections in
Watertown, SD.
• Why:
• Thought her job was interesting.
• Potential career
• Toured Sequel, a transitional
• Listened in on phone interviews
Observations: • Read files
• Made lots of phone calls
• Went to court
• Very interesting and eventful job
• Need to be very strong
Reflection: • Can be stressful keeping up with
everything that is thrown at you
• Website : Juvenile Placement Info
• Help to inform loved ones of Juvenile
Delinquents of the placement options
Product based on specific crimes
• Discussed with mentor/Mr. Rudebusch
what a helpful product would be to
juveniles or their loved ones
• Realized there aren’t many websites
out there that show all of the
placement options for juveniles in this

Product • Choose a website to make my website

• Fill in the template with my information
Process: • Decided which types of crimes to
• Decided how much information to put
on each slide
• Make it easy to read, with very
beneficial information
• Demonstration
Product • https://juvenileplacementinfo.weebly.c
Presentation: om/
What I Learned:

• Very emotionally and mentally draining job

• Very rewarding job
• This is definitely the job for me
Future Plans:

• Attend Lake Area Technical

Institute to pursue a degree in
Human Services and later obtain a
degree in Criminal Justice.
Big Thanks • Mentor Kim Tvedt
• Mr. Rudebusch
to… • Panel Members
Open for

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