Element in Lipids

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Element in Lipids

Lipids are large organic molecules or "macromolecules." Due to their association with
dietary fat, lipids won't win many popularity contests. But lipids are important for more
than growing waistlines. Lipids function in energy storage, cell membrane structure,
protection of living surfaces and chemical signaling. Lipids are different from most other
biological molecules in that they are hydrophobic, meaning that they don't dissolve in
water. This property is why the salad oil in your refrigerator separates into an oil layer
and a vinegar layer (vinegar is mostly water). The major types of lipids are fats, oils,
waxes, steroids and phospholipids, which make up cell membranes.
The Facts
The basic building block of all organic molecules is the carbon atom, which is present in
all known forms of life. Carbon is unique in its ability to form large, diverse
molecules like lipids. Like all organic molecules, a lipid consists of a carbon atom
"skeleton" to which other molecules are attached. When glycerol (a type of alcohol)
and fatty acids are attached to the carbon skeleton, a lipid is made.

Fats and Oils

Most people have heard that unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats, but how are
these fats chemically different? The carbon atoms in lipids and other molecules can
form a maximum of four bonds with other atoms, which is important for
understanding the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats.

In a saturated fat, each carbon atom forms a single bond with hydrogen and other
atoms in the molecule. This creates a fatty acid with a straight "tail," which allows
many molecules to be packed tightly together in a relatively small space. This tight
packing is why saturated fats, like lard or butter, are solid at room temperature.

In an unsaturated fat, some carbon atoms form double bonds with other atoms.
These double bonds create a kink in the tail of the fatty acid, which means that the
molecules can't pack tightly together. This is why an unsaturated fat, like olive oil,
is liquid at room temperature.

Waxes are alcohol-based lipids that are extremely insoluble in water. If you've ever
spilled your beverage on the wax paper wrapping of your sandwich, you've
probably observed the way the liquid is repelled by the wax and forms beads.
Because wax doesn't dissolve in water, it's very useful for forming protective layers
around the external surfaces of plants, insects and other organisms.

Phospholipids are the molecules that make up cell membranes. Phospholipids have water-
hating "tails" and water-loving "heads" so that they form a double layer that helps
protects our cellular machinery from the outside world.
It may be a surprise that steroids are also lipids, because they share the property of being
insoluble in water with other lipid molecules. Steroids include cholesterol and
hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Hormones are chemical signals that
regulate body function and development. Steroids are built from cholesterol
molecules, which are rings made of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Cholesterol itself
is vital to the functioning of cell membranes, as it is involved in the structure and
permeability of those surfaces

Differences between saturated fats and

unsaturated fats

Saturated fats Unsaturated fats

Examples of food that contains a high Examples of food that contains a high
proportion of saturated fats: animal fats proportion of unsaturated fats: vegetable
(lard), red meat, coconut oil, palm kernel oils such as cornoil, olive oil and soybean
oil, full cream milk and butter. oil.
The fatty acids in saturated fats do not have The fatty acids in unsaturated fats have at
any double bonds between the carbon least one double bond between the carbon
atoms. atoms. This means the carbon atoms in the
hydrocarbon chain are not bonded to the
maximum number of hydrogen atoms.

Saturated fats cannot form any chemical Unsaturated fats are able to react with
bonds with other atoms or react with additional hydrogen atoms.
additional hydrogen atoms. This is because (Unsaturated fats with one double bond are
all the bonds between the carbon atoms called monounsaturated fats. Those with
have the maximum number of hydrogen two or more double bonds are called
atoms. polyunsaturated fats.)
Saturated fats are solids at room Unsaturated fats are liquids at room
temperature. temperature.
Raises the levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) Increase the ratio of HDL (good
in the blood. cholesterol) to LDL and lowers the levels
of total cholesterol and LDL in the blood.

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