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98. Suppose that you have a positive, decreasing Explorations and Excursions
function and you approximate the area under it
The following problems extend and augment the
by a Riemann sum with left rectangles. Will the
material presented in the text.
Riemann sum overestimate or underestimate the
actual area? [Hint: Make a sketch.] 107. ECONOMICS: Pareto’s Law The economist
Vilfredo Pareto estimated that the number of
99. Suppose that you have a positive, increasing, people who have an income between A and B
concave up function and you approximate the dollars (A ⬍ B) is given by a definite integral
area under it by a Riemann sum with midpoint of the form

rectangles. Will the Riemann sum overestimate B
or underestimate the actual area? [Hint: Make a N⫽ ax ⫺b dx (b ⫽ 1)
sketch.] A
where a and b are constants. Evaluate this integral.
100. Suppose that you have a positive, increasing,
Source: A. Reynolds, Income and Wealth
concave down function and you approximate
the area under it by a Riemann sum with 108. BIOMEDICAL: Poiseuille’s Law According
midpoint rectangles. Will the Riemann sum to Poiseuille’s law, the speed of blood in a
overestimate or underestimate the actual area? p
blood vessel is given by V ⫽ (R 2 ⫺ r 2),
[Hint: Make a sketch.] 4Lv
where R is the radius of the blood vessel, r is
101. A friend says that definite and indefinite the distance of the blood from the center of the
integrals are exactly the same except that one blood vessel, and p, L, and v are constants
has numbers plugged in. A second friend determined by the pressure and viscosity of the
disagrees, saying that the essential ideas are blood and the length of the vessel. The total
entirely different. Who is right? blood flow is then given by

冢blood flow冣 冕
102. Suppose that you have a positive function and Total p R

you approximate the area under it using ⫽ 2␲ (R ⫺ r )r dr 2 2

Riemann sums with midpoint rectangles.
Find the total blood flow by finding this integral
Explain why, if the function is linear, you will
(p, L, v, and R are constants).
always get the exact area, no matter how many
(or few) rectangles you use. [Hint: Make a Source: E. Batschelet, Introduction to Mathematics
sketch.] for Life Scientists
109– 110. BUSINESS: Capital Value of an Asset
冕 x 43 e ⫺17x ⫹ 219√x 2
1 3
The capital value of an asset (such as an oil well)
103. Evaluate dx
ln 29√6x 3 ⫺ x ⫺11 ⫺ p3
1 that produces a continuous stream of income is
[Hint: No work necessary.] the sum of the present value of all future earnings
from the asset. Therefore, the capital value of an

冕 b
asset that produces income at the rate of r(t) dollars
104. Find a formula for c dx. [Hint: No per year (at a continuous interest rate i) is

value 冣 冕

calculation necessary—just think of a graph.] ⫽ r(t)e ⫺it

1 where T is the expected life (in years) of the asset.
105. Finding dx by the Fundamental
⫺1x2 Source: T. Lee, Income and Value Measurement
Theorem of Integral Calculus gives an answer
109. Use the formula in the preceding instructions to
of ⫺2, as you should check. However, shouldn’t
find the capital value (at interest rate i ⫽ 0.06)
the area under a positive function be positive?
of an oil well that produces income at the
Explain. constant rate of r(t) ⫽ 240,000 dollars per year

106. How will 冕a

f(x) dx and 冕b
f(x) dx differ?
for 10 years.
110. Use the formula in the preceding instructions to
[Hint: Assume that they can be evaluated by the find the capital value (at interest rate i ⫽ 0.05)
Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus, and of a uranium mine that produces income at
think how they will differ at the “evaluate and the rate of r(t) ⫽ 560,000t1/2 dollars per year
subtract” step.] for 20 years.

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