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Complaint Letter

Date: February 6, 2019

To: Arni Arnthorsson, Head of Business Department
From: Students of Finance 200

Dear Mr. Arnthor sson,

we are writing this letter to make a formal complaint against Mr. Abdul Raheem Saboori, adjunct
professor of finance and management, and instructor of FIN 200. Our complaint is that he failed
to provide us with professional teaching methodologies. We, the students of Finance 200 class, are
not satisfied with the teaching methodology the professor provides for us, nor with the way he
behaves with us. Las semester, some us dropped FIN 200 class because of his strange way of
teaching, and behaving with students, and waited another semester in order to have this class with
another professor. Eventually, when add/drop for Spring 2019 started, we added this class with
Dr. Boris Abbey. But, later on, in the final hours of add/drop, when we all set and finalized our
schedules, the instructor for this class changed. We, therefore, ask the Business Department to
bring another instructor for us, due to the following reasons:
1. Unprofessional behavior with students
2. Poor teaching methodology: while finance is one of the critical subjects and is mostly
dealing with calculations, it’s just being taught theoretically, never practically. The teacher
always gives definitions, but never practice/exercise them. On the other hand, he skips
some lessons that are very important
3. Implementing harsh policies in the class such as asking students to get dressed up the way
he asks them to by threatening them that he will give them Fs in exams
4. Getting angry when students ask questions related to the lessons
We understand that the Business Department is required to respond formally to our complaint and
take the possible actions in order for us to be satisfied with the education we are provided at AUAF,
which is so called a world-class university. In the meantime, if you need any further information
from any us, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

We look forward to hearing from you soon as it is the beginning of the semester that changes can
apply to the classes.

Students of FIN 200

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