Clz2k Dlz2k Ce52a

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NOVEMBER 2015 71086/CLZ2K/


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A — (15  1 = 15 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. (a) Form affirmative statement using the given

word or phrase by arranging them in proper
Jack kitchen does breakfast always not have
in the.
(b) Pick the correct alternative
I …….. a teacher
(i) want being
(ii) ‘d like to be
(iii) like
(c) Fill in the blank with appropriate word order
to ask question.
—————— did you cry last night?
(d) Fill the blank with the correct preposition
chosen from those given in brackets.
I will arrive ————— six O’clock (in, at)
(e) Fill in the blank with the missing
The movie seemed to go on forever, but
—————— last it was over.
(f) Correct the error in the following sentence.
All applicants must possess an university
(g) Complete the analogy by writing the correct
word on the blank line
Soft is to loud as ‘slow is to ——————
(quiet, quick, sluggish)
(h) Choose the correct phrasal to fill in the blank
Father bumped —————— an old college
friend at the mall
(i) Complete the following sentence, using the
phrasal verb given in brackets.
I want to talk to you. Can I –––––––––––––
this evening. (ring up)
(j) Write the appropriate expression to ask for
Employee to Employer: I’d like to take your
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(k) Arrange the following into a sentence
according to the order of the adjectives
(i) a silk, green, sari
(ii) a grey old, tin box
(l) Fill in the blank with a connective
She could use the computer ————— she
was three
(m) Fill in the blank with proper form of a verb
I hope that she should ————— reached
home by this time
(n) Change the following into the negative
She wants to be an engineer
(o) Complete the following statement by
selecting the best alternative.
It contains two —————— (pair/pairs) of

SECTION B — (5  4 = 20 marks)

Answer FIVE questions in 100 words, selecting

one from each.

2. (a) How was the lion discovered, at last?

(b) Why did the semi – barbaric king punish the
handsome young man?
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3. (a) How does the song of the solitary reaper
fascinate the poet?

(b) Why is the female lover shocked and
disappointed in O what is that sound?

4. (a) What was Mrs. Myer’s prophecy about

Miss. Jone’s future?

(b) How does the marriage of Laura and Hughie
take place?

5. (a) How did Prince Dimitri die?

(b) How was Robin Hood rescued from the
sheriff’s castle?

6. (a) What are Raina’s romantic notion of war?

(b) Narrate the relationship between Louka and

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SECTION C — (5  8 = 40 marks)

Answer FIVE questions, selecting one from each.

7. (a) Narrate the story of ‘The Refugee’.

(b) Discuss Kalpana Chawla’s grit, dreams and
their realisation.

8. (a) Bring out the feelings of the man who gifted

his soul and the woman who nurtured it.
(b) Critically appreciate the poem ‘Ode to the
West Wind’.

9. (a) Comment on the relationship between Ratan

and the postmaster.
(b) How does Sherlock Holmes trap Culverton
smith into confessing to the murder?

10. (a) Write an essay on the humour in ‘The Dear

(b) Discuss how the play ‘The Anniversary’
disproves Shipuchin’s belief: ‘Female
company is uplifting’.

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11. (a) How is Raina cured of her romantic illusions
of war?

(b) Compare and contrast the characters of
Bluntschilli and Sergius.


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