Nine Notes Phy 8th Unit

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Thermal Properties OF Matter

1) Differentiate between Temperature and Heat?


Hotness or coldness of a body is called temperature. It also indicates the

direction of flow of heat.


Heat is the sort of energy that is transferred from one body to the other in thermal
contact with each other as a result of the difference of temperature between them.

2) Define thermal equilibrium and total internal energy?

Thermal equilibrium:

The property of a system when all the parts of a system have the
same temperature along with its surrounding.

Total Internal energy:

The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy associated with

the atoms, molecules and parts of a body is called its total internal energy. It depends
upon mass of a body, kinetic and potential energy.

What is meant by thermometer also define upper and lower fixed points?


A device that is used to measure the temperature of body is called


Upper fixed point:

Upper fixed point in thermometer is marked to show the position of a

liquid in the thermometer when it is placed in steam at standard pressure above boiling

Lower fixed point:

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The lower fixed point in thermometer is marked to show the position
of a liquid when it is placed in ice.

What is freezing and boiling point of mercury?

It freezes at 39oC and boils at 357oC

What is meant by thermometric material write its any two properties.

The material which shows a change with the change in temperature is called
thermometric material.

1) It should be visible.

2) It should have uniform thermal expansion.

How many scales of temperature?

There are three scales of temperature.

1) Celsius scale 2) Fahrenheit scale 3) Kelvin scale

How to convert temperature from Celsius scale to Kelvin scale?

We can convert it by using formula T = 273 + C

How to convert temperature from Kelvin to Celsius scale?

We can convert it by using formula C = K – 273

How to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit scale?

We can convert it by using formula F = 1.8C + 32

How to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius scale?

We can convert it by using formula F – 32/1.8 = C

Define specific heat capacity?

Specific heat capacity:

Specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat

required to raise the temperature of a 1kg mass of that substance through 1k.

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Formula: C =

Unit: Jkg-1K-1

Define heat capacity?

Heat capacity:

Heat capacity of a body is the quantity of thermal energy absorbed by it

for one Kelvin increase in its temperature.
∆𝑄 𝑚𝑐∆𝑇
Formula: Heat capacity = = =mc
∆𝑇 ∆𝑇

Unit: Jk-1

Define clinical thermometer?

Clinical thermometer:

A clinical thermometer is used to measure the temperature of

human body. It has a narrow range from 35℃ to 42℃. It has a constriction that prevents
the mercury to return. Thus, its reading does not change until rest.

Differentiate between melting point and freezing point?

Melting point:

The temperature at which a solid starts melting is called its fusion point or
melting point.

Freezing point:

The temperature at which a substance changes from liquid to solid state

is called its freezing point.

What is meant by fusion?


The process in which a substance changes from solid to liquid state by adding
heat is called fusion or melting.

Differentiate between latent Heat of fusion and Vaporization

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Latent Heat of fusion: Latent Heat of vaporization:

Heat energy required to change The quantity of heat that changes

Unit mass of substance from solid unit mass of a liquid completely into

To liquid state at its melting point gas at its boiling point without any

Without change in its temperature change in its temperature.

∆𝑄𝑓 ∆𝑄𝑣
Formula: H = Formula: Hv =
𝑚 𝑚

Unit: Jkg-1 Unit: Jkg-1

Define evaporation. On what factors it depends?


Evaporation is the changing of a liquid into vapours from the surface of the
liquid without heating it.

The rate of evaporation is affected by various factors.

1) Temperature 2) Surface area 3) Wind 4) Nature of a liquid

What is meant by thermal expansion. How many types of thermal expansion?

Thermal Expansion:

The expansion in a length, area or a volume of an object with the

increase in temperature is called thermal expansion.

There are three types of thermal expansion

1) Linear thermal expansion 2) Area thermal expansion 3) Volume thermal expansion

Differentiate between linear thermal expansion and volume thermal expansion.

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Linear thermal expansion: Volume thermal expansion:

The length of a solid changes with the The volume of a solid changes with

Change in temperature is called linear the change in volume is called

thermal expansion. Volume thermal expansion.

Formula: 𝐿 = 𝐿𝑜 (1 + 𝛼∆𝑇) Formula: 𝑉 = 𝑉𝑜 (1 + 𝛽∆𝑇)

Differentiate between co-efficient of linear and volume thermal expansion?

Coefficient of linear thermal expansion Coefficient of volume thermal expansion

It is the fractional increase in its length It is the fractional increase in its volume per

Per Kelvin rise in temperature.It is Kelvin change in temperature. It is denoted

Denoted by 𝛼 𝛽.
∆𝐿 ∆𝑉
Formula: 𝛼 = Formula: 𝛽 =
𝐿𝑜 ∆𝑇 𝑉𝑜 ∆𝑇

What is a bimetal strip? What are uses of bimetal strip?

A bimetal strip consists of two thin strips of different metals such as brass and iron
joined together.


1) bimetal strips are used in thermometers to measure temperature especially in

furnaces and ovens.

2) Bimetal strips are also used in thermostat. Bimetal thermostat swit h is used to
control the temperature of heater coil in an electric coil.

How metal strips work?

On heating bimetal strip , brass expands more than iron. This unequal expansion causes
bending of the strip.

What is meant by liquid thermal expansion? How many types of it?

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Expansion of a on heating is called thermal expansion of a liquid.

There are two types of it

1) Apparent volume expansion 2) Real volume expansion

Why mercury is preferred as a thermometric substance?

Properties of thermometric material.

Why does heat flow from hot body to cold body?

Heat flows from hot body to cold body To attain the condition of thermal equilibrium.

How cooling is produced by evaporation?

As evaporation takes place, the molecules of high kinetic energy leaves the surface of
body and the molecules have low kinetic energy left behind which decreases the
temperature of a body which produces cooling effect.

What do you know about the anomalous expansion of water?

Why gaps are left behind in railway tracks?

Gaps are left in railway tracks to compensate thermal expansion during summer season.

Write down the mathematical formula to find real expansion of a liquid?

Real expansion of a liquid= apparent expansion of liquid + expansion of a flask

What is the relationship between the coefficient of linear and volume thermal

𝛽 = 3𝛼

Why the wires on electric poles are given some sag?

Because they can contract in winter without snapping to prevent breaking in winter

How does the heating affect motion of molecules of a gas?

By heating, the motion of gas molecules increases due to the increase in their kinetic
energy. Increase in kinetic energy increases the pressure of a gas.

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Why water is use in cooling system of vehicles?

In An automobile, large amount of heat is produced by its engine due to which its
temperature goes on increasing. In cooling system vehicles water absorbs unwanted
heat of engine and dissipates heat through its radiator.

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