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Accessibility l eRulemaking i Freedom of Infomation Act l Legal Notices i Legal Policies and Disclaimers I Links i Privacy PoIicy I I White House IS an O航cial site of血e U.S. govemment, U.S. I)epartment of Justice
I am reporting a Financial Crime invoIving Corporate Fraud and Fraud in the
health care community. This also invoIves computer and intemet intrusion

1. AETNA Life Insurance
15 1 Famington Avenue Hartford, CT O6156

2. Attomey Je批ey H. Rutherford

Crowe11 & Moring, Law Fim for AETNA
lOlOO Califomia State Route 2, Los Angeles, CA 90067

3 ・ Attomey Stewart Powell

Yacoubian & Powe11 Law Firm

725 South Figueroa Street, 3800, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Doctor Guven Uzun乱ed a lO Million do11ar ERISA Lawsuit demanding

that AETNA Life Insurance pay outstanding unpaid bi11s for medical health
Care Services provided to their members from 2013 to 2015.

CASE NO. 2:16-CV-5083

COMPANY; and Does l to lO, inclusive.

1. On July 2, 2016 a Hacker with the IP Address sent by: BLUOO4-

MC l戸37.hotma王 over 〒LS secured chamel with Microsoft
SMTPSVC(7.5.7601.23 143); hacked into Doctor Guven Uzun’s Gmail
account @ MedicalExpertl and sent an attachment則e
OTMFM5 1 00 1F.PDF which contained 24 pages of Assigrment foms that
WaS SuPPOSedly signed by Dr. Uzun. This珊e was sent to

Slewart@ypl争 (Dr・ Uzun-s Attomey) and geegee 1 23 @hotmail・COm

(Dr. Uzun’s Clinic Manager).

On May l l, 2018, after a11 discovery had been completed by AETNA and
trial was set for March 2019; Powell Stewart sent me an email and said
AETNA was charging me with fraud. He sent an email with an attachment
With 21 Assigrment foms and we infomed him these were signed by the
Patients. After several hours, Powell sent me a copy ofthe email缶om July
2, 2016, Showing the 24 phony asslgrment PageS that our clinic never seen.

Powell said, ’’AETNA is珊ing a counter-Claim for fraud and they have FBI
COntaCtS.’’Powe11 said, ’’Ifyou stipulate to drop the case - AETNA will not

則e the fraud charges! ”


AETNA’s main law丘m, Crowell & Moring had committed fraud against
Dr. Uzun in 2015, in an apparent DOJ criminal ring. See: UZUN v.

Details: The Judge over the AETNA case Andre Birotte jr., WaS the boss of
Jeffrey Rutherford-s wife Dorothy Kim, Who is now a superior cou可udge.
Dorothy and her brother Beong Kim launched a bogus investigation for
bi11ing fraud and Thomas O-Brien, Who headed the US Attomeys o綿ce
before Birotte took it over, infomed Dr. Uzun about Dorothy and her
Husband, and he introduced him to Stewart Powe11, Who knows everybody
else. In other words, Dr・ Uzun-s attomey and AETNA-s leading attomeys are


Stewart Powell was glVen the July 2, 2016, email evidence after he sent a
制e that the clinic confimed was not forged. The OTMFM5 1001F.PDF則e
WaS nOt Created at clinic and a制e search was perfomed. Stewart Powell

Said, ’’The Judge wi11 allow everything and for me not to宜ght or oppose.

AETNA Life Insurance

Judge Andre Birrote
Judge Dorothy Kim,
Attomey Jeffrey Rutherford
Attomey Stewart Powell

I am request FBI investigation

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