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Please place a check in the appropriate box to describe your management decisions and practices used on the fields

you farmed from 2006 to 2009 Survey ID:

6. Please estimate the percentage of your farmland that has been precision leveled (that is, land that is
PART I: PART 2: FARMING PRACTICES graded to a slope less than 2%?________________
7. 1 being most important and 5 being least important, rank the reasons affecting your decision to adopt the
GENERAL INFORMATION 1. What percent of your total working time (that is, time spent on acitivities that following conservation measures?

Name __________________ provide you with means of livelihood) do you spend working on a) Precision Leveling b) Multiple Inlets c) Permanent Levees
Role __________________ Percentage of total working time ____ Increase yield ____ Increase yield ____ Increase yield
____ Land topography ____ Land topography ____ Land topography
Gender: / Male / Female ____ Reduce labor costs ____ Reduce labor costs ____ Reduce labor costs
Farms you own _______________
Farms rented for cash _______________ ____ Water savings ____ Water savings ____ Water savings
What is the total area of your
Off-farm activities (please _______________ ____ Financial support ____ Financial support ____ Financial support
farm operation? ________acres
specify) _______________ _______________ ____ Guaranteed contract ____ Guaranteed contract ____ Guaranteed contract
____ Other (please specify) ____ Other (please specify) ____ Other (please specify)
_______________ _______________ _______________
How long have you been
working in farming? 8. Have you ever adopted a conservation measure but are not currently practicing it?
2. In your farming practice, who makes the management decisions (that is, decisions
Years farming / Yes / No
on farming practices such as crop variety, pesticides, water use, labor and
/0-5 infrastructure investments) 9. 1 being most important and 5 being least important, rank the reasons affecting your decision to abandon
/ 6-10 a) Farmed by owner b) Rented for cash c) Share rented or never adopt the following conservation measures?
/ 11-15 /Land Owner /Land Owner /Land Owner a) Precision Leveling b) Multiple Inlets c) Permanent Levees

/ 16-20 / Tenant / Tenant / Tenant

/ more than 20 / Manager / Manager / Manager
_____Return period of investment _____Return period of investment _____Return period of investment
/ Field Hand / Field Hand / Field Hand
_____Low participation by peers _____Low participation by peers _____Low participation by peers
How many years have you / Crop consultant / Crop consultant / Crop consultant
_____Investment costs _____Investment costs _____Investment costs
been farming in Lakeside? / Other (please specify) / Other (please specify) / Other (please specify) _____Other (please specify) _____Other (please specify) _____Other (please specify)
Years farming _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
3. In your farming practice, who decides when and how much water to order when land

/ 6-10
/ 11-15 a) Farmed by owner b) Rented for cash c) Share rented
/ 16-20
/ more than 20 /Land Owner /Land Owner /Land Owner
/ Tenant / Tenant / Tenant Sources
OPTIONAL: / Manager / Manager / Manager 10. Please rank on a scale of 1 to 6 (1 being most influential and 6 least
influential), which of these sources have you received most of your _____Own practice/experience
/ Field Hand / Field Hand / Field Hand _____ Parents/relatives
Age farming knowledge?
/ Crop consultant / Crop consultant / Crop consultant _____ Other farmers
/less than 30 / Other (please specify) / Other (please specify) / Other (please specify) _____ Extension services
/ 31-40 _______________ _______________ _______________ _____ School
/ 41-50 _____ Other (please specify)
/ 51-60 _______________
4. Do you currently practice conservation measures like precision leveling, multiple
/ more than 60
inlets or permanent levees to reduce water use? / Yes / No

OPTIONAL: 11. On your fields, do you collect rainfall or other weather data? / Yes /No
5. If yes, on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being most influential and 5 least influential), rank what
Highest level of education people influenced you to implement the conservation measure? 12. If yes, what kind?_________________________________
completed a) Precision Leveling b) Multiple Inlets c) Permanent Levees
/8th grade ____ Personal experience ____ Personal experience ____ Personal experience 13. Would you be willing to provide data reports from your farm rain gauges? / Yes / No
/ High School ____ Other producers ____ Other producers ____ Other producers 14. Are there any other things that you can tell us about your farming practice that would influence your
/ College ____ Crop consultant ____ Crop consultant ____ Crop consultant water use?
/ Graduate School ____ Extension agent ____ Extension agent ____ Extension agent
/ Other (please specify) ____ Other (please specify) ____ Other (please specify) ____ Other (please specify) Other comments:
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
PART 3: FIELD CHARACTERISTICS Please list the fields you farmed from 2006 to 2009 and place a check in the appropriate box to describe each field Survey ID:
Crop Season Management Skills Conservation Measures
Failed Number of Multiple Water
2nd Row Multiple Type of Inlet Precision Leveling by
Field name Flushes Year Crop Crop Rice Variety Ownership stake Conservation Measures Inlets Levee Slope Funding Funding wells
NRCS funding
LCRA: Acres: /Farmed by owner /Precision Leveled ______yr /Slope = 0.2%
/0 / <4 /Permanent / Yes
/2006 / Rented for cash % of field leveled ______ / 0.2% > Slope > 0.1% NRCS /Yes
/1 /Conventional / 4-6 / Straight / No
Owner: / 2007 / Share rented / Multiple Inlets ______yr / Slope = 0.1% funding if Yes,
/2 /Yes /Yes / Seed / 6-8 / Contour Private funding
FSA number / 2008 / Manager / Permanent Perimeter Levees / Zero grade / Yes %water
/3 / No / No / Hybrid / 8-10 / None / Yes
/ 2009 / Other / Conservation Tillage / Other (please specify) / No / No ____
Description / Other / Other / Other / Other / No

(please specify) / Other (please specify) _______________

_______ _______ _______ (specify) / Other___________
_______________ _______________ Number of Levees _____
____ NRCS funding
LCRA: Acres: /Farmed by owner /Precision Leveled ______yr /Slope = 0.2%
/0 / <4 /Permanent / Yes
/2006 / Rented for cash % of field leveled ______ / 0.2% > Slope > 0.1% NRCS /Yes
/1 /Conventional / 4-6 / Straight
Owner: / 2007 / Share rented / Multiple Inlets ______yr / Slope = 0.1% funding / No if Yes,
/2 /Yes /Yes / Seed / 6-8 / Contour Private funding
FSA number / 2008 / Manager / Permanent Perimeter Levees / Zero grade / Yes %water
/3 / No / No / Hybrid / 8-10 / None / Yes
/ 2009 / Other / Conservation Tillage / Other (please specify) / No ____
Description / Other / Other / Other / Other / No
(please specify) / Other (please specify) _______________ / No
_______ _______ _______ (specify) / Other___________
_______________ _______________ Number of Levees _____
NRCS funding
LCRA: Acres: /Farmed by owner /Precision Leveled ______yr /Slope = 0.2%
/0 / <4 /Permanent / Yes
/2006 / Rented for cash % of field leveled ______ / 0.2% > Slope > 0.1% NRCS /Yes
/1 /Conventional / 4-6 / Straight / No
Owner: / 2007 / Share rented / Multiple Inlets ______yr / Slope = 0.1% funding if Yes,
/2 /Yes /Yes / Seed / 6-8 / Contour Private funding

FSA number / 2008 / Manager / Permanent Perimeter Levees / Zero grade / Yes %water
/3 / No / No / Hybrid / 8-10 / None / Yes
/ 2009 / Other / Conservation Tillage / Other (please specify) / No / No ____
Description / Other / Other / Other / Other
(please specify) / Other (please specify) _______________ / No
_______ _______ _______ (specify) / Other___________
_______________ _______________ Number of Levees _____
____ NRCS funding
LCRA: Acres: /Farmed by owner /Precision Leveled ______yr /Slope = 0.2%
/0 / <4 /Permanent / Yes
/2006 / Rented for cash % of field leveled ______ / 0.2% > Slope > 0.1% NRCS /Yes
/1 /Conventional / 4-6 / Straight / No
Owner: / 2007 / Share rented / Multiple Inlets ______yr / Slope = 0.1% funding if Yes,
/2 /Yes /Yes / Seed / 6-8 / Contour Private funding
FSA number / 2008 / Manager / Permanent Perimeter Levees / Zero grade / Yes %water
/3 / No / No / Hybrid / 8-10 / None / Yes
/ 2009 / Other / Conservation Tillage / Other (please specify) / No / No ____
/ Other / Other / Other / Other
Description (please specify) / Other (please specify) _______________ / No
_______ _______ _______ (specify) / Other___________
_______________ _______________ Number of Levees _____
____ NRCS funding
LCRA: Acres: /Farmed by owner /Precision Leveled ______yr /Slope = 0.2%
/0 / <4 /Permanent / Yes
/2006 / Rented for cash % of field leveled ______ / 0.2% > Slope > 0.1% NRCS /Yes
/1 /Conventional / 4-6 / Straight / No
Owner: / 2007 / Share rented / Multiple Inlets ______yr / Slope = 0.1% funding if Yes,
/2 /Yes /Yes / Seed / 6-8 / Contour Private funding
FSA number / 2008 / Manager / Permanent Perimeter Levees / Zero grade / Yes %water
/3 / No / No / Hybrid / 8-10 / None / Yes
/ 2009 / Other / Conservation Tillage / Other (please specify) / No / No ____
Description / Other / Other / Other / Other
(please specify) / Other (please specify) _______________ / No
_______ _______ _______ (specify) / Other___________
_______________ _______________ Number of Levees _____

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