Financial Policy For Ivcs

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1.1 Authority
This manual has been developed by the FSD, MBMA. Compliance with the systems and
procedures contained in this manual is mandatory for all the Integrated Village Cooperative

1.2 Terms and Definitions

Manual : A system of approved policy statements and corresponding
procedural guidelines and supporting forms that direct an
organization towards its operational goals.
Policy : A stated course of action with a defined purpose and scope to guide
decision making under a given set of circumstances within the
framework of corporate objectives, goals and management
Procedure : A series of prescribed steps followed in a definite regular order which
ensure adherence to the guidelines set forth in the policy to which
the procedures applies
Activity : An action, element or decision representing a prescribed step in the
procedure process.
Task : A detailed component of an activity specifying required behaviour to
complete the activity.
Form : A pre-formatted document containing instructions and place-holder
for data entry to monitor progress through a particular procedure and
to ensure proper record-keeping.

1.3 The Background

The Meghalaya Basin Development Authority under its Integrated Basin Development and
Livelihoods Programme (IBDLP) has envisaged the setting up of home-grown community led
institutions in the villages to deliver access to financial services in the rural areas of the
State. This need for such institutions has arisen mainly because of the topography and the
thin spread of banking network and Micro Financial Institutions in the rural areas. Financial
inclusion cannot be achieved by relying solely on the formal banking network. Even in areas
where banking services are available, banking procedures are cumbersome, distant and
unfriendly to the rural population. The Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS) or
Service Cooperative Societies (SCS) as they are known today which were created to provide
credit for agriculture and allied activities to the farmers/ entrepreneurs have been
unsuccessful primarily due to the large area of operation of the societies and other factors.
There is thus a strong need to innovate and design home-grown institutions rooted in
the local culture to deliver sustainable financial inclusion. The cause for such an institution is
further endorsed as it is felt that a grass root level institution can better understand the
needs of the community and can respond to the related demands in a more flexible, friendly
and expeditious manner.
Accordingly, the idea of supporting the Integrated Village Cooperative Societies
(IVCS) emerged. An IVCS in the simplest terms is a village self help group registered as a
Cooperative Society under the Meghalaya Cooperative Societies Act (which provides a legal
framework for functioning of these institutions) with joint liability of all members and
leveraging strongly on the social capital in the village communities of the State. The IVCS
can provide thrift, credit other financial services and intermediation and undertake other
economic income generating activities which can improve the welfare and livelihood of its
members. These societies can be formed and promoted by fifteen adult residents of a village
or along with adjoining villages in the case of small villages. Under the Meghalaya Livelihood
& Access to Markets Project, each IVCS should strive to mobilise at least 400 members for it
to become economically viable.
Although the idea of single village cooperative societies have been discussed at
various forums in the past in the country, the scales have always tipped in favour of large
sized cooperative societies which led to the creation and promotion of Primary Agricultural
Credit Societies (PACS) or Service Cooperative Societies (SCS) as they are known today.
The nationalisation of banks in the late 60s was also with a view to enabling the spread of
banking facilities to all parts of the country. These efforts and interventions have, to a large
extent, succeeded in their objectives but the lack of access to financial services and basic
banking facilities in the rural areas of Meghalaya is still a concern which needs to be
addressed to urgently. Considering that the efforts by banks to expand further in the rural
and interior villages in the State has slowed down owing, mainly to non-viability of operations
in such areas, the entry of IVCS as an intervention or initiative to tackle and resolve this
issue can be considered to be timely and highly innovative.

1.4 The Finance Function and Funding

The Integrated Village Cooperative Society is funded by Members’ share contributions,
deposits, Entrance fee, support from the Government, surplus from operations and external
borrowing. The IVCS is headed by the Chairman and supported by the Secretary who is
responsible for all the financial, administration and IT issues of the IVCS.

1.5 Basic Policy Statement

The Integrated Village Cooperative Society is committed to responsible financial
management. The entire society including the Management Committee and staff will work
together to make certain that all financial matters of the organization are addressed with
honesty, equality, respect, dedication, professionalism, integrity and in the best interest of
the society.

The Policy and procedural guidelines contained in this manual are designed to:
a) Protect the assets of the IVCS
b) Ensure the maintenance of accurate records of the Society’s financial activities.
c) Ensure compliance with the Meghalaya State Co-operative Societies Act, the
Society’s Bye-Laws.
d) Ensure the Society’s expenditure and liabilities are incurred only when necessary
and in accordance with pre-determined estimates.
e) The investment objectives of the IVCS shall be guided primarily by the safety and
liquidity of its funds, whether mobilised or borrowed, and a competitive rate of return.

1.6 Amendments to the Policy

a) The Chairman of the Managing Committee of the IVCS has the responsibility for
administering these policies and ensuring compliance with procedures that have
been approved by the Managing Committee.
b) Exceptions to written policies may only be made with the prior approval of the
Management Committee. Changes or amendments to these policies may be
approved by the Managing Committee at any 0time.
c) Any difficulties encountered in the implementation of this policy should be referred to
the Managing Committee.

1.7 Applicability of Procedures

These procedures shall apply to the financial administration of all activities of the IVCS
except as may be provided by the Managing Committee. Every Committee member and staff
will be expected to familiarize with and operate within the parameters of these policies and

The Finance Sub-Committee is responsible for performing the internal audit function to
ensure compliance to the financial procedures as they are set out in these manual and
approved by the Managing Committee from time to time.
During the course of their audit the Sub-Committee may raise issues in their report
concerning the administration of these procedures which the Secretary must comment on

This will set out clearly who has the authority and financial responsibility for the Financial
Assets of the IVCS and provides guidelines for handling and controlling their accumulation
and consumption.

Managing Committee
a) The Managing Committee is the apex body in respect of operations and functioning
of the IVCS and has the authority to execute any policies it deems to be in the best
interest of the IVCS within the parameters of the Society’s Bye- laws.
b) The Managing Committee has the primary objective and responsibility for the
administration and establishing policies as to the mix and quality of the investment
and the benchmarks thereof, or engaging experts to advice on the same.

Finance Sub-Committee
a) The Finance Sub-Committee has the authority to design the Society’s Accounting
system and make spending decisions within the parameters of the approved budget.
Make decisions regarding the disposition of investment within the parameters of
investment policy and decisions regarding the purchase of fixed assets as well as
make decisions regarding the allocation of expenses.

b) The Committee has the authority to supervise the financial operations of the Society
and perform regular in-depths review of the Society’s Financial activity and oversee
the development of the annual budget.

The Secretary
a) The Secretary of the IVCS will be the main person who will run and manage the day-
to-day activities, transactions and affairs of the IVCS.
b) The powers and responsibilities are spelt out in the Bye Laws of the IVCS.

No one person should initiate a transaction from the beginning to the end. Ideally, there must
be segregation of duties as much as possible between initiation, authorization, execution,
custody and recording of financial transactions.

The Secretary will have the primary responsibility of maintaining the accounting system as
designed and ensuring all policies are complied with in all operations and transactions.
a) Timely and accurate financial information must be provided to the decision makers as
and when required or according to timelines set from time to time by the Managing
b) Detailed financial reports are made available on a monthly basis for discussion by the
Managing Committee during the monthly meetings.
c) Monthly management reports will be provided by The Secretary to the Sub-
Committee on Finance.

Reporting Frequency

Sl Nature of Report Frequency

01. The trial balance Monthly
02. Cash flow Statement Monthly
03. A report on status of Loan accounts including Monthly
04. Income and Expenditure Account Monthly
05. Performance / Progress Report Monthly
06. Balance Sheet Annually
The financial period for the society shall be 1st April to
31st March.

Budget Preparation
Drafts are prepared by the Secretary, reviewed by the Finance Sub-Committee and
presented to the Managing Committee for approval. After approval by the Managing
Committee the Chairman tables the budget in the AGM for members to approve.

Budgetary Control
The Secretary will be required to prepare Performance Reports of the IVCS which would
help the Managing Committee effectively monitor the progress/ performance of the IVCS vis
a vis the approved Budget. This Report may be prepared on Monthly basis and will be put up
to the Managing Committee for review.

7.1 Safeguarding Assets
a) All excess cash will be kept in interest bearing accounts.
b) Bank statements are promptly reconciled on a monthly basis.
c) Documents on all securities and fixed assets will be kept in a locked fire-proof safe.
Inventory records will contain description, serial numbers, dates of purchase or
receipt, valuation, and date of valuation.
d) Appropriate insurance for all assets shall be maintained.

7.2 Fixed Assets

7.2.1 Policy and Administration

The IVCS’s objectives in relation to fixed assets are to:
a) Place the responsibility to safeguard each asset to a specific member of staff;
b) Ensure that assets are properly protected against damage;
c) Maintain proper description and classification to facilitate proper charge for
d) Maintain adequate and accurate records of an assets repair and maintenance costs
to provide the Managing Committee with the information for decision making
regarding its usage.

The criteria to be used in determining whether an item should be treated as fixed asset or
not includes the following:
a) The estimated useful life of the asset should span over one year.
b) Usage of the asset should be seen to contribute to the operational capability of the
c) The Secretary will organize a physical verification of the fixed assets.

7.2.2 Purchase of Fixed Assets

Purchase of fixed assets must be planned for in advance through capital budgets. The
Managing Committee selects the supplier with the best offer.

The IVCS will maintain a fixed assets register. After acquiring the asset, The Secretary will
enter the following information in the fixed asset register:
a) Type of the asset.
b) Date of purchase.
c) Location.
d) Cost of item.
e) Depreciation Rate/Useful life.
f) Date of sale if applicable.

7.2.3 Depreciation
The Secretary will add up depreciation charge for assets in the same category and pass the
following journal entry :
Dr. Depreciation costs xx
Cr. Accumulated depreciation xx
After posting the depreciation journal entry, the Secretary prepares the fixed asset
movement schedule using the fixed assets accounts and their respective provision for
depreciation accounts.

7.2.4 Depreciation Policy

Depreciation is computed on the reducing balance basis at the following rates:
a) Office Equipment (12.5%)
b) Furniture and fittings (12.5%)
c) Computer equipment (30%)
d) Land and Buildings (5%)

8.1 Policy and Administration
The IVCS’s objectives in relation to current assets are to:
a) Place the responsibility to safeguard each asset to a specific member of staff;
b) Maintain proper description and classification.
c) Maintain adequate and accurate records.

8.2 Loans To Members :

8.2.1 Internal Controls on Loans:
a) All loan forms shall be received by being stamped and initialled by the person
receiving them and recorded in the loans register.
b) Each loan type will be recorded in a separate register.
c) On receipt, the person receiving the loan application shall ensure completeness of
the loan application and the supporting documentation.
d) The functions of loan processing shall be performed by the Secretary before approval
by the Finance Sub-Committee. The Secretary/ official in charge of loan processing
shall generate an appraisal report for each loan.
e) The loan officer, if in place, otherwise the Secretary, shall review the appraisal
process for accuracy and completeness.
f) The loans officer, if in place, otherwise the Secretary, shall forward the loan
applications to the Finance Sub- Committee for approval.
g) All approved loan applications must be signed by a minimum of two members of the
Finance Sub-Committee.
h) List of loan applications sanctioned to members shall be submitted to the Managing
Committee for control on weekly basis.

8.2.2 Loan repayments:

a) All loans sanctioned and disbursed, except for Cash Credit/ Overdraft accounts, will
be prescribed a loan repayment period.
b) The Secretary shall monitor the loan accounts on a regular basis and ensure that the
loans outstanding/ EMIs are repaid in time.
c) A Monthly Loan Recovery Report will be prepared by the Secretary and put up to the
Managing Committee for information and review.

8.3.1 Cheque Payments and maintenance:

a) All unused cheque books shall be kept in the safe, under the custody of the
Secretary or Accountant, if in place.
b) Only one cheque book for each account will be in use at any one time. It shall be
kept in the safe when not in use.
c) There shall be kept a cheque register for all unused cheques.
d) Once a cheque book has been used, the stubs will be presented before another is
e) All cheques must be signed by the Secretary and the Chairman.
f) All payments request for services or goods supplied must be accompanied by
supporting documentation.
g) All payment vouchers must be pre-printed and pre-numbered.
h) All supporting documents against which payments have been made must be
stamped PAID and bear the Secretary’s stamp.
i) The Secretary or Accountant ensures that the loans disbursed and payments made
to members are posted to members’ accounts immediately and before close of
business day.
j) The Secretary or Accountant will update the Cashbook for all the cheques written
before they are released.
k) All voided cheques must be defaced and retained either on the cheque stub or with
cancelled cheques.
l) Blank cheques may never be signed in advance.

8.3.2 Bank Reconciliation

a) The Secretary/ Accountant shall maintain a record of all bank transactions, listing all
cheques disbursed and all receipts deposited on a daily basis. The cashbook shall
show the current bank balances for all bank accounts.
b) On a monthly basis, the Secretary or Accountant will reconcile the bank statement to
the cashbook, and notify The Chairman of any discrepancies. The Secretary or
Accountant will resolve all discrepancies with the assistance of the bank, if
necessary. The Secretary or Accountant will report the resolution of the
discrepancies to the Chairman.
c) The Secretary or Accountant will adjust the Cashbook as and when needed and
reconcile the Cashbook to the General Ledger on a monthly basis.
d) The Chairman will review the reconciliation statement and initials the statement to
confirm this.
e) All bank statements are retained in a file for future reference. Copies of all deposit
slips are also retained in the same file.
f) All deposits received in the day shall be banked/ accounted for in the same day. Any
deposit received after banking hours shall be banked / accounted for the next day.
g) All un-banked/unattended cheques shall be kept in the safe overnight

8.3.3 Internal Controls on Petty Cash:

a) A petty cash float shall be maintained for all payments of Rs.1,000 or below.
b) The amount of the petty cash float shall be determined depending on the needs of
the society subject to the approval of the Managing Committee.
c) The petty cash float shall be maintained on an imprest system
d) All disbursements from the petty cash float shall be signed for against a petty cash
e) Supporting documentation must be obtained for each payment.
f) All payments from petty cash shall be recorded in a petty cash book maintained by
the Secretary or Accountant.
g) The Secretary or Accountant shall review the petty cash payments before presenting
them for payment.
h) The petty cash fund will be reconciled before the fund is replenished.
i) The Secretary or Accountant will act as the bookkeeper and custodian of the petty
cash fund.
j) There shall be no advances to employees from petty cash.
k) All petty cash vouchers must list the amount received, the purpose for which the cash
is needed, and the date of the transaction.
l) All petty cash vouchers used must be attached to the reimbursement request as
supporting documentation.
m) All reimbursement cheques for petty cash fund must be made to the custodian of the
n) Periodically The Secretary will make surprise counts of the petty cash fund.
o) The petty cash float will be kept in a fire proof safe.

9.1 Current Liabilities:
9.1.1 Interest on members’ deposits and Dividends Payable:
Monthly provisions shall be made for dividends and interest payable on members’
The rate applicable shall be the rate last approved by the AGM.
a) Dividends shall be paid at a rate approved by the Managing Committee to all active
members whose names appear on the members register at the close of the financial
year to which the dividend relates.
b) Dividends will not be paid to dormant members. A dormant member is a member
who has contributed less than three months contribution (equal or less than to
thousand) for the financial year in which dividend is been paid.
c) A schedule of dividends payable including details of the member, deductions and the
net payable amount shall be prepared by the accountant.
d) Withholding tax on dividends and interest must be paid by 20th of the month
following the in which dividends are paid.
In order to meet the amounts required for dividend payment, the society shall set aside funds
in interest bearing accounts.
9.1.2 Internal Controls on Refunds:

Share Withdrawals:
a) Payments to members withdrawing from the society shall be made 60 days after the
receipt of a written notice of withdrawal from the member and guarantor
replacements in case the member had guaranteed other loanees.
b) Payments will be made net of any obligations to the society.
c) The member’s file after clearance by the Finance Sub-Committee will be handed
over to the Secretary, which shall process the payment.
d) All files of withdrawn members will be cancelled and archived.

Deceased Members payments:

a) Payment of the dues of deceased members without loans will be made after the
receipt of an original death certificate, or a copy certified by a lawyer.
b) Payments of the dues of deceased members to such members will be made after
payment of the claim from the insurance company.
c) The member’s file after clearance by the Finance Sub-Committee will be handed
over to the Secretary, which shall process the payment.
d) All files of deceased members will be cancelled and archived.

10.1 Risk Fund:
a) The Risk fund shall be used to meet future obligations on outstanding loans.

10.2 Entrance Fee:

a) Membership fees shall be recognized as entrance fees. This account shall comprise
the capital of the society.

10.3 Share Capital:

a) Share capital shall represent members equity in the form of issued and paid up

10.4 Statutory Reserve Fund:

a) The Statutory Reserve Fund represents the IVCS’s net institutional capital which is
established and owned by the society and is not distributable. An annual
appropriation will be made from the Society’s profit and transferred to this fund. This
transfer should be compliant with the Co-operative Societies legislation requirements
and IVCS By-laws.

Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits during the period arising in the course of
the ordinary activities of the society when those inflows result in increases in equity, other
than increases relating to contributions from shareholders.

The main sources of income of the IVCS shall comprise:

a) Interest from loans granted to Members.
b) Interest from Bank Deposits.
c) Other income: such as dividends from investments, profit from other business

11.1 Interest from members loans:

Interest from members’ loans shall be recognized as income when received.

11.2 Interest from Bank deposits:

Interest earned from fixed and call deposits shall be recognized when received.
11.3 Dividends from investments:
Dividends shall be recognized when declared and notification received as to the
amount payable.

All expenditure requests will be initiated in writing and approved within the specified
authority. Only the Managing Committee can bind the society in agreements with third
parties and suppliers. All agreements must be in writing and duly signed.
The Secretary or Accountant obtains approval to make payments for all invoices from the

12.1 Salaries and Wages:

Salaries paid to the staff members concerned should be credited to their accounts and not
paid to third parties, unless specially requested in writing by the staff member.

12.2 Committee expenses:

12.2.1 Committee Honorarium
a) Committee Honorarium will be paid to Members of the Managing Committee and the
members of the Finance Sub-Committee relating to the meetings attended by the


Chairperson .............................. ...............................

Secretary ......................….. ...............................

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