Simultaneous Roundtable - Mikayla Vestal

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By: Miss Vestal

Roundtable is a good cooperative
structure and interactive activity to
Definition practice vocabulary, grammar, or
even content. Students pass a paper
around, adding an item according to
the criteria you designate.

You’re going to get into groups of four.

When I say “Think” you’re going figure out how to sort the
animals in front of you.

Then when I say “Write” you’re going to draw the animals into
2 groups of your choosing.

You will have 30 seconds to sort the animals.

Now return the paper to
the person that had it first.

Work with your table to correct anything that

might be wrong with your 2 groups. Once you
are all finished, raise your hand and I will come
over to your table and collect y’alls papers.

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