Sweet Louise Shawl

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Sweet Louise

100gm (approx 400m) of Sock weight yarn

3.25mm knitting needles

Hand dyed yarn by Tri'CoTerie

Set up Cast on 18 stitches using cable cast on

Set up row 1 k1, kfb, k to end = 19 sts

Set up row 2 k1, *double yo, k2tog* repeat ** to last 2 sts, kfb, k1
Set up row 3 k1, kfb, k1, *k2tog, p1 (see notes below)*, repeat ** to last st, k1 = 21 sts

Notes: k2tog - you are knitting together a knit stitch and one yarn over from row 2
p1 – you are purling the second yarn over from row 2

Row 1 k to last 2 sts, kfb, k1
Row 2 k1, kfb, k to end
Rows 3 – 10 Repeat pattern rows 1 and 2, 4 more times
Row 11 Cast off 6 sts loosely, *double yo, k2tog* repeat ** to last 2 sts, kfb, k1
Row 12 k1, kfb, k1, *k2tog, p1 (see note below)*, repeat ** to last st, k1. You should have 27 sts

Notes: k2tog - you are knitting together a knit stitch and one yarn over from row 11
P1 – you are purling the second yarn over from row 11

Each pattern repeat = increase of 6 sts

Repeat pattern rows 1 – 12 as many times as your yarn will allow. Make sure to leave about 10gm of yarn
for the final repeat of rows 1 to 10. Finish on row 10 and cast off all stitches loosely.

Cast off method I use. Feel free to use your preferred method.

Knit 2 stitches. *Insert left needle in to the front of the 2 stitches on the right needle and knit them
together, one stitch remains. Knit 1*, you now have 2 stitches on the right needle. Repeat ** until only
1 stitch remains on right needle, thread yarn through and cut yarn.

Created by Valerie Norman, 2017 email: valynknitwear@outlook.com

100gm (400m) will give approximately 20 repeats.

Finish by weaving in ends.

Block or not – the decision is yours.

If blocked, the shawl will measure approximately 29” x 34” (73 x 86cm).

If you want to add a bit of sparkle to your shawl place a bead before casting off the 6 sts on row 11.

K knit
P purl
Kfb knit into the front of the stitch, do not slip off, knit into the back of the same stitch, slip off
Double yo wrap the yarn around the right needle twice
K2tog knit 2 stitches together as one

Hand dyed yarn by ValynKnitwear Hand dyed yarn by Tri'CoTerie

Created by Valerie Norman, 2017 email: valynknitwear@outlook.com

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