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10 skills every electrical engineer

needs to know
This article aims to help beginner engineers ensure that they
have the skills most often looked for and tested during the
hiring process but can also serve as a starting point for
experienced engineers looking to shore up weakness in
these areas
By Richard Quinnell, editor-in-chief

Between the availability of almost turnkey design platforms and rising interest in the
Internet of Things, opportunities for electronic product development have never been
greater. To be a successful designer able to tackle a wide range of challenges, though,
a developer should have a number of skills to draw upon. Here are ten of the most
common and, in our opinion, valuable skills that electronic product designers will want to

1. Performing circuit analysis

From designing simple resistor circuits to analyzing the frequency response of complex
networks, designers will need to know how to write and solve the equations of node and
loop analysis to figure out how component clusters are operating. Simulation programs
can help with the heavy math when needed, but knowing how to set up the analysis will
still be necessary.

2. Working with op-amps

The workhorse in nearly every application that requires signals beyond ones and
zeroes, the operational amplifier is a versatile device. Used properly, it is an amplifier,
integrator, signal conditioner, level shifter, and many more useful analog elements. The
trick is in understanding the characteristics and limits of real devices rather than the
idealized behavior described in textbooks.

3. Understanding analog filters

While the design of active analog filters may not be needed in all product development,
understanding the effect that components have on analog signals is still an important
skill to have. The capacitance, inductance, and impedance of both components and
circuit traces can alter even digital signals in ways that, if not understood and
compensated for, may cause systems to fail.

4. Designing digital filters

These days, most audio, video, and wireless signaling go digital at some point in their
travels, with many kinds of signal manipulation carried out in the digital domain.
Knowing how digital filters work to manipulate the analog signal that underlies the data
stream will prove essential to avoiding surprises, even if a developer only invokes
canned functions instead of designing the filter.

5. Designing feedback control

Robots, air conditioning, autonomous vehicles, and many other systems depend on
feedback control loops for their proper operation. (And such loops include filters, so see
above.) Designers should know how control loops function, how to determine their
effectiveness, and how to ensure that they are stable in their behavior. No one wants a
system that goes “oops.”

6. Managing hot components

The power dissipation of processors is rising, as is the density of components in small
spaces, so component overheating is a common concern. Designers will need to know
their options for keeping things cool as well as how to analyze thermal transfer to make
sure they have provided enough relief.

7. Working with RF
Not all that long ago, design in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum was a specialty
discipline that most developers never had to be concerned about. But with the IoT
demanding wireless connectivity and rising clock speeds turning PCB circuit traces into
RF waveguides, a basic understanding of how RF signals propagate and transfer
energy is proving essential.

8. Appreciating firmware
Like it or not, more than half of the design effort in the electronics industry today
involves software, and most electronic systems utilize a microprocessor or
microcontroller to provide some or all of their functionality. However, hardware design
decisions can have a substantial impact on the ease and effectiveness of code
development. So even if not directly involved in the programming effort, a developer
should have some understanding of what firmware is, how it’s created, and its role in
making things work.
9. Using statistics for manufacturability
Getting a prototype to work in the lab is only the first step in creating a product for
market. The design must be robust enough to accommodate all of the variations in
component value that will occur during mass production and the wide range of operating
environments that the product will face. Statistical analysis is the tool that developers
will need to ensure that their design will work in the face of this uncertainty.

10. Managing the career

Along with all their technical knowledge, developers should have some basic business
and career management skills. Landing and keeping a job, growing their access to
opportunities and compensation, rising in the hierarchy or launching an entrepreneurial
endeavor, and maintaining long-term satisfaction in the work effort all require conscious
effort as well as interpersonal and team interactions. Working toward a destination,
even one that changes from time to time, provides far more reward than simply reacting
to whatever comes up.

If you find that you are missing any of these skills, consider getting your hands on the
IEEE Press book “Ten Essential Skills for Electrical Engineers” by Barry L. Dorr. It was
the inspiration for this article and can serve as a textbook for learning or reviewing the
basics for most of the skills listed here (firmware is the one exception). It was written, in
part, to help beginner engineers ensure that they had the skills most often looked for
and tested during the hiring process but can also serve as a starting point for
experienced engineers looking to shore up weakness in these areas.

Should firmware be your weak point, consider obtaining an Arduino board and playing
with it. The board was designed to be a learning tool, after all. Tackling one of the many
projects available through the online tutorials that the Arduino community makes
available is a fun way to get started working with firmware. If interested in more
advanced programming, the Raspberry Pi can fill the same role at a higher level.
By Richard Quinnell


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What all I must know as an Electrical and

Electronics Engineering (EEE) student?
Published on February 26, 2016

Mydul IslamFollow
Research Assistant at Electronics Technology Research Cell
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 Comment11
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Almost every EEE students want to know that, What all I must know as an Electrical and
Electronics Engineering (EEE) student?

I think, The knowledge of the following topics/courses is very important for a Electrical and
Electronic Engineering student.

Some topics/course are academic and some are non academic for Bangladeshi University


 Basic of Vectors
 Solution of first and second order Differential equations
 Physics (Newtonian dynamics, waves, magnetism)
 Partial differential equation
 Calculus
 Vector calculus
 Laplace transforms
 Linear algebra (matrix)
 Ordinary differential equations
 Complex variables
 Fourier series and transforms
 Z transforms
 C programming
 Electromagnetic theory
 Principles of electrical machinery ( DC, AC - 1ph and 3 ph,
 Transmission and distribution.
 Control systems
 Network analysis
 Logic design
 Analog electronic circuits
 Op-amps
If i want to get into Core electrical field, then i need to have good knowledge in:

 Microelectronics
 Signals and systems
 Modern control theory
 linear integrated circuits
 Digital signal processing
 High voltage engineering
 Power electronics
 Electrical machinery
 Control systems
 Network analysis
 Continuous-time control systems
 Digital logic circuit design
 Electronic devices such as transistors, diodes
 Power distribution
 Microprocessors/microelectronics
 Digital signal processing
 Discrete-time/digital control systems
 Computer networking
Then it depends on what sub-discipline i take. If i decide to take control engineering, i'll need to
master the following:

 Optimal control
 Robust control
 PID control
 Fuzzy logic
 Neural networks
 Adaptive control
If i take the electronics path, master the following:

 Analog circuits/op-amps
 FPGA based digital design using a hardware description language
 Analog filter design
 Digital filter design

Non Academic:
Finally, it helps a lot, especially when i looking for a job, to master the following practical stuff.
It's even better to get certified:
To boost up my resume, i need the following topic-

 Programming in Python for process automation and numerical

 Programming in MATLAB
 Embedded systems ( Robotics)
 Fuzzy logic
 C++/Java for classes involving numerical methods, such as antenna
design, electromagnetic interference and capability (EMI/EMC
 Programmable Logic controllers
 A hardware description language (VHDL or Verilog)
 A few concepts from physics/mechanics
 A few concepts from telecommunications such as GSM, CDMA etc.
 Practical computer networking concepts such as routers, TCP/IP etc.
 Project management
 Analog/RF and mixed-signal integrated circuit (IC) design: SPICE (if
possible), Tcl (if possible), Perl, Python (if possible), UNIX shell scripts
 VLSI design: Verilog (mostly in the U.S.; else, VHDL), SPICE (if possible),
Tcl (if possible), Perl, Python, UNIX shell scripts
 LaTeX (+ BibTeX) for documentation. Optional: Asymptote, TikZ, and
MetaPost for drawing
 UNIX shell scripts: To work efficiently and effectively in a UNIX-like
operating system; know how to use regular expressions.
 CAD tools: Auto-CAD, Sonnet EM software.
Advice from Senior Engineers:

If you are power sector

1) Motors, Generators of various kind their electrical characteristics.

2) Power systems which includes Protective Equipment’s (VCB, MCB,
MCCB), various protective schemes like motor protection scheme,
Transformer protection scheme.
3) Cable sizing calculations.
4) You should also know software like AutoCAD, Eplan, PC Schematic and
other such software

If you are in Electronics

1) Analog Electronics, OP-Amps,
2) Digital Electronics, Microcontrollers
3) Embedded Systems,
4) Software like MATLAB, EAGLE, PSPICE and other Simulation soft wares

Only having working Knowledge of these things is not enough.

You should also know how everything is used in practical applications, how different
technologies are interfaced and work together. Reading of application notes of various devices is
very useful!!

Most important of all is that you get your basics right. You may not need to know all the
formulas and derivations but you should conceptually know how they are derived!

In practical life you never need to use anything apart from your Basic calculations. Industry has
well established thumb rules and guidelines. Unless you are working in R&D etc. But your
concepts are of great use when there are unique cases and troubleshooting is required.

An upcoming electrical engineer u need to know the basics and the applied electrical engineering
parameters and its equipment’s.

Primarily, u need to know about Generators , Motors , Transformers , Circuit breakers , Power
generation and its utilization , losses in the electrical machine . Need of improvement in power
factor (p.f.).
U need to know about the various electrical parameters like Voltage, EMF, Current, Flux, Flux
density, basic principles of it, p.f, measuring devices , networks and theorems

Always keep in mind and never forget these things in Ur carrier.

Kirchhoff laws, ohm's law, Flemming's left and right hand rule, principle of motors, generators,
transformers. EMF equation of alternators. Thevenins, Norton’s theorem etc.

Since you are asking as a student, I think you must know some of the very basic theorems. I
think KVL, KCL, Thevenin's theorems are the foremost. Then you should have a knowledge of
current source and voltage sources. The concept of input and output impedances is a must. For
electrical students, a superficial knowledge of inductors, capacitor, motors and generators is not
sufficient. So, study them in depth, really understand them, not just intellectual understanding.

First thing...The duty of a Student is to explore.....Mind it again EXPLORE.....

If you are an Electrical Engineer.....You must know how to apply your Electrical Technology in
your surrounding where may be you are.....
To be a good engineer start analyzing thinks.....if had a power systems class....think of electron
moving in transmission lines (conductor) with the help of insulators at poles....
The best thing that you have to know is BASICS. TREE may grow 100 FEET height ....but
without ROOTS can't have a LONG LIFE.
Try to learn things by your own....EE is the engineering that serves as NIGHT SUN to the
World. You can explore right from your home appliances.

N.B. Few some materials are collected from quora and google.

Mydul Islam
Research Assistant at Electronics Technology Research Cell
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Jikrul Sayeed
Senior Executive (PR) at KUET Career Club
Is it possible to cover all those topics with in 4 years as the conventional study cover almost all
those topics but not in deatils just gives an idea & the examination style do not support more
practical knowledge rather than just solving question with respect to topics.



EmbeddedSchool Elysium
Ece students get additional potential because of some certifiaction course such as <a
href=""> Arduino
Training, Raepberry Training</a>.


Kartik Kaushik
Mechanical engineer at geu ,doing car designing ,car manufacturing and product work
Does participating in curricular activities have an effective role in placement



Pankaj Kumar
Student at Rpsgoi balana
I am s student of 2nd year electrical branch. Which is better plc or python for 2 months

1 Like

Mydul Islam
Research Assistant at Electronics Technology Research Cell
Don't be panic. At first you should care about your CGRA and maintain at least 3.5 or above.
Rise your extra curricular activities and clear on basic concept of your related subjects.


Md. Rayid Hasan Mojumder

Web developer
I'm a student of 2nd semester... What I must do??? Care on CGPA or practical works or
innovative something???.... What would me helpful for my future most???Feeling depressed all
the time... Hope u will reply soon...




1 Reply

Mydul Islam
Research Assistant at Electronics Technology Research Cell
Don't be panic. At first you should care about your CGRA and maintain at least 3.5 or above.
Rise your extra curricular activities and clear on basic concept of your related subjects.


1 Like

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What are the basic things that all electrical

engineers should know?
17 Answers

Prasad Vasant Joshi, Eager to have this!

Answered Jan 4, 2017 · Author has 492 answers and 2.4m answer views
Good question!

All electrical engineers must know following things:

I would like to start with generation then transmission, distribution & at last utilization
of electricity.
1. Basics of electricity generation technologies including conventional &
non-conventional ways of electricity generation. Knowledge of different factors
e.g. load factor, demand factor, etc.
2. Transmission & distribution voltage levels & their classification.
Models of transmission lines (pi, T,etc.) their analysis. One should also know
about basics of HVDC transmission. FACTS(Flexible AC Transmission System)
3. Laws, theorems & basic rules: Circuit analysis: Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s
Current & Voltage law, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Electro-
magnetism & electromagnetic induction: Dot & cross convention, right hand
thumb rule, Fleming’s left & right hand rules, types of emf induction.
4. Concept of impedance & admittance. Different types of loads (R, RL, RC,
RLC); their series & parallel connections along with phasor diagrams.
5. Types of powers i.e. Active, Reactive, Apparent & complex power.
6. Concept of power factor; effects of different types of loads on power factor.
7. Types of supply & load connections: Basics of single phase & three phase
connections such as star & delta connections, voltage & current relations in
balanced star & delta connected loads.
8. Working principles of DC motors (shunt, series, compound) & knowledge of
their characteristics to understand their applications.
9. Working principles of single phase & three phase AC motors(induction,
synchronuos, etc.) & knowledge of their characteristics to understand their
10. Working principles of transformers, types of connections & respective
11. Knowledge of energy conservation & simple techniques to achieve it.
12. Basic operation principles of all household electrical appliances.
13. Basic knowledge of Power Quality & effects of different types of loads on
power quality.
14. Basic knowledge of Solar PV & Wind energy generation systems.
15. And last but not the least, CONCEPT OF EARTHING/GROUNDING !
Hope this helps!

Thanks a lot!

You probably already have an idea about what to expect when studying Mechanical
Engineering, but what about what jobs to look forward to when taking such a degree?

If your answer is the typical ‘be solution-oriented, creative, and have at least a passing
knowledge of Math and Technology’ you’re only at the base of the mountain. There’s
still some hiking to do to reach the peak.

We’re here to fill in the blanks and cover the things that will truly make you stand out on
the job market if you study a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. So be sure
to read about these steps when considering undergraduate studies in Mechanical
1. Choose a good international Engineering school to make a name for yourself

We live in a world where names sell. This can’t come as a surprise to you, but it does
mean you have to be extra careful about what you put in your CV and how you can
impress your higher-ups, even before they get to see your great mechanical skills at

If you really want to stand out from the crowd, you should orient your Bachelor’s or
Master’s studies towards prestigious Engineering schools.

Check out Bachelors worldwide

Some of the most renowned and top ranked engineering schools in the world
include MIT, UC Berkeley, or RWTH Aachen, among others.

But many other international universities offer good-quality Mechanical Engineering

studies worthy of bragging about in your CV. If you’re looking for Bachelors in
Mechanical Engineering, some top picks you can make are:

 Queen's University Belfast

 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
 Kaunas University of Technology
 University of South Florida

2. Make sure you pick the right country for Mechanical Engineering studies

Whoever you are and whatever you choose to do, your forming years are important.
This applies to you too, aspiring mechanical engineer! The more cultures and people
you get to know, the more you learn about different ways to find solutions to problems.
And isn’t this what all engineers do?

And here’s a secret.The countries where most Mechanical Engineering degrees are
available are also likely to need most Mechanical Engineers. Here’s how the offer for
Bachelors’ in Mechanical Engineering looks like:

 Mechanical Engineering in the United States

 Mechanical Engineering in the United Kingdom
 Mechanical Engineering in Canada
 Mechanical Engineering in Germany

3. Start gaining experience as a mechanical engineer early on

Yes, universities matter. Yes, choosing a country which needs mechanical engineers
matters. But you know what’s something employers value even more? Experience!
Hardcore, getting-hands-dirty experience.
Start developing your Mechanical Engineering skills by doing internships, taking part-
time jobs, volunteering, or shadowing professionals during your undergraduate degree.
You’ll have the best chance of not only graduating with a great diploma, but also with
practical insight about how to get the job done.

Consider this as an investment, seeing how you offer your time now, so you could
exchange it later for money, power, and world domination. (Just joking!)

4. Aspire to the success stories of other Mechanical Engineers

Quick: what do Nikola Tesla, Rudolf Diesel, Karl Benz, and Henry Ford have in
common? No, they’re not all “car parts”, but they are Mechanical Engineering
graduates! They are some of those who managed to stay on top of their field and bring
new and fresh ideas to the table.

The point is this: you need to know about the big names in your field and follow their
methods, to avoid making rookie mistakes and get inspired when you’re stuck or
everything seems overwhelming.

You can also check out the study experience of Madvesh, who studied Mechanical
Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, if you want to see how it is to study abroad.
He says: “My primary focus was International environment, teaching quality and a
healthy learning atmosphere. RWTH Aachen has all of these and it was an easy choice
to make.”

Check out Bachelors worldwide

5. Know your industry! Careers and salaries awaiting a Mechanical Engineering graduate

Mechanical Engineering is insanely profitable. With a median annual wage of over

87.000 USD and jobs being created on a daily basis, as demand for mechanical
engineers rises, you can bet this is one of the best and sought-after degrees out there.

And, if you want to be certain what’s the best destination for you, you should know that
the median salary for a mechanical engineer is:

 68.000 USD/year in the U.S.

 67.500 USD/year in the U.K.
 12.000 USD/year in India
 30.000 USD/year in Singapore

But if you really want to be great, then you should go for industries that really support
your growth as a Mechanical Engineer: manufacturing, transmission equipment,
architectural, and metalwork. After that, orient yourself towards top careers you can
pick from, including:

 Materials engineer
 Consultant or researcher in a manufacturing company
 Patent law responsible

Mission accomplished! You are now equipped with the key guidelines to go rock the
world of Mechanical Engineering!

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