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Don't miss the first installment of , ff this new modelling hook series. tS s r those to it after a while. This volume is also for everyone who to get the essence of modeling discipline in a volume, Covers techniques that are standard in aircraft modelling collected ina single book. An essential guide to everything there is to know presented in different levels of difficulty from the most basic to the most advanced. em ku c eu mcy f3 §&MODELISMO PANZER om et Editor Javier Lope de Anca (rigid idea and Art director Mig Jimenez Editorial Management cai Eéironal Coordination los Cuesta aki Cantalapiedca Cover ‘Antonio Alonso Layout Jorge Porto, Aitcle Aan Akassyor Photosrapher in Hamilton José kin Styling & Communiy Manager Elizabeth Wiese Styling Assstont Ak ce jla Gomez oo bare A. Colaborators oli vier Soulleys Diego Fuentes Diego Quijano. Jemie Hoggo Jorge Porto. Yang Yu Pet Alex Hemnéndez nelation Marta Ramirez Gémez 1 Printed in aver (Spain) he Weathering Aircraft por 'ANIMO of tig ie Printed in Spain DLNA 2484-2016 ISSN 2445-1177 December 2017 10 with @ seaplane gives the modeler the opportunity to apply many painting tech aircraft's finish can be quite weather-beaten. This can be a daunting task end only a fevr modelers have the mettle to face this type of project: In ths isue of The Weathering Aircraft we will examine how to apo different finishing techniques in order to achieve realistic effects. Fr this, re will have to pay special attention to reference materials in order to uncover all aspects of the method of the aircraft's paint finish (primer, final coat, etc). in addition, the impacts of the environment where they operated must aso be taken into account. In some cases, seaplanes were transported by or operated from ships that were not designed to carry them AAs aresut,the aircraft spent extended periods of time exposed to the sea air without protection irom the ‘gid temperatures of the far north to the heat of the south Pacific. Seaplanes show many of the same weathering effects as ships do. Thus, one of the most difficult effects in relation to painting is to create a waterline on the fuselage. This can be accomplished wrth several dit ferent approaches: with an airbrush, with specific products for weathering, or by mixing both techniques and materials. Another very common effect will be splashes caused by water which tend to accumulate ‘on almost all surfaces near the waterline of the seaplane. In adition, the effects of the sea-salt, humidity, and grime in the water can combine to create very interesting variations and damage and corrosion to the aircraft's painted and unpainted surfaces. Finally, the operation of the aircraft also contributed to its wear and tear. Often, the damage caused by the fiction of the viater on the seaplane’s hull must also be replicated. In other areas of the aircraft, the weathering is more akin to that of a conventional airplane as some seaplanes di have the capability to ‘operate from land-based runways, As a result, our conitibutors will show us techniques to recreate both ypes of weathering effects. By Javier Lopez de Anca fete collection of Te reugh this QReDdE azine throu jgweloda the compl neces anid dew Neathering Aircraft Ma or thi ink cherstanes-cellerypat ie scl 8 Fao

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