Dam'S Rehabilitation and Modernization of Monitoring Systems in Drini River Cascade, Albania

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Arjan Jovani*
Member of Albanian Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) and DSC/ICOLD
Blvd “Deshmoret e Kombit”, Tirana, Albania
e-mail: arjanjovani@gmail.com

Keywords: Drini River cascade, HEPP, Monitoring systems, Dam safety, downstream area,
Komani Dam toe, Emergency Preparedness Plan, Landslide, and Underground water.

Abstract. This paper regards the Dam’s Rehabilitation and Modernization of Monitoring
Systems in Dams and landslide of Drini River Cascade operated by Albanian Power
Corporation (KESH sh.a). The height, location and the type of Dams, the basins they
created, the installed power capacities and the dynamic of utilization of Power Plants
make Drini river cascade unique in Europe. The Drini river bed in northern Albania has
been transformed into a chain of three reservoirs with total water capacity of 3.4 billion
m3 which supply water to the largest Hydropower plants (HEPP) of Albania. Three
HEPP-s and their respective dams are in this cascade and they were constructed from
1971 to 1986. Their installed power capacity is 1350 MW and the average energy
production is 4 000 GWH per year.

The dam’s rehabilitation consists in rehabilitation of crest and down parts of dams,
rehabilitation of downstream areas regarding the damages from discharges of spillways
during 30 previous years, lake protection from erosion and sediments, maintenance and
rehabilitation of spillway’s radial gates.

The modernization of Monitoring systems consists in installation and automatization of some

dam monitoring systems as seismic and hydrogeological monitoring systems, geological and
geodetic systems for monitoring of dams and landslides near of them, hydrological and
meteorological monitoring systems. The focus of this modernization is monitoring of dams
and respective reservoirs in real time to solve all possible problems during their operation
and to improve the dam safety process.

This paper summarizes the performed measures regarding the dam’s rehabilitation and
modernization of monitoring process on 5 dams of Drini river cascade during the last
years. It is intended to evidence the advantages of new dam’s monitoring process in the
terms of best water basin integrated management and increasing of their life.

Arjan Jovani

Drini river Cascade (Figure 1), located in its northern region was created in 1985, whose
main purpose is hydropower production. The Drini River drains from Kosovo (White Drin) in
the north and from Macedonia (Black Drin) in the south-east. It creates three reservoirs with
total volume of 3.4 billion m3 and inundates an area of 72 km2. The Drini River cascade,
involving 3 hydroelectric power plants (figure 2), is administrated by KESH (Albanian Power
Corporation), the largest hydropower producer in the Balkan region. Upstream of Fierza
Lake, two more hydropower projects are planned (see figure 2).
The height, the location and the type of dams, the basin created, the installed power capacities
and the dynamic of utilization of Power plants make Drini River cascade unique in Europe
[1] because:
 The dams of this cascade are dams with the highest risks in region. In the case of
discharge of maximum flow (6400 m3/sec) or any dam failure, more than 195 000
people in downstream of Drini River are at risk.
 There are three rock filled dams with a height ranging from 60 m to 166.5 m and three
large artificial lakes with operating inflow from 100 m3/sec to 3600 m3/sec and
probable maximum flow of 6400 m3/sec.
 The capacity of 3 HEPP of this cascade is 1350 MW. They produce more than 75 %
of energy for our country. Fierza and Komani Dam are the biggest construction
objects in Albania and their influence on the economy is very significant.
 Locations of all dams are in the northern area of Albania with high risk of seismicity.
 Operation and Management of Drini river Cascade is done in special conditions
during all seasons of year regarding the heavy rainfall in the winter, continuous public
supply with energy for the country, protection of environmental and special measures
and management against floods in downstream of Drini River,

Figure 1: Location of Drini River Cascade and Catchment Area

Arjan Jovani

Figure 2: Scheme of Drini River Cascade


Fierza dam is the highest dam in Albania (Figure 3). It is located in its northern region as
the most upstream dam of the Drini River cascade.
Considering the installed power, location and lake volume, Fierza HEPP plays a key role
in the exploitation, regulation and operation of the Drini River cascade [1].
Fierza dam is a 166.5 m high rock fill dam with a clay core and an upstream slope of 1:2.
On the dam body are installed the hydrogeological and seismic sensors to measure the
underground water levels and any possible earthquake movement. Its width ranges from 576
m at the base to 13 m at the dam crest. The power house is located on the left bank at the foot
of the dam. There are installed 4 Francis turbines with total capacity of 500 MW. [1]
The intake structure is located on the left reservoir bank close to the dam. From there, 4
headrace tunnels convey the power water to each of the turbines.
Fierza dam is classified as a first class dam in terms of risk, being designed for a return
period of 1,000 years (6,100 m3/s) and for a verification flood of 10,000 years (6,400 m3/s).
The excess flood flows are discharged downstream by means of a spillways system designed
for a maximum outflow discharge of 2,670 m3/s. [2]. The spillways system of Fierza dam
(figure 3) is located on the right bank. It comprises two intake towers to the dam, two
spillway tunnels and two ski jump type outlet structures.

Arjan Jovani

Figure 3: Images of Fierza dam

Komani dam is a 115.5 m high concrete face rock fill dam. (See figure 4). The power
house is located on the right bank and there are installed 4 Francis turbines with total capacity
of 600 MW. [2]
The intake structure is located on the right reservoir bank close to the dam. From there two
headrace tunnels convey the power water to the surge tanks and further on the turbines.
Flood discharges are handled by two spillway tunnels with total capacity of 3600 m3/sec.
One spillway each is located on the left and right bank of the Komani dam. It comprises two
intake towers next to the dam, two spillway tunnels and two ski jump type outlet structures.
The outlet structures are located on the right and left bank directly at the foot of the dam.
Over the time the operation of spillways has created a distinct plunge pool at the foot of the
dam body.

Figure 4: Images of Komani Dam

The reservoir of Vau i Dejes is formed by four dams. Their heights range from 12 m to 60 m.
Two of them (Zadeja and Qyrsaq dams) are separated by a natural island. They are rockfill
dams with clay core. The power house is located on the right bank of Qyrsaqi dam.
Flood discharges are handled by the Qyrsaq spillway and Zadeja spillway. Qyrsaq spillway is
a weir structure with three bays and radial gates. The energy is dissipated by a roller bucket.
The second spillway is a tunnel spillway at Zadeja dam. It is located on the left bank. [2]

Arjan Jovani


In the 5 last years, together with a comprehensive risk-based approach that allowed to
inform how to prioritize investments [5], KESH sh.a has invested more than 35 million euro
in improving the physical conditions of assets and technology in order to guarantee the dam
safety, to increase production efficiency and to improve the working conditions in order to
achieve the highest standards (see figure 5 & 6). All investments have been implemented in
accordance with the Investment program of KESH sh.a. They were increased in the period
2016-2017 (see figure 6) because the conditions of the existing dam had deteriorated. From
the construction period till 2012, there had not been done any investments for safety and
rehabilitation of the dams. The focus of the above investments has been in 5 directions (see
figure 7, 8, 9) as follow:
 Rehabilitation of the dam and improvement of dam safety;
 Improvement of Monitoring process in the dams and landslide;
 Removal and cleaning of sediments in the front area of intakes;
 Lake Protection from sediments;
 Protection and rehabilitation of downstream area
In the figure 5 below are given the percentage of above investments for each direction.

Figure 6 –Total Investments of KESH sh.a for monitoring, maintenance, rehabilitation and safety of Dams [1]

Arjan Jovani

Figure 7: Downstream of Komani Dam, before and after rehabilitation [2]

Figure 8: Dam toe of Komani Dam, before and after rehabilitation [1]

Figure 9: Downstream of Fierza Dam before and after rehabilitation [1]


4.1 General
Based on the study of the risk analyses of Drini river cascade prepared by GNF/Spain,
Drini river cascade system risk should be more effective and uncertainty better characterized
The first outcome to reinforce the planning of the dam safety program comes from the
qualitative phase of the process and they are actions needed to reduce and manage the large
amount of uncertainty.
One priority to reduce the management risk and failure risk for the dams of cascade was
improvement and automatization of monitoring process of dams and modernization of hydro
meteorological monitoring system of Drini basin.

Arjan Jovani

4.2 Monitoring and Surveillance of dams

The most important aspect of monitoring, especially in dams in operation since many
years is to collect all information during the operation time of the dam. Many of this data are
registered on paper, sometimes handwritten in numerical format, where it is very difficult to
detect potential problems.
So, it must be represented on graphs. Without this information it would be impossible to
detect the problem and therefore, the safety level of the dam would be lower. Also, for the
safety annual reports it is necessary to show monitoring graphs of the last five years.
Understanding the dam’s behavior through monitoring data requires recognizing the exact
location of the devices so as to know what they are measuring. From our experience, it would
be necessary to draw all the dam monitoring maps in a digital format (see figure 10) and to
develop a procedure of control, review and update so as to ensure that all technical staff has
the same information and it is the last version. In this way, it is necessary to register all
monitoring devices technical data.

Figure 10: Map of Fierza dam and monitoring systems that are installed on the dam and the area surrounding
this dam (piezometers, inclinometer, geodetic monuments, seepages and seismic sensors)

Another aspect, easy to improve is the monitoring device reading procedure.

Automatic reading and real time information of instrumentation are two important
contributions of the IT technology. Currently automatization brings two main advantages:
 Provide real time reading
 Lower time of technicians inspections must be done
Also, the method has some disadvantages as following:
 More complex installation works
 More expensive maintenance
 Problems with false reading of sensor caused by issues non related to the dam

Arjan Jovani

On dam monitoring, it is more important the graphic analyses of several days or months data
and compared them with other variables than a value on display in real time.
A typical case in our monitoring process is the control of leakage at Komani dam toe. (see
figure 11). There is identified the leakage at dam toe with quantity of 700 l/sec.
To monitor this leakage, KESH has conducted many studies and research. Over the last few
years studies have been carried out based on geophysical methods to understand the water
movement, including inspection of the concrete face using an ROV and tracer testing and
diving. The purpose of the above studies have been to discover the origin and direction of
movement of water leakage in the Komani dam toe.

Referred to present studies and investigations, there can be no more doubt that most of the
water coming out at the toe of the dam is leakage from the reservoir rather than from hillside
springs. The current investigation has identified one zone in the bottom of the valley behind
the bottom outlet as a source of leakages. The location of this zone and the chemical
constitution of the leakages indicate that the leakage comes from the foundation, presumably
due to deficiencies of the grout curtain. The possibility of leakage from the reservoir via the
dam foundations and directly into the power station tailrace also cannot be excluded and
warrants further investigation.
In addition to these studies, attention has been focused on the automatic data collection of
underground water from the system of piezometers and flowmeters that are installed on the
dam. This will enable the operator to receive the dam monitoring data in real time in order to
prompt intervention in the event of an incident and to provide improved operation.

Figure 11: Monitoring system and graphs of leakage at Komani dam toe [2]

According to recommendations of ICOLD, [3] it is necessary to carry out the visual

inspection on dams. The scope of inspection should suit the importance of the dam and the
type of inspection. To carry our inspections it is usual to use a checklist where are listed all
the dam’s elements that should be inspected. In these inspections, it is common to write the
incidents detected.
To support the visual inspections it is very common to take the picture of the dam and
to measure the differences in elements every year. These photos can help the experts compare
the appearance from one year to another year, thus allowing to locate anomalies especially in
inaccessible areas for the inspector engineer.

Arjan Jovani

From our experience, we suggest some improvement actions in dam monitoring tasks as:
 Update monitoring graphics
o Search, collect and storage all historical data, both monitoring and operating
o Update monitoring database as dam code, devices locations, status, etc
o Create monitoring graphs from the operating activities
o Develop an internal procedure to update these monitoring graphs with current
 Update monitoring drawings
o Collect existing maps and file storage
o Develop new drawings, specific for monitoring in digital files
o Drawings with monitoring devices locations and specific icons for each one
 Monitoring data management
o Use of Portable data terminal (PTD) reading
o Determination of threshold for each device
o Preparing and loading of reading routes for each dam
o Preparing download data system from PTD to database and graphics

4.3 Dam safety Documents and Activities

Referred to the ICOLD standards [4] and Albanian law on the dam safety [7], KESH sh.a
carries out main activities as follow:
 Preparation of annual report of dam monitoring and surveillance,
 General dam safety revision,
 Operation rule,
 Technical Archive.

4.3.1 Annual report of dam monitoring and surveillance

Albanian Law No. 8681 “On dam Safety” [7] requires the dam owner to deliver to the
Albanian Committee of Large Dams (ALBCOLD) an annual report with conclusions about
the behavior of the dams and the safety assessment. This report includes the results of
inspections, monitoring graphs, photo reports, actual situation of each dam, main incidents
registered on the dam throughout the year. [2] It shall include installation of the monitoring
devices, spillway operation tests, daily rainfalls and temperatures, reservoir level and
hydropower production.

4.3.2 General Dam safety revision

Referred to the suggestions and recommendations of experts, KESH has started the
study, analysis and review of main indicators for dam operation and safety in Drini river
One of the most important chapters is the review of the original hydrological study and
model, which the spillway was designed. Hydrology study methods are constantly evolving
with new mathematical models adapted to regional characteristics with more and better data
of rainfall. Sometime conclusions and revisions make it necessary to modify the spillway
thereby increasing the safety of the dam. A typical case was the study of the safe integrated
management of Drini river cascade [6]. According to this study, there we have a new modern
hydrological model for Drini basin. Referred to this new model and the above study [6], it
must add to the capacity of the spillways for Fierza & Komani dam with 2000 m3/sec each
one. [2]

Arjan Jovani

4.3.3 Operational Rules

Dam operation procedures report lists all rules of operation of the dam. It is a document that
must be continually reviewed and updated so as to increase the safety of the dams. Its
recommended content is as follows:
 Main characteristic of the dams, reservoirs and hydroelectric power plants
 Main drawing of the dam, cross sections, monitoring data, etc
 Capacity and volume curves and bathymetry survey of reservoirs
 Specific actions in case of flood and Emergency preparedness plan
 Monitoring program and periodic inspections and maintenance program of dams and
landslide near of them
 Warning systems and strategies to develop in extraordinary situations as earthquake
or flood.

4.3.4 Technical Archive

It is very important to have access to the information generated throughout the whole
life of the dam, from design to current days to have a good management of dam safety.
It is necessary to create a Technical Archive in a safe and accessible place. This
technical archive must be managed by professionals and operations should be similar to a
library, where there is lending and return of information and good management of new and
existing information. KESH has started to create this Archive for the dams and their
elements. To improve access to such information, we have scanned all technical documents
of original drawings and studies. Also, we have created the electronically files for all
implemented designs for maintenance and rehabilitation of dams, monitoring data, annual
reports on dam safety and monitoring, laws and operational rules, etc. Below it is an
indicative list of information that should be available in a technical archive:

 Classification of the Dams according to ICOLD recommendations

 Projects that have been prepared for the implementation of the dam, including
hydrological and flood studies and geological reports
 Tests and analyses performed to check the quality of the works
 Additional geological information obtained during the execution of the works
 Amendment made to the project during dam rehabilitation
 Treatments performed for the waterproofing and drainage
 Reports of the first dam loading
 Evolution of reservoirs levels, incoming and outgoing and hydrological data
 Evolution of the seepage flow through the ground and dam;
 Monitoring plan of the dam in its different phases;
 Surveillance reports which observed anomalies;
 Operating rules;
 The description of works performed during the maintenance of the dam;
 Emergency preparedness plans;
 Warning system;
 Maps and necessary drawings.

Arjan Jovani

 Monitoring of all dams of Drini River cascade should be done in real time, online
with automated monitoring systems,

 Checking of Monitoring systems and Interpretation of monitoring data should be

done in continuous way by a qualified experts’ team. There must continue to
increase the data base of all monitoring data of Cascade for a long period,

 Monitoring systems should be improved and updated in continuous ways,

 Emergency Preparedness Plans should be updated every year,
 Installation of modern Alarm System should be done for all dams of Drini River
cascade. The installation of this system will reduce the risks from the effects of
maximum flow and probable dam failure.

 Monitoring of leakage in dam toe of Komani Dam should continue in the future.
This monitoring should be done in real time, online and from a qualified experts’

 Referred to the monitoring of hydrology and meteorology data, there is prepared

the new hydrological model for Drini and Buna Basin. Based on this model and
respective study [6], KESH has concluded that it is necessary to construct new
spillways in Fierza dam and Komani Dam. They will improve the operation of
cascade during the period from October to April and will reduce the risks of
maximum flows in the conditions of climate changes.

6 References
[1] KESH sh.a., Activity report 2013 – 2016 (May 2017).
[2] KESH sh.a, Annual report on the dam safety and monitoring process (March 2018).
[3] ICOLD, Surveillance: Basic elements in a “Dam Safety”, Bulletin No.138 (2009).
[4] ICOLD, Automated dam monitoring systems, Bulletin no.118 (2000).
[5] Ignacio Escuder – Bueno, Arjan Jovani, Javier Moralo-Garcia, Jose M.Alonso-Munoz,
Risk Governance Implementation for Cascade system on Drini River, Albania, ICOLD
2016, Annual meeting, Proceeding Johannesburg (South Africa) (May 2016).
[6] Fichtner, Feasibility Study on Safe Flood Management of the Drin Cascade Hydropower
Plants, WB Project, (November 2017).
[7] Law No.8681, dt. 02.11.2000 “On Dam Safety” (November 2000).


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