Acc 2 Minimum Area

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ROZI NOVRINZA 1710421007



ZAKIAH SYIFA U. 1710423013








PADANG, 2019

1.1 Background
Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment
(reciprocity). The life of organisms in certain regions or habitats is strongly influenced
by environmental factors abiotic or biotic. These environmental factors are factors that
influence the organism in the process of its development. If there is interference with the
environment then directly will have an impact on the population of these organisms
(Odum, 1992).
Diversity biological especially plant or plant is located in the south Indonesian
territory, usually to be wrong one source principal life para the farmer as eye his
livelihood . Effort utilization plant or plant for society especially first held inventory
with aim knowing potency function, role and existing benefits from organ part of plants.
Some type of land have various function ecologically, especially in save diversity
biological. Plant ecology is the study of the interactions relationship between organisms
and their environment, where several types of plants interact with each other based on
their respective trophic levels (Indriyanto, 2006).
The discussion of ecology can not be separated from the discussion of
ecosystems with various constituent components, namely abiotic and biotic factors.
Ecology is also closely related to the levels of organization of living things, namely
populations, communities, and ecosystems that influence each other and are a system
that shows unity. In the community there is a limit in interacting between organizations,
namely a collection or unit of taxonomic composition that forms a relatively uniform
unit, community with organizational topics and patterns of certain organisms.
Communities formed naturally have different forms between one place and another A
community is never static or changes over time. Changes in a community are divided
into two important things, namely succession in the form of cyclical changes in a
community in the form of undirected changes that fluctuate around the middle price. A
population and community are not formed at the same time as seen now. The process
moves from the one that no organization is there, then there are other new types that live
there, then there are other new types living there, so that it becomes a complex
community (Odum, 1992).
Every plant is the result of the conditions in which plants live, so plants can be
used as environmental indicators. The composition of a community is determined by the
selection of plants that reach climax and are able to live in that place. The activities of
community members depend on each individual's adjustment to physical and biotic
factors in the place. Thus in a community, controlling the presence of species can be in
the form of one or several specific species or can also be the physical nature of the
habitat. But there is no clear boundary between the two, because both can operate
together or influence each other. Plants that live naturally in a place, form a collection in
which each individual finds an environment that can meet his life needs. In this
collection there is also harmony in living together (association), and mutual relations
(interactions) that are mutually beneficial, so that a degree of integration is formed
(Djufri, 2012).
Large area in unit small that is community or vegetation is very varies the
situation. Its existence is set and species a huge population interact with many factor a
typical environment for every vegetation, way observe community or vegetation that is
and how many samples must be observed so that said it representative if in it there is all
or in part big type plants that make up community or vegetation that is. Minimum area
that reflects wealth. Community or vegetation called large total minimum square (Syafei,
For support our knowledge and additions insight who still less understanding, by
because that do practice this in a manner directly to the field. This is the background
backwards do it practice this.
1.2 purpose
The purpose of this practicum is to determine the size of a representative plot in an area.

The term ecology was first introduced in 1866 by E. Haeckel (German biologist).
Ecology comes from two Greek root words (oikos = house and Logos = science), so
that literally can be interpreted as the study of living organisms in his house. More
formally ecology is defined as a study that studies the reciprocal relationship
between living organisms and the physical and biotic environment as a whole. So,
ecology is a scientific study or study of the reciprocal relationship between
organisms and their environment. Ecology or ecological studies have an
organizational level of biological components, one of which is the community
(Resosoedarmo, 1984).
Community is an ecological principle that emphasizes the order that exists in
the diversity of organisms that live in any habitat. A community is not only a random
grouping of animals and plants that live independently of one another, but also
contain taxonomic characteristics, with certain metabolic tropic patterns. The concept
of community is very important in the practical application of ecological principles
because the best way to encourage and eradicate an organism's growth is to modify
the community rather than persecute it directly. A community and population did not
form together at the same time as it appears now. The process moves from no
organization, to several organisms that are there, then there are new types and others
live there, so that eventually it becomes a complex community (Michael, 1994).
The components of the community are formation, association, consociation,
association and colony. Formation is a community formed under certain climatic
conditions. This community unit is the main units of vegetation. Association is a unit
of plant community in a certain place. In associations if more than one species is
dominant. Variation is that in an association there are many dominant species but the
number is less than the total number in the association concerned. The community is
formed naturally. Vegetation is a combination of plants in certain environmental
conditions. This vegetation continues to grow which is influenced by environmental
factors, so that the shape of the vegetation can be characterized by the species that
make it up (Suin, 2000).
Area is part of the surface of the earth, area, geographical area used for
special purposes: this forest will be opened for agriculture; Environmental
geographical area that has the same language typology characteristics, such as
pronunciation, lexical, or grammatical features. The minimum area or species area
curve is the first step used to analyze a vegetation that uses sample plots (squares).
The minimum area is used to obtain sample plot area (sampling area) that is
considered representative of a type of vegetation in a particular habitat being studied.
The sample plot area has a close relationship with the diversity of species found in
the area. The higher the diversity of species found in the area, the more extensive
sample plots are used (Michael, 1995).
The characteristics of an area can be described by making a description of the
community. Contains things related to the composition, structure and development of
the community. In general, in describing the character of plant communities can be
divided into 2 types, namely analysis and synthesis (Susanto, 2000).
The area in small units, namely community or vegetation, varies greatly in
conditions. Its existence is a set and population species that strongly interact with
many unique environmental factors for each vegetation, how to observe the
community or vegetation and how many samples that must be observed so that they
are said to be representative if there are all or most types of plants that form a
community or the vegetation. Minimum area that reflects wealth. Community or
vegetation is called the area of the minimum number of squares (Syafei, 1990).
Species diversity can be taken to mark the number of species in a particular
area or as the number of species between the total number of individuals of all
existing species. This relationship can be expressed numerically as a diversity index
or important value. The number of species in a community is ecologically important
because species diversity is increasingly apparent if the community is more stable. If
two species with the same ecological needs are in the same area, their natural
selection works to reduce the overlap of the niches of the two species. This means
that large niches within a region will continue to be divided by the increasing number
of species (Indriyanto, 2006).
In plant ecology research or investigation methods are needed in doing so,
one method is called a minimum area. Minimum area is a basic method in the
investigation of plant ecology using plots. The size of the plot is made so that the plot
can really be a representative to retrieve data. With this method it can be determined
whether or not this area can be used as a farm area (Odum, 1998).
Five methods for determining the minimum area include; Interpretation of
area species curves, Pretation inter regional frequency curves, Species returning
presentations, Similarity analysis, and Patterns of representation. Interpretation of
species area curves is the original method and is still often recommended. This
method is a rare species to reach saturation. The frequency of the curve area has been
taken as the basis for determining the minimum area. This curve is used to detect
minimal separate areas for different regions (Syafei, 1990).
The shape of the minimum area can be square, rectangular and can also be
circular. The minimum sample area representing minimum vegetation, will be used
as a benchmark in vegetation analysis using the quadratic method. Vegetation
analysis is a way of studying the composition (species composition) and shape
(structure) of vegetation or plant communities. For a large forest condition, the
vegetation analysis activity is closely related to sampling, meaning that we simply
place a few sample plots to represent the habitat (Resosadarmo, 1984).

3.1. Time and place

The Minimum Area Practicum was conducted on Thursday, March 14th , 2019 at the
Teaching IV Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Andalas University, Padang.
3.2. Tools and materials
The tools and materials used in this practicum are stakes, ropes, scissors, tape
measure and stationery.
3.3. Ways of working
First, a plot of 25 cm x 25 cm is made. Observed and recorded the species of plants
that found in this plot. Then calculate the percentage increase in plant species. If the
results obtained are >10%, then make a plot that is two time larger than before, like
25 cm x 25 cm, 50 cm x 50 cm, so on until the results obtained are <10%.

Based on the observation that has been carried out, the results that obtained are :
Table 1. The Addition of Species Abundance on Each Plot

Addition of Species
No Plots Species
Abundance Percentage

1 I (25 cm x 25 cm) Barleria peritonitis

Asystasia gangetica
Paspalum conjugatum
Cyperus sp.
2 II (25 cm x 50 cm) Cyperus sp. 20%
3 III (50 cm x 50 cm) - 0%

Based on the observations and species abundance calculation, plot I (25cm x 25 cm)
obtained 4 species includes one unknown species. Plot II (25 cm x 50 cm) obtained
one addition of species abundance with 20% percentage of it. On plot III (50 cm x 50
cm) there is no addition of species so the addition of species abundance percentage is
0 %. It means that the percentage is <10 % and it means that the addition of plot
aren’t needed. From the results that obtained, it can be conclude that the larger the
plot area, the smaller the number of plants. It happens because the abundance of the
plants or the possibility of plant diversity are low. In accordance to Heddy (1986),
the area of quadrant plot has a close relationship with the diversity of species found
in the area. The higher the diversity of species found in the area, the wider the area of
quadrant plot used.
On average, plot I, II, and III (25 x 25 cm, 25 x 50 cm, and 50 x 50) had a
same species of plants. It means that the species dominates the area. It happens
because the species are competitive and suitable with the optimal conditions in the
area. If there are two species with the same ecological needs within the same area,
the natural selection will work to reduce the overlap of the niches of the two species.
The large niches within a region will continue to be divided along with the increase
in species. The density of a species depends on competition between similar species
not only depends on the area (Michael, 1984).
Factors that can affect the number of species in an area are climates, habitat
diversity, and size. Seasonal climate fluctuations are an important factor in dividing
species diversity. Extreme maximum temperatures, water supplies, etc. that cause
ecological congestion (bottleck) will limits the number of species that can live
permanently in an area. Large areas can accommodate larger species compared to the
narrow areas. Several studies have shown that the relationship between species size
and diversity is roughly quantitative. If the area is 10x larger than other area, then the
first area have twice larger species than the other ones (Harun, 1993).
According to Michael (1984), species diversity can be taken to manage the
number of species in a particular area or as the number of species between the total
number of individuals in all species. This relationship can be expressed numerically
as a diversity index or an important value index. The number of species in a
community is ecologically important because species diversity seems to increase if
the community becomes more stable.
The minimum area or species area curve is the first step used to analyze a
vegetation that uses sample plots (squares). The minimum area is used to obtain
sample plot area (sampling area) which is considered prepresentative with a
vegetation type in a particular habitat being studied (Sugianto, 1994).
The Quadratic Method is one method with the form of a sample can be a
square or circle with a certain area. This depends on the shape of the vegetation.
Based on the method of monitoring the minimum area can be determined the area of
squares needed for each form of vegetation. For each plot that is distributed,
calculations are made for the variables of density, luster and frequency. Density and
density variables are determined based on density. Of the species found from a
number of squares made (Rahardjanto, 2005).

5.1 Conclussion
From this practicum, conclusions can be taken as follows:
1. The larger the plot area, the smaller the number of plants, because the
abundance of the plants or the possibility of plant diversity are low.
2. The higher the diversity of species found in the area, the wider the area of
quadrant plot used.
5.2 Suggestions
Based on the practicum that has been carried out, it is expected that in the next
practicum for the addition of the area of the map, so that it can be done on the part
that can represent the diversity of species in the area, so that the data obtained can be
analyzed more accurately.

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Heddy. 1986. Pengantar Ekologi. Angkasa : Bandung.
Indriyanto. 2006. Ekologi Hutan. Bumi Aksara : Jakarta.
Michael, P. 1984. Ekologycal Methods for Field and Laboratory Investigations. Mc
Graw Hill Pub. Co. : New York.
Michael P. 1994. Metode Ekologi Untuk Penyelidikan Ladang dan Laboratarium.UI
Press : Jakarta.
Michael P. 1995. Metode Ekologi Untuk Penyelidikan Ladang dan Laboratarium. UI
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Odum, Eugene P. 1998. Dasar- Dasar Ekologi. Gadjah mada University Press :
Odum, Eugene P. 1978. Dasar-dasar Ekologi.UGM University Press : Yogyakarta.
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Rahardjanto, A. K. 2005. Buku Petunjuk Pratikum Ekologi Tumbuhan. UMM Press :
Resosadarmo, S. 1984. Pengantar Ekologi. Remaja karya : Jakarta.
Sugianto.A, 1994. Ekologi Kuantitatif, Metode Analisis Populasi dan Komunitas.
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Suin, N. M. 2000. Metode Ekologi. Andalas University Press : Padang.
Susanto, Pudyo. 2000. Pengantar Ekologi Hewan. PPGSM : Malang.
Syafei, E. 1990. Pengantar Ekologi Tumbuhan. ITB Press : Bandung.

1. Table

Addition of Species
No Plots Species
Abundance Percentage

1 I (25 cm x 25 cm) Barleria peritonitis

Asystasia gangetica
Paspalum conjugatum
Cyperus sp.
2 II (25 cm x 50 cm) Cyperus sp. 20%
3 III (50 cm x 50 cm) - 0%

2. Picture

Barleria perionitis Asystasia gangetia

Paspalum conjugatum Cyperus sp.

Cyperus sp. Plot I. 25 cm x 25 cm

Plot II. 25 cm x 50 cm Plot III. 50 cm x 50 cm

3. Calculation
Plot II
Number of new species abundance
Addition of species abundance =
Number of new species abundance + Number of previous species
Addition of species abundance =
Addition of species abundance =
Addition of species abundance = 20%

Plot III :
Number of new species abundance
Addition of species abundance =
Number of new species abundance + Number of previous species
Addition of species abundance =
Addition of species abundance = 0%

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