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1-What are the various types of packers?

 There are two types of packers :
1. Permanent Packer
2. Retrievable Packer
 Permanent Packers
Packer becomes an integral part of the Casing
Tubing ran in separately
Retrieved by milling and picking
• Advantages
– Tubing can be pulled out leaving packer in hole
– Tubing can be re-run and connected to the packer
– Cheaper than Retrievable Packers
• Disadvantages
– destructive removal (milling)
– milling > casing damage

 Retrievable Packers
 Run and set on tubing (or drill pipe in case of well repair).
 Types of production packers Based on setting mechanism:
1-weight set packer
2-tension set packer
3-mechanical set packer
4-hydraulic set packer

2-What are the main components of the packer and their functions?
1) Fixing element
1-Slips :
To hold packer attached to casing

2-Drag button :
extra fixing element
2) Sealing elements
holding killing fluid in casing annulus
3-What are the routine functions of packers ?
1. To protect casing from pressure and corrosive fluids
2. To prevent gas from entering the formation during gas lift operation.
3. Prevent heading and surging.
4. hold the killing fluid above in casing annulus and when we want to kill the well , it
enters through slim tube that exist in the packer.
5. In conjunction with subsurface safety valve..
4-What are the general consideration of selecting a packer ?
1- Purchase price 2- Packer mechanics
3- sealing element 4- corrosive fluids
5- Retrievability 6- Fishing characteristics
7- Through Tubing operations

5-A well is equipped with 5 ½ casing, the packer is set with 7000 lb tubing weight at 6000
ft on 2 3/8 OD tubing, and 1.995 ID, the annulus contain salt water . Acid is displaced
down the tubing with crude oil the resulting surface pressure of 1000 psi .Will the
packer be unseated ?
Salt water density 8.6 ppg and the acid and crude oil density is 6.9 ppg.
6- A well is completed with 5 ½ ID, 15.5 lb/ft csg, 2 3/8 OD 2 ID, 4.7 lb/ft tubing , pkr set at 6500 ft with
7800 lb of tubing wt. the sp. gr. Of sea water in the annulus =1.1 . The well was cement-squeezed
with 3 bbls of cement of 99.4 lb/ft displaced by 4 bbls of fresh water, followed by sea water with a
pump pressure of 2200 psi .Will the pkr be unseated by injecting through tubg?
Explain how to avoid pkr unseating .

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