Tarea Ingles 25

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Itiel Pazos Zeferino

English L4
January 25, 2019


One of the biggest problems that exist is pollution, the use of disposable materials
that we only use once and throw them away. For example, at all parties people
to use disposable materials to avoid washing them and thus waste time. People
not aware of the problem of generating a lot of garbage, because they are not
informed of the consequences of using these materials.

We could solve this problem by informing people of the damage caused by using
these products, such as the contamination of soil, air and also water. Also give
alternatives to avoid the use of these products, such as using reusable materials
can be easily washed.

Changing these little things we can avoid the pollution that occurs, since pollution
affects us all, animals, the environment, water, etc… So when we decide to make a
party we have to be responsible with our actions and not only at parties, every day
we have to avoid using disposable materials, when we go to the stores we have to
carry our bags so as not to use plastic bags.
Itiel Pazos Zeferino
English L4
January 25, 2019


Dear daly
I just wanted to say I'm sorry for treating you badly yesterday at the party. is that I
was very angry because everything was wrong at work. I wanted to de-stress that's
why I went to the party but it did not work.

That's why I feel that I should apologize to you, I hope you will excuse me, I
you it will not happen again.


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