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Scripta Materialia xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

A nanostructural design to produce high-strength Al alloys

with enhanced electrical conductivity
R.Z. Valiev,a,b M. Yu. Murashkina,b and I. Sabirovc,⇑
Institute for Physics of Advanced Materials, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, K. Marx str. 12, Ufa 450000, Russia
Laboratory for Mechanics of Bulk Nanostructured Materials, Saint Petersburg State University,
Universitetsky pr. 28, 198504, Peterhof, Saint Petersburg, Russia
IMDEA Materials Institute, Calle Eric Kandel 2, Getafe, 28906 Madrid, Spain
Received 9 October 2013; revised 25 November 2013; accepted 2 December 2013

The high strength and increased electrical conductivity of the Al alloys are highly desirable for their applications in power
transmission lines. However, high strength and high electrical conductivity are mutually exclusive in metallic materials. A novel
nanostructuring strategy is reported that achieves Al–Mg–Si alloys with superior tensile strength and enhanced electrical conduc-
tivity. The new strategy is based on a combination of grain refinement down to ultra-fine scale with accelerated formation of
nanosized precipitates during severe plastic deformation.
Ó 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High pressure torsion; Aluminum alloys; Dynamic aging; Nanostructured materials; Electrical properties

Mechanical strength and electrical conductivity owing to their good combination of enhanced strength
are the most important properties of conducting metallic and electrical conductivity compared with other Al
materials used in electrical engineering. Electrical con- alloys. These alloys can exhibit the ultimate tensile
ductivity is very sensitive to the microstructure of the strength in the range 255–330 MPa and electrical con-
metallic materials, since it is determined by the scatter- ductivity between 92 and 86% of the conductivity of
ing of electrons because of disturbances in the atomic pure aluminum, resulting in 57.5 and 52.5% IACS (area
crystal structure, including thermal vibrations, solutes marked in green in Fig. 1) [1,2]. These properties are
and crystal defects. As solute atoms and crystal struc- achieved in the Al–Mg–Si wires after a standard manu-
ture defects lead to increased mechanical strength of facturing route consisting of solution treatment, water
metals, high electrical conductivity and high strength quenching and cold drawing into wires, followed by arti-
are usually mutually exclusive. Pure Al, which has very ficial aging (T81). This thermo-mechanical processing
high electrical conductivity (62% IACS (International leads to the formation of second-phase precipitates
Annealed Copper Standard)), but very low mechanical Mg2Si in the grain interior through the conventional
tensile strength (160 MPa), is a good example. The aAl ! GP ! b00 ! b0 phase transformation sequence
alloying of pure Al, strain hardening or precipitation [3]. Such microstructures show enhanced precipitation
strengthening to increase its mechanical strength results hardening and a somewhat increased electrical conduc-
in dramatic degradation of its electrical conductivity. tivity as a result of partial purification of the Al matrix
The selection of the optimum conductors for power from Mg and Si solute atoms, since the solute atoms dis-
transmission lines is always a compromise between their solved in the matrix and Guinier–Preston (GP) zones are
mechanical and electrical properties, as well as invest- the most efficient lattice defects scattering electrons in
ment and the cost of the losses along the lifetime of metallic materials [4]. Any additional manipulation with
the line [1]. The Al–Mg–Si alloys (6xxx series) have been the processing parameters in this thermo-mechanical
widely used as conductors for overhead power lines, processing route leads to either improvement in strength
at the expense of electrical conductivity or improvement
⇑ Corresponding in electrical conductivity at the expense of strength.
author. Tel./fax: +34 91 549 34 22; e-mail:
Further simultaneous enhancement of strength and

1359-6462/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: R.Z. Valiev et al., Scripta Mater. (2014),
2 R. Z. Valiev et al. / Scripta Materialia xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

turns at elevated temperatures. The top and bottom an-

vils and the specimen between them were placed in the
heating chamber (furnace). The chamber possesses very
high thermal stability and is able to keep the tempera-
ture constant during processing with no temperature
gradient between top and bottom anvils (which has been
continuously checked during numerous HPT trials). The
controlling K-type thermocouple was fixed to the top
(non-rotating) anvil at the distance of 10 mm from the
disk. Very high strain was induced in the disks; in partic-
ular, the total true strain at a distance of 6 mm from the
disk centre was 7.24 [7]. The microstructure of the al-
loy was characterized by transmission electron micros-
copy (TEM) using a JEM 2100 instrument operating
at 200 kV. The electrical conductivity of the alloy at
RT was measured using the eddy current method. At
Figure 1. Electrical conductivity (in IACS) of the various Al–Mg–Si least 20 measurements were taken, and the average val-
alloys (AL-2–AL-7) used in electrical engineering for overhead power ues and their standard deviation were calculated. Speci-
lines is plotted vs. their ultimate tensile strength [1,2] and compared with mens with gauge length 4 mm and gauge width 1 mm
the results on the Al6201 alloy obtained in the present work. (For
were cut out from the areas with homogeneous micro-
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
structure, so the tensile axis of the samples was located
at 6 mm from the disk centre. Tensile tests were
carried out using a 2 kN INSTRON-type universal
electrical conductivity cannot be reached by this pro- machine. Specimens were deformed to failure at RT
cessing route, since each induced strengthening mecha- with constant cross-head speed corresponding to the
nism adds some extra electrical resistivity. This is also initial strain rate of 103 s1. Three tensile specimens
clearly seen from Figure 1, where the electrical conduc- were tested and the results were found to be reproduc-
tivity is plotted vs. tensile strength for a range of the ible. The X-ray studies were carried out using a Rigaku
conventional Al–Mg–Si alloys used at present in electri- Ultima IV diffractometer. The lattice parameter was
cal engineering (green area in Fig. 1). determined with the accuracy of ±0.0001 Å.
This work proposes a new strategy for nanostructural Careful TEM studies have shown that the alloy pro-
design in the Al alloys for the new generation conduc- cessed at RT exhibits a very homogeneous UFG micro-
tors. This strategy is based on intelligent manipulation structure with a mean grain size of 130 nm (Fig. 2a).
with the strengthening mechanisms and mechanisms of The grain interior is characterized by a low density of
electrical resistivity by grain refinement down to submi- lattice dislocations. Meanwhile, spreading of spots on
crometer scale, using severe plastic deformation (SPD) selected area electron diffraction patterns and extinction
at room temperature, followed by decomposition of so- lines inside grains point to the high residual stresses
lid solution and formation of nanosized second-phase present as a result of the non-equilibrium character of
precipitates via dynamic aging during SPD processing grain boundaries containing extrinsic dislocations [8,9].
at elevated temperatures. These ultra-fine grained
(UFG) microstructures with second-phase nanoprecipi-
tates can show superior mechanical strength owing to
grain boundary strengthening and precipitation harden-
ing. At the same time, the very low content of solute
atoms and absence of GP zones in the Al matrix results
in significantly enhanced electrical conductivity. In
recent years, there has been significant progress in the
application of SPD processing to Al alloys [5,6], which
200 nm
allows novel processing routes to be developed to
enhance their properties further. (a)
An Al 6201 alloy was chosen, which has been widely
used as a material for electroconductors [1]. The chemi-
cal composition of the alloy (wt. %): Mg 0.6–0.9, Si 0.5–
0.9, Fe  0.5, Cu  0.10, Zn  0.1, Cr  0.03,
Mn  0.03. The material was supplied by Ludinovocable.
Disks with diameter 20 mm and thickness 1.5 mm were
solution treated at 530 °C for 2 h and quenched in
water. Then the disks were subjected to SPD processing 500 nm 100 nm
by high-pressure torsion (HPT) using unconstrained an- (b) (c)
vils [7]. Three processing regimes were selected: room
temperature (RT), and further straining at 130 °C, Figure 2. TEM images of the Al 6201 alloy subjected to HPT
180 °C and 230 °C. The disks were subjected to one processing at: (a) RT; (b, c) 180 °C. (a), (b) General view of UFG
HPT turn at room temperature followed by 20 HPT structures and (c) morphology of precipitates.

Please cite this article in press as: R.Z. Valiev et al., Scripta Mater. (2014),
R. Z. Valiev et al. / Scripta Materialia xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1. Microstructure, mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of the Al 6201 alloy in the studied conditions (d, grain size; dp, size of
second-phase precipitates; a, lattice parameter; rUTS, ultimate tensile strength; d, elongation to failure; x, electrical conductivity).
Processing Structure a (Å) rUTS (MPa) d (%) x (MS m1) IACS (%)
SST CG, d = 65 lm 4.0526 95 20.4 29.6 51.0
T81 CG 4.0512 330 6.1 31.1 53.6
HPT at RT UFG, d = 130 nm 4.0521 510 2.5 27.7 47.7
HPT at 130 °C UFG, d = 280 nm, dp = 10 nm 4.0509 412 4.9 32.3 55.6
HPT at 180 °C UFG, d = 440 nm, dp = 30 nm 4.0505 365 8.8 33.9 58.4
HPT at 230 °C UFG, d = 960 nm, dp = 50 nm 4.0500 275 19.1 34.2 59.0

Further HPT straining at elevated temperatures sig- and the values of strength and conductivity obtained
nificantly affects the UFG microstructure (Fig. 2b). The are presented in Table 1. This combination of high
results of microstructural characterization of the HPT strength and high conductivity is shown to be unique
processed Al 6201 alloy are presented in Table 1. The and unusual for these Al alloys (Fig. 1).
mean grain size in the alloy increases to 280 nm, Advanced properties obtained in the studied Al
440 nm and 960 nm after HPT processing at 130 °C, alloys after HPT processing can be rationalized based
180 °C and 230 °C, respectively (Table 1). A very on the microstructure developed in the materials,
important feature of these microstructures is the pres- namely, formation of ultra-fine grains and nanosized
ence of spherical second-phase nanoprecipitates second-phase precipitates. Indeed, according to the
(Fig. 2c). The average size of the second-phase precip- Hall–Petch law rgs = Kd1/2 for the grain size of
itates increases with increasing HPT processing temper- 440 nm (HPT temperature 180 °C) and
ature from 10 nm (at 130 °C) to 50 nm (230 °C) K = 0.10 MPa m1/2 [14], the grain size hardening
(Table 1). These nanoprecipitates have been identified rgs = 154 MPa. The precipitation hardening from the
as b0 -Mg2Si, and they are typically formed as a result nanoprecipitates with size 30 nm and spatial distribu-
of dynamic aging, which occurs during SPD processing tion 200 nm will be rOr = 112 MPa, according to the
of the Al–Mg–Si alloys at elevated temperatures [10– Orowan law [15,16]. Apart from that, there should be
12]. It should be noted that these nanoprecipitates have a contribution of solid solution hardening rss from
a different morphology compared with the nanoprecip- the small number of atoms still remaining in the matrix,
itates formed in the material during static aging, which and a small contribution from dislocation hardening
have a needle shape. This was attributed to the strong rd. Their mutual contribution rss + rd can be estimated
dislocation activity during SPD processing and the via the relationship
resulting shear of precipitates [11]. The X-ray measure-
ments clearly show that HPT processing leads to a sig- ry ¼ ro þ rgs þ rOr þ rss þ rd ð1Þ
nificant decrease in the lattice parameter of the Al where ro = 10 MPa is the Peierls Nabarro stress [14].
matrix (Table 1) illustrating a strong decomposition For the sample processed at 180 °C, rss + rd = 50 MPa,
of the supersaturated solid solution. This is in a good and this decreases with increasing processing tempera-
accordance with the results of the recent investigations ture (Table 2).
using the three-dimensional atom probe technique [8]. As all strengthening mechanisms lead to additional
The lattice parameter in the alloys processed at distortions in the lattice structure of metals, it can be as-
230 °C becomes nearly equal to that of the pure Al sumed that each strengthening mechanism provides an
(4.0494 Å), which indicates near-complete purification additional increase in the electrical resistivity of metallic
of the matrix from the solute atoms as a result of materials, and the well-known Matthiessen’s rule [4] can
dynamic aging (Table 1). The appearance of typical be presented as
banded diffraction contrast at grain boundaries indi-
cates significant recovery of non-equilibrium grain qtotal ¼ q þ qss þ qp þ qd þ qgb ð2Þ
boundaries during HPT at elevated temperatures
(Fig. 2b) [13]. where qtotal is the total electrical resistance, q is the
Data on mechanical properties and electrical conduc- electrical resistivity of the lattice, qss is the resistivity
tivity of the Al 6201 alloy after HPT processing are also due to solute atoms dissolved in the matrix, qp is the
presented in Table 1. The HPT processing at room tem-
perature leads to a different increase in strength when
Table 2. Estimation of contribution of strengthening mechanisms into
ultimate tensile strength exceeds 500 MPa, but the elec-
yield strength of the HPT processed Al 6201 alloy (ry, yield strength;
trical conductivity at this temperature is very low at rgs, grain size hardening; rOr, Orowan strengthening; rss, solid solution
47.7% IACS. However, electrical conductivity of the hardening; rd, dislocation hardening).
material significantly increases during HPT processing
HPT ry (MPa) rgs (MPa) rOr (MPa) rss +
at elevated temperatures and, for example, HPT pro-
temperature rd (MPa)
cessing at 230 °C leads to electrical conductivity close
to that of pure Al of 59% IACS (Table 1), whereas the RT 448 277 – 161
tensile strength remains high. A superior combination 130 °C 380 189 110 71
180 °C 326 154 112 50
of high strength and high electrical conductivity is dem-
230 °C 218 102 89 17
onstrated by the alloy processed at 130 °C and 180 °C,

Please cite this article in press as: R.Z. Valiev et al., Scripta Mater. (2014),
4 R. Z. Valiev et al. / Scripta Materialia xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

resistivity added by second-phase precipitates, qd is the The authors gratefully acknowledge the Rus-
resistivity due to dislocations present in the sian Ministry for Education and Science for the financial
microstructure, and qgb is the resistivity due to grain support of this study through the Federal Targeted
boundaries. It should be noted that the qp can consist Program: Contract No. 14.B37.21.1953 of 14 November
of several parts if several types of second-phase precip- 2012 and Contract No. 14.B25.31.0017 of 28 June 2013.
itates (GP zones, non-coherent precipitates, coherent IS gratefully acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of
precipitates) are present in the microstructure. The qss Economy and Competitiveness for financial support
and qp (for GP zones) provide the highest contributions through the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship.
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Please cite this article in press as: R.Z. Valiev et al., Scripta Mater. (2014),

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