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bray of Congress Cataloging in Pubiation Data Strong, A Brent. Plastics materials and processing /A. Brea Strong, —Srd, Inthe: bitographia veferences and inde eNotes i Ph. Tile syidsssta os ene a? D> wetu uprany ‘hai 2onso1se76 rimepen es ESRI ee aoe a Speco eeeeernne eerie ae sone Shee ceaimaee ‘This book was set n Clearace by GOS Book Services, tani Highland. was printed ard bend by RR Doaneley. ‘The cover wat printed ky Phoenix Color Comp. ‘Sonyight © 2006, 2000, 1996 by Pearson Education, ne, Upper Salle River Now Jersey O74. ‘Pearson Pence Hl Alright reser Printed inthe United States of America. This publication i protected by ‘Copyright and permission shouldbe cbained ter the publisher prior toa prohibited reproduction, earn retrial ster or tastnsion in any frm of by any means, electron, mechanical, photocopying ecb, ot Ikevise. or iforaton regarding permissions wrt ta Rights and Permissions Depart Pearson Prontice Halls a trademark of Penson: Education, Tne. Pearson isa registered trademark of Pearson pe rence Hall isa roitred trademark of Pearson Béveation, Ine, Pearson Eduction Australia Pay. Limite esron Education North Ata Lid Parson Educacidn de Mic, SA de CX. Pearson Eduction Malla Pe Lid Pearton Eduction Ud. Pearson Education Singapore Pe Ltd Pearson Eduction Canada Led aaron Education Japan Contents ¥ Chapter » Chapter + Chapter 1 Introduction to Plastics. 1 Definitions of Plastics and Polymers 1 History of Plastics 3 Raw Material Supply and Pricing 10 Strategic Materials 13 ‘The Plastics industry 13 Uses of Plastics in Modern Society 16 (Case Study L1—The Development of Nylon 21 2 Polymeric Materials (Molécular Viewpoint) Introduction 25 Fundamentals of Mater 26 Bending al ‘Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry 39 Polymers 43 Formation of Polymers $1 ‘Thermaplastcs and Thermosets 63 Copolymers 65 (Case Study 2.1—Moiifiations to Improve Teflon® Processing 3. Microstructures in Polymers 73 Introduction 73 ‘Solids, Liuids and Gases 74 Polymeric Solid State: Amorphous and Crystalline 75 30 Polymeric Caseous Sate 80 ‘Thermal Changes in Polymers 81 Polymer Length 95 Molecular Weight 96 25 66 Mettindex 105 Shape (Steric) Eifects 108 ‘Case Study .1—Mechanical ‘of Density and Melt Index Properties of Pbjethlene (PE) as Functions 10 \VChapter 4 Mechanical Properties (Macro Viewpoint) 119 Introduction 119 Mechanical Properties in Solids (lastic Behavior) 122 Mechanical Properties in Liquids (iseous Flow) 123 ‘Viecoelastc Materials 129 Plastic (High-Strain) Stress Strain Behavior 132 Creep 139 ‘Toughness, Impact Strength, and Hardness 141 Reinforcements 144 Fillers 145 ‘Toughness Modifiers 148 (case Study 4. Tne Performance Testing of Trash Containers to Predict M6 \ Chapter 5 Chemical and Physical Properties (Macro Viewpoint) Introduction 151 Environmental Resistance and Weathering, 152 Chemical Resistivity and Solubility 158 Permeability 105 ‘lectrical Properties 72 Optical Properties, 176 Flammability 181 Plastic Kentification 169 ‘Case Stady 5.1—Using Carbon Black to Protect Polethylene from UV Degradation 19) ‘case Study 52-—Conductie Polymers 193 Chapter 6 Designing with Plastics 197 Introduction 197 Design Methodology 199 LayoubDrawing 208 Constraints 208 Material Choice 209, Prototying 214 (Case Smdy 6.1—Design of Plastic Stakes for Concrete Tit-up Walls 216 11 Contents U Chapter 7 Thermoplastic Materials (Commodity Plastics) Introduction 223, Polyethylene PE) 224 Polyethylene Copolymers 235 Polypropylene (PP) 230 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 242 Polystyrene (PS) 247 ‘Aoys and Biends 251 (Case Study 7.1—Typical PVC Formulation 257 \/Chapter 8 Thermoplastic Materials (Engineering Plastics) Introduction 261 Celluosies 263, Polyamides or Nylons (PA) 265, ‘Acstals or Polyoxymethylenes (PON} 270 ‘Thermoplastic Pobesters(PETPBT) 273, Polycarbonate (PC) 277 Acrylics (PAN, PMMA) 279 Fluoropoiymers (PTFE, FEP, PFA) 281 High-Performance Mhermoplastics 286 (Case Study 8.1—Making Nonstick Flectrosurgical Blades 289 \y Chapter 9 Thermoset Materials 295 Introduction 295 Crosslinking 297 ‘Thermeset Types, General Properties, and Uses 304 Phenolics (PF) 306 ‘Amino Plsties (UF and MF) 309 ‘Thermoset Polyesters or Unsaturated Polyesters (UP) 312 View! Esters (VE) 320 Epoxies (EP) 321 ‘Thermeset Polyimides 25 Polyurethanes (PUR] 325 (Case Study 9.1—Thermoset Compsits for Wrapping Utility Poles / Chapter 10 Elastomeric (Rubber) Materials. 337 Introduction 337 ‘Aliphatic Thermoset Blastomers 341 ‘Thermoplastic Etastomers (TPE) 350 Fluoroelastomers 352 223 261 331 PLASTICS Materials and Processing

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