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Flipped Classroom Activity

PHYSIOLOGY (4th Shifting) | Brodit, Banal, Solidum, Razon | 11 March 2019 (Pilot)

I. Final Questions (18)
A. Synthesis and Release 12.What is the major substrate found in the 1,5’
B. Regulation deiodinase?
C. Mechanism of Action
D. Transport and Metabolism
E. Physiologic Effects
E. Physiologic Effects
F. Clinical correlation 13. As a result of increased metabolic activity with the
II. Combined Group’s Questions presence of thyroid hormones, the peripheral
A. Thyroid Gland vascular resistance will?
B. Calcium and Phosphate Homeostasis 14. What is the direct effect of the parathyroid hormone
III. Answers for the Final Questions Only on intestinal absorption of calcium?
15. What is the adrenal hormone that inhibits bone
(Questions are arranged (Easy, Moderate and Difficult) formation?

A. Synthesis and Release F. Clinical Correlation

1. The precursor of vitamin D found in the skin? 16. A condition characterized by accumulation of excess
2. Iodide trapping involves what kind of membrane unmineralized osteoid due to Vitamin D deficiency in
transport? ADULT is?
3. What is the necessary electron acceptor in the 17. Myxedema in patient with hypothyroidism is due to
oxidation of iodide to iodine? the skin deposition of ____ and ____?
18. Due to the effect of the parathyroid hormone in the
B. Regulation renal tubules, hyperparathyroidism results in what
4. When the plasma calcium level is high, a low amount type of acid base disorder?
of 1,25-diydroxycholecalciferol is produced. What is
the relatively inactive metabolite produced by the
kidneys instead?
5. Active Vitamin D synthesis is increased by the
deficiency of what ion? A. THYROID GLAND
6. The mechanism by increased β-adrenergic activity
stimulates the thyroid hormone. What is the A. Synthesis and Release
mechanism by which there is an increased β- 19. In Iodide trapping, what is the most important transporter
adrenergic activity that will stimulate thyroid uptake? that provides the gradient to actively pump iodide in the
cell interior? -Na+/K+ ATPase
Simplified into: What thyroid hormone activity
20. What protein does thyroxine mainly adhere for systemic
stimulates increased β-adrenergic activity? transport? -Thyroxine binding globulin
21. Iodide is transported out of the cell across the apical
C. Mechanism of Action membrane -Chloride-iodine counter transporter
7. What is the more potent form of thyroid hormone? 22. What is the necessary electron acceptor in the oxidation
8. What secondary messenger mechanism is responsible of iodide to iodine? -Hydrogen peroxide
for the action of PTH? 23. When thyroglobulin enters the cell via endocytosis, what
9. An increase in UCP as an effect of thyroid hormone do you call the protein that is bound by thyroglobulin in
order to be taken up by the cell and released into the
results in what type of thermogenesis?
capillaries? -Megalin
24. Ave: Na-iodide symporter is the transporter for iodide to
D. Transport and Metabolism be transported to the cell. How many sodium ions per 127
10. 10-15% of T4 or T3 is bound to another specific iodide ions entering across the basal membrane? -254 Na
thyroid binding protein. This is called? ions (1:2)
11. The inactive form of vitamin D synthesized in the 25. Diff: In the storage of thyroid hormones, give the ratio of
kidney is due to an increased activity of which thyroglobulin: thyroxine? -1:30
enzyme? 26. Iodide is taken up into thyroid cells by _________ in the
basolateral plasma membrane. -NIS

S4 // A01 Pera, Reario 1 of 5

27. Most conversion of T4 to T3 by ___________ occurs in 44. Coupling occurs between iodinated Tyrosine that remain
tissues with high blood flow and rapid exchange with part of the primary structure of thyroglobulin. This entire
plasma, such as the liver and kidneys. -D1 sequence of reactions is catalyzed by _____ -Thyroid
peroxidase (TPO)
B. Regulation 45. Easy: Propylthiouracil is used to treat hyperthyroidism. It
28. What gland monitors the circulating level of the thyroid prevents the further production of thyroid hormone by
hormones and increases and decreases the amount of TSH blocking which enzyme? -Thyroid peroxidase
in order to control the amount of thyroid hormone 46. Ave: Which thyroid hormone mimics the effects
synthesized and secreted by the thyroid gland - Pituitary epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagon, and cortisol. -T3
gland 47. Diff: This is a human thyroid hormone receptor gene
29. TSH stimulates the entry of glucose into this pathway to located in chromosome 3 that encode the nuclear thyroid
generate a reduced cofactor needed for the oxidation of hormone receptor. -THRB
iodine. Determine the pathway -HMP pathway 48. MIT and DIT molecules, which also are released during
30. TRH effects on TSH output is through this 2nd messenger proteolysis of thyroglobulin, are rapidly de-iodinated
pathway? -PLC within the follicular cell by the enzyme _________. -
31. What is the pathway for the stimulation of TSH by TRH? - Iodotyrosine deiodinase
PLC/IP3 pathway 49. Coupling occurs between iodinated tyrosine that remain
32. TSH also stimulates entry of glucose into the hexose part of the primary structure of thyroglobulin. This entire
monophosphate shunt pathway, which generates _______ sequence of reactions is catalyzed by? -Thyroid peroxidase
needed for the peroxidase reaction -Reduced NADPH (TPO)
33. Autoregulatory phenomenon seen as a decrease in the
transport and iodination activity after reaching a maximal D. Transport and Metabolism
point in both activities in the thyroid gland -Wolff -Chaikoff 50. For many years, it was thought that thyroid hormone
effect diffuses passively across cell membranes, but this now
34. Easy: Most acute effect of TSH. -Increase in proteolysis of known to require transport proteins. Identify the specific
thyroglobulin transporter of T4 across the blood brain barrier? -OATPC1
35. Ave: TRH enables high TSH output by activating which 51. If endocytosis is used for some thyroglobulin to enter the
secondary messenger system? -Phospholipase secondary cell, what is this protein significant for the step? -Megalin
messenger system 52. 3. Which glial cells is responsible for producing the supply
36. Diff: Sustained regulation of this leads to the long-term of T3 in neurons in the brain by the presence of deiodinase
effects of hypertrophy and hyperplasia of follicular cells. - 2 -Astroglia
TSH 53. True or false, T3 binds strongly to intracellular proteins
37. TSH also stimulates entry of glucose into the hexose than T4 after being transported into cells. -False
monophosphate shunt pathway, which generates 54. What is the reason for the slow release of T4 to tissues? -
______________ needed for the peroxidase reaction. - High affinity to thyroxine-binding proteins
Reduced NADPH 55. Easy: What is the main cause why thyroxine is released
38. The most important regulator of thyroid gland function slowly to tissues? -High affinity of plasma proteins within
and growth is the hypothalamic-pituitary _________. - its circulation
Thyroid releasing hormone–thyroid stimulating hormone 56. Ave: Upon entering tissue cells, both thyroxine and
axis triiodothyronine again bind with intracellular proteins,
which one binds more strongly than the other? -Thyroxine
C. Mechanism of Action 57. Diff: What transports T4 in cerebrospinal fluid and
39. This processed forms the MIT and DIT from tyrosine and provides thyroid hormones to the CNS? -Transthyretin
iodine -Coupling (TTR)
40. The thyroid hormone receptor forms what type of dimer 58. The major binding protein of thyroid hormone is _______,
with retinoid x receptor -Heterodimer which is synthesized in the liver and binds one molecule of
41. Through alternative splicing, different thyroid hormone T4 or T3. -Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)
receptors are produced. They bind to DNA as monomer,
homodimers and heterodimers with retinoid x receptor. E. Physiologic Effects
Among these thyroid hormone receptors, which does not 59. What transporter is enhanced by T3 to increase
bind to T3? -TRa2 contractility of heart? -NCX
42. MIT and DIT molecules, which also are released during 60. In normal individuals, large doses of iodine act directly on
proteolysis of thyroglobulin, are rapidly de-iodinated the thyroid to produce a mild and transient inhibition of
within the follicular cell by the enzyme __ -Iodotyrosine organic binding of iodine and hence of hormone synthesis.
deiodinase What is the term for this inhibition? -Wolff-Chaikoff effect
43. What is the necessary step/process for T4 as it gets 61. The ability of the thyroid hormones to increase the
transported to target tissues? -Deiodination to T3 metabolic activities of tissues is due to its ability to

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increase the expression of what protein? -Mitochondrial B. CALCIUM & PHOSPHATE HOMEOSTASIS
uncoupling protein
62. It reduces the calcium uptake in the kidneys in the A. Synthesis and Release
intestines. -Calcitonin 81. UV light converts this steroid to cholecalciferol. -7
63. What is the overall metabolic effect of TH? -Accelerate dihydroxycholecalciferol
response to starvation 82. The initial stage in bone production is the secretion of
64. What is an important physiologic effect of TH that its collagen molecules and ground substances by which type
deficiency causes the congenital disease cretinism? - of cell? -Osteoblasts
Normal maturation of growth centers in bones in 83. What gene is expressed for production of 1α-hydroxylase?
developing fetus -CYP27B1
65. Easy: Thyroid hormone stimulates almost all aspects of 84. What organ is necessary for the conversion of 25-
metabolism of these macronutrients. -Carbohydrates and hydroxycholecalciferol to calcitriol? -Kidney/Parathyroid
fats Gland
66. Ave: The thyroid hormone increases metabolic activity in 85. What organ stores cholecalciferol for several months? -
almost all tissues by increasing the expression of which Liver
protein? -Mitochondrial uncoupling protein/ UCP2 86. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in the liver is activated by ___
67. Diff: Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) is __ by to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. -Renal 1 alpha hydroxylase
T3, whereas phospholamban is ___. -Increased, decreased 87. Easy: In what organ does the second hydroxylation of
68. Thyroid hormones stimulate ______ by affecting both Vitamin D occur? -Kidneys (proximal tubule)
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) utilization and the efficiency 88. Ave: Vitamin D is transported to the liver through the
of ATP synthesis. -Thermogenesis blood, whereas dietary Vitamin D is transported indirectly
69. T3 ___ the resting respiratory rate, minute ventilation, to the liver through what? -Chylomicrons
and the ventilatory response to hypercapnia and hypoxia. - 89. Diff: What two organs does parathyroid hormone have no
Increases direct effect to? -Small intestine and parathyroid gland
90. Vitamin D is synthesized from ________ in skin in the
F. Clinical Correlation presence of UVB light or acquired in the diet. 7-
70. What is the medical treatment given to a patient with dehydrocholesterol
hyperthyroidism in preparation for surgical removal of 91. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in the liver and activated by
thyroid -Polythiouracil __________ to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. -Renal 1α-
71. What is the level of TSH detected in Grave’s disease? - hydroxylase
72. A pregnant patient with high TSH levels with normal t4 B. Regulation
level reflects what clinical state. -Hashimoto’s disease 92. When the plasma Calcium level is high, little amount of 1,
73. What is the prominent (geographic/agricultural) problem 25 dihydroxycholecalciferol is produced. What is the
on certain countries that causes the increase in relatively inactive metabolite produced by the kidneys
hypothyroidism? -Low iodine concentration in soil instead? -24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
74. In patients with hypothyroidism what clinical sign is 93. Presence of PTH is one of the two inducers of 1 alpha
caused by the increase in TSH? -Myxedema hydroxylase activity that results to an increased levels of
75. A 61-year old woman with hyperthyroidism is treated with potent and active vitamin D. What is the other inducer of
propylthiouracil. The drug reduces the synthesis of TH the said mechanism? -Hypophosphatemia
because it inhibits oxidation of ___. -Iodide 94. The first line of defense in Calcium regulation is the
76. Easy: What clinical condition as a result of a mineral buffering function if exchangeable calcium in bones. What
deficiency are hyperthyroid patients predispose to? - is the second line of defense in Calcium regulation? -
Osteoporosis Hormonal control of calcium ion concentration
77. Ave: This is characterized by decreased levels of both 95. What is the effect on Ca2+ level when all 4 parathyroid
circulating thyroid hormone and TSH caused by CNS glands are removed in thyroidectomy? -Decrease in
mediated suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid Ca2+/Decrease in calcitriol
axis? -Non-thyroidal Illness Syndrome (NTIS) 96. What enzyme inhibits the activity of pyrophosphate in
78. Diff: A patient has a goiter associated with high plasma bone deposition? -Tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase
levels of TRH and TSH. The heart rate is elevated. This (TNAP)
patient most likely has tumor in which organ? - 97. At higher calcium levels, when PTH is suppressed, 25-
Hypothalamus hydroxycalciferol is converted to ___. -24,25-
79. Absence of thyroid hormone causes__________, dihydroxycholecalciferol
characterized by poor brain development, short stature, 98. Easy: This is a peptide hormone produced by osteocytes
and immature skeletal development. -Congenital and is a regulator of Pi metabolism. -FGF23
hypothyroidism - 99. Ave: 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D and PTH regulate the
80. The abnormal protrusion of the eyeball which is a major primary processes for Ca and Pi removal from blood. These
clinical sign in Grave’s disease. -Exophthalmos

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processes are renal excretion and ____. -Bone 121. Ave: What is the proportion of Vitamin D bound to
mineralization Vitamin D binding protein? -More than 85%
100. Diff: What stimulates the expression of all the 122. Diff: In vegetarian diets, the major portion of the
components involved in absorption of Ca2+ by the small phosphorous exists as phytate. In humans, what is
intestine. -1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D responsible for the metabolism of phytate to release
101. Give 2 major physiological hormones regulating serum phosphate? -Intestinal bacteria
[Ca++] and [Pi]. -PTH, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol) 123. Once inside the enterocyte, Ca++ ions bind
102. PTH and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D are referred to as to_________, preserving the favorable transluminal
_______ hormones. -Calciotropic hormones - membrane Ca++ gradient. -Calbindin-D9K
124. The ______ exchanger also contributes to the transport
C. Mechanism of Action of Ca2+ out of enterocyte. -Na+/Ca++ exchanger (NCX)
103. What secondary messenger mechanism is responsible
for the action of the parathyroid hormone? -cyclic AMP E. Physiologic Effects
104. What happens to the reabsorption of Calcium if there is 125. What protein is secreted by osteoblasts to inhibit
an increase in PTH secretion? -Increased reabsorption differentiation of monocytes by competing with RANK
105. Which gene transcription is suppressed by 1,25- for binding of RANKL? -Osteoprotegerin
dihydroxycholecalciferol in the negative feedback loop? 126. Vitamin D promotes calcium reabsorption by the
-PTH gene transcription intestines. About 35% of the ingested Calcium is usually
106. What type of cell does PTH directly affect? -Osteoblast absorbed. Where will the remaining Ca in the intestine
107. How does PTH decrease phosphate levels in the blood? - be excreted? -Feces
Decrease in PCT reabsorption 127. Calcitonin’s main goal in the plasma is to reduce Calcium
108. Increase amount of calcium may change the electrical concentration. If there is a sudden increase in calcium
gradient in the body that it may make the charge ____ concentration calcitonin release significantly increases.
inside the cell. -less negative In relation to this, what is the effect of calcitonin in the
109. Easy: Thyroid hormone usually forms a heterodimer kidney and intestine. -Decreased deposition and
with ____ at specific thyroid hormone response elements reabsorption of calcium
on the DNA. -Retinoid X Receptor (RXR) 128. As the osteoblasts become surrounded by and
110. Ave: Stimulates bone resorption by upregulating RANKL entrapped within bone, they become ___________ that
expression in osteoblasts. -1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D sit within small spaces called lacunae -Osteocytes
111. Diff: Extracellular Ca is sensed by the parathyroid chief 129. Absorption of what ions aside from Ca2+ does Vitamin D
cell through ________ found in the plasma membrane - stimulate? -Mg2+ and Phosphate
Calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) 130. 3) Osteoblast lineage cells can also produce a soluble
112. PTH promotes bone resorption by upregulation of factor called ___, which acts as a decoy receptor for
______ in osteoblasts. -M-CSF and RANKL RANKL and inhibits osteoclast differentiation and
113. Because the PTH receptor also binds PTH-related function. --Osteoprotegerin (OPG)
peptide (PTHrP), it is usually referred to as___. - 131. Easy: One of the physiologic effects of phosphate is the
PTH/PTHrP receptor intracellular ionic balance of which two ions? -K+ and
D. Transport and Metabolism 132. Ave: Thyroid hormone increases metabolic activity in all
114. What transporter is present in the luminal side of the tissues due to its ability to increase the expression of
intestinal epithelial cell for calcium absorption. -TRPV5 what proteins? -Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins
or TRPV6 (UCP)
115. Parathyroid hormone activates adenylyl cyclase using 133. Diff: A sustained program of lifting heavy weights will
the first two receptors by coupling with which monomer increase bone mass. What mechanism stimulates
of G protein? -Gs protein osteoblastic deposition and calcification of bone in this
116. What substrate is increased by thyroid hormones that condition? -Continual mechanical stress on bones
results to increased dissociation of O2 from hemoglobin 134. Osteoblast-lineage cells can also produce a soluble
in RBC? -2,3-diphosphoglycerate factor called ___________, which acts as a decoy
117. What is the normal net intake of Ca2+ per day? -100 receptor for RANKL and inhibits osteoclast
mg/day differentiation and function. -Osteoprotegerin (OPG)
118. Once inside the enterocyte, Ca++ ions bind to______, 135. As the osteoblasts become surrounded by and
preserving the favorable transluminal membrane Ca2+ entrapped within bone, they become _______ that sit
gradient -Calbindin-D9K within small spaces called lacunae. -Osteocytes
119. Proteolytic enzymes released by the osteoclast act
specifically on? -Hyaluronic acid and Chondroitin sulfate
120. Easy: The percentage of Ca2+ in the glomerular filtrate is
reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, loop of henle, and
early distal tubule. -90% Ca2+

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F. Clinical Correlation III. ANSWERS
136. Increased resorption of bone with increase in bone
formation are symptoms of this disease. -Paget’s disease FINAL ANSWERS
137. What condition in children causes defective calcification
due to Vit D deficiency? -Rickets A. Synthesis and Release
138. In hypocalcemia, the nervous system becomes 1. 7-dehydrocholesterol
progressively more excitable allowing easy initiation of 2. Secondary active transport
action potentials resulting to tetany. What is the term 3. Hydrogen peroxide
for tetany in the hand which usually occurs before
tetany develops in most parts of the body? -Carpopedal B. Regulation
spasm 4. 24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
139. Deposition of Ca++ and Pi in the heart may cause? - 5. Phosphate
Myocardial infarction 6. Peripheral mono-iodination or increased synthesis of TG?
140. During prolonged cases of rickets, what hormone is
increased due to compensation and leads to extreme C. Mechanism of Action
osteoclastic resorption of the bone? -PTH 7. T3
141. What is the major problem of patients with Paget’s 8. Adenylyl cyclase
disease? -Excessive bone resorption 9. Facultative thermogenesis
142. Easy: A condition characterized by poor mineralization
of newly formed osteoid. -Osteomalacia D. Transport and Metabolism
143. Ave: The proper balance of calcium maintains muscle
10. Transthyretin (TTR)
tone and controls nerve irritability. In line with this, a
11. 24-hydroxylase
decrease in serum calcium level results in? -Tetany
12. rT3
144. Diff: A 41-yr-old woman has hypocalcemia,
hyperphosphatemia, and decreased urinary phosphate
E. Physiologic Effects
excretion. Injection of parathyroid hormone (PTH)
13. Decrease
causes an increase in urinary cyclic adenosine
14. No effect
monophosphate (cAMP). The most likely diagnosis is? -
15. Glucocorticoid
Hypoparathyroidism after thyroid surgery
145. Children with hypophosphatemia (bone mineralization
F. Clinical Correlation
is impaired) can lead to _______, in which the
growth of long bones is abnormal and 16. Hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate
impaired -Rickets 17. Osteomalacia
146. Institutionalized elderly patients who stay indoors and 18. Metabolic acidosis (Hyperchloremic)
avoid dairy products are particularly at risk for
development of ________. -Vitamin D deficiency REFERENCES
Doc Solidum and Friendships
Groups 1-3 of Batch 2022 1A
Bern & Levy 2016 (7th ed.)
Guyton & Hall 2016 (13th ed.)

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